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Do the rituals awaken our serpents like the Final RTR

Masked LA

Feb 26, 2020
Ive shared it before the final RTR changed my life. Will there ever be another ritual as powerful as that one?
Bunny said:
Ive shared it before the final RTR changed my life. Will there ever be another ritual as powerful as that one?

The shattering jewish soul and protection, and killing tetragrammaton rituals increase the final rtr's effects, and should always be done after the final rtr and the power rituals for the Gods are quite powerful as well
I think inasmuch to go so far as to state, "Does XYZ ritual open or awaken the serpent" is a step too far.

Think like this. How many people have a Kundalini in various stages of operation ranging from waking/awakened to fully elevated to variable degrees of intelligence, Kundalini does not = smart, powerful, or intelligent.

In fact if what some Hindus and others in various Eastern Nations truly believe what they believe they'll come to a rude awakening. For example Indian's Don't have a cow man as the Bart Simpson meme phrase he stated particular in the early years pre-2000s from beginning.

Well the rude awakening is you need meat and funny enough the Indian offices of Statistics show nearly 76% of the non-meat eating population i.e. vegen suffers from not just protein deficiency which yes a plant/fruit based diet provides protein but due to abstaining completely from even milk and cheese as seen by many as animal byproduct i.e. meat eating technology. They further compound their issues it's not just Kundalini wise but information and manipulation wise they float in ignorance.

For example we've stated it before Karmic imprints = ultimate technology. Look at what people have stated if your not a virgin, spiritually cleansed, to enough of a degree the Kundalini is going to roflstomp you into living the karmic negativity ignoring neutral(not bad) and positive karma.

Imagine you posses a ball of negative karma on your soul. It is cleansed as fully as possible but continues to manufacture negative scenarios unless you counter-act it with a freeing mantra and slough it off day-by-day 40-90 or so days maybe more 120-180-270-360-720. Imagine you pump it away and clean well afterwards for these period of time eventually that scenario is removed and the manifestation has subsided from existence to prevent the kundalini from actuating it.

Yes the Kundalini is the spear of destiny. Yes it is a Karmic tool a very powerful one but for all the extraordinary capacity of potentiality it cannot wipe out certain things. It can clear and burn away dross and karmic seeds inside the chakra. The piercing of the chakra but it cannot wipe out negative karma IF anything the opposite it makes it manifest.

Think of it like this to get back on topic.

Do rituals awaken our serpent like the F-RTR. No not even the serpent rituals during the old individual multi-RTR.

There is not a single effect of the bible nor Humanity that somehow does this.

What we do is simply we make the serpent sleep less and be more awakened. But it's like saying instead of having a sleeping like a log or sleeping like a rock person. The Kundalini is less in lalaland and more awakened to a lesser degree.

It's still sleeping, it still requires a solid period of years to initiate or even a decade or longer. But we are merely reducing and or eliminating the bindings and negative on the serpent to make it "easier" to awaken, rise, initiate.

For example I have a theory based on the Kundalini. The Gods place GREAT emphasis on the serpent in fact the Gods state the Serpent is what makes the God to a strong degree. The serpent is protective and ensures evolution continues through the meta down to the Earth so to speak.

If by and by the Gods consider the Kundalini not the end all be all of spirituality but the ultimate attainment of their practices till the follow up of Magnum Opus another avenue unto itself which initiates with the Kundalini and it's alchemical firey principle.

Then it stands to reason if more serpents are abound and more serpents are around society improves individually and externally.

The rituals we do merely make the kundalini less bound and less cursed. But under no circumstances does that raise the serpent. It helps but it requires plenty of spirituality to even initiate or reach these levels of operation.

So TLDR our rituals help reduce the garbage sent to the kundalini but it doesn't do anything any more than reduce it's sleeping range and make it operate slightly higher form. Maybe someone is lucky and it operates in such a high but still asleep form that the extra energy compels them to improve their life or seek out something.

We are merely trying to reduce biblical non-sense in the air so as time goes by in the future humanity is less cursed and less under the influence of the enemy both physically and spiritually perhaps not mentally as many humans act like NPCs but sometimes causing shifts in reality makes people wake up or at least do the right thing whether it's in their mentality or maybe we can use their xtian mentality as a tool for our usage such as for example a person does the right thing but it's against their nature in mind but they get praised and roll with it and improve themselves and society.

Sheer fact is the rituals might even need to be done in the future individually by people. There might be a situation whereby the Gods ask people to perform reverse rituals on themselves for a period of time several weeks or months to slough off the biblical non-sense. There might even be people who can be told if you do this it'll virginize you at a faster rate thus meditation and your contribution to reality get improved much faster.

I think with enough time the person cleans off the biblical non-sense. The rituals aren't really for cleaning off i.e. FATSJD isn't really to clean the soul. It's main purpose is to affect reality. It's better to improve reality ten-fold then to merely clear the vibrational pattern in your soul over 40 or 90 days and be freer on one or many people than have a worse reality. The rituals are made to reverse and replace realities with better ones. Not clean the individual that is secondary it's important sure but secondary to splash the negative and replace it with better.

Again TLDR rituals help but aren't the principle way. Humanity is too ass backwards and has too little spirituality to somehow do this. Even if possible it would drive people insane. We simply slough off the negativity little by little and hope people take advantage of the reduction in negativity to the slightly increase the kundalini power output to affect reality and that is about the best we can hope for.

In other words the rituals do much more than any one individual or individuals with kundalini. Especially considering kundalini isn't a sign of intelligence you still need to learn, study, and perform rituals and magick.

Also will there be a ritual as power as the FATSJD or any other ritual.

Maybe in fact HP.Cobra a while back said when we finish with the RTR/RIR/RNTR technologies we are gonna move into other rituals. One ritual in particular we probably need to do is somehow find a way to raise the vibration of the Earth as it would help compound the Gods realities unto the Earth.

Other rituals could be done the Gods rituals are assistive like the FATSJD they allow that particular God and their cohorts to improve the manipulation on Earth. Certain Gods energy patterns and their manipulation of reality directly and or indirectly.

So yes we are gonna do more powerful rituals. It's just right now we need to deal with Bible, Koran, and New Testament non-sense. Plus even if we get more powerful rituals they are child's play compared to what the Gods do but it just so happens these primitive rituals that we are doing do affect and compound reality. In fact they combine with the Gods downloading stuff here to promote a better floating in realities pool of existence.

So yeah we will be doing strong or stronger rituals in the future. It's just like HP.Cobra said nearing 2030 is when our rituals have kinda sloughed off enough of the enemy we can move on. Sounds far away but in the grand scheme of things it's pretty close. Remember we've been at this since at least 2004/2005 when the bi-monthly rituals occured on Yahoo forums and at least since 2014 with 42NoG and other rituals coming online. In fact we are doing better than expected and we didn't realize how the enemy so heavily relied on hebrew to affect reality that the rituals propagated so quickly even the FATSJD is probably a bit ahead of years if the enemy was somewhat more powerful or reality was fashioned differently it would be interesting to note we'd probably just barely have the FATSJD in recent times. Not in 2018 but maybe a few years down the line.

Either way look at coof I know we have short term memory but look at how many people are totally against "You'll own nothing and be happy, Great reset non-sense".

Think like that. Don't think just the kundalini, think reality manipulation. 5th Generational Information War combined with 6th Spiritual Generational Warfare. In fact think of the coming Ai/Eis wars incoming lots of people are gonna be in the crossfire.
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
Man, you're way off and babble about unrelated stuff as well.

How am I way off? I'm just providing a theory/theorem on how this property works. It's the most logical information I can provide.

I don't get it. Like Stewie Griffin states in one episode Oh I see the fatman throws a pun and you wet yourselves. I give you gold and not a single fuck is given. Or however he stated it.

Either way I'm just offering a logical prospect. It's not my fault the Moderator approved of it. What is wrong with it? How am I way off? How is it babble?

I'm reminded of people who type these long paragraphs in other forums particular tech forums especially back in the early prior decade when I heavily studied computers and everyone is like TLDR. And I'm like you should have read it, the person is trying to teach you a new technology. Many people could have improved technology back in those era hell maybe we'd get better tech a few years before the tech booms near the coof period when technology was exploding.

I guess I'm not the extraordinaire typist excuse my lack of succinctness and big words. My feeble mind can't contemplate stuff. I guess all the years I spent walking, talking, and contemplating to myself are pointless. My hours long daily journey towards learning, processing, and contemplating are pointless.

If I'm way off and babble.

Then explain to me. I don't care if I have to read a critical wall-of-text response. In fact I demand you go through my entire history and just lay into me. If you want to make a new thread call it "Gear88 my reply on you".

Go right ahead. This isn't anger, sarcasm, nor any negative. I'm genuinely curious on what I said is "way off and babble" and not just this post but every single post. If you need a few days. I study the ritual, the ritual says it does XYZ then the logical conclusion is it does ABC and if it does DGF then that is a personal bias of a person. Their life improves okay we can state the rituals have a secondary or tertiary effect on reality and or person. Perhaps I failed to emphasize the specifics of it.

But please don't reply with "Rituals raise the kundalini and advances people 'n' sheit cause I highly doubt people who sit on their ass and do nothing but pray advance. If anything it would drive these people to certain improvements IF willing or wanting. If not they'll be the same person sitting on their ass praying for their sandals to teleport unto their feet to get up for that colt .45 in the fridge and then pray on how to open a can of beer.

Look how about this type up a new thread save it to your drafts and spend a few hours a day going through the several thousand posts I made and explain to me from the beginning everything I did wrong.

If not and wanting to answer this post then at least explain "Way off and babble"?

I babble whatever that means maybe to you it's babble, maybe to another person it's a distillation of complex things simplified.

(At the behest of yourself please do explain and don't worry just lay it out. If you need to tell me I'm a worthless piece of shit or I'm a loser or whatever go right ahead. I already know that I just want someone to affirm it and confirm it for me. It'll give me greater peace and greater appreciation of improving myself. And besides I know I'm a worthless piece of shit loser already. I just want to hear it from another person it would make me so happy and joyful confirming it shout it out from the roof tops Gear88 is a worthless piece of shit loser. Awesome that would be spectacular it'll make my day, nay, my life. I already know it and I live in it. I just want a 3rd party acknowledging it.)

I guess in the end my sensation and mental process of never joining the forums should have occurred. I wanted to join the old ProPHP but kept getting my questions answered by others. Funny ProPHP had a stronger quesitonaire answering than A-Forums. I join A-forums and it's a decision I regret. I should have just stayed with my ignorance and believe Satanism is whatever it is I invented while bored out of my mind in school and wanting to GTFO from school as school is horrible and a terrible boring thing that serves no purpose than to make people into learned helpless fools.

I knew joining the forums was a bad idea it's now been 5 maybe 6 years now since '17/'18, all told horrible. I should have just remained with my own personal interpretation on Satanism. At least with National Socialism I've gotten clear cut answers even if I have more questions than answers. But the Spiritual Satanism it seems as the forums get older the madness compounds. I guess I should have just stuck with my interpretation of Satanism would have made it easier than trying to figure out WTF are we. At least with NS there is concrete or theory/theorem available that can craft a new National Socialism something out of the ashes of the old a Phoeni technology.

But apparently the religious part is so clusterfucked we have nothing to assert. About the only thing I understood in recent times is the proclivity of Yoga particularly a recent post on how Egyptians used to perform Yoga and they called it the Union of the Upper and Lower Egypt or the Gods Osiris and Set merging into one.

Sheer fact is honestly I don't even know what I'm doing on these forums. Funny in all the years I was reading around tech forums and learning stuff and contemplating I never once joined any forum. Since I've been on the internet A-Forums is the only forums I joined.

I don't know. Anyways I'm rambling or "babbling" as Henu calls it.

Anyways Henu explain and really lay into me. Don't puss out just really shank that bayonet stiletto into me, really twist that blade make me scream and shout in pain.

Don't hold back, I'm not one of these pussy lefties who gets a booboo on their muh feels.
Gear88 said:
How am I way off? I'm just providing a theory/theorem on how this property works. It's the most logical information I can provide.
You lack spiritual progress and also lack wisdom, and then make half-assed theorems from this base. If you want to be helpful in such topics, quote someone who actually knows what they are talking about. You might also learn something yourself, not forgetting the dire need to advance spiritually. Satan's library contains a lot of information and so do select posts from members here.

And I am not going to read nonsensical taunts in entirety by you. All I can say is that the tools for rising above the monkey level you are now have been handed out to you dozens of times at this point.
Henu the Great said:
All I can say is that the tools for rising above the monkey level you are now have been handed out to you dozens of times at this point.

People who don’t meditate live like animals, they eat, shit, sleep and repeat. People need to meditate this is what makes us evolve.

My favorite high school English teacher taught me how to cut off parts that are not necessary while still doing a good job at conveying what I’m trying to say. Combine that with how I can pick up on people’s emotions easier than the average person I can tell by a person’s looks or energies too that I’m rambling during a conversation. I try to see myself from the other person’s perspective or a 3rd party.

Try these things so you can work on shortening your replies while still being able to convey exactly what you mean. The extreme here are a huge wall of text and the other is speaking like a ghetto person with very limited vocabulary as you brought up. Find your own middle ground.

I too like to chitchat but it’s best to alter how you speak/write in certain situations and places.
hailourtruegod said:

My favorite high school English teacher taught me how to cut off parts that are not necessary while still doing a good job at conveying what I’m trying to say. Combine that with how I can pick up on people’s emotions easier than the average person I can tell by a person’s looks or energies too that I’m rambling during a conversation. I try to see myself from the other person’s perspective or a 3rd party.

Try these things so you can work on shortening your replies while still being able to convey exactly what you mean. The extreme here are a huge wall of text and the other is speaking like a ghetto person with very limited vocabulary as you brought up. Find your own middle ground.

I too like to chitchat but it’s best to alter how you speak/write in certain situations and places.
I agree. He would benefit from an english composition course or something, to learn brevity and structure his thoughts better and keep it around a central point.

There are a number of users here who could benefit from brevity. I can think of at least 5, even myself. Most people do not have the time, attention or energy to spend on lengthy posts without there being a good reason to invest in it(ex. written by a subject matter expert, like Centralforce or Lydia or HPHC).

It can be upsetting to feel ignored but one has to make it easy for people to connect with your message, and make it easy to see just what that message is supposed to be. Keeping the train of thought on one track at a time.

The other extreme is those people who post 5 word assertions and then refuse to elaborate further. Annoying. But it can be more stimulating to conversation than the alternative, because it's unconvoluted and engageable.
existentialcrisis said:
I agree. He would benefit from an english composition course or something, to learn brevity and structure his thoughts better and keep it around a central point.

The problem with this is not English Composition. But a total composition, in other words I'd need a complete and utter re-education from preliminary, basic, intermediate, and advanced properties.

Yoda - To learn you must unlearn what you learned.

It reminds me of my friend back in high school learning guitar and being good at it but always with this hanging desire for more due to not knowing when to practice, how to practice, what is practice etc.etc. the teacher taught him, he practiced at home. But the teacher never gave any more than a cursory bit of study for the test.

Sheer fact is I always hated school I don't know why I need to go to school. I learned more watching tv and using the internet then in any particular time in school. Hell hanging around with my friends I probably learned more than being in school in my neighborhood.

Do I need this yeah, pretty much a total rewrite of everything. Sheer fact is every subject. Hell math I cannot contemplate math even basic math I count with my fingers. There is two schools of thoughts counting with fingers = doing arithmetic or counter with fingers = lack of cerebral property to engage the mind.

Either way I'd need a total reeducation PreK-12. I mean if my handwriting is basically chicken scratches and it's so bad I can barely read it in many cases I read it and cannot understand it.

Then something went wrong. Either way in this country education sucks and they send you to terrible schools and whatnot. So fuck it whatever school sucks. Reminds me of idiots that state our taxes pay for school it should be better. It never will be it needs to be paid by the State not the taxes. Like Feder goes direct and indirect taxes need to go, hell I wouldn't be surprised if he even stated even income tax like the Liberterians states = state-sponsored robbery.

Yeah people who post 5-8 words for a question is annoying sometimes. Brevity I guess I don't know sheer fact is that's not how my mind operates. I would need a total reeducation from the very beginning to the highest levels. And even then it's no guarantee my mind operates to a limit and that is about it. Like I said I learned more watching TV and internet then anything else.

There is a post on the attribute of pride and arrogance. And the person put down a sublime, divine question.

Can someone explain to me the difference between being proud and being arrogant (as an SS)?


Simple and to the point. Unfortunately in most internet communities short posts like these are rare either the person has a bad time speaking English or they convolute it, too short or a bit too long.

So in my aspect I have to explain it. Kinda like I have to type a question and I need to provide verbiage to make people understand it.

Sheer fact is it might be a psychopathic commanding the answer. Maybe I want a specific answer. But I'm simply innocently trying to make people understand.

What I type is not what my mind comes up with the myriad shotgun blasts of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and images I get from typing cannot be put down. Maybe if we had a real AI and I can speak through it and make it digest a large spiel into a tight brevity of communication.

But I think the technology is too far off and my own technology i.e. my learned knowledge is things that date back decades of time.

When I speak or think or process or communicate it's years upon years upon years of baggage. Maybe it's because I'm cancer and obsessed with the past. Maybe it's an aquarian trait for my south node, more human than human.

Or maybe it's the years and decades of social isolation and living life simply to exist.

Sheer fact is I never bothered with forums. In fact due to being involved with JoS since 2003, this is the only forum I participate in. I was wanting to get involved with tech forums in the prior decade during the mechanical keyboard revolution or to be more specific re-revolution as we returned back to higher end keyboards.

But in the end I never joined. Many times I'd have answers and large wall of text information. That I digested. My communication is merely like a machine or AI spitting out data. You want data let me act like the machine that I am.

Maybe my Mercury in Leo 8th house is the problem. Lacking in air enough air to have it but not enough to be a average level of about 23%. At the end of the day like astrological sites state you need someone to speak to, to simply vomit out your information. You need a person to engage with you and all the shit you learn. Frankly speaking my bandwidth is very limited but the massive data I want to ram down my mind into my mouth or fingers to communicate is very limited.

In essence various issues with life and growing up and whatnot. So I just speak in such a way whereby if people read it okay they'll learn. If not well that is okay you should read it as I'm giving you LOTS of data to work with. I just simply spit out data like a computer or machine. That's the way I roll like a person said memorizing stuff isn't smart. It's a component of being smart I understand or don't understand or maybe I don't give two shits to understand. But I just memorize and spit it out like a parrot. Like a machine, like an AI.

If anything I'm a Human AI/Machine simply learn for the sake of learning even if non of it has ever helped me in life. Learning, intelligence, smartness etc.etc. all of it just a complete and utter waste of time. It never helped me in fact as I've gotten older and learned black metal style the nihilistic and crushing forces have just hit me. In other words growing older and learning since learning as a kid = complete and utterly stupid. Hell I'd rather spend my time playing video games and actually accomplishing something than growing up and knowing all this crap school did.

I guess what I need is defragment my mind. I always thought meditation was a drug like activity and lets you trip out for a while to avoid the World. But alas no meditation is yet another just learn it hope for the best it works it works, it works, it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

Yeah as you can see I'm a pretty fucked up person. But I like it at least my madness is comforting. After all I'm a worthless piece of shit. Might as well continue with it attribute wise I learned nothing. Just memories, just existence it's futile and worthless and simply to pass the time. I've never accomplished a single thing and probably never will. Simply educate myself for the sake of education. Which accomplished nothing at all.

Although I posses a friend who is educated and likes structure and is good at language arts. He continually marvels at my circling around the topic and interweaving on-topic with side-topic and off-topic. So I interweave properties. Most of my mental properties is just providing a sorta schizophrenic attachment to everything and interweaving on topic with off-topic/side-topic.

So like you said maintain a central point.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
