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The Gods Do the gods make mistakes?

This question pertains to the Gods


New member
Apr 23, 2022
Hello. I'm not sure if this is in the right section of the forums but I have an important question as through experiences I have got involved with this question for at least a few times from what I remember; "Do the gods make mistakes?" for months and now I really feel like I need an answer as it feels important to me. To be more specific of what kinds of mistakes I'm talking about would be as small and low as people making mistakes (for example like lying & doing wrong actions that causes mental harm to a spiritually opened person like myself) to causing high mistakes as things that they as being high leveled spiritual beings that I'm only guessing that they would do and something that a person (even one who is in a high position would do) couldn't do, for example; the chaos that happened in The Golden Age and why there is a spiritual war that has been going on for centuries that resulted in many things that went wrong. It's not as important but if the gods do make mistakes then do demons do it as well? Thanks for hearing me out.
Do the gods make mistakes?

The Gods do NOT make mistakes when they care for humans. It's not a question of them telling you something wrong when it would have been better to tell you something else.

The point is that they can't tell you things you wouldn't be able to understand, so their infallible perfection still has to "steep down to your level" to actually be of use to you.

I'll explain this with an unrelated example, but one that preserves the point. It would be very good for you to be immortal. And the Gods would want the best for you too. But if your Guardian appeared to you to explain the advanced stages of the Magnum Opus (the ones that follow the first 3 steps on the JoS web page) would that be helpful?

You wouldn't understand anything, and that could even lead to you doing the work poorly and putting you in some danger. So when you're new, maybe they'll guide you through a basic meditation program, etc.

For this reason HP HoodedCobra666 explained that we must first take steps towards the Gods, to gain that minimum understanding with which the Gods can work upon us to help us.

PS: "Demon" and "God" are interchangeable synonyms (just know Ancient Greek). There are no Demons and then Gods. Simply in the past it was referred to as "God" when the Deity was of High Rank; and "Demon" when it was of Lower Order. But they were all Deities, or, as in the original Greek meaning of "Demon", they were all "divine beings".
Hello. I'm not sure if this is in the right section of the forums but I have an important question as through experiences I have got involved with this question for at least a few times from what I remember; "Do the gods make mistakes?" for months and now I really feel like I need an answer as it feels important to me. To be more specific of what kinds of mistakes I'm talking about would be as small and low as people making mistakes (for example like lying & doing wrong actions that causes mental harm to a spiritually opened person like myself) to causing high mistakes as things that they as being high leveled spiritual beings that I'm only guessing that they would do and something that a person (even one who is in a high position would do) couldn't do, for example; the chaos that happened in The Golden Age and why there is a spiritual war that has been going on for centuries that resulted in many things that went wrong. It's not as important but if the gods do make mistakes then do demons do it as well? Thanks for hearing me out.
Our Gods don't make mistakes, i word it that way simply because there are other beings that claim to be gods but aren't. As far as the fall from the golden age that is a combination of things but none of those things were any mistakes being made by our Gods. The fall in it's self is a bit of a complicated topic but i can biol it down too not every human being at the top level, other beings coming in wanting to use us as recources-greys amoung them- and it being part of the natural cycle of things since earth was not yet at the point of the time where it too could be in a perfect state either.

I hope the both of us have helped you with your question.

Hail Father Satan
I think so, because from what I read in the PDFs for example in the last world war they were as if enraged and also ruthless, so they are emotional there can be mistakes, their psyches are different there are darker demons like Set, so writes the hp so some certainly have different minds / psyches and can make mistakes, but being Gods they can do what they want even go against the wave, This is the occult power. That is, you understand that a lion makes a mistake in eating a young zebra (it would be better if he ate the older ones), but being a lion he can eat what he wants and no one can punish him, because the universe also works ruthlessly.
I think so, because from what I read in the PDFs for example in the last world war they were as if enraged and also ruthless, so they are emotional there can be mistakes, their psyches are different there are darker demons like Set, so writes the hp so some certainly have different minds / psyches and can make mistakes, but being Gods they can do what they want even go against the wave, This is the occult power. That is, you understand that a lion makes a mistake in eating a young zebra (it would be better if he ate the older ones), but being a lion he can eat what he wants and no one can punish him, because the universe also works ruthlessly.

Even with different personalities, they still operate on a higher level of existence. Due to higher predictive ability and inherent harmony, the mistakes they make would not be comparable to the type of damage humans can do.
Not sure they are infallible. If they did make a mistakes it would probably be fixed before any human could even notice or they would adapt to it making it a happy accident. I say this only because I don't think there is a limit to what can be achieved. Meaning what the Gods have already achieved is beyond current human comprehension. The Gods are still advancing into to an even greater infinite state. I don't think the progress stops when someone becomes a God. I believe Satan and Lilith, along with the other Gods are still working on themselves to be even more incomprehensible. All we can try to do is catch up.

Its also a pointless question because a lot of human mistakes in life lead everyone here. Is it really a mistake if we learn from it awaken the Godhead within?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
