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Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this...


Mar 18, 2020
Do not overthink it! These days it's common to think the worst, given the current world situation. But remember, you are not "common".

Don't overthink it, you only attract unnecessary negative energy. Just do what you need to do. Do RTRs, cleanse your aura and protect yourself. Thinking that the world is going to end or that someone is going to drop the atomic bomb is literally useless. Try to always keep your mind blank, but be conscious at the same time. We have already won! This has already been said hundreds of times. Now it's time to manifest it physically as well.

Don't be afraid and persist as you have been doing until now. A new era will come after all this and you will be one of the protagonists who allowed it.

Let negative thoughts go, stay positive, make the Gods proud by doing your duties as a Satanist and protect yourself to be able to admire one day the result of your efforts!

These are things that have already been said, but I still felt the need to repeat them in a separate post to highlight them again.

Hail Satana and the Gods forever!
Thanks for this, i am sure a lot of people needed to hear this :)
I used to overthink, but with time I succeded to keep my mind relaxed. It's like skill that can be learned. You just need to remove all negative energies from outside and just focus on material things around you. Practicing a sport is really usefull. When I feel my body exhausted from a positive activity, I feel my mind relaxed

consuming energy in a positive way (sport, work in a healthy way) => relaxed mind
consuming energy in a negative way (overworking, looking for too long in a monitor,...) => negative thoughs

relaxing your mind in a positive way (meditation) => health, a better connection with the body
relaxing your mind in a negative way (drugs, ...) => diseases
I just joined this forum last night and have enjoyed reading a lot of the posts, a great encouragement to read and thank you to you all. I am quite new to the path of Satan...was raised within fundamentalist Christianity. My mother was a devout protestant christian but my father was a spiritual man and wanted nothing to do with the church system and bible stuff. My father was actually born in Germany and was part of the Hitler Youth, and all of his older brothers were part of Hitlers armies..another reason why I like this site so much, because it tells much of the history that has been covered up by mainstream media, history that is very personal for me because it is from my own family ancestry. My father has since passed away, and last year I had been searching into our family history in Germany and why my father believed the way he did. The seeds he sowed into my life and his influence throughout my childhood & teenage years will never be forgotten. So when I read all the information on the Joy of Satan website, I was greatly moved. Unfortunately I took the path of my mother since a young girl, but later on I reaped the bitter harvest of giving my energies and love to the Abrahamic falsehood. It took quite a few years for Satan to bring me out a little at a time through the labyrinth of lies, since 2017. He is my true Liberator and Savior! I am still learning a lot however, and greatly appreciate the Joy of Satan site. Anyone here from Western Canada?
Welcome to the forum!
A wonderful family history on your father's side.
Have you read through some of the Black Sun webpages?
I think you'll find them especially interesting.
This post comes to a great convenience for me and many others. Especially in regards to current world events, this is most certainly not the first time something like this has happened. It definitely won't be the last either.
EarthSeed said:
I just joined this forum last night and have enjoyed reading a lot of the posts, a great encouragement to read and thank you to you all. I am quite new to the path of Satan...was raised within fundamentalist Christianity. My mother was a devout protestant christian but my father was a spiritual man and wanted nothing to do with the church system and bible stuff. My father was actually born in Germany and was part of the Hitler Youth, and all of his older brothers were part of Hitlers armies..another reason why I like this site so much, because it tells much of the history that has been covered up by mainstream media, history that is very personal for me because it is from my own family ancestry. My father has since passed away, and last year I had been searching into our family history in Germany and why my father believed the way he did. The seeds he sowed into my life and his influence throughout my childhood & teenage years will never be forgotten. So when I read all the information on the Joy of Satan website, I was greatly moved. Unfortunately I took the path of my mother since a young girl, but later on I reaped the bitter harvest of giving my energies and love to the Abrahamic falsehood. It took quite a few years for Satan to bring me out a little at a time through the labyrinth of lies, since 2017. He is my true Liberator and Savior! I am still learning a lot however, and greatly appreciate the Joy of Satan site. Anyone here from Western Canada?

This was a great read. I'm from Western Canada (Alberta to be more accurate). I love BC and travelled there a few times. It's beautiful though it seems more liberal than Alberta, which is largely conservative.
It's cool to see how most of our ancestors (as Canadians) were from Europe. I'm 1/2 German, 1/4 Austrian and 1/4 British. I don't know too much about the history regarding WW2 and I'm also learning. It is unreal how much support Hitler had; world-wide national socialist parties and major figures all supported him.

I hope you're surviving the craziness. It is unreal how terrible Trudeau is. I'm seeing a lot of flags that say "F*ck Trudeau" and people in stores without masks. Apparently mask mandates are being lifted March 1st. Sadly I'll still be required to wear one at work. I also noticed that places are now open to un-jabbed people (restaurants, etc). I think the truckers made some waves and governments were pressured to ease restrictions since that is what's happening in other major countries.

There's an election coming up in Australia, and the USA's next election will be in November this year. I think they may be trying to gain favour. Very interesting times.

Nice to meet you and welcome to the forums. :)
Often the most important messages can be the simplest.

You did an amazing job of reminding everyone to keep a cool head and to continuing to persevere with a positive mind and outlook.

bless you for your motivation and support. Good post. all posts of this nature are welcomed 1,000%. You did a very good job Blacksnake. Much love.
Is it true that they say the earth is moving to a new dimension? Do good people stay in the fifth dimension and bad people in the matrix and the fourth dimension? And this happened in ancient times, the warriors and good people went to the new dimension and the slaves remained on earth, and for this reason the Jews easily controlled their generation and the earth because the warriors were no longer on earth and they were gone to other dimension. is it correct?
EarthSeed said:

Welcome to the forums! And you will probably enjoy seeing the occasional "Hail Hitler!" at the end of some posts now and then :)

Yes, there are people here from all over the world, but we are discouraged from sharing our locations, for our protection. And most people prefer to have online privacy.
erick_erick said:
Is it true that they say the earth is moving to a new dimension? Do good people stay in the fifth dimension and bad people in the matrix and the fourth dimension? And this happened in ancient times, the warriors and good people went to the new dimension and the slaves remained on earth, and for this reason the Jews easily controlled their generation and the earth because the warriors were no longer on earth and they were gone to other dimension. is it correct?

The spiritual context of the earth is changing, but it can be either good or bad, depending on the situation. For example, the previous Age of Pisces, which would otherwise lead to spiritual development, was exploited by the enemy to cause spiritual confusion and the Dark Ages.

We are in control of our own destiny, as beings in the universe. The only thing the universe does to help us grow is more or less punish failure. It will not spiritually advance you on the scale of a whole dimension just on its own; you have to do this through meditation.

People reincarnate. The only people who really made it off this world, besides those whose soul has died, were those who completed the Magnum Opus. Otherwise, the Gods protect our souls, but I think they reincarnate on earth, for the most part.

There were no broad, dimension movements like which you describe. Earth is our home, and the material realm is just as valid as the astral realm. You don't simply "blink" into a new dimension unless you yourself are profoundly advanced, and you would not want to leave earth, unless for safety reasons.

The Gods have reincarnated elite people back to earth, such as Hitler, who came from ancient times. Through his leadership, he was able to stop the Jewish takeover of Europe.
[I just joined this forum last night and have enjoyed reading a lot of the posts, a great encouragement to read and thank you to you all. I am quite new to the path of Satan...was raised within fundamentalist Christianity./quote]

Welcome to the forum! I come from a late stage x-tianity family of hardcore lunatics and you have my respect for seeing through the brain washing. Don't hesitate to post, the support and wisdom I found here is profound, I joined last month.
Truly appreciated, Brother. Thanks for your kind reminder.

EarthSeed said:
I just joined this forum last night and have enjoyed reading a lot of the posts, a great encouragement to read and thank you to you all. I am quite new to the path of Satan...was raised within fundamentalist Christianity. My mother was a devout protestant christian but my father was a spiritual man and wanted nothing to do with the church system and bible stuff. My father was actually born in Germany and was part of the Hitler Youth, and all of his older brothers were part of Hitlers armies..another reason why I like this site so much, because it tells much of the history that has been covered up by mainstream media, history that is very personal for me because it is from my own family ancestry. My father has since passed away, and last year I had been searching into our family history in Germany and why my father believed the way he did. The seeds he sowed into my life and his influence throughout my childhood & teenage years will never be forgotten. So when I read all the information on the Joy of Satan website, I was greatly moved. Unfortunately I took the path of my mother since a young girl, but later on I reaped the bitter harvest of giving my energies and love to the Abrahamic falsehood. It took quite a few years for Satan to bring me out a little at a time through the labyrinth of lies, since 2017. He is my true Liberator and Savior! I am still learning a lot however, and greatly appreciate the Joy of Satan site. Anyone here from Western Canada?

I am pleased that we expand and that new warriors join us to create a better world. However, as Lidia also said, not much is said about oneself, but rather acts a lot, naturally after having understood how, since you said that you have recently been here.
Thank you all for the welcome here, greatly appreciated, also the links, I will check them out! I have a video I may also share if that is okay? It comes from the content of Jew World Order - a video on YouTube years ago but was removed and I have parts of it with speeches from Hitler. If anyone has any more information or articles about the times in Germany during WWII with the teachings of Satanism linked to Nazi theology, I would love to read. Thanks again and look forward to reading more posts here.
Great Op and perfect time pal
EarthSeed said:
Thank you all for the welcome here, greatly appreciated, also the links, I will check them out! I have a video I may also share if that is okay? It comes from the content of Jew World Order - a video on YouTube years ago but was removed and I have parts of it with speeches from Hitler. If anyone has any more information or articles about the times in Germany during WWII with the teachings of Satanism linked to Nazi theology, I would love to read. Thanks again and look forward to reading more posts here.

You might want to buy this book and see it for yourself, it's good to see stuff like this still staying up: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16041853-the-nazi-occult
BlackSnake said:
(...) We have already won! This has already been said hundreds of times. Now it's time to manifest it physically as well. (...)

Anything can be said hundreds of times. Anything. :) Is there a concrete sign that "we have already won"? Have you seen such a sign in the last 2 years? Are you seeing this sign now? If not, then claiming victory is like religious belief.
Wildfire said:
EarthSeed said:
Thank you all for the welcome here, greatly appreciated, also the links, I will check them out! I have a video I may also share if that is okay? It comes from the content of Jew World Order - a video on YouTube years ago but was removed and I have parts of it with speeches from Hitler. If anyone has any more information or articles about the times in Germany during WWII with the teachings of Satanism linked to Nazi theology, I would love to read. Thanks again and look forward to reading more posts here.

You might want to buy this book and see it for yourself, it's good to see stuff like this still staying up: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16041853-the-nazi-occult
I've hear that Ernst Zundel's books are good.
EarthSeed said:
Thank you all for the welcome here, greatly appreciated, also the links, I will check them out! I have a video I may also share if that is okay? It comes from the content of Jew World Order - a video on YouTube years ago but was removed and I have parts of it with speeches from Hitler. If anyone has any more information or articles about the times in Germany during WWII with the teachings of Satanism linked to Nazi theology, I would love to read. Thanks again and look forward to reading more posts here.

I advise you to take a look at the Library of Satan, there is a lot of information among which if I remember correctly at the end, but not only, there is some videos, and among the articles you can find interesting things. :cool:
erick_erick said:
what is RTR? its meditation?

RTR stands for "reverse tetragrammaton ritual".

It reverses the curses created by the Jews, their fake "G-D" or "YHVH" and Jewsus thought-forms, as well as the influence of the reptillians and greys.

This works externally (in the universe) and internally (in our soul and aura).

It's like a form of meditation (using vibrations and visualization). Make no mistake, it's powerful and has great benefits.

If you'd like to try it out go to this link:


You can select from different options at the bottom of the page. I personally like the 'dark' version at the bottom-right.
BlackSnake said:
Do not overthink it! These days it's common to think the worst, given the current world situation. But remember, you are not "common".

Don't overthink it, you only attract unnecessary negative energy. Just do what you need to do. Do RTRs, cleanse your aura and protect yourself. Thinking that the world is going to end or that someone is going to drop the atomic bomb is literally useless. Try to always keep your mind blank, but be conscious at the same time. We have already won! This has already been said hundreds of times. Now it's time to manifest it physically as well.

Don't be afraid and persist as you have been doing until now. A new era will come after all this and you will be one of the protagonists who allowed it.

Let negative thoughts go, stay positive, make the Gods proud by doing your duties as a Satanist and protect yourself to be able to admire one day the result of your efforts!

These are things that have already been said, but I still felt the need to repeat them in a separate post to highlight them again.

Hail Satana and the Gods forever!

You're so right
I waste so much time fighting people in the internet over stuff that will be over just by doing the RTR
And it's also stressing
sublimestatanist said:
erick_erick said:
what is RTR? its meditation?

RTR stands for "reverse tetragrammaton ritual".

It reverses the curses created by the Jews, their fake "G-D" or "YHVH" and Jewsus thought-forms, as well as the influence of the reptillians and greys.

This works externally (in the universe) and internally (in our soul and aura).

It's like a form of meditation (using vibrations and visualization). Make no mistake, it's powerful and has great benefits.

If you'd like to try it out go to this link:


You can select from different options at the bottom of the page. I personally like the 'dark' version at the bottom-right.
Not really, it means reverse torah ritual, because we are reversing torah verses that curse gentiles.
Dark Lawyer said:
BlackSnake said:
(...) We have already won! This has already been said hundreds of times. Now it's time to manifest it physically as well. (...)

Anything can be said hundreds of times. Anything. :) Is there a concrete sign that "we have already won"? Have you seen such a sign in the last 2 years? Are you seeing this sign now? If not, then claiming victory is like religious belief.
To win on the astral precedes the win on the physical. Everything that physically manifests, first manifests on the astral.
sublimestatanist said:
erick_erick said:
what is RTR? its meditation?

RTR stands for "reverse tetragrammaton ritual".

It reverses the curses created by the Jews, their fake "G-D" or "YHVH" and Jewsus thought-forms, as well as the influence of the reptillians and greys.

This works externally (in the universe) and internally (in our soul and aura).

It's like a form of meditation (using vibrations and visualization). Make no mistake, it's powerful and has great benefits.

If you'd like to try it out go to this link:


You can select from different options at the bottom of the page. I personally like the 'dark' version at the bottom-right.
Actually RTR means reverse torah ritual.
Henu the Great said:
To win on the astral precedes the win on the physical. Everything that physically manifests, first manifests on the astral.

So we have to believe. There is no proof. I'm sorry, but I was xian, and I am sensitive to repeated, unprovable claims. SS is not a sect.

The other thing is logic. If we have won completely, shouldn't the world gradually get a little better? (The physical manifestation you mentioned.) The opposite is happening: the world is gradually getting worse. The epidemic circus is not over yet, and war has broken out in Europe...
mercury_wisdom said:
Actually RTR means reverse torah ritual.

That's right too! Thank you Mercury Wisdom. :lol:

My mind was all over the place yesterday after reading the the book "Torah and the Jews Exposed" on kabbalahexposed.com ... Fantastic read.

Somehow I conflated 'Reverse Torah Ritual' with 'Killing Tetragrammaton RTR.'

Thanks for the correction. :)
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
So we have to believe. There is no proof. I'm sorry, but I was xian, and I am sensitive to repeated, unprovable claims. SS is not a sect.

The other thing is logic. If we have won completely, shouldn't the world gradually get a little better? (The physical manifestation you mentioned.) The opposite is happening: the world is gradually getting worse. The epidemic circus is not over yet, and war has broken out in Europe...
Not excactly as we can develop our psychic capabilities.

Do not forget that we are dismantling something that has been built for thousands of years. JoS has been active for two decades... When you have abused your body for say, forty years with alcohol usage, does the damage get repaired in a year? Only that we are dealing with even more serious issue here, on a larger scale. Like I said, you should focus what matters the most which is your survival and spiritual advancement. In time things will make more sense.
Dark Lawyer said:
Anything can be said hundreds of times. Anything. :) Is there a concrete sign that "we have already won"? Have you seen such a sign in the last 2 years? Are you seeing this sign now? If not, then claiming victory is like religious belief.

I understand your point of view.

What you're forgetting is that the statement above wasn't said by me or by just anyone. The Gods have reported this message.

The concrete sign you refer to exists. Look at it this way: The enemy in the last two years has exposed himself in a way he has never done before. Because of this, he can not stop. This is why we are going through all these events continuously without a break. They are playing their last cards and once they have done it, their defeat will be the last thing left.

So I'm not telling you to delude yourself, but to remind yourself of the facts. Change doesn't happen overnight.
BlackSnake said:
I understand your point of view.

What you're forgetting is that the statement above wasn't said by me or by just anyone. The Gods have reported this message.

The concrete sign you refer to exists. Look at it this way: The enemy in the last two years has exposed himself in a way he has never done before. Because of this, he can not stop. This is why we are going through all these events continuously without a break. They are playing their last cards and once they have done it, their defeat will be the last thing left.

So I'm not telling you to delude yourself, but to remind yourself of the facts. Change doesn't happen overnight.

1. Did one of the Gods tell you? There are no intermediaries in the SS.

2. If we have had total victories in the past, and that is a fait accompli, why do we need to do RTR several times a day or a day?
Dark Lawyer said:
BlackSnake said:
I understand your point of view.

What you're forgetting is that the statement above wasn't said by me or by just anyone. The Gods have reported this message.

The concrete sign you refer to exists. Look at it this way: The enemy in the last two years has exposed himself in a way he has never done before. Because of this, he can not stop. This is why we are going through all these events continuously without a break. They are playing their last cards and once they have done it, their defeat will be the last thing left.

So I'm not telling you to delude yourself, but to remind yourself of the facts. Change doesn't happen overnight.

1. Did one of the Gods tell you? There are no intermediaries in the SS.

2. If we have had total victories in the past, and that is a fait accompli, why do we need to do RTR several times a day or a day?

Victory is not on the telletubies land that you perceive as the ultimate end of this. Your argumentation is not about "victory", it is mostly about convenience. These types of changes however never occur based on convenience.

Yes, there will be more of the last 2 years until any change has happened, so get ready. That is the price a species pays for utmost ignorance and arrogance.

The "no intermediaries" does not mean that you understand something even if one is told. To understand an answer, one has first to listen.

A lot of things that have occurred, such as the maximum enemy exposure of the last approximately 20 centuries, where you go literally on Walmart and people know about Klaus Schwab and the Jews, or the Great Reset, is the greatest achievement in centuries. This achievement has dwarfed people's knowledge in the 20th century in regards to the enemy.

The "epidemic" circus is indeed over in many Nations, and it didn't end up where Klaus wanted it, with you consuming microchip pills that stick inside your stomach and connect with your bluetooth phone.

The level of ignorance is too high for flawless progress, let alone flawless victory. Modern cucks whine too much that everything bad that happens means it is a loss.

Go read history about 200 years ago and then you will see how far our side has come in general, and what life was 200 years ago, compared to what it is now. Many people are sitting on legacies of the Gods, but they don't recognize it because they had their little ass whipped a bit on a fantastical virus.

20 years ago meditation and Yoga was a niche hobby for crazies, and "conspiracy theories" were for crazy people only, despite on their legitimacy. Now, people meditate on parks, and the window of opinion has moved from the "freak show" people to about half the population being in understanding of what is going on on a global case or with the enemy.

2 years of nothing but bullshit pie, which of course, happened as the most major enemy reaction of them all for decades, triggered by mass awakening and understanding and the enemy's reaction to drifting control. That is unavoidable. If this didn't even happen, we could expect a slow accelerating boil without nothing to expect.

How that might be difficult [since they still control too much], does not discredit the progress and awakening of this world or our side's progress.

We are sitting in computers writing this now, we are not sitting in some hidden basement down in Europe with the Vatican guards about to cut our heads while our cousin has already been sacrificed without being tried for "Witchcraft", a witchcraft which, most people wouldn't even know was a hebrew gimmick because nothing really existed to tell them otherwise.

Yes, we are winning.

Efforts are pushed so that this is finalized. Dimensions work in progressive timelines, and these events come to a place as wagons to a train.

People would give everything and still not get 1% of what people have now, and they would call it the blessing of their lives, and a victory, or a proof of the Divine.

To understand the broader proof of this, which is easily observable, you need to first consider the dynamics of times, eras and each passing time. You cannot look at a single rock and try to deduct if a mountain is falling or not. Zooming out and seeing the whole mountain is what is necessary here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
