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DMT, Pineal Gland, Fluoride Water

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
What the new age keeps doing is they ascribe some strange importance to just about everything, and they have this strange belief that your diet may or may not advance you, and likewise, that if you do something will have DISASTROUS consequences.

If you eat a hunk of meat also, rest reassured, no kundalini will ever come to you. Also, if you are not a full Vegan, the brocolli Gods will vindicate you, and you will have no power or something. The reality is that none of this matters more than...actual spiritual practice.

Healthy living helps only insofar one is doing spiritual practice. If not, healthy living and drinking green juice is only just a meme and will not contribute to one's spiritual advancement, but only in some cases menial wellbeing and nothing else.

This is not to understate the importance of good diet etc, but just by having a specific diet or choosing not to touch one's penis for the rest of eternity will not make you spiritually capable. If anything, it may render you spiritually useless and totally unhealthy.

One must be after health, and not trying to ascribe by unnatural rules created by people who almost die of starvation somewhere in the desert and consider the fact they see cheeseburgers or Zion as a holy and divine experience, because indeed it is not.

All their saints are literally dead husks as we can observe, devoid of life and in many cases one slap away from literally death. While to any sensible people this should be self proving that there is no spirituality in this, the sickly, the damned, and the retarded, are taken as holy in our civilization because of how distanced we have become from nature.

Back in the times where nature was superior, a fine ass or a powerful body, or at least a proportionate one was considered divine.

The New Age is filled with dumb contradictory statements. For one, they say, that your diet is so overly important, and what you ingest, but they do copious amounts of weed, dangerous drugs, and anything that literally knocks an elephant over. Then they see disney in their mind because their brain is biochemically unbalanced, and they go nuts from this or schizoid, but hey, do only eat raw organic eggs or something.

Clearly these people have no idea what it is to be spiritually aware. Being a mentally shot cow that sits down on tranquilizers isn't more of a spiritual experience as when Kanye West went batshit on stage and had to be hospitalized. Kanye West later remarked how due to all tranquilizers, he felt his ego shrinking. Deep experience? Not really. Just a hallucinating brain on tons of drugs.

The New Age is as stupid as to believe that all the problems with visual sight or our consciousness is also a physical issue, what they ascribe to fluoridation of the water and so forth. This is only partially true. The point of the problem is not the fluoride, if anything, it creates problems, as having dirt on your skin makes you feel itchy. But this does not impede you from moving your hand around, it just makes everything considerably more difficult.

However, they have created a meme about how the above "Reduces your DMT production" and this is where the CIA plan to get people drugged like pigs comes in. The New Agers give people strange diets (at a high price) to detoxify the pineal gland, and then comes Joe Rogan to tell them to take DMT and shit their own pants as this is going to be a very great experience.

Then people see disney cartoons and believe they are enlightened because they did Fresco's diet, Dhiarrhea inducing mushrooms, and listened to Joe Rogan's podcast. DMT is also unrelated to the actual spiritual functions of the pineal gland, and by what people report of this crap, it's all at best an extended dreaming state, and a state in which people see their own bullshit, ie, provides no spiritual awareness.

But it provides money to drug dealers, makes the CIA happy to test drugs on innocents, and makes jews happy to wreck people through this, and of course makes liberal fatties feel suddenly enlightened because they saw batman in during their DMT trip. So everyone is satisfied except of me and probably you, and people who seek to actually make spirituality work.

What the above can be parallelized with is what one does to defunct organ, but this does not restore a function of it. Even worse, it's all unverified as to what actually this gland does. So idiots are like drug it up and find later, who cares. Indeed, DMT may actually reverse the progress of said gland and ultimately destroy it, as female ovaries or male testes may underfunction while they are provided external testosterone or estrogenic compounds. And this is the best case scenario. The worst case is that it litreally just fries the organ as a foreign chemical that is put into it to just ruin it, like fastly and direct accelerated fluoride.

I also refrain in silence from said subjects as they can be strange to understand, but the metaphysical vibration of the DMT drugs is also antithetic to the metaphysical tuning and vibration of an actually properly working pineal gland. This is an astral observation however, but what this means is that on the actual chakra, what drug use does, is detrimental, and can set it extremely out of sync. Generating self delusions and/or permanent insanity, but not of the clinical type. We can just say astral reality blindness.

The reality of the pineal gland is that it's an organ, but it is an organ that have functions we have relinquished using, primarily dealing around visualization. As if one puts a blindfold and keeps it there for 10 years, the eyes will naturally develop atrophy and even blindness. Eventually after 20 or 30 years, the eyes may completely shut down and shrink, and one may go completely blind. Organs that are not used are in general discarded or put in a limited energy mode by the body, and this is nutritional.

Likewise, changing diets, complaining about fluoride, and the related, does really only 5 or 10% of the work in restoration of the pineal gland. The 90% rest is to use it like an organ for visualization, sight, and meditating on the 6th chakra. The situation of strange diets is that they are so ineffective, that essentially, you can eat MacDonalds all day, and if you meditate and do what you need to be doing spiritually, your pineal gland will still work under the weight of the stupidity of eating only MacDonalds, if you work on it.

As for your heart it may bring a heart failure at 20, but this is another subject which is a material one. The above hyperbole is to explain that doing strange diets isn't going to get your gland going or your chakras better, anymore than actually doing yoga or meditating on them. They only help or impede within the context of general health of the body, but there are no magical diets.

Even habitual consumption of fluoride in water, will not be enough to poison or topple a properly working pineal gland, no matter what. Also, removing said strains or bying strange diet books isn't going to help either. But focus is put on these as hindus and new agers like to be pointlessly spiritual, and therefore focused solely on gross materialism.

The above creates New Agers and other ignoramus who are essentially drugged, stupid, or put spinach juice from their asshole or in neti, and assume that they are now very spiritual because they did so, but they are not. Their grotesque materialism is haunting them, and nothing of this is really spiritual. It's all marketing.

Most of the function of the "Gland" itself is also in how it operates astrally, a situation which requires astral rectification and opening of the mind, but also purification by the serpent fire, but also a proper calibration of the soul in order to use it, so one no longer is plagued by deception.

The metaphysical effect of drugs is far more detrimental in this regard than in the solely physical problems they cause. The physical problems can go away by stopping them, but the above may remain and need to be worked on seriously until they are removed, and this is the hardest part, the subtler problems. This is why most of these people are just loonies who see useless giant goblins speaking to them in the astral and singing Eminem's latest single or something.

Since the above is especially useful to people in power and those in India who know a few things but would rather deceive millions to maintain their own status, they keep the lie going and modern "Spirituality" is in all respects worse than gross materialism. Gross materialism at least has no illusions in regards to one's level of development, and they are not stuck in a self perpetual loop of thinking they are so divine just because they smile and they promote universalist garbage values, while drinking jungle man beetlejuice. And that is totally gross materialism, worse than gross materialism.

Since these people do not want people to seriously advance, they have extrapolated the causes of spiritual damnation away from the enemy, and away from the obvious LACK OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE, into bullshit reasons such as diet, or if you jacked off the other night, which are small and totally nonsensical reasons.

The curses of jews, mass spiritual ignorance, people not meditating at all through generations thanks to christianity and jewish bastardization of our races and spiritual practice, and natural laws of how "What is not used is obliterated" by nature (affecting spiritual abilities as well), are at work here, and the issues are deeper. If anything fluoride water and the related are only icicles on the bigger iceberg. Drinking green juice or washing your nose with a pot isn't going to change any of this either.

If one wants to make use of the 6th Chakra or the Pineal Gland, one has to meditate on it both as an individual chakra but also as part of the greater whole of the soul. Otherwise, no juice, no drug and nothing will open it up or make it properly useful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is also a useful comment that prompted me to write this topic, which is unfortunately overly confusing.
Nicely said. I find that balancing the spiritual and physical are the way to go. I like to combine power meditation with a healthy and healing diet, its superb and you come out feeling extra whole.

I have had good progress with the pineal gland even when I did not adhere to a detoxifying diet many years ago, which shows that you are correct, but I have noticed an increase in my abilities combined with diet, but people definitely should not get tripped up with the aformentioned.
Interesting that you wrote this when you did. I sat down around 11 and literally just finished meditation upon my 6th chakra, 7th chakra and pineal gland. It so happend to be the most intensely powerful meditation I have ever done using my pineal gland. I stated meditation around 11 and noticed it was 1:10am a few minutes ago when I opened my eyes.

This post cannot be a coincidence. Thank you for the post, as it has sparked realization.

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
With DMT and similar drugs, you are not in control of what happens to you.

As someone who has experience with both drugs and real spirituality, I can say with confidence that there is nothing spiritual in drugs. What lies beyond smoke and mirrors (“machine elves”, “entities”...) is just a grand illusion created to keep you away from real spirituality.
What i think that DMT burns out Pineal gland and trick peoples to think they awake spiritually.
Eat live food, drink flouride-free water. detox ur body, rise ur vibration,meditate.
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.
Io non seguo nessuna dieta specifica. Cerco di mangiare sempre sano evitando le sporcizie alimentari. Mangio poco ma molto spesso durante il giorno. Peró quando ho fame devo mangiare. Tutti i giorni KY, HY e 5 tibettani sono un dovere. Tranne sono veramente molto stanco. Peró non c'é un giorno che non faccio KY. Voglio aggiungere peró che prendo molti integratori e vitamine. Mi fanno recuperare molto velocemente.
Thanks for the comment feature, and even more importantly, thanks for the expansion on the topic! This is something I've wanted to make a thread on for some time, as its inevitable to some degree, given that our community is often built up of people who've entered from other, tangently related communities, that sometimes people bring with them past mentalities and mindsets that have a hard time deprogramming from. Oftentimes people mean well when they're spreading a word when they believe is absolute fact due to it being the norm in whatever previous community they were from.

At the same time, even with nothing to back you up, if you say something with enough authority sometimes it's enough to convince one or two other stragglers. In turn they'll repeat it, and so on so forth until this new information becomes common belief until a HP steps in to stay otherwise. So it's not uncommon to see trends from other communities crop up among newer members, and New Age stuff tends to be the number one culprit for infective mentalities, especially regarding things like the pineal gland, given that its a movement of self proclaimed gods surviving on diets of emu eggs, activated almonds and alkalized water and refusing to eat anything that casts a shadow longer than two inches and other paranoid nonsense. In fact the majority of posts I make are aimed at newer members. Mostly because I acutely remember the mindset I was in myself, and how important it is just to hear someone confirm something. I'll never forget how invaluable basic peace of mind is when starting out. A thousand years of jewish horror fables of people clicking order on a Oujia board on Ebay and immediately losing their soul does tend to instill people with a sense of paranoia regarding all aspects of the "supernatural".

In reality, the LHP is less about an infinite hodgepodge of overly specific rules one would need to be the highest degree of autistic savant to remember as some think, when in reality its more about consistent effort, self belief and the willingness to forge an active relationship with the Gods. So don't worry brothers and sisters. That chicken mcnugget you ate fifteen years ago isn't going to deny you entry to the akashic records, or whatever the fuck is being said by the bonged out hippies who haven't bathed since Woodstock.

Thanks again for the post, I already know you've probably already probably prevented a multitude of silent, lurking newbies from a freakout from this alone.
Thank you for this post. I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I shit you not I was arguing with a new ager trying to say the exact shit you disprove here. The guy was trying to tell me that "the pineal gland grants immortality and is the end of sporituality and blah blah fucking blah" the guy was extremely EXTREMELY deluded to the point that it hurt.

It was really crazy seeing how he got this far and life. I for one am not the most knowledgeable person but I was telling hin about power meditation and stuff right? This guy continued to give conflicting statements. First he says "people cannot survive without a pineal gland" as if they are gonna fade our of existence or some stupid shitlike that. I then presented him with medical articles about pineal gland surgey and he said its impossible and still had "a part" of their pineal gland. 5 minutes later he said "Too much florida makes the pineal gland rock hard and unusable" so I told him if thats so then how can people survive. He provided another conflicting statement "oh no the pineal gland is active. It doesnt get covered completely"

Its fucking insane. They are so deluded its crazy. The guy doesn't even believe the pineal gland is in the brain. He thinks its in another part of hia body. The dude did "accept" the jews are the problem with the world which is good but he was too delusion to accept anything but "alternate realities bruh"


"Psychoactive drugs arnt addictive so I can’t be a drug addict"

Like wtf? Dude kept talking about diminsions and realities and shit. Crazy. Anyways thank you for the sermon HP. It was very enjoyable to read!
Great post, thanks.

I am struggling to open up my throat chakra. Would it help to start working out my neck and build it wider, so that energy potentially could flow easier? Or is this just a waste of time compared to just meditating on it, doing vibrations etc.?
Want to know if weed is bad in terms of spiritual advancement or if just taking it for fun is ook
While not directly related to the topic, I just wanted to ask something.. what is 3rd eye vision actually supposed to be like?

Is someone who has completely perfected 'seeing' with 3rd eye supposed to see things with complete clarity like one sees with his physical eyes? And is it affected by how 'open' or activated one's pineal gland is?

I am able to communicate telepathically, I have seen my heart chakra in deep trance too, but when I try to see things (after closing my eyes) without going into trance, it's only black, I do have swirling motion sometimes but it ends up being completely black, it's quite pathetic to have to say it tbh.

Also, I frequently have the 'vision' or 'thoughts' of having nails embedded in my chakra points, I have been suffering from this since quite sometime. My personal note is that this started right after I started doing sample hatha yoga from pdf shared in the forum (not implying hatha yoga is responsible for this).

I am not sure if it's a curse or just my brain acting out because of me not being completely de-programmed from xianity, but the timing is a bit odd, it hadn't happened earlier.

Thank you
What about mashrooms? They are natural, right?(thou, I think the hallucinations they produce is just defense mechanism, not sure)

There is this 434 guy on yt that talks how while meditating and on mashrooms, he can communicate with Machine elves,trees and gos.

This video is pretty interesting:
He states in that,trees told him, there was ancient civilization in the past, but it was inavaded by enemy aliens.

Honestly, I would never take this mashrooms if I can have the same results on meditation.
A lot of thinks that he says align with what you guys write here on the forum.
I am not sure what a safe amount of Iodine is. I saw that commented on. I just assumed they couldn't sell something that had terrible effects and the more the better cause it gets rid of flouride. I have one of those concentrated formulas some people take up to 128 mgs of the stuff in one pill that is sold various places with positive claims about the pineal gland and stuff. It was said that this helped decalcify the Pineal gland. I guess I should stop this and focus on meditation. I hope I didn't do any damage to myself.
Kingiux said:
What i think that DMT burns out Pineal gland and trick peoples to think they awake spiritually.
Eat live food, drink flouride-free water. detox ur body, rise ur vibration,meditate.

Exactly, this is what I also wrote. Atrophies it further, possibly on prolonged use for some years fries it.

Stay away from this crap at all costs. It is also all illegal.
Louis Cyphre said:
What about mashrooms? They are natural, right?(thou, I think the hallucinations they produce is just defense mechanism, not sure)

There is this 434 guy on yt that talks how while meditating and on mashrooms, he can communicate with Machine elves,trees.

- He states in that,trees told him, there was ancient civilization in the past, but it was inavaded by enemy aliens.

Honestly, I would never take this mashrooms if I can have the same results on meditation.
A lot of thinks that he says align with what you guys write here on the forum.

Deadly mushrooms and deadly berries are also natural. You eat one and you die. The "natural" argument is a non argument. Then go eat some Plutonium bars since it is also by all means natural?

This guy is the kind of dumb fuck I ridicule. The enemy promotes these channels to make people ruin themselves while on drugs.

Seeing clockwork elves and lying about all of this while you are smacked out is not spiritual process. It is only a physical hallucination. There is nothing spiritual in this.
Syntax said:

These people are filled with delusions and above all delusions of grandeur when they smell like rotting weed and hardly shower, they are irrelevant.

This is what doing drugs does to you it turns you into a worthless hallucinating weakling and makes you the worst version of yourself.

Nobody here deserves this. People who had went down this road have recovered and are now in full realization of that.

New agers are a very arrogant bunch. They disrespect spiritual practice more than anyone and they always seek to cheat their way through.

Their punishment lies in how blind they are.
Efizy54 said:
Want to know if weed is bad in terms of spiritual advancement or if just taking it for fun is ook

It is bad, even alcohol is better compared to weed, but all of it should be avoided.

Weed tampers very seriously with the brain and makes it stupid, especially in prolonged use. The term "Fried" comes into play as well after as little time as a couple of years.

Focus on meditation you'll be high all the time after a point, indeed, anything like cigarettes or alcohol or weed will only feel like it has a reducing effect instead.

Proper health (Spiritually speaking too) produces feelings of euphoria for someone. This is a reward for the great work of working on the body and soul.

Please also refer in the Satanslibrary.org and in this forum about "Neptune and Hallucinogenic drugs" and other posts I have wrote on drugs which contain extra information.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Efizy54 said:
Want to know if weed is bad in terms of spiritual advancement or if just taking it for fun is ook

It is bad, even alcohol is better compared to weed, but all of it should be avoided.

Weed tampers very seriously with the brain and makes it stupid, especially in prolonged use. The term "Fried" comes into play as well after as little time as a couple of years.

Focus on meditation you'll be high all the time after a point, indeed, anything like cigarettes or alcohol or weed will only feel like it has a reducing effect instead.

Proper health (Spiritually speaking too) produces feelings of euphoria for someone. This is a reward for the great work of working on the body and soul.
I'm curious, does the feeling of being high all the time with advancement come from the pineal gland?
Larissa666 said:
With DMT and similar drugs, you are not in control of what happens to you.

As someone who has experience with both drugs and real spirituality, I can say with confidence that there is nothing spiritual in drugs. What lies beyond smoke and mirrors (“machine elves”, “entities”...) is just a grand illusion created to keep you away from real spirituality.

Your comments on this have been most valuable, I guess, our mistakes can teach and help others. Mine definitely have done so for a very long time.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Efizy54 said:
Want to know if weed is bad in terms of spiritual advancement or if just taking it for fun is ook

It is bad, even alcohol is better compared to weed, but all of it should be avoided.

Weed tampers very seriously with the brain and makes it stupid, especially in prolonged use. The term "Fried" comes into play as well after as little time as a couple of years.

Focus on meditation you'll be high all the time after a point, indeed, anything like cigarettes or alcohol or weed will only feel like it has a reducing effect instead.

Proper health (Spiritually speaking too) produces feelings of euphoria for someone. This is a reward for the great work of working on the body and soul.
I'm curious, does the feeling of being high all the time with advancement come from the pineal gland?

No, not only with this. It's a package of things. The Pineal gland is very important as a secreting gland, it modulates sleep and all sorts of other things, so it plays a role. But it is the whole package of confidence, mental healing, and outer/inner progress, that makes one feeling good, too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syntax said:

These people are filled with delusions and above all delusions of grandeur when they smell like rotting weed and hardly shower, they are irrelevant.

This is what doing drugs does to you it turns you into a worthless hallucinating weakling and makes you the worst version of yourself.

Nobody here deserves this. People who had went down this road have recovered and are now in full realization of that.

New agers are a very arrogant bunch. They disrespect spiritual practice more than anyone and they always seek to cheat their way through.

Their punishment lies in how blind they are.

I have a "friend" who used to smoke salvia and a bunch of other bad shit. Did mushrooms and other things which literally poison your brain. He's told me a lot of stories about shit in his past. One of the things he told me was he saw "purple b's falling out of the sky trying to kill him. Like the letter b not the inset" and all this other crazy shit. Doing that type of stuff can really fuck people up. Oh also I was arguing with the dmt guy yesterday. I showed him an article from here and he had the fucking gull to call joyofsatan "new age". His exact words were "It’s shit like this on garbage new age sites that give people second thoughts about meditating. Stay away from those sites" That was the final straw when I decided this guy can go fuck himself and deal with the consequences. The guy is so filled with bullshit. Also on the topic of the "friend". I have given him information to read in the past but he has completely destroyed his brain with the drugs and shit he did in the past. He is unable to retain anything within his memory for long periods of time.
Serpent said:
Great post, thanks.

I am struggling to open up my throat chakra. Would it help to start working out my neck and build it wider, so that energy potentially could flow easier? Or is this just a waste of time compared to just meditating on it, doing vibrations etc.?
Never heard of anybody working out their ne k for the throat chakra.
Just use the rune thurisaz(thaur the stronget version) and do a 40 days working to unblock it.
Also clean a lot your chakras, dirty chakras are why you don’t advance.
Louis Cyphre said:
What about mashrooms? They are natural, right?(thou, I think the hallucinations they produce is just defense mechanism, not sure)

There is this 434 guy on yt that talks how while meditating and on mashrooms, he can communicate with Machine elves,trees and gos.

This video is pretty interesting:
He states in that,trees told him, there was ancient civilization in the past, but it was inavaded by enemy aliens.

Honestly, I would never take this mashrooms if I can have the same results on meditation.
A lot of thinks that he says align with what you guys write here on the forum.
Don’t even think about using drugs. That’s straight up retarded and degenerated.
So what's the difference between the pineal gland and ajna? How do I meditate on the gland instead of the 6th chakra?
There’s people who get their pineal gland removed for “health problems” or whatever. Are these people basically spiritually dead?
I would like to ask HP Hoodedcobra and HP Shanon what they think of using borax for decalcifying Pineal gland and removing flouride from body in general. In Ayurveda too Calcined borax is consumed as a medicine and is called Tankan Bhasma. So it is safe for sure to consume unlike what mainstream medicine says. And i have tried it too as a boron supplement and it did not have any severe effects on me. Rather no noticeable effects. Borax is said to form a complex with Flouride and Flourine is thus urinated out of body.
I forgot to mention the only Hallucinogen I tried was DMT. One time I really didn't experience a lot other than being completely unaware of anything in regular reality and seeing shapes and colors and feeling like "I was on some elevator with space Aliens" or something I think I saw some grey standing there or something literally but that was about 4 years ago or more I cant fully remember anything. I Didn't care for it nothing spiritual that wasn't why I even tried it though. I remember the people I was around they had videos they would post on YouTube of people literally zoned out acting like idiots unable to stand up pissing themselves and babbling on about stuff that made no sense (not making this up but I can't remember what youtube account that was or I'd post it just to show you how stupid this stuff is) It was just some of the wrong people I hung out with thought it was cool and pressured me. I am so glad I never tried LSD or mushrooms or something I know with my mental make up and strong picses I'd probably end up in the hospital or literally going on a killing spree or something stupid. That is why I never tried it. But everyone was like DMT is so short lasting. Yes but I can see if I had had an experience with something much longer I would not be ok.

These things are not ok at all. The only drug I ever miss is Crack Cocaine. Sigh I wish I could get that out of my head since that is really bad and a low vibration and messes with people. I can see what these drugs do to you.

Oh and Hooded Cobra if you didn't know maybe you should speak on this sometime the frequency and vibration of a lot of Music these days is out of sync with the earth and normal vibrations of anything and especially rap and some of the stuff these drug people listen to (not saying don't listen at all if you for some reason like anything here but still just be aware) if you listen the energy and vibration creates a Chaotic mindset and is intended to. I don't think any of the normal instruments used in Music are very high vibration or in tune with anything. If sound could be tuned to a certain person's frequency or a general frequency to people it would have a huge effect this could even be used to raise vibrations of individuals and harmonize and heal their mind etc. The enemy knows this and uses it for destruction.

I am also aware frequencies have been used by the enemy on a more major scale sometimes. I am only aware of one place I ever felt this being done luckily. It was an xtian radio station that was sending off this high pitched sound wave at certain intervals and frequency that caused a wave of really destructive energy and even apparently some people to hallucinate stuff about seeing angels and that they experienced Jewsus and stuff. I am not making this up I hope by now someone stopped this. I am not for certain if everyone heard these wierd tones that went off at random times. The place where this was happening from was even named "the Twin Towers" very very odd. Anyways here is even a pic of this so you can feel it yourself https://bt-photos.global.ssl.fastly.net/peoria/640_boomver_1_1203527-1.jpg

I see the energy still isn't that great there.

This was told to me by another Satanist a long time ago at one point so I am not for certain that is what is going on but I did drive through the town at one point. The energy was absolutely the most horrible place I ever felt and Scary to the point I immediately didn't want to be there. So yeah something bad was going on there. But I am not for certain what it's just some Satanist told me the stuff about the sound frequiencies a long time ago and stuff I can believe it.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Damn it HP Cobra I really cant wait to meet you in person one day

Aquarius said:
There’s people who get their pineal gland removed for “health problems” or whatever. Are these people basically spiritually dead?

I wouldn't know and would rather not assume anything. Technically, it can be the case, however, removing physical organs, if one stays alive, does not seem to invalidate or "Remove" a chakra or anything, so I wouldn't say that they are "spiritually dead".

Still, that is a strange question to answer, I'd need to see someone and someone would have to also tell us by themselves how they perceive their case.
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
Great post, thanks.

I am struggling to open up my throat chakra. Would it help to start working out my neck and build it wider, so that energy potentially could flow easier? Or is this just a waste of time compared to just meditating on it, doing vibrations etc.?
Never heard of anybody working out their ne k for the throat chakra.
Just use the rune thurisaz(thaur the stronget version) and do a 40 days working to unblock it.
Also clean a lot your chakras, dirty chakras are why you don’t advance.

Thurisaz can be brutal of a force for the neck, you can use Uruz instead, or you can simply use Visuddhi which also rules the throat, to achieve the same goal.

Thurisaz is for stubborn cases.
TopoftheAbyss said:
So what's the difference between the pineal gland and ajna? How do I meditate on the gland instead of the 6th chakra?

Meditating on the Ajna aka 6th chakra with focused attention on the head also works your pineal, the center of your brain. This is the place where you should aim your attention while doing this, you can also focus on your whole head and have the same result.
Syntax said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Syntax said:

These people are filled with delusions and above all delusions of grandeur when they smell like rotting weed and hardly shower, they are irrelevant.

This is what doing drugs does to you it turns you into a worthless hallucinating weakling and makes you the worst version of yourself.

Nobody here deserves this. People who had went down this road have recovered and are now in full realization of that.

New agers are a very arrogant bunch. They disrespect spiritual practice more than anyone and they always seek to cheat their way through.

Their punishment lies in how blind they are.

I have a "friend" who used to smoke salvia and a bunch of other bad shit. Did mushrooms and other things which literally poison your brain. He's told me a lot of stories about shit in his past. One of the things he told me was he saw "purple b's falling out of the sky trying to kill him. Like the letter b not the inset" and all this other crazy shit. Doing that type of stuff can really fuck people up. Oh also I was arguing with the dmt guy yesterday. I showed him an article from here and he had the fucking gull to call joyofsatan "new age". His exact words were "It’s shit like this on garbage new age sites that give people second thoughts about meditating. Stay away from those sites" That was the final straw when I decided this guy can go fuck himself and deal with the consequences. The guy is so filled with bullshit. Also on the topic of the "friend". I have given him information to read in the past but he has completely destroyed his brain with the drugs and shit he did in the past. He is unable to retain anything within his memory for long periods of time.

People say the DMT and all that drug shit is not addicting, but when you tell someone to leave it aside or stop it, they act like crack addicts all the same.

Bongoloid is a term, some people due to too much bong are so fucking slow they take 10 seconds to process even the most basic things. The term Fried By Pot is real, I don't care what science says if something is verifiable.

Some scientists would argue that lobotomy keeps you perfectly alive too, LOL.
anonymous666 said:
I would like to ask HP Hoodedcobra and HP Shanon what they think of using borax for decalcifying Pineal gland and removing flouride from body in general. In Ayurveda too Calcined borax is consumed as a medicine and is called Tankan Bhasma. So it is safe for sure to consume unlike what mainstream medicine says. And i have tried it too as a boron supplement and it did not have any severe effects on me. Rather no noticeable effects. Borax is said to form a complex with Flouride and Flourine is thus urinated out of body.

HPS Shannon is knowledgeable on these subjects, as far as I am concerned, what I can tell you is Vitamin C seems to (at the 500 range) help with all forms of detoxification, including on the pineal and the whole system, and taking at least 250-300mg daily appears to have great benefits.

I have heard a lot of strange stuff from the Ayurveda in regards to a lot of things, including some people who say it promotes weed or hashish? I am not sure. I wouldn't take everything at face value here.
anonymous666 said:
I would like to ask HP Hoodedcobra and HP Shanon what they think of using borax for decalcifying Pineal gland and removing flouride from body in general. In Ayurveda too Calcined borax is consumed as a medicine and is called Tankan Bhasma. So it is safe for sure to consume unlike what mainstream medicine says. And i have tried it too as a boron supplement and it did not have any severe effects on me. Rather no noticeable effects. Borax is said to form a complex with Flouride and Flourine is thus urinated out of body.

HPS Shannon is knowledgeable on these subjects, as far as I am concerned, what I can tell you is Vitamin C seems to (at the 500 range) help with all forms of detoxification, including on the pineal and the whole system, and taking at least 250-300mg daily appears to have great benefits.

I have heard a lot of strange stuff from the Ayurveda in regards to a lot of things, including some people who say it promotes weed or hashish? I am not sure. I wouldn't take everything at face value here.
The thing about taking certain vitamins and minerals in high amounts, lets say for detox, is one needs to make sure that they are keeping other minerals and vitamins in balance.

High amount of Vitamin C is very very healing for many things, even Tetanus and they balance out people with an overload or excess of copper. But High Vitamin C supplementation eventually will deplete other bioflavanoids and antioxidants that Vitamin C needs for proper absorption which is why food supplementation is better but these days there are variables that prevent that.

In nature, vitamins and minerals in food are natural in balance and in good ratio. So if one is taking a high amount of a vitamin or mineral for therapy, then its best to make sure its co factors are replenished.

So in taking high amount of borax longterm, you are more han likely open to depelting your body of one or more minerals.

I have never personally used borax but if I did, I'd go for a food grade mineral supplement.

When it comes to Pineal detox, I would look into the mineral selenium and magnesium supplementation. They both work to protect and decalcify the body, including the pineal gland. Selenium is a strong antioxidant and works for flouride build up and protects the body from toxins.

Most people are magnesium deficient. Magnesium is responsible for about 300 biochemical processes in the body. For women, it will benefit us especially when we have our moon (menstrual) cycles. I no longer get cramps, etc.

Here is a thread in the health group that talks about what form of selenium is best and more about detoxing the pineal gland.


This works well in addition to pineal gland meditation and empowerment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
Great post, thanks.

I am struggling to open up my throat chakra. Would it help to start working out my neck and build it wider, so that energy potentially could flow easier? Or is this just a waste of time compared to just meditating on it, doing vibrations etc.?
Never heard of anybody working out their ne k for the throat chakra.
Just use the rune thurisaz(thaur the stronget version) and do a 40 days working to unblock it.
Also clean a lot your chakras, dirty chakras are why you don’t advance.

Thurisaz can be brutal of a force for the neck, you can use Uruz instead, or you can simply use Visuddhi which also rules the throat, to achieve the same goal.

Thurisaz is for stubborn cases.
I see I see, thanks a lot for the correction.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
