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Disgusted with whatever this is.


New member
Oct 11, 2024
Sorry to break it to you, but I felt like I have joined an extreme cult interms of whatever this religion is supposed to be. Satan and all of his demons are the true creators of humanity and are supposed to save us? And I am also supposed to be thankful to Maxine Dietrich because she unleashed the demons because they were weakened by an enemy alien race and that same weakened one is supposed to save all of humanity? Even though people are suffering everyday....if saying this shit out loud sounds like a joke. Oh, but Big Daddy Enki and Beelzebub are gonna save us!

Oh, then there is also the racial part. There are 3 races and we need to include ourselves to whatever truth we belong to. Right, right. And then I am supposed to do a spirtual awakening and only breed with my supposed race because thats what satan would want. Interesting, though all of Satans demons themselves aren't all of similar appearances either. Am, I deadmeat for being attracted to an opposite race? Asking for a friend. Oh, and then I am supposed to hate the jews, which is can be understood to the extinct, but I am supposed to wake up everyday and be like "those fooking jews!".

Oh and the politics and borderline racism has also developed quite a bit in JOS, considering I have been a member for years and seen the transitions. But, I thought both sides were bad? Now all of a sudden there are full blown sides, specifically republican and now yall are full blown dicksuckers. No I am not a fucking libtard, but I wonder if white supremecy was always been the end goal? You've aleady been acknowledge as "superior" so get your head out of your ass and stop shitting on others. The fact the I even aided in shitting on my own race is disgusting. Oh wait, I forgot my spirtual awakening. My, mommmas, mommas, momma is....! Is such and such so that must be truly my race! Also, people waving a confederate flag (only lasted 4 years which is hilarious, if you are a proud american you have the american one) and everyday, I am supposed to wake up and hate the jews and society and still not feel this is some fucmong hardcorse radical group? In this fucking economy? Honestly, seems like people just want to be extreme for attention and just seem quirky and "oooh, look at me Im different" Maybe we should wake the fuck up and stop spending time reaching out to some fucking aliens and get with whats in front of us. Oh yeah, the war is supoosed to be over....on this date, and this one! Oh, just keep dedicating your energy to the demons and our cause! The only one who seems to be getting fucked good is lil of Maxine Dietrich.

I don't care what happens to this account or post. This is not trolling or looking or attention, I am just disgusted with this and tired of justifying hatred. Please don't me basic shit because I have been aware of this sect for years.
The idea of salvation by Abrahamic lense is completely false, the doctrine of Joy of Satan is complex and beyond this simple encapsulation, growth and saving one self by union of effort with the meeting of supernal help of the Gods, which yes, are here to help humanity is needed.

Demoness Maxine Dietrich work has been successful as well as that of High Priest HoodedCobra, yes, we have means of theurgy and contact with Demons, Gods, we ourselves having became demonic forces on Earth by spiritual force.

Here is a lacking of theological study and misunderstanding of spiritual proportions, it is not a literal binding of a hero versus villain ideology, since there is no relation of equality here, as value, status or anything, as idiotic as this slander of the enemy wants it to sound. It is the case human perception in regards to them, as demonstrated directly, was imprisoned.

The reason also of your discontent with us, ranging from talking about very high and in depth spiritual ideas, is also ultimately linked to carnal desires of why one "cannot" breed hedonistically with anything with a hole, as that's the basic impulse based on here, on someone "denying" your instincts and trying to educate them, which ultimately, no one obliged you to nothing. All of that is to empower your race, and make you feel proud, as that is natural and not the opposite.

Ultimately, JoS informs on ultimate level on the topics of science, spiritual health and ethics. Your actions ultimately reflect on the world and you, not JoS, and the consequences are yours. As opposed as you expected, no one threatened anyone with eternal fire over any of this, but invited towards study and education. Inviting people towards education I assume now is very bad?

Do read the Life Ethics: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html

About "hate" on jews. Only a low level reality requires hate and dwelling on hate is a low consciousness manifestation. Many people however, in healthy and absolute justified manner, as a reaction of medicine that is knowledge, naturally manifest hate as a just consequence of learning the reality about the jews. Above this, there are levels of healing and manifesting spiritual justice. By our spiritual system, we help everyone exact this justice and become above any "hate" of the media propaganda tier ideology, since, we are not in the context of slave-master anymore to "hate" anyone.

We do not hate, we do spiritual warfare, and we are very loving with the rest of 99.90% humans, and this 00.10% we do not accept in our religion, and in all spiritual varying levels, we decimate our enemies.

We are not taking any political side and our analyzation of world events are extremely objective and based on reasoning beyond the need to be a slave to any side. Discussion on forum also happens and this is natural, not a statement. On this pretension of yours and the masses, people should not talk at all, as nothing can be up to your idealized subjective judgement. Of course no one ponders to any invaluable opinion like that, since it is not based on any essence, but slander done by a third hand thought, too lazy for any depth or actual argument.

Ultimately all of this forms a clump of hate and dismissiveness, when all our members have positive intent and wants to help everyone by actual proper ways. It is dishonest and shameful to attack us doing that.

JoS gave irrespective of race, except the jews, weapons against any personal enemy you have, tools for bettering and transforming your life, meaning, community, support, light, a family, knowledge. This is only if you are just even passing by, as for those really dedicated and passionate, ultimately they are becoming Gods.

Even more than this, we are also lowering the bar for virtually almost anyone to save their own ass, irrespective of intelligence and quality of being, but up to a point of common sense, as we try to give chances and see you succeed, doing the natural work of the actual forces of good.
I see your claim on having studied the JoS, but what about giving a try to the meditations too? They will help you see everything much more clearer.
Sorry to break it to you, but I felt like I have joined an extreme cult interms of whatever this religion is supposed to be. Satan and all of his demons are the true creators of humanity and are supposed to save us? And I am also supposed to be thankful to Maxine Dietrich because she unleashed the demons because they were weakened by an enemy alien race and that same weakened one is supposed to save all of humanity? Even though people are suffering everyday....if saying this shit out loud sounds like a joke. Oh, but Big Daddy Enki and Beelzebub are gonna save us!

Oh, then there is also the racial part. There are 3 races and we need to include ourselves to whatever truth we belong to. Right, right. And then I am supposed to do a spirtual awakening and only breed with my supposed race because thats what satan would want. Interesting, though all of Satans demons themselves aren't all of similar appearances either. Am, I deadmeat for being attracted to an opposite race? Asking for a friend. Oh, and then I am supposed to hate the jews, which is can be understood to the extinct, but I am supposed to wake up everyday and be like "those fooking jews!".

Oh and the politics and borderline racism has also developed quite a bit in JOS, considering I have been a member for years and seen the transitions. But, I thought both sides were bad? Now all of a sudden there are full blown sides, specifically republican and now yall are full blown dicksuckers. No I am not a fucking libtard, but I wonder if white supremecy was always been the end goal? You've aleady been acknowledge as "superior" so get your head out of your ass and stop shitting on others. The fact the I even aided in shitting on my own race is disgusting. Oh wait, I forgot my spirtual awakening. My, mommmas, mommas, momma is....! Is such and such so that must be truly my race! Also, people waving a confederate flag (only lasted 4 years which is hilarious, if you are a proud american you have the american one) and everyday, I am supposed to wake up and hate the jews and society and still not feel this is some fucmong hardcorse radical group? In this fucking economy? Honestly, seems like people just want to be extreme for attention and just seem quirky and "oooh, look at me Im different" Maybe we should wake the fuck up and stop spending time reaching out to some fucking aliens and get with whats in front of us. Oh yeah, the war is supoosed to be over....on this date, and this one! Oh, just keep dedicating your energy to the demons and our cause! The only one who seems to be getting fucked good is lil of Maxine Dietrich.

I don't care what happens to this account or post. This is not trolling or looking or attention, I am just disgusted with this and tired of justifying hatred. Please don't me basic shit because I have been aware of this sect for years.
It seems that you still do not understand the values and doctrines of true SS (even with years of experience), you are still bond by the xtian and jewish thinking about us as a "cult". I hope that the Gods can guide you and you can understand the true values and things that we are here to do.
As Satan has said, for balance there must be both destruction and creation. Hate, and Love. We as humans have no other way of understanding the universe without these two simple terms. We are far from truly understanding the Gods love and devotion to US. If they truly hated humanity and wanted the worse for us, they would have left us ions ago. They haven't. I hope that you understand that we are not only HATING, we are CREATING. xtians and jews have hurt the SS for thousands of years, the least we can do is say that we hate and despite them. Hate and Love create balance.
To understand the essence of liberation from spiritual bindings and curses, one must rise above surface-level perceptions of spirituality, which is often shaped by dogmatic views such as those you hold.

This is not a matter of religious adherence or political ideology; we operate on a plane far beyond these constructs. Our focus is the spiritual warfare that transcends the material and political realms, which is rooted in the universal and natural laws that govern existence. We simply take back what is ours that the Enemy stole.

Nature thrives on diversity, with each race and culture contributing to unique creativity and knowledge. The universe evolves through distinct blueprints, like genetic paths through races, which should be preserved to support meaningful progress and advancement.

True spiritual awareness requires the shedding of preconceived notions born from rigid frameworks, such as those found in Abrahamic teachings. These teachings are vehemently constrained by interpretations lacking broader spiritual integrity, which binds their followers to lower domains of understanding.

Your inability to perceive these principles indicates a lower level of spiritual awareness - a disconnection from the deeper currents of universal truth. To grow, one must embrace courage and seek to understand the laws that govern the cosmos. These laws reveal that freedom does not solely come from external control, but through inner alignment with the eternal, unchanging truths of existence.

When you open yourself to this level of awareness, the bindings that tether you to the material and mundane domains will dissolve. Until then, your perception will remain limited, filtered through constructs that act as barriers which prevents expanded awareness and any spiritual liberation.

Meditate, contemplate, and seek the higher truths, and you may yet see.
Sounds more like a lack of experience (a form of ignorance) rather than drug addiction, to be honest.
Gonna have to disagree, hes got that weird writing style where a bunch of points are all shoved together and melt into one another and then fray apart, which in my experience is very typical of crackheads.

You've aleady been acknowledge as "superior" so get your head out of your ass and stop shitting on others. The fact the I even aided in shitting on my own race is disgusting. Oh wait, I forgot my spirtual awakening. My, mommmas, mommas, momma is....! Is such and such so that must be truly my race!
Like what does that sentence even mean? Screams druggie to me.

Also im not going to requote it but if you look at the end of his third paragraph you will see what he wrote can't really be excused with a lack of experience, its outright slander to HPS Maxine, we dont need the dregs of humanity for our cause and with that statement he showed his colors.

And if he isn't on drugs hes clearly not right in the head, the writing style screams psychosis, its just not a normal way of writing.

I get being kind to new people and I agree, but there is a limit and purposefully insulting HPS Maxine in my opinion puts him over the line, theres being new and theres being a prick and he fell on the latter.

This seems to me like someone who dedicated, never meditated but expected everything to be given to them, got into/kept using drugs and then suffered a drug induced psychosis and wrote all this shit out in a frustrated drug addled frenzy. And if no drugs were involved IMO that makes his comments even worse at least most people can recover from drugs, recovering from being a cunt is much more difficult.

Also he says he insulted his own race, but there is only one "race" we dont like on here so I think that is very telling.
First of all, you say you've been a member for years, but your account was created less than a month ago? So you made a separate account just to come on here and talk pure shit about a religion & community that is literally carrying the spiritual burden of humanity on it's back? No, log into your other account then if you're a real member and let us know who you are in this community, don't be shy ;)
Secondly, I seriously doubt you've "been a member for years". Wanna know why I think that? 1) you're regurgitating a lot of outsider opinions and false statements about the JOS in general, for one. 2) You seem to have NO understanding about what this religion is and what we stand for. 3) You OBVIOUSLY haven't read shit on the website, or studied ANYTHING by the way you're talking. And you certainly haven't deprogrammed your mind/soul OR done any spiritual work on your soul, and IT SHOWS.
Thirdly, the fact that people like you come on here and act like we're white supremacists is outright WRONG and blatantly ignorant. We at the JOS believe that ALL GENTILES are welcome here, AND on this earth. The ONLY people we have a major issue with are the Jews, and if you had studied like a TRUE devotee does, you'd know exactly why we call them the literal scum of this earth that got farted out of the greys spaceship. The way you make it seem like we all just sit around and stew on hatred of the Jews, is wrong. We practice spiritual warfare to overcome the enemy, then it leaves our minds, because we have much more important ways to spend our time. The Jews lie, manipulate, scheme, and murder. That's their business. So, you're down with that? You agree with it? If so, fuck off quite honestly. You coming on here and making this bullshit post really rubs me the wrong way, quite honestly. Because not only are you disrespecting the JOS and all the hard work our High Priests/Priestesses have done, but you're also spitting in the God's faces, as They have equally helped bring the JOS to fruition. I think it pisses me off so bad also because you're claiming to be a "multiple year member". HORSESHIT, if you ask me.
Fourth thing, you come on here and disrespect HPS Maxine as well?! That absolute Goddess of a woman created the best thing to happen to humanity in AGES! She created a safe place for all Gentiles to return HOME to their TRUE Gods. You saying the JOS is like some political, white supremacist organization when that is NOT the fucking case AT ALL.
Honestly, you have some real waking up to do, in my opinion. If you wanna leave, be gone. Because quite honestly, if you have been here for multiple years and THIS is how far you've come... you have done absolutely nothing with the absolute wealth of knowledge and wisdom we have access to here..

End rant.
Oh, things need to be approved before beinf posted publicly? Let me say what I have to say without the fucking censorship.
I hope you will be approved by moderators.🤞

Turn to meditations and you'll see things a little more as they are.
For example, JoS never talked about Dad Enki coming to save us soon, it's just a subjective impression.

The way you think actually is just the product of your efforts to understand behind filters. The latter easily disappearing thanks to meditations.
Gonna have to disagree, hes got that weird writing style where a bunch of points are all shoved together and melt into one another and then fray apart, which in my experience is very typical of crackheads.
Disagree all you want. There is a difference between having harmful programming, or even mental health problems in comparison to drug usage or a full-blown drug addiction.
You've had an account for less than 2 months, and no posts before this.

Simply another worthless lier who is desperately trying to turn humanity away from the Gods. You are irrelevant, and anybody who has been here for any significant time knows that everything you say is a lie.

You and anyone else who is against the growth and health of humanity, your side has failed and you know that you have failed. The Gods are with us, and are helping to improve our world.
Unfortunately many people tend to associate Satanism/Satanas/Demons with cults, just because some mentally ill people claimed to follow Satanas, but in reality they just did drugs all day, they don't study, advance and follow Ethics, nor aim to improve the world in any way.

They just sink deeper in their ignorance while they are doing horrible things, and Satanas get blamed for their actions.

Many are also atheists, and uses Satanas (from his enemies accounts and slanders anyway) as a souless symbol of their freedom to commit the most messed up acts possible.

Clearly this isn't Satanism, but just groups of people that do blame shift on Satanas as a cover up for their crimes.

If you compare these to the Joy of Satanas, you will see that this isn't a cult.
Take what [JG] Alexandros Iowno has said, what JoS teach and aim for.

Then compare it to actual cults.

We are about freedom, advancement, evolution, justice and improvment of life in any way.

Perfection and Godhood are the highest realities here, and to achieve them, you have to emulate beings that already are in that position, this is basics.

From them and within them we are able to achieve all the beautiful things that I wrote above.

Then if you are angry at HPHC because once he was "harsh" by telling you the truth about how a certain matters of life works. This isn't "cult behaviour", it's what an HP does, you can try to listen, or waste 40 years on delusions, wake up and start all over.

You are free to listen or to not listen, but there will be consequences by natural course. You are free to going to work, or to not going and stay without food.
And our current situation is just the sum of our actions personally and collectively.

You are responsible for yourself, and to some extent for others. Here we all act due to our freedom and understanding of things. No one has the power to force you or whatever.
Oh, things need to be approved before beinf posted publicly? Let me say what I have to say without the fucking censorship.
There is too much spamming on the forum, so pre-moderation is needed.
It's natural to have such reactions, the JoS shows the truth on so much topics, that there will be definitely things for everyone that they will not agree on, or find it insulting or something.
There is a few thousand years curse on humanity, anti-racialism was always an enemy doctrine.

We don't want races to mix to preserve them, there is no hate involved here. The behavior of some members might seem racist for you, but overall the JoS is what the cleargy says, and not members. The clergy never had anything bad to say about other races, and we had clergy members from all sorts of race.
You've had an account for less than 2 months, and no posts before this.

Simply another worthless lier who is desperately trying to turn humanity away from the Gods. You are irrelevant, and anybody who has been here for any significant time knows that everything you say is a lie.

You and anyone else who is against the growth and health of humanity, your side has failed and you know that you have failed. The Gods are with us, and are helping to improve our world.
I also think it is obvious he is not just a simple confused, new person. Most people would not write like that and he gave another vibe...

Well yeah, as JoS is constantly empowering (((they))) are keep coming, everday....
You've had an account for less than 2 months, and no posts before this.

Simply another worthless lier who is desperately trying to turn humanity away from the Gods. You are irrelevant, and anybody who has been here for any significant time knows that everything you say is a lie.

You and anyone else who is against the growth and health of humanity, your side has failed and you know that you have failed. The Gods are with us, and are helping to improve our world.
The JOS bullshit defector back at it again!
Go Away Do Not Want GIF
Detector* not Defector lolol WHOOPS.
the OP clearly does not have the required brain power to realize why race mixing is bad, or that the JoS does not tell anyone what to do but rather “tells” it’s members “here are the tools to become the best you” and on top of it make fun on the gods. it’s probably not worth writing a sermon to him.

In the end we don’t need to prove anything to disgraceful people or enemies. some posts are genuine but this one gives me IQ < 80 vibes
the OP clearly does not have the required brain power to realize why race mixing is bad, or that the JoS does not tell anyone what to do but rather “tells” it’s members “here are the tools to become the best you” and on top of it make fun on the gods. it’s probably not worth writing a sermon to him.

In the end we don’t need to prove anything to disgraceful people or enemies. some posts are genuine but this one gives me IQ < 80 vibes
It seems that you still do not understand the values and doctrines of true SS (even with years of experience), you are still bond by the xtian and jewish thinking about us as a "cult". I hope that the Gods can guide you and you can understand the true values and things that we are here to do.
As Satan has said, for balance there must be both destruction and creation. Hate, and Love. We as humans have no other way of understanding the universe without these two simple terms. We are far from truly understanding the Gods love and devotion to US. If they truly hated humanity and wanted the worse for us, they would have left us ions ago. They haven't. I hope that you understand that we are not only HATING, we are CREATING. xtians and jews have hurt the SS for thousands of years, the least we can do is say that we hate and despite them. Hate and Love create balance.

You've had an account for less than 2 months, and no posts before this.

Simply another worthless lier who is desperately trying to turn humanity away from the Gods. You are irrelevant, and anybody who has been here for any significant time knows that everything you say is a lie.

You and anyone else who is against the growth and health of humanity, your side has failed and you know that you have failed. The Gods are with us, and are helping to improve our world.
You've had an account for less than 2 months, and no posts before this.

Simply another worthless lier who is desperately trying to turn humanity away from the Gods. You are irrelevant, and anybody who has been here for any significant time knows that everything you say is a lie.

You and anyone else who is against the growth and health of humanity, your side has failed and you know that you have failed. The Gods are with us, and are helping to improve our world

Gonna have to disagree, hes got that weird writing style where a bunch of points are all shoved together and melt into one another and then fray apart, which in my experience is very typical of crackheads.

Like what does that sentence even mean? Screams druggie to me.

Also im not going to requote it but if you look at the end of his third paragraph you will see what he wrote can't really be excused with a lack of experience, its outright slander to HPS Maxine, we dont need the dregs of humanity for our cause and with that statement he showed his colors.

And if he isn't on drugs hes clearly not right in the head, the writing style screams psychosis, its just not a normal way of writing.

I get being kind to new people and I agree, but there is a limit and purposefully insulting HPS Maxine in my opinion puts him over the line, theres being new and theres being a prick and he fell on the latter.

This seems to me like someone who dedicated, never meditated but expected everything to be given to them, got into/kept using drugs and then suffered a drug induced psychosis and wrote all this shit out in a frustrated drug addled frenzy. And if no drugs were involved IMO that makes his comments even worse at least most people can recover from drugs, recovering from being a cunt is much more difficult.

Also he says he insulted his own race, but there is only one "race" we dont like on here so I think that is very telling.
Ah yes. The immediate drug response and license practitioners here. Oh yes, the woman who saved those demons and they are supposed to save us? When? Plenty of SS have been dedicating their energy to some fucking superman. You are not as spirtually awake as much as you think if thse are your assumptions.
I see your claim on having studied the JoS, but what about giving a try to the meditations too? They will help you see everything much more clearer.
of course I have. But to think people are gonna keep having faith and dedicating their fucking energy to aliens that lives in Orions belt, when nothing has change is this world is astonishing.
of course I have. But to think people are gonna keep having faith and dedicating their fucking energy to aliens that lives in Orions belt, when nothing has change is this world is astonishing.

These are only your own assumptions that nothing has changed. It is one thing to say you cannot see a difference, but another to conclude with certainty, to the point of professing and attacking others, that the Gods have done nothing.

If you had meditated before, you can feel their energy through contact with them. It does not take a massive logical step past this to see that the same entity could apply that same power or insight onto the world, just as you can do with your own energy.

Sure, you cannot easily judge what they have done to global events, but many of us have had positive impacts on our personal lives and events, which again supports the conclusion of their power being strong enough to work on global events.

As JG Alexandros pointed out, we do not believe in Abrahamic savior fantasies. The Gods bless those who act in their favor, including us, but also other Gentiles, and through this, we grow to support our own salvation. If the human development is not there, higher states of existence cannot be supported.

Regarding race, protecting the genetic lineage increases the power of that race over the course of its development. The same applies to families within the same race, too. There is nothing wrong with this, and we advocate racial alliance. Alliance, not false notions of equality.
The Gods are available for such important questions, especially if you feel like your loyalty is being threatened. Unfortunately, this individual is past this point, as they made up their mind and refuse to change, therefore closing the mental window by which they could receive insight or information to alleviate their misunderstandings.

The same applies not just to Gods, but anyone above us in hierarchy, where we may misunderstand their actions, then instead of communicate this, we attack, therefore driving the situation past a point where it could have been more effectively resolved.
of course I have. But to think people are gonna keep having faith and dedicating their fucking energy to aliens that lives in Orions belt, when nothing has change is this world is astonishing.
I feel like you're focused on the wrong things. You say "the world isn't changing, why are we sending our energy to aliens?"
Here's what you're missing: If you want to make a difference and actively change the state of the world (which is changing, I guess you just don't see it), do the power rituals for our Gods. Why you ask? Because the enemy is strong, due to the funneled beliefs and energy being sent to said enemy through the prayer/belief/sheer size of followers of the abrahamic religions. When I said in my other comment that the JOS carries the spiritual burden of the world on our backs, I wasn't joking. The purpose of JOS is to awaken humanity, awaken the veneration practices of our Gods, but also to fight back against the oppressors of all Gentiles and our Gods. We fight back against the enemy through means of spiritual warfare and also with doing the power rituals for our Gods, to help strengthen our side collectively. The enemy and its followers have, for centuries, been constantly raining down terror upon the heads of Gentiles and onto our Gods, via spiritual warfare from the opposing side. So, you sit here and harp about the fact that "aliens" are just using us (this is basically what you're implying, by saying our world continues to sit in peril while we send energy to "aliens") while the enemy laughs at your uncertainty, because the enemy is VERY certain about the annihilation of all Gentiles and our cultures.
I see you also said you've been meditating, and you've claimed to be a multiple year member; but what have you done with these years of time? Seems to me, you haven't advanced at all, or all of this would be as clear to you as it is to everyone else here who is ACTUALLY serious about this religion and our cause.
This seems to be pointless, as it seems all of us are talking to a brick wall when it comes to getting you to understand this.
Our Gods are not just some foreign aliens, they created humanity as a whole, and for you to sit here and shit on them basically by calling them aliens and saying they are basically using the JOS as a whole as some energy conduit, is literal bullshit.
Take a look back to the Golden Age, when humanity lived hand in hand with the True Gods, and lived life peacefully (besides human affairs, such as wars and such). People back then knew the importance of venerating and keeping a close relationship with the Gods, as they are our guides in this life. They are who we emulate towards, and who we strive to become; as they are beauty, grace, and justice incarnate.
Another thing, you keep saying "HPS Maxine freed the demons!" That's another thing you're missing; HPS Maxine did indeed "free" the Gods, but it's not like they were locked up in cages. What HPS Maxine did was send energy to our Gods, since the enemy had destroyed their veneration practices our ancestors used to practice, hence our Gods lost their people. The Gods also endured years of spiritual warfare, as I said above, and this did damage to them, not like we would think, but it took it's toll. HPS Maxine was basically undoing all the harm and torture that had been brought down on our Gods via the enemy, and she "freed" them by reviving the practices to empower our Gods. It's not like they were spiritually depleted completely, they just endured suffering. But, as Asmodeus once said, "Thy tyranny over us will be but for a season" A season to a God is nothing, mere minutes to them. They knew They would return, and They also knew their people (Gentiles) would awaken one day, and return Home to our Rightful Place, beside the Gods.

Please stop with this needless ruminating on pointless things, and spend your time on building your Divine gifts, your spiritual power, and building a relationship with the Gods, IF you are serious about this path and our cause! THIS is how you change the world, my friend.
The idea of salvation by Abrahamic lense is completely false, the doctrine of Joy of Satan is complex and beyond this simple encapsulation, growth and saving one self by union of effort with the meeting of supernal help of the Gods, which yes, are here to help humanity is needed.

Demoness Maxine Dietrich work has been successful as well as that of High Priest HoodedCobra, yes, we have means of theurgy and contact with Demons, Gods, we ourselves having became demonic forces on Earth by spiritual force.

Here is a lacking of theological study and misunderstanding of spiritual proportions, it is not a literal binding of a hero versus villain ideology, since there is no relation of equality here, as value, status or anything, as idiotic as this slander of the enemy wants it to sound. It is the case human perception in regards to them, as demonstrated directly, was imprisoned.

The reason also of your discontent with us, ranging from talking about very high and in depth spiritual ideas, is also ultimately linked to carnal desires of why one "cannot" breed hedonistically with anything with a hole, as that's the basic impulse based on here, on someone "denying" your instincts and trying to educate them, which ultimately, no one obliged you to nothing. All of that is to empower your race, and make you feel proud, as that is natural and not the opposite.

Ultimately, JoS informs on ultimate level on the topics of science, spiritual health and ethics. Your actions ultimately reflect on the world and you, not JoS, and the consequences are yours. As opposed as you expected, no one threatened anyone with eternal fire over any of this, but invited towards study and education. Inviting people towards education I assume now is very bad?

Do read the Life Ethics: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html

About "hate" on jews. Only a low level reality requires hate and dwelling on hate is a low consciousness manifestation. Many people however, in healthy and absolute justified manner, as a reaction of medicine that is knowledge, naturally manifest hate as a just consequence of learning the reality about the jews. Above this, there are levels of healing and manifesting spiritual justice. By our spiritual system, we help everyone exact this justice and become above any "hate" of the media propaganda tier ideology, since, we are not in the context of slave-master anymore to "hate" anyone.

We do not hate, we do spiritual warfare, and we are very loving with the rest of 99.90% humans, and this 00.10% we do not accept in our religion, and in all spiritual varying levels, we decimate our enemies.

We are not taking any political side and our analyzation of world events are extremely objective and based on reasoning beyond the need to be a slave to any side. Discussion on forum also happens and this is natural, not a statement. On this pretension of yours and the masses, people should not talk at all, as nothing can be up to your idealized subjective judgement. Of course no one ponders to any invaluable opinion like that, since it is not based on any essence, but slander done by a third hand thought, too lazy for any depth or actual argument.

Ultimately all of this forms a clump of hate and dismissiveness, when all our members have positive intent and wants to help everyone by actual proper ways. It is dishonest and shameful to attack us doing that.

JoS gave irrespective of race, except the jews, weapons against any personal enemy you have, tools for bettering and transforming your life, meaning, community, support, light, a family, knowledge. This is only if you are just even passing by, as for those really dedicated and passionate, ultimately they are becoming Gods.

Even more than this, we are also lowering the bar for virtually almost anyone to save their own ass, irrespective of intelligence and quality of being, but up to a point of common sense, as we try to give chances and see you succeed, doing the natural work of the actual forces of good.
"On this pretension of yours and the masses, people should not talk at all, as nothing can be up to your idealized subjective judgement" Questioning things is not the same as telling you what to do. As you said, it is subjective. This is not the same as questioning the overall vision of what JOS is and what Jos is now. This forum looks like twitter.
"On this pretension of yours and the masses, people should not talk at all, as nothing can be up to your idealized subjective judgement" Questioning things is not the same as telling you what to do. As you said, it is subjective. This is not the same as questioning the overall vision of what JOS is and what Jos is now. This forum looks like twitter.
For your information, after you take the blue pill you leave this place.
Ah yes. The immediate drug response and license practitioners here. Oh yes, the woman who saved those demons and they are supposed to save us? When? Plenty of SS have been dedicating their energy to some fucking superman. You are not as spirtually awake as much as you think if thse are your assumptions.

lol its very clear you’re seriously butthurt about something

im not even gonna argue with u, improve your comprehension skills and then come back (ex: when did I say I was spiritually awake)

you want to know if these things are true? you already know what to do. it’s also fine if you don’t do shit then trashtalk, but then dont play the victim role when everyone finds out what you are
Plenty of people have given you the explanations and means to understand things.
Meditate, do the actual practices instead of just "studying" (which can only be as good as how open you are regardless).
This community has done, and will continue to do, enormous good for people individually, and has, and will continue to bring about change on a societal level, despite of people like you claiming they do not see it. That shows a complete lack of understanding of recent history.

How powerful was the christian church pre-2002?
How programmed were people pre-2002?
What was the general opinion on the pagan Gods pre-2002?
Were there massive attempts and massive societal change towards reviving ancient paganism in the 90s, and I just missed it?

If you have gripes with decisions of Clergy, or gripes about the Gods, these should be taken as misunderstandings to fix, for your own benefit.

If you believe you can do better, why have you not started your own movement and community focused on spiritual elevation?
Is it because you are simply a product of the society you were born in, haven't taken any steps to live your own life and search for the truth, haven't had genuine results in your life, haven't learned valuable hidden information from beings who govern Existence, and don't know the first thing about how to handle a community like this?
Damn. You're certainly going to save the Earth like that, not like these stupid JoS people.

But as far as your entitlement? You could leave, and it would not affect us in the slightest.
You could leave, and due to you having built zero strong bonds or friendships in this community, not one person would notice you're gone.
You could leave, and due to not having done any sort of efforts to improve yourself spiritually and actually contribute, no one would lose anything by you leaving.

You've started with some relatively reasonable complaints, that, had you been more open in listening to the multiple people here that have given you very peaceful and productive responses, including multiple JGs, who you should genuinely listen to. But you laser focused on the negative accusations, which, by the way, are normal, when you are behaving the way you are behaving. People here, unlike what you claimed, are not a hivemind who only holds one opinion. Not everyone owes you politeness, especially once you have squandered it.

I do not believe you are an infiltrator or anyone who wishes us harm. You are simply dumb and refuse to smarten up.

If you continue to refuse to smarten up, then yes, you will actually not gain anything from JoS. You will only be frustrated further with the details, you will only further remove yourself from spiritual wisdom, you will never understand the decisions and moves of the Clergy, and you will never grow closer to the Gods. That is a recipe for disaster, yes.

You can either realize you made a mistake, rushed, got angry, whatever excuse you have for your behavior, and genuinely change as a person and become someone who will reap the benefits of JoS.
Or you can give up, definitively squandering what the JoS offers you, and have your own go at understanding the world, changing things for the better, and gaining wisdom. In, say, 10 years, we'll see who is doing better at that, you or JoS.

Certainly no skin off our backs.
Yeah, it's not for everyone, definitely doesn't seem to be for you.
The only thing worse than never knowing is having knowledge you're not really ready to receive.
(Although I must confess I was unaware anyone was supposed to come save us, while I appreciate the gesture I'm good, my spirituality has made me strong.)
Anyways, do what you have to do man.
Yeah, it's not for everyone, definitely doesn't seem to be for you.
The only thing worse than never knowing is having knowledge you're not really ready to receive.
(Although I must confess I was unaware anyone was supposed to come save us, while I appreciate the gesture I'm good, my spirituality has made me strong.)
Anyways, do what you have to do man.
That was probably the best answer I've ever read on the subject.
You're very understanding when it comes to different perspectives.

It's not his will, it's not his nature, so it shouldn't matter to him.
Surely he has found or will find other things to strive for.

The best thing was that you weren't offended by the criticism, because it didn't matter to you and it wasn't a decisive cornerstone that would make you leave Jos.

Whereas the opposite was true for this guy.

The distinction between *I* and *he/they* shows both an understanding of the deep psychological differences between people and maturity.

I have all the right to agree with what this dude says as, I have re-checked this topic and so far and
I agree with you half of the time.
There really is too much anger and not enough pragmatism or full understanding of differences of opinion.
As I always see here, when someone has a controversial opinion, they are shredded in an animalistic way until they apologize for nothing. It seems that they do this because even in the face of their doubts, there is still a kind of affection for Jos.
But the search for a group in which they can fit in and be accepted certainly makes them very malleable.

As for the rest of your text, the issue of the donor is a complex one.
Therefore, it is necessary to create a meritocratic system.
If the clerics really only wanted money, it wouldn't be possible to level up just by doing work for the community.
The JOS Donor reward system has also greatly increased the number of donations, which makes JOS stronger to continue doing its thing.

I don't completely agree or disagree with Maxine.
The way I see it is that you have every right to think that way, because faith and belief don't really hold everything together.
It depends from person to person, faith can be useful for some or forced on others.

I, for example, don't have a strong faith.
And whether Maxine is alive or not doesn't matter so much to me because I want to experience Satanism at its base (which is meditation) so I will be a long tester of the path for a long 15 or 20 years and then I will see if it is worth continuing in it.

There are also people who tell you to ask the gods.
I think that this God thing is very specific to each person, I personally have never gotten a clear answer. And I don't even bother to ask anymore, because I know there's no point.
Other people get a bucket of water in signs and concentrated answers, but *I* especially *don't*.
Call me immature if that rocks your boat; that is fine. But I am allowed to post a little less serious content from time to time, as the overwhelming majority of the time when I use these forums, my function is helpful, so it matters little in my opinion, especially when this opinion comes from someone who expects handouts for nothing in return in 2024 (cries about paywall, grow up, HPHC has explained this numerous times already).
I agree with you half of the time.
There really is too much anger and not enough pragmatism or full understanding of differences of opinion.
As I always see here, when someone has a controversial opinion, they are shredded in an animalistic way until they apologize for nothing. It seems that they do this because even in the face of their doubts, there is still a kind of affection for Jos.
But the search for a group in which they can fit in and be accepted certainly makes them very malleable.

Be mindful that the guy you replied to is a known troll who attacked us on multiple occasions, even when we tried to be nice to him. Therefore his "opinions" are not actual reflections of clarity, but more like biased corruptions, trying to undermine JoS, rather than give constructive criticism.

I am not sure what you are referring to regarding "shredded in an animalistic way" as the mod team is always working to reduce inflammatory posts and behaviors. If any of this has not been addressed, please report it.

There are also people who tell you to ask the gods.
I think that this God thing is very specific to each person, I personally have never gotten a clear answer. And I don't even bother to ask anymore, because I know there's no point.
Other people get a bucket of water in signs and concentrated answers, but *I* especially *don't*.

Sensitivity between people does influence this, but sometimes people also inflate their experience, or make overly confident assertions as to the meaning of it, and so on. Don't let this deter you from making your own questions.

Focus more on guidance, rather than getting a verbal answer. In other words, if you ask for help or clarity on a topic, the Gods can and will guide you in ways beyond just trying to make you hear something. That is the point behind continuing your communications, as without even trying, you make it harder for them to have any sort of interaction with you.

By actively attempting to pray, meditate on their sigil, or ask and receive answers, this builds up all the micro skills associated in doing so. Don't worry about not receiving a "bucket of water" in signs.
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Sensitivity between people does influence this, but sometimes people also inflate their experience, or make overly confident assertions as to the meaning of it, and so on. Don't let this deter you from making your own questions.

Focus more on guidance, rather than getting a verbal answer. In other words, if you ask for help or clarity on a topic, the Gods can and will guide you in ways beyond just trying to make you hear something. That is the point behind continuing your communications, as without even trying, you make it harder for them to have any sort of interaction with you.

By actively attempting to pray, meditate on their sigil, or ask and receive answers, this builds up all the micro skills associated in doing so. Don't worry about not receiving a "bucket of water" in signs.
I'm very objective. There is no middle ground in anything, so if I don't get answers or signals, it means there are no signals for me.

For others, there may be, so whenever I see a person with a certain pattern of behavior identical to some of the members here with this ability to receive signs, I send them to ask the gods.

In other words, I'm not completely oblivious.
Because I realize that reality is very different for each person.

I will only really make contact when I have the power to do so.
Above all, this means actually having direct communication and not playing shameful placebo games that may mean nothing.

I'll be here for 15 or 20 years, and depending on the results, I'll do other things with my life.
If everyone here is so bad, why are so many people taking the time to give friendly and helpful responses? To somebody who plainly deserves absolutely nothing.

This person is a far leftist communist/jew activist coming here only with the goal of slandering the Gods, slandering all of us, spreading nothing but hateful lies and hoaxes. This person is basically subhuman, I'm saying this based on the fact that this person has no regard for truth, honesty, growth, improvement, and absolutely no positive intentions.

You can talk to an ignorant or dumb person, and actually accomplish something by giving this person Truth and information that was lacking before. You can not argue with an evil and subhuman person who is purposefully lying. There is nothing to teach and nothing to be accomplished because the bad-intentioned person already knows full well that he is lying.

It is helpful to still right good responses, not for the dumb jew itself who will not be benefited. But for the "audience" of regular people who are reading these posts, these people may learn and get some benefit.

For the jew itself. Keep coping, keep seething, and keep hating yourself. And we all will keep laughing. You already know that your side is crashed and defeated.
I'm very objective. There is no middle ground in anything, so if I don't get answers or signals, it means there are no signals for me.

For others, there may be, so whenever I see a person with a certain pattern of behavior identical to some of the members here with this ability to receive signs, I send them to ask the gods.

In other words, I'm not completely oblivious.
Because I realize that reality is very different for each person.

I will only really make contact when I have the power to do so.
Above all, this means actually having direct communication and not playing shameful placebo games that may mean nothing.

I'll be here for 15 or 20 years, and depending on the results, I'll do other things with my life.

How do you expect this to improve by doing nothing about it? If it is only a matter of frustration concerning the strength of the communication, then you can plan a working with runes like Ansuz and Laguz, using them to boost your communications with the Gods.

By what you write, you are taking an extreme position, including describing the situation as shameful, when that does not need to be the case at all. The presence of this behavior or feeling suggests, to me, the opposite of objectivity. I would look deeper into your natal chart and soul, as this looks more like a hangup blocking you from even wanting to communicate, not just that you are lacking in ability.

Make sure you are not letting this create the same "proof" that causes you to not take action in the first place, because communication with the Gods is very important on this path, even if it is not perfect.
I'm very objective. There is no middle ground in anything, so if I don't get answers or signals, it means there are no signals for me.

For others, there may be, so whenever I see a person with a certain pattern of behavior identical to some of the members here with this ability to receive signs, I send them to ask the gods.

In other words, I'm not completely oblivious.
Because I realize that reality is very different for each person.

I will only really make contact when I have the power to do so.
Above all, this means actually having direct communication and not playing shameful placebo games that may mean nothing.

I'll be here for 15 or 20 years, and depending on the results, I'll do other things with my life.

The first step to attain communication with the Gods, is to care about communication with Them and be sincere in desiring a connection with Them.

In your case, you couldn't care less, so of course there will be no communication. It is a self defeating principle. You complain about lack of communication or lack of presence of the Gods, yet you don't care about them either way, so of course there will be nothing much gained in your life on this Path with the apathetic attitude you have towards it.

You don't need to be here for 15 or 20 years to have results.

I had results before I was even here, because I cared about the Gods, for a long time. Not everyone is like me, or has the same starting point as I do, however I have seen people with various starting points, some whom where not particularly spiritual to begin with, yet still received success on this path rather quickly and had results in their communication with the Gods, because they were sincere and because they cared, and wanted results.

If you continue to be apathetic, you will never see the Gods in your life, because you don't care to see Them. Even if They would try to appear before you in some form that you can receive, you wouldn't even recognize or notice it, because you aren't even remotely interested or open to Them, let alone sincere.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
