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Did Travis Scott Attempt Human Sacrifice People In His Astroworld Concert?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Years back, I remember seeing one of Travis Scott's album covers, where a grey is touching his forehead. He also has written strange lyrics over the years, about how he was "Chosen" by these things, but also, one of his covers not that long ago had greys on it's cover on spotify.

He's also the incarnation of the "Drugs" thoughform of the jews, and despite being broadly accepted as being a talented musician by the masses, he is basically serving what appears to be the enemy agenda. Quite a lot of drugs memes and promotion of drugs and other butchery alterations for humanity, have to do with greys and other mentalities that people absorb when they are drugged out, manipulated by greys.

Many people also question if these people even think. The answer is that they are so zoned out all day on drugs that's it's rare for them to be non sedated and therefore "think". The enemy gets these people hooked into drugs and doing them 24/7, to keep them in a compliant state.

In his cover for "Highest In The Room", he also has numerous pictures of greys, like this:


As we all know here, greys are behind the enemy fake programs that they call "religions", and they are also behind trying to destroy the spiritual culture of mankind which is called by present terms now Spiritual Satanism, but existed for aeons before. This is reflected in their works, and how this is achieved also is through causing events that make confused in regards to their Gods, misrepresent spirituality, or cause fear and terror against the Gods to the populace.

Recently someone wrote about this concert and how strange themes of human sacrifice were taking place there. I wouldn't doubt this. The imagery when the people were dying was weird. They say that the death toll and people suddenly dropping dead could be as many as 400 people, there are too many nonsense conspiracies around this. Anyway, that didn't come to pass. It's also not verified why they continued on as it was regular business.

Travis from where he was sitting and doing the concert [but he was probably zoned on drugs] could see what was going on and easily call the show off from the microphone without getting people scared or anything. Crew was told to stop, and they didn't stop.

It was only a few people that died, since crowd panic ensued. From all sorts of strange reports from people getting injected with things in the concert, to people being purposefully killed, to some sort of weird technology used to get people dizzy only on a specific place, knowledge doesn't really add up. The inconsistencies are too many for this to be considered a regular concert.

People rushed to declare this some sort of "Satanic" ritual, simply because Travis has been adopting [or rather, his managers told him to adopt] "Satanic" imagery. That is not the facts of the situation however. During this event they purposefully also used Satanic imagery calling it the "Gates of Hell".

Generally these events happen to tarnish Satan's reputation, and the jews will do at least some events like this per year so that people get to hate Satan. Musicians and other people will be dragged into this, sometimes without really knowing the full spectrum of this or what is going on. The real organizers of these are levels above them, while they are mostly puppets and only just informed.

While these situations might not be on purpose, generally, given the track record of the enemy and the clear involvement of the greys in much of this, but also the date which was close to Samhain, one cannot doubt this is some form of an attack against Satan. That's a defamation campaign, but also, the enemy raises energy from death and similar events such as panic and terror, which they use in their agenda copiously.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Before I just thought he was drugged up and dumb from that, never really found him talented or interesting myself. I hate Travis now. The police warned him that it was unsafe and he did the show anyway. He showed no remorse or sign of stopping when he saw the ambulance in the crowd. Instead he actually told people to "put their hands up to the sky" like worship or some weird shit. He also tried to pay their families off. I believe he harmed or killed these 400 odd people himself. Pure and simple.
What a fucking asshole.
Well damn, didn't know about his album covers and stuff having pictures of greys in them. I never listen to any of these mainstream rappers and hiphop artists anyways so I never knew. "Highest in the Room" kinda raises an eyebrow about all of that too. Wonder if he was actually talking about the greys being 'higher beings' or whatever. Just like the entrance to his concert where it reads "See you on the other side", also the shirt he was wearing during the concert just makes you think all of this was done on purpose. Also I saw an image of one of the entrances to the concert where is was just a giant mold replica of Travis's head and people where entering it through his mouth. It was weird as fuck. But I believe there was definitely some fuckery at play there by the jews at that concert. There was just too much shit happening there and too much symbolism for there not to be.
He's now getting hit with lawsuits amounting to $750 million. His net worth is around $60 million. Even if this amount is reduced it will still seriously dent his finances. Other companies involved at Astroworld are also getting huge lawsuits.

I also find it peculiar why they called it Astroworld. Sounds like a subliminal to associate Astrology with 'evil'.
I sometimes think to myself that I dodged a bullet listening to certain artists. There's a lot of artists that at first glance I'm like eh ... Not my cup of tea, and the more time passes, the more I can see why, and Travis is one of them. Its sad that the music industry, ran by Jews, have all sorts of things being pushed to young audiences. Drugs, unhealthy mentalities about relationships and twisted ideas of love, etc. And it's fucked up that a lot of these artists had troubled childhoods only to end up digging an early grave associating themselves with Jews, substances and perverted "Satanism"
I think that it is easier.

This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.
Kurat said:
I think that it is easier.

This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.

so all the groups you mentioned including others not mentioned like gypsies and any monotheistic religion have the same or similar fate awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

i'd love for these religions to be outlawed soon it would be celebration time :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :D :D
I thought about posting on this but didn’t. The claims of sacrifice are media fear tactics and can create all kinds of bullshit images. Of course calling artists “satanic” or the enemy. There’s a lot of images in art that have to do with either the enemy or the gods but at the end of the day, it’s just media putting ideas in people’s heads and I personally think an attack on the arts. My perspective on this is that what happened is being taken advantage of by the media to create false images. Live nation is notorious for having poorly put together shows and taking on a Travis Scott show was a mistake because of the type of crowd and the large scale event that it was. I’ve been to many shows with more casualties than the Travis Scott show. I’ve heard of many more. None with the fear hype that is going on here. Art will always have spiritual themes. Everyone stop going to shows, stop making art, stop stop stop. Stay home and be afraid. Go right to the meta please. The only thing that makes a person subject to what’s being pushed either at a show or by the media is what they believe it to mean and how much they understand. There’s no intentional rituals or subliminal messages being done by the majority of artists in the way that a lot of people believe. They adapt a style and some have some spiritual beliefs. Some are more ignorant some are more free. They’re just artists and artists should always be free to create.
Blackdragon666 said:
He's now getting hit with lawsuits amounting to $750 million. His net worth is around $60 million. Even if this amount is reduced it will still seriously dent his finances. Other companies involved at Astroworld are also getting huge lawsuits.
Fantastic, I was hoping they'd do class action or something of the like. Hope they sue him for every penny he's got. Not that he'll care because Kylie will just give him more money. At the moment he doesn't have to watch the crying mothers weep over their dead children despite having a child himself. It won't bring back the dead or uninjure the injured but maybe - just maybe - it might get that dumbass brain of his going.
https://youtu.be/yTFtkFC9dQA my blood is frozen what is this?!! None of this bullshit is inexcusable. There's a time for everything and these sacks of shit will pay the worst.
This at least presents an outreach opportunity for some of us.
Kurat said:
I think that it is easier.

This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.

I don't think the two are related. This appears like something the enemy did intentionally. That event in israel was the enemy getting the karma from their own actions.

Some of the images look like reptilians too. Google popular representation of Reptilian then see some of the weird posters like this.


Kind of the same thing.

It looks like the enemy trying to slander the Gods for things they are doing and make Satanism something only degenerates would want to be a part of like they tried to do for many decades already.
Never got to see the pic HPHC

I will go off and check them soon magik as usual thanks
"Celebrities" think like insects and you're overestimating them if you think there's anything else in this human beetle's brain going on besides "me lick big nose tribe assholes me get more shekel".

That is the extent of the mental capacity of these degenerates. Jews wouldn't want anybody with more than 50 IQ having influence over large groups of goyim. Not just a criticism of these people but also the disgusting subhumans that grovel before them, that only a few of these human-ant hybrids died is a shame if everybody in this concert died nothing of value would have been lost.

It's good that such degeneracy is paraded everywhere maybe the sane part of the population will become more alarmed to how far down society has really gone. I also heard a singer pissed on a fan's face during a concert recently. I believe the true spiritual state of these people is starting to show more blatantly and that's a good thing.

Jews love to put degenerates on pedestals and watch goyim grovel before these disgusting creatures. It's one of the ways they degrade and humiliate the goyim. That a person actually asked to be defecated on publicly to a massive crowd shows you the state of humanity.

I believe a time will come soon when all the damage, and the extent of spiritual rot of the gentile people will be fully visible and undeniable.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Kurat said:
I think that it is easier.

This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.

so all the groups you mentioned including others not mentioned like gypsies and any monotheistic religion have the same or similar fate awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

i'd love for these religions to be outlawed soon it would be celebration time :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :D :D

More than the prohibition of monotheistic religions I think that first people would leave them on their own
balo666 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Kurat said:
I think that it is easier.

This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.

so all the groups you mentioned including others not mentioned like gypsies and any monotheistic religion have the same or similar fate awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

i'd love for these religions to be outlawed soon it would be celebration time :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :D :D

More than the prohibition of monotheistic religions I think that first people would leave them on their own

like is already happening people are vandalizing all the monotheistic religious buildings around the world :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
siatris666 said:
Travis Scott the (((highest (lowest) grey in the room))), lol

He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
siatris666 said:
Travis Scott the (((highest (lowest) grey in the room))), lol

He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

It's quite sad to watch because these are the people their communities look up to, while setting them up for a trap. This is the reason why Jews need to be eliminated. So many people are slaves in the music industry disguised as superstars. All drugged up, into LaVey or perverted human-animal trafficking rings and cults associated with Moloch and other human eating entities.

I actually was thinking of being a music artist but after seeing the shit to get to that space, I'm like fuck that. I rather find a way to invest my talents for art and writing for something worthwhile, like say here. I've drewn a couple of the gods and made a couple poems here and there. But, it's weird how they made dumb shit catchy and people be vibing and going apeshit for dumb and mediocre lyrics and calling it deep. Pfft
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
siatris666 said:
Travis Scott the (((highest (lowest) grey in the room))), lol

He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

It's quite sad to watch because these are the people their communities look up to, while setting them up for a trap. This is the reason why Jews need to be eliminated. So many people are slaves in the music industry disguised as superstars. All drugged up, into LaVey or perverted human-animal trafficking rings and cults associated with Moloch and other human eating entities.

I actually was thinking of being a music artist but after seeing the shit to get to that space, I'm like fuck that. I rather find a way to invest my talents for art and writing for something worthwhile, like say here. I've drewn a couple of the gods and made a couple poems here and there. But, it's weird how they made dumb shit catchy and people be vibing and going apeshit for dumb and mediocre lyrics and calling it deep. Pfft

Travis is not a talentless person, in the sense that this massive success comes in general with a chart and some skill to back it up. Yet, they are picked and then viciously used, and they lure them in. They generally look for people who have a talent but they are prone to major addictions, which is how they turn them into slaves step by step. They also give them a very specific agenda to promote, depending on the gerne.

No doubt, Rap and Trap is given scripts by the jews to promote specific things, such as frying your brain totally with drugs. If they turn back on this agreement to promote anything, their careers are then decimated. They generally are decimated in ways such as this concert, something happens and they can get half a billion in debt.

They are kind of literally selling their soul, after a point, nothing remains of them anymore. Michael Jackson got to live this tale. Many of these stars they drug and brainwash too much. But other stars managed to enter this industry and kind of remain normal, so one has to also want to go down this hole.

According to his fans, Travis does so many drugs that he is literally with half his brain already in the grave. They are constantly afraid that he will commit suicide or some other stuff like that. XXXtentacion and others of course were no exemption here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

It's quite sad to watch because these are the people their communities look up to, while setting them up for a trap. This is the reason why Jews need to be eliminated. So many people are slaves in the music industry disguised as superstars. All drugged up, into LaVey or perverted human-animal trafficking rings and cults associated with Moloch and other human eating entities.

I actually was thinking of being a music artist but after seeing the shit to get to that space, I'm like fuck that. I rather find a way to invest my talents for art and writing for something worthwhile, like say here. I've drewn a couple of the gods and made a couple poems here and there. But, it's weird how they made dumb shit catchy and people be vibing and going apeshit for dumb and mediocre lyrics and calling it deep. Pfft

Travis is not a talentless person, in the sense that this massive success comes in general with a chart and some skill to back it up. Yet, they are picked and then viciously used, and they lure them in. They generally look for people who have a talent but they are prone to major addictions, which is how they turn them into slaves step by step. They also give them a very specific agenda to promote, depending on the gerne.

No doubt, Rap and Trap is given scripts by the jews to promote specific things, such as frying your brain totally with drugs. If they turn back on this agreement to promote anything, their careers are then decimated. They generally are decimated in ways such as this concert, something happens and they can get half a billion in debt.

They are kind of literally selling their soul, after a point, nothing remains of them anymore. Michael Jackson got to live this tale. Many of these stars they drug and brainwash too much. But other stars managed to enter this industry and kind of remain normal, so one has to also want to go down this hole.

According to his fans, Travis does so many drugs that he is literally with half his brain already in the grave. They are constantly afraid that he will commit suicide or some other stuff like that. XXXtentacion and others of course were no exemption here.

Yeah it's really fucked up because I look at them and think, how the fuck we fell so hard and so low? I mean we know why, and who to blame, but it's like, some of these "new age spirituality" endorse shrooms and drugs to enter other dimensions and find a higher purpose in life, and they think they're an Egyptian Pharaoh. I mean, if they wanted to, they could with proper meditation and power in their soul, but the stuff they doing and the delusional they fall for isn't the way to go. Man...it low-key makes me depressed just thinking about it.
Rap has always been used to promote race mixing , I always hated rap and hip-hop , pure poison . Hope they all go down , there is no saving these rats and the slugs that worship them .
Why can't I do any black magic or stuff like that. I tried opening my hand chakras, but I don't feel anything. My friend says I have a gold aura, but I can't even open my third eye. Was anyone able to actually get anything to work???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
siatris666 said:
Travis Scott the (((highest (lowest) grey in the room))), lol

He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

I remember one time when I was using drugs there was this person who was a strong addict in kind of poor health. He one time told me how he was so depressed he was suicidal or whatever so he went to overdose himself on some pills he said he saw this scary looking entity that said: "Tonight we consumate your soul" he got so scared of this he made himself throw up and didn't go through with it. He kept telling people this story anywayw Yeah the Greys.

These pictures honestly are just a representation of things people see when they do drugs that was my impression. Travis probably does not care about Aliens or any of that.

At least they are honest people out side of this will know what they are dealing with. That image is so creepy sorry when I posted the same one I didn't know that was the one you used cause the image wasn't showing up on my browser at that time.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
siatris666 said:
Travis Scott the (((highest (lowest) grey in the room))), lol

He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

These pictures honestly are just a representation of things people see when they do drugs that was my impression.

That whole concert should of had do not enter signs all over it. Bad vibes ×100. The qualifications to actually enter were you needed to be vaccinated or provide proof of negative test. Combine that with all the 5g in the area and got some serious sunbathing.
Today I discovered people were screaming HELP at the top of their lungs during a quiet moment in the concert (no music playing)... there's no way Travis didn't hear it.
If he did do human sacrifices to hwhy the reptilian thoughtform, he's still getting sued, ah well he gets what he deserves, this guy is trash it's not the only time he's done things like that to fans, their was a video of him out right attacking fans, soon though that trash will know that,
those who bless isreal are cursed an that those who curse isreal are blessed
Sea Algae said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He's just a drug addicted infested fiend that thinks it's "Chosen" by greys for some glorious purpose, while being a drug infested zombie that goes around drugged all day with only half the brain existing in his skull by now.

Then, he dies and they take his soul into the great battery, and they find another goonie to do the same thing.

These pictures honestly are just a representation of things people see when they do drugs that was my impression.

That whole concert should of had do not enter signs all over it. Bad vibes ×100. The qualifications to actually enter were you needed to be vaccinated or provide proof of negative test. Combine that with all the 5g in the area and got some serious sunbathing.

Yes i noticed that and I am not sure to be honest if it is the energy off the place or the actual setting like the environment or both but even just looking at pictures from it I get an uneasy feeling. I doubt it had anything to do with 5g though. That is most places now a days.
You have to live in a petri dish or a hard disk to think that we are alone in the universe. Yet these creatures are real and they are very disturbing.
Dahaarkan said:
Jews love to put degenerates on pedestals and watch goyim grovel before these disgusting creatures. It's one of the ways they degrade and humiliate the goyim. That a person actually asked to be defecated on publicly to a massive crowd shows you the state of humanity.

lil pump for example
slyscorpion said:
Sea Algae said:
slyscorpion said:
These pictures honestly are just a representation of things people see when they do drugs that was my impression.

That whole concert should of had do not enter signs all over it. Bad vibes ×100. The qualifications to actually enter were you needed to be vaccinated or provide proof of negative test. Combine that with all the 5g in the area and got some serious sunbathing.

Yes i noticed that and I am not sure to be honest if it is the energy off the place or the actual setting like the environment or both but even just looking at pictures from it I get an uneasy feeling. I doubt it had anything to do with 5g though. That is most places now a days.
yeah just a look at that place is enough for me
1. I agree with the whole event being a defamation on satanism

2. Certainly, whoever organized this event knew that the fallout from these deaths and injuries would negatively impact Travis Scott and whoever else was affiliated with him at that show (Drake, etc.) At the end of the day all these artists care about is their ((($$$))). There is no way that they would knowingly go along with this if they knew that people would die at their event unless they were offered full-time membership into (((the club))). I've heard of a concept called a humiliation ritual where in order to gain entry into the (((organization))), the prospective-member has agree to be humiliated or embarrassed in the eyes of "the public" as some sort of ritual sacrifice. This could have been a humiliation ritual for Travis.

3. Live nation and its affiliated groups have a virtual monopoly on the live performance and event space industry in the United States. They have no incentive to produce a quality service for their customers. They just want to get as much $$$ from their events as possible and don't give 2 shits about their ticketholders. It is highly probable that they oversold tickets and stuffed the crap out of this venue to get as much ticket $$ as possible, and in addition to that, many people bum rushed security at the entrance and gained unauthorized entry into the event, which created an extremely packed crowd. Add onto that the general culture of Travis Scott concerts ("raging", mosh pits, degenerate drug use, extreme egotism - not caring about the person in the crowd next to you), and its not a surprise that you'll get a complete shitshow). And finally, the perimeter of the inner fencing at the show made it so that people could only go forwards, and if they wanted to exit the crowd, they had to only go backwards, they couldn't get out through the front or through the sides unless someone pulled them over the fencing.

4. There is so much symbolism at this event, that one can't just pass it off as a pure coincidence. The flyer for the show...the Travis Scott head and mouth at the entrance...the 8 pillars of fire and the burning dove...the Mountain-Pyramid Stage.... the "See ya on the other side"....the portal looking thing on the stage screen....I could go on and on....

5. Travis Scott is a narcissistic douche and his fans idolize him. The collective conscious of the crowd at a live performance usually follows the individual-conscious of the performer. Well, here you have a douchebag degenerate named Travis Scott, and his audience manifested his consciousness in their collective actions, creating a shitshow........Ya there were a few good people trying to help out when SHTF, but for the most part his fans are total degenerates
I can't stand this guy..🤬 most of these Hollywood celebrities have sold themselves into the hands of the Hollywood Jews. Knowing that they were going to be used Ed every angle. And sacrificing everything about them including their talents and their abilities changing everything they are just to please the Hollywood Jews. And a lot of these people are so desperate they don't even care they come from broken down homes and Families! Already fragmented as it is being brought up in Christian families and such! I know it's nice to have a voice and to be able to sing! And you have the ability to be able to write her to do a script for a big play and to be an actress! I admire the brains and the talent and the abilities that a lot of these individuals have! They would be better off alone or working out an organization where they can be together and work together as individuals and still be themselves and who and what they are instead of putting themselves out there to be a part of some Hollywood Corporation where they are force and brainwashed into being somebody or something they're not! A lot of these celebrities are bought into doing heinous acts of crime! In their videos just to get a message across.🤔 and these so-called subliminal messages people don't understand a lot of them! Which surprises me a lot of children to do this spending hours in front of the television set! Instead of going outside and playing or doing their homework! As in reading and writing and doing arithmetic and doing some things that are uplifting! But like most children sitting in front of the television said they are aware of the cartoons and as a subliminal messages and as adults.. we are so used to seeing all kinds of crazy craft throughout the day that it just goes over our head when we sit down and watch a beer commercial or a cartoon! And when people used to sit down in front of the television set to watch MTV and their favorite videos there were a lot of individuals like Travis Scott for example! To put forth that mixed message making it look like there are a good person and that they're all into music and making people happy and until people pay attention to the language that the person is using the video shows the dancing and picking up things that are not what you consider cool!.. and then it you begin to notice other things and scratch your head and kind of wonder? If this is the right thing to watch? Not because you've been brought up in a conservative family but you have the intelligence to know that the lot of these people are working with the Enemy alien agenda and also by the way it affects other children and how they pick it up and how they act it out at school on a playground the type of music they listen to and how it affects your thinking pattern and how you sleep at night plus not to mention the fact the attitude they have around other children and how they treat the family and home! Which goes to show you the negative effect that the enemy has on people.. and kids don't understand a lot of this stuff until years later when they try to work a relationship with somebody or when they get a job or try to go out and live a normal life they noticed a lot of the similar signs of other children and among others as adults when they work on a job site and the type of music they go for and the type of music they sit down and watch for entertainment! How they get used to the negativity? And when they go in and talked with doctor and when they are being analyzed it is picked up in it the way they explain things and a lot of the things that they favor when it comes to entertainment and a lot of the negative stuff that they seem to favor or get into is also related to the Bible and the Quran and with the Jews try to portray and it there Hollywood movies..Along with it. That you begin to notice a pattern with a lot of these people the way they express things the words that they get off that are so hateful and is similarities that you read in the Christian Bible and everything that you hear about in that silly book! And how it begins to open up a part of somebody's brain were they are actually connected not only with the Enemy but also thinking the same as the enemy and even agreeing with the Enemy and a lot of these people don't even realize that they're working with the Enemy as it is when it comes down to a lot of these hip-hop bands! The singer and the songwriter that is working with the Enemy as it is whether it was his or her intention to bring out the rug messages or whether they were talked into it through the producer! Did they are working through are working went!? With their band members and the record producers and the type of agency they hook up with. And you do notice that a lot of teenagers and a lot of children by and do it and how they pick up on that alone of not knowing or wondering where they're getting their ideas from or where it's coming from weather to be the singer songwriter actor writer for musician or if it's just coming from the individual who sings the songs? Kids don't even know or do they even understand about the artist and what he or she is going through weather to be the person his or herself or those that they're working under? Paid to bring out some kind of message how would influence the minds of so many people! And even some of the better people who have the sense enough to know better and to understand what is going on even sometimes gets the wrong idea on the whole aspect of it when it comes down to enjoy music and getting out and doing things :) you still want to enjoy yourself but you have to be warned to? About the lyrics as well as the Under lyrics the subliminal messages letting you know that this music or this individual person singer-songwriter or band is working with the Enemy! And that's why people question marks pay attention! With Travis Scott and his music! It is pretty loud and clear that he works with the Enemy plus his video so you can always sleep tell loud and clear what is going on and that is another thing that we have to be aware of in this day and age the enemy does not stop at anything it will force its way out and every shape and size and in every color and little kids and teenagers think is cute and funny and tell later on if he gives to affect them and this time it's even more serious because the enemy is not going to sugarcoat anyting it's going to put it right out there without a word or a warning! The music industry is not the same and it never will be! Because the enemy has been making so much money! Using these people in a water-based people don't even seem to care or they would have done something about it! In a lot of people that work for these record companies do end up dead mysteriously a lot of singers and songwriters that are aware of what they're doing getting the word out there and up dead mysteriously dying of a drug overdose or something so the enemy does not even want these people to even reveal a word of what they're going through and what is going on! Another sad thing about being rich and famous in Hollywood just because you have talents and just because you have abilities and it doesn't matter what part of the world you're from male or female! Just because you! Happened to know something in the fact that the enemy can use you in every way possible and throw money in your face telling you that you can be rich and famous and the possibilities when there is always a catch behind it all! Danger hiding around the corner and what you would consider a friend working with you in their record company the face behind the mask! The enemy as it is right there in the plane flesh using you at every possibility just because you happen to be attractive smart and because you're a gentile!⚡🔥 watching every move you make and aware of the things that you could do or say that will expose him or her they keep an eye on you and they control you and they literally control your life every time you breathe every time you come up with something! You are a prisoner in your own mansion and you are a prisoner in your own Flesh! !They have full control of you on the stage and Everywhere You Go! Considering Britney Spears and the fact that her parents have control of her! And people like Sinead O'Connor who grew up Catholic and was abused! And you can see it right there how these people have been controlled as if it isn't bad enough they come from families that are broken down and don't even know which end to stand on as it is! A lot of these people get into the music business already broken down and vulnerable so that you have more control of them! And if they buy into it they think they're going to get somewhere! And they have no choice once they get somewhere there is no way that they can get out of it or turn around! Even if you have things figured out as it is! Knowing how vulnerable you are when you are in the hands of an enemy or the whole Hollywood scene keeping an eye on one another! As it is! And a lot of people like Travis Scott are being used and don't even know it! But then with Travis Scott you can tell that he had an evil mind to begin with! And a lot of people like him seem to know what they're doing and they're proud of it they're giving the enemy what they want and the enemy is feeding off people like Travis! And many other singers and songwriters that are just as similar as he is! And it doesn't matter what type of music you're into of what you enjoy listening to! Even when it comes to movies and books the enemy's are aware of a lot of these people what they are writing and how they live their life! Knowing that they had taken the time to mold and shape these individuals into something that they're not but something that the enemies can use and have fun with and control to their hearts content! :-( and no matter what you do you can't get away from it they will do whatever they can to get in your way and put the stops on everything you tried it come up with just to try to live your own life or get yourself back together! they have ways of getting rid of the individual. And once they have full control of you! Your life becomes their life more and more! Until the day you die! And it doesn't matter how famous you are how many people love you how much money you make and how big of a house how fancy laugh out loud it doesn't matter the price you had to pay as an individual singer and songwriter just to live in a world like that and the fact that the individual sells his or her soul just to be rich and famous and they have a life like that when it's not even worth it! And these people don't even realize that there are better things to do! If they really want to be famous and heard with their music! People have a right to show off your talents in their abilities as long as they go to the right hands and the right people. ❤ and it's sad that we don't have agencies that are run why people like us who could put these individuals on the right path! Where people know that they are safe and protected.❤
CandiceLee1313 said:
I can't stand this guy..🤬 most of these Hollywood celebrities have sold themselves into the hands of the Hollywood Jews. Knowing that they were going to be used Ed every angle. And sacrificing everything about them including their talents and their abilities changing everything they are just to please the Hollywood Jews. And a lot of these people are so desperate they don't even care they come from broken down homes and Families! Already fragmented as it is being brought up in Christian families and such! I know it's nice to have a voice and to be able to sing! And you have the ability to be able to write her to do a script for a big play and to be an actress! I admire the brains and the talent and the abilities that a lot of these individuals have! They would be better off alone or working out an organization where they can be together and work together as individuals and still be themselves and who and what they are instead of putting themselves out there to be a part of some Hollywood Corporation where they are force and brainwashed into being somebody or something they're not! A lot of these celebrities are bought into doing heinous acts of crime! In their videos just to get a message across.🤔 and these so-called subliminal messages people don't understand a lot of them! Which surprises me a lot of children to do this spending hours in front of the television set! Instead of going outside and playing or doing their homework! As in reading and writing and doing arithmetic and doing some things that are uplifting! But like most children sitting in front of the television said they are aware of the cartoons and as a subliminal messages and as adults.. we are so used to seeing all kinds of crazy craft throughout the day that it just goes over our head when we sit down and watch a beer commercial or a cartoon! And when people used to sit down in front of the television set to watch MTV and their favorite videos there were a lot of individuals like Travis Scott for example! To put forth that mixed message making it look like there are a good person and that they're all into music and making people happy and until people pay attention to the language that the person is using the video shows the dancing and picking up things that are not what you consider cool!.. and then it you begin to notice other things and scratch your head and kind of wonder? If this is the right thing to watch? Not because you've been brought up in a conservative family but you have the intelligence to know that the lot of these people are working with the Enemy alien agenda and also by the way it affects other children and how they pick it up and how they act it out at school on a playground the type of music they listen to and how it affects your thinking pattern and how you sleep at night plus not to mention the fact the attitude they have around other children and how they treat the family and home! Which goes to show you the negative effect that the enemy has on people.. and kids don't understand a lot of this stuff until years later when they try to work a relationship with somebody or when they get a job or try to go out and live a normal life they noticed a lot of the similar signs of other children and among others as adults when they work on a job site and the type of music they go for and the type of music they sit down and watch for entertainment! How they get used to the negativity? And when they go in and talked with doctor and when they are being analyzed it is picked up in it the way they explain things and a lot of the things that they favor when it comes to entertainment and a lot of the negative stuff that they seem to favor or get into is also related to the Bible and the Quran and with the Jews try to portray and it there Hollywood movies..Along with it. That you begin to notice a pattern with a lot of these people the way they express things the words that they get off that are so hateful and is similarities that you read in the Christian Bible and everything that you hear about in that silly book! And how it begins to open up a part of somebody's brain were they are actually connected not only with the Enemy but also thinking the same as the enemy and even agreeing with the Enemy and a lot of these people don't even realize that they're working with the Enemy as it is when it comes down to a lot of these hip-hop bands! The singer and the songwriter that is working with the Enemy as it is whether it was his or her intention to bring out the rug messages or whether they were talked into it through the producer! Did they are working through are working went!? With their band members and the record producers and the type of agency they hook up with. And you do notice that a lot of teenagers and a lot of children by and do it and how they pick up on that alone of not knowing or wondering where they're getting their ideas from or where it's coming from weather to be the singer songwriter actor writer for musician or if it's just coming from the individual who sings the songs? Kids don't even know or do they even understand about the artist and what he or she is going through weather to be the person his or herself or those that they're working under? Paid to bring out some kind of message how would influence the minds of so many people! And even some of the better people who have the sense enough to know better and to understand what is going on even sometimes gets the wrong idea on the whole aspect of it when it comes down to enjoy music and getting out and doing things :) you still want to enjoy yourself but you have to be warned to? About the lyrics as well as the Under lyrics the subliminal messages letting you know that this music or this individual person singer-songwriter or band is working with the Enemy! And that's why people question marks pay attention! With Travis Scott and his music! It is pretty loud and clear that he works with the Enemy plus his video so you can always sleep tell loud and clear what is going on and that is another thing that we have to be aware of in this day and age the enemy does not stop at anything it will force its way out and every shape and size and in every color and little kids and teenagers think is cute and funny and tell later on if he gives to affect them and this time it's even more serious because the enemy is not going to sugarcoat anyting it's going to put it right out there without a word or a warning! The music industry is not the same and it never will be! Because the enemy has been making so much money! Using these people in a water-based people don't even seem to care or they would have done something about it! In a lot of people that work for these record companies do end up dead mysteriously a lot of singers and songwriters that are aware of what they're doing getting the word out there and up dead mysteriously dying of a drug overdose or something so the enemy does not even want these people to even reveal a word of what they're going through and what is going on! Another sad thing about being rich and famous in Hollywood just because you have talents and just because you have abilities and it doesn't matter what part of the world you're from male or female! Just because you! Happened to know something in the fact that the enemy can use you in every way possible and throw money in your face telling you that you can be rich and famous and the possibilities when there is always a catch behind it all! Danger hiding around the corner and what you would consider a friend working with you in their record company the face behind the mask! The enemy as it is right there in the plane flesh using you at every possibility just because you happen to be attractive smart and because you're a gentile!⚡🔥 watching every move you make and aware of the things that you could do or say that will expose him or her they keep an eye on you and they control you and they literally control your life every time you breathe every time you come up with something! You are a prisoner in your own mansion and you are a prisoner in your own Flesh! !They have full control of you on the stage and Everywhere You Go! Considering Britney Spears and the fact that her parents have control of her! And people like Sinead O'Connor who grew up Catholic and was abused! And you can see it right there how these people have been controlled as if it isn't bad enough they come from families that are broken down and don't even know which end to stand on as it is! A lot of these people get into the music business already broken down and vulnerable so that you have more control of them! And if they buy into it they think they're going to get somewhere! And they have no choice once they get somewhere there is no way that they can get out of it or turn around! Even if you have things figured out as it is! Knowing how vulnerable you are when you are in the hands of an enemy or the whole Hollywood scene keeping an eye on one another! As it is! And a lot of people like Travis Scott are being used and don't even know it! But then with Travis Scott you can tell that he had an evil mind to begin with! And a lot of people like him seem to know what they're doing and they're proud of it they're giving the enemy what they want and the enemy is feeding off people like Travis! And many other singers and songwriters that are just as similar as he is! And it doesn't matter what type of music you're into of what you enjoy listening to! Even when it comes to movies and books the enemy's are aware of a lot of these people what they are writing and how they live their life! Knowing that they had taken the time to mold and shape these individuals into something that they're not but something that the enemies can use and have fun with and control to their hearts content! :-( and no matter what you do you can't get away from it they will do whatever they can to get in your way and put the stops on everything you tried it come up with just to try to live your own life or get yourself back together! they have ways of getting rid of the individual. And once they have full control of you! Your life becomes their life more and more! Until the day you die! And it doesn't matter how famous you are how many people love you how much money you make and how big of a house how fancy laugh out loud it doesn't matter the price you had to pay as an individual singer and songwriter just to live in a world like that and the fact that the individual sells his or her soul just to be rich and famous and they have a life like that when it's not even worth it! And these people don't even realize that there are better things to do! If they really want to be famous and heard with their music! People have a right to show off your talents in their abilities as long as they go to the right hands and the right people. ❤ and it's sad that we don't have agencies that are run why people like us who could put these individuals on the right path! Where people know that they are safe and protected.❤

It would be cool if there was a way for artists to be able to be healthy and not be able to depend on Jews to put out their art. I would love to be able to paint and design clothes, write songs, poems, music videos, and choreography that at the very least have some educational value as far as advancing your soul is concerned. That would be my dream goal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
