Adrellis said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Would the use of 'Devil' as a name for or reference to Satan be inappropriate given how long it's been used as a negative connotation?
Depends on the intent, I imagine. It'd be a title, as it's synonymous with other titles, most likely. But most likely not a bad thing, as it was used with respect.
it's another thing the enemy tried to taint.
If you go to a christian or muslim - or just about anyone, for that matter - and say, "I worship the Devil, Satan" or "I worship Satan the Devil", think what they would think you mean by that.
It would be either more appropriate to not complicate these things if explanations are either not wanted/listened to or not quite possible, or to provide an explanation that "Devil" comes from ancient language - ancient Greek (and older) and ancient Hinduism spirituality (adding which you consider not a "religion" like "religions" today, rather knowledge and culture), which means "Devi", "God", etc. Then you can explain what "Devi" and "God" mean in actuality. I would also add that in the parentheses, as well - "I consider ancient Hinduism not to be like 'religion' of today but more ancient knowledge and culture which was based on and around Nature" (we might not add "and Scientific" because that would open up another tangent, to say that ancient technology and science was more advanced than ours today...and who would believe you?!). It is easy to accept, and people know, that ancient cultures were based on and around Nature, so saying this is not a lie nor being deceitful. You could add "in simpler times - but this doesn't mean idiotic or less-advanced. In a lot of ways, they were less-stupid than people are today - they kept Earth clean and healthy, unlike dirty polluting factories and vehicles, etc., today which are killing Animals and making some species go extinct, and destroying the Environment".
For nearly all "normal" people, they wouldn't want nor need nitty-gritty details, so this amount, level, or degree of information/explanation should be enough. In case anyone who does, you should, of course, know what you're talking about, so that you can talk with them in more detail if necessary. They might inquire, or if you're talking about the topic already, you might have said already, or will say, that you're into ancient cultures and Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., and consider calmness, serenity, etc. (but not to be stereotypical like the monks and christian-style happy-happy individuals, "inner peace", perhaps). You might also say that you consider Rob Van Dam (a professional wrestler) who is into yoga and martial arts, etc. and relate this to DDP yoga, which a video was shared of a bit ago of a large man and his emotional attempt to lose weight and gain fitness - which is about Mind, Body and Soul in healthy and positive ways (which we are also all about); and that you are taking on board different things with culture and health, fitness and spirituality.
Movement is Life!
by HPS Shannon
(RVD is also connected with Diamond Dallas Page Yoga, as well.)
The reason I say these things is because if people think you have your head in the clouds, then, you're just another something-geek, so you have to bring Spirituality down into what others would consider "real terms", with real applications which they understand and can actually tell, rather than just being a religious freak. For these things where I say "I consider" or "you think about", etc., that is if these do apply to you, of course. If you're not into wrestling/martial arts, then of course don't say it and don't try and use those arguments.
So basically, if we say "Devil Satan", then we'd need to make sure they understand properly. "Hey. I worship Satan, the Devil. Huhuhuhuh." Err, no. If we try to prothletise, then it won't work. We have to meet people "in real terms" with interests of theirs - if anyone is interested in something, then it might (or of course might not) work. As for me when I speak to christians, for example, "Satan is not the Devil; your jewish false-god is", and give examples of this from "the" bibleses themselveses, it means something different
in context to them than it does to those of us who have Gnosis, or are trying to achieve Gnosis. At this point, one could leave that argument as it is, or they could go on to explain that the word "Devil" comes from a very ancient (much older than Greek, hebrew, and Aramaic) word "Devi", etc. and go from there - but then the christian, or whomever, might close-up and not take on board what you're saying, and revert back to "faith" and not knowledge.
At any (relevant) point, you could, if this is your style, remind them that "jesus" is the devil, appointing Child rapists all over the world
in advance to rape Children, instead of protecting Children and not allowing it to happen in the first place - "god" admits itself it is the devil, etc., and also this biblical scripture also admits that Satan came and tried helping you to
use your brain, which your evil "god" gave you but not just prevented but forbade you from using; prevented/forbade you from having knowledge of good and evil (by tempting you with such tree) - if we hadn't have eaten of that tree, we wouldn't know that "jesus" is raping Children worldwide - and you, dearest christian, if you pay your tax/bribe which you call a tithe, then you are funding this worldwide Child-raping mafia! This should be enough argument, but, we know it is not for zidiots. (You know what? I consider the word "zidiot" to be the last, final stage/amount/extreme of idiocy; the idiot is
so idiotic that it is a zidiot, very probably too far gone, past the point of no return.)