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Development and isolation


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hey, brothers and sisters.

Recently, and due to numerous hard events, and heavy transits. I have been maturing at an unprecendent and sometimes even harsh rate.

Well, although this maturity is something good to develop and needed to properly advance and grow to be the man I want to be. It feels seriously strange and isolating.

It feels really isolating to know that like 99% of the people in your life are on a low level of understanding. Either physically or even online.

I have moved out finally. Now, hit with the serious and heavy burden of having to care for myself financially, and also endless responsibilities that most teenagers my age can not seem to understand at this age.

I have cut ties with most people and realized truly. That the most of people like 95%+ of people in my life are utter trash and have been holding me down with distractions, feelings, and pleasure, etc.

Now, I am left with a clean slate. All alone with tons of responsibilities, needs for social belonging friendship and love. And also a serious hunger for deep knowledge and advancement and wanting to share my epiphanies with people I care about so bad but I know I just can't.. not anymore.

I've deleted social media for now and I don't seem to enjoy friendship or relationships that much. I only deal with people in regards to work or study.

I have been fascinated with Carl Jung's books trying to read them now and trying to actually read and meditate.

After going through so much. I have realized the world and especially Gen Z are genuinely fucked.

Their attention span would need years of fixing just to meditate for 5 decent mins or something.

Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc are human catastrophes. They don't even have an idea how badly they are screwed over. Watching a goddamn youtube video is boring and almost impossible with them even. Let alone read a book!

I am not able to relate with people anymore and although it's sad. I just hope I can grow.

Sometimes, I ask myself is it even worth it to take studying, advancement, and development seriously if it just means more loneliness, estrangement, and responsibilities for me.

It's also pretty hard to deal with the fact that I am also seriously fucked over and will have to deal with all of my mistakes, karma, spiritual filth, hangups, blockages, attention span, out of control mind, etc.
It's difficult. There's not really much you can do but vent your frustration into the RTRs, and connect with the gods as much as you can. My guess, this is just what it means to wake up in a dying world, you're stuck on the outside, looking at the walking dead. My guess, this is because everyone is programmed by the Jewish spell, and you've escaped, separated, you cannot walk back into that filth from which you came, you can relate to almost none, except the few others who have risen above the smoke and mirrors.
mercury_wisdom said:
After going through so much. I have realized the world and especially Gen Z are genuinely fucked.

generation z is really fucked up, who says it's not because they didn't stay in environments with some or actively coexisted for some considerable time

several with pessimism reigning, lack of perspective for the FACTIBLE future but worsened by the weakness of doing nothing because there are minimal chances of getting out of slavery in several senses, retarded perceptions placed by the (((system))), but i see hope, as long as those who have these symptoms start in spiritual satanism from the top to initially ask a god to bring mindfulness and excellent mental health to deal with the advancement

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congratulations on moving out! I know how much that meant for you. That's a huge victory!

Life is a constant battle, Brother. Keep up the fight.

It is truly frustrating to be unable to form a meaningful relationship with anyone because most people are empty inside. While you can try to help certain people see the light, more often than not it will be pointless and a waste of time. However, there are others like us, and their numbers are growing. You will eventually come across like-minded people who are compatible with you.

Based on my own experience, it seems that feeling this excessively constrained by responsibility may be related to the astrological nature. It is what it is. You shouldn't run from it, but rather embrace it and use it to bring good to yourself and to the world. Expand on this. It's always worth doing what you do. But never allow yourself to be consumed by the isolation associated with this, you have to be able to achieve some balance.

While I agree with you, remember that not everyone from that generation is fucked. Some may also be looking for other decent human beings just like you. Just keep looking. Use magick to assist you, if you have to.
Welcome to the club.
Hang tight in there, the road is full of obstacles, often the road is uphill, but after that comes the downhill part, which is bliss.

If i'm correct you already had a profitable business when you were a teenager, I think you'll do just fine.

Also remember something very important, there are decent people in the world, they also have problems, but they're better than most people. What I'm saying is don't full ascetic, don't let your social skills atrophy.
BlackOnyx8 said:

Congratulations on moving out! I know how much that meant for you. That's a huge victory!

Life is a constant battle, Brother. Keep up the fight.

It is truly frustrating to be unable to form a meaningful relationship with anyone because most people are empty inside. While you can try to help certain people see the light, more often than not it will be pointless and a waste of time. However, there are others like us, and their numbers are growing. You will eventually come across like-minded people who are compatible with you.

Based on my own experience, it seems that feeling this excessively constrained by responsibility may be related to the astrological nature. It is what it is. You shouldn't run from it, but rather embrace it and use it to bring good to yourself and to the world. Expand on this. It's always worth doing what you do. But never allow yourself to be consumed by the isolation associated with this, you have to be able to achieve some balance.

While I agree with you, remember that not everyone from that generation is fucked. Some may also be looking for other decent human beings just like you. Just keep looking. Use magick to assist you, if you have to.
Thank you. Yes, I am happy with this achievement along with getting into the Uni I've always wanted to. They show how far I've gone.

Although, moving out and self-sustainibility is excruciantly hard, stressing, and tiring. I think it will be useful to my long-term success and refinement of personality.

As for people, I have no hope anymore. I don't believe I will meet decent people, really. Having this hope was a trap for me and fucked me over consistently.

I don't really believe I can have an actual relationship with a girl or something also, I would be deluding myself. At least not now and maybe not for a long time.
nebu said:
mercury_wisdom said:
After going through so much. I have realized the world and especially Gen Z are genuinely fucked.

generation z is really fucked up, who says it's not because they didn't stay in environments with some or actively coexisted for some considerable time

several with pessimism reigning, lack of perspective for the FACTIBLE future but worsened by the weakness of doing nothing because there are minimal chances of getting out of slavery in several senses, retarded perceptions placed by the (((system))), but i see hope, as long as those who have these symptoms start in spiritual satanism from the top to initially ask a god to bring mindfulness and excellent mental health to deal with the advancement

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's sad amd disgusting the amount of agenda and mindwashing we're constantly exposed to. From all spectrums. Feminism, manosphere, woke shit, communism, atheism, lgbt, islam, christianity. There's too much poison out there it's unbelievably everywhere and unavoidable.
Henu the Great said:
Growing pains. You'll get used to them and then you realize you grew out of them. Don't give up on refining on yourself. It will all be worth it.
I have trouble seeing how. But I will try to keep going thanks.
I would be very careful of saying this is some inevitability of being SS and making all these present-tense negative affirmations about your future. You are young. When many people move on from school, university or whatever, you realize many of your friends are not what you thought and the connection wasn't really organic, more crafted by the situation.

When someone is a teenager and making it on their own wage and living alone, married young, or whatever in 2023, you often don't have a lot in common with andrapoda your own age. If someone is kicked out by their family they often have the same realization about one's family as well. In the 1970s, in the West at least, this maybe wouldn't have been such an issue as there would've been far more independent young people like you.

Furthermore, we live in a society of people who are encouraged basically be like children 24/7, even at university or on the job. Those who don't act like children and have assumed adult responsibilities from 16 to 25 are accused of being 'wageslaves', 'victims of groomers' or something equally accusatory and retarded.

Obviously that's not ALL cases since some people even have best friends since kindergarten or whatever, some have high school sweethearts they get married to, but that is usually the case.

Sometimes in order to have better friends, you have to start from a clean slate and get rid of any and all parasites. Not a fan of Andrew Tate (never was), but he is right to say your friends are supposed to be ride or dies, not bullshitters talking about media nonsense.

You can do it! Can't never could is a true statement. Don't be a can't. Affirm positivity in your life, friends and relations that are worth having in your life Will come your way in time. Sometimes we have to be on our own truly for a bit to find ourselves and really work on ourselves.

Nothing is achievable in this world without first going through struggles and even some pain. You will make it through this difficult time, the important thing is that you're trying. Keep on what you are doing and never give up. You have a golden opportunity that can make or break you, but it all boils down to your perspective, and your willingness to really work on yourself and get your life on track. Things outside of your control are being taken care of by your Gd and the Gods so there's no need to worry. Just focus on yourself and what is within your control.

Also just know not every single gen z is doomed. Don't be like everyone taking the pessimistic approach for the future of Gen Z. Every generation has our people to guide the others and participate in this spiritual warfare. We are present in all generations. And we always will be. More people will keep on coming this way to Jos to assist in our workings and many of them will be Gen Z.

Being on your own for the first time can be a challenge, but Father Satan and the Gods are with you so you're truly never alone. You need their teachings and guidance now more than ever, so make sure to confide in them and follow their instruction. You will make it through just fine. I've been on my own off and on for a while now and there were times I almost had a breakdown over how many responsibilities I had been tasked with, but I've made it through it all and learned what to do, and not to do. And I'm still learning even now.

Anytime things seemed really stressful or I was unsure how they would go, Father Satan led me to the right choices and I was able to squeeze through it and get back on track. Just trust in the Gods, trust in yourself, and your abilities. Don't doubt In yourself, and never give up! You've got this. You are an SS fear has no place in your life, you have the tools, the knowledge and the help to pave the way for a successful life ahead. Now you've Just got to be confident and take hold of that trowel the Gods have given you and start smoothing things out.

Good luck to you!

Hail Satan!!

Hey, from what I've read it seems like you're doing just fine and are on the right track. Sure it hurts and you feeling that way is a normal response to reality from the place you're at.

Being young is a wonderful thing that very few of us appreciate while being it and most do much later when it has passed and is but a faint memory. Take care of your health, be one of the few and try to enjoy the ride.

I've been here somewhere between half and a full century and am still dealing with feeling alone on some level. On the other hand there is so much that warrants optimism especially this place, it's people, the knowledge we're given and the bright future that awaits you.

This world is damaged and enslaved but I wouldn't say it's fucked, we're working on it. Generations z and beyond are a sad and sickening sight for the most part but there's people like you and like us in any age. Try to remind yourself of all the good things. The love of the Gods for us, our victory and the great rebuilding that will follow. Be as consistent as you can in your meditations, exercise and you will cross paths with people that make life worthwhile, I'm sure of it.

Good luck and may you have a long and full life.
Shemsu said:

Hey, from what I've read it seems like you're doing just fine and are on the right track. Sure it hurts and you feeling that way is a normal response to reality from the place you're at.

Being young is a wonderful thing that very few of us appreciate while being it and most do much later when it has passed and is but a faint memory. Take care of your health, be one of the few and try to enjoy the ride.

I've been here somewhere between half and a full century and am still dealing with feeling alone on some level. On the other hand there is so much that warrants optimism especially this place, it's people, the knowledge we're given and the bright future that awaits you.

This world is damaged and enslaved but I wouldn't say it's fucked, we're working on it. Generations z and beyond are a sad and sickening sight for the most part but there's people like you and like us in any age. Try to remind yourself of all the good things. The love of the Gods for us, our victory and the great rebuilding that will follow. Be as consistent as you can in your meditations, exercise and you will cross paths with people that make life worthwhile, I'm sure of it.

Good luck and may you have a long and full life.
Thank you so much.

Sometimes, I just put so much pressure on me and I can't stop. Sometimes, I just need someone to say that I am alright and doing alright.

That I am not as bad as I see myself. Whenever I meet someone that just genuinely reassures that I am a good person and I am doing okay I might burst to tears. I don't know why but I am constantly betrayed and abandoned by the people closest to me that I care about the most. It always happens and everyone eventually does it as long as I care about them.

I am just really traumatized and I need to heal amd advance alone. Even if it would mean the world to have someone. I just really need the Gods and my Gaurdian right now.

You're quite welcome. I want to add that you should not give up on people. Being alone is most beneficial for strengthening character and gaining clarity of mind but we are not meant to be solitary creatures.

Taking risks (in a smart manner that gets fine tuned with experience) is the way to go because otherwise there would be no chance of gaining anything. You being betrayed is an indication that you're trying which does pay off in the long run.

No fear ever, no depression or any of that bs, that's for people that do not know the Gods.

Keep being strict with yourself but not to the point of it being counterproductive. Comparing yourself to others is pointless and harmful in most cases. It took me a very long time to process these two things but it doesn't have to be like that. Balance and moderation go a long way.

Along the way your intuition will get better, you will learn to discriminate better and if you listen to the advices of your Guardian it will propel you forward and upward to great heights.

To new friendships, Romantic love and maybe even more. (a nonalcoholic toast) ;)
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, brothers and sisters.

Recently, and due to numerous hard events, and heavy transits. I have been maturing at an unprecendent and sometimes even harsh rate.

Well, although this maturity is something good to develop and needed to properly advance and grow to be the man I want to be. It feels seriously strange and isolating.

It feels really isolating to know that like 99% of the people in your life are on a low level of understanding. Either physically or even online.

I have moved out finally. Now, hit with the serious and heavy burden of having to care for myself financially, and also endless responsibilities that most teenagers my age can not seem to understand at this age.

I have cut ties with most people and realized truly. That the most of people like 95%+ of people in my life are utter trash and have been holding me down with distractions, feelings, and pleasure, etc.

Now, I am left with a clean slate. All alone with tons of responsibilities, needs for social belonging friendship and love. And also a serious hunger for deep knowledge and advancement and wanting to share my epiphanies with people I care about so bad but I know I just can't.. not anymore.

I've deleted social media for now and I don't seem to enjoy friendship or relationships that much. I only deal with people in regards to work or study.

I have been fascinated with Carl Jung's books trying to read them now and trying to actually read and meditate.

After going through so much. I have realized the world and especially Gen Z are genuinely fucked.

Their attention span would need years of fixing just to meditate for 5 decent mins or something.

Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc are human catastrophes. They don't even have an idea how badly they are screwed over. Watching a goddamn youtube video is boring and almost impossible with them even. Let alone read a book!

I am not able to relate with people anymore and although it's sad. I just hope I can grow.

Sometimes, I ask myself is it even worth it to take studying, advancement, and development seriously if it just means more loneliness, estrangement, and responsibilities for me.

It's also pretty hard to deal with the fact that I am also seriously fucked over and will have to deal with all of my mistakes, karma, spiritual filth, hangups, blockages, attention span, out of control mind, etc.

Hang in there as best you are able to and never stop developing spiritually and in all ways no matter what is occurring in your life or happening around you.

This fighting" can appear to be very hard at times but is important to understand is necessary and well worth it.

You'll notice yes, that isolating feelings can result from advancement. But it's important to have social skills and not remove yourself too much as this can cause difficulties in your life.

You'll get to where you need to be. Keep moving forward you got this!

May Satan's blessings be ever present for you in your life.
Hey, brothers and sisters.

Recently, and due to nume.
This self-confidence and contempt for others is not a sign of maturity.
You think you know a lot, but you'll learn even more in the future.
This self-confidence and contempt for others is not a sign of maturity.
You think you know a lot, but you'll learn even more in the future.
I’m not sure what you’re talking about exactly.

This is an extremely old thread. I don’t remember writing this.

It’s not that old time-wise however I’m changing and learning at a rapidly fast pace so even a few months makes a huge difference in my mindset.

I don’t know if I will actually read this thread to understand your reply.

However, again dead post, don’t revive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
