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Detachment working needed - still wanting relationship


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2020
Hey, I’m sure I’m not the only one here faced with this dilemma so I figured it’d be a good topic to start.

A few people in my life I have a pretty strong spiritual connection with, sometimes negative, but the relationship is not that negative on the outside.

One person, she is completely non-spiritual, no meditations no praying. Our charts have some really strong south node and pluto aspects. We’ve always called ourselves sisters and so on. Events in our life follow really closely alongside each other. They will usually happen in my life first when it comes to larger events. Our children have all been born at the same age, and our minds are really in sync. This has been a little problematic because it’s as if her anxiety will rub off onto me vice-versa. We will also have the same dreams. When I advance myself, her life suddenly gets better. When one of us goes through a hard time, both of us go through it. She’s always saying what a coincidence this stuff is. As with anyone who doesn’t do self work, she can often be very negative and I don’t really blame her. I still love her. It takes a lot of energy to lift us both up at times, I don’t mind it otherwise.

Are these the kind of people that we should detach from, or should we save this for only very damning situations? She doesn’t seem to be as much of a parasite as the other person. I had previously figured I could go with leaving the connection there. Curious to hear about others experiences with this.

The other person, I’ve had a lot of difficulty with. We were close at one point. We separated. I still care for him as a person, and he didn’t blatantly treat me badly. This person has caused me an immense amount of issues since the separation even though it was ages ago, and he can’t seem to let go on a deeper level. This has become problematic because for the first time, actually ever, I’ve been unable to defend myself against his ill-will in the traditional way I take care of these people.I have had to work around this with positive feelings and white magic. I’ve never had this issue before, even in seemingly worse relationships. An event I tried to bring upon him to stop him from affecting me rebounded almost instantly and happened to me. I am certain his aura isn’t as strong as mine, he doesn’t meditate. He’s really weak in a lot of ways. When I empower myself, it seems like he reels off of this. He’s not a satanist and is not awake in any way. He’s suddenly begun wearing black-sun type symbols. Not sure if it means anything but it seems strange. He also descended deeply into the BLM Bernie sanders rage.

The whole rebounding magic thing really stood out to me. This isn’t something that just happens for no reason. The only way I could explain were to be if he were sucking power off of me, I just can’t see it or feel it. We didn’t have a very deep connection. It didn’t seem that he cared all that much. To me this seems to be a classic case of parasite. I had hoped to eventually resolve the relationship though, so I’ve been hesitant in just cutting it off until I’m certain this is who I need to cut off. With the BLM stuff, he just starts to appear more and more kike-ish. I’ve been getting signs of knives and cutting something off lately, just not sure who or what. His ill-will towards me has picked up quite a bit in the last month, without any reason whatsoever. I figured as time went on he would get over the separation but he has actually gotten more and more aggressive. He has started doing and saying things he never would have in the past, and his pluto is actually going into transit with Venus this month. I do have his chart information thankfully.

I’ve been holding out hope that he would break out of this, saying maybe he’s just being hit with the emotions, and hoping that this will just blow over. “Maybe the whole BLM thing was just a backlash to rebel against the relationship.” I don’t know these days. Break ups really suck and can do a number on a person. I don’t want to be that captain save a ho person, the time is coming for me to just do what I need to do and act.

Would anyone care to share their experiences with the detachment rituals, has anyone fully completed this ritual with someone that they did still care for in a way? What other solutions may exist to this? I believe this is important because relationships do have a direct effect on us spiritually and mentally. They can hold us back or help us.
The first relationship looks like love and the second as something wrong going on.
Sundara said:

Detaching energies and ties from a person with consistency over time can gradually reduce your connection to them not just spiritually but emotionally. I've found in doing this for a couple of troublesome individuals in my lives whom I still cared for eventually made me no longer give a damn about them and their problems like I used to. If these ties are extremely powerful and deep-seated though, this could be something rather difficult to achieve and would take more time and effort.

Might I remind you also of the Binding Spell should you feel it to be necessary. For your relationship with the woman you first mentioned, it is your decision in the end what you feel is for the best. A few regular bumps every now and then is never not typical of any relationship, personally what I would do whilst keeping any bonds you desire is to more specifically program your Aura of Protection to prevent someone's negative influences from affecting you through any ties. I know the daily AoP is rather generalized but you can make a second Aura of Protection that is more focused with it's intents and tasks to protect you more specifically from certain things of an individual, the colour of the energy you use for it is up to you.

Incidentally you can also close off your chakras to negative energies for protection and prevent yourself from so easily taking in other people's unwanted garbage, this can be a tad more difficult with strong bonded connections, but it's not impossible to keep out the bad whilst still allowing the good, like a filter.

These ties work like the bonds of a lover or even a familiar, it is said on the website with a familiar for instance as well that the bond is so strong that if you feel sick, they feel sick, if you're sad, they feel sad, if you're happy, they feel happy. It's not possible for bad things to simply not happen once in a while, to maintain positive factors for both ends of a relationship is mutually beneficial to both parties. This however does not mean be a slave to the wrong sorts, if it can't be helped and they're causing you large amounts of growing problems and issues that simply aren't going away any time soon and if it's a problem that cannot be fixed, a detachment may be necessary, even if only temporarily.

The decision is up to you. With these things sometimes logical reasoning is needed just that much more than emotional reasoning. You have to think long-term and how this is really going to affect you if you stick with it. Imagine being in these sorts for the next 5 to 10 years, does it sound manageable or beneficial to you long-term when you put it like that? 'course this is extreme exaggeration and if things really did come worse for worse, I'm sure you'd realize necessary actions much, much sooner. If the relationship is not all that troublesome and it's generally a more positive relationship to you than a negative one (this does not mean tolerate or be passive about blatantly abusive relationships), than simply learning to protect yourself from the negativity when it does crop up may be all you need.

We don't exactly live in a perfect world, you could be the best of friends or the truest of lover even with another Satanist who keeps on the up and up with meditations and hell they can be damn fantastic doing it but we can't stop physical or emotional hardships, downfalls and problems that can make us miserable, cause anxieties and major issues from hitting us like trucks when do come flying by. In that case it's nice to have someone to help you back up onto your feet (like our gods) so you can once again independently bring strength to yourself, but that's where the help should lie, it is ultimately to bring someone back up onto their feet so they can stay on their feet on their own.

If you are consistently slaving away for someone who won't put in the effort to be able to hold their own and handle themselves better without relying every single time on someone elses support, then it's probably something to think more clearly about in regards to your own health and taking into account your happiness; You're not a servitor. There are workarounds and means to maintaining positive relationships even through hard times, but you have to determine between the ones you can keep and manage safely and healthily both physically and spiritually and ones that truly have to go.

I have absolutely zero say in the choices you make or how you feel or what you want to do, you're 100% free to do what you feel is the best course of action, it is not my life, it is yours.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:

Ahh, I understand it is not a clear cut thing. There’s a lot of details to the second one. I guess my main question is how it has gone for others, doing a full detachment working. As in, were you still able to feel love for them and have a friendship without all of the parasitic exchanges of energy? Or just larger energy exchanges? Or, do these people just disappear for good. Poof.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:

Ahh, I understand it is not a clear cut thing. There’s a lot of details to the second one. I guess my main question is how it has gone for others, doing a full detachment working. As in, were you still able to feel love for them and have a friendship without all of the parasitic exchanges of energy? Or just larger energy exchanges? Or, do these people just disappear for good. Poof.

When you do a full detachment of someone, they also respond and feel the detachment because you have to remember it is in regards to that entire tie in and of itself. In a full detachment working where you no longer want to involve yourself with them, no longer care for them, etc, they will feel the same way. When I did this for people whom I was once close with who simply would not leave me alone, in doing a full detachment not only was I entirely disinterested in them but they suddenly started to completely ignore me and move on to other people.

In relationships you want to keep you do not have to do a full detachment, you can simply specify your psychic focus and intents to only detach the negativity and defend yourself from it with an energy shield or even bind the negativity and prevent it from reaching you through the link. This holds to maintain the positives of the relationship without either of you feeling inclined to stray from one another therefor can still feel love for them and have a friendship "without all of the parasitic exchanges of energy", but however they behave to you and however that affects you is still going to affect if you personally face-to-face perceive to let it in (unless you're good with void meditation and blocking that out) but on the passive side say you're in your house and they're in theirs and they suddenly start having an anxiety attack, in your detachment and defense against the negative exchanges of energy through the bonding tie, you will not feel this and won't have to suffer any such things yourself just because they are.

But with a full and complete total bond detachment with no specifics, my personal answer from my experience with such a working is no, you both will not still be able to feel love for one another or have a close bond with inclinations to friendship, or at least you feel very much so less depending on how 100% the detachment and how strong the tie. Energies and workings are flexible, they do not have to be strict, you can specify and alter your focuses and intents to get what you ultimately want and I believe that's what you're looking to go for in that you want to ultimately keep the bond, you just don't want their shit to also become your shit and what I'm saying in this whole post is that this CAN be done while still keeping the bond and friendship and neither of you "poofing" from one another's lives.

If you want some help or guidance on how you can more specifically do this, you need only ask, I and many others are here to help, I personally don't go on this forum to twiddle my thumbs, if there's anything you want to learn from regulars or people further along on this path or those with more experience, a lot of us are willing and even legitimately love to teach and help, even on deeper specifics. One of the purposes of the forum is to help cover, clarify, teach and inform where our website falls short or does not. There's no reason to be afraid to ask for assistance on such matters.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


This is a very helpful response and thank you for helping me to more clearly understand this. It would seem it would be common sense as nothing in spiritual working is so black or white. I did begin some detachment working and this is going exactly as you said. This persons place in my life is also being filled by others but in a healthier way. In fact, I’m going right back to where I was before this person but better. It’s happening pretty rapidly and naturally with spiritual growth. What I had sent to him has also taken effect.

I’m also learning that as we start to elevate, situations and people start to separate. Events may trigger rapidly and be resolved rapidly. Sometimes I feel that you and I may be on a similar level with what we are learning right now. All we can do is roll with the punches and let go. I am also just trying to find a comfortable spot with the kundalini energy. Fees like I need a little break, I just don’t want to let it go back down entirely. Going back to where I was sounds like shit. I also am not ready to reach the top, this is something that should come with much patience and time.

Also in regards to your/our issues with grounding in dealing with the subconscious and 6th/crown, these balancing meditations have begun leveling events in my life and emotions. If you’re in need of a quick fix, depending on how quick, sometimes just being able to tap into your lower chakras and get a little more aggressive helps to “catch” these subconscious waves and guide them by being more in the moment and aggressive with your physical goals. If you’re in a social situation though, and you’re too “high” with the upper plus don’t have the space to meditate. This will also follow with balancing meditations. Putting on some harder rap is helpful to just let it happen. All music has a purpose imo. I don’t like to intentionally tap into my sexuality with my mind, it’s better just left to happen. Sometimes this can really fuel the psychic senses and have an opposite effect. Completely focusing on something else like math problems is also awesome. It’ll put me right to sleep if I’m having trouble with that. Sometimes I’ll just lay in bed and have vision after vision. It gets exhausting.

Also, Maxine did say something about having to shut off contact with the Gods here and there, as some may just go with you until you say enough it enough. Knowing your limits is helpful. I can’t always retain all of the information directly and I don’t want to waste our time. You’ll know when you should be done though, don’t be resistant. As you open up, they are technically always with us and within reach. Sometimes they may come to us, many within a short time period even, to help. The contact is always safe regardless, but just know that it is okay to say to yourself ”I need to stop now”. They understand. I tend to always allow them in and it has been immensely helpful and critical to growing. This can also be a reason for the excess energy and psychic senses being much stronger than usual. This can go on for days, or as long as you let it. Some don’t stop until you say, this is also an important lesson they teach us about spiritual independence. At first, it was hard for me to recognize this. I personally just fall right into the contact and I don’t think about it. When I know it’s them I just fully embrace it. It always ends up good, but it is not always easy to reach the levels they’d like to bring you to. I am sure you know this. To easily come off of the energy to at least sleep, downloading a math problem app or sudoku is good. Exhale excess to Satan and allowing Satan in will instantly ease tensions and balance things. And honestly, if nightclubs are open where you are, just go fucking dance all night. Dress up and get down. Everyone around you might be on some kind of substance but you don’t have to be, and it’ll help to feel more normal with not being able to sleep. I personally loooove getting a full nights sleep. It’s not always feasible though.

I don’t know if you needed to hear that but I’m sure someone on here may be able to benefit.
Sundara said:

If you had any idea how relevant your last paragraph is. It's been an ongoing concern in the past few weeks as I've been getting better with physical focuses that I've been fearful in regards to psychically 'shutting out' the gods to focus more on the physical plane to ground myself, because I have been so afraid of being rude or missing out on something they're trying to get me to know but when I hold onto the focus or keep tuning in or staying tuned in I feel overwhelmed and stressed almost to the point of tears from the high psychic stimulation and just didn't know what to do and what was the right course of action.

I don't remember if I directly asked Satan what's okay and such, I feel like I might have asked him at some point in the past few days or week or so as I recall one particular moment and there's no way you would've some how knew that I had any kind of situation or circumstance to precisely what you described, what we were discussing wasn't even related to it and there was no evident reason for you to have even clarified any of that. Clearly this is the answer I needed to hear and I thank you for sharing it.

As for your kundalini situation, I had risen my actual kundalini earlier this year before I wound up in the psychic shit-storm I fell into (might have actually been a minor influence to it as I recall the energies being far too chaotic when it halted at the head where I had a seal at the crown blocking it and I had to forcefully descend it again for the sake of my sanity), I got to that point to a degree and it just kind of happened on it's own but I was encouraging it. So by risen no, I don't mean officially risen, I didn't get to go all the way because of that seal at the crown and my kundalini and such is back down in the base and I'm telling you right now this is perfectly fine for this to happen.

Your kundalini isn't going anywhere and having it and it's energies back at the base if you feel it is necessary is not going to suddenly 'down' your progress, let it go as it is naturally inclined. When you are truly ready both spiritually and physically, it will rise on it's own. Allowing the descending of the energies as it naturally might be inclined to and such is not going to ruin your progress if you have other priorities to tend to, I'm not worried about it on my end at all because I know that I myself have other matters that need to be dealt with first and foremost, the kundalini can wait because when you rush these things it's not good and can be detrimental.

You're going to be fine and you don't need to force some kind of 'comfortable risen' level. Let it do as it wants to and let it go because it acts as of your own actual real advancement and balances overall, not in what you try and force it to do. Forcing kundalini energies and the serpent to rise is not how it's supposed to work, additionally like I found out in my case, having it rise and encouraging it to where it is causing distress and issues, you'll have to let it descend. If you're not ready yet, then you're not ready yet, this can't be a race otherwise one can ruin everything they did in working towards it. It has to be slow and gradual for safety reasons in balancing out and perfecting other matters.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
other matters.

Thank you so much for those words, this has been my instinct. The kundalini can be so fierce and letting the energy guide one can be very intense. Some of the events and knowledge that has come from this experience has been shocking and sometimes difficult to swallow. Understanding and getting through it has brought a lot of peace, and going back down and still having this understanding will help me to be better. May you be brave, fierce, confident, and calm. There’s something about the body catching up to the soul that I also need to get a grip on. These forces really want out, but patience and guiding this with our Gods is the only way to deal. I think slower is better. I was previously in a state where I was being too much of a coward as well. Balance balance balance. I may reply again to this, but I’ve been pretty busy just settling these huge events in my life.
Sundara said:
There’s something about the body catching up to the soul that I also need to get a grip on. These forces really want out, but patience and guiding this with our Gods is the only way to deal. I think slower is better. I was previously in a state where I was being too much of a coward as well. Balance balance balance.

This has also been a huge thing Satan and the gods keep on apparently telling me and have especially made it very clear in the past 2 weeks. I've advanced so much spiritually over the years that the strength and fitness of my physical body simply is mediocre at best in comparison and this has been causing a large imbalance among other factors. I've been exercising regularly every single day since in the past week or so, both jogging and muscle strengthening, making sure I don't overdo it but also trying to make sure I don't do too little.

I've been reminded of the importance of the lower chakras and that they mustn't be ignored, exercising and things of physicality with the body mirrors on the astral in strengthening these chakras with which act as counter-weights in balancing the power of the upper chakras, like too sides of a scale, and of course spiritually working on the lower chakras as well helps with this. It admittedly is exhausting and draining, I had grown so used to being passive and chilled out that it's rather depressing to force myself to do it when I'd much rather just sit and watch a good movie, but I just get it done anyways and once everything's all done and good then I can relax and enjoy some personal time, doesn't take an insanely large portion of my day. In time I'll get used to it and it will be the norm.

I also cannot stress enough the importance of getting enough sleep if you sleep too little and in making sure you don't sleep too much if you tend to sleep a lot (I have to force myself to get up after sleeping enough hours even if I'm still so tired or am just very comfortable). Also Satanama has been shown to me many times and in incorporating it it has greatly helped me to hold my shit together and keep mental and spiritual balance if I'm feeling like shit. Now don't take this as 100%, my communications with the gods are not perfect but I was seemingly told Satanama has to do with elements (which is probably common knowledge around here but it was unbeknownst to me all these years because I never bothered to look real deep into it due to never really using it for anything) and that each word, Sa, Ta, Na, Ma is of the 4 primary elements of Fire, Air, Earth and Water (pretty sure not in that order).

I was shown an X which I was urged to see as 'corners' and was then apparently told that Satanama balances the four elemental corners of the soul and that Satanama works just like the Sun and Moon Nostril Breathing in that in vibrating each word separately it equalizes and balances these elemental corners to create equilibrium in the soul, therefore stability, calm, self-centred control and a sense of peace through this harmonization. Vibrated into the aura it (I think) applies all these elemental balances to repair any damage (such as holes in the aura) and essentially fills in any missing areas and creates a balanced shield ensuring all areas are covered.

If you don't have Sa-Ta-Na-Ma in your routine, you should definitely apply it, focusing on the physical vibration like a physical tool to be applied to yourself and then just passively feel it working it's energies without psychically focusing so heavily on it.

Also one last thing. Think positive. I have been told this a lot as well. No matter how natural or 'right' it feels or how easily inclined you may be into thinking about negative things or dwelling on stresses and bad garbage going on or fears or concerns, you must force yourself to just stop, and think positively. Dwelling on negative thoughts and matters only feeds energy into it and empowers it making it stronger, this is how people with anxiety disorders make things worse for themselves from the smallest of a racing heart to gradually feeding it by dwelling on the fears more and more until within a minute or two they're having a full blown panic attack.

Practice voiding it from your mind, force confidence, listen to positive music, tell those negative thoughts to shove off and brush them aside, toss them in the 'trash' and just tell yourself 'You know what.... I'm a Satanist. Shit like this can't phase me, I know and hold strength to all bright and positive futures and thoughts no matter what." and this kind of thinking not only helps make you feel immensely better (the relief I've felt in incorporating to do this has even brought me to tears, you learn to feel so much better especially when you incorporate soul and aura cleanings), but it actually will draw more positive things to happen to you.

The slightest bad thought just snap your finger and command "gone". You're here, you're alive, you're breathing, your heart still beats strong in your chest and the sun still shines no matter how many clouds hide it and most all you are not alone. I have been forcing this positive thinking myself, it does no good to just dwell on garbage because there's literally no point to it. What, I'm just gonna think about stressful things for the sake of stress? What the hell positivity do I gain from that? None. Optimism, faith, courage, a mindset to be practiced and enforced. I feel so much better when all the concerns and stresses that crop up on that train of thought are just thrown overboard to make room for higher hopes and plans that will fix the issues, because I've had enough of that negative garbage and yes it takes practice to do that and I'm still working to make it a habit, but make a habit of it and you'll find yourself so much happier and a lot less easily affected by negativity.

Make optimistic plans for the future, deem ALL negative things as temporary and that you consistently move towards goals that correct and fix it, the smallest of things help over time. And remember we have help for things we can't exactly do solely by ourself.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Optimism is essential when dealing with large amounts of energy and directing these energies. I have found myself slipping up when met with my own inner resistance, fears, and doubts.

Are we allowed to email each other? I suppose it’s not necessary especially after all we discussed on here, but there are some things I’m experiencing regarding the crown chakra and “crossing over” fully into the astral, and other questions about this. Maybe in time.

I tried doing Sa Ta Na Ma the way you described, it is more effective that way and that mantra helps bring about “the 5th element”, white gold life energy.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Optimism is essential when dealing with large amounts of energy and directing these energies. I have found myself slipping up when met with my own inner resistance, fears, and doubts.

Are we allowed to email each other? I suppose it’s not necessary especially after all we discussed on here, but there are some things I’m experiencing regarding the crown chakra and “crossing over” fully into the astral, and other questions about this. Maybe in time.

I tried doing Sa Ta Na Ma the way you described, it is more effective that way and that mantra helps bring about “the 5th element”, white gold life energy.

As with every time I learn anything from something I see or experience ever so 'coincidentally' in my personal life or at the same time that is very conveniently having to do with questions people then ask or refer to me later on on the forums, I already know exactly what you're asking.

The ties between the physical plane and astral plane have to do with connections. The very essence of a tie in order to transfer communications or an incentive from one plane to another has to do with one's ability to be able to have a strong connection between both sides in the first place. The heart chakra is what rules over all connections and you see these two planes have to do with ties.

One can develop all they want in psychic matters, be very inclined and strong with it, but if you don't have a strong and healthy heart chakra (and especially a physically healthy heart and circulatory system as this greatly affects the spiritual side) then it's very difficult to groundedly 'link' the two ends of the signal in order to cross between the bridge and utilize one side or the other. This is also why the heart chakra has to do largely with astral projection as is stated on our website as this is also a ruling matter between the subjects of connections.

It rules over all connections and if you are already so spiritually and astrally inclined, even psychically and yet you're struggling to utilize this or even actually connect to the astral, then it's not a matter of your psychic chakras and spiritual abilities, it's a matter of your heart chakra and grounding which rules over the very ability to connect or 'cross things over' between a connection in the first place and to balance things out, which Satanama will additionally help with. It solidifies that bond and makes it more clear and interpretable so long as it's strong, clean and healthy.

Ever since exercising regularly and eating healthier in the past couple of weeks in following Satan's and the gods' guidance and advice (finally after really truly seeing it) with some more primary focus on my circulatory system and heart health, I can't tell you how surprised I've been in just how more easily and solid it is for me to direct energy in these past few days already with certain things, it's so much more solid, real and effective, I'm no longer spending like 30 minutes to raise my energies or clean my aura, I hardly have to spend 40 seconds to 2 minutes to get a real powerful result even, so long as I additionally incorporate belief and confidence.

So I'm really telling you, that effort you put towards on the physical side of your heart and circulatory health really is important and improves the spiritual health of it as well, and that is how the heart chakra more solidifies that twin-plane connection to better manifest what you're trying to do more easily and effectively. Not only does it bring better powerful results, but it can save you time in your day by being capable of getting something done faster and more effectively without wasting time simply just struggling to focus that connection.

Additionally I already made a communications post to one other member referring to the heart chakra and these matters of connections, it wouldn't be approved though yet at this time and it would be rather tedious to wait for this post to be approved only to have to wait for a second one referring you to it to be approved, so for convenience I'll just repost it here for you to read, hope these were the answers you were looking for:

Ghost in the Machine said:
You are not wrong at all and that's a very good thing to bring up and I can actually even further clarify this as well for anyone else who may read and not understand. Additionally I can touch upon as well how this has to do with having good and strong telepathic communication for those psychically capable and developing for such.

What you've stated further enforces what I was saying of course though but further on point you were than I was. for anyone who may not understand and may happen upon this post, you see the heart chakra rules over ALL connections, everything that ties and connects from one thing to another, this is one of the very centres to addictions and obsessions and you see this simultaneously ties into the upper psychic chakras where the experienced 'bliss' of it is then felt as well as is stated on our website. The very inner most emotional energies of the heart chakra is unironically enough, Love. Love is the a bonding emotion and we feel it for those close to us, Satan and our gods, it is the truest emotional energy of the very essence of "connection" and these connections can tie deep, when Satan sends his love to us we feel the energies in our heart chakra and this can then manifest as a feeling of bliss in our 6th chakra.

In the matter of memories remember how I stated the recollection of it has to do with one's tie to it, how strong the bond is with the associated scene and experience, this all comes back to connections, which as you stated most certainly involves the heart chakra. But just like with any emotional or mental matter, this then reroutes to the upper chakras to be experienced and interpreted on the psychic level. We do not 'see' things in our mind with our heart chakra now do we? The 'visual' of a memory constructs within our 6th chakra with is tied to the third-eye, projecting an inner astral visual, it is the same thing that occurs when we visualize a fantasy or use visuals in our 'minds-eye' to help with meditations, and for those immensely adept at this this is where people can attain photographic memory.

In order to first retrieve something as a memory though you need to call back to your associated connection to it at the time, that being your direct and personal experience to it and any emotional associations as were imprinted in the 'Akasha Archives', or just the astral's ability to 'record' and call back things that have occurred. This is the same means of going back to try and review a past-life. That connection is first associated to the heart chakra as the 'bonder' to energies. It does not need to tie any connections to anything specifically or 'love' or anything in particular to do with it, it rules over all connections, we would not be able to tie to anything or have any matter of energy circulation or bond were it not for our heart chakra, because the heart chakra's function is to hold things together, including psychic and spiritual bonds and associations.

And yes the heart chakra is of mercury, and all of this goes in hand with the air element as the heart chakra's element (or one of them at least, I feel the second one is earth) is the air element and so is the green coloured energy it is associated with. The Air element is the element of communications, it is the messenger, the one who passes knowledge, information and experience from one thing to another, and how exactly does it do this? Well to pass something one side to another there must be a tie, therefore this is done through connections.

Air rules over media and technologies as well, radio signals, electricity, the very essence of electricity, radio signals, waves, communications like this is the connection of two points to be passed from one another. In order for communication to be communication, there must be two sides to the passing of the information where one end reaches the other and the important factor of this is that the one receiving the information is able to first obtain the tie and then secondly understand and interpret it. If knowledge and information is lost from the connection then there is seldom any communication to be perceived, so in order for communication to work and be effective AS communication the one receiving MUST be able to interpret and understand it otherwise so much gets lost in translation.

This is as I have stated how the recollection of memory is achieved, through the connection you have that you then reinstate and READ and interpret by the READERS and interpreters of our soul which is the upper psychic chakras. And this also, no pun intended, ties into telepathy when communicating with the gods or another psychic individual, because as I have said, if the receiver cannot attain that connection in the first place of what is being passed through, or is unable to understand the information, then what defines the very definition of communication is essentially lost. In order to make communication with Satan and our gods effective, too many members think that all of this has to do with is primarily the upper chakras, but first and foremost the whole point of telepathic communication, is the communication itself, which like radio waves and signals of electronics, requires a good strong and dependable tie, otherwise you get nothing but static or the 'signal' is noisy and messed up and you then lack the appropriate and effective understanding of that communication.

So not only are the upper chakras important for telepathic communications, but so is the heart chakra which is what enables and empowers that connection to be tied in the FIRST place. A good, healthy strong physical circulation system and physical heart also helps with the astral mirror of this in the heart chakra, more and more is exercise really being impressed upon for it's importance in these spiritual matters, physical health is very important. Every part of our soul works in tandem as the functional gears to an entire construct, not a SINGLE thing can be left out or left in ill health otherwise it's like the leaves of a tree without a trunk or roots. So I'm glad you brought up the heart chakra on this matter because I honestly completely forgot about it, it's importance is necessary to note in such matters.

It is wildly important that you said this in such a way, I can fully attest and last nights experience was crucial in handling some very powerful emotions that were released. I was on fire, and in working with the serpent emotions need to be released fully. They can and will find their way out, it could get ugly, which is okay, but however it has to happen as long as one doesn’t destroy themselves is important. I personally have too many issues with trying to control my emotions, to the degree of suppression. I was controlling them all wrong. I handled this by going on a run and just letting out the anger through physical activity. It was at 3-4am and I’m sure I looked like a lunatic LOL. It is important that someone doesn’t give a shit too much about how they look though. People really will accept you for just you. Focusing on the heart, I finally removed a blockage here. The three knots need continuous work though, so continuing to focus on the heart after it has opened is necessary. As well as the crown. The letter A is important in opening the heart, when doing the aum mantra. I’ve been told the letter A repeatedly. After this experience of total emotion and for lack of a better word, insanity (which is nothing to be fearful of either) I was left with total peace and trust in the experiences I’m given. The last few days have been nothing but difficult and confusing. Having the confidence and the ability to just let go and let emotions flow through you is so necessary.

Also, I want to say for the upper chakras, these are important in understanding and accepting all of this energy. Having a serious blockage about loving yourself is a serious setback. If someone has has trauma like rape, and they have been blocked to be able to feel real healthy love, like what the gods give us, it’ll be really difficult to reach them and have more positive experiences. This makes it difficult for one to accept the world around them, which then turns into what’s known as disassociation. They shut off from themselves and the real world as a way to cope with what is ugly. In turn they’re easily controlled spiritually and prone to falling into jewish traps. This also can turn into resistance of the serpent because being stuck labeling oneself as crazy and unable heal. Believing any issues with yourself are permanent is just a lie. I was actually resistant to that feeling of ecstasy from the crown, because I was rejecting these pleasurable feelings that come from the crown and upper chakras because of some strange self denial of happiness. Being present, knowing that you are loved, and you CAN trust them is life saving. They will reach you through whatever way they can and show you. While self love does have to do with the lower chakras, it also has to do with the upper. I have had to give in and trust that they do love me, and they love us and they will never let us go. Love is very important. It’s the foundation of our minds as we grow into adulthood. For the most part now, I only trust the Gods with giving them my full love capacity. Being shown improper love can bring about some serious trust issues which will translate into spiritual communication. Trusting in the gods and knowing whole heartedly that they’re guiding you and with you. I’ve not actually felt my heart open up until now, I feel almost completely at ease. The experiences just keep coming until one is at a balanced point. I can also feel the gods in a much more clear and balanced way. Trauma also comes in the form of parasitic thoughtforms and enemy energies like you stated one before.

Listening to the advice on the forums is EVERYTHING when one begins to meditate and feel their kundalini.

Between obliterating your saturn, the RTR’s, balancing the energies, detaching from parasites, and not having any doubts ect. I mean all of the info on JoS is critical. Trust is critical. Effort is also critical. Putting effort into your own self and the advice the gods give.

The RTR’s alone with our connection to each other as a whole, to be honest, has changed my life even by third party. Just last year I was so lost and stuck but found myself in this place of living a comfortable lie. I was actually dying from a blockage I had as well, but I was completely ignoring the spiritual world. I wasn’t doing RTR’s

When it came down to it, something sparked in me and I just got fed up and so so angry. I believe this has to do with the RTR’s, as they are working to free our people and gentiles. These emotions were so intense that it’s as if that alone busted me through this matrix I was caught up in. Some of these abilities are strictly due to past life work. Experiences are unique and individual to everyone. But, I’m saying this for anyone on the forums experiencing doubts that through Satan anything truly is possible. I’m now in a place, Heath wise, that I never imagined I’d be in. I have had to truly see in order to understand the hows and whys of everything though, one must want the truth and not want to look away. I mean, I’m not dying anymore. It’s absolutely astonishing but also, not given these understandings. I’ve been working on overcoming some trauma issues I never thought I’d understand on a spiritual level. I never thought I’d break free from those emotions. I’m thankful and grateful, feeling a self acceptance and understanding of the world I never thought I’d come back to. Also, one cannot do this without the Gods. It’s critical that one has developed their communications and connections with the gods and listens to their advice.

I thought I was finally done the other day, but I had one more snake bite to go through.

(Also, I just want to add another bit, because I see this question a lot.) what is meant by jews aren’t creative - they truly have no understanding of art and spiritual allegory. They’ll never truly SEE it, especially not through the gods. Yes they do love and envy our art, but they don’t KNOW and understand the arts as a gentile does. The higher forms of art, spiritual allegory, vibes from art, ect, it’s nothing to them. They infiltrate and advocate for artists, but the reason artists are so targeted is because of the direct line to Satan and the truth art brings. this brings. They can never kill the arts. Not through shit. So they try to destroy the artists themselves. “They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast ;)“ as long as gentiles exist, art will exist, and that is forever. Unfortunately, being involved in various artistic fields, the jews are thick on all tiers. Even local works. One does have to fake it out with them. They all want to be managers, event hosts, booking agents, ect. None of them are very good artists. If they are, their art runs off of “kike brain” and mimicry of what they see around them. Not to say mimicry is all bad. When one begins practicing art, I personally recommend copying certain things in order to get the technicalities down and to curate a door for your own creativity. It’s becoming more and more clear what exactly is meant by “jews aren’t creative” because they can create, but they cannot create high forms of satanic art. They can spit out a vibe and feed it to whoever, and all art is definitely satanic. I don’t shut off to any form of art despite whoever created it. Jews have some psychic abilities and off and on the gods can spit something through them. So, if the gods have a message for you (whoever may be reading) or even if you have a message for you (whatever type of music or art you like) just listen to it and don’t pay much mind to where it is coming from.” You should like what you like and not what you think you should like, it’s the a huge way to learn about yourself. There’s a lot to be said for not overthinking things and really going with the flow of what you enjoy. Mainstream music/art and edm is actually phenomenal as well. It’s digestable, carries a message flawlessly, and is rhythmic. My personal favorites - post Malone and the weekend. It’s the chillness, the sexy vibes. It helps the serpent energy flow so freely and smooth. The album Stoney is just phenomenal.

Now... back to being an octopus :twisted:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
There’s something about the body catching up to the soul that I also need to get a grip on. These forces really want out, but patience and guiding this with our Gods is the only way to deal. I think slower is better. I was previously in a state where I was being too much of a coward as well. Balance balance balance.

This has also been a huge thing Satan and the gods keep on apparently telling me and have especially made it very clear in the past 2 weeks. I've advanced so much spiritually over the years that the strength and fitness of my physical body simply is mediocre at best in comparison and this has been causing a large imbalance among other factors. I've been exercising regularly every single day since in the past week or so, both jogging and muscle strengthening, making sure I don't overdo it but also trying to make sure I don't do too little.

I've been reminded of the importance of the lower chakras and that they mustn't be ignored, exercising and things of physicality with the body mirrors on the astral in strengthening these chakras with which act as counter-weights in balancing the power of the upper chakras, like too sides of a scale, and of course spiritually working on the lower chakras as well helps with this. It admittedly is exhausting and draining, I had grown so used to being passive and chilled out that it's rather depressing to force myself to do it when I'd much rather just sit and watch a good movie, but I just get it done anyways and once everything's all done and good then I can relax and enjoy some personal time, doesn't take an insanely large portion of my day. In time I'll get used to it and it will be the norm.

I also cannot stress enough the importance of getting enough sleep if you sleep too little and in making sure you don't sleep too much if you tend to sleep a lot (I have to force myself to get up after sleeping enough hours even if I'm still so tired or am just very comfortable). Also Satanama has been shown to me many times and in incorporating it it has greatly helped me to hold my shit together and keep mental and spiritual balance if I'm feeling like shit. Now don't take this as 100%, my communications with the gods are not perfect but I was seemingly told Satanama has to do with elements (which is probably common knowledge around here but it was unbeknownst to me all these years because I never bothered to look real deep into it due to never really using it for anything) and that each word, Sa, Ta, Na, Ma is of the 4 primary elements of Fire, Air, Earth and Water (pretty sure not in that order).

I was shown an X which I was urged to see as 'corners' and was then apparently told that Satanama balances the four elemental corners of the soul and that Satanama works just like the Sun and Moon Nostril Breathing in that in vibrating each word separately it equalizes and balances these elemental corners to create equilibrium in the soul, therefore stability, calm, self-centred control and a sense of peace through this harmonization. Vibrated into the aura it (I think) applies all these elemental balances to repair any damage (such as holes in the aura) and essentially fills in any missing areas and creates a balanced shield ensuring all areas are covered.

If you don't have Sa-Ta-Na-Ma in your routine, you should definitely apply it, focusing on the physical vibration like a physical tool to be applied to yourself and then just passively feel it working it's energies without psychically focusing so heavily on it.

Also one last thing. Think positive. I have been told this a lot as well. No matter how natural or 'right' it feels or how easily inclined you may be into thinking about negative things or dwelling on stresses and bad garbage going on or fears or concerns, you must force yourself to just stop, and think positively. Dwelling on negative thoughts and matters only feeds energy into it and empowers it making it stronger, this is how people with anxiety disorders make things worse for themselves from the smallest of a racing heart to gradually feeding it by dwelling on the fears more and more until within a minute or two they're having a full blown panic attack.

Practice voiding it from your mind, force confidence, listen to positive music, tell those negative thoughts to shove off and brush them aside, toss them in the 'trash' and just tell yourself 'You know what.... I'm a Satanist. Shit like this can't phase me, I know and hold strength to all bright and positive futures and thoughts no matter what." and this kind of thinking not only helps make you feel immensely better (the relief I've felt in incorporating to do this has even brought me to tears, you learn to feel so much better especially when you incorporate soul and aura cleanings), but it actually will draw more positive things to happen to you.

The slightest bad thought just snap your finger and command "gone". You're here, you're alive, you're breathing, your heart still beats strong in your chest and the sun still shines no matter how many clouds hide it and most all you are not alone. I have been forcing this positive thinking myself, it does no good to just dwell on garbage because there's literally no point to it. What, I'm just gonna think about stressful things for the sake of stress? What the hell positivity do I gain from that? None. Optimism, faith, courage, a mindset to be practiced and enforced. I feel so much better when all the concerns and stresses that crop up on that train of thought are just thrown overboard to make room for higher hopes and plans that will fix the issues, because I've had enough of that negative garbage and yes it takes practice to do that and I'm still working to make it a habit, but make a habit of it and you'll find yourself so much happier and a lot less easily affected by negativity.

Make optimistic plans for the future, deem ALL negative things as temporary and that you consistently move towards goals that correct and fix it, the smallest of things help over time. And remember we have help for things we can't exactly do solely by ourself.
I apologize for getting into your discussion like this, but I wanted to mention that lately I've been pretty pessimistic about myself. And although I told myself that I have to stop with such negative thoughts and I have moments when I am positive, but something hits me again and brings me back to the state I was in before. That's why, yes, void meditation is very important.
I know that no one cares what I do or how I feel because I know that I can solve such things on my own.
I don't even know exactly why I wanted to write this. :lol:
But I'm glad when I find such messages from different members and somehow I wake up to reality, I realize that I still have a chance to be a better version of myself. Although it's funny that I tell the same things to others, but I don't apply it to myself.
Bridget said:
I apologize for getting into your discussion like this, but I wanted to mention that lately I've been pretty pessimistic about myself. And although I told myself that I have to stop with such negative thoughts and I have moments when I am positive, but something hits me again and brings me back to the state I was in before. That's why, yes, void meditation is very important.
I know that no one cares what I do or how I feel because I know that I can solve such things on my own.
I don't even know exactly why I wanted to write this. :lol:
But I'm glad when I find such messages from different members and somehow I wake up to reality, I realize that I still have a chance to be a better version of myself. Although it's funny that I tell the same things to others, but I don't apply it to myself.

If you’re the kind of person that needs to hear that no one cares about your feelings this would be a good thing to say, but most people who readily admit that may need to tell themselves the contrary. I use to tell myself the same thing and I just lowered my self-esteem even more. I grew up hearing that no one gave a shit daily, this eventually embedded into my head and even built up blockages against the gods and rejection of their love and care. Anything they had to offer me, I’d say no it’s fine. Trickled down into my real life, rejected too much help. Rejected love. Not that this is your issue, but just another way sayings like that can go. Sometimes we are good on our own but sometimes we also need some help. Independence is important but for me it just turned into something ugly. This extreme independence that did not work in my favor. I had even stayed off the forums for ages, because I didn’t want to ask for advice. When I finally worked over this I came back onto the forums with so many questions that I could’ve had answered ages ago. This was better than what I was doing before, but then actually working with the Gods to answer these questions was much better. Then this turned in to answering them myself. I guess anything in extremes is bad. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize though.
Sundara said:

I wanted to follow up and say I started the detachment of the second person, as well as a few other issues that caused it to begin with. Detaching from him alone has made me feel much better with many less fucks to give. He also started working against himself, especially with mars being retrograde, he’s throwing himself to the sharks with his own behavior and I haven’t had to say anything. When detaching from this person, then another who was similar to them, I knew both of them may try to resurface. One of them, I had not heard from in 5 years. I began a detaching for him and he decided he’d suddenly try to find me and give me some letters. Of course, it couldn’t be given through a third party. The letters had to be to me. I told him to fuck off and blocked his number. It felt so fucking grand. My emotions are more balanced and there was no need to keep a tie to these people. I don’t think me still loving the above second person was actually just. I think it was strictly parasitic. He’s a complete fool and an asshole. I couldn’t even see that clearly with the tie being there. Now I’m just sitting back and smiling.

The other guy who wanted to send the letters is someone I just didn’t want to confront or remember. Maxine is very right about anyone who’s caused you harm needing a detachment working. Though it had been years, I find this connection to be the source of a lot of depression. His is perhaps the worst one of all and is going to take a lot of work on. I’m really grateful for the ability to do this and the information on it. It’s so valuable.
Sundara said:

I'm proud of you for taking necessary actions for your health and wellbeing!

If it's any added assurance, I too had to cut someone out of my life some time back whom I was very close with for 3 years. He was an xian, fine for the longest time, mentioned it maybe twice all the years we knew each other, didn't act xian, very weak ties, didn't get in the way of my Satanic life, very good guy, very kind and mature lots of fun and positive memories, but over time he started spiraling down into self-destructive negativity and I could not help him. He was starting to subtly abuse and use my friendship to feed his own goals and ambitions and was starting to get in the way of my Satanic tasks and meditations always getting on about my absences in trying to live my own life; I was having none of it.

I wanted him out of my life but didn't know how to do it without causing myself issues with him. I don't know if I was given help from Satan or the gods or something because it all happened so conveniently and perfectly timed but suddenly one day I was given a very open and sudden extreme opportunity to do it and I took it so damn fast. I destroyed and cut out every single damn social tie and contact I could possibly think of and find, numbers, accounts, everything.

I knew it would be something that would affect him deeply, he was emotional about such things even if he tried to hide it, but I was not sacrificing my life for an xian, Satan is far more important to me than anyone ever will be and I was not going to be dragged down into his garbage out of 'friendship'. I hope he sorts his shit out and even better, wakes up... but many people fall away and we must take care that we don't fall with them or allow them to drag us down.

I would suggest some good cleanings with direct energy from sunlight, up to you though but it will further benefit you to get rid of any remaining dross. It's always good after detachments to clean yourself of whatever they may have left behind.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:

I'm proud of you for taking necessary actions for your health and wellbeing!

If it's any added assurance, I too had to cut someone out of my life some time back whom I was very close with for 3 years. He was an xian, fine for the longest time, mentioned it maybe twice all the years we knew each other, didn't act xian, very weak ties, didn't get in the way of my Satanic life, very good guy, very kind and mature lots of fun and positive memories, but over time he started spiraling down into self-destructive negativity and I could not help him. He was starting to subtly abuse and use my friendship to feed his own goals and ambitions and was starting to get in the way of my Satanic tasks and meditations always getting on about my absences in trying to live my own life; I was having none of it.

I wanted him out of my life but didn't know how to do it without causing myself issues with him. I don't know if I was given help from Satan or the gods or something because it all happened so conveniently and perfectly timed but suddenly one day I was given a very open and sudden extreme opportunity to do it and I took it so damn fast. I destroyed and cut out every single damn social tie and contact I could possibly think of and find, numbers, accounts, everything.

I knew it would be something that would affect him deeply, he was emotional about such things even if he tried to hide it, but I was not sacrificing my life for an xian, Satan is far more important to me than anyone ever will be and I was not going to be dragged down into his garbage out of 'friendship'. I hope he sorts his shit out and even better, wakes up... but many people fall away and we must take care that we don't fall with them or allow them to drag us down.

I would suggest some good cleanings with direct energy from sunlight, up to you though but it will further benefit you to get rid of any remaining dross. It's always good after detachments to clean yourself of whatever they may have left behind.

Ope, I noticed what I wrote had some errors and was probably confusing. But yes, some of these come off easily. Others not so much. Thanks so much for the words and support. I am really starting to grasp that Satanists are not limited by practically anything, and we don’t have to live with anything bad. We truly can recover from absolutely anything.

Hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I don’t like to cut off ALL friends when they’re going through a hard time and expressing weaknesses. Sometimes it effects me but it’s minor. It depends on how much the person really means to me, I base it off of how long they’ve been in my life and how important they are versus how destructive they are. Not to say that guy didn’t mean anything to you, but if it was destructive it was destructive. I’ve cut off friends I’ve cared about before in a similar manner, even ones that I’ve cared deeply, because it feels like the right thing to do. I have also had regrets in cutting people off before. Each relationship is individual and we figure out the best course of action based off of the past and our nature. Not every relationship even needs to have a reason to be done, sometimes it just is like that. If you want to move on and make way for something different, that is just fucking fine. I never feel bad for ousting anyone troublesome. Sometimes I want to have deeper ties with others and a better or closer system of friends though, in that there are bound to be issues here and there. Risks versus benefits. Setting boundaries and communicating or representing who you are early on in a relationship or friendship is important.
I too am in need of detaching from someone and moving on completely, problem is I don’t know how to. I mean I tried the detachment ritual but I may have made a mistake or am not advanced enough yet. This has been one issue I have lately as I try to move on,it sucks I want to not care and let go I cut off contact completely but I can’t stop thinking about said person... has anyone else dealt with this?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:

If you had any idea how relevant your last paragraph is. It's been an ongoing concern in the past few weeks as I've been getting better with physical focuses that I've been fearful in regards to psychically 'shutting out' the gods to focus more on the physical plane to ground myself, because I have been so afraid of being rude or missing out on something they're trying to get me to know but when I hold onto the focus or keep tuning in or staying tuned in I feel overwhelmed and stressed almost to the point of tears from the high psychic stimulation and just didn't know what to do and what was the right course of action.

I don't remember if I directly asked Satan what's okay and such, I feel like I might have asked him at some point in the past few days or week or so as I recall one particular moment and there's no way you would've some how knew that I had any kind of situation or circumstance to precisely what you described, what we were discussing wasn't even related to it and there was no evident reason for you to have even clarified any of that. Clearly this is the answer I needed to hear and I thank you for sharing it.

As for your kundalini situation, I had risen my actual kundalini earlier this year before I wound up in the psychic shit-storm I fell into (might have actually been a minor influence to it as I recall the energies being far too chaotic when it halted at the head where I had a seal at the crown blocking it and I had to forcefully descend it again for the sake of my sanity), I got to that point to a degree and it just kind of happened on it's own but I was encouraging it. So by risen no, I don't mean officially risen, I didn't get to go all the way because of that seal at the crown and my kundalini and such is back down in the base and I'm telling you right now this is perfectly fine for this to happen.

Your kundalini isn't going anywhere and having it and it's energies back at the base if you feel it is necessary is not going to suddenly 'down' your progress, let it go as it is naturally inclined. When you are truly ready both spiritually and physically, it will rise on it's own. Allowing the descending of the energies as it naturally might be inclined to and such is not going to ruin your progress if you have other priorities to tend to, I'm not worried about it on my end at all because I know that I myself have other matters that need to be dealt with first and foremost, the kundalini can wait because when you rush these things it's not good and can be detrimental.

You're going to be fine and you don't need to force some kind of 'comfortable risen' level. Let it do as it wants to and let it go because it acts as of your own actual real advancement and balances overall, not in what you try and force it to do. Forcing kundalini energies and the serpent to rise is not how it's supposed to work, additionally like I found out in my case, having it rise and encouraging it to where it is causing distress and issues, you'll have to let it descend. If you're not ready yet, then you're not ready yet, this can't be a race otherwise one can ruin everything they did in working towards it. It has to be slow and gradual for safety reasons in balancing out and perfecting other matters.

Re-reading some of this thread, even some of what I say suddenly helps me out when it’s written in a different state of mind. Sometimes I forget. I think I am mentally exhausted from psychic work. We’ve been off and on with this for months and I just don’t think my brain can even do anymore. I want to get back to one level for a very prolonged and stable period of time without energy fluctuations. I do not think I’m ready to carry on. I’ve gained a lot of insight and understand more than I ever have spiritually. Can the serpent actually descend fully once it has become active? I feel right back to where I was at one point just before I had a massive bout of ocd that kind of ruined my life. I don’t want to tread on those waters even in the slightest.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Re-reading some of this thread, even some of what I say suddenly helps me out when it’s written in a different state of mind. Sometimes I forget. I think I am mentally exhausted from psychic work. We’ve been off and on with this for months and I just don’t think my brain can even do anymore. I want to get back to one level for a very prolonged and stable period of time without energy fluctuations. I do not think I’m ready to carry on. I’ve gained a lot of insight and understand more than I ever have spiritually. Can the serpent actually descend fully once it has become active? I feel right back to where I was at one point just before I had a massive bout of ocd that kind of ruined my life. I don’t want to tread on those waters even in the slightest.

I have no knowledge of the serpent in such that I am comfort in really sharing in regards to accuracy, but I do know from a reliable source that it takes work to keep the serpent risen which is the next step after managing to perform it. I don't know what kind of situation you're referring to of yourself though. In general information if it can descend fully after activation then I see no reason to say it can't ever be risen again, it's not like it wasn't 'in that situation' before you know.

There's honestly no need to stress about rushing forward head-on into things you're not ready for yet, stress does the opposite in helping the soul, so if you need to take steps back for a breather on an easier track to deal with other matters for a little while then I don't see why that wouldn't help you more than trying to force forward under negative pressure that is only cultivating a bad mental environment for personal development. Everyone goes at their own pace, we're not any less faithful to this path if we have to take certain actions to not debilitate ourselves.

Keep your solar chakra empowered and fed with white-gold energy, that is your vitality and life-force and is the drive to your will, when it's weakened and you're drained of energy, when you try to force yourself to do things either physically or mentally you may or may not immediately feel like you want to collapse or just rest. It could be different for everyone but as a general rule, keep your solar chakra, the powerhouse of your soul and energy, strong and clean.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.
SS66610888 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.

He's highly deluded and possibly a traitor. I don't know much about the so called Akashic records but they seem to relate to how the soul stores past life experiences and these can manifest again as events in the future which is why powerful mediums can see the future, by tuning into these karmic seeds. It has nothing to do with some library in the astral. Maybe someone who knows more can shed light on it.
SS66610888 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.

Hi SS66610888, are these the links you are talking about?


Here I'm referencing the post by VoiceofEnki:

अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
SS66610888 said:

Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.

Hi SS66610888, are these the links you are talking about?


Here I'm referencing the post by VoiceofEnki:

I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?
Blackdragon666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
SS66610888 said:
Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.

Hi SS66610888, are these the links you are talking about?


Here I'm referencing the post by VoiceofEnki:

I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?
It's a fancy way of saying that in the astral you can access and see the past, my opinion.
Blackdragon666 said:
He's highly deluded and possibly a traitor. I don't know much about the so called Akashic records but they seem to relate to how the soul stores past life experiences and these can manifest again as events in the future which is why powerful mediums can see the future, by tuning into these karmic seeds. It has nothing to do with some library in the astral. Maybe someone who knows more can shed light on it.

How to permanently remove those karmic seeds in order to completely free yourself from the negative karma of past lives and avoid repeating the same negative things?
Blackdragon666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
SS66610888 said:
Hi mate, do you happen to remember where you read about the akashic records?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't find where. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very happy to help.

Hi SS66610888, are these the links you are talking about?


Here I'm referencing the post by VoiceofEnki:

I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?

Here are some words from Maxine about it - as reported by SS66610888 on the italian forum:

Pag 23


If the jews continue to destroy our past through their funded wars, in a few centuries all evidence would be a part of imagination. What we know as hard facts and are supported by evidence, in a few centuries would become "myths" and "fairytales" for the next generations. The knowledge would be removed from the physical level.
This knowledge though wouldn't be lost. It would remain in the Akashic Records http://www.crystalinks.com/akashicrecords.html and in the knowledge of our Gods. But it would be a lot harder to obtain. Because as most of us know communicating to our Gods through telepathy is not an easy task. The same goes for obtaining access to the Akashic records. The person needs to have trained and honed these skills in order to reliably obtain any information this way.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Blackdragon666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?

Here are some words from Maxine about it - as reported by SS66610888 on the italian forum:

Pag 23


If the jews continue to destroy our past through their funded wars, in a few centuries all evidence would be a part of imagination. What we know as hard facts and are supported by evidence, in a few centuries would become "myths" and "fairytales" for the next generations. The knowledge would be removed from the physical level.
This knowledge though wouldn't be lost. It would remain in the Akashic Records http://www.crystalinks.com/akashicrecords.html and in the knowledge of our Gods. But it would be a lot harder to obtain. Because as most of us know communicating to our Gods through telepathy is not an easy task. The same goes for obtaining access to the Akashic records. The person needs to have trained and honed these skills in order to reliably obtain any information this way.
I see. I wish she was still around to shed more light on it. Do note that the JoS progressively improves its information as the clergy and members collectively learn more. The idea of a 'library' that records everything that ever happened sounds ridiculous to me. Maybe the aether may be related to it.

I remember reading about Ingo Swann remote viewing into the distant past of Mars. This might be related to it I guess.
Aquarius said:
Blackdragon666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?
It's a fancy way of saying that in the astral you can access and see the past, my opinion.
This makes more sense.
Wotanwarrior said:
Blackdragon666 said:
He's highly deluded and possibly a traitor. I don't know much about the so called Akashic records but they seem to relate to how the soul stores past life experiences and these can manifest again as events in the future which is why powerful mediums can see the future, by tuning into these karmic seeds. It has nothing to do with some library in the astral. Maybe someone who knows more can shed light on it.

How to permanently remove those karmic seeds in order to completely free yourself from the negative karma of past lives and avoid repeating the same negative things?
That might be it. Like a personal thing in terms of how everyone can access their past life experiences to know where damage was done and therefore where to fix and free the soul. Meaning your 'akashic records' are in your soul.
Blackdragon666 said:
remember reading about Ingo Swann remote viewing into the distant past of Mars. This might be related to it I guess.
Just read his book:"penetration". Ingo definitely had a great mind, he discovered things in Jupiter that were confirmed after the nasa programs. And also on the moon and mars.
I'm pretty sure that he was somewhat guided from the Gods, although he wasn't a SS or anything similar.
I suggest that book if you wanna read it, there's stuff that is very interesting.
Aquarius said:
Blackdragon666 said:
remember reading about Ingo Swann remote viewing into the distant past of Mars. This might be related to it I guess.
Just read his book:"penetration". Ingo definitely had a great mind, he discovered things in Jupiter that were confirmed after the nasa programs. And also on the moon and mars.
I'm pretty sure that he was somewhat guided from the Gods, although he wasn't a SS or anything similar.
I suggest that book if you wanna read it, there's stuff that is very interesting.
He was a powerful psychic. In his birth chart, he had both his Moon and Pluto in Cancer in the 12th house. 12th house placements can often give psychic ability. Cancer being a water sign can also give much psychic ability. He also has his Mars in conjunction with Alphecca, a fixed star that can indicate occult abilities. Uranus on his MC shows the strange career he had, working for government secret psychic programs.

I actually read this book in June. More like listened to the audiobook on Youtube. I remember how he remote viewed Jupiter's rings, gave many accurate details about the atmosphere and the surface months before NASA confirmed them. He also saw alien beings on the other side of the Moon and knew about its atmosphere by remote viewing, long before NASA finally admitted that the Moon has one. This book is an eye opener on how top governments have secret psychic programs.

It also makes sense he was guided by the Gods because after his secrecy contract with the government agency he was working for expired he brought so much about the powers of the mind to the public, even long before the CIA started releasing documents. And although one would expect the enemy to murder such people, he lived to a pretty good age.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Blackdragon666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
I am very skeptical about the Akashic records. Has any Satanist across such a thing in the astral? What exactly are they and how does it all work?

Here are some words from Maxine about it - as reported by SS66610888 on the italian forum:

Pag 23


If the jews continue to destroy our past through their funded wars, in a few centuries all evidence would be a part of imagination. What we know as hard facts and are supported by evidence, in a few centuries would become "myths" and "fairytales" for the next generations. The knowledge would be removed from the physical level.
This knowledge though wouldn't be lost. It would remain in the Akashic Records http://www.crystalinks.com/akashicrecords.html and in the knowledge of our Gods. But it would be a lot harder to obtain. Because as most of us know communicating to our Gods through telepathy is not an easy task. The same goes for obtaining access to the Akashic records. The person needs to have trained and honed these skills in order to reliably obtain any information this way.

yes some were these, but I remember something else.
at this point i don't know if i read it on jos.
anyway i don't know if there is some kind of space where all the knowledge is contained, surely the ether is impregnated with every thing that ever happened and with meditation you can extract that knowledge, i think this is what is meant by akashic records

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
