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[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "not_the_last_5770" <not_the_last_5770@... wrote:
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[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "K" <jeebuslice@ wrote:
While you can call a Daemon, ( I dislike the term summon, it sounds too much like a command rather than a request) you probably won't get any results. Daemons exist on another level than us humans, and only by developing your psychic senses can you hear, see, and feel them. Also there is the risk of "Astral Deception". Astral deception is where another spirit pretends to be the Daemon that you called. While calling upon a Daemon may be safe, if an angel ( or another hostile spirit) appears you're in trouble! I would recommend anyone attempting to summon a Daemon to proficient at Banshing as well, just in case something else appears. Mastering the LBRP, or even the BRH is a good idea, although finding LHP geared versions ( ones without the jewish god names) can be a pain. If you do choose to call a Daemon, I hope it goes well!
Hail Satan!
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[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Dakota" <mrvideogamerz@ wrote:
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[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Nicholas" <perfectsky360@ wrote:
so ive been a dedicated satanist for 2 years, and ive never tried to contact a demon or Father. ive always thought that you should be quite progressed in your meditations for to have any success in a summoning. but im reading newer satanists are doing summonings. not sure if they got it tho. i havent even done an astral temple yet because i havent meditated on my astral senses. and i havent summoned because i dont have a temple. i also havent meditated on my hearing so im not sure if i can hear when they talk. am i wrong? can i still talk with demons even though im still inexperienced?
Forgive me if I'm wrong but New satanist's, even thoes who are BRAND NEW kinda like me, are able to summon a demon. Anyone can summon a demon, but not everyone can sense one. To sense one you have to get experienced in the feild of senses.... The more you call upon the demon and allow yourself to get a 'feel' of things, the more likely it will appear to you more vivid... Now this is all in JOS, and i've havent tried a demon summon yet, but I've got high hopes, since many have done it and had such an experience.
Go get em :3
i dont get it... not saying that i would now but i dont get how exactly to summon or call for a demon to come and visit with you... could some one please tell me how i would be able to summon one.?