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Oct 5, 2012
Tomorrow is my birthday and i would also be doing my dedication tomorrow nite. Is it the right time or do i have to do it on a full moon

Hail Enki
hey i was wondering could i also dedicate myself to another demon and do i sign my birth name or the name i go by
several years ago, in fact many years, i renounced xianity. i had no other idea what i was doing or how to do this. years passed, dabbled some in witchcraft and spells, then i stopped. several years of confusion and confused behavior ensued. i went back to xtian church, and thought i was doing the right thing. then more confusion. i would like to re-dedicate myself to Satan. is this possible? because i now know Satan is the only way. the right way. and it is the way i want to go from this day forward.
Of course you can re-dedicate, there are no firey pits of torture. Unfortunateley this happens to alot of Satanists, but somehow they always manage to find their way back home.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "brian" <brainwaave2000@... wrote:

several years ago, in fact many years, i renounced xianity. i had no other idea what i was doing or how to do this. years passed, dabbled some in witchcraft and spells, then i stopped. several years of confusion and confused behavior ensued. i went back to xtian church, and thought i was doing the right thing. then more confusion. i would like to re-dedicate myself to Satan. is this possible? because i now know Satan is the only way. the right way. and it is the way i want to go from this day forward.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "brian" <brainwaave2000@... wrote:
several years ago, in fact many years, i renounced xianity. i had no other idea what i was doing or how to do this. years passed, dabbled some in witchcraft and spells, then i stopped. several years of confusion and confused behavior ensued. i went back to xtian church, and thought i was doing the right thing. then more confusion. i would like to re-dedicate myself to Satan. is this possible? because i now know Satan is the only way. the right way. and it is the way i want to go from this day forward.
news flash!!
Satan answered my question for me. shortly after i posted this, i did a deep trance meditation and was successful in comunication with my Lord. He was waiting for me to return all the time and everything is good now. I had an absolutely wonderful, awesome experience. Hail Satan, Lord and Ruler!! to Him belong all Honor and Glory!!
I just done my dedication ritual last night. already i feel much happyer. i would advise anyone reading this article who has not dedicated themselves to do so as soon as possible, you will feel better when you are done.

Hail Satan! Hail the True Gods!
hi im Lauren. i am from teens for satan. i have dedicated in the past and then decided to try other religions just to see which was right for me. it seems Satanism is right for me. no matter what religion that i try im always drawn back to Satanism. i was raised christian but like i said i have dedicated in the past. in order to re-dedicate myself do i need to do the whole dedication ritual over? or is there a seperate ritual to do? please help. Hail Satan!!
If you dedicated youself to Satan once than once is enough. That is, if you didn't renounce Father earlier...


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Lauren M" <laurenrmac@... wrote:

hi im Lauren. i am from teens for satan. i have dedicated in the past and then decided to try other religions just to see which was right for me. it seems Satanism is right for me. no matter what religion that i try im always drawn back to Satanism. i was raised christian but like i said i have dedicated in the past. in order to re-dedicate myself do i need to do the whole dedication ritual over? or is there a seperate ritual to do? please help. Hail Satan!!
i doubt that you have to re-dedicate in order to come back. but you can if you think it will help. however, I will say make sure your serious this time. Try not to be disrespectful to Father Satan by leaving again. He might not welcome you back with open arms, so to speak. Then again, he probably understands that you were just trying to find the right religion. Father Satan is very understanding and loving, so as long as your intentions are good, i dont think you have to redidicate. just continue living as a satanist and meditating. good luck Hail Satan 

From: Lauren M <laurenrmac@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, July 21, 2010 6:28:25 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] dedication

  hi im Lauren. i am from teens for satan. i have dedicated in the past and then decided to try other religions just to see which was right for me. it seems Satanism is right for me. no matter what religion that i try im always drawn back to Satanism. i was raised christian but like i said i have dedicated in the past. in order to re-dedicate myself do i need to do the whole dedication ritual over? or is there a seperate ritual to do? please help. Hail Satan!!

hello to everyone ^^ i wanted to say that i just dedicated last night at midnight and i just wanted to share what i heard felt and seen so feel free to tell me what u think of it .. id actually apreciate it so here it goes oh this will be really long got a lot to say ^^

I live in italy and it all started when i joined 666 on fb i saw some sites on it so i though i would give it a try to see whats on them first i thought to join the laveyans but when i saw i have to pay money it put me on thinking like .... wait why should i pay for something i want to give ? it isnt right to say that if u want to serve Father Satan u have to pay money ... so i then i went on JoS and there i got the biggest enlightment in my entire life (that happened about a month or 1 and 1/2 month a go) i kept reading about the demons what satan gives us about how those fucking christians/jews fucked up my life for so much time(well although im 18 i still hate that i believed in that filthy god for all my life ) although i always felt that when i go to church i never feel good... i mean when i go to church i think about music.... girls (^^) and other stuff ....i always thought that wasnt my place... FORTUNATELY i found JoS and Father Satan... FORTUNATELY i am alone for 1 month ^^ so as soon as i was left alone i wanted to do the ritual ...i started first on doing the opening the thir eye 2 weeks ago or more and it worked the very first time i did it because my crown chackra and third eye hurted very much for 2 hours or so... so when i felt that i thought THIS MUST BE REAL! so i kept on doing it... althought not often especcially these last 5 days or so... long story why i didnt do it... anyways here goes the ritual stuff ^^
Yesterday my father left to join my family in my homecountry for a month of vacation so as soon as he left i went to the shop to buy my sweet black candles (quite cheap) i bought 12 although for the ritual i used only 2 the other ones i will use to thank Father for his help in these last months ( I felt his help everyday economicly family and eccetera)... i am not rich and since Italy isnt my homecountry we dont spend too much on house stuff here so we don't have any silver bowls and stuff so i decided that for the candles i will use 2 champagne glasses (at least i think thats what they are i just found them ^^) i put the candles in them as soon as i got home thats 6 pm...i cleaned the room where i will do the ritual prepared black clothes and then i just played on pc and went out to eat... i camed back at about 8.30 - 9 pm. i then started thinking on what will it be how will i feel so the next 1 hour and 30 min went by like this then i decided why should i go into trance to relax ^^ so i did i stayed in the trance for 40 min or so then i woke up tooked a shower and dressed up in my black stuff ( black underwear/jeans/socks and a burzum black shirt... i didnt had any without drawings on it..) my clothes were clean ... by the time i dressed up and did the shower it was 11.20 or 11.30 pm... i just waited the next 30 min waiting and getting more and more adrenaline and thoughts in my head about what will happen ( i read here what might happend so i looked for stuff liek that during the ritual) when it got 11.54 pm i just couldnt wait no more and stared at the tv clock for the next 5 min... when it got 11.59 i started counting the seconds... as soon as it got 00.00 i lighted up the candles which i putted on the floor with a normal cereal bowl between the candles and the prayer piece of paper (normal A4 school paper)the prayer was writen in red and it occupied half of the page... i prepared it at about 9 pm ...anyways i also prepared a needle which i putted in aftershave alchohol( if thats the name i did it because i know is made to prevent infections)when i was ready (seconds after midnight) my heart was pumping like i was to marry ^^ i was shaking so i too the needle and pushed it in my left index finger... the motherfuker just went throw the skin but didnt make the flesh bleed... i got angry and took the kitchen knife (not sterilized but clean!) and i did a 1 cm long diagonal cut on my finger... although the blood didnt came out so i used my right hand to squeeze blood out and it camed... (quite a lot ^^ but not too much) but the great dilemma was WTF should i use to write my name on the paper ? didnt thought about that so i took quickly the needle and dipped it in the blood on my finger but it didnt took any blood on it so i decided to write it with my finger but the H (first letter of my family name) camed out really big so i just took the pencil i used to write the prayer and dipped it in my blood and i tried to use it diagonally so that the ink wouldnt come out but it will use only my blood and so it did... it took 30 sec or so to do it but it camed out really really well ^^ ... as soon as i finished it i dropped the pen and folded the paper put it on the right candle it took fire and then i putted it in the bowl and watched it burn...then i tryed to keep kneeling and meditate... didnt work.. my legs hurt quite much ..especially my knees but i kept on going... there wasnt any light open in the room except the candles... i kept looking around trying to listen... it sound like voices told me something ... but i wasnt sure... all i heard was the water in the bath dropping... so i closed the door and also the window of the room... then i watched the candles... the flame didnt even move a mm so i kept watching thinking....then i closed my eyes and tried to meditate... as soon as i close them i saw far away in the darkness something white....i kept concentrating on it but it kept flying upwards so i look upwards and it keeped doing that so i kept looking up everytime it respawned... but every time it respawned changed shape... what i remember was like a celtic cross... human shapes and other many things but each time they kept going up so i watched them go up... after couple of min or sec (dont know how much) at the middle distance bewteen where it spawned and disapeared it started changing colors.... anyways after some time i thought it might be remains of the filthy jesus religion left in me so i stopped then my leg eache got too much to bare so i turned the candles towards the couch in the room ..(just did a 180 turn)and i sat on the couch thinking i might fucked up the ritual... but then i kept wwatching the candles... they didnt move! so i thought why not look at the shadows... then i got the idea to think since they stay so still why shouldnt i ask questions in the room to see if maybe there is some1 there... so i did....i said the first question which was ''If there is any demon in this room please move the shadows of the candles'' ... and voila THEY MOVED! i got really happy then i thought they just moved! i could try to ask more questions so i did... for the first ones i asked him/them to move both shadows of the candles ( if i watched the flames it would be difficult to know if they moved and yes while doing the ritual they moved like they would turn off themselfs although no wind was in the room) then i said to use the left candle shadow as a yes and the right one as a no and so i asked my next questions... which was really important to me!!!! i asked ''If Father Satan recieved my dedication please move the left candle shadow'' IT MOVED A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!! so i though o_O WOW it worked i am saved i will server father satan!! then i kept going with the questions.. i dont remember them all i even asked stupid ones on which the candles didnt move (remember demons have the faculty to choose if to answer or no... at least that is what i feel and think) anyways then i asked '' If there is 1 demon in the room please move the left shadow... it did... so i thought could that be my guardian demon? so i asked '' If you are my guardian demon please move the left shadow'' it DID! so i though since the shadow thing keps working why should i keep on going like this? so i did next questions were about my guardian demon.. i asked abouth her sex i call it her because i got the answer but before i did i asked '' If you are a female guardian demon please move the left candle'' so it did so i soon understood it was a SHE! i didnt asked her name it would be impossible to speak letter with shadow woudnt it ? so i kept asking other stupid questions for which i didnt even got answers .... for some questions both shadows moved but i took in consideration only the one that moved the most...another thing i really needed to know is this IS THAT FUCKING JESUS CHRIST AND HIS FILTHY FLOCK ATTACK ME ? so i asked again ALWAYS SAYING PLEASE! THREAT THE DEMONS WITH RESPECT! THATS WHAT I READ ON JOS THAT IS WHAT I WILL DO !! and guess what ? the answer was yes FUCKING IDIOT JESUS! THEYRE ATTACKING ME ? so thats the answer to these late days argues with my father anyways soon i got really tired... and i also had to go to school in 8 hours so i asked could i go to bed and if that would make her mad... answer was no so i did... but before i did that i asked the same question 2 or 3 times.. and also the one if Father received my dedication...i am annoying oh and i also asked if i could post my dedication process here... answer i got was a SURE YES! shadow moved a lot ^^ i asked that because the other people that said their dedication process here really helped me and kept my morale high ^^ ( THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)anyways at first i wanted to stay awake for the time the candles were burning ... prob is ... they didnt look to get smaller so thats why i asked if i can go to bed on the couch next to the candles.... i got approvation and i did.... i took of my clothes (except underwear of course ^^ )i also left the candles burning in front of me... while i was sleeping i opened my eyes for couple of times ( 2 or 3 or more but i dodnt remember too much ) when i opened them i saw the candles flame MOVE A LOT !!!! i felt protected i think no fear no nada ^^ when i woke up at 6.47 am (13 min before programmed wake up time ^^) the candles were still burning but i remember a terrible thing I DIDNT SAY '' SO MOTE IT BE '' and ''HAIL SATAN'' i got scared as shit as i thought i didnt complete the ritual... half way sleeping i got on my knees and said that... i didnt scream hail satan... i aint the type to scream and in the place i live i wouldve woke up 40 peoples ^^ but then i remember my demoness said Father received my dedication so no worries ^^ i left the candles burn on until 7.30 when i went to school... i even had to turn them off... of course they would've burn for another 10 max 15 min so no worries ^^ ( they burned continuesly for 7 hours theyre quite big )then i went on to school ... oh the remains of the candle i left them in the bowl... until now... thats like what 15 hours since they stay in there.... oh and when i woke up and put the bowl on the table i actually saw how much blood i got on the bowl althought i dont understand how it got on the inside of the bowl... anyways i am really happy i feel better i mean i dont feel different then i felt for the last month or so ^^
I hope my dedication might help some1 and please say what u think about it ? please ^^ Oh and a BIG Thank You For having the patiance to read all this i really made it long but i wanted to put almost every detail i remember about it inside so that new comers might see that my ritual preparation wasnt perfect... now i will go home and meditate a little bit althought its 21.17 and i hope i dont fall asleep ^^ good night

i didnt use a pin and stick my finger. i was very brave and took a really sharp knife and slashed my hand, got plenty of blood let me tell ya. but its not the blood itself that is important.  
A year has passed, and I have finaly decided too do a leap of faith, put myself in the hands of the gods and father satan, and trust that they will help me when i stumbel over any obstacles or gett stuck with meditations, that they will guide me on my path. Will do the dedication ritual when i come home from work (14 days left) then i go home for another month befor returning back too work. So i hope there will be no problems with my meditations when i'm at sea. (cause it's very little privacy) i've been working on getting into a trance state and foundation meditation. sometimes it is sucsses sometimes not.
only thing that is worrying me, is that i can't do everything on the spiritual warfare traning program while at work. so i hope that i find a wat to solve this problem without leaving my jobb.

I'm sure you'll find a solution. Just do the best you can; you dohn't
even have to meditate very long at a stretch. Even five or ten minutes
is better than not meditating at all. I wish you the best of success!
Ave Satanas!

On 1/27/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:
A year has passed, and I have finaly decided too do a leap of faith, put
myself in the hands of the gods and father satan, and trust that they will
help me when i stumbel over any obstacles or gett stuck with meditations,
that they will guide me on my path. Will do the dedication ritual when i
come home from work (14 days left) then i go home for another month befor
returning back too work. So i hope there will be no problems with my
meditations when i'm at sea. (cause it's very little privacy) i've been
working on getting into a trance state and foundation meditation. sometimes
it is sucsses sometimes not.
only thing that is worrying me, is that i can't do everything on the
spiritual warfare traning program while at work. so i hope that i find a wat
to solve this problem without leaving my jobb.

tanx :) will post it here when i have done the dedication :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

I'm sure you'll find a solution. Just do the best you can; you dohn't
even have to meditate very long at a stretch. Even five or ten minutes
is better than not meditating at all. I wish you the best of success!
Ave Satanas!

On 1/27/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:
A year has passed, and I have finaly decided too do a leap of faith, put
myself in the hands of the gods and father satan, and trust that they will
help me when i stumbel over any obstacles or gett stuck with meditations,
that they will guide me on my path. Will do the dedication ritual when i
come home from work (14 days left) then i go home for another month befor
returning back too work. So i hope there will be no problems with my
meditations when i'm at sea. (cause it's very little privacy) i've been
working on getting into a trance state and foundation meditation. sometimes
it is sucsses sometimes not.
only thing that is worrying me, is that i can't do everything on the
spiritual warfare traning program while at work. so i hope that i find a wat
to solve this problem without leaving my jobb.

i just did my dedication cerimoney i feel so much better now thank you father for letting me be worthy of giving myself to you hail satin
I'm 13 and I'm about to do my dedication
but I'm not sure weva to do it alone or with my mate who is the only
satanist I no.what shud I do?
Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)
and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)
only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)
and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)
only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram
two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers :) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!
hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@... wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)
and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)
only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

<td val[/IMG]Welcome to the family!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail Satan!!

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:
From: incogni2_89 <matshanssen@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 3:07 PM

  I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram
two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers :) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!
hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@... wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)
and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)
only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

That's awesome Brother! Welcome to the family! Hail Satan!

On 3/9/11, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
Welcome to the family!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail Satan!!

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:

From: incogni2_89 <matshanssen@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 3:07 PM

I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a
black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram

two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index
finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned
the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if
they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle
went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when
i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i
was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh
and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for
one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers
:) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!

hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@... wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)

and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)

only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and
all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

Welcome to you.
Yes, when we find Satan, we find home.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "incogni2_89" <matshanssen@... wrote:

I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram
two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers :) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!
hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@ wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)
and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)
only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

thank you :D
but is the spiritual warfare program a good place too start
for a newbie?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Welcome to the family!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail Satan!!

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:

From: incogni2_89 <matshanssen@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 3:07 PM


I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram

two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers :) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!

hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@ wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)

and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)

only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

thank you :) I have done foundation meditation and trance traning a little bit, but it's hard, but i'll get there ;)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_n_666" <liddynavillus@... wrote:

Yes, it's the perfect place to start. I started it the day I discovered JoS.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "incogni2_89" <matshanssen@ wrote:

thank you :D
but is the spiritual warfare program a good place too start
for a newbie?
<td val[/IMG]I started out buying the 1st second and third books of power meditation,as well as receiving the opening of the chakras cd's.I later bought the Spiritual Warfare Manual.I think both are a good place to start.
Hail Satan!!

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:
From: incogni2_89 <matshanssen@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 7:05 PM

  thank you :D
but is the spiritual warfare program a good place too start
for a newbie?

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Welcome to the family!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail Satan!!

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, incogni2_89 <matshanssen@... wrote:

From: incogni2_89 <matshanssen@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 3:07 PM


I first wrote the "contract" took a shower, a real good one. putt on a black pants and a black T-shirt, fixed the table with a pentagram

two black candles a knife and a big metal bowl. i cut my left hand index finger and wrote my full name, then i said the prayer too father and burned the papper. then i watch for like 10 minutes on the candles, and i asked if they could do something with the candle, and the fire on the left candle went crazy for a while and then calmed down, but i feelt alot of energy when i burned the papper, all around me, and i felt love, lots of love. and i was'nt affraid or anything:D i'm so happy i did it :D i'm full of joy! :D oh and after i was finished i went to a buddy of mine, cause i'm leaving for one month now, back to work, so we playd a little card and took some beers :) and i was totaly in joy :-D

hail father satan hail enki!

hail the gods of duat! i love them by all my heart!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Raymond Tembo <bakurimo@ wrote:

how did you do it?

On Wed Mar 9th, 2011 6:01 AM PST incogni2_89 wrote:

Last night i dedicated myself to father satan :)

and i was not scared or anything :)i used like 15 minutes to do it :)

only thing i feelt, or belive i feelt was energy comeing into my body and all around me :) it feelt realy good :D

I did my dedication ritual about a year ago but havent felt much change since then. i was wondering if something could have went wrong with the ritual because i was a little nervous when i did it because i was doing the dedication in my grandparents house and they are strong xtian believers. should i re-dedicate since i have moved out now? thanks for the advice

if you feel you should do it over then do it. but once is enough. do you meditate at all? how long since you dedicated? this usually takes time.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:59:25 pm
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: "Kenny" <s_thetruegod@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] dedication

I did my dedication ritual about a year ago but havent felt much change since then. i was wondering if something could have went wrong with the ritual because i was a little nervous when i did it because i was doing the dedication in my grandparents house and they are strong xtian believers. should i re-dedicate since i have moved out now? thanks for the advice


when i dedicated about a year ago i meditated daily but it felt wrong while living in a xtian house hold but i meditated the other day and felt better about it since moving. that is why i was wondering if i should re dedicate because of living in a xtian house at the time. i should have a nightly meditation schedule as soon as the beginning of the week.From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, April 14, 2011 3:10:42 PM
Subject: RE: [JoyofSatan666] dedication

  if you feel you should do it over then do it. but once is enough. do you meditate at all? how long since you dedicated? this usually takes time.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:59:25 pm
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: "Kenny" <s_thetruegod@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] dedication

I did my dedication ritual about a year ago but havent felt much change since then. i was wondering if something could have went wrong with the ritual because i was a little nervous when i did it because i was doing the dedication in my grandparents house and they are strong xtian believers. should i re-dedicate since i have moved out now? thanks for the advice


When dedicating to father Satan,speaking for myself,I dont expect nothing in return afterward.If anything,I would expect the opposite,in that Satan will expect more out of me.I will have to push myself more to study and give Father Satan my full attention every day.Sometimes during my daily activities,I tend to forget to thank him because I get to wrapped up in myself,but yeah definetly Father Satan will definetly expect more out of me after my dedication.
i want to perform the dedication ritual but i live with some hardcore xians who will give me some serious problems if they ever found out i was satanist and i also need alot of supplies like the burning bowl and candle. any advice?
Do all rituals in your astral temple: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... emple.html
You don't need ANY supplies. Satan understands that many of us are in your situation. Be careful, keep quiet, and they will never find out!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "korban12321" <epicepicnessofallthatisepic@... wrote:

i want to perform the dedication ritual but i live with some hardcore xians who will give me some serious problems if they ever found out i was satanist and i also need alot of supplies like the burning bowl and candle. any advice?
my sister dedicated tonite like a hour ago :) she very upset about things and now shes talking to father and releasing to him.. Hail satan!
thank you strenghthroughsatan! :) by the way how is your mom? i hope things are better than before.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011 2:42:30 pm
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: dedication

Hey Shannon

I am very happy for you and your sister and i wish her all of the best on her journey.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Shannon Outlaw" <soutlaw92@... wrote:

my sister dedicated tonite like a hour ago :) she very upset about things and now shes talking to father and releasing to him.. Hail satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
