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Decalcify the Pineal Gland and unlock your powers. Open the 3rd eye.

Lolo Bardonik

Mar 22, 2006
This is a long post that contains a lot of info. Please be patient and read it to the end, because each section has important information. I hope that this is useful and meaningful for you.   --------------------------------------------------   As you can imagine from the title, this post is about the Pineal Gland; the seat of all spiritual powers. If you don't already know what the pineal gland is, take the time to read this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brain.html   The pineal gland acts like a "connector" to our spirit/mind and through the pineal gland we activate most (if not all) of our spiritual powers. If the pineal gland is unable to work, we are unable to expand our spiritual abilities. If you have a broken phone, you cannot listen and you cannot speak to anyone.   In most people the pineal gland is atrophied and needs a "workout" to start functioning in a healthy manner. The "workout" is the daily meditations.   For those who are new to the Meditations take the time and read this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nergy.html   --------------------------------------------------   But unfortunately there are some brothers and sisters that even though they meditate daily (and for a long enough time), they are unable to see any significant awakening in their abilities. ​​ There are some members that have trouble opening their 3rd eye. Some members that are troubled by their lack of spiritual abilities. Some members that are unable to remember their dreams. Some others are unable to do astral projection. Some cannot do telepathy. Some are unable to use divination techniques.   There are also some worrying cases where their already awoken abilities, start to fade out as the years are passing and they're getting older.   This is alarming, but it's a clear indication that the problem isn't on the spiritual level, but on the physical level.   --------------------------------------------------   In most of these cases the pineal gland has become calcified preventing its healthy function. This "calcification" is calcium, phosphorus and fluoride that builds up over the years and covers the pineal gland, preventing it to work correctly.   The calcification of the pineal gland affects our sleep. It affects our ability to control anxiety. It affects our ability to remember (Alzheimer disease is related to this). It affects our ability to learn and absorb information.   But most importantly if affects our spiritual abilities. It limits and/or blocks our spiritual abilities, rendering us weak and unable to defend ourselves.   A picture is a thousand words: http://collectivelyconscious.net/wp-con ... uoride.jpg   The calcium that covers the pineal gland is a natural element of the body. Our bones and teeth need calcium to remain strong. This means that the calcium is not the substance that is causing the problem. So if the culprit is not the calcium, guess what element causes the reaction that leads to the calcification of the pineal gland.   If you guessed fluoride, then you're absolutely right.   --------------------------------------------------   Fluoride; the toxic element that is contained in a lot of products that most humans consume. In several countries of the world the water is artificially fluoridated. Almost all major brands of toothpaste contain fluoride (while falsely claiming that it helps the teeth).    For other sources of fluoride (and there are a lot) take the time to read this and do your own research: http://fluoridealert.org/issues/sources/ ​ --------------------------------------------------   This means that if your daily intake of fluoride is significant (if you don't take actions against it, then most probably is will be high), then the calcium ​that you eat (​from ​milk, yogurt, calcium supplements) will contribute to the calcification of the pineal gland.   The jews know this. And this is not by chance. The fluoridation of the water- the fluoride in the toothpaste- the fluoride in the pesticides that are used in the production of fruit and vegetables- the fluoride in almost every processed food is not something that happens by chance.   Fluoride causes calcification of the pineal gland.   It blocks and restricts the normal function of the only gland that controls the natural cycles of our body (the circadian rhythm). The only gland that controls the reproduction system (testes / ovaries). Known from ancient times that it is the seat of the soul and the amplifier of spiritual powers.   That's why we've lost touch with nature. The part of our bodies that connects us with the rhythms of nature is being blocked.   That's why we've lost our sensuality. The part that activates the healthy eroticism is being restricted.   That's why we've lost so many spiritual abilities.   --------------------------------------------------   The jews are spoon-feeding us destructive elements; like Fluoride, Aluminum and others. And because we're unaware, gullible and powerless like a child, we eat it.   They are feeding us shit- they are selling us toxic products- they are showering us with poison- and they are destroying our bodies from the inside while they're getting richer.   Think about it…   If you feed your body toxins, and cover your body with toxins (even in small amounts)… If you do that daily, weekly, for years… then toxins become part of your body.   It's only natural and a matter of time for your body to start attacking its own self… It's targeting the toxins that are now part of its own (autoimmune diseases, allergies)… The toxins disrupt the natural function of the body (cancer)… The immune system is weakening becoming susceptible to any disease they want to release (Ebola)… The sensitive chemistry of the brain is ruined by the toxins creating other problems (schizophrenia, premature aging).   And the jews, entirely by chance, own the pharmaceutical companies that sell the drugs to "treat" these diseases. TREAT. Treat, not cure!   Cure means that the disease is over and you're healthy. No need to buy more of our drugs.   Not good for the filthy jew.   TREAT is better.   Sustain the disease in order to gain a "customer" that would need prescription drugs for the rest of his/her life. This way the disease is profitable.   (I'm getting out of topic, but did you know that the CURE for cancer exists? Why it's not known to the world? Why its creator is awarded with the Nobel prize? Why it's not available to every patient? Why the highly expensive chemotherapy is mandatory? Watch this and answer for yourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrJ1B46q7PE)   --------------------------------------------------   The jews are trying to weaken our immune systems by the multitude of toxins and make us susceptible to any virus they would like to spray us. They are trying to limit our physical bodies, in order to reduce our physical health and at the same time restrict us from the spiritual level.   We have to be conscious of their malicious plans. We have the guidance, but we also have to do our own research. We have to be aware of our bodies. We have to be aware of the substances that enter our bodies. ​​ --------------------------------------------------   So what can we do? How can we protect ourselves from this?   First of all remain calm. We need to promote critical thinking and not trigger compulsive reactions. Think clear with a cool mind. This is a long term project, and not something that could be done over a week.   This is reinventing your way of living and changing an important part of your habits.   Set a target for yourself. Decide on a long-term plan to improve. You decide whether it would be 6 months, 1 year, or more. Plan to improve your way of living by removing bad habits and replace them with good habits.   Keep a cool mind, and remember that if the change is sudden, the relapse to your old ways would also be sudden. We are aiming for permanent change and permanent improvement of our lives, not some temporary solution.   Also keep in mind that in this process we have to do research. We have to obtain knowledge. And this takes time. We don't need any rush decisions. We have to calculate and perform the changes in our habits in a harmonious way. Not sudden chaotic moves.   Assuming that we have a cool and calm mindset, here's a list of all the things that I've compiled on the subject. Use it as a template to create your own checklists and plan the way to improve your health.   Make a promise to yourself, to become a little bit healthier, than you were the day before.   One step at a time…   This is the way to make permanent changes that improve your life.   --------------------------------------------------   So…   Check if your country puts fluoride in the drinking water. If yes then here are some ideas: - Drink bottled water - Find natural water springs - Invest in a water filter (remember that if the water is fluoridated, your body absorbs fluoride even when you bathe with it)   Check if your toothpaste contains fluoride (probably it will) and find alternative/natural toothpaste with no fluoride. Try the health stores and always read the ingredients, because it might not contain fluoride it could contain something even worse. If all else fails shop online.   Check your food sources. If you can, choose organic.   Check your shampoo, body wash and deodorant (for example, almost all major brand antiperspirant deodorants contain aluminum which is a metal small enough that is absorbed by the body and is related with breast cancer). Replace these products with organic ones, that use natural occurring ingredients.   Check your cosmetics, perfumes, creams, sunbathing creams, moisturizers, shaving creams etc. Use online databases that have information about the toxicity of these products. Replace with natural alternatives or avoid using if you can.   As a general idea, check everything that has artificial chemicals and touches your body. Check everything you eat.   And again don't stick with this list, do your own research! Be conscious and take care of your body.   --------------------------------------------------   Ok. Next step. Decalcifying the pineal gland…   If our pineal gland is already calcified what can we do? How can we de-calcify our pineal gland?   First of all if we manage to limit to a minimum the intake of fluoride and other toxins from various sources, our bodies will start removing the toxins. When we make healthy living a habit, the improvement will be evident in a few weeks. Of course this depends on the severity of the problem. The body will start to rejuvenate and your skin, hair and nails will start to shine. If you yourself cannot spot the differences, others would surely notice the gradual change in your appearance.   --------------------------------------------------   There is one element that helps the detoxification and helps to decalcify the pineal gland; Magnesium.   You can find magnesium in pure cocoa, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds spinach and others. Magnesium benefits are a lot more than detoxifying the body in general and decalcifying the pineal gland. Read more about this here: http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-sources/   The typical daily intake of magnesium should be about 300-400mg (it varies according to the age and gender). But magnesium is rare to find in acceptable amounts in food. And it's very difficult to maintain a healthy diet (while limiting the calories in order to remain fit) and at the same time obtain the daily amount of magnesium. Read more about it here: http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesi ... s/dietary/   --------------------------------------------------   One other way to obtain the daily intake of magnesium is supplements. I'm currently trying this option and have seen some initial results. Detoxification of the body and de-​calcification of the pineal gland takes time (depending of the severity of the situation of course), but I noticed some good signs from the first few weeks.   If you can afford supplements, do your own research as there are various supplements with varying absorption rates. This is because magnesium is never consumed on its own as an element. So it has to be bonded with another element to be absorbed by the body. This is why there are various supplements with different types of magnesium.    See this page to get an idea of the different types of magnesium: https://drnibber.com/understanding-diff ... magnesium/   I'm personally trying a Magnesium L-Threonate type of supplement, but of course​ don't take my word on this. Do your own research. ​​ --------------------------------------------------   We never value health, until we lose it. So we have to prepare and improve our health before we reach the point to lose it.   Obtaining health is a slow process. It requires learning about your body. It requires learning about its functions.   We have to become the "doctors" of your own bodies, meaning that we have to know how our bodies function and what do they need in order to remain healthy.   We need to identify the things that reduce our health. We need to identify the things that increase our health. And this requires research, time and awareness.   --------------------------------------------------   Keep in mind that the jews work against our health. They're working on it for years and we're just realizing a lot of their malicious plans. We have to fight hard for our health and we have to be strong in order to obtain it.   The jews that control the major corporations in this world have removed the magnesium from our food and water, and replaced it with the toxic fluoride. They're plotting for our weakening of our health. They're wishing for our destruction.   If I remember correctly HP Maxine recently posted that an astrological aspect (I think it involves Neptune and Pluto) is coming in the following years that would cause health problems to a lot of people and maybe cause a lot of deaths. The jews already know of this aspect and plan to take advantage of this. (I have an abstract memory of this post and cannot find it to reference it. Anyone that knows this post please reply with the link for others to read).   This raises the importance of taking care of ourselves even more!   --------------------------------------------------   We have to be conscious of all levels in order to protect ourselves from their malicious ways. We have to remain calm, and realize what the jews are doing to our world. We have to start thinking about our bodies.   We shouldn't eat food just because it fills our bellies. We shouldn't drink something because everyone else drinks it. We shouldn't use major brand products just because it's convenient, or cheap. We shouldn't continue our eating habits just because someone else taught us that way.   We are smart. We have guidance. We are conscious.  We are obtaining knowledge and we are improving ourselves through it. ​​ Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Hell
Excellent Post, Brother! I agree much with you on this.
Our physical bodies house our soul. We must keep it as health as possible.
We all must do the best we can. 3 months ago I did a full internal cleanse and changed my diet and added supplementation and I feel so good. People are so use to feeling physically unwell and it is very sad.

The most we can do now is limit our contact with chemicals and toxins as much as possible. Our first line of defense is what we put into our bodies. Even having a strong immune system and healthy gut flora can protect you from Ebola or another kinds of disease. 80% of the immune system is in the gut so what you put into your body is VERY crucial to determine the state of your health.
Change what you put inside your body and you will notice how different you feel. The body can cleanse and heal itself, we are just not giving it what it needs to do this process. Once you do the right thing and eat the right foods and lessen the effects, then the cleaning begins. The body can remove the excess calcium deposits on the pineal gland as well.
I take magnesium supplements and also fermented cod liver oil with vitamin k2, which is good for decalcifying and overall body health.
Now for people who do not have access to organic foods nor have the funds for water filters and such, just do the best you can.
Our souls are our number one tool as insurance against disease and misfortune. Lets not forget that healthy soul will definitely effect the body and improve your health and protect you.Just lessen the amount of toxins as you can and work on your power meditations and advancing your soul.
Next Sunday is a great time to do the Sun square though anytime is good to use the Sun square (except when it is in Libra and Aquarius.) The Sun square can be used for protection, health and vitality. This also will go a long way in keeping our bodies healthy and protected.
In addition to daily power meditation, aura of protection and lessening the amount of fluoride and toxins you come across in your life working on the pineal gland everyday will also help to empower itself.
Herbs like Milk thistle, Burdock root and Schizandra are great for helping the blood and liver detox itself just in case anyone was interested in herbal remedials.
There is so much available on the web that can be utilized to help ourselves. 
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... althy.html 
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:33 PM, "Lolo Bardonik lolobardonik@... [JoS4adults]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Th[/IMG][url=http://www.an[/IMG][url=http://collect[/IMG]several countr[/IMG]helps the teeth).    For other sources of fluor[/IMG][url=http://fluor[/IMG]the c[/IMG][url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=https://drnibber.com/understanding-different-types-of-magnesium/]https://drnibber.com/understanding-diff ... magnesium/   I'm personally trying a Magnesium L-Threonate type of supplement, but of course​ don't take my word on this. Do your own research. ​​ --------------------------------------------------   We never value health, until we lose it. So we have to prepare and improve our health before we reach the point to lose it.   Obtaining health is a slow process. It requires learning about your body. It requires learning about its functions.   We have to become the "doctors" of your own bodies, meaning that we have to know how our bodies function and what do they need in order to remain healthy.   We need to identify the things that reduce our health. We need to identify the things that increase our health. And this requires research, time and awareness.   --------------------------------------------------   Keep in mind that the jews work against our health. They're working on it for years and we're just realizing a lot of their malicious plans. We have to fight hard for our health and we have to be strong in order to obtain it.   The jews that control the major corporations in this world have removed the magnesium from our food and water, and replaced it with the toxic fluoride. They're plotting for our weakening of our health. They're wishing for our destruction.   If I remember correctly HP Maxine recently posted that an astrological aspect (I think it involves Neptune and Pluto) is coming in the following years that would cause health problems to a lot of people and maybe cause a lot of deaths. The jews already know of this aspect and plan to take advantage of this. (I have an abstract memory of this post and cannot find it to reference it. Anyone that knows this post please reply with the link for others to read).   This raises the importance of taking care of ourselves even more!   --------------------------------------------------   We have to be conscious of all levels in order to protect ourselves from their malicious ways. We have to remain calm, and realize what the jews are doing to our world. We have to start thinking about our bodies.   We shouldn't eat food just because it fills our bellies. We shouldn't drink something because everyone else drinks it. We shouldn't use major brand products just because it's convenient, or cheap. We shouldn't continue our eating habits just because someone else taught us that way.   We are smart. We have guidance. We are conscious.  We are obtaining knowledge and we are improving ourselves through it. ​​ Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Hell

Thank you so much luckily I knew some of this to my dad being a health nut time for me to get back to the stuff he told me and when I read I sense better and when I close my eyes to meditate I do feel more eventually I've got this I'm already get good vibes thank you so much.
On Mar 18, 2015 10:16 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Excellent Post, Brother! I agree much with you on this.
Our physical bodies house our soul. We must keep it as health as possible.
We all must do the best we can. 3 months ago I did a full internal cleanse and changed my diet and added supplementation and I feel so good. People are so use to feeling physically unwell and it is very sad.

The most we can do now is limit our contact with chemicals and toxins as much as possible. Our first line of defense is what we put into our bodies. Even having a strong immune system and healthy gut flora can protect you from Ebola or another kinds of disease. 80% of the immune system is in the gut so what you put into your body is VERY crucial to determine the state of your health.
Change what you put inside your body and you will notice how different you feel. The body can cleanse and heal itself, we are just not giving it what it needs to do this process. Once you do the right thing and eat the right foods and lessen the effects, then the cleaning begins. The body can remove the excess calcium deposits on the pineal gland as well.
I take magnesium supplements and also fermented cod liver oil with vitamin k2, which is good for decalcifying and overall body health.
Now for people who do not have access to organic foods nor have the funds for water filters and such, just do the best you can.
Our souls are our number one tool as insurance against disease and misfortune. Lets not forget that healthy soul will definitely effect the body and improve your health and protect you.Just lessen the amount of toxins as you can and work on your power meditations and advancing your soul.
Next Sunday is a great time to do the Sun square though anytime is good to use the Sun square (except when it is in Libra and Aquarius.) The Sun square can be used for protection, health and vitality. This also will go a long way in keeping our bodies healthy and protected.
In addition to daily power meditation, aura of protection and lessening the amount of fluoride and toxins you come across in your life working on the pineal gland everyday will also help to empower itself.
Herbs like Milk thistle, Burdock root and Schizandra are great for helping the blood and liver detox itself just in case anyone was interested in herbal remedials.
There is so much available on the web that can be utilized to help ourselves. 
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... althy.html 
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:33 PM, "Lolo Bardonik lolobardonik@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Th[/IMG][url=http://www.an[/IMG][url=http://collect[/IMG]several countr[/IMG]helps the teeth).    For other sources of fluor[/IMG][url=http://fluor[/IMG]the c[/IMG][url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=https://drnibber.com/understanding-different-types-of-magnesium/]https://drnibber.com/understanding-diff ... magnesium/   I'm personally trying a Magnesium L-Threonate type of supplement, but of course​ don't take my word on this. Do your own research. ​​ --------------------------------------------------   We never value health, until we lose it. So we have to prepare and improve our health before we reach the point to lose it.   Obtaining health is a slow process. It requires learning about your body. It requires learning about its functions.   We have to become the "doctors" of your own bodies, meaning that we have to know how our bodies function and what do they need in order to remain healthy.   We need to identify the things that reduce our health. We need to identify the things that increase our health. And this requires research, time and awareness.   --------------------------------------------------   Keep in mind that the jews work against our health. They're working on it for years and we're just realizing a lot of their malicious plans. We have to fight hard for our health and we have to be strong in order to obtain it.   The jews that control the major corporations in this world have removed the magnesium from our food and water, and replaced it with the toxic fluoride. They're plotting for our weakening of our health. They're wishing for our destruction.   If I remember correctly HP Maxine recently posted that an astrological aspect (I think it involves Neptune and Pluto) is coming in the following years that would cause health problems to a lot of people and maybe cause a lot of deaths. The jews already know of this aspect and plan to take advantage of this. (I have an abstract memory of this post and cannot find it to reference it. Anyone that knows this post please reply with the link for others to read).   This raises the importance of taking care of ourselves even more!   --------------------------------------------------   We have to be conscious of all levels in order to protect ourselves from their malicious ways. We have to remain calm, and realize what the jews are doing to our world. We have to start thinking about our bodies.   We shouldn't eat food just because it fills our bellies. We shouldn't drink something because everyone else drinks it. We shouldn't use major brand products just because it's convenient, or cheap. We shouldn't continue our eating habits just because someone else taught us that way.   We are smart. We have guidance. We are conscious.  We are obtaining knowledge and we are improving ourselves through it. ​​ Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Hell
Someone said I had an undetected soul what this mean On Mar 18, 2015 11:07 PM, "Michael Barnes" <mike2015doinme@... wrote:
Thank you so much luckily I knew some of this to my dad being a health nut time for me to get back to the stuff he told me and when I read I sense better and when I close my eyes to meditate I do feel more eventually I've got this I'm already get good vibes thank you so much. On Mar 18, 2015 10:16 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Excellent Post, Brother! I agree much with you on this.
Our physical bodies house our soul. We must keep it as health as possible.
We all must do the best we can. 3 months ago I did a full internal cleanse and changed my diet and added supplementation and I feel so good. People are so use to feeling physically unwell and it is very sad.

The most we can do now is limit our contact with chemicals and toxins as much as possible. Our first line of defense is what we put into our bodies. Even having a strong immune system and healthy gut flora can protect you from Ebola or another kinds of disease. 80% of the immune system is in the gut so what you put into your body is VERY crucial to determine the state of your health.
Change what you put inside your body and you will notice how different you feel. The body can cleanse and heal itself, we are just not giving it what it needs to do this process. Once you do the right thing and eat the right foods and lessen the effects, then the cleaning begins. The body can remove the excess calcium deposits on the pineal gland as well.
I take magnesium supplements and also fermented cod liver oil with vitamin k2, which is good for decalcifying and overall body health.
Now for people who do not have access to organic foods nor have the funds for water filters and such, just do the best you can.
Our souls are our number one tool as insurance against disease and misfortune. Lets not forget that healthy soul will definitely effect the body and improve your health and protect you.Just lessen the amount of toxins as you can and work on your power meditations and advancing your soul.
Next Sunday is a great time to do the Sun square though anytime is good to use the Sun square (except when it is in Libra and Aquarius.) The Sun square can be used for protection, health and vitality. This also will go a long way in keeping our bodies healthy and protected.
In addition to daily power meditation, aura of protection and lessening the amount of fluoride and toxins you come across in your life working on the pineal gland everyday will also help to empower itself.
Herbs like Milk thistle, Burdock root and Schizandra are great for helping the blood and liver detox itself just in case anyone was interested in herbal remedials.
There is so much available on the web that can be utilized to help ourselves. 
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... althy.html 
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:33 PM, "Lolo Bardonik lolobardonik@... [JoS4adults]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Th[/IMG][url=http://www.an[/IMG][url=http://collect[/IMG]several countr[/IMG]helps the teeth).    For other sources of fluor[/IMG][url=http://fluor[/IMG]the c[/IMG][url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=http://www.anc[/IMG][url=https://drnibber.com/understanding-different-types-of-magnesium/]https://drnibber.com/understanding-diff ... magnesium/   I'm personally trying a Magnesium L-Threonate type of supplement, but of course​ don't take my word on this. Do your own research. ​​ --------------------------------------------------   We never value health, until we lose it. So we have to prepare and improve our health before we reach the point to lose it.   Obtaining health is a slow process. It requires learning about your body. It requires learning about its functions.   We have to become the "doctors" of your own bodies, meaning that we have to know how our bodies function and what do they need in order to remain healthy.   We need to identify the things that reduce our health. We need to identify the things that increase our health. And this requires research, time and awareness.   --------------------------------------------------   Keep in mind that the jews work against our health. They're working on it for years and we're just realizing a lot of their malicious plans. We have to fight hard for our health and we have to be strong in order to obtain it.   The jews that control the major corporations in this world have removed the magnesium from our food and water, and replaced it with the toxic fluoride. They're plotting for our weakening of our health. They're wishing for our destruction.   If I remember correctly HP Maxine recently posted that an astrological aspect (I think it involves Neptune and Pluto) is coming in the following years that would cause health problems to a lot of people and maybe cause a lot of deaths. The jews already know of this aspect and plan to take advantage of this. (I have an abstract memory of this post and cannot find it to reference it. Anyone that knows this post please reply with the link for others to read).   This raises the importance of taking care of ourselves even more!   --------------------------------------------------   We have to be conscious of all levels in order to protect ourselves from their malicious ways. We have to remain calm, and realize what the jews are doing to our world. We have to start thinking about our bodies.   We shouldn't eat food just because it fills our bellies. We shouldn't drink something because everyone else drinks it. We shouldn't use major brand products just because it's convenient, or cheap. We shouldn't continue our eating habits just because someone else taught us that way.   We are smart. We have guidance. We are conscious.  We are obtaining knowledge and we are improving ourselves through it. ​​ Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Hell
Thank you for your post Lolo Bardonik, I am currently exploring my options as we speak.

One of the suggestions you gave though made me realize a simple truth in war;  sometimes you have to lose ground to gain a dominate foothold.  Some people are probably wondering what I mean by this.

Before we go on, I would like to remind everyone that the truth can really hurt and sometimes what you should do goes against everything that you have been taught.

However,I will also point out before we continue the old saying, 'When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade".

In his post, Lolo said that one of your options for drinking healthier water was to buy bottled water.  Now I will admit that I have not seen every single brand of bottled water, but every one I have seen has oneof those damn koser symbols on it (Usually the  'u' one but Ihave seen the 'k' once for those keeping score).

Some of you are probably thinking that I  want you to avoid the option to buy bottled water as an alternative to regular tap water as buying it would be giving money to the kikes, but I am not saying that at all.  You're not going to like this, but I'm telling you to, (if your options are limited to non existent), buy the food products that have one of those putrid kosher symbols on them. This is because, like it or not, that symbol means that it is really not in the kike's best interest to contaminate it.

The proof of this is  in the second ingredient of the most popular brand of bottle water, Desani; Magnesium Sulfate.  They do  that cross thing that represents a second asterix that says that the minerals are added for taste but anyone who knows anything about how minerals and water work knows that you would have to put in a shit tonne of the stuff in realation to the water before it affects taste.

Ok, enough of the lemons,lets make the lemonade.  Here is an energy working that I have been doing recently towards the kike's tax racket.

First,you ether visualize the kosher symbol that you want to target or have a screen shot or a product that has the symbol on it. The one you see most prominently in your area is obviously the best one to target but you should do this to all of them.

Next, you visualize two inverted pentargam of white gold energy with one over the other with two Sowilo and Algiz runes in the center of each of them with the Sowilo rune on top of the Algiz rune.  You also visualize destructive red, grey and black energy that is sandwiched between the two pentagrams.  This should be above the kosher symbol.

Slide the energy on to the kosher symbol so that itis also between the two pentagrams and being totally destroyed by the destructive energy.  As this is happenin, you should affirm that that what the kosher symbol represents is being permantly and totally destroyed with no possibility of it manifesting ever again and for every cent that they make with it,they loss countless trillions more.

After the kosher symbol is totally detroyed, slam the two pentagrams together so the destructive energy is totally obliterated.

Hail Satan

---In [email protected], <lolobardonik@... wrote :

This is a long post that contains a lot of info. Please be patient and read it to the end, because each section has important information. I hope that this is useful and meaningful for you. -------------------------------------------------- As you can imagine from the title, this post is about the Pineal Gland; the seat of all spiritual powers. If you don't already know what the pineal gland is, take the time to read this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brain.html The pineal gland acts like a "connector" to our spirit/mind and through the pineal gland we activate most (if not all) of our spiritual powers. If the pineal gland is unable to work, we are unable to expand our spiritual abilities. If you have a broken phone, you cannot listen and you cannot speak to anyone. In most people the pineal gland is atrophied and needs a "workout" to start functioning in a healthy manner. The "workout" is the daily meditations. For those who are new to the Meditations take the time and read this:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nergy.html -------------------------------------------------- But unfortunately there are some brothers and sisters that even though they meditate daily (and for a long enough time), they are unable to see any significant awakening in their abilities.​​There are some members that have trouble opening their 3rd eye. Some members that are troubled by their lack of spiritual abilities. Some members that are unable to remember their dreams. Some others are unable to do astral projection. Some cannot do telepathy. Some are unable to use divination techniques. There are also some worrying cases where their already awoken abilities, start to fade out as the years are passing and they're getting older. This is alarming, but it's a clear indication that the problem isn't on the spiritual level, but on the physical level. -------------------------------------------------- In most of these cases the pineal gland has become calcified preventing its healthy function. This "calcification" is calcium, phosphorus and fluoride that builds up over the years and covers the pineal gland, preventing it to work correctly. The calcification of the pineal gland affects our sleep. It affects our ability to control anxiety. It affects our ability to remember (Alzheimer disease is related to this). It affects our ability to learn and absorb information. But most importantly if affects our spiritual abilities. It limits and/or blocks our spiritual abilities, rendering us weak and unable to defend ourselves. A picture is a thousand words:http://collectivelyconscious.net/wp-con ... uoride.jpg The calcium that covers the pineal gland is a natural element of the body. Our bones and teeth need calcium to remain strong. This means that the calcium is not the substance that is causing the problem. So if the culprit is not the calcium, guess what element causes the reaction that leads to the calcification of the pineal gland.  If you guessed fluoride, then you're absolutely right. -------------------------------------------------- Fluoride; the toxic element that is contained in a lot of products that most humans consume. In several countries of the world the water is artificially fluoridated. Almost all major brands of toothpaste contain fluoride (while falsely claiming that it helps the teeth).  For other sources of fluoride (and there are a lot) take the time to read this and do your own research: http://fluoridealert.org/issues/sources/​-------------------------------------------------- This means that if your daily intake of fluoride is significant (if you don't take actions against it, then most probably is will be high), then the calcium ​that you eat (​from ​milk, yogurt, calcium supplements) will contribute to the calcification of the pineal gland. The jews know this. And this is not by chance. The fluoridation of the water- the fluoride in the toothpaste- the fluoride in the pesticides that are used in the production of fruit and vegetables- the fluoride in almost every processed food is not something that happens by chance. Fluoride causes calcification of the pineal gland. It blocks and restricts the normal function of the only gland that controls the natural cycles of our body (the circadian rhythm). The only gland that controls the reproduction system (testes / ovaries). Known from ancient times that it is the seat of the soul and the amplifier of spiritual powers. That's why we've lost touch with nature.The part of our bodies that connects us with the rhythms of nature is being blocked. That's why we've lost our sensuality.The part that activates the healthy eroticism is being restricted. That's why we've lost so many spiritual abilities. -------------------------------------------------- The jews are spoon-feeding us destructive elements; like Fluoride, Aluminum and others. And because we're unaware, gullible and powerless like a child, we eat it. They are feeding us shit- they are selling us toxic products- they are showering us with poison- and they are destroying our bodies from the inside while they're getting richer. Think about it… If you feed your body toxins, and cover your body with toxins (even in small amounts)… If you do that daily, weekly, for years… then toxins become part of your body. It's only natural and a matter of time for your body to start attacking its own self… It's targeting the toxins that are now part of its own (autoimmune diseases, allergies)… The toxins disrupt the natural function of the body (cancer)… The immune system is weakening becoming susceptible to any disease they want to release (Ebola)… The sensitive chemistry of the brain is ruined by the toxins creating other problems (schizophrenia, premature aging). And the jews, entirely by chance, own the pharmaceutical companies that sell the drugs to "treat" these diseases. TREAT. Treat, not cure! Cure means that the disease is over and you're healthy. No need to buy more of our drugs. Not good for the filthy jew. TREAT is better. Sustain the disease in order to gain a "customer" that would need prescription drugs for the rest of his/her life. This way the disease is profitable. (I'm getting out of topic, but did you know that the CURE for cancer exists? Why it's not known to the world? Why its creator is awarded with the Nobel prize? Why it's not available to every patient? Why the highly expensive chemotherapy is mandatory? Watch this and answer for yourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrJ1B46q7PE) -------------------------------------------------- The jews are trying to weaken our immune systems by the multitude of toxins and make us susceptible to any virus they would like to spray us. They are trying to limit our physical bodies, in order to reduce our physical health and at the same time restrict us from the spiritual level. We have to be conscious of their malicious plans. We have the guidance, but we also have to do our own research. We have to be aware of our bodies. We have to be aware of the substances that enter our bodies.​​-------------------------------------------------- So what can we do? How can we protect ourselves from this? First of all remain calm. We need to promote critical thinking and not trigger compulsive reactions. Think clear with a cool mind. This is a long term project, and not something that could be done over a week. This is reinventing your way of living and changing an important part of your habits. Set a target for yourself. Decide on a long-term plan to improve. You decide whether it would be 6 months, 1 year, or more. Plan to improve your way of living by removing bad habits and replace them with good habits. Keep a cool mind, and remember that if the change is sudden, the relapse to your old ways would also be sudden. We are aiming for permanent change and permanent improvement of our lives, not some temporary solution. Also keep in mind that in this process we have to do research. We have to obtain knowledge. And this takes time. We don't need any rush decisions. We have to calculate and perform the changes in our habits in a harmonious way. Not sudden chaotic moves. Assuming that we have a cool and calm mindset, here's a list of all the things that I've compiled on the subject. Use it as a template to create your own checklists and plan the way to improve your health. Make a promise to yourself, to become a little bit healthier, than you were the day before. One step at a time… This is the way to make permanent changes that improve your life. -------------------------------------------------- So… Check if your country puts fluoride in the drinking water. If yes then here are some ideas:- Drink bottled water- Find natural water springs- Invest in a water filter(remember that if the water is fluoridated, your body absorbs fluoride even when you bathe with it) Check if your toothpaste contains fluoride (probably it will) and find alternative/natural toothpaste with no fluoride. Try the health stores and always read the ingredients, because it might not contain fluoride it could contain something even worse. If all else fails shop online. Check your food sources. If you can, choose organic. Check your shampoo, body wash and deodorant (for example, almost all major brand antiperspirant deodorants contain aluminum which is a metal small enough that is absorbed by the body and is related with breast cancer). Replace these products with organic ones, that use natural occurring ingredients. Check your cosmetics, perfumes, creams, sunbathing creams, moisturizers, shaving creams etc. Use online databases that have information about the toxicity of these products. Replace with natural alternatives or avoid using if you can. As a general idea, check everything that has artificial chemicals and touches your body. Check everything you eat. And again don't stick with this list, do your own research!Be conscious and take care of your body. -------------------------------------------------- Ok. Next step. Decalcifying the pineal gland… If our pineal gland is already calcified what can we do?How can we de-calcify our pineal gland? First of all if we manage to limit to a minimum the intake of fluoride and other toxins from various sources, our bodies will start removing the toxins. When we make healthy living a habit, the improvement will be evident in a few weeks. Of course this depends on the severity of the problem. The body will start to rejuvenate and your skin, hair and nails will start to shine. If you yourself cannot spot the differences, others would surely notice the gradual change in your appearance. -------------------------------------------------- There is one element that helps the detoxification and helps to decalcify the pineal gland; Magnesium. You can find magnesium in pure cocoa, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds spinach and others. Magnesium benefits are a lot more than detoxifying the body in general and decalcifying the pineal gland. Read more about this here:http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-sources/ The typical daily intake of magnesium should be about 300-400mg (it varies according to the age and gender). But magnesium is rare to find in acceptable amounts in food. And it's very difficult to maintain a healthy diet (while limiting the calories in order to remain fit) and at the same time obtain the daily amount of magnesium. Read more about it here:http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesi ... s/dietary/ -------------------------------------------------- One other way to obtain the daily intake of magnesium is supplements. I'm currently trying this option and have seen some initial results. Detoxification of the body and de-​calcification of the pineal gland takes time (depending of the severity of the situation of course), but I noticed some good signs from the first few weeks. If you can afford supplements, do your own research as there are various supplements with varying absorption rates. This is because magnesium is never consumed on its own as an element. So it has to be bonded with another element to be absorbed by the body. This is why there are various supplements with different types of magnesium.  See this page to get an idea of the different types of magnesium: https://drnibber.com/understanding-diff ... magnesium/ I'm personally trying a Magnesium L-Threonate type of supplement, but of course​ don't take my word on this. Do your own research.​​-------------------------------------------------- We never value health, until we lose it. So we have to prepare and improve our health before we reach the point to lose it. Obtaining health is a slow process. It requires learning about your body. It requires learning about its functions. We have to become the "doctors" of your own bodies, meaning that we have to know how our bodies function and what do they need in order to remain healthy. We need to identify the things that reduce our health. We need to identify the things that increase our health. And this requires research, time and awareness. -------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that the jews work against our health. They're working on it for years and we're just realizing a lot of their malicious plans. We have to fight hard for our health and we have to be strong in order to obtain it. The jews that control the major corporations in this world have removed the magnesium from our food and water, and replaced it with the toxic fluoride. They're plotting for our weakening of our health. They're wishing for our destruction. If I remember correctly HP Maxine recently posted that an astrological aspect (I think it involves Neptune and Pluto) is coming in the following years that would cause health problems to a lot of people and maybe cause a lot of deaths. The jews already know of this aspect and plan to take advantage of this. (I have an abstract memory of this post and cannot find it to reference it. Anyone that knows this post please reply with the link for others to read). This raises the importance of taking care of ourselves even more! -------------------------------------------------- We have to be conscious of all levels in order to protect ourselves from their malicious ways.We have to remain calm, and realize what the jews are doing to our world.We have to start thinking about our bodies. We shouldn't eat food just because it fills our bellies. We shouldn't drink something because everyone else drinks it.We shouldn't use major brand products just because it's convenient, or cheap. We shouldn't continue our eating habits just because someone else taught us that way. We are smart. We have guidance. We are conscious. We are obtaining knowledge and we are improving ourselves through it.​​Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Hell 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
