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Dealing With The Extrenal World As A Spiritual Satanist

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
AskSatanOperator said:

1- How do you deal with being a Satanist while having a wife, kids, friends? (I’ve suspected that the default might be loneliness and outcast tendencies for most here, as it was for me when the weight of truth fell on my heart, completely alone*physically*, am I wrong?)

In this situation one has to understand there is an aspect which is called your internal life. Spiritual Satanism concerns this life, and one has to transform and evolve in this life.

There is no need for boasting, raising a flag, going into a crusade or anything like this when you are a Spiritual Satanist. Satan explicitly explains why in the Al Jilwah. The time for this thing is not yet rife.

By taking certain measures on one's personal space and privacy, one can practice Spiritual Satanism at the fullest. This clearly requires one skill that develops out of the need to both adhere to a highly spiritual and devotional path while simultaneously accepting the fact one has to live their life.

There is no need for a pointless rebellion or to go around to try to convince others or something, a practice also commonly done by people who have not much progression into the path. Some of us have to fight at the social fronts but not everyone does.

One has to think over what their situation and reasons are, and where they stand and where they want to go in life, then make a sort of an adjustment plan that will be adapting itself in one's life.

Kids, work and a family life do give you more things in your plate but you can always do adjustments in your time. Example "baby I will take the kids from school today". You arrive 15 minutes late, sit somewhere closeby on the bench, and do your exercises. Then, you go to pick up your children.

Also, likely nobody will tell you you are insane in most countries for doing a Yoga session, if you justify this that it's done for reasons of health, for example. "Baby after researching it I think Yoga will fix my back." The list goes.

You have to be a little creative with the reasoning, and certainly not a boastful brat or aggressor to people, as people will likely attack for things they do not understand, but accept things that they can understand.

There are Spiritual Satanists with 4 kids and they run everything fine, advancing steadily and happily anyway. Willpower and planning things around is the key.

AskSatanOperator said:
2- Do you tell people about what you do for good measure and so you can more freely practice, around significant others, if yes what do you say to keep the core belief hidden?

Some of us are open, and that comes at a cost for us. Yet those who are not open, you can always say things like that you are interested in Buddhism or even Esoteric Christianity. In Islamic Nations, one must say nothing, as there are endless people that can do you exceptional harm if you do that.

There are places to go to practice, like a park, inside your car, in a garden, or when you take lone time. One has to cycle around these.

My first years as a Spiritual Satanist I didn't have a lot of space and had a life of endless errands. There were times I would pretend I was having a shower for 30 minutes, and it was only really 2 minutes. Then, time was saved 15 minutes before bed and so on. Complex as this might be, one can adjust this around the schedules of other people too.

AskSatanOperator said:
3- If you are traveling a lot, staying at friends place maybe, or going out as can be necessary for a social gathering, party or business venture etc. How do you maintain your practice? Are such things feasible for a Satanist to be able to do?(This is near impossible without masquerading your beliefs and that you are a “Devout Hindu” as the daily practice will suggest to others and vocalizing such to those you meet, something I’m starting to think can help me remove fear and shying away from opportunities and desires by being more “open” to tall about the “hinduism front”)

This one is tricky. You can use people's sleeping hours, or time when they shower, and it all depends what type of people you have around yourself. The degree of understanding is also the degree of what you can do in that regard.

It is a skill one can develop. If someone for example goes for groceries, you can shove in 15 minutes of practice. You can become better at this when you know exactly the time things take.

Saying that you are a Hindu will work in most Nations no problem whatsoever.

AskSatanOperator said:
4- Have you had to memorize meditations, the RTR’s, Ritual opening statements etc. For the sake of being able to again mask what you are actually doing? (With a more social life and line of work that requires travel etc.?)

That is a big thing here. Yes, memorizing these is a very powerful tool. The same goes for affirmations that you regularly do. This makes you independent in your meditation practice and can give you tremendous advantages especially where space, time and difficulties of meditation are concerned. Memorizing mantras, Rituals and other things is very difficult, but it is very powerful.

Airport lounges and other places like this can be your friend, but you will need the proper space. Nobody keeps you for example between your flights to go outside of the airport, or sit on the least crowded coffee shop and do your mantras very silently, or even mentally, while pretending that you are speaking to your headpiece. If people see you with a headpiece, they generally will not approach you.

Memorization is a gift for some, and for others, it is impossible. But if you constantly repeat things and do meditations again and again, you will start remembering all of it just because you have repeated it a giant amount of times. This type of habituation can be really handy when you seek to advance, it saves a lot of time and dependency on many external means.

AskSatanOperator said:
5- Are you extremely private and also lonely in a physical sense? (Would like to make poll of this, I really don’t know how many people fall in this category, again when I hear of people raising a family, friends, and partners and such I’m always shocked and skeptical that it’s true with the nature of our beliefs and what we do)

That is not necessary to be one's life, yet quite a few people might choose this life for many different reasons, ranging from planetary to reasons of devotion, or because simply one can't be assed to have their time spent all day on things that one no longer interest someone in the case of extensive periods of advancement.

Awareness of a cost here can be serious, for example, some people can afford this [literally afford it financially or in other ways] and other people simply cannot.

The True Nature of our beliefs is that we follow the natural course of affairs. Every Spiritual Satanist can adjust the practices and statuses of Spiritual Satanism into your life and on the pattern of your own existence. One then finds their path further by the guidance of the Demons, and through inner healing you progressively ascent and become a better and more healed person.

AskSatanOperator said:
Hoping this ends up being an insightful discussion.

I open of course this thread for discussion as others can also share excellent and helpful ideas.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A very important topic especially to young people still building their social circle and thinking about starting a family. Someone expressed doubts if this can be managed and I can confirm that it is possible to have a social life, family life and professional life all thriving and well balanced along a meditation schedule and more. The key to this is being extremely well organized and having your family, friends and coworkers accept you as you are (or at least whatever you choose to tell them). The number of people I consider friends has diminished with time especially since having children and getting deeper into this path but that's a natural process of refining quantity into quality which happens over the years even without being a satanist. You don't have to give anything up and only gain tremendous value with making as much time as possible to work on yourself. With all this said, it does weigh heavily that I can't be fully open about my beliefs but that's just something you have to accept for the time being.
I have two children and a husband. What saves me is that I have a workshop in a barn where I do all my runic meditations, rituals, RTR. To make sure I am not disturbed in the middle of a ritual or meditation, I am the first one up and the last one in bed in the house.

I have banned all distractions, I keep those that are necessary for my children (like sometimes watching a movie with them), for my family (going far away from home to see my old and sick mother), for my dog (walking in the nature).
I have no social or love life (we are only a parental couple, each one sleeps in his room). I devote myself to my various professional jobs, my home and of course, my spiritual and magical advancement and Father Satan (translations, RTR, etc).

It is necessary to know how to make sacrifices and have endless days. I go to sleep without guilt only when I feel tired and I have fulfilled a lot of objectives in my day.
I’ve seen the Gods supporting around this. There are times when we are in difficult situations that we can’t even meditate, I’ve seen opportunities coming up, people leaving you and ending up having enough privacy and such.

I think everyone of us should have a life time simple ritual that work for you to have enough time and privacy to do our practices all the time.

For those not married yet, the sooner the better so that by the time you will find a partner, circumstances will be better.
This will manifest in different ways, maybe you end up having a partner that supports you, or maybe have your own house and other ways

But no need to worry over this, we are with our Gods. Amazing ways and opportunities will always present themselves.
Also, one can use the “more meditations that workings” approach to make life easier.
Doing too many workings in an environment that is full of disturbances can be challenging.

Jus make sure your program contains what you can handle.
It can feel wrong or even dishonest to basically have to wear a mask in public or even to your family but it will save headaches in the long run as far as being vocal about satanic practices, beliefs, and so on.

If you have sag emphasis, 9th house planets, especially venus or mars, or a combination of the aforementioned this certainly speaks to you. You will have a tendency to want to be vocal and opinionated about your beliefs, especially to loved ones, and more often than not it will not end well. Being to open especially in public in certain circumstances can be dangerous. Learn to curb this tendency and it will save you a lot of trouble.

Due to time constraints for me, I have found myself doing meditations and chants while driving to and from work, and right before bed, to repeat the same the next day. If you work 10 to 12-hour days utilizing the breaks you get during that time are a big help. You may have to compromise with about 1 to two hours less of sleep in some cases to complete your daily routine on top of a demanding job.
Also, one can use the “more meditations that workings” approach to make life easier.
Doing too many workings in an environment that is full of disturbances can be challenging.

Jus make sure your program contains what you can handle.
Well, I believe Father Satan knows the heart of his devotees. He knows their needs, their concerns and doubts. If one is commited with SS one can ask Him to show us a way to overcome the obstacles we are facing to do our practice. If we believe in Him, He will show you a way that may help us to succeed. Of course, dealing with a family, kids, travelling and so many things IS complicated for us, but there are always spots of time we can use.

We can, for instance, have the RTRs in our tablets, cell phones, etc. We can do void meditation and other meditations on the plane, the train, the subway, etc. There is always a way.

Of course, be true to yourself, because well all know some of us can be frankly lazy to commit to meditation, and use the "lack of time" excuse. So, again, be true to yourself. This is not an easy path, but fortunately, Father Satan understands all this and if you do the best you can, even 10 minutes a day, but you put all your intention, concentration and emotion, you will move in the right direction.

As to being alone, some of us have willingly chosen it, but don't get confused, because being alone is different from being lonely. An SS is never lonely, you must remember that the Gods are always around us, even if we cannot see them. I myself have known and understood for a long time now that I prefer to be a single than to endure a human companion who brings me more suffering and arguing than company and comprehension. But that is my choice and I am very happy the way I am now.

I wish you all luck in your path. Just go on and do your best.
be a spiritual satanist only in your mind, never externalize it, you will avoid disappointment in many senses

pretend this current world is a big joke, take a hard look at how some members complain whenever they can, it only brings suffering for nothing, be light, not like a military man judging a civilian

gen Z spends too much time on the internet, watching tiktok videos, ignoring the future, complaining a lot of time on social media in times like this?


people swear by everything with the greatest evidence of despair that they are helped by a jewish egregore?


do the basics for satanic help in your privacy, rtr among others, simple.

indirectly, and now directly i say to remain ignorant almost like an NPC, to put up with, live better and happily about these things?

My room mate is a christian. He saw me browsing the JoS forums, and saw the upside down pentagram. He tried to warn me of the "potential dangers" but I told him the website was a video game where we hunt witches in the game. Then we got into a discussion of spirituality and religion and I pretended to be an adamant atheist.
I think that when you are grown up man/woman and have husband/wife and children, then your family in general must know that you are Spiritual Satanist. It's depends on geographical location, when you are living in islamic country, then maybe not. But for example in Estonia wher per cent of abrahamic religion followers are very low and lots of people belive into astrology and crystals, then nobody actually cares. Just don't force it. I think that relationships should be built up on honesty and when you are Satanist, then your children have right to know Satanism and lear it if they want.
Everything is explained perfectly and we are good to go and reach the top.

The bitter truth is that they will attack you if you declare Spiritual Satanist, their ears will only hear the word Satanist.

They only accept what they consider harmless or what they consider to exist as a fiction product.

So I started a crazy story that untill now worked, which I had my doubts about
for I thought that perhaps thus I was betraying or that I was not telling the exact truth
but now I'm going to give it a touch of perfection.

To give examples:

I wanted to practice runes anyway they don't know what each one is and what the differences are with anything so they asked me what are those again what are you doing there?

I said runes, a spiritual practice from the Viking God Loki, go read and learn history at last in your life.

The whole Vikings theme works perfectly.

Also you should have seen the look on their faces when I told them I love Shiva too and he is perfect!!!

That's what I did for yoga. They said, if possible, loves a blue figure.

I said not only, I also worship all the ancient Greek Gods, I love Poseidon, only strong Idols, look how handsome he is, deserves to be adored.

It's the point where 99.9% of the time you get the answer, they don't exist, they're myths, they're mythology.

At that very moment one must reply that they exist, they all exist as does Santa Claus, you are all nothing but liars and fools and they will let you live your life in peace forever.

The death blow come with Hitler coming on stage as with him and all the Gods we are in a spiritual war against the jews and we are on a strict schedule with the rts so I told them not to bother me when we fight.

:D :D :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
2- Do you tell people about what you do for good measure and so you can more freely practice, around significant others, if yes what do you say to keep the core belief hidden?

Some of us are open, and that comes at a cost for us. Yet those who are not open, you can always say things like that you are interested in Buddhism or even Esoteric Christianity. In Islamic Nations, one must say nothing, as there are endless people that can do you exceptional harm if you do that.

There are places to go to practice, like a park, inside your car, in a garden, or when you take lone time. One has to cycle around these.

My first years as a Spiritual Satanist I didn't have a lot of space and had a life of endless errands. There were times I would pretend I was having a shower for 30 minutes, and it was only really 2 minutes. Then, time was saved 15 minutes before bed and so on. Complex as this might be, one can adjust this around the schedules of other people too.

I have some thoughts about this.

It is nice that this is coming out now. I've been thinking lately that in order to be satanist, one should be very introspective due to the individualistic nature of our religion. However, factoring in that there are Gods that help to be charismatic and such, how would it be viable to be an extrovert satanist during the time we live in? You may argue that life is not only about religion, but it is a fact that you will end up bumping into many situations concerning religion somehow (e.g. Christmas) even if are an introvert. If you are an extrovert, this becomes way more awkward and uncomfortable.

Another point is that if Satan means truth, shouldn't we be telling the truth to people regarding our beliefs? Or do you think that getting along with everybody is more important than telling the truth? Maybe not everyone deserves to know the truth?
While my situation is a bit unique, as I have children and a partner who's a Spiritual Satanist. I'd like to offer some advice.

When studying and looking into your future, take deeply into consideration getting educated and or planning ahead for a career that would be flexible enough to accommodate your advancement.

Again. This is in a better and or ideal circumstance. Many of us have to compromise and do what we can.

For example. I'm studying and going through with some classes for my education so I can get a career that helps me be able to balance helping my wife with the children and also giving me time for advancement. Likely something I can do from home for a company, or at a nearby office.

I've been working towards this for awhile and once im finished and have things in order with my health. I will likely be in a comfortable position for future advancement.

My advice to fellow Satanists is look into how or what would create the best future for you. With the most time, and be able to support the life you are living.

It can be tough and one should ask the gods. But there is some ways. They are very strong on guiding us towards things that capitalise our advancement and create a better life for us as we advance.
I don't have a family or children yet, but when I was younger living at home and having to deal with religious parents I had to get creative and do things like Cobra said, Like taking extended showers, and bathroom breaks. I also did things like offering to feed my father's animals outside and taking spare time to meditate or do various things. I also waited until my parents were asleep at night and did other workings in my closet or bathroom where no one could easily hear me.

I have had various roommates after I moved away from home and my first roommate did not work out so much. My second was going to move in with me until they were revealed to me as being someone I did not need to associate with or live with they were very toxic and did not let me have any personal space when I needed it, so I did not let them move in and we parted ways. I currently am in a good living situation with someone who is mutually respectful of my space and I am able to freely do my practices, I am very thankful to Father Satan and the Gods for this.

Whatever your situation is like I know if you trust in the Gods for guidance they will give you the opportunities you need to be able to have needed free time to meditate and advance. Many of the people above have given already great advice on how they deal with things. I don't have as much experience with juggling time anymore but I do remember the days when things were much more difficult. When I had to take care of a sick parent, when I had to take care of the property, when I had little to no free time. I looked for any opening. I would offer to stay at home to "watch the property and animals" when my parents would go grocery shopping and use the much needed time to do my workings. Literally any time you can squeeze in no matter how small is important. It can be done! it just takes good time management practices.
It made me remember my experience a few months ago. I was in a difficult situation and I had nowhere to do spiritual practice. I constantly caught the moment, grabbed it, as they try to grab luck by the tail. As a result, I managed to meditate quite often, but after some time I had a nervous breakdown. I felt tired and dissatisfied with the practices. Actually, I was happy. when I was able to complete the tasks for the day, but the uncertainties and the realization that I did not know when and how I would be able to complete it tomorrow - constantly occupied my thoughts. And then one day I sat down and thought, is this the kind of work that Satan expects from me? My thoughts at that moment were dominated by fear, during rituals and meditations. I was afraid that I would be caught doing this (I then lived with Christians in the same hotel room), and I had great doubts whether such work makes any sense at all if I experience such negative feelings during it. I really wanted to do them with gratitude, happiness and peace, but this did not always work out. The only thing that this experience has taught me is that you can actually practice anywhere. I did it in the bathroom, taking a shower, because the soundproofing was very poor. There is no better life than a life in which you can freely engage in spiritual development without hiding or pretending to be doing something else. For that, I would really choose to be alone. Therefore, I sincerely admire those who manage to do it calmly, who do their job no matter what. And I wish everyone, all of us, to be happy, no matter in the family or in splendid isolation. No matter which path you choose, you will not be alone, because Satan and our Gods will remain with us forever. Be who you are. Be Satanists wherever and with whomever you are.
I have kids and a wife, some stay at home and other goes to school. My wife dont know about this but I intended to introduce it smoothly since shes open minded but I need to introduce this carefuly so she just don't think its a waiste of time.

I have a stay at home kind of job. I do some spiritual working during the day when I got some time alone, and I do many working when everyone is sleeping.

It was not easy at the beginning but you need to take every spare time to advace. Or you need to have a wife that will become a SS too.
sshivafr said:
I have two children and a husband. What saves me is that I have a workshop in a barn where I do all my runic meditations, rituals, RTR. To make sure I am not disturbed in the middle of a ritual or meditation, I am the first one up and the last one in bed in the house.

I have banned all distractions, I keep those that are necessary for my children (like sometimes watching a movie with them), for my family (going far away from home to see my old and sick mother), for my dog (walking in the nature).
I have no social or love life (we are only a parental couple, each one sleeps in his room). I devote myself to my various professional jobs, my home and of course, my spiritual and magical advancement and Father Satan (translations, RTR, etc).

It is necessary to know how to make sacrifices and have endless days. I go to sleep without guilt only when I feel tired and I have fulfilled a lot of objectives in my day.

I would like if you could email me, I have some questions for you.
If people aren't willing to be receptful to the truth then it's like the book of the christards say, "giving pearls to the swine" - Only that Satan is the one who have the pearls. Your safety and wellbeing comes first.

You have to judge the individuals and evaluate the level of truth their minds can handle. If someone can be fully exposed to the truth like you were, then giving them the site should suffice - no bragging, no proselytising. Some people can handle the truth about the jews, some "Paganism", some nothing beyond yoga, and the list goes. My family accepts doing Falun Gong, and that "some jews"/communism is bad.

Elas Qilar said:
Another point is that if Satan means truth, shouldn't we be telling the truth to people regarding our beliefs? Or do you think that getting along with everybody is more important than telling the truth? Maybe not everyone deserves to know the truth?
Masterj810610 said:
I would like if you could email me, I have some questions for you.

Bonsoir Master, contactez Ara pour qu elle vous transmette mon nouvel email (je n ai plus du tout accès à l ancienne adresse que vous connaissez), je ne souhaite pas l afficher sur le forum, merci
Just a bit out of topic, but brothers and sisters, isn’t it wiser to marry after the first Saturn return?
Well one had to get creative! I sometimes fake a call when I do my money mantra. I go to a corner, put my phone over my ear and start to vibrate my mantra in a way I alone can hear.
I can relate to the creativity and thought needed in this and yes one has to be seriously intent on advancing such a way u use most of ur free time to meditate, even if other fun things u feel like doing is on ur mind, make sure meditation shares that time.
Breathing exercises in the bus, or taking a sit back at the office, go into trance and do some power meditation.
Remember workings by blitzkrieg if you want to tone up the free time, yet also, nothing, no job, no kids etc ..can take away this life of an SS..
As long as there is a will, there's a way...so just like HP Maxine said, ask yourself "how can I get around this".
HP HC gave a big tip, and that's strong will...

Egon said:
If people aren't willing to be receptful to the truth then it's like the book of the christards say, "giving pearls to the swine" - Only that Satan is the one who have the pearls. Your safety and wellbeing comes first.

You have to judge the individuals and evaluate the level of truth their minds can handle. If someone can be fully exposed to the truth like you were, then giving them the site should suffice - no bragging, no proselytising. Some people can handle the truth about the jews, some "Paganism", some nothing beyond yoga, and the list goes. My family accepts doing Falun Gong, and that "some jews"/communism is bad.

Elas Qilar said:
Another point is that if Satan means truth, shouldn't we be telling the truth to people regarding our beliefs? Or do you think that getting along with everybody is more important than telling the truth? Maybe not everyone deserves to know the truth?

Egon my bro, I want you to take your time and abalyze this very carefully.

Isn't the Falun Gong bad, I mean, there were several topics that were launched and in them Falun Gong is represented as a very deadly practice and also a death brining one.

Don't you want to save your family and friends and make them learn the truth even more?

Why are you leaving others down when they need you the most, and, instead of spending a lot of time on the online, you can bring your physical contribution in this world, you can put people that were bad and did crimes in jail by working ad a policeman, or save the world from Gentile Bolsonaro caused forest burnings.

Come on! Bring.it on
Very necessary questions by the OP, and thanks to HP Cobra for making it a sermon.

Personally, as a female, people are more accepting of women meditating and doing yoga. I've never had an issue, and others have asked for advice for yoga and meditations, which I keep to the mainstream (no vibrating mantras, for example).

I would squeeze in meditation time whenever I could. As HP Cobra said, arriving somewhere a bit early, finding a bench, and doing some meditations, I did this whenever I had to meet anyone. Very convenient.

Other times, I would have my phone, headphones plugged in so people could clearly see, and I would set my phone on my lap propping it up a bit with my hands, and do vibrations. That way, people would think I was having a video chat with someone. I did that a lot, and did RTRs in a park that way. Of course be careful doing RTRs in public, best to avoid it unless you know you won't be caught.

In the shower, you can clean your aura, very helpful to visualize the water washing away negative energy.

Walking somewhere, if it's day time, breathe in energy from the sun.

Breath of fire can easily be done anywhere. Sitting at work at your desk, just sit up straight and do some rounds whenever you feel the need for more energy. Unless you are wearing a tight shirt, nobody will notice your abdomen moving quickly. When you have a minute with nobody watching, do some alternate nostril breathing.

There are other good tips in this thread too :)
My family knows I practice Yoga. They don't mind.

But when it comes to other workings, that's when you have to organize your time so that you are able to follow your meditation routine. Even if that means waking up 30 minutes early to do a working. Or even doing it in the middle of the night...

I think in a way, it "all" comes together once you start developing your routine schedule and stick to it.

At the beginning, I didn't know how to find the balance between Spiritual Practice and my "other life." But time has helped with this, and I think that eventually, you find what works for you.
HoodedBro, the title contains an error "extrenal".
This isn't supposed to be here but I have to say it...
HP HC, thank you! The knowledge you give us is really life changing on application.
Yet I must say that for a person like me my desire to know as now turned to a black hole 🕳️, sometimes I see myself talking and saying when will HP drop something..I am restless, I try and comforting my self.
Well I also think we need to talk about the Psalm of Satan you gave us.
Thank you HP HC...to me you are generous!.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Isn't the Falun Gong bad
No. There are several topics in favor of it.

Don't you want to save your family and friends and make them learn the truth even more?
Why are you leaving others down when they need you the most, and, instead of spending a lot of time on the online
Unless you have brain-control powers you cannot "save them", we aren't christians who try to "convince" individuals, it is an unproductive waste of time. But we make the truth avaliable to people who want to learn abou it. You save the world as a whole by online warfare and Rituals not useless waste of words on people who will attack you for it. Become more familiar with this forum, the Joy of Satan and how we do things here.

What is the bullshit about "Bolsonaro"? No one cares about communist bullshit people invent about that poor usefool christard. All the previous Brazilian governments already burned the Amazon non-stop, that one politician did literally nothing of the ludicrous things the Jew media would accuse him of. He was literally a coward idiot.
Sir both god and Jesus died during the year 2015
I sexually assault god
I dislike god
I ejaculate on god
I set god on fire
I hit god thirty one times with a stick everyday
I torture the biological father of Jesus and ask Satan if this is true

I have a family and a full time job, yet I still have time for our Path.

I think of my life as a solar system, Satanism remains the center of this system, with the greatest magnistism. Everything revolves around it.

Also, I am geographically fortunate compared to some other SS. I typically don't worry about expressing my Pagan beliefs openly when asked, I do in fact leave the word Satan out though.

Limitations can be overcome. The limitations I had 2 years ago are gone, more are left but it shows progress.

Mostly, I wish there was more than 16 hours of waking time in a day. I do feel crunched, especially with University coming up. However, what I am about to get into is work for Satan, educationally. We need SS in specific fields and this is exactly my motive.

Anyhow, for those who missed it, Blitz came out with the Overcoming Obstacles and Gaining Free Time for SS, which I have begun and will continue for 360 days. All is possible. Miracles are manifested. Never give up.

Hail Satan
Ara666 said:
My family knows I practice Yoga. They don't mind.

But when it comes to other workings, that's when you have to organize your time so that you are able to follow your meditation routine. Even if that means waking up 30 minutes early to do a working. Or even doing it in the middle of the night...

I think in a way, it "all" comes together once you start developing your routine schedule and stick to it.

At the beginning, I didn't know how to find the balance between Spiritual Practice and my "other life." But time has helped with this, and I think that eventually, you find what works for you.

All those years I was living with my father were no impediment at all.
My father was an irreligious agnostic, I did my meditations and my mantras near him and I never had any problems, the only precaution I took was to tell him that I was a Hindu Pagan and not to mention in front of him things like Satan or demons.

Even he sometimes joked and told me "you are like a monk".
There were times when I had to memorize RTR. There were 4-5 RTR demanded per day and I did them in my mind traveling to job (my travel to job could take some hours). I could do meditation in transport, it was not in trance of course but there are meditations that do not demand trance, most of them do not.

Situations of different people can be very different, some for example have too pour health and in the same time huge responsibilities as a Satanist so they need smoother lives to be able to spend in their service more time with less effort. It may need asking Gods for guidance and specific choice of profession so that it is not demanding and is not ruining health, in which Gods can help. I forever come to Gods when I feel hard to combine Satanic duty with some life issue so that they show me way to never sacrifice the first while not ruin life completely or ruin it minimally, because for example if whole life is ruined (such as prison, serious mutilation, untreated mortal disease or such), then Satanic duty (which is the life's goal) will not be accomplished either in the long run. So I come and ask for an advise from them and from Clergy and always get. Gods also offer direct help when the situation on a plate is absolutely beyond the ability (such cases exist).

Good idea is to ask Gods for an advise in choice of profession that would grant you the lifestyle you need the most, since most people's life is very dependent on the profession they choose.
I really appreciate you making this topic a thread as this is quite helpful. Allows for greater navigation in a world that has been going astray in its standard of no true spiritual practice at all.

As Spiritual Satanism is the only path to true and epic sustenance of the soul.

Thank you HP HC for all that you do. Your selfless commitment to this community is incredibly admirable.
It is important that every Satanist has the power to discern working with spirituality and also maintaining a good physical life, from utter pseudo-Satanic fanatism.

For example, I keep a lot of work in the spirituality field but at the same time, I have a lot of tasks to do outside the spiritual / astral field, taking care of my family, going to a sport session as I need to heave avery balanced health.

I remember I had to memorize a lot of mantras to chant in order to raise my energies when doing the rituals for the destruction of Torah or other rituals such as the Gentile noticing the threat of Israel.

For raising the energies, I had a lot of work in order to vibrate the mantras correctly and I memorized them.

I knew at first that I couldn't have realized them as I wished as I was going to get my child on a walk in the park, but after I finished the walk, I started vibrated at least the three of the mantras that were needed, as I memorized them.

Clearly helped me a lot and that is when I have found balance of both keeping very good spiritual work, and also managing very well my physical life.

I find this very valuable and everyone shall learn a lot from this!
Serious question.

I noticed I have two different eyes.

A “evil” one and a “non evil” one.

What happens if I close one of the two.

Can I damage the good side somehow?
Or vice versa?

How do these eyes relate to reality and does this affect reality?

Also. If you are connected with things you don’t want. Let’s say the non evil eye I don’t want to be connected with.

How do I get rid of them.
Question about the spirits of Satan.

Do they eat?
Can they smell things like incense.
Let’s say I’m physically carrying their essence.
Can they taste food when I eat it?

Im thinking it would be fun to feed them some food, maybe burn some vanilla candle or whatever to have a nice smelling enviroment where they can chill or w/e they do.

Also. When it comes to activities.

What kind of activities can I undertake with them which others don’t have problems with and which are fun for them.

I can understand people see issues in humans fighting eachother spiritually posessed.

So I’m not sure if fighting is the smartest of choices. I see to many laying of hands during fight which shouldn’t be happening. And other stuff which seem magical.

I don’t want to do activities whilst others around me are making magical war / fights with my spiritual company whilst I’m doing the activities with them.


1. Can demons smell things like vanilla candles and can they taste food when I eat it.
2. Activities which they enjoy which we can do together. Preferably ones where others don’t stick their nose in my life/spiritual life and magically fight or alter me or
Them in any form.
3. What other things do they like which I can do in my life to make them enjoy their experience.
They’re here now. Might as well do some stuff to let them enjoy themselves without others fucking up our good time. Because politics or wills of people people call god or whatever.

Example: fighting others leaves you open for laying of hands by your opponent. Meaning potential magic damage to my spiritual connections/attachments. Something I don’t want at all.

Would be nice if you guys give a serious answer.

Also. Ignore some of the retarded posts I do at times lol.

Oh. All important stuff I need to know for life in general would be nice too. Like general rules of life for protecting and living successfully without harming my spirituality.

Example: stay away from peoples hands because magic flows through it for example and you don’t know who has what so every touch is a potential damage risk.

That’s it basically.
CantRead said:
Serious question.

I noticed I have two different eyes.

A “evil” one and a “non evil” one.

What happens if I close one of the two.

Can I damage the good side somehow?
Or vice versa?

How do these eyes relate to reality and does this affect reality?

Also. If you are connected with things you don’t want. Let’s say the non evil eye I don’t want to be connected with.

How do I get rid of them.

This is delusional, read https://JoyofSatan.org in its entirety

I have the intuition of you being a kike troll though.
CantRead said:

all three of your questions are unrelated to the threads they are posted in. Make a new thread and ask, or go to the beginner questions thread and ask the question.

All your questions can be answered by reading the https://JoyofSatan.org

Satan and the Demons are flesh and blood Immortal beings. but they still eat. Taste is a vital sense. They visit us through the astral.

by HP. Hoodedcobra666


Physical bodies out of the parameters of nature itself, need some form of sustaining that is related to the physical world, ie, food. They are energy and they need energy of the same level to live on.

Eating is also related to taste, which is one of the main emotional and sense based functions. Not eating and not tasting anything would be equal to having lost a sense of touch.

You are not "liberated" from these needs after the Magnum Opus, but you will indeed have an immortal body astrally and if the Magnum Opus is furthered, then physically. This body however, even though immune to ageing, will still need food, water and other things necessary to this world of the elements.

Instead of us ignoring retarded posts, just be intelligent with what you have to ask, respect the forums, it's a bit disrespectful to ask questions in a thread that's unrelated to your questions. If you don't know how to make a thread it's pretty simple.

It also seems you have many misunderstandings, many that which can be solved by simply reading. like for example you assume it's acceptable to offer the food to the Demons from your stomach, the same food that's in your bile, this is vile.

Better to give them your energy that you raise, there are many ways to raise that energy, or offer a promise of a serious work / art, or something from the heart. read our sites and use our search functions.

The dead can take energy from food. The Egyptians practiced this.

Demons can use all their senses astrally, many of the different Demons have their favorite smells posted on the website.

read our sites, and information.

Your name says Cantread. but you have to read. One basic foundation of Spiritual Satanism is Education. Education is just as important as Meditation.

The Gods don't just give you everything on a silver plate, they give you information and you must work towards it, nothing is given for free.

I may be coming off a bit rough, but I feel it's necessary to get this message across. there is a search function on our sites as well.

I understand this was said in the OP
I open of course this thread for discussion as others can also share excellent and helpful ideas.
However it was referring to relation of the topic, with the emphasis on Excellent and Helpful ideas.

Next time if you want someone to answer your question make a thread, or post in a beginner question thread, such as

the responsible thing to do first is to research and try to find the answer yourself first. then when you cannot find the answer, you ask.

and it's delusional to think one eye of yours is 'evil' and one is 'good'

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
