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Dealing With Astral Entities: On Astral Projection

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I wanted to briefly explain something which appears to have been quite the torment in New Age cycles and in particular to people who write endless volumes on "Astral projection" and in general all that kind of stuff. Buddhists take it one step further and all they do is they stay in some zoned out state somewhere astrally where they experience some form of 'serenity' because of emptiness and distance, and think that this is enlightenment, but this isn't quite enlightenment.

Make no mistake there are some Gurus in the East which consider "Astral projection" totally worthless and asinine, or a practice based on the imagination. If I was in the East I'd be one of them, and this opinion they have is not to snub the practice, but to make people focus on what matters. Now I understand why these gurus say these things to people, which is not because Astral projection is not real or because it doesn't exist, it definitely is real and it definitely does exist.

One Guru calls it a mere "Hallucination", which, quite frankly, without a developed spiritual body, the risk is too high to assume that yes, it will only be a little fanciful hallucination.

The point is that a lot of this is a hallucinatory state or in other words just a projection of your Astral body into the outer astral world, and all you will perceive when you are out of the body will largely be only what you are experiencing inside you as it is. Ie, if your purpose is to have meaningful experience, and a good experience, but all you care about is driving a car without wheels, you will never get anywhere, and definitely, not to your intended spiritual experience.

The Truth of the universe and understanding [Sat in Sanskrit] exists in this place where you sit and any other place. A dislocation of the Astral body towards another place is not necessary to experience it. The Truth rests here and now. What is however required is to get the astral body to emote on this level and open up to this.

The little problem here emerges when one starts forgetting the alchemical statement of "As above, so below". What does this statement teaches us, which is direct from Hermes? That no matter what you try to do above, if it has no semblance below, it doesn't really reflect to give you it's meaning. This is why the word "Reflection" in English has to do with this refraction: As above, So Below. To "Reflect" is to understand.

To put this simply and briefly, if you are in an elevated and proper state of consciousness as you are in the worked Astral body, so will be your astral experiences have more meaning and so forth. If your astral body is dim, unclean, bad etc, it doesn't help a lot to take a bad car out in a road trip, if the point of meditation is to improve the car. Indeed, the further one extends into the visages and imaginations, the more one will get deceived, as all the driver is going to see astral is just the fog and apparitions on the car's windows, and the creaking sounds by the bad wheels.

There are many "Gurus" and many other people who try and try to visit avenues and dimensions but all of it falls in vain and all they see is just the visages of their own vehicle's dirty windows. This causes a serious prohibition and lack of faith in the experience. It doesn't matter to know that the Astral body can travel, it definitely can travel, what also matters is to learn how it gains understanding, and not only how it moves.

It's not a coincidence that most people who are so invested into the craft of astral projection, never really see anything meaningful. Whole books written always with more riddles and more question marks, if anything, fanciful imaginative experiences. Others who try to force this out, not only not get anything meaningful out of it [like some idiots who do drugs in false hopes a real experience will occur] but the shit smeared on the car's windows leaves them scarred for life, or brings no meaning. It's not of much use to see the smears on the windows.

If hypothetically the car was projected into the milky way, or by the sun, or in the universe, all the driver would still see is the crap smeared on the windows, still.

Also, one more example to mention, is the example of a lot of people who inadvertently, either by accident, or from popular accounts [as early as the 17th and earlier centuries] have done Astral projection, and there are some treaterises of the subject here. This made many people convinced that we as a species, do have a soul. And we clearly do. Back then also, some people were into researching this, as part of the revival of the Pagan Spiritual Knowledge. But little to no merit was the understanding without spiritual practice.

Due to the fact however the soul was not elevated, they couldn't really get a lot or anything out of their travels, more than imaginary recreation, if even that. Some people also astrally project inadvertently as part of an illness, where the soul sometimes detaches from the body. Again, that is no sign of spiritual development or elevated awareness, but just that one can project the soul more or less by a mistake. This can bring other issues with it.

The meaningful way to go about this is to advance the soul and know what one is doing and what is necessary for each situation.

It is imperative if one wants to have meaningful experiences in projection, communication, and opening up the mind, to first of all not only get the vehicle of transmission into a peak, clean, neat, and proper condition, but take the precautions before driving, and only then the issue of projecting the consciousness has any meaning. Depending on where the car will go it will also need upgrades, if we are talking about real astral projection.

This upgrading and fixing does not require any particular "projection" of the consciousness to achieve outside of the body, just mere meditation, as you sit there and now. Focus inwards and meditate. Just happy, peaceful meditation.

For those who may be experiencing difficulties in Astral projection, never worry that this invalidates your efforts to advance or anything like that. Astral projection happens involuntarily into sleep in many intervals, intervals through which one can get dreams or see things which may be of some importance in increasing understanding.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The little problem here emerges when one starts forgetting the alchemical statement of "As above, so below". What does this statement teaches us, which is direct from Hermes? That no matter what you try to do above, if it has no semblance below, it doesn't really reflect to give you it's meaning. This is why the word "Reflection" in English has to do with this refraction: As above, So Below. To "Reflect" is to understand.
This I believe is also represented in the following quote from Musashi.

"The rhythms of martial arts are diverse. First know the benefic rhythms and understand the malefic rhythms, then discern the appropriate rhythms from among the big and small and slow and fast rhythms. Know the rhythms of spatial relations and the rhythms of reversal. These matters are specialties of martial science. Unless you understand the rhythms of reversal, your martial arts will be unreliable."

"Rhythms" here essentially being different energetic and mental states. I think that the phrase "Unless you understand the rhythms of reversal, your martial arts will be unreliable.", relates to what you wrote here on reflection and on the principle of 'as above, so below'. Of course this meaning is just one of the many of them, as the "rhythms" may also refer to energetical influences from the outside, such as planetary transits that affect us. In this aspect the "rhythms of reversal" could also refer to retrograde motions of the planets (which, interestingly enough have been linked to revision and reflection also such as with MercuryR).
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The little problem here emerges when one starts forgetting the alchemical statement of "As above, so below". What does this statement teaches us, which is direct from Hermes? That no matter what you try to do above, if it has no semblance below, it doesn't really reflect to give you it's meaning. This is why the word "Reflection" in English has to do with this refraction: As above, So Below. To "Reflect" is to understand.

This I believe is also represented in the following quote from Musashi.

"The rhythms of martial arts are diverse. First know the benefic rhythms and understand the malefic rhythms, then discern the appropriate rhythms from among the big and small and slow and fast rhythms. Know the rhythms of spatial relations and the rhythms of reversal. These matters are specialties of martial science. Unless you understand the rhythms of reversal, your martial arts will be unreliable."

"Rhythms" here essentially being different energetic and mental states. I think that the phrase "Unless you understand the rhythms of reversal, your martial arts will be unreliable.", relates to what you wrote here on reflection and on the principle of 'as above, so below'. Of course this meaning is just one of the many of them, as the "rhythms" may also refer to energetical influences from the outside, such as planetary transits that affect us. In this aspect the "rhythms of reversal" could also refer to retrograde motions of the planets (which, interestingly enough have been linked to revision and reflection also such as with MercuryR).

That is indeed wisdom in his statement and there is perception. What I meant was similar but instead wanted to simplify it.

I have not read on Musashi but I can see from what you explain he understands what he is talking about really well.

If the principle he explains here is mastered, this is not only the way to serenity in the mind, but also external success.
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is indeed wisdom in his statement and there is perception. What I meant was similar but instead wanted to simplify it.

I have not read on Musashi but I can see from what you explain he understands what he is talking about really well.

If the principle he explains here is mastered, this is not only the way to serenity in the mind, but also external success.
I agree :)

If you do plan on reading his Book of Five Rings in the future, be aware that all current versions are lack-luster and to a degree corrupted, and/or badly translated. Looking into the japanese phrases that were used can help greatly in better understanding what he actually meant to convey. The excerpt I shared is from my personal restoration file of the book.
I'm sure you would be able to find a great deal of wisdom in it regardless, though, as I think you're already experienced at filtering out corruption.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The only time I have actually left my body is in my dreams usually I am aware of it once I get out and feel a sensation but often I either just end up stuck in some place unable to go where I want to till I am back in my body at which point I usually wake up (one time this was at a School or college somewhere in a hallway where there were lockers people were changing out of winter jackets and getting their stuff for class it looked like an older building this is an example but I’d think to go to one of my friends or try to leave and nothing would happen but I’d be aware I was out of body and everything would be realistic in great detail like what I described even though I’d never seen the place before as if I was somewhere on earth in details)

This is my experience or I just float around near where I went to sleep then are not able to go too far! One time I almost made it out of my body but I was not able to move out of the room but I saw clearly it was like I was paralyzed and slightly above my body!

I guess I’ll have to practice on this more but it seems super cool and fun if I ever get the hang of it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"Convenient" as always Cobra. The past week I had devoted some time into experimenting with astral projection, trying to practice with it, really focusing on it, not for any real form of advancement other than I wanted to for fun or to at least eventually be able to do so at will. I wanted to explore places I could not physically otherwise as it sounds as though when one astral projects they can go to see places in the physical realm, project to a location as a 'full' experience per say. It seems obvious I'm expecting too much and will get little to nothing at the moment of anything of the sort, at least not in this time.

But being on the astral what you interpret and perceive reflects upon your inner self, what you are thinking, feeling, experiencing, being relayed as a projected 'virtual reality' to you in strange metaphorical ways. I imagine a lot of willpower is required to get what you want and truly perceive what you want to see... again with an advanced, empowered and clean soul of course. At the very least I want to gain skill in doing it, so far the farthest I've got is remote viewing, but even these are brief and are likely a 'hallucination' of the astral as well, not actually seeing a real physical location.

I've only ever astral projected a few times accidentally when I was younger and I can definitely say the experience was confusing and meaningless in and of itself at the time. I never did try to exact any control over it, I rolled with the flow. A mimicry of my room, my residence, scenes randomly changing to put me in random situations that made no sense, paintings of what I see in front of me melting in my hands, strange people staring at me silently upon a bench with wide eyes, ending up at a park, a school, all of this in matters of 30 second intervals or so before ending up back in my body.

One I did exact control over was more of a lucid dream state. I willed my desired actions, exploring this strange pink realm with glistening pink shallow waters. First time I experienced flying with wings, felt every movement, saw every colour, felt every texture of stone, every feather stroke. But was that a different state than astral projection? Or does lucid dreaming and projection kind of go hand-in-hand? Am I wasting time trying to practice astral projection right now or should I just update my perspective of it and expectations at this time?
It is not a waste of time but if one deceives themselves while awake they will deceive themselves while astrally projecting or lucid dreaming, that is all.

Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"Convenient" as always Cobra. The past week I had devoted some time into experimenting with astral projection, trying to practice with it, really focusing on it, not for any real form of advancement other than I wanted to for fun or to at least eventually be able to do so at will. I wanted to explore places I could not physically otherwise as it sounds as though when one astral projects they can go to see places in the physical realm, project to a location as a 'full' experience per say. It seems obvious I'm expecting too much and will get little to nothing at the moment of anything of the sort, at least not in this time.

But being on the astral what you interpret and perceive reflects upon your inner self, what you are thinking, feeling, experiencing, being relayed as a projected 'virtual reality' to you in strange metaphorical ways. I imagine a lot of willpower is required to get what you want and truly perceive what you want to see... again with an advanced, empowered and clean soul of course. At the very least I want to gain skill in doing it, so far the farthest I've got is remote viewing, but even these are brief and are likely a 'hallucination' of the astral as well, not actually seeing a real physical location.

I've only ever astral projected a few times accidentally when I was younger and I can definitely say the experience was confusing and meaningless in and of itself at the time. I never did try to exact any control over it, I rolled with the flow. A mimicry of my room, my residence, scenes randomly changing to put me in random situations that made no sense, paintings of what I see in front of me melting in my hands, strange people staring at me silently upon a bench with wide eyes, ending up at a park, a school, all of this in matters of 30 second intervals or so before ending up back in my body.

One I did exact control over was more of a lucid dream state. I willed my desired actions, exploring this strange pink realm with glistening pink shallow waters. First time I experienced flying with wings, felt every movement, saw every colour, felt every texture of stone, every feather stroke. But was that a different state than astral projection? Or does lucid dreaming and projection kind of go hand-in-hand? Am I wasting time trying to practice astral projection right now or should I just update my perspective of it and expectations at this time?
Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.



Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.

Read through the following threads, they seem to contain lots of good info for you:

Thread 1: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1302

Thread 2: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=21069

Thread 3: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1135

Good luck on your journey. You will prevail in the end.
Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.
It's disrespectful to write off-topic. You can freely open up new topics about what you need and get answers about it. Know that for next time. You need to study more and better the JOS site. There is a very effective solution, hypnosis. In your case, self-hypnosis. Psychiatrists use hypnosis to remove more dangerous and heavy addictions, from cocaine, heroin and other character problems and bad habits. I advise against going to a psychiatrist because he might dig into you and abuse you. Learn self-hypnosis and correct yourself.
txg said:
Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.

you could have made a new topic, but i will tell you the secret.

alchohol is a weapon that the catholic church used to destroy our families and bodies. in medieval times it was called aqua vida.

satanism is an ideology that says we must spend every day and night of the rest of our lives working tirelessly to master ourselves.

we must become our own spiritual, mental and physical masters. it takes lifetimes

in the case of people who have lost control to a long term addiction, you are going to have to work your ass off.

never skipping meditation EVER and working especially hard to be the best you can be for your family, for your race, and the gods.

if not for them do it for yourself

the spell that you need, is to empower the soul, there is no one time working.
no shortcut.
no gimmicks.

you must start the meditations and the yoga and never give up,
perhaps you are not the kind of man that can do that right now.
but when you start to build up immense energy within yourself, even awaken the mind and spirit.
you will then have the power to do some targeted workings against the old addictions and to remove the desire to take poison.
you wouldnt be the same person anymore.

some people escape from the horror of life on drugs and alcohol, and a vast majority go their whole lives only to die but are so weak in the soul that they cant even reincarnate. it is a personal choice.

i believe in you
I don't find alcohol useful. It has no nutritional or curative or beneficial value. It is a light drug, in high doses or in case of abuse it seriously damages the liver. All drugs and other harmful substances should be prohibited.
Siphephile said:
Wunjo and Nauthiz runes to get rid of the addiction. Write a new topic if you want detailed advice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is not a waste of time but if one deceives themselves while awake they will deceive themselves while astrally projecting or lucid dreaming, that is all.

Ah, now I understand. Forgive me but I am going to prattle on a bit, I absolutely love these kinds of discussions.

It's a ways in advancement from finding anything meaningful or of truth without the ability and clarity to interpret it appropriately for what it actually means when one deals with astral visuals and audio the like. Just as dreams, of which everything related seems to tie in as one in the same as astral projection or some form of projection onto the astral, it lies upon symbolism and metaphorical scenarios that require a good eye, intuition and such to interpret the real meaning behind it. What you see is not what it actually is. This was something I had finally understood after my situation with your help, but this clarifies it even further.

When I was into lucid dreaming and studied it relentlessly before I joined the JoS, there were countless statements of 'finding out your issues in life, what you need to work on with yourself' in a lucid dream. They often referred to this as speaking with the 'subconscious', the dream scene then shifting or projecting an answer of sorts in a variety of very strange and different ways for the 'dreamer' to interpret. I of course know now that all of this is the astral and that dreams are not solely of the physical brain.

Very rarely if at all will the astral tell you something exactly as it is on it's own. The viewer needs to watch out for misinterpretation as the astral is the thought plane, chaotic energies that take winding paths that split into more paths, zero concept of human sensibility and fact. It only 'knows' the basic foundation of the viewers desired will, but without appropriate and powerful direction it comes up with the most bizarre and hard-to-interpret answers that the viewer then has to unravel and try to figure out what it means by objectively viewing just what precisely the astral utilized to create the answer, etc. One thing could mean hundreds of different things so one has to use what makes sense, is convenient, and thoroughly scrutinize everything of the response.

This also ties into our gods communicating with us through dreams, in my experience they seem to guide the astral 'response' for us to interpret, and the need to really view and figure out what the dream means is still there. But I have had very straight forward answers to things in dreams from them as well where the answer is undeniable. An example being I had suspected the chiropractor I was seeing for the injury I got at work to be a jew, she wasn't healing me, I always felt worse after leaving her building and just how she looked. Not too long after I had a very vivid dream one night of one of her co-workers telling me in her office the exact words "Yeah, she's a jew.". So not all of them are confusing, but thorough interpretation will still always be key.


As for astral projection to members who are trying to do it, I've figured that one doesn't have to actually devote sessions to actually trying to project in order to practice. Once a day or as comfortable of a consistency, one can simply turn their focus to the fact that they are not just existing on the physical realm, they are not just walking on a physical floor, seeing physical things, we exist simultaneously on both the physical and the astral. The more one learns to tune themselves into this fact and focus on primarily feeling their astral body with each movement, step and gesture they make, this will naturally help one to be sensitized to the astral plane and their astral form, making the act of actually projecting when desired easier down the road.

Just doing this has made me have an easier time with feeling, seeing and doing something in general with the astral. A lot of 'almosts' with actual projection with this method, but in time with more sensitization and practicing like this, one may eventually be able to project very easily at will. It helps to perceive this like a radio, you need to tune to the appropriate station, this station being the astral plane. Switch out the primary of the physical to the astral, the physical being secondary this time and the one in the background instead of the astral. Because of the enemy, focus on the physical has become our primary state of being, we've forgotten what the astral actually feels like, how it feels to simultaneously exist on it, what our astral forms feel like when we move them, focus on them, etc, so this makes it difficult to work with it.

Sensitization to the astral and energy is one of the first learning curves newer members have to attain in order to know how it feels, how to direct it and how to program and use it, it's the one of the very basic things one must learn with advancement. This is the same thing with feeling one's existence on the astral plane for astral projection, one needs to sensitize themselves to it. It doesn't just help with astral projection either, it helps direct the energy of one's thoughts into a target, being able to feel the very energy you send out, directing energy into a created thought-form for a working, influencing another's aura, tuning into your psychic abilities both sight and sound, telepathy, pyrokinesis, biokinesis and other related things that require one to will the astral plane.

Just spend a few minutes or however long you are comfortable with a day focusing on your existence on the astral plane, switch your conscious focus from your physical mind to your astral one. Instead of feeling your muscles moving your arms, feel your soul moving your arms with the physical body simply following with it, focus on the astral vibrations of objects you touch and hold, the feeling of your chakras major and minor following your movements, etc. Tune in your hearing and sight, tune into seeing the auras around you of objects and people, it doesn't matter if you don't actually see them just passively and gently focus on the astral plane that enables you to see them, tune in your hearing to the sound of your own chakras on the plane, sometimes you can even astrally hear your own thoughts echoing back at you from my experience, nothing to be frightened of though it is certainly weird. These are all just exercises for astral sensitization.

Training with sensitization is very important in my opinion to better be able to direct and work with the astral in all ways. The additional training one really needs to learn to grasp down the road with this is void meditation and a steel-grip control over ones thoughts and focus. This alone can take years to master so don't get frustrated, it's not impossible, the sooner one starts in practicing this, the better. Silence is golden, but it is also control.
Thanks to you all for your replies .I did find what gonna assist me in fighting this addition.I appreciate your responses .Thank you
Astral world is made out of ideas.
Larissa666 said:
Astral world is made out of ideas.

Ideas is only one of the things contained in the astral realm itself, it is not the "Ideas world". The "Ideas world" has a lot to do with what we humans consider as "Mental" aspect. The astral is above that.
Bigot Boy said:
Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.




Centralforce666 said:
I once did read in the health forum about a plant which stops the body from absorbing alcohol additonaly the person would get sick(pucking) if continue to dring alcohol can you remember the herb? Was a asian one not sure if you or if it was T.A.O.L. who did write about it.

T.A.O.L. said:
if you know the plant pls write the name here thx in advance(see above)
GabrielHed said:
есть очень интересные сайты которые рекомендую посмотреть,
куча полезной информации и достойные темы! Заходи чувак и наслаждайся


Привет to you. This is not the Russian forum.
GG Allin said:
Bigot Boy said:
Siphephile said:
Greetings Satanic brothers and Sisters.Sorry to get out of topic.I wish to get help here from the priest/priestess .I have been battling with alcohol addiction for years ive tried to quit with no luck.I have been drinking for the past 15years .I have a problem and I need serious help I can't take it anymore alcohol is ruining my life and my family .I wish to know if there is any spell I can use to quit alcohol .I have searched the joy of Satan but I didn't find anything .please brothers and sisters Im only 28years old by the way ..im not even working my financial situation is very very bad because of alcohol.




Centralforce666 said:
I once did read in the health forum about a plant which stops the body from absorbing alcohol additonaly the person would get sick(pucking) if continue to dring alcohol can you remember the herb? Was a asian one not sure if you or if it was T.A.O.L. who did write about it.

T.A.O.L. said:
if you know the plant pls write the name here thx in advance(see above)

Was not me and also I do not recall about reading about such a thing. Also Im only online rn to change the password. This account has been deactivated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
