I wanted to briefly explain something which appears to have been quite the torment in New Age cycles and in particular to people who write endless volumes on "Astral projection" and in general all that kind of stuff. Buddhists take it one step further and all they do is they stay in some zoned out state somewhere astrally where they experience some form of 'serenity' because of emptiness and distance, and think that this is enlightenment, but this isn't quite enlightenment.
Make no mistake there are some Gurus in the East which consider "Astral projection" totally worthless and asinine, or a practice based on the imagination. If I was in the East I'd be one of them, and this opinion they have is not to snub the practice, but to make people focus on what matters. Now I understand why these gurus say these things to people, which is not because Astral projection is not real or because it doesn't exist, it definitely is real and it definitely does exist.
One Guru calls it a mere "Hallucination", which, quite frankly, without a developed spiritual body, the risk is too high to assume that yes, it will only be a little fanciful hallucination.
The point is that a lot of this is a hallucinatory state or in other words just a projection of your Astral body into the outer astral world, and all you will perceive when you are out of the body will largely be only what you are experiencing inside you as it is. Ie, if your purpose is to have meaningful experience, and a good experience, but all you care about is driving a car without wheels, you will never get anywhere, and definitely, not to your intended spiritual experience.
The Truth of the universe and understanding [Sat in Sanskrit] exists in this place where you sit and any other place. A dislocation of the Astral body towards another place is not necessary to experience it. The Truth rests here and now. What is however required is to get the astral body to emote on this level and open up to this.
The little problem here emerges when one starts forgetting the alchemical statement of "As above, so below". What does this statement teaches us, which is direct from Hermes? That no matter what you try to do above, if it has no semblance below, it doesn't really reflect to give you it's meaning. This is why the word "Reflection" in English has to do with this refraction: As above, So Below. To "Reflect" is to understand.
To put this simply and briefly, if you are in an elevated and proper state of consciousness as you are in the worked Astral body, so will be your astral experiences have more meaning and so forth. If your astral body is dim, unclean, bad etc, it doesn't help a lot to take a bad car out in a road trip, if the point of meditation is to improve the car. Indeed, the further one extends into the visages and imaginations, the more one will get deceived, as all the driver is going to see astral is just the fog and apparitions on the car's windows, and the creaking sounds by the bad wheels.
There are many "Gurus" and many other people who try and try to visit avenues and dimensions but all of it falls in vain and all they see is just the visages of their own vehicle's dirty windows. This causes a serious prohibition and lack of faith in the experience. It doesn't matter to know that the Astral body can travel, it definitely can travel, what also matters is to learn how it gains understanding, and not only how it moves.
It's not a coincidence that most people who are so invested into the craft of astral projection, never really see anything meaningful. Whole books written always with more riddles and more question marks, if anything, fanciful imaginative experiences. Others who try to force this out, not only not get anything meaningful out of it [like some idiots who do drugs in false hopes a real experience will occur] but the shit smeared on the car's windows leaves them scarred for life, or brings no meaning. It's not of much use to see the smears on the windows.
If hypothetically the car was projected into the milky way, or by the sun, or in the universe, all the driver would still see is the crap smeared on the windows, still.
Also, one more example to mention, is the example of a lot of people who inadvertently, either by accident, or from popular accounts [as early as the 17th and earlier centuries] have done Astral projection, and there are some treaterises of the subject here. This made many people convinced that we as a species, do have a soul. And we clearly do. Back then also, some people were into researching this, as part of the revival of the Pagan Spiritual Knowledge. But little to no merit was the understanding without spiritual practice.
Due to the fact however the soul was not elevated, they couldn't really get a lot or anything out of their travels, more than imaginary recreation, if even that. Some people also astrally project inadvertently as part of an illness, where the soul sometimes detaches from the body. Again, that is no sign of spiritual development or elevated awareness, but just that one can project the soul more or less by a mistake. This can bring other issues with it.
The meaningful way to go about this is to advance the soul and know what one is doing and what is necessary for each situation.
It is imperative if one wants to have meaningful experiences in projection, communication, and opening up the mind, to first of all not only get the vehicle of transmission into a peak, clean, neat, and proper condition, but take the precautions before driving, and only then the issue of projecting the consciousness has any meaning. Depending on where the car will go it will also need upgrades, if we are talking about real astral projection.
This upgrading and fixing does not require any particular "projection" of the consciousness to achieve outside of the body, just mere meditation, as you sit there and now. Focus inwards and meditate. Just happy, peaceful meditation.
For those who may be experiencing difficulties in Astral projection, never worry that this invalidates your efforts to advance or anything like that. Astral projection happens involuntarily into sleep in many intervals, intervals through which one can get dreams or see things which may be of some importance in increasing understanding.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Make no mistake there are some Gurus in the East which consider "Astral projection" totally worthless and asinine, or a practice based on the imagination. If I was in the East I'd be one of them, and this opinion they have is not to snub the practice, but to make people focus on what matters. Now I understand why these gurus say these things to people, which is not because Astral projection is not real or because it doesn't exist, it definitely is real and it definitely does exist.
One Guru calls it a mere "Hallucination", which, quite frankly, without a developed spiritual body, the risk is too high to assume that yes, it will only be a little fanciful hallucination.
The point is that a lot of this is a hallucinatory state or in other words just a projection of your Astral body into the outer astral world, and all you will perceive when you are out of the body will largely be only what you are experiencing inside you as it is. Ie, if your purpose is to have meaningful experience, and a good experience, but all you care about is driving a car without wheels, you will never get anywhere, and definitely, not to your intended spiritual experience.
The Truth of the universe and understanding [Sat in Sanskrit] exists in this place where you sit and any other place. A dislocation of the Astral body towards another place is not necessary to experience it. The Truth rests here and now. What is however required is to get the astral body to emote on this level and open up to this.
The little problem here emerges when one starts forgetting the alchemical statement of "As above, so below". What does this statement teaches us, which is direct from Hermes? That no matter what you try to do above, if it has no semblance below, it doesn't really reflect to give you it's meaning. This is why the word "Reflection" in English has to do with this refraction: As above, So Below. To "Reflect" is to understand.
To put this simply and briefly, if you are in an elevated and proper state of consciousness as you are in the worked Astral body, so will be your astral experiences have more meaning and so forth. If your astral body is dim, unclean, bad etc, it doesn't help a lot to take a bad car out in a road trip, if the point of meditation is to improve the car. Indeed, the further one extends into the visages and imaginations, the more one will get deceived, as all the driver is going to see astral is just the fog and apparitions on the car's windows, and the creaking sounds by the bad wheels.
There are many "Gurus" and many other people who try and try to visit avenues and dimensions but all of it falls in vain and all they see is just the visages of their own vehicle's dirty windows. This causes a serious prohibition and lack of faith in the experience. It doesn't matter to know that the Astral body can travel, it definitely can travel, what also matters is to learn how it gains understanding, and not only how it moves.
It's not a coincidence that most people who are so invested into the craft of astral projection, never really see anything meaningful. Whole books written always with more riddles and more question marks, if anything, fanciful imaginative experiences. Others who try to force this out, not only not get anything meaningful out of it [like some idiots who do drugs in false hopes a real experience will occur] but the shit smeared on the car's windows leaves them scarred for life, or brings no meaning. It's not of much use to see the smears on the windows.
If hypothetically the car was projected into the milky way, or by the sun, or in the universe, all the driver would still see is the crap smeared on the windows, still.
Also, one more example to mention, is the example of a lot of people who inadvertently, either by accident, or from popular accounts [as early as the 17th and earlier centuries] have done Astral projection, and there are some treaterises of the subject here. This made many people convinced that we as a species, do have a soul. And we clearly do. Back then also, some people were into researching this, as part of the revival of the Pagan Spiritual Knowledge. But little to no merit was the understanding without spiritual practice.
Due to the fact however the soul was not elevated, they couldn't really get a lot or anything out of their travels, more than imaginary recreation, if even that. Some people also astrally project inadvertently as part of an illness, where the soul sometimes detaches from the body. Again, that is no sign of spiritual development or elevated awareness, but just that one can project the soul more or less by a mistake. This can bring other issues with it.
The meaningful way to go about this is to advance the soul and know what one is doing and what is necessary for each situation.
It is imperative if one wants to have meaningful experiences in projection, communication, and opening up the mind, to first of all not only get the vehicle of transmission into a peak, clean, neat, and proper condition, but take the precautions before driving, and only then the issue of projecting the consciousness has any meaning. Depending on where the car will go it will also need upgrades, if we are talking about real astral projection.
This upgrading and fixing does not require any particular "projection" of the consciousness to achieve outside of the body, just mere meditation, as you sit there and now. Focus inwards and meditate. Just happy, peaceful meditation.
For those who may be experiencing difficulties in Astral projection, never worry that this invalidates your efforts to advance or anything like that. Astral projection happens involuntarily into sleep in many intervals, intervals through which one can get dreams or see things which may be of some importance in increasing understanding.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666