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Dealing with Astral Entities - Ghosts - Part 1

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Dealing with Astral Entities - Ghosts - Part 1 : JoyofSatan666

In light of recent questions over to how to deal with entities, its important some things are being addressed.

First of all, in the "other side" (Astral), one can encounter all sorts of entities. There are levels of this. Having worked extensively and for many years both with people on the other side who have passed away, the Demons and encountered a lot of things, its easy to discern a lot of problems in this thing. Its important these are solved because due to centuries of darkness and jewish lies, many people don't know what's up.

One major thing is to remember, that beings on the other side, aren't any less "real" than beings that could be potentially on this side. The fact that they are not in the primary sphere of your own existence doesn't really make them "Inferior" or anything else, and for the beings who reside into higher dimensions like the Demons, in many ways, they are superior to a lot of people who are just living and existing on the physical realm. So first of all we are going to deal with the matter of ghosts. The enemy grimoires have really poisoned this matter and we are slowly going to clear the clutter from this whole thing. There are also many charlatans around, like xians and that sort of thing, that don't know anything about the afterlife. This makes everything harder and more confusing.

I am starting from ghosts because these are basically the simplest entities one can really "relate" to in this sense, and they just live one "layer" above close to the Astral realm. This is why many people can actually "see" or "feel" ghosts, even if they aren't really "psychic". Normally, ghosts are like real human beings. They don't have the needs of eating or anything that is needed to sustain the physical body, but their emotional, intellectual and whatnot needs, are intact like any other living human being. They are also, not "dead". One's spiritual awareness, understanding and personality, is carried on intact in the other side.

The same applies in some cases with one's natal chart. The same natal chart one can have when they were alive, still applies to them after death, until someone reincarnates again. This means the "Karma" doesn't really wash out at death. The fact that people think otherwise is retarded and is again, stemming from "Christianity" that says "people get judged" after they die. This is a stolen concept and it’s, like with anything the jews steal, completely corrupted and destroyed. This can be seen in the fact that many people grow "rich" (they get inheritances even if they are dead) or they get "famous" (like philosophers or skeptics or scientists) only after they die. This sort of thing has to do with their natal chart and there is a branch of astrology going into this, so I can't deviate from the purpose of this post as this would be too lengthy.

Now in regards to "dead" people who have "seen the xian afterlife", most of these people have been "clinically dead" but the "cord" of their soul/body didn't cut. This once cut cannot grow back on its own. One still roams within their own "subconscious" or their own mind at this point and this is not in anyway, actually "death" where the Soul is permanently disconnected from the body. Due to heavy indoctrination, a lot of these xians and others, do see "hell" and all these other things that are deeply embed and programmed into their subconscious mind.

This is part on how many people, in the time of their death, see a lot of their desires, past moments in this lifetime, and other things. The heavily indoctrinated see what their pastor told them they should expect, as this is programmed and drummed into the mind since infancy. In plain words, what they see is no different than an actual dream state. They aren't really astral projecting or anything like that. They aren't even witnessing their "Soul" per se, but their mental or "dream body".

Death however, deals with the higher or unconscious mind. And not the dream state or anything subconscious.

As about the "Judgment" after death, this is a destroyed and corrupted allegory. When one exists and departs from their physical body, they go out with their Astral body. Their personality and everything else is intact. In cases of natural death (without accidents, but old age) the bioelectricity of the physical body has run dry, and it’s over, so the Soul cannot really inhabit in it any longer- the body is no longer suitable for life. The Soul as thus departs. So when people run out, the Soul runs on its own "energy" or "battery" so to say. This is to mean that simply, when one's "time is up", they dissipate back into the Aether. And slowly dissipate now and forever.

Sometimes the process of reincarnation happens, and this in many ways is an "automatic" (or let's say, unconscious) process and like with so many things that happen unconsciously, people don't really understand "who" did this, even in the afterlife. This is also why so many people that refuse to be reincarnated, for a number of reasons, they stay on certain places like old homes, or other places like close to their own families, or hunt buildings. Many times also ghosts and people from beyond, they prefer to go into places where there are "earth grids" with vital energy, which helps them survive, or other strong electromagnetic currents. This process can also, be unconscious as well.

For many death is a totally baffling phenomenon, and they just try to stay stuck on this world, or things that are familiar to them. The Astral body can have all the sensations of the physical one, but it doesn't really participate in a physical world. Since the vibration of many people is too low, they just exit on the exact "higher" dimension of this realm. Many people don't really understand that they are dead, same as many people who are in a dream state and they don't really understand they are dreaming, until the dream becomes "conscious" or "lucid". Then they slowly come into realization of this after a while.

For these beings, their fate is questionable. Many people fall victims into their own delusions once they die, or they are harvested by stronger enemy beings, or they end up in "the light", or others dissipate, while others haunt houses and the list goes on. Their fate is literally anything possibly. One cannot really say for sure. Especially if one is a "devout" Xian or devout in the attraction of all these subconscious messages of self-decay of xianity, everything happens "faster" in the Astral, as one can move "faster" and their ideas attract things faster to them. This is no different than how a bad fetishist can end up in the wrong club and get so beaten up that they are going to die, or that people who do drugs just find the wrong dose at some point and find themselves dead. Vices and personality traits are carried in the afterlife. In the same way, emotions, feelings, one's mental and spiritual condition, character, morality is also carried.

This is why "ghosts" can be absolutely anything. Literally. They are not "good" or "evil" and they aren't really "simpler" than any other real Human being. Their condition is exact to the Human one, except of the changes that we related above. This is why for instance people who have been nagging others their whole lifetime, they will do so after death. People who have been serial killers, or very aggressive people, will be so after death. Nothing really changes when one leaves their "husk" even though many idiots believe it to be so, thanks to xianity.

As about the "judgment" of the Soul, this is an allegory. The more "lower" one is spiritually, the lower they are on the astral and the closer they are on the physical. They haven't really "ascended" and they don't have any knowledge of the beyond, let alone any help or anything. They can end anywhere. This is the "judgment" and the "lightness of the Soul". The "lighter" and the more enlightened the Soul, the more powerful it is in fighting intrusions or anything else. Ghosts can also be subjected, like any other creature physically. The enemy knows and uses this against innocent human beings. They can also make friends, foes, enemies, or just be indifferent. Many people refuse the "reincarnation" that happens by their unconscious mind, because they want things solved in the physical realm they cannot leave behind. This is especially true, as HPS Maxine has covered, in the case of murder or anything else where these beings want justice.

Elevation of one's "vibration" also means to get on a higher dimension astral. This is transferred with someone after "Death" as well. This is where when one dies, they are in the higher astral dimensions and not on these very low one's to the physical. Ideally, one person should know how to go higher or lower. However due to spiritual ignorance, this is not known to most people and they are on a lockdown. This is allegorically on how the Egyptians went in front of the gates, and if they knew the correct words, they would be elevated from "hades" to higher levels. The lower one is, the more one runs the risk of dissipation, enslavement by hostile ET entities, etc. This is allegorically "hell", and the "hell" the Abrahamic religions have subjected Humanity into.

Part of this "vibration" and where one "is", also potentially shows how much power one has, even in the physical realm. In the same sense, people with occult knowledge, can use it after they die. This is especially true with entities that some people call "poltergeists" or something like this. These ghosts are sometimes strong people (either by birth or by natal chart, or just people who were into the occult) and they seek to harm people due to fun, or other personal reasons. A good natural instance is people who do have a Scorpio stellium. These people can be natural adepts to magick without even really knowing it, or they have powerful willpower. This can cause things on its own, even change down the world of the living. However rare, these beings exist too. This ties into the above thing. These people can be arguably, more or less spiritual and more or less aware of what they are doing.

Now in regards to other matters on how to identify ghosts, it should be easy. First of all Ghosts can be really felt in some points. Especially if the person died a violent death, the life force of their body wasn't completely dissipated such as peaceful death in old age, and sometimes this affects the Soul, making these people really "dense". Some people are "dense" naturally, such as the beings above. Some people are very frail and they can hardly ever be noticed, or their effects. The list goes. One can pretty much identify them through power. There are some ghosts who are also powerful, like the categories above.

Normally these should be nowhere close to Satanists, same as astral entities with hostile intents. There is a chance they can also be crossed. That doesn't necessarily mean, they will be powerful or not. Power is a great definition though. When one grows competent enough, they can actually "discern" the Soul by its essence. Humans have a particular essence. The Human Soul can be more advanced, or less advanced. Power is the most accurate judge to begin with, but one should look for essence, personality, intelligence etc after this. Ghosts don't really deliver this electrifying serious power like the Gods.

To not mess the usual with a rare occurrence though, most ghosts are really weak. Mostly they are in the same power level as ordinary human beings that didn't quite meditate. The same goes for knowledge, intelligence and power in general. How one can deal with ghosts really has to do with the ability one has to deal with other people in general. The same goes for personalities in general. The fact that they are ghosts doesn't mean they don't think, they like or dislike everything, or that they necessarily pose a danger, or not. It’s almost close to how one deals with people in real life. Nothing is certain. One can become a friend with ghosts, or drive them away, or anything else.

Normally, the Gods themselves will handle any Ghosts who are seriously a danger to people. Though ghosts are too many in number in many cases, with many ghosts being around in general. Having strange emotions, weak shivers, feelings of fear or worry, or other sorts of feelings that are not "yours" when you enter a place, is a sign of ghost activity.

Children many times do see "ghosts". This is why many children talk of "imaginary friends" and many times get the stories they share validated, on the account that real people with names and such existed in such places. Many times, ghosts are not evil people. Ghosts can also be serious murderers and stuff, or like to cause dismay, or get sudden emotional urges and stuff, like Humans. The only difference is that they don't have physical needs and quite a handful have figured out the hoax of xianity, since they died only to see it was a lie.

The enemy is also well aware of the existence of ghosts. This is why in mimicry of the Ancient Egyptian religion, they bless ghosts. Ghosts can be blessed, cursed or even subjected. The enemy has rituals and litanies upon which they attack ghosts that are not subjected to christianity and they try to send them to "hell". This is the case especially in Orthodox Christianity, where even if people are long dead, the clergymen keep "reading prayers" and "blessing" them to be judged by "God" or to enter "hell or heaven" if they were disobedient. Sometimes these curses work, sometimes not- the same goes for how the jews and others curse relentlessly people who have attacked them but according to them, "passed on", like Adolf Hitler.

The enemy also actively calls "angels" and other beings, or the Hebraic Thoughform itself to "harvest" people. To what degree these work, is up to their power and the power the Goyim slaves give to the book of the bible, by worshipping the jewish thoughform that is the root of all their occult power- what I want to show is that they actually attempt to subvert, destroy and enslave beings even after they have passed on. They literally enforce people into "hell" or in a dimension of a jewish Thoughform and aliens, that subject these people and destroy them. This quote below is a blatant one.

Revelation 20:13-14

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire This is the second death, the lake of fire.

You can blatantly see, the enemy affirms openly that "Hades" (who is a well known Pagan Ancient Greek God) is actually keeping the Souls of Humans in refugee. This is also analogous to being in a low level of astral, but this is not the case here, as the enemy talks about the actual God Hades. The Gods are known to take care of the Souls of people. Those who are in the low dimensions or haven't really dedicated are also taken care of as much as possible.

The enemy here blatantly admits that the Afterlife is not where this is "over". One goes to somewhere- the lower Astral level. They know it's not over. They also know the Gods protect the Souls of people as much as possible, and they want to obliterate BOTH of them, and take their "Souls" to be "Judged" by the Hebraic Thoughform, and be harvested by the enemy ET beings. They want to subject them into a dimension where there is eternal fire and brimstone, in order for them to suffer eternally for not believing the jews etc. This is NOT the case, but something to be sought.

This "dimension" where they do these things, is actually something they also manipulate the mass mind in order to create, as everyone, even those in the Vatican know, that this is an invention of the Church. The mass belief into the fake tales of xianity, creates something similar to this place into the Astral, since thoughts become things in the astral in many ways. So the psychic energy of the Goyim, except of manifesting riches for the jews, death and anguish for all Humanity, disasters to the planet, they also create a metaphysical construct of "hell" for those that believe in this excrement, to actually burn forever.

As to not confuse people, the Torah and the Abrahamic programs, don't only create a reality that is physical, but a metaphysical one. Part of this is this pool of hellfire for the disbelievers, where all Humanity wants to end up in, except of the 144,000 elect jews who will rule the planet and become "Gods". Not only xianity wants to damn you now, but in the afterlife. That's how much it hates humanity.

This is part of cursing these beings and general scorn, defamation, but has deeper spiritual reasons. Its well known Kabbalists on the enemy cursed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis well after they "lost" this war or "died". This is for a reason. The same goes for any other Spiritual entity, or like our Gods, that they curse. There is a very famous jewish curse, that the jews use for the idea of "Gentile Jesus" as well (Because Jewsus, Rabbi Yashua is a Rabbi and the Goy are insolent to call this thing a Gentile) and this curse is "may his name (memory) be blotted out". This signifies their wish about death in the afterlife, and in history as well- not only physical death. The enemy knows nothing ends with mere physical death. This is what they hide from the masses of the Goyim, aside everything else. Its part of the deal in keeping Humanity blind and under strict alien control. With jews, you lose. Here and beyond.

I hope the above sums up the matter of Ghosts in general and it enlightens the whole situation around ghosts. More posts like this will follow. One last note, those with Satan will never be subjected to anything vile like this, as the Gods, from all the times, take care of our Souls. This has been the meaning of the Egyptian and other Ancient religions. Eternal life is really possible both through the Magnum Opus and because the Eternal Gods help those who have passed away from falling into the jaws of danger and death. This is again documented into the Egyptian texts. Spiritual evolution assures survival both here and in one's general existence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As for protecting one's self from Ghosts and other human spirits. Normally, cleasing one's chakras, aura of protection or a banishing Ritual should solve issues with Ghosts as most of them are weak. If there are more serious problems, one might require intervention by the Demons and one's Guardian Demon. After one has decent power, Ghosts can be driven away quite easily by one's own power and magick. Ghosts like all people may, or may not react to violence, may be sly, may not be sly and the list goes.

This is up to someone to figure out. One of the best things to do is to actually not really pay attention to them. When one raises higher astrally, these beings don't really "interfere" or can mess with anyone anymore. This is why sometimes its advisable for people to actually get stronger, before they just attempt "communication" and being "open" to all sorts of bizzare entities. The Astral is a vast place and some things in it is not fun, at all.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
