Imagining them or vibrating them in our mind would be considered a weaker working since we are not as powerful, but it would count for something. Vibrate instead, if you can't vibrate for privacy reasons, then just say it in your normal voice and finish it quickly, it would still be better than just doing it in your mind. But if it's still impossible, then sure go ahead with vibrating the rune in your mind.
You can read about runes here:
Download this mp3 pack to learn how to vibrate Germanic and Icelandic versions.
Download the SS Calendar of your timezone: /
To raise energies before a working: [but you believe you are suffering from high energy surge, so leave this part for 2-4 days]
Never start a working when moon is in VoC[Void of Course]
Algiz, you can start today
, to banish negative energies from your home.
You need to do it from time to time depending on your location, suppose if a church, mosque, or a synagogue is very close to your house then one should do it everyday, and if your family members practice Abrahamic prayers or rituals at home, do it once or twice a week.
But for now, do it for 6 or 7 consecutive days,
Algiz x40 times for 6 or 7 days[numbers have multiple properties/quality/charaterstics to them, 6 has healing and cleaning, and 7 has purification]
affirm 10 times "The energies of Algiz have banished all negative energies, entities and dirt on the astral from my home, now and forever"
Here's how it works:
You vibrate Algiz 40 times and then affirm "The energies of Algiz have banished all negative energies, entities and dirt on the astral from my home, now and forever" 10 times. Then on the next day you do the same, it is prefered to do it at the same hour.
Do this for 6 or 7 days
For healing, use
Wunjo, take a look at your calander, if the Moon is still in Virgo

, then start the working immediately after reading this or before moon moves over from Virgo.
Wunjo x36 times for the next
6 days or 36 days or 40 days. [Your choice, but 40 recommended]
affirm x10 "The energies of Wunjo have healed my whole body from all the damage and affliction caused by weed, now and forever."
You can be creative and make your own affirmation which is always better, as it will come from yourself and in accordance to your will. But be careful, a wrong affirmation for any rune can also affect people around you, so create an affirmation carefully. Also read about affirmation here, your affirmation must be in present tense:
Good Luck.
Hail Satan!