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David icke enemy or not?


New member
Apr 24, 2020
He has been banned from all social media does this mean hes a threat against the jews!
How is he still even alive? Is it because he doesnt actually acknowledge the fact that jews are behind every atrocity here on earth?

Henu the Great said:
Well he is without for sure. You know jews could play the public by banning him. I would not trust him.
Yup i guess only time will tell if hes with the enemy!
David Icke is woke, albeit not an enemy but certainly not a close confidant allied. In jewish terms he would be classified as a potential threat which is why the enemy went "OY VEY" mode. The sheer fact is jews have an advantage particularly with the 6 gorillian defense stating "OY VEY GOYIM you hurt muh dick, muh pussy, muh feels, muh lololox feels". So David was put under full shut down to avoid potential "Goyim are knowing situation", funny enough the shut down is precisely what our rituals do. The fact they went full "hava nagila" on him is precisely the miscommunication that probably enrages the jews as the goyim wake up. So damn if they are do, damn if they don't.

His shut down was probably done on a overt, exoteric level to state "We gud pepel, dindu nuffin". So as a threat they took him out from saying deeper esoteric stuff. Now comes the problem, people are gonna wake up cause they pulled the cord before higher truths could come out and that caused an issue or issues. Especially on a popular alternative news channel that is "How many years old like 10+ years old". So on top of Icke, the other guy that got banned and fully shoahed is just gonna raise alarms bells.

Technically Icke played it cool and played it nicely he leads the people into the truth. He doesn't go full "JoS mode" but does a light flicker of truth a very welcome thing as it reels people in rather than hard, full hardcore more. Unfortunately lots of people aren't too much into the full hardcore mode like some videos on Bitchute but the sometimes even just a few truths causes a glitch in the matrix. So either way people WILL eventually know the truth.

Like HP.Cobra said "On 5G" "He named the jews without naming the jews".

Either way Icke is now labelled a anti-semite cause jews hide their nefarious activities. But blaming or pushing "Dah anti-semutism" is just gonna backfire. "Your a Nazi Icke ebul and debil goyim" *crickets chirping* "It doesn't work anymore".

Icke is just performing a natural Gentile reaction towards a subversive species of extra-terrestrials. Natural as apple pie.
Gear88 said:
David Icke is woke, albeit not an enemy but certainly not a close confidant allied. In jewish terms he would be classified as a potential threat which is why the enemy went "OY VEY" mode. The sheer fact is jews have an advantage particularly with the 6 gorillian defense stating "OY VEY GOYIM you hurt muh dick, muh pussy, muh feels, muh lololox feels". So David was put under full shut down to avoid potential "Goyim are knowing situation", funny enough the shut down is precisely what our rituals do. The fact they went full "hava nagila" on him is precisely the miscommunication that probably enrages the jews as the goyim wake up. So damn if they are do, damn if they don't.

His shut down was probably done on a overt, exoteric level to state "We gud pepel, dindu nuffin". So as a threat they took him out from saying deeper esoteric stuff. Now comes the problem, people are gonna wake up cause they pulled the cord before higher truths could come out and that caused an issue or issues. Especially on a popular alternative news channel that is "How many years old like 10+ years old". So on top of Icke, the other guy that got banned and fully shoahed is just gonna raise alarms bells.

Technically Icke played it cool and played it nicely he leads the people into the truth. He doesn't go full "JoS mode" but does a light flicker of truth a very welcome thing as it reels people in rather than hard, full hardcore more. Unfortunately lots of people aren't too much into the full hardcore mode like some videos on Bitchute but the sometimes even just a few truths causes a glitch in the matrix. So either way people WILL eventually know the truth.

Like HP.Cobra said "On 5G" "He named the jews without naming the jews".

Either way Icke is now labelled a anti-semite cause jews hide their nefarious activities. But blaming or pushing "Dah anti-semutism" is just gonna backfire. "Your a Nazi Icke ebul and debil goyim" *crickets chirping* "It doesn't work anymore".

Icke is just performing a natural Gentile reaction towards a subversive species of extra-terrestrials. Natural as apple pie.

Yea, ,everything icke is exposing about the enemy seems legit to me. It would definitely have the jews on OY VEY mode!
He most likely knows about the jews, but would only give out hints because he knows "who youre not allowed to criticize".. Also to know how brainwashed society still is they will wind up calling him a "crazy nazi" but surprisingly enough alot of people are waking up about the enemy!Thanks to our RTR!!!
I totally agree.. Now that icke is banned that will ring alotta bells in peoples minds! The enemy is basically digging their own hole for banning people speaking truth like icke, because it will make people more aware of the fact that they are hiding something. Although i still think david lacks knowldge. Hes woke but NOT woke woke like we are.
Ericbluefire said:
He has been banned from all social media does this mean hes a threat against the jews!
How is he still even alive? Is it because he doesnt actually acknowledge the fact that jews are behind every atrocity here on earth?


I feel like he knows about our gods actually. The Nordics I mean, he's aware of them as an extra-terrestrial race that was once personally involved with Earth thousands and thousands of years ago. He's on a level very, very aware about the reality of our planet, but I don't think he knows every minute detail.

As far as I'm aware he is an outsider... but an 'inside' outsider. The kind of person who would be aware of our efforts here and the things we do, but doesn't want to become part of it directly for whatever reasons. I've met people very aware of the real magic potential in humans via meditation, they truly believe and know it really exists, but when I asked them if they wanted to be able to such things they'd always say "It would be cool, but that seems like too much work for me and it'd take too long."

We can wake people up all we want, but not everyone is willing to directly and personally devote to actually attaining the powers and immortality we and our gods reveal to them as real. Some people are just lazy or are even scared of things like immortality and prefer to just be strictly physical humans I guess, doomed to live and die over and over again... a betrayal to the purpose of our creation if you ask me but who am I to tell them they don't have the freedom to do what they want with their own lives.
He’s probably one of the people that somehow opened their astral senses mostly or fully but may not know all the truth. It’s not obvious right away in being open that Satan is the right side the enemy even can make their own energy seem positive to some people or manipulate them to believe that. They have fake positive energies of various kinds some maybe only a trained person would know something is not right. For example pastel light colored energy they try to make feel positive but is gray underneath. They have attacked me with this before. This is part of their trick.

What is obvious is the repilians and that some sort of hybrids exist here they attack literally everyone who’s open and if an open person was in an area with a lot of Jews they may know the truth on the Jewish problem.

Without further info the person is still kind of lost they most likely will be confused and not put it toghether all the way.

The JOS site is important for people that find themselves open to make sense of stuff.

It’s obvious to us and being open reinforces it but not to everyone who is unless a God or Goddess comes to them to guide the.

He may turn out to be a friend or enemy only time will tell from what I read I think he is open to the spiritual and realizes more than he’s saying that’s all. For all we know he’s on here or read the site but couldn’t say that for obvious reasons without losing his entire flock or being killed. The enemy would not allow someone to just speak the truth openly to millions of people if they could help it.

If he’s open he will suspect or know about the Jews but he probably won’t say it for the reasons I say above. Like I said in another message my partner is open to the spiritual fully almost I bought up the Jews a couple times and she’s like I already knew something was wrong there she knows I am not just being racist.

So he probably knows at least a little on the Jews it’s impossible not to if your spiritually open.
Ericbluefire said:
...banning backfires plus Although i still think David lacks knowledge. Hes woke but NOT woke woke like we are...

Agreed but at this point in time. He is more woke about them. If they did this to him for some simple comments on nefarious uses of technology like 5G or internet monitoring or whatever things on aliens. This is just gonna wake HIM up. On top of the aforementioned others i.e. people.

I'm sure he knows about us I'm sure he's studied us a bit and now is a time that he probably is going back and going. I think those JoS guys and these National Socialists guys seem to be talking some serious stuff cause I just said some things and got "Shoahed". Doesn't make sense, I(Icke) didn't do anything wrong, just warning people.

So the enemy is in fact helping themselves get owned by their own extreme behavior. They are harming themselves for some temporary victories that just makes people more woke on them.

*Insert meme shirt* *I told the truth on the Internet and then I got shoahed*
Icke is a Theosophist which is a esoteric form of Christianity. So he interprets everything through a Christian mentality its unconscious at some point with this function. Icke's earliest books are based openly on the works of Alice Bailey. This is why I believe Icke can't put the Jewish issue together as its against the programming. So he goes to what is comfortable with the programming and blames Satan.

Ickes entire paradigm is based on the Christian Bible in which the Fallen Angels are now reptilians and the giants are reptilian hybrids and the source of evil. This is classic Bible theology minus the reptilians.

Its well known the Fallen Angel story was stolen and corrupted by ugly, hateful Jews from the Sumerian record of the Annunaki meaning the fifty An's or Light beings who came down from heaven. The Sumerians stated the An's created humanity and built the golden age and taught humans the sciences and how to ascended into the Light Body they created a global ascension civilization. Graham Hancock pointed this all out as well in his book Magician's Of The Gods.

Note the Jewish bible states that Yahweh flooded the earth to destroy this civilization and wipe out the Nephilim this word means Sons of Orion. This pre flood civilization was the one of the race of the Nordic's who are ascended humans not reptilians. The ancient Egyptians, Hindu's and Hopi's all venerate the constellation of Orion as being the place of human origins.

The Jewish race are the only ones who have reptilian DNA with the Cohen gene. And the Jews state they are a separate species from Gentile humanity which is the entire basis of the Jewish religion. And the Jewish religion of the Talmud states that Gentiles come from SATAN. The Jewish Rabbi's the high level ones state their Yahweh is a collection of reptilians of whom they share the same racial, alien soul with.

The violent and murderous racism of the Jews is the manifestation of the psychotic hatred their reptilian family have for all Gentile humanity and our Gods. The Jewish Bible orders the Jews to wipe out the Gentiles and all Paganism the religion of the Gentiles. When the Jews invaded Canaan they killed all the Gentile men, women and children and burnt them as human sacrifices on their altars to Yahweh as Yahweh ordered. That is the instruction the Jewish rabbi's use to deal with the Gentiles. They frequently bring this up in their lectures in Israel about how to treat the Gentiles in the Middle East as well.

Icke attacks the entire ancient world [Paganism] as being evil because its from the golden age of our human Gods many of whom were born mortal but ascended they are our eternal ancestors. This is because Icke is a Christian some people don't understand this because they lack knowledge but Icke didn't hide this. He believes in Jewsus in the Theosophist way. Which connects one psychically into the enemy program to some degree. So his work comes out confused and confuses the truth. Icke will attack the Royal Family as Satanists but somehow overlook the Royal Family is the head of the Christian church in England and gain all their power from Christianity and having themselves worshiped in Christian prayers with the Christian "god" and the Royals believe they are descended from the blood lines of Jewsus and Jewish King David. The Jewish religion of the Christian Bible is the whole basis of the Royal Families existence. Icke is confused on some things.
Something to note Icke was also wrong on some of the 5G claims he made along with some of the virus claims. Which alternative media people can't afford misinformation on this.

They went after Icke with a political activist group that promotes cultural Marxism as a front to censor independent media. All they did was give him legitimacy.

Jews know that smart Goy are going to read Icke's work on the cult as he names the Jews here. And understand the world is being run by a Jewish cult that is working to put the King of the Jews on the throne of a Jewish world government. And Ickes own confused narrative is going to not be enough to distract them.
HP Mageson666 said:
Icke is a Theosophist which is a esoteric form of Christianity. So he interprets everything through a Christian mentality its unconscious at some point with this function. Icke's earliest books are based openly on the works of Alice Bailey. This is why I believe Icke can't put the Jewish issue together as its against the programming. So he goes to what is comfortable with the programming and blames Satan.

Ickes entire paradigm is based on the Christian Bible in which the Fallen Angels are now reptilians and the giants are reptilian hybrids and the source of evil. This is classic Bible theology minus the reptilians.

Its well known the Fallen Angel story was stolen and corrupted by ugly, hateful Jews from the Sumerian record of the Annunaki meaning the fifty An's or Light beings who came down from heaven. The Sumerians stated the An's created humanity and built the golden age and taught humans the sciences and how to ascended into the Light Body they created a global ascension civilization. Graham Hancock pointed this all out as well in his book Magician's Of The Gods.

Note the Jewish bible states that Yahweh flooded the earth to destroy this civilization and wipe out the Nephilim this word means Sons of Orion. This pre flood civilization was the one of the race of the Nordic's who are ascended humans not reptilians. The ancient Egyptians, Hindu's and Hopi's all venerate the constellation of Orion as being the place of human origins.

The Jewish race are the only ones who have reptilian DNA with the Cohen gene. And the Jews state they are a separate species from Gentile humanity which is the entire basis of the Jewish religion. And the Jewish religion of the Talmud states that Gentiles come from SATAN. The Jewish Rabbi's the high level ones state their Yahweh is a collection of reptilians of whom they share the same racial, alien soul with.

The violent and murderous racism of the Jews is the manifestation of the psychotic hatred their reptilian family have for all Gentile humanity and our Gods. The Jewish Bible orders the Jews to wipe out the Gentiles and all Paganism the religion of the Gentiles. When the Jews invaded Canaan they killed all the Gentile men, women and children and burnt them as human sacrifices on their altars to Yahweh as Yahweh ordered. That is the instruction the Jewish rabbi's use to deal with the Gentiles. They frequently bring this up in their lectures in Israel about how to treat the Gentiles in the Middle East as well.

Icke attacks the entire ancient world [Paganism] as being evil because its from the golden age of our human Gods many of whom were born mortal but ascended they are our eternal ancestors. This is because Icke is a Christian some people don't understand this because they lack knowledge but Icke didn't hide this. He believes in Jewsus in the Theosophist way. Which connects one psychically into the enemy program to some degree. So his work comes out confused and confuses the truth. Icke will attack the Royal Family as Satanists but somehow overlook the Royal Family is the head of the Christian church in England and gain all their power from Christianity and having themselves worshiped in Christian prayers with the Christian "god" and the Royals believe they are descended from the blood lines of Jewsus and Jewish King David. The Jewish religion of the Christian Bible is the whole basis of the Royal Families existence. Icke is confused on some things.

Ok thanks for clearing that up so he’s not on our side at all.

With that said. I thought the fallen angels thing referred to some sort of lowering of vibration or consciousness they were trying to project on to the Gods as a curse. Just like they did with humans as the fall of mankind is about the fall of our kundalini and lowering of consciousness.
HP Mageson666 said:
Icke is a Theosophist which is a esoteric form of Christianity. So he interprets everything through a Christian mentality its unconscious at some point with this function. Icke's earliest books are based openly on the works of Alice Bailey. This is why I believe Icke can't put the Jewish issue together as its against the programming. So he goes to what is comfortable with the programming and blames Satan.

Ickes entire paradigm is based on the Christian Bible in which the Fallen Angels are now reptilians and the giants are reptilian hybrids and the source of evil. This is classic Bible theology minus the reptilians.

Its well known the Fallen Angel story was stolen and corrupted by ugly, hateful Jews from the Sumerian record of the Annunaki meaning the fifty An's or Light beings who came down from heaven. The Sumerians stated the An's created humanity and built the golden age and taught humans the sciences and how to ascended into the Light Body they created a global ascension civilization. Graham Hancock pointed this all out as well in his book Magician's Of The Gods.

Note the Jewish bible states that Yahweh flooded the earth to destroy this civilization and wipe out the Nephilim this word means Sons of Orion. This pre flood civilization was the one of the race of the Nordic's who are ascended humans not reptilians. The ancient Egyptians, Hindu's and Hopi's all venerate the constellation of Orion as being the place of human origins.

The Jewish race are the only ones who have reptilian DNA with the Cohen gene. And the Jews state they are a separate species from Gentile humanity which is the entire basis of the Jewish religion. And the Jewish religion of the Talmud states that Gentiles come from SATAN. The Jewish Rabbi's the high level ones state their Yahweh is a collection of reptilians of whom they share the same racial, alien soul with.

The violent and murderous racism of the Jews is the manifestation of the psychotic hatred their reptilian family have for all Gentile humanity and our Gods. The Jewish Bible orders the Jews to wipe out the Gentiles and all Paganism the religion of the Gentiles. When the Jews invaded Canaan they killed all the Gentile men, women and children and burnt them as human sacrifices on their altars to Yahweh as Yahweh ordered. That is the instruction the Jewish rabbi's use to deal with the Gentiles. They frequently bring this up in their lectures in Israel about how to treat the Gentiles in the Middle East as well.

Icke attacks the entire ancient world [Paganism] as being evil because its from the golden age of our human Gods many of whom were born mortal but ascended they are our eternal ancestors. This is because Icke is a Christian some people don't understand this because they lack knowledge but Icke didn't hide this. He believes in Jewsus in the Theosophist way. Which connects one psychically into the enemy program to some degree. So his work comes out confused and confuses the truth. Icke will attack the Royal Family as Satanists but somehow overlook the Royal Family is the head of the Christian church in England and gain all their power from Christianity and having themselves worshiped in Christian prayers with the Christian "god" and the Royals believe they are descended from the blood lines of Jewsus and Jewish King David. The Jewish religion of the Christian Bible is the whole basis of the Royal Families existence. Icke is confused on some things.

Thanks for clearing up a couple things i totally agree with you HP Mageson.
It seems like david icke is misinformed and confused on a lot of things, could be also the reason why the enemy doesnt actually waste their time in wiping his entire existence completely off this earth.Which they have the power to do so in a heartbeat.
So they use other less risky tactics like banning him so that the goy wont get any idea out of ickes theory.
Also the fact that the jews themselves claim to be a seperate species from the gentiles that is deeply rooted in the soul. It gets me to believe that the JOS is indeed the deepest and most revealing than all theories out there when it comes to the truth. We are like the hammer of the gods who will crush the jewish parasites until they are no more, it cant get any better than us.
Now with icke, i do feel like he is trina help humanity in way that people will be more aware of the reptlilians existence and role here on earth.
Other than that he is just confused and lacks alot of knowldge and to think that all that research he must had done throughout his years he never managed to put two and two together.
Like how Christianity and Judaism is the core of the enemies power. Is funny how he talks about how youre being programmed since a child when he himself is programmed as well. The irony!!!
I read one of Ickes books. Afterwards it had me thinking that maybe xianty was right after all, if the evil ruling elite are all sacrificing kids and such in the name of Satan.

I spent a couple of dark years reading the bible here and there. I found it literally destroys one sense of spirituality, made me more confused than ever, and terrified that God was such a sick violent entity.

Fortunately I kept digging and reading and discovered the origins of the bible and put it behind me. It does make me think that Icke is the enemy and this is the intention of his work. Enough truth to conceal a lie and mislead those that follow him.

Interestingly in his book I read he mentions about Freemasons handshakes used to identify fellow members. He says a TV host for example, before interviewing someone will shake their hand. If a mason handshake is given back in reply then “soft questions” will be asked, if not then they get the hard questions.
I saw a video posted somewhere recorded on someone’s phone of Icke in that exact position shaking hands backstage with someone who was about to interview him. Lo and behold they both did a mason handshake.

My mate is really into conspiracies. He didn’t really give Icke or Alex Jones much credit but when they were kicked off the social media platforms his response was that they must be talking the truth and he started reading the bible.
Sleeping_dragon said:
My mate is really into conspiracies. He didn’t really give Icke or Alex Jones much credit but when they were kicked off the social media platforms his response was that they must be talking the truth and he started reading the bible.

Kicking them off = more WTF moments from the populace and also "Why?"

Unfortunately what you state is true. Lots of people are believing or lead to believe bible = truth or truer source of truth.

It's the same kosher traps people fall into. They are seeing the bible manifest because it IS not a book for information but rather a kabalistic manipulator.

I recall a long while back we Gentiles had our own Talmud's but they were for creating better realities. Unlike what the enemy does now a days with their books.

As one member put it think it was [GitM(Ghost in the Machine)] both the physical and spiritual affect each other and vice versa. So the enemy "created bible world" and goyim/shabbos "create bible world".

Your friend is probably one of these people who'd been bible/juden thumped and can't break free as they are basically playing "mental games"/"mental prisons". Your friend believes the bible because the interpreters of the bible and the fact we are under kosher supervision shows up as bible. Yes even I someone who only recently spent reading 13% of the Skeptics Annotated Bible and had to put it down cause the book really tested my patience. I mean for fucks sake how can anyone read that thing it's purely retarded. I mean seriously I cannot believe a rational normal person could digest the bible. And it was the Old Testament version that I read. Eventually I just scrolled to the end and looked up at how many times shehameforash(god) killed people nearly 138 times in the bible he just massacred people. Even god's chosen were killed for disobedience or doing shit. And don't tell me about the jewish patriarchs and matriarchs just pure retarded like the sisters who got their dad drunk and fucked him just to keep his baby and let his legacy live on.

I tell you I have no idea how a human being can handle the bible or read it. It's just godawful. No wonder Satan and the Gods are pist both righteously and rightfully so.
David Ickes "children of the matrix" book was the first book that red pilled me in regards to reality. A few years later i discovered JOS.

Now, is all his info true? Probably not. I think most of his stuff needs to taken with a grain of salt.
Your quite right, my mates mum is very xian so it was in his upbringing although it never took with him. Hopefully his sense will prevail once he actually reads it. Being descended from the Scots and Viking Norse Ive always had a love for the old Gods and my pagan roots. Fortunately my parents never followed xianty and although they don’t have the same spiritual thirst as me they have practiced yoga as long as I remember and believe in astrology and palmistry.

I watched that TV drama about Henry VIII and found it quite revealing as to how the Joos and Xian’s maintained power for so long. The only people allowed to and able to read were the elite. The common man was told what and how to think. For good reason, if they’d been able to interpret the bible for themselves they would’ve realised it was only fit for toilet paper.

Our modern “education” system is nothing of the sort. Invented by the Joo it discourages thinking, creativity, true learning and rather enforces indoctrination into their program. As a child we have yet to develop an analytical mind and rather operate from our subconscious. This is why kids will believe anything you tell them with a straight face.
With the change in times keeping the common man in the dark and piss poor was no longer a viable plan so they adapted. They took control of the printed word and enforced schooling to hardwire the new generations into their system.

This is what the Matrix film was talking about in regards to cognitive dissonance. Tell an adult the government is really the enemy and they’ll call you stupid, give them proof and they’ll get angry. It takes an open mind to question everything you’ve been taught or believed and unfortunately most people are so comfortable living inside a box they don’t want to leave. Reminds me of Plato and the cave allegory.

Our true Gods and our spiritual nature, although repressed, and hidden through the corruption of church, science, and history, they are not gone. The truth is out there and it’s becoming much easier to find. With the dawn of the internet information is much harder for them to control and with quantum physics destroying the old Newtonian way of seeing the world people will inevitably start asking questions that can only lead to a spiritual awakening.

Before long, the truth of Satan will be out!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
