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Crystal Balls: Scrying, Spiritual Communication

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
People have been using crystal balls for scrying and divination for thousands of years. These can be a very useful tool for communicating with our Demons, our subconscious, and our higher selves.

Selecting a Crystal Ball to Purchase:

The best material for crystal balls is a crystal that is either glassy, opaque, transparent, or has natural cloudiness. This depends on your preference. Regardless, it needs to have a smooth and polished finish.

Different crystals have different energy, making it important to select one that resonates well with you. You can go to a crystal store and get a feel for the energy, or purchase online. You should be able to find one for USD $10 to $20.

I would recommend approximately 8cm (about 3 inches) diameter. Smaller can work too, such as 5cm (2 inches). Larger ones can be too distracting for beginners to work with because of too much surface area to focus on properly.

I personally recommend white selenite or quartz. For those of you with experience with crystals, go with what you know is best for you. Beryl was traditionally used for crystal balls but it is very expensive now. If you select selenite be careful to never get it wet because it dissolves in water. Selenite is of lunar energy so it charges well with Moonlight.

Selenite is cloudy and glassy, and glows with light. If you have a small lamp (like rock salt lamp) or a candle nearby, the light will glow through parts of the sphere, adding to the hypnotic effect as you turn it in your hands. Doing this will help you get into a meditative state.

Selenite when carved into a sphere has an optical effect: it has a see-through axis. If you have a black (or any other dark color) piece of cloth and hold the sphere over it with the axis aligned between you and the back cloth, it eerily looks like an eyeball. Hold it like this, gaze into it, and the white part will fade to black clouds, and then it will all fade to white clouds. This might happen a few times as you settle into trance.

Caring for Your Crystal Ball:

Treat your crystal ball with respect. Be careful to avoid scratching it. Keep it wrapped in silk to keep its energies within it. If you can’t get silk then another cloth will do, any cloth you feel drawn to or happen to have available as long as it is clean and only used for your crystal ball. If you need to physically clean your crystal ball, you can gently rub it with a dry cloth, for example microfiber cloth.

Charging Your Crystal Ball:

To charge your crystal ball, follow the same instructions on the JoS for charging a black mirror: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Black_Mirror.html

There will be a Full Moon in Cancer on December 26. It is a Tuesday, but the planetary day is irrelevant; it is the Moon that matters for this. If you aren’t able to buy one by that date then you can buy one later and charge it at any Full or Waxing Moon in Cancer, Pisces, or Taurus.

Using Your Crystal Ball:

Day or night, doesn’t matter, but dimly lit is preferable. You will need enough light to see clouds form in the crystal ball. You might need to adjust the lighting in your room so any lights don’t reflect distracting bright spots on your crystal ball. You can have multiple candles around or a lamp turned on. Experiment and see what lighting you prefer, what your individual style will become.

Sit comfortably. Make sure your hands are clean and dry as you will need to touch your crystal ball.

If your crystal ball is large and sits on a stand/holder, make sure it is close enough to where you are sitting, no further away than 18 inches.

If yours does not have a stand/holder, you can have it on your lap. You can hold it with your hands but make sure your fingers do not show through the back as that can be distracting. A dark color of cloth behind or under it will help with the coloring, and you can hold the sides of the crystal ball with your hands.

Prepare yourself by doing breathing exercises or any meditation you want.

After the above is completed and you feel comfortable to begin:

-Place your hands on the crystal ball if it is on a stand, or hold it if it is in your lap. Make a physical connection to it. With practice, or even from the first time, you will feel a tingly sensation in your palms and fingers.

-State your question or intention. When doing this during a Demon summoning, ask to see the Demon in your crystal ball.

-Look at the different parts of the crystal ball with a soft focus. This begins a mild hypnotic effect. If it is not on a stand you can turn it around in your hands. After a few moments, you can then hold it steady.

-Feel your mind entering the crystal ball. Your gaze enters into the crystal ball. You can relax your gaze further to look into the back of the crystal ball, or even through and past it, if this works better for you.

-Clouds will begin to form. Your entire crystal ball might turn to white clouds, then to dark clouds, and perhaps repeat this multiple times. Let it happen, observe it. Don’t force anything. If it changes color, let it. If lines, shapes, shadows, symbols, or colors appear, let them.

-State your question or intention again. Then, allow yourself to fall into a deeper trance state. Continue gazing into your crystal ball and see what appears.

Don’t expect anything to actively happen. Scrying through your crystal ball is passive and intuitive.

You will develop your own technique with practice. You will discover for yourself how it works for you and how you see with it, because this is a part of advancement and learning.

If nothing happens for the first few times, this is fine. You are developing the relationship with your crystal ball for now and opening your abilities. It’s like training a muscle, it takes consistent practice.

When you are starting out, only do this for about 5 minutes at a time. It can be draining or even cause eye strain. As you become adept, you can go for however long you are comfortable doing so.
Thank you HPS, this is very interesting. I will try this in the future!
I really don't know how to thank you for this very useful post. Truly, I could never express how much this will help me!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476167 time=1701964657 user_id=57]

Hello Dear High Priestess, hope you are doing well.
I was curious, is it true that whichever element you have more in your soul, the more easy and proficient youll be , divining with that element?

For example, I myself have an overabundance of water, and my Guardian is Lord Camio. He teaches both pyromancy and hydromancy.
does this mean im more successful reading the future using water?
I bet we all wondered about those when we were kids :)
Can you still scry if your trance skills are poor?
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476167 time=1701964657 user_id=57]

Back in my college town, there was store right across campus that literally sold every single type of crystal you can imagine, right down to what you described. Within walking distance, it was literally a miracle from the Gods, as so I felt!

I patronized that store as much as I could.

Hail Satan
Thank you HP Lydia for the post.
However, I have to bring something up...

The empowering a black mirror page leaves me with some confusion.
There's either an error or an instructional gap on the page.

First it says to store energy into your solar chakra
Do this 30 times, then condense the energy from the Moon in your third eye and circulate this energy to your solar chakra and back to your third eye nine times, ending with the energy stored in your solar chakra.

Then it instructs you write a prayer on a piece of paper (and burn it) and then after that:
Now, take the energy stored in your heart chakra and release it into the mirror by exhaling it

If you followed the instructions then the energy would still be in your solar chakra.
Am I not understanding something correctly?
Thank you very much for sharing this!!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476167 time=1701964657 user_id=57]
People have been using crystal balls for scrying and divination for thousands of years. These can be a very useful tool for communicating with our Demons, our subconscious, and our higher selves.

Selecting a Crystal Ball to Purchase:

The best material for crystal balls is a crystal that is either glassy, opaque, transparent, or has natural cloudiness. This depends on your preference. Regardless, it needs to have a smooth and polished finish.

Different crystals have different energy, making it important to select one that resonates well with you. You can go to a crystal store and get a feel for the energy, or purchase online. You should be able to find one for USD $10 to $20.

I would recommend approximately 8cm (about 3 inches) diameter. Smaller can work too, such as 5cm (2 inches). Larger ones can be too distracting for beginners to work with because of too much surface area to focus on properly.

I personally recommend white selenite or quartz. For those of you with experience with crystals, go with what you know is best for you. Beryl was traditionally used for crystal balls but it is very expensive now. If you select selenite be careful to never get it wet because it dissolves in water. Selenite is of lunar energy so it charges well with Moonlight.

Selenite is cloudy and glassy, and glows with light. If you have a small lamp (like rock salt lamp) or a candle nearby, the light will glow through parts of the sphere, adding to the hypnotic effect as you turn it in your hands. Doing this will help you get into a meditative state.

Selenite when carved into a sphere has an optical effect: it has a see-through axis. If you have a black (or any other dark color) piece of cloth and hold the sphere over it with the axis aligned between you and the back cloth, it eerily looks like an eyeball. Hold it like this, gaze into it, and the white part will fade to black clouds, and then it will all fade to white clouds. This might happen a few times as you settle into trance.

Caring for Your Crystal Ball:

Treat your crystal ball with respect. Be careful to avoid scratching it. Keep it wrapped in silk to keep its energies within it. If you can’t get silk then another cloth will do, any cloth you feel drawn to or happen to have available as long as it is clean and only used for your crystal ball. If you need to physically clean your crystal ball, you can gently rub it with a dry cloth, for example microfiber cloth.

Charging Your Crystal Ball:

To charge your crystal ball, follow the same instructions on the JoS for charging a black mirror: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Black_Mirror.html

There will be a Full Moon in Cancer on December 26. It is a Tuesday, but the planetary day is irrelevant; it is the Moon that matters for this. If you aren’t able to buy one by that date then you can buy one later and charge it at any Full or Waxing Moon in Cancer, Pisces, or Taurus.

Using Your Crystal Ball:

Day or night, doesn’t matter, but dimly lit is preferable. You will need enough light to see clouds form in the crystal ball. You might need to adjust the lighting in your room so any lights don’t reflect distracting bright spots on your crystal ball. You can have multiple candles around or a lamp turned on. Experiment and see what lighting you prefer, what your individual style will become.

Sit comfortably. Make sure your hands are clean and dry as you will need to touch your crystal ball.

If your crystal ball is large and sits on a stand/holder, make sure it is close enough to where you are sitting, no further away than 18 inches.

If yours does not have a stand/holder, you can have it on your lap. You can hold it with your hands but make sure your fingers do not show through the back as that can be distracting. A dark color of cloth behind or under it will help with the coloring, and you can hold the sides of the crystal ball with your hands.

Prepare yourself by doing breathing exercises or any meditation you want.

After the above is completed and you feel comfortable to begin:

-Place your hands on the crystal ball if it is on a stand, or hold it if it is in your lap. Make a physical connection to it. With practice, or even from the first time, you will feel a tingly sensation in your palms and fingers.

-State your question or intention. When doing this during a Demon summoning, ask to see the Demon in your crystal ball.

-Look at the different parts of the crystal ball with a soft focus. This begins a mild hypnotic effect. If it is not on a stand you can turn it around in your hands. After a few moments, you can then hold it steady.

-Feel your mind entering the crystal ball. Your gaze enters into the crystal ball. You can relax your gaze further to look into the back of the crystal ball, or even through and past it, if this works better for you.

-Clouds will begin to form. Your entire crystal ball might turn to white clouds, then to dark clouds, and perhaps repeat this multiple times. Let it happen, observe it. Don’t force anything. If it changes color, let it. If lines, shapes, shadows, symbols, or colors appear, let them.

-State your question or intention again. Then, allow yourself to fall into a deeper trance state. Continue gazing into your crystal ball and see what appears.

Don’t expect anything to actively happen. Scrying through your crystal ball is passive and intuitive.

You will develop your own technique with practice. You will discover for yourself how it works for you and how you see with it, because this is a part of advancement and learning.

If nothing happens for the first few times, this is fine. You are developing the relationship with your crystal ball for now and opening your abilities. It’s like training a muscle, it takes consistent practice.

When you are starting out, only do this for about 5 minutes at a time. It can be draining or even cause eye strain. As you become adept, you can go for however long you are comfortable doing so.

For some years now I've had a few strange scrying experiences whenever I try. Everything begins as clouds, then all the clouds just disappear in whatever I'm using to scry.

The mirror often appears to gain a glow, and then begins to appear like a deep pool of water.

After this, the visions and sights just flood my senses to where it's often overwhelming. Sometimes everything moves very fast and I see languages, places, people, all just at once.

It takes on the feel and look of like I'm watching a movie. I know that perhaps sounds foolish, but that's the only way I can accurately describe how it feels and how I experience it.

Is this normal? This often occurs even without a deep trance state. Experiences like this with mirrors just happen all at once.

I plan to just set up a mirror or crystal ball soon in a more isolated area in the house so I can be more in tune and completely free of distraction.
Thanks for pointing this out, I had seen it before and meant to clarify in my post. Bring it to the solar, then to the Heart to store.

Happy Yule :)

Can you please not quote the entire post? It was over 3 pages and I had to delete it all to reply to you. People already see the OP once, it doesn't need to be seen again to see what you are referring to.

To answer, yes that can be normal. Different people have different experiences. You might want to will it to show you what is relevant to you if you tend to get a lot of random stuff.
One question, Lady Lydia, but can you just have visions with this crystal ball or also hear things? And if so, what is the procedure for using astral hearing?
This was very informative! Thank you so much for this HPS Lydia :D
Using a crystal ball can amplify clairaudience. There's not a different procedure, just make sure you work on strengthening your abilities. Practice and a close relationship to the Gods are the general advice for everything :)
Awesome, thank you HPS Lydia'
Hail Father Satan!
Magnificent post HPS Lydia, we need more of this, as nowadays notions of these practices are full of filthy enemy nonsense, new age, wicca and so on...
I was wondering, it is planned in the future a post/guide about Tarot? On the main site there some notions from HPS Maxine, where she mentioned how they come from ancient Egypt, and the meaning of the word. But an actual guide, if exist, escaped my sight.
Greetings, to all who are on the Lord Satan's side. Infernal blessings.
Hail Satan!!!
Hail Yourself!!!
Hail Priestess Lydia!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Thank you.

Very intresting post.

I looked around on the internet.
These selenite spheres are beautiful.
Can you please not quote the entire post? It was over 3 pages and I had to delete it all to reply to you. People already see the OP once, it doesn't need to be seen again to see what you are referring to.

To answer, yes that can be normal. Different people have different experiences. You might want to will it to show you what is relevant to you if you tend to get a lot of random stuff.

Thank you for your answer. Also I apologize for quoting the whole post. I was very tired that day and trying to make a quick quote and reply to ask that question, I was a bit out of it.

I'll be more thoughtful in the future, my mistake.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476268 time=1702018647 user_id=57]Can you please not quote the entire post? It was over 3 pages and I had to delete it all to reply to you. People already see the OP once, it doesn't need to be seen again to see what you are referring to.

The reason why some people do this is because they wish to semi-archive or post-archive the post of O.P. or someone.

Sheer fact is sometimes there's been situations where information is deleted but upon checking the post it's quote-archived and the information isn't deleted.

It's even occurred with HP., Mods, and other normal members.

This is very useful to keep information intact.

I'm surprised the JoS and I understand it costs money but we don't have an archival system or archival website much like Tube sites a.k.a. multi-tubing.

For example Andkon's Reich, National Socialist videos is muti-tubed, multi-copied(i.e. people copy his video and make new accounts or host it).

So aside from multi-tubing there is also multi-posting. It kinda sucks for some people as websites with views and time for monetization will get annoyed with someone trying to steal their views. But it's necessary to archive internet.

Although most people host it as a thank you and please keep the internet free and informed. Especially now a day with the AI rage going as the AIs are being turned "asleep(what you call woke, why woke when your opening your eyes; they need to hijack that term and rephrase we are against asleep we want people woke, wake, and awakened: Remember Deutchland Erwacht: Germany Awaken).

Excuse me if I come off as an asshole HP.Lydia but you gotta understand this post as this is extremely important. I understand we post certain sermons on Satan'sLibrary but it's limited we need a archival system to preserve information look at the old ProPHP forums poof! gone luckily some members found their way here and refreshed our memory with prior posts or saved posts.

Archival websites are awesome but we need to actively archive remember our technology isn't like the Gods HDDs and SSDs and other mediums like flashdrives fail. Flash drives especially suck why many suggest NVMe m2 SSD enclosure to better protect the data as flashdrives = cheap, mass produced for failure built in obsolescence.

So please remember we are in 5th Generational Information Warfare. Plus sometimes we get members like Abyssos that find their old posts or find posts and link it to us to refresh our member with great understanding of the links. Or any other member posting stuff. Just mentioned Abyssos cause he posts lots of links he posted refreshed people's memory or adding to his prior post or reevaluating his post. Like HP.Cobra said a few years back some people need to vent let them vent it's good to vent to the enemy as cathartic but some people need to be on the forums venting and releasing. Maybe we can help them out.

Anyways I hope you understand!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476601 time=1702189787 user_id=57]
Yes, but not soon, it will be a while. There will be much more as the JoS expands :)

I look into my crystal ball and see the anthem for the jos will be a song called Money, money, money by ABBA. Lol. Just joking you dont need a crystal ball to scry. No hard feelings guys Im gone. Kindly delete my account. I will also look where to delete it so as to meet you halfway goodbye.
Thank you for this post!
I will definitely consider into buying one in the future. Unfortunately I don't know where to safely store it in my room without anyone discovering it, which is not a problem because no one never comes into my room anyway and I could only practice it very late in the night when everyone is asleep.
Even a small noise kicks me out of my focus.

But thank you for this, will definitely keep it in mind.
What about in your closet behind clothes?
It literally came to my mind after posting this. 😄
I found out a store nearby that sells gemstones, crystals, books and anything relating to spiritualism and I really look forward to seeing what they have in store. One thing that came to my mind, is there an alternative we can purchase if we cannot find the crystal ball? I am kind of sceptical when ordering one online.
It literally came to my mind after posting this. 😄
I found out a store nearby that sells gemstones, crystals, books and anything relating to spiritualism and I really look forward to seeing what they have in store. One thing that came to my mind, is there an alternative we can purchase if we cannot find the crystal ball? I am kind of sceptical when ordering one online.
I bought mine online, and it is perfect :) Maybe do a small working, like affirm that the crystal ball you purchase is perfect for your needs and in perfect condition.

Does it matter what color the crystal ball is? Or does it have to white/clear only ?
It can be another color, some people use black, orange, purple, etc. White/clear is generally best, but if you feel strongly about a particular crystal of another color, then go for it :)
I tried it with my rose quartz crystall ball about 2inch and it works! thanks hps lydia!
My experience using these 2 balls:

Amethyst - clear mind, with logic While watching scenes/scrying.

Rose - More effective on love/relationship questions/scenes, Posessions/material things sought. People having sex (this is what i saw in the ball).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
