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Crypto, Bitcoin and Digital Currencies

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The enemy wants to change this world [and the planets also are doing this now] into a form of exchange of digital currency. In many countries this has already happened, but cash does still exist.

As with anything, this development that fate brings in, has its version of ours and that of the enemy. This post will address both cases.

When the transactions are done digitally, ie, as most people do them - through Amazon and so on, they can be tracked. Most of the banking system as is, is already about digital money, credit card, digital purchases. All the financial status of all citizens is already digitized and digital. The money of states, countries and businesses is also lastly, mostly already operating digital.

Yet people act like its doomsday as usual and scream about "Digital economy" coming. But it's already here for more than 20 years. There is no gold standard nor the major transactions happen in paper at all. The issue is, it co-exists with a fiat paper money system. Only about 10% of this is physical or ever existed physically as paper, however. The rest is already digits and numbers stored in books, and in computers.

The argument is that this has to change entirely and cash is to be outlawed is a favorite of the enemy. They say its to avoid crime and other lies by the jewish media.

But the reality is they want simply a more exclusive system that belongs already to them. To tighten it. And give it the perks of the monitoring that the technologies of the present can give it.

The reality is all crimes, money laundering, funding terrorists and other things, do already happen with fiat, paper, digital money through banks, happened at all history with paper money, and is allowed by many banks worldwide. Digital currency will not change this nor improve this, if by digital currency we mean the enemy's currency. Business will go as usual for them. It will probably get even faster and even worse.

European countries such as Sweden have declared that by 2024 or so, they will be removing cash entirely. Sweden has a plan for this ongoing already. No more cash. This was going to happen and the enemy is riding the wave of Uranus in Taurus to make it happen. But the pretext is this: On THEIR system.

The system they use is one of bailing out bankers ad nauseum, a system focused exclusievly of middlemen, and generally one focused and geared in putting them in control of the financial supply of the earth.

On top of this, the old crazies and nutcases of this world are saying they will make their own "Central Banking Coins", which knowing how these people operate already with fiat, will probably be full of unidentifiable crime, reckless printing, and nothing else but an intesification of the already extensive overreach over the wealth of all nations, in a digital form. These in this case, do self testify to be the enemy, and are tied into the control apparatus of the enemy.

Before the background is explained bear in mind this is not financial advice as new emerging technologies go for boom or bust in this world and the risks are too high for any reasonable person. Here I will describe the technology and function behind these things. Which are the most impotant things.

Knowing that our society had no other way to go, people who are smart decided to go the other way before it is too late and build a protective layer before things go full enemy control.

People of a high IQ like the creator of Bitcoin, have predicted this and understood where this was going but also the perpetual corruption of the system of money as we have known it. They also knew about the full digitization incoming, and they made a choice to create Bitcoin.

The creator of Bitcoin has been like me so know I emotionally sympathize despite the soundness of the system he made goes. It all started with an anonymous man writing on a forum with a vision to create and solve some issues which he saw as pertinent to society.

Instead of getting credit ever, all he got was agencies looking out for him, people going to kill him, others laughing at him, and others slandering his project and vision as it would be expected. With some people loving him as the herald of a new financial in his case, age. And going after the dream because they had the vision.

Today you see Bitcoin as a global system on your TV but before that it was just some by system standards a few crazy people speaking in a forum. The rise of these coins came with the Cypherpunk ideology which is an ideology of protecting people's rights in the digital era.

Most of the people that made Bitcoin are dead because the Bitcoin is not subject to control and/or centralized in a bank, authority, or a specific jew in Israel, such as the normal banking system is. The enemy has been hating this for years, and slandering it without having read nothing about it.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin and other "Digital coins" are alternatives which were created by people and are tend to be decentralized. In other words, there is nobody that can raise the supply of these [causing inflation like the government does], does not allow random confiscation, and does also allow a relative anonymity for transactions, almost like cash. It also happens worldwide, fast, and without days long delays.

The majority of the perks of cash is kept, and the benefits of digital are incorporated. At the same rate, the Blockchain based system ensures visibility to all transactions which are broadcasted openly. Every transaction made is open, and visible, but there is no identifiable information oftentimes on it. At least in theory. So big moves can be observed.

People generally say that the enemy may be empowered by these, but the reality is the reverse. The enemy is already in control of the fiat printing system. They had locked small retail investors out of investing and similar markets. Five Rabbis can assemble in Israel and get the printing machines going with infinite money like a cheat in a video game and get their cronies to accept their every decision. The Fed is nothing but this literal thing manifested. They can create monstrous debt, devalue currencies, and pretty much anything they want. They state this is fundamental for their agenda, because it is.

The enemy also claims they want a full on bonding of their fixed financial system with the person, without and escape, through an implanted chip. This way, they hope, their system of slave control will become hardwired into humans.

In Bitcoin and in other respectable normal currencies that are decentralized, this cannot happen. The original creations can benefit and they have benefited from Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, but this doesn't mean shit either. The ethos behind this idea is the exact reverse.

Tens of thousands of jews become extensively rich as is anyway through abuse and creating slave technology. Zuckerberg has more money than the creator of Bitcoin because he created a slave information gathering interface which he marketed as "social media".

They hate now and want to control thrse emerging technologies, or wage war against them, to ensure control. Zuckerberg tried to create a facebook linked digital coin, and he was foiled.

The ascent of Crypto also is not going to change so much in regards to the current state of wealth control of the enemy, because as things are, they do control something like 95% of wealth worldwide anyway.

But instead of controlling 100% and controlling all transactions, they will control less. This is a good start. They will also be unable to control and enforce their policies on the finances of humans, which these reptiles have been efficiently doing for centuries.

The previous system has the Middle Man Jew in place. Decentralized means Middlemen are shrunk.

Now of course, when these reptilians control literally almost every form of wealth, bank, ATM, and everything else, there is nothing within this current system from where change can or may manifest. And it won't. People understood this desperation so many are turning their sights now into alternative forms of finances and understanding of wealth.

The system that exists now works by printing money ad nauseum ie, is inflation based. Inflation means as one raises the number of dollars and does fake robin hood, they devalue the price of already existing dollars, creating a futile cycle of devaluation and therefore more debt and thieving from citizens.

Bitcoin works in reverse, and was built on an attempt to create a sound deflationary model. Bitcoin and similar technologies also hit hard on the notion of the Middle Man, which jews have been for centuries upon centuries.

Due to the nature of these crypto technologies, they are volatile, can have bugs, or other issues. They do not appear to be in amyway capable right now of addressing global needs. But they definitely have the potential to do so. Of course the enemy will infiltrate shortly onto that. And a war is waging on in there also.

Currently, the best solution for this world appears to be, a mix blend between Fiat and Paper, Digital money, and Crypto. The three systems co existing will for now satisfy the most needs.

But it is to be expected the enemy will not be happy with losing control and will probably attack these innovations in money. But they cannot do nothing as this is Satan's Will and what the fate of the world demands. The enemy will find themselves in major surprises and encounter the rising tide beyond their control and possibly imagination.

Lastly, the enemy's Central Banking Digital Coins should be seen as BS money fiat, just with less privacy, more dangers, and more ability of the enemy to manipulate instantly and from a distance.

It is a continuation of an old, torn monster, being upgraded to swarm the next generation also. The enemy will try to impose these things as per usual. See the war that was done on cash on the fake pretexts like Covid?

In final note, a blend of the three systems seems perfect for the time being, because:

1. Cash provides security ie, if the electricity drops. And relative anonymity for day to day transactions. Cash belongs to you.

2. Digital finance such as digital banking, provides ease of use for retail transactions. It was kind of great by now, co-existing with cash.

This is being transformed now to a full fledged monster that will kill cash. This will belong entirely to them and they can manage it as they see fit. The rising concerns of enemy control, censorship and abuse, do show that these digital banking coins ie centralized digital money, will probably be used as another tool of rape and abuse against citizens worldwide financially. We know how these kikes work. Them going digitial is an indicator for bad stuff.

3. Crypto does the two above, but digitally, and it can be used as an alternative outside of the system already attempting to enforce itself as the sole one. This also can be stored outside of any central system.

I have no reason to disbelieve that these, alongside other technologies, are here to liberate man in the coming Age of Aquarius if handled properly. These are signs of the enemy's control drifting out.

More updates will be coming on more specific topics on the subject also.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes its great but already they are moving to control bitcoin some not all but some major bitcoin suppliers are government and they demand all this ID to purchase bitcoin its crazy the only crypto currency that I know of that hasn't gone this way or following this id necessary purchase trend is monero i( it is made by the Mexican cartel) which gives even greater levels of privacy and there is no need to provide Identification at all you can even run your own completely sealed transaction network on it super crazy do what ever you want type currency.

That being said you can buy bitcoin off the dark net but your bankstatements still show you purchased something from some super random fake business or address.

There are ways around it like offshore shell companies or using trust funds or private foundations to obscure your identity , accounting records and liability but yeah its not as revolutionary as its portrayed im afraid or atleast not in my country it used to be only 10 years ago I could buy all sorts of "goodies" shall we say using this system back when 1 dollar was worth 1000btc (why did i buy the goodies) now it's like what 45,000 AUD for 1 btc crazy stuff.

But to be fair after 3 month probation you can buy as much btc as you want and you don't need ID with the service I use so I guess it balances out
Wait until they cover crypto ledgers as an amendment to the patriot act so they can "protect" is by snooping out transactions. The banks really want to engage in crypto for this very reason, since then they can report "suspicious" transactions and of course make sure you're paying sales tax. Oh I just love freedom™
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But it is to be expected the enemy will not be happy with losing control and will probably attack these innovations in money. But they cannot do nothing as this is Satan's Will and what the fate of the world demands. The enemy will find themselves in major surprises and encounter the rising tide beyond their control and possibly imagination.
The jews are putting up less resistance than I would expect to cryptocurrency becoming dominant, so they may already have a plan of how to handle it. I wonder if they will try 51% attacks. Cryptocurrencies are only secure as long as the blockchain processing remains distributed. If someone controls the majority of the hash rate ( > 50%), they can temporarily control all transactions. This has happened for smaller cryptos, like Verge, but not yet for Bitcoin. It would take immense resources to do this for a network as large as Bitcoin, but the enemy has immense resources.

They may try a classic problem -> reaction -> solution.

Problem: An (((unknown))) group can do a 51% attack whenever they want.

Reaction: Bitcoin is not secure.

Solution: Turn Bitcoin into a centralized digital currency managed by the government, which is already owned by that same (((unknown))) group.
Oy Vey Goyim, you can't keep using cash money, it spreads infections like covid and that is so evil. World Health Organization proves it.
Glad to hear a post on this, as I've been digging deeper into crypto as of late. Would love to, at some point, have my own hardware wallet, and potentially even have my own node to also help increase the security of the overall system whilst being rewarded from portions of the blocks paid out upon completion of a mined block. I'm still very amateur in understanding all this, but if others have links they can share as to where to start researching about this, please do share.

As with many of these virtual wallets that exist, with some, you don't even own the crypto yourself - but pay money to the provider who actually holds the coins, and just gives you fiat valuation in return. This could prove to be futile in the future. In case of an apocalyptic scenario, holding your own bitcoin, for example, should prove to be the most viable option, as you have control over your own coins, which even goes into things like how bitcoin transactions can still be traded through SMS, or even HAM radio (which is quite impressive) - should the internet ever go down. If the system crashes and your crypto is stuck in a virtual wallet somewhere, then you're fucked.

As with bitcoin, it's very intriguing knowing that crypto works almost basically just like a physical commodity. Like gold, or silver, crypto currencies need to MINED, and that there is only a limit of said resource. The more it is mined, the more rare it becomes, and the value increases. At this point, if you didn't get in early enough into mining any crypto, then you're too late for at least the larger coins like BTC, ETH, etc., as all the huge miners will eventually be the only ones who will have enough processing power and infrastructure to mine as the difficulty drastically increases. A few years ago would've been like the Yukon gold rush, where it was literally flowing abundantly in the rivers and any common man could have gone and mined, and profited. Now, you will need advanced exploration machinery to detect gold reserves and mine them to even be slightly profitable. Mining altcoins could still be beneficial, but knowing the right ones that will have valuation later is almost a shot in the dark, as there are now endless altcoins that have been created, the majority of which fail. One of the best altcoin mining companies to look at, IMO, is KR1. They've done their due diligence in which altcoins should be beneficial in the future.

As with all crypto, we are still seeing massive fluctuation in the price valuation compared to BTC (being the "daddy" coin), and that of all valuation compared to fiat (most notably, USD) - but once the miners hit a tipping point of difficulty, in say, BTC or ETH, we will start to see a flattening of volatility, where "piece of mind" of consistency will undoubtedly ensure international adoption... which we are starting to see more and more. Companies like Square, Paypal, Tesla (...I know), etc., have already purchased and/or adopted bitcoin, and allow for sending of crypto and purchasing of products and services with crypto.

For those who are invested in bitcoin, or otherwise - always BE CAREFUL. As with the past two bull runs, the current major investors (or whales, as they're called), will likely play the same game as they have the past two years... calmly and patiently waiting for all the little fish to swim and jump in their mouth, then BAM! shut the door. As the price gets higher and higher, major institutions will start promoting and massive marketing & advertising bitcoin worldwide LIKE MAD. You can see the current google search results chart showing only half the people around the world right now are even searching up the world "bitcoin" in comparison to the past bull run; meaning, it's not on a lot of people's minds right now. They don't want it to be, as they want to scoop up BTC when people freak out in market crashes and sell all their bitcoin. In the final moments of the bull run, the price will shoot up DRASTICALLY, and VERY QUICKLY, where millions around the world will feel hard "FOMO" and start dumping their life savings in thinking they'll "miss the boat if they don't jump in now" - and very shortly after, THAT is when the "whales" will close the trap door and sell huge to make massive profits, forcing the valuation to drop MASSIVELY as billions will be sold in an instant... then people will panic, and panic sell at losses thinking "bitcoin is dead," which we know the media will promote as well. When then the bear market hits the bottom, that where the WHALES go and scoop up bitcoin again at crazy discounts. So if you are an investor, BE CAREFUL. DO NOT BUY INTO THE FOMO! A good quote to always remember is, "be frearful when others are greedy." Also, for those who are in 3rd world countries... due to their own currencies having incredibly low valuation and shit economies that barely move, many who are in poverty are putting what little money they even have into bitcoin, often times their entire life savings, to try and save themselves from the constant strangulation they experience. Always be careful who you invest with, and only use reputable means. TRUST NO ONE. ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH. Like countries such as Russia, they have made it illegal to even own or invest in cryptocurrencies. Always be safe.

If you want to hold your own with a hardware wallet to hodl (slang for holding crypto), that is likely the best way of doing it, but really know what you're doing as hackers can easily infiltrate if you don't have surefire ways of protecting your assets. If you do hold your own coins in a hardware wallet, NEVER share your keys with ANYONE, and NEVER keep it written down on ANY digital device EVER - ONLY store it on paper, and hidden somewhere safe.

If you are unable to obtain a hardware wallet and only have means of a virtual wallet (where you are still tied in to the crypto-fiat valuation), be aware of the market and study what movements are typical. Bitcoin is currently in its 3rd bull run, running steady between the lines of the 2013 and 2017 bull run, and looks like it could hit at maybe around $200,000 / bitcoin before the next bear market comes in; however, no one knows when it will actually happen or not... the bull run could end tomorrow, or next week for all we know... it could go to $100K, or $500K... we simply just do not know. The price is raising now at massive valuations already due to hype and FOMO... because as we know, we are still far off from mainstream adoption.... could be another 5-10 years before we really get there. So understand the price vs. valuation. Based on current adoption, is it really worth the current valuation? This is why I think it will shoot up, as it already is doing, then will massively shoot down. I'm not saying to necessarily to buy BTC now... that is your own choice. Be aware there is still massive risk. But if you do decide to buy and wait until things are REALLY heating up, DON'T get caught buying at the top and then losing huge if a massive drop happens, since the world is still mostly relying on the fiat valuation. Unless you really don't care, and plan to hold it for 5-10 years where the price will/should, eventually, go back up above the previous high in the next bull market, do as you please, but may not be worth buying at the top if we're still stuck relying on fiat for the next several years. At the same time, buying some at any point might be better than having none at all if the swej really decide to fuck the entire system over and crash everything fiat - but IMO then most, if not all virtual wallets, will be useless as well, meaning f you plan to hold long-term, you should likely just invest in a hardware wallet instead (unless someone here may already be aware of virtual wallets that are safe and able to be used as long as internet connection is available). I'm mostly mentioning this in case the internet does go down - or, as Jack had mentioned in his one point, that infrastructure could get divided by region, meaning you may only have internet access within your own region and be cut-off from whatever region your host virtual wallet is in... if things ever do come to that. Anywho... this is not financial advice - just my two cents based on what research I've personally done, and my own thoughts and opinions. Nice to get some discussions going with others around all this.
I wrote a post about investing in crypto currencies.

I wrote it in the topic that inspired this announcement.

I think it got lost as soon as I have time I rewrite it here, and add information on Defi.

defi (decentralized finance) if not hindered is really something very good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you suggest to invest a bit in Bitcoins? (pun intended :D)
Or do you think it's risky at the moment?
Sorry to say, but future for BTC looks bleak despite all noise you hear about it going to $1 million+. So many attack vectors on BTC that jews don't even need to outlaw it to pull the rug out of it. From Quantum Computers getting access to private keys or just instantly mine all of it and then dumping it, to just using chinese mining pool hashpower to reverse BTC transactions and whole climate change jewing which will fck up BTC because it uses so much power.

And lets not forget secondary stuff like Tether. Every time they magically print it out of thin air, BTC price starts to go up while the company behind it doesn't want to get its reserves audited. At one point they admitted that 1 tether was backed by 0,74 cents and not full dollar. Those people literally made their own private Federal Reserve.

That said Crypto space wont die but I see 90% of coins getting wrecked in the future because they're pegged to BTC performance... Especially coins that use proof of work.
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you suggest to invest a bit in Bitcoins? (pun intended :D)
Or do you think it's risky at the moment?

It's in my topic. I am however not a financial advisor and so on. A lot of this seems overpriced at this point.

I was conversing about the technology, and not the investing. There are many more places to invest other than Crypto without the associated and extremely high risks.
The thing is they cannot easily stop it, that is all there is to it. The moment they try to do something like an attack, the communities already go into adjustment and forging the next project. So it is really difficult.

The war over the 50% control supply happens anywhere and it not exclusive to these technologies. China is trying to get a major supply on all of that, which shows as stated in a topic, the need to control it. But whether or not they can, it will be seen.

All these situations are open, what remains is that people are moving out of the enemy paradigm, and trying to find solutions. That is the core of the topic and the good thing.

Them trying to de-anonymize and attack through laws, slander etc, is already at work. And more than likely, they are all raging to ruin these things. The same thing was attempted on the Internet, but they could never really control all of it, just "most" of it. The internet still remains outside of control, even if theoretically, they can pull the plug.

But if they pull that plug, they will have to deal with infinite trillions of lost value, insane mobs after them, destitute masses and so on, to the point they may get killed. So doing any of this would be suicide for them.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But it is to be expected the enemy will not be happy with losing control and will probably attack these innovations in money. But they cannot do nothing as this is Satan's Will and what the fate of the world demands. The enemy will find themselves in major surprises and encounter the rising tide beyond their control and possibly imagination.
The jews are putting up less resistance than I would expect to cryptocurrency becoming dominant, so they may already have a plan of how to handle it. I wonder if they will try 51% attacks. Cryptocurrencies are only secure as long as the blockchain processing remains distributed. If someone controls the majority of the hash rate ( > 50%), they can temporarily control all transactions. This has happened for smaller cryptos, like Verge, but not yet for Bitcoin. It would take immense resources to do this for a network as large as Bitcoin, but the enemy has immense resources.

They may try a classic problem -> reaction -> solution.

Problem: An (((unknown))) group can do a 51% attack whenever they want.

Reaction: Bitcoin is not secure.

Solution: Turn Bitcoin into a centralized digital currency managed by the government, which is already owned by that same (((unknown))) group.
They already are doing this, I highly doubt they aren't.

They'll just put the usual laws in place to make things even worse and harder.

DezFranky said:
Wait until they cover crypto ledgers as an amendment to the patriot act so they can "protect" is by snooping out transactions. The banks really want to engage in crypto for this very reason, since then they can report "suspicious" transactions and of course make sure you're paying sales tax. Oh I just love freedom™
With all the crap that is coming to the world, I would go for real estate or to buy land, personally. Even this requires knowledge. But you have something really tangible if you do, that can be used and utilized if anything happens.

Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you suggest to invest a bit in Bitcoins? (pun intended :D)
Or do you think it's risky at the moment?
Hearsync said:

IMO, even if this thing costed 1$ or 1 billion per thing, I don't care, as simply my topic was about the economy, a larger why behind why these things already happen, and why the enemy may react.

If we are to go on the specific project territory, there are "more useful" and other perks to many other projects to look around.
It's important to mention that the main reason the price of Bitcoin, and the other cryptocurrencies skyrocketed (as well as the prices of oil, natural gas, and the stock market in general) is not because the economy is recovering (it is not) or because it is a good investment... It is simply because there are much more money in circulation, while their supply is limited.

The federal reserve, and the other banks print money like crazy, the Fed's balance sheet swell by more than $3 trillion in the past 1 year. This can lead to only one thing - inflation. The only reason people still don't see it in their everyday life is because inflation happens not immediately when the Fed prints money, but when that money can't be absorbed by the economy.

In other words, when the Fed prints trillions, but these new money don't enter circulation, and the demand for goods is not increased (it's actually even decreased, as people are much more cautious with spending their money) these trillions don't create inflation immediately, but they create giant prerequisites for inflation in the near future (maybe a few years, no one can tell) when the demand for goods is increased, and people find out that the supply is decreased, creating a shortage. Then the prices skyrocket, which creates mass hysteria, and panic buying which accelerates the whole thing even more.

The price of Bitcoin in the past 1 year increased due to inflation, not because it was adopted as global means of payment. It's because there are trillions more dollars printed by the Fed, while there are limited amount off Bitcoins. The same goes for the cryptomarket in general, oil, gas, and most of the stockmarket. This price increase is due to inflation. And it's a matter of time until the same thing happens with the prices in the supermarket as well.

Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies, are not an investment, this is pure speculation. I'm not saying that you can't make money from it, but I wouldn't invest my life savings into crypto. I would only use it for speculation, or gambling.

If you have life savings, investing them in gold is always the best decisions in situations like this. But it is extremely important that you have real gold, not futures, assets, or any other "paper gold"!

It's known for decades that the Federal Reserve doesn't have, or hold as much gold as they claim, and they have sold tons of assets of gold that are not backed by real gold. This means that the price of the real gold is much higher than the price of the paper gold (assets, futures, and so on) and that the paper gold might one day turn into a useless piece of paper. So if you have savings just buy real gold that you store in your home.
Progress and development lie in complexity. You can compare a unicellular with a multicellular and so on and see which is more advanced, the same thing applies to machines and particles. But even simple things are necessary, for what they can serve of course. Like big and small things, of course.
Excellent reply, alongside many other thought provoking replies.

I know everyone has a different perspective and I totally understand the likelihood of different views here. Because it's important.

About the gold that you state, IMO correctly, I don't understand the hype on gold in the US, because, most people buy Gold in theory and in paper. In other words, gold sellers and gold options or whatever, are simply that: inflated non backed financial promises. What is even weirder, is that most of these companies, for those who get real deep into this, do tend to sell only promises to investors, and not real "Gold".

Of course, for the average investor to even know the truth on any of these subjects, can be closely impossible. Personally I would trail behind Kiyosaki, Buffet, and a few other people which I actively believe are accurate, if not always, a dependable amount of the time for opinion reading.

The recent situation on Gamestop just highlighted how cornered the "Big dogs" have many small investors. Robinhood was selling rights to stocks that they didn't even have.

Then again, investing is a necessity if one wants to attain financial freedom or a pension, especially in the United States. It's necessary to engage in order to safely retire. Most pension funds are already backed up by investment portfolios, so that they can provide the promised pension returns.

All these things need to be tread into with high caution. Investments are onto specific areas of one's natal chart, and need to be treated with care.

Personally, I see real estate as a very real and tangible investment. Because the object is indeed owned. There are also other forms of investments.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
It's important to mention that the main reason the price of Bitcoin, and the other cryptocurrencies skyrocketed (as well as the prices of oil, natural gas, and the stock market in general) is not because the economy is recovering (it is not) or because it is a good investment... It is simply because there are much more money in circulation, while their supply is limited.

The federal reserve, and the other banks print money like crazy, the Fed's balance sheet swell by more than $3 trillion in the past 1 year. This can lead to only one thing - inflation. The only reason people still don't see it in their everyday life is because inflation happens not immediately when the Fed prints money, but when that money can't be absorbed by the economy.

In other words, when the Fed prints trillions, but these new money don't enter circulation, and the demand for goods is not increased (it's actually even decreased, as people are much more cautious with spending their money) these trillions don't create inflation immediately, but they create giant prerequisites for inflation in the near future (maybe a few years, no one can tell) when the demand for goods is increased, and people find out that the supply is decreased, creating a shortage. Then the prices skyrocket, which creates mass hysteria, and panic buying which accelerates the whole thing even more.

The price of Bitcoin in the past 1 year increased due to inflation, not because it was adopted as global means of payment. It's because there are trillions more dollars printed by the Fed, while there are limited amount off Bitcoins. The same goes for the cryptomarket in general, oil, gas, and most of the stockmarket. This price increase is due to inflation. And it's a matter of time until the same thing happens with the prices in the supermarket as well.

Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies, are not an investment, this is pure speculation. I'm not saying that you can't make money from it, but I wouldn't invest my life savings into crypto. I would only use it for speculation, or gambling.

If you have life savings, investing them in gold is always the best decisions in situations like this. But it is extremely important that you have real gold, not futures, assets, or any other "paper gold"!

It's known for decades that the Federal Reserve doesn't have, or hold as much gold as they claim, and they have sold tons of assets of gold that are not backed by real gold. This means that the price of the real gold is much higher than the price of the paper gold (assets, futures, and so on) and that the paper gold might one day turn into a useless piece of paper. So if you have savings just buy real gold that you store in your home.
Bitcoin and other crypto will never be a practical "currency" as long as the IRS and other countries regard it as an "investment" with a profit or loss on EVERY TRANSACTION that must be reported by 1099 form to the IRS. It is treated like stock or commodities. You must enter a 1099 to buy a pizza???!!! Did you make a profit or loss on that pizza compared to dollar value of bitcoin at time of purchase? I just do not know if there will be enough public pressure to allow crypto to be used as real money without insane reporting requirements.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
The thing is they cannot easily stop it, that is all there is to it. The moment they try to do something like an attack, the communities already go into adjustment and forging the next project. So it is really difficult.

The war over the 50% control supply happens anywhere and it not exclusive to these technologies. China is trying to get a major supply on all of that, which shows as stated in a topic, the need to control it. But whether or not they can, it will be seen.

All these situations are open, what remains is that people are moving out of the enemy paradigm, and trying to find solutions. That is the core of the topic and the good thing.

Them trying to de-anonymize and attack through laws, slander etc, is already at work. And more than likely, they are all raging to ruin these things. The same thing was attempted on the Internet, but they could never really control all of it, just "most" of it. The internet still remains outside of control, even if theoretically, they can pull the plug.

But if they pull that plug, they will have to deal with infinite trillions of lost value, insane mobs after them, destitute masses and so on, to the point they may get killed. So doing any of this would be suicide for them.
Good point. It is definitely a step in the right direction to make the jews work hard trying to control currency, instead of just starting with them in control, as it is now.

I see what you mean about the Internet being a similar situation. Even if they had the resources to attack Bitcoin, it would likely backfire on them. Bitcoin's popularity says that people are trying to get away from managed currencies, so people would just find a similar alternative instead of accepting the jew-pushed "solution" of Central Digital Coins.
Shivachakra said:
I just do not know if there will be enough public pressure to allow crypto to be used as real money without insane reporting requirements.

The law is frankly really confused on this time not only because of total intention to blow shit up, but because those in power do for the most part have zero understanding of these technologies.

I know it's simply insane what they are doing. But then again, the whole financial system of the enemy is wholly insane. Nothing should be surprising anymore.

I have no clue on the tax requirements on this because these range from every country, but in the US, they are trying to stifle it a lot.
The dollar is the world currency. It's been based on silver for 150 years and has been been repressed since about 1910.. There's a silver squeeze going on right now. Though the price is 26.00 you won't find it for under 40.00. Never seen 15 over spot before. The dollar is going to crumble under the weight of demand for silver from china as silver makes a steady climb after being repressed for so long. Silver is just as or more rare than gold and may become 1 to 1 . This will also become an alternative currency as the dollar declines. It's still repressed through paper silver but the dam will eventually break. It's not 15 over spot for nothing. The big squeeze has started. Just like gamestop.
Perfect Op as per HPHC

Highly relevant especially today.

I follow Elon Musk on twitter he is always pushing Dogecoin (then nips in buys miliions of Bitcoin :eek: )

Heard about Bitcoin for years very interested in the markets now I understand the "normal" markets just not sure how you would get you"re money back out of crypto.

Read books on David Icke he along with a few on here have predicted this cashless society for years now look...

Downloaded an app that has 3 crypto not sure will need study them.

Adolf went against the bankers Gaddafi went against the bankers, thats putting the word bankers nicely. :twisted: What happened to the inventor of bitcoin is he still alive :lol:
Dear Cobra, Bill Gates had just something to say against Bitcoins. So when they say bad, it is supposed to be good XD.
Hi! Can you give some examples or ideas, what technologies could i create to liberate people?

Hail Satan!
about gold I say one thing:
$ 1,920 per ounce on September 6, 2011.
$ 1,088 per ounce July 23, 2015

now gold has risen a lot, because there is a frightening crisis but if ever the market goes up again it will go down a bit.

No investment is safe, which is why you need to diversify your investments.

of course, crytocurrencies are among the riskiest speculations.

gold is infinitely safer, but not completely safe.

SS66610888 said:
about gold I say one thing:
$ 1,920 per ounce on September 6, 2011.
$ 1,088 per ounce July 23, 2015

now gold has risen a lot, because there is a frightening crisis but if ever the market goes up again it will go down a bit.

No investment is safe, which is why you need to diversify your investments.

of course, crytocurrencies are among the riskiest speculations.

gold is infinitely safer, but not completely safe.


Crypto currencies are the riskiest investment but also the one with the biggest possible returns of you do your research and happen to invest in the next big thing or something. However you also could lose literally all your money suddenly too. It's kind of up to you if you want to do it or not. Things like Dogecoin and Bitcoin probably are not going to go away overnight Since they have been there since the beginning but it's still possible for them to lose all value. Some of the newer ones might suddenly crash or might become the next big thing. Not going to give advice but with the workings we did as a group and maybe your own personal workings this might not be a totally bad thing to invest in for a bit.

Just don't stay stuck with one thing if your intuition or knowledge says it's not going to do well anytime soon go for something else and call any money you lost a loss it's better than losing the whole thing.

Also don't invest more here than you can afford to lose and kind of watch the investment and any developing stories on it etc. If you think your going to lose a lot on it you probably will.

This is my best advice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Hooode Cobra 666 and Satanic Brotherhood,

I don't know anything about cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and honestly I was surprised to find on Wikipedia the other day when I was doing a search on Paimon, where I found information that there is a cryptocurrency with the name ... Paymon.

In your opinion, why did you create this cryptocurrency exactly with the name of one of the gods of hell, Paimon in this case?

What would be the goal here? Follow the link:


the excerpt related to that:

"... The name Paymon is even given to a cryptocurrency, and Paymon means" pact "or" promise "in Farsi,
also meaning small ritualistic seals in the bible. [6] "
Those who want to lose everything in investments are those who invest emotionally, mindlessly, and YOLO their investments based on emotional bias and random things.

They can name it in anyway. I read one of the surveillence systems of global control is called "Pyramis" or something like that. Does that mean it's run out of a Pyramid?

AryaPaimon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Hooode Cobra 666 and Satanic Brotherhood,

I don't know anything about cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and honestly I was surprised to find on Wikipedia the other day when I was doing a search on Paimon, where I found information that there is a cryptocurrency with the name ... Paymon.

In your opinion, why did you create this cryptocurrency exactly with the name of one of the gods of hell, Paimon in this case?

What would be the goal here? Follow the link:


the excerpt related to that:

"... The name Paymon is even given to a cryptocurrency, and Paymon means" pact "or" promise "in Farsi,
also meaning small ritualistic seals in the bible. [6] "
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hearsync said:

IMO, even if this thing costed 1$ or 1 billion per thing, I don't care, as simply my topic was about the economy, a larger why behind why these things already happen, and why the enemy may react.

If we are to go on the specific project territory, there are "more useful" and other perks to many other projects to look around.

Sure thing. I was posting based on what to look out for or things to consider as those who feel having some bitcoin/crypto as a hedge against fiat and are interested in obtaining some, may find useful.

A good quote to remember about all this is, "it's not about bitcoin; it's about the blockchain" - if we're staying on the topic of crypto, here. There are projects around this people can get involved in, as well.

And of course, even outside of crypto, there are other various projects that can be beneficial... however, not everyone here can simply go and buy a house or property, for example. What do you think other viable projects are that those with minimal funds could get into?
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.
on the crypto front for attacks we are seeing that now on a few levels.
from India trying to make owning crypto illegal just like an African country did recently to the as of now attempt at a 51% attack on the ETH network.
those who are unaware my understanding of a 51% attack on a crypto involves either a person or group of people who collectively own 51% of the nodes on a network that does not run on proof of stake to artificially claim that xyz wallet now has 50 million coins or any other arbitrary amount and have all the nodes running a bypass script on verifying it and just spit out that its correct and send that through the rest of the nodes under control to verify as well and eventually the 49% of non attack nodes will be outnumbered and loose the vote.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.

Inflation explained:

There in a nutshell is the reason the government likes the Mandrake Mechanism--easy instant access to any amount of money of any kind without thetaxpayer being involved directly in the loop. But what about the banking side?This is where it really gets interesting. Let's go back to that billion dollar check.The treasury official deposits the check into the government's checking accountand all of a sudden the computers start to click and it shows that the government has a billion dollar deposit meaning that it can now write a billion dollars in checks against that deposit which it starts to do real fast. For the sake of our analysis, let's just follow $100 out of that billion in a check that for some reason they write to the fellow that delivers the mail to our door. The postal worker gets a check for $100 and he looks at this thing and he can't imagine in his wildest dreams that that money didn't exist two days ago anywhere in the universe. It's spendable so he wouldn't even care if you told him. He deposits it now into his personal checking account. Now we're finally out of the Federal Reserve and out of the government's check and we're into the private banking system. We're infinally to that part of the partnership which is involved in the cartel. A $100 deposit has now been made in the local bank and the banker sees that and runsover to the loan window and opens it up and says attention, everybody, we have money to loan, someone just deposited $100." Everyone is overjoyed at that because that's one of the reasons they come to the bank, they come to borrow money. That's a sign of national health if you're in debt so they're anxious toknow that the bank has money to loan, they line up for these loans. They heard the banker and they say $100 that's not very much and he says not to worry we can loan up to $900 based on that $100 deposit. How can that be done? It gets complicated the way they do it and I'll tell you in very simple terms. The Federal Reserve System requires that the banks hold no less than 10% of their deposits in reserve. The bank holds 10% of that $100 in reserve, $10, and it loans this first fellow in line $90. What does he do with it? He wants to spend it so he puts it into his checking account. In fact it probably goes directly into his checking account. Let's assume that they gave it to him and he puts it back, when he puts it back it's a deposit isn't it?

Now you see what the benefit is to the banking cartel for being involved in this Federal Reserve System, interest on nothing. The process doesn't end there,however. It has consequences to you and to me. I've heard some people say"isn't that interesting, these fellows are sure smart, I guess they deserve to be rich." It's as though we're out of the loop, it doesn't affect us any, they got rich but we're ok. Well no, they got rich alright but they got it by taking it from us. How does that work? Let's follow this.

This newly created money goes out into the economy and it dilutes down the value of the dollars that were already out there. It's like pouring water into a pot of soup, it dilutes the soup.

From The Creature from Jekyll Island (Can be found for free if you are interested in more details. It's not a very long read. Less than 50 pages and by the end of it you understand how jewish banking scams us.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.

Inflation explained:

This newly created money goes out into the economy and it dilutes down the value of the dollars that were already out there. It's like pouring water into a pot of soup, it dilutes the soup.[/b]

From The Creature from Jekyll Island (Can be found for free if you are interested in more details. It's not a very long read. Less than 50 pages and by the end of it you understand how jewish banking scams us.

My explanation still stands. You're just showing another route or way this can go.
Or perhaps the background.
It doesnt defy the thing I was saying, that increased printing of money devalues the system because you think its backed by something thats fixed.

Even if jews scam us like that, if the backing value is not something like gold or oil, but lets say labor, youll have to pay the money back. So you labor. Spend the time youd have spend anyway, but you got it sooner.
Because you labored, you validated the money you lent from the bank, thus defeating inflation.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.

Inflation describes when you get less with your money, either because your money becomes less valuable, or goods increase in price.

When you generate more money, already existing money becomes less valuable. Whenever a jew who runs a bank, gets his debt repaid with interest, he just generated money out of thin air (from the interest).
And of course, he rubs his filth hands.

The problem is rather, that we live in an finite world, however, our financial system relies on exponential growth. Which is simply not possible, as our world is finite.

This is literally just a real life game of monopoly. The collapse was calculated from the very start.
Bitcoin is at the moment the 14 biggest currency

Also people don´t need to sell there bitcoin they can take credit on it, this is also tax free as far as i know in most states.

(Bitcoin Loans (The Ultimate Guide) from Trader University auf youtube does explain it)

Henu the Great said:
From The Creature from Jekyll Island (Can be found for free if you are interested in more details. It's not a very long read. Less than 50 pages and by the end of it you understand how jewish banking scams us.

I don't know what your reading but that book(The Creature from Jekyll Island) contains about 630ish pages give or take.
Gear88 said:
Henu the Great said:
From The Creature from Jekyll Island (Can be found for free if you are interested in more details. It's not a very long read. Less than 50 pages and by the end of it you understand how jewish banking scams us.

I don't know what your reading but that book(The Creature from Jekyll Island) contains about 630ish pages give or take.
The first time I searched for it I found the following: https://christianobserver.net/documents/creature-from-jekyll-island-by-edward-griffin.pdf

However this seems to be some compacted version explaining how FED works and such.
NinRick said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.

Inflation describes when you get less with your money, either because your money becomes less valuable, or goods increase in price.

When you generate more money, already existing money becomes less valuable. Whenever a jew who runs a bank, gets his debt repaid with interest, he just generated money out of thin air (from the interest).
And of course, he rubs his filth hands.

The problem is rather, that we live in an finite world, however, our financial system relies on exponential growth. Which is simply not possible, as our world is finite.

This is literally just a real life game of monopoly. The collapse was calculated from the very start.

I always knew Capitalism was set up with the intent that it would work well for a bit then start to cause more and more problems and become more and more unequal (in a bad way like what our founders were talking about not Communist equality) and the Jews were supposed to try to start presenting Marxism at this point and get the society more and more into believing it so that in or near the collapse they switch to a Marxist system.

So yeah it was calculated and set up to fail at the beginning. Why not a more deflationary economy. Not by a lot but one where people often gain more value for things that would make it so people could live more nicely than now in the future without changing a lot even right at this very moment even though it needs cleaning up just like a sewer does that is how bad it is now. Crypto shows it is possible. It's not a fix but it's a start.

Capitalism and Marxism are the same general values. The results are the same you become Jewish slaves. The only difference is it's by force under Marxism and more in the mind under capitalism. But it's not really a system set up under different values or ideals at all.

Even though yeah if given a Choice I would gladly take keeping Capitalism till we can set up something more sane. Marxism sucks donkey balls.
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Money only inflates, because it is backed by something thats limited. If you back it by something that is unlimited or increases faster or just as fast it is impossible to inflate the money. The only other way would be to print fake money.

Inflation describes when you get less with your money, either because your money becomes less valuable, or goods increase in price.

When you generate more money, already existing money becomes less valuable. Whenever a jew who runs a bank, gets his debt repaid with interest, he just generated money out of thin air (from the interest).
And of course, he rubs his filth hands.

The problem is rather, that we live in an finite world, however, our financial system relies on exponential growth. Which is simply not possible, as our world is finite.

This is literally just a real life game of monopoly. The collapse was calculated from the very start.

I always knew Capitalism was set up with the intent that it would work well for a bit then start to cause more and more problems and become more and more unequal (in a bad way like what our founders were talking about not Communist equality) and the Jews were supposed to try to start presenting Marxism at this point and get the society more and more into believing it so that in or near the collapse they switch to a Marxist system.

So yeah it was calculated and set up to fail at the beginning. Why not a more deflationary economy. Not by a lot but one where people often gain more value for things that would make it so people could live more nicely than now in the future without changing a lot even right at this very moment even though it needs cleaning up just like a sewer does that is how bad it is now. Crypto shows it is possible. It's not a fix but it's a start.

Capitalism and Marxism are the same general values. The results are the same you become Jewish slaves. The only difference is it's by force under Marxism and more in the mind under capitalism. But it's not really a system set up under different values or ideals at all.

Even though yeah if given a Choice I would gladly take keeping Capitalism till we can set up something more sane. Marxism sucks donkey balls.

Agreed, Capitalism isn't perfect but the best bet we have for now.

Btw, if you are not doing it now anyways, you should do returning Curses pt.1 and pt.2, along with vibrating "SURYA" 216 times.
I think bitcoin is a very promising currency. And if I had a lot of money, I would invest in it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
