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Could Someone Guide me on Spiritual Procedures?


New member
Jun 19, 2024
Winter Haven
Hello everyone 👋

I hope you all are well. I have recently been researching several spiritual ways and discovered Joy of Satan's teachings. I am attracted by the concentration on self development and spiritual energy and have been thinking about applying some of these activities into my everyday routine.❤️

  • Before I delve deeper; I wanted to look for advice and insights from this community. I am curious in learning more about the Joy of Satan core principles and ways of life. Could someone please share their experiences with how these lessons impacted their spiritual route?
  • I am looking for practical tips for starting. Are there certain rituals and prayers that are advised for beginners? How does one properly apply these techniques into their daily lives?
  • I would like to learn about any difficulties and misunderstandings that beginners may face when initially engaging with Joy of Satan's philosophy. What are some frequent mistakes to avoid, and how can you prevent them?
Also I explored some topics related to this https://ancient-forums.com/threads/your-relation-with-the-gcp-gods-communicating-properly.96592/#post-508106 I got valuable information from that post but I would really want to know more from a experienced person I would like to connect with others who are on a similar journey.

It would be nice to hear personal experiences of change and spiritual development that have resulted from these teachings. Kindly feel free to share your thoughts and suggest me to websites that will help me understand more.
Thank you all in advance for your efforts🥰🥰
Before I delve deeper; I wanted to look for advice and insights from this community. I am curious in learning more about the Joy of Satan core principles and ways of life. Could someone please share their experiences with how these lessons impacted their spiritual route?

I am looking for practical tips for starting. Are there certain rituals and prayers that are advised for beginners? How does one properly apply these techniques into their daily lives?

I would like to learn about any difficulties and misunderstandings that beginners may face when initially engaging with Joy of Satan's philosophy. What are some frequent mistakes to avoid, and how can you prevent them?

Just learn and you will know. Nobody will know everything right away, and non of us does actually. Your perception will change a lot and this is expected, as you learn new things.

There have been attempts to compile "everything you need to know", and this is the best attempt so far:
Ignore the "outdated" warning, it isn't really.
So after I completed the initiation ritual to Father Satan, which gave me a decisive boost, I first started with the power meditations for beginners (https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Meditation.html), then incorporated the chakra work (https://joyofsatan.org/OpeningChakras.html) and also the aura cleansing (https://joyofsatan.org/Aura_Cleaning.html) and soul liberation (https://satanisgod.org/Freeing_the_Soul.html). All daily, about which I kept a diary. Finally, daily the Final RTRs (https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html) with the correct pronunciation (https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/alef-bet.mp3) and the recommended JoS rituals (). With each day I felt more and more how I developed into a more positive person. Many problems have gradually dissolved. Talking to Father Satan about his seal has also given me a lot of strength and intuition. My gratitude to Father Satan and all his hellish demons is constantly growing. I now know that I have found my spiritual home and that Father Satan has always been in my life. In my waking state, as in my dreams, I am protected and guided by him. Slowly, little by little, Father Satan is showing me ways and means to empower myself. I will continue my efforts. Therefore, I thank AFODO explicitly for his helpful link.

Just start with what you like the most. What AFODI says is true, your perception will gradually change. But the important thing is: First of all, make the dedication to Father Satan (https://joyofsatan.org/SATANIC.html). Father Satan will then protect your every step. I have also performed the standard ritual to Satan (https://joyofsatan.org/Ritual.html). I wish you the love and beneficial guidance of Father Satan and all his hellish demons.

The next steps will certainly be shown to you if you sincerely turn to father satan.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
I would like to learn about any difficulties and misunderstandings that beginners may face when initially engaging with Joy of Satan's philosophy. What are some frequent mistakes to avoid, and how can you prevent them?
Those usually come from their previous religious programming or usual enemy propaganda.

For example, many believe the dedication ritual is about "selling your soul" and some often add a few "gimme" lines to the prayer to state what they want from Satan, as if he's a genie, when the dedication is your personal commitment. There are similar dedication rites in other religions, like Wicca, and they're not about selling anything or getting instant money or material things.

Others do the dedication while they still skeptical because they think Satan will contact them after they do it, and get disappointed obviously. Note that in many such cases the dedication didn't work for them, because they state "In the name of Satan and the Demons who are the true and only Gods...I accept Satan and promise to honor Him..." while they don't really mean these phrases if they are not sure that Satan and the Demons are real and are only doing this to confirm their existence. In Satanism, your intention matters above everything else. If you have any doubts about the existence of Satan and the Gods, you should resolve them before doing the dedication.

Usually most misunderstandings come from those who were raised Christian.

Many of these people skip the meditation part entirely and just want to pray to Satan like they did in Christianity to Jesus, believing that Satan is like Christianity but more "real" in that Satan is worshipped in the same way but he actually hears us. And then they get disappointed when they find out that it's more complex than that and they have to study, do power meditations and empower their souls and open the astral senses and that Satan isn't like the xian god or "our Lord and Savior", but our Spiritual guide who teaches us how to dave ourselves.

Similarly, there are some suicidal people who were raised Christian who want to commit suicide because they think they'll live a happy afterlife in Hell and will join Hell's Army anf become Gods/Demons and they disappointed to learn that being dead without a body is boring and they are useless to Satan and the Gods in that state, and they can only help the Gods while they have a physical body on earth. Also, they will just get reincarnated and their next life will probably be worse than this onr because they didn't resolve the heavy karma that caused them to commit suicide.

Misconceptions may be come from the internet too, as there are many "top scariest sites" videos and articles and nearly every single one of them includes the JoS site in their list, and most of the time they skip everything else and comment on how the website allows you to summon Demons for Halloween. I've seen a few that don't even call it Joy of Satan, they title it "Summon Demons". And this thing is heavily discouraged here, as it's been mentioned that you should summon a God only if you have done the Dedication Ritual and you have a serious reason, not for fun or to see if it works or if the Gods are real.

As a consequence, many new people want to summon a God for fun without even dedicating themselves, especially around or during Samhain.
A common thing among new people is worrying if they did something wrong, because their experience didn't match someone else's or a ritual didn't go perfectly. They get obsessed with it, when they really should move on and do the next thing.

Some examples of this:
  1. Most people who do the dedication ritual always miss something minor, or don't get enough blood or whatever else. Almost nobody does the ritual perfectly. Yet those people come here and ask "did I do this correctly?" and are worried because they also "didn't feel anything" (some people do, but you're not supposed to feel anything for sure after the ritual or receive some confirmation after it) and all those people get obsessed with the ritual. Some of them want to do it again! So I always tell them "You're fine, forget the dedication, put it behind you and start empowering your soul with power meditation".
  2. Some people open their third eye and get obsessed because they didn't feel something strong, or didn't see anything extraordinary. Many confuse the difference between opening and empowering it. To see auras, the Gods e.t.c. you need to empower it every day, not just open it. I tell them again "You're fine, put your third eye opening behind you and start opening the other chakras. Don't focus only on your 3rd eye, because this creates an imbalance. You need to empower all of them evenly"
  3. Many treat power meditation as a mechanical thing where they expect to get an experience mentioned on JoS, and then wonder if they did it wrong if they didn't feel anything important. I tell them this: "Meditation is a right-brained activity. When you are comparing things or are goal-oriented, you are using your left brain and of course you're doing it wrong. Relax, be present on the now, do it without expectation and just enjoy the practice. Focus on the moment and not on any future results".
Another common thing is when people confuse visualization with clairvoyance and say things like "well I'm doing that exercise where it tells me to visualize this thing but I can't visualize. I close my eyes and only see darkness". Visualization is much like remembering something. You see with your mind's eye, not with your physical eyes. What color is your neighbor's car? If you can answer this question, then congratulations, you can visualize. Seeing things realistically, not just in your mind's eye is a "supernatural" ability, it's called clairvoyance and you have to develop it if you were not born with it. Very few people can do that.

Some people stop practicing Satanism for a while and come back so they ask if they should do the dedication again, or claim they can't feel Satan now and wonder if he abandoned them (not whether their intuition got weaker and astral senses because they stopped practicing!)

And generally many people ask questions in which always the answer is no, like "I did "x", did it offend Satan?" or "am I a jew?" because if they were or did these things they wouldn't be asking these questions in the first place. Those who truly offend Satan are not concerned about offending him at all, they slander him, mock him, attack his people and abuse the Gods, that's the only cases where the Gods are offended by someone, as they can see people's intentions. Snd those who are jews don't ask if they are jews, they are just offended when people here say that jews aren't welcome or try to soft-soap the jews or evoke sympathy for individual jews, saying for example that some love Satan and it would be cruel for us to turn them away. Usually I respond to them "If a jew loves Satan, he/she is a suicidal masochist, because only that type of person loves their enemies".
For example, many believe the dedication ritual is about "selling your soul" and some often add a few "gimme" lines to the prayer to state what they want from Satan, as if he's a genie, when the dedication is your personal commitment. There are similar dedication rites in other religions, like Wicca, and they're not about selling anything or getting instant money or material things.
I did these things when dedicating as i was inexperienced(hope that doesn’t have any long lasting effects as it just stated my life goals like i would like to become that and that).But changed a lot from that day.

Similarly, there are some suicidal people who were raised Christian who want to commit suicide because they think they'll live a happy afterlife in Hell and will join Hell's Army anf become Gods/Demons and they disappointed to learn that being dead without a body is boring and they are useless to Satan and the Gods in that state
And This is so true as the xian program works on the head and for the first couple of days/months that was my thinking.But now again Lord Satan has given me so much i would never take the easy way out.
Hello everyone 👋

I hope you all are well. I have recently been researching several spiritual ways and discovered Joy of Satan's teachings. I am attracted by the concentration on self development and spiritual energy and have been thinking about applying some of these activities into my everyday routine.❤️

  • Before I delve deeper; I wanted to look for advice and insights from this community. I am curious in learning more about the Joy of Satan core principles and ways of life. Could someone please share their experiences with how these lessons impacted their spiritual route?
  • I am looking for practical tips for starting. Are there certain rituals and prayers that are advised for beginners? How does one properly apply these techniques into their daily lives?
  • I would like to learn about any difficulties and misunderstandings that beginners may face when initially engaging with Joy of Satan's philosophy. What are some frequent mistakes to avoid, and how can you prevent them?
Also I explored some topics related to this https://ancient-forums.com/threads/your-relation-with-the-gcp-gods-communicating-properly.96592/#post-508106 I got valuable information from that post but I would really want to know more from a experienced person I would like to connect with others who are on a similar journey.

It would be nice to hear personal experiences of change and spiritual development that have resulted from these teachings. Kindly feel free to share your thoughts and suggest me to websites that will help me understand more.
Thank you all in advance for your efforts🥰🥰
Use the runes and open your energies. Try lögur rune then use satans keys (all of them). You will have best experiences and won’t need others

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
