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Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A lot of conversation has been happening for months in regards to the Co-Vid, as the obvious ramifications that were heaped upon people worldwide were powerful because of the virus. People globally have not only suffered, but massive changes have ensued, massive revealations of plans, conspiracies, and all sorts of other things.

Normally, it appears that many people focus on the existence or non-existence of Co-Vid, or how serious the situation really is.

But indeed, as the situation displays, this is only the beginning of the so called "illness", and the massive problems are entailed not by the virus itself, or even it's spread, but in regards to the planning and general conspiracies that have attempted to be mobilized in order to control this whole situation and turn to an advantage.

It is really obvious what is happening based on "Co-Vid". For one, the enemy structure is at it's limits right now, and it has went through a phase of massive exercise of power, while at the same time, having their power drained from the situation itself. Undeniably, the Gods have been in this situation, planning it and doing a lot of execution to get the enemy to do every possible bad move, and this will continue.

For example, everyone saw how degenerate the so called "Leaders" of this world are, and how many are below the standards - especially jews. Jews are unfit to rule anything, and the moment something goes wrong, jews tend towards lies, abuse, destruction and deception, which is how they lead anyway - but it's just that it becomes very obvious. Jews were so terrified and still are of the situation, that they looked like a scared rat running in between electric cables. Many rich jews, even Rabbis of old age, were terrified of contacting the disease and dying, and due to this, and the remote possibility, they did not hesitate to literally strangle the planet instantly.

Yet, the lockdown itself had a lot more things behind it. Without going into the normal aspects of it, I will simply relate what this situation meant, without the useless decoration cherry involved. The lockdown, caused suffering, and it also caused survival instincts to kick in in many cases, and in many people. These are necessary if we are to survive the lizardine counciles that are trying to struggle us to submission.

Greys are dependent on energy from humans, and the religions they have set up, were a necessity to feed them energetically, and that aside, Greys are also inhuman creatures, that have certain "Plans" for humanity. These involve technological dictatorship, and all sorts of other disturbing things, that one can read on other topics I have made before.

The problem is, when a civilization reaches a certain level of knowledge and technology, their primal hoaxes start losing their power. Because these lose power, then they put their bets on steering us based on negative technology now, and not on the primal hoaxes that worked once upon a time, such as the sorry story of a Rabbi from Israel or something.

As such, we stand a chance to advance for all the things they do not like, such as space travel, discovering other planets, and unironically so, even getting to know about their conspiracy, which is exactly what has happened and why they are bitter. Therefore it's necessary for them to see if they can screw us over now, or enslave us quickly in some way, however, as the time/opportunity continuum goes, this does not yet appear to be the case of possibility.

This angers them extremely much. Their influence is very observed in humanity unfortunately, and without human beings having consciousness of spiritual affairs [Ancient Civilizations knew about the greys and other enemies], their influence is present.

These entities are alien, exist in another dimension adjacent to this one, and they are well known harassers of humanity for thousands of years, and for purposes that mostly deal with abuse. Greys have a plan to dehumanize human beings, and in general, either destroy us, or if this is not possible [we have protection], turn us into some form of enslaved hybrid. The road to this plan is lengthy, and involves negative use of technology, which has to become mainstream, and the climax of this, is when they invade and they take over a civilization, after they have led it down to the hole.

Take an example of all the things that were done during the lockdown. Personally, I had no issue with it, other than the external issues everyone else also shared had a share of, no matter who or what they were. Meditation, reading and so forth, for people who are into this, can be just fine, same as self introspection, or exercise at home, or whatever. On the other hand, the striking majority of human beings, are, rightfully so, social beings. Being social is the basis of civilization, but also a lot the basis of being human.

Slowly and gradually, the enemy prepares humanity, on an evergrowing phase of technological domination, invasion of privacy, control and surveillence. Due to how insane much of this is, excuses are needed, and a pandemic, with the excuse of "This is for your health", is a strong excuse, but as it appears, the RTR's made this to not be enough.

Indeed the Co-Vid situation extends past the virus itself. The situation is deeply political, spiritual, and a general war is going on. It is not a coincidence, all the attacks on personal freedoms by jews on the pretext of the "Covid", were pushed at the same time with the financial destruction of millions [upwards to 50 million unemployed in the US only right now, and nobody gives a flying fuck], and at the same time, with mass isolation, extreme measures, psychological warfare by the news, and also they silently started a civil war based on a random monkey that was walking around doing the usual ape stuff, that Jews take and promote as some sort of holy crime, to start race war on top of everything.

One would reasonably assume, this was some sort of hidden revenge of Jews, who after observing where the waking up was going, namely, against them, instantly mobilized the "Race War the Goyim Tribes" meme, which for the most part also failed but caused even more suffering. The destructive forces of the jews, plus their incompetence to lead, and their exaggerated alien plans, all in one soup, have been a toxic one.

Let's say this, during the Co-Vid situation, the readership of the forum went like upwards to a hundred times. Yes, a hundred times, collectively in all the websites. This may sound shocking, but this is exactly what this happens. Doing the math in exactitude, it may be even more.

Clearly, people used the free time to seek the Truth, and many people, never had time for months and months. Endless millions out there never had the time to sit down for once and learn anything at all, and this is why a lot of our people here consists of people who, for one reason or another, at some point in their life, they had time - for example, unemployment, or teenagers, or university professors, or people simply too interested in the occult that they will make time to read no matter what. But the "Common man" never had a chance to read a few things.

One of the positive things Satan ensured during this pandemic, is that people have been exposed to our texts now, and there is never going back now. Indeed, during this time, the Governments were also enforced to pay people, and this trend will continue. Much of the system is broken as is, and a necessary recycling is required. We will continue the advertising efforts, just know everyone- even those of us who solitary do internet warfare, THAT OUR COLLECTIVE EFFORTS ARE DEFINITELY EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE!

In regards to the RTR, everyone who has been watching the news, and has been watching the movement of the enemy, can understand where this agenda was going.

Totally cashless society, promoting enslavement based microchips [The dumb jew Nethanyahu went as far as saying people need to have a literal goddamn implant alarm on them, supposedly to be protected for "CoVid"], enslavement in little rooms where people cannot go out, extreme policing, people trapped in physically and emotionally, any form of human contact to be removed entirely and only happen at a distance [and through the control of mega jews], fear of man against man [oy vey, you may get sick], excuses for more "automation" and removing more and more humans from any work and labor, putting AI to work for global policing, installing more and more spyware on the cattle for "Health Reasons", and all sorts of other alien garbage, all while making people poor and dependent while they are at it. They went as far as to deplatform and attack anyone with any form of reasonable question, without any hesitation, because they are scared. Major figures of the enemy all the way from Ellen to Gates have shown true colors, and humanity has seen what they are about.

This is how the enemy uses technology, power, wealth, influence, and everything else.

Indeed, most of this seldom has anything to do with the pandemic situation itself, but only a struggle of control and abuse. This situation reminds of the 16th century, the century where the Catholic church flexed the most it's power and jew-elry, until it went forth to be destroyed in the 17th century. Only this time, the situation will go way faster. "We will burn Galilleo". But who won in the end, the "Church" or Galilleo? As we will soon see, Galilleo did indeed win his war, and only lost his life.

Also, the revelation of the Jew as the enemy of humanity, cannot go back now. We are about to see the era of the Gods rising. They should have thought before initiating a war against humanity, creating race wars, deceiving, thieving mercilessly, and thinking the Gods would never win this war, because this is only the beginning.

We are standing before another 17th century, only this time, with the power of Satan and his Age, plus the advent of technology and information, the enemy will have no hole to hide ever again.

In regards to the Co-Vid situation, and it's next phases [These may involve regional or even full lockdowns in some places], just keep up with the Final RTR. Then, all ways lead to Rome. To give an example here, there are people who believe in Co-Vid, and those who do not. But all roads lead to Rome, and the revelation of the enemy is now a global fact and unavoidable. Given the situation and historic pattern of the enemy, we must be prepared for a full on war by the enemy, who will not go down easily.

The enemy, even when revealed to be a liar, will not step back. Their only fear is punishment, not the moral weight of being liars, as they have no conscience. Indeed, many people in mass media enjoy the power to lie, and they feel it's a great aphrodisiac to deceive the "asleep goyim". People assume that this Co-Vid situation will settle down, or that things will become more peaceful as time goes, or that somehow this will be forgotten, but the situation is a large power display of the enemy, and a curfew on our planet for other affairs, primarily motivated out of inflation and fear in regards to what will come.

Just observe what has been happening with recent laws the enemy has put in motion, to go after "Co-Vid conspiracy theorists", and how they will attack mercilessly even their own who dare question how they handle the situation. Oy vey, they are very salty aren't they? Is the goyim thinking for itself now and Jew York Times is not doing the Goyim's thinking? They don't buy a lot of Cosmopolitan anymore? Annuda Shoah!

They are on TV's grinning on that they will do experimental vaccines to people, and they laugh loudly on TV panels before they go live to pretend Co-Vid is the end of humanity or something, for clickbait and mental warfare on human beings. Then when they understand the act is over, they become angry and threaten lockdown and military, as if this clique of irrelevant 0.1% means anything against the might and consciousness of the 99.9%. And the mass consciousness is already awakening to the alien influence.

Just remember to be prepared mentally, do your meditations, and prepared for the so called "Second Wave" in a similar fashion of the "First" wave. It is still "unclear" where this is exactly going, as every country will have a different modus operandi. For example, in countries where the enemy is afraid of being destroyed, they will probably not press it too far. One can judge the situation and risk on themselves. For example, if one lives in a place where regional full lock-downs may commence, do not wait to be the last guy going into the Supermarket to have to fight your way to a bag of chips. If you are in a chiller area, prepare accordingly. Make sure to apply wherever possible, for any and all government support and benefits to support yourself and your family, if currently unemployed. We did Wealth Ritual to boost efforts and support will come from the Gods, who will keep everyone protected within reason, added on personal protection. Do not slack, and do not fear. Feel free to ask questions so that we can mutually support one another through these times, and stay strong.

Let the age of Aquarius and the age of Satan, the Age of Man, start in full power, as everyone watches the situation unveil and progress!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
While they are going into phase 2 of the LOCKSTEP plan, we will be going into phase 2 of exposing and destroying them.

I see this as our spiritual operation Barbarossa, except unlike Germany, we will succeed.

The antichrist will not come if the masses are not ready to accept him and his truth, lets get to it!
This is a good Sermon, well done. I'm sure this will help calm those people who may have been anxious about what's to come.
Thank you High Priest for this informative post, as always! :)

Quarantine was beneficial to me, being in a stressful situation and in school I no longer had to go and did online lessons which made me very relaxed. I had more time to sleep and meditate and I became more happy overall. Nothing literally changed for me as living in the countryside I could just go out with my dog as always.
This brought a smile to my face.
I've seen many people around me starting to see what we see!

These rituals are working.

Hail Satan and his Gods!!!!
Thank you so much for all the time and effort put into this article and our cause overall. Even though I can't see your faces I Love all the HPs and HPSs. Thank you for serving Truth
This is good to know! I've been on the edge with these rituals but hearing this makes me feel a lot better! These hooked nosed bastards have oyed their last vey! Hail Satan! :twisted:
Thank you HP Cobra. I always enjoy reading your posts and am happy you and the other HP's/HPS's are leading us. I have been listening to some of Maxine's audio sermons, and they are very inspiring, as well. To any readers, find Magenta666's channel on Youtube for the audio sermons.

As HP Cobra advised, take the time and effort now to plan and organize. Do not stress, there is time now before the situation becomes bad enough that would necessitate the use of emergency supplies. Use this time to slowly build your stockpile and prepare for anything.

For food, dehydrated food buckets are a good investment, as they can last for any near or far away emergencies. For water, aside from cases of bottled water, one can find large bags that can be hooked up to a tub and filled, providing many gallons of drinking water, assuming you fill it while there is still water access.

For health, stockpile medical supplies of all kinds, not just small bumps and cuts. Additionally, take the time now to heal yourself. Keep up with the yoga, eat and sleep well. If you have any symptoms of imbalance or organ deficiency, post on the health forum and we can find solutions for you.

I would highly advise visiting some prepping websites, such as happypreppers, urbansurvivalsite, and plenty others, and start procuring as much as can. The more you invest into that, the better. Use your advanced knowledge and forewarning of coming stress to prepare well. In times of disaster, money can easily become worthless.

Make sure you have backups of the JOS website and ancient forums, if possible. In the event the internet goes out, you will still want access to the meditations, at the bare minimum. Consider printing physical copies and making a binder of them. JOS Backup is available here.

Lastly, be wary of the testing kits, as they are likely a mechanism of seeding the virus. Read the latest articles on Jared Kushner, as well as the plans for Rothschild investment into testing, and it becomes obviously that the enemy wants to use the testing as a means to inflame the numbers of the virus, either through actual infection, or just artificial inflation.

The sheer quantity of testing kits they want to be ordered/delivered indicate that testing would become very widespread, perhaps mandatory. For some, it will likely be inevitable that they get tested, as many businesses and schools will likely start using them, if given to them by the government. Just do your best and be aware of any testing that may involve you. Additionally, avoid any vaccines at all cost. I fear that they mad be made mandatory, or practically mandatory, as well, but I also know many people are skeptical of them.
Thank You,HPHC,for the extremely informative and reassuring sermon. I thoroughly enjoy your sermons and articles and have gained many insights and pieces of knowledge from reading them. I have recently dedicated to Father Satan and am steadily progressing through Your 40-Day Program. I was wondering about Chakra Spinning in that, does it make a difference whether you spin them clockwise or counterclockwise or does either way work? But once again, Thank You for your Wonderful,Knowledgeable Sermons!!! HAIL Father Satan! HEIL Hitler!
Thank you HP, I have been getting anxious myself. The first few months of covid were great, I was active, studying, and meditating. Definitely been slacking over the the last month, though. Time to focus and prepare for phase II. Time to fight the war no one else can. I have great confidence in my satanic brothers and sisters.

People are waking up unlike ever before on this planet. I did want to share amazing progress I made with my Bible thumping mother. She was scared and confused regarding the recent assault on white women (the Karen). For what had to be the first time ever, she looked to me for answers and asked actually asked about the jews. She would never listen before because of her Sunday school brainwashing; always holding the jew high esteem. I gave her a history lesson about hitler, bolsheviks, WWII and the events proceeding. It was the most stimulating conversation we ever had and filled me with much hope.

Hopefully others have experienced these same occurrences. The enemy is on their heels, it is time to strike!

Hail Satan!!!
Good sermon HP, these always give me motivation to keep up Rtr’s and meditation no matter what happens. I can’t wait till we eradicate this planet of the enemy already. Hail satan!
Wow! Am so inspired With this piece of work.
Thank very much my Noble men and women.
Hail Satan.
Ave satanas.
My loyalty to my master
Maybe besides RTR, we would like to have some other rituals? Cursing Israel, for example?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[...] We did Wealth Ritual to boost efforts and support will come from the Gods, who will keep everyone protected within reason, added on personal protection. Do not slack, and do not fear. Feel free to ask questions so that we can mutually support one another through these times, and stay strong.

Let the age of Aquarius and the age of Satan, the Age of Man, start in full power, as everyone watches the situation unveil and progress!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The rituals worked. I can affirm that the Gods have helped me a lot in securing an income. I can finally put some money aside each month and I have more time for rituals as well.

Also, I am spared from wearing that awful mask, thankfully. It is truly a miracle when I think at what muck 2019 was for me.
Thank you HPHC

Take care bro
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
While they are going into phase 2 of the LOCKSTEP plan, we will be going into phase 2 of exposing and destroying them.

I see this as our spiritual operation Barbarossa, except unlike Germany, we will succeed.

The antichrist will not come if the masses are not ready to accept him and his truth, lets get to it!

I don't know why I'm doing this on this post, but for some reason I've got an inclination to apologize for ranting at you a month or so ago about your anger towards the blacks that have demoralized and destroyed on (behalf of the Jews), your race. I've been seeing it way to much, and I've been having difficulty not wanting to physically break some of those idiotic, degenerates bones. To make them feel pain, because they don't seem to learn by no othe way.

I see things now in a different light, and by High Priestess Shannon, I see what my race has lost in history and culture. As my ally and brother in Satan, you can best bet that I'm right along with you and other gentiles in regards to these Jew and that also inckudes degenerate blacks.

Unfortunately I don't like waiting for a year or two for them to start getting the boot, but I will. I'll just increase my RTRS and match that with my rage.

Again apologies.

Hail Satan
It's been a relatively calm past couple days on the psychic front, they're up to something.
This is a great sermon, HP.

It answers a lot of questions about how to gauge the enemy, advancing, and preparing for the battles to come. The advice on applying for government support is also really helpful. It can be a real dilemma knowing if you should ask for that, especially if you don't trust your government. This makes things clear for us. Thank you.

Great work everyone.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let the age of Aquarius and the age of Satan, the Age of Man, start in full power, as everyone watches the situation unveil and progress!
So be it

Heil Satan
Everytime I read positive news herr and in general, it gladdens the heart.

I am sure everyone, even those in the most difficult situations, will get help and positive assistance. Glad you made it out.

There will be more help incoming for all. The Gods and Satan take care of their own.

Inflorescentia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[...] We did Wealth Ritual to boost efforts and support will come from the Gods, who will keep everyone protected within reason, added on personal protection. Do not slack, and do not fear. Feel free to ask questions so that we can mutually support one another through these times, and stay strong.

Let the age of Aquarius and the age of Satan, the Age of Man, start in full power, as everyone watches the situation unveil and progress!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The rituals worked. I can affirm that the Gods have helped me a lot in securing an income. I can finally put some money aside each month and I have more time for rituals as well.

Also, I am spared from wearing that awful mask, thankfully. It is truly a miracle when I think at what muck 2019 was for me.
Governments exist to serve people and make their lives livable. Depending on where one lives, reliability on said government scales. Your best bet is to rely on yourself and family.

However, when Governments do mistakes or ruin opportunities, support from them has to be demanded, especially so in situations like a pandemic. Governments with a shred of reliability should help.

The Gov does not exist to serve jews nor to serve itself. So yes, do apply but place your hopes on yourself and own labor as a security.

Norse 88 said:
This is a great sermon, HP.

It answers a lot of questions about how to gauge the enemy, advancing, and preparing for the battles to come. The advice on applying for government support is also really helpful. It can be a real dilemma knowing if you should ask for that, especially if you don't trust your government. This makes things clear for us. Thank you.

Great work everyone.

Ramier108666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
While they are going into phase 2 of the LOCKSTEP plan, we will be going into phase 2 of exposing and destroying them.

I see this as our spiritual operation Barbarossa, except unlike Germany, we will succeed.

The antichrist will not come if the masses are not ready to accept him and his truth, lets get to it!

I don't know why I'm doing this on this post, but for some reason I've got an inclination to apologize for ranting at you a month or so ago about your anger towards the blacks that have demoralized and destroyed on (behalf of the Jews), your race. I've been seeing it way to much, and I've been having difficulty not wanting to physically break some of those idiotic, degenerates bones. To make them feel pain, because they don't seem to learn by no othe way.

I see things now in a different light, and by High Priestess Shannon, I see what my race has lost in history and culture. As my ally and brother in Satan, you can best bet that I'm right along with you and other gentiles in regards to these Jew and that also inckudes degenerate blacks.

Unfortunately I don't like waiting for a year or two for them to start getting the boot, but I will. I'll just increase my RTRS and match that with my rage.

Again apologies.

Hail Satan

Do not worry Ramier, smart people understand on all sides what is going on.

Do not grow hate for your own people because of their degeneracy beyond what is necessary. When hate emerges, use it constructively to fix things.

All SS work together as a big team. Its alright if some disputes exist, so long we learn and we have the decency to see errors and faults. This results in growth.
Anna said:
Maybe besides RTR, we would like to have some other rituals? Cursing Israel, for example?

Final RTR undoes the enemy fully.
Just remember to use logic and also consider if your mother is worried about your beliefs oe genuinely interested.

All people will eventually see what is going on.

$ignificant$un said:
Thank you HP, I have been getting anxious myself. The first few months of covid were great, I was active, studying, and meditating. Definitely been slacking over the the last month, though. Time to focus and prepare for phase II. Time to fight the war no one else can. I have great confidence in my satanic brothers and sisters.

People are waking up unlike ever before on this planet. I did want to share amazing progress I made with my Bible thumping mother. She was scared and confused regarding the recent assault on white women (the Karen). For what had to be the first time ever, she looked to me for answers and asked actually asked about the jews. She would never listen before because of her Sunday school brainwashing; always holding the jew high esteem. I gave her a history lesson about hitler, bolsheviks, WWII and the events proceeding. It was the most stimulating conversation we ever had and filled me with much hope.

Hopefully others have experienced these same occurrences. The enemy is on their heels, it is time to strike!

Hail Satan!!!
A lot of students had a good time during Covid in a similar manner. I think it was enjoyable for a few people, but because it was relatively short.

Yet schools and universities need to exist in the normal fashion so people can assosciate, make friends, relate and learn, for uni age people to have relationships sexual and otherwise, and too much over distance can have drastically negative emotional effects on human beings. Isolation breaks humans over extended periods. Internet assosciation has a limit. This is why some more sensitive people killed themselves during the lockdown.

Little children break entirely from isolation and it can cause major development issues, they need to play and socialize a lot. Children of this age and their parents who had to take care of them suffered from a lot of stress to make the demands fit. It cannot go forever. The enemy wants people living as if in cages, in a virtual only environment, isolated from existence.

Countryside living has major perks, few of them the ones you mention. Cities were hit hard by the lockdowns.

Aquarius said:
Quarantine was beneficial to me, being in a stressful situation and in school I no longer had to go and did online lessons which made me very relaxed. I had more time to sleep and meditate and I became more happy overall. Nothing literally changed for me as living in the countryside I could just go out with my dog as always.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
While they are going into phase 2 of the LOCKSTEP plan, we will be going into phase 2 of exposing and destroying them.

I see this as our spiritual operation Barbarossa, except unlike Germany, we will succeed.

The antichrist will not come if the masses are not ready to accept him and his truth, lets get to it!

I don't know why I'm doing this on this post, but for some reason I've got an inclination to apologize for ranting at you a month or so ago about your anger towards the blacks that have demoralized and destroyed on (behalf of the Jews), your race. I've been seeing it way to much, and I've been having difficulty not wanting to physically break some of those idiotic, degenerates bones. To make them feel pain, because they don't seem to learn by no othe way.

I see things now in a different light, and by High Priestess Shannon, I see what my race has lost in history and culture. As my ally and brother in Satan, you can best bet that I'm right along with you and other gentiles in regards to these Jew and that also inckudes degenerate blacks.

Unfortunately I don't like waiting for a year or two for them to start getting the boot, but I will. I'll just increase my RTRS and match that with my rage.

Again apologies.

Hail Satan

Do not worry Ramier, smart people understand on all sides what is going on.

Do not grow hate for your own people because of their degeneracy beyond what is necessary. When hate emerges, use it constructively to fix things.

All SS work together as a big team. Its alright if some disputes exist, so long we learn and we have the decency to see errors and faults. This results in growth.

I understand HP. HoodedCobra. I've been really stressing out over this race war that descalates then rescalates. Sometimes it gets to be very taxing knowing of the Whites greatness and the blacks greatness being rescinded by the bullshit the Jews have pulled. But now... I understand and know how to act accordingly. This RTR will do what's necessary. I'll just put my hatred into instead like fuel. I can't wait to see them crash and burn.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A lot of students had a good time during Covid in a similar manner. I think it was enjoyable for a few people, but because it was relatively short.

Yet schools and universities need to exist in the normal fashion so people can assosciate, make friends, relate and learn, for uni age people to have relationships sexual and otherwise, and too much over distance can have drastically negative emotional effects on human beings. Isolation breaks humans over extended periods. Internet assosciation has a limit. This is why some more sensitive people killed themselves during the lockdown.

Little children break entirely from isolation and it can cause major development issues, they need to play and socialize a lot. Children of this age and their parents who had to take care of them suffered from a lot of stress to make the demands fit. It cannot go forever. The enemy wants people living as if in cages, in a virtual only environment, isolated from existence.

Countryside living has major perks, few of them the ones you mention. Cities were hit hard by the lockdowns.

Aquarius said:
Quarantine was beneficial to me, being in a stressful situation and in school I no longer had to go and did online lessons which made me very relaxed. I had more time to sleep and meditate and I became more happy overall. Nothing literally changed for me as living in the countryside I could just go out with my dog as always.
They should make it so that attendance is optional, and give the option of online lessons recorded from the normal uni lessons. Some schools already do this. Not everyone cares about the socialization part of it.
been rocking out to this album through the whole ordeal...

At the drive in - relationship of command....

--->wake me up in november sick of propaganda and potentials of no ones sides whilst we all sleep. a day humanity wont forget but will recieve...

all i know is they're far from over they might see another 8-12 months of this horseshit to see an effect???
however satan will stand as they are strong.
them behind the veil of earth, they even got certain bands groups to promote an apocolypse when its not. stay clear of crystal lake/in hearts wake and others...christian propaganda..
dunno got my mindful. but rather think.
would rather open portals to other realms this weekend and forget earth for a milisecond.....
I think the enemy uses the lockdown as to ensure that people remain jobless, have nothing thus at the end they will just depend from the government . :p
"Oy vey we will keep pushing it and goyims will do nuffin...."


We are winning in the end the world is definitely not going to be same after this Covid issue The Age of Aquarius is approaching Sri Dharma Pravartaka Archarya says will experience a mini Golden Age starting in this life time within the Kali yuga for about 10 000 years
Satan Summoning His Legions
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A lot of students had a good time during Covid in a similar manner. I think it was enjoyable for a few people, but because it was relatively short.

Yet schools and universities need to exist in the normal fashion so people can assosciate, make friends, relate and learn, for uni age people to have relationships sexual and otherwise, and too much over distance can have drastically negative emotional effects on human beings. Isolation breaks humans over extended periods. Internet assosciation has a limit. This is why some more sensitive people killed themselves during the lockdown.

Little children break entirely from isolation and it can cause major development issues, they need to play and socialize a lot. Children of this age and their parents who had to take care of them suffered from a lot of stress to make the demands fit. It cannot go forever. The enemy wants people living as if in cages, in a virtual only environment, isolated from existence.

Countryside living has major perks, few of them the ones you mention. Cities were hit hard by the lockdowns.

Aquarius said:
Quarantine was beneficial to me, being in a stressful situation and in school I no longer had to go and did online lessons which made me very relaxed. I had more time to sleep and meditate and I became more happy overall. Nothing literally changed for me as living in the countryside I could just go out with my dog as always.

It really does depend on the person some people can spend years with little to no interaction with others even online or maybe just one partner or friend or family member living with them and have no problems at all.

Others if they are isolated for a time they will break complely and feel hopeless commit suicide etc.

Me I didnt like to spend long times isolated and did enjoy interaction but chose to for years cause it was better than dealing with the world the way it was.

So this lockdown isnt a big deal and actually isnt bad I am happy. I could go on for a year or two of this and be fine with no mental problems at all and maybe even be way happier than when things were normal (that's how it's going right now) cause I was used to this at one point in my life and dont like doing dumb things that much anyways. But it did feel good today to get out and walk around the mall and get something to eat etc. If they close everything literally the park will be fine to get out too.

Really this isnt that bad and could even be fun. It is Just not something normies or especially younger souls are used too.

I myself wouldnt mind living in the middle of nowhere in the mountains like somewhere in North Carolina or Tennessee or something and not visiting civilization that much. I have my Partner at least so I am fine I probably would be even fine mostly without that. Cause I was for about 7 years mainly and sometimes only interacting with people online or no one at all sometimes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
