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Conflict with my Father


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
No , not with Father Satan , I meant more of my crazy ass dad.
It's a long story , nothing psychical , but this guy I can feel for sure he has his ticket reserved for Hell and definitely not in a very good way.
It's hard to explain the whole situation and meaning of what I want to say without going in future details but I don't want to make this too long neither.

This kind of stuff he said and does are not the first time that ever happened , not coming just by him but mostly by all of my family , they always been "fake carrying" and always each by himself and just though and complicated "go-come" kind of environment.

Short story said is that for a past few years on legitimate causes I have went into a huge depression and into a state that I never been in so much in depth as I am even in the current time.

I have noticed that every time that I am getting closer to Our God's somehow those kind of things happens with my Father in particular , he turns somehow against me. I was where we usually smoke and just chilling minding my own business , he was drunk but that's not an excuse for whatever he came up with , then we were there , as I said , smoking and minding my business and then all of the sudden [ He's a Christian btw] all of the sudden he mocks me with the strongest of my things that he knew and went straight into them with no remorse what so ever and I could feel the Joy he kinda had when saying not only that but other things that came up after.

Indeed , my life was not the greatest so far , not at all , and I went down , as everyone does and it's also not my first time when my own very family is the actually main cause and source and also somehow enjoying when this kind of 'fallings' are happening , at least showing when drunk cuz that's when some 'truths' come up, right?

I took whole situation very calmly until he said that "There's why God does not help or care about you" but said it in a way like he was enjoying my suffering although he says he wants the best of me and that he cares but then he says stupid shit.

I guess everyone has it's limits and I had control due to the fact that kind of stuff are not new to me but when he said that thing , I went straight into Father Satan and instantly looked upon my father and asked him in his own very eyes : Look, whatever you think about me , it's your opinion and honestly I haven't even asked about it or ever cared but don't you ever dare to speak in God's name , you insignificant creature , especially after the shit you've just said to me. It's God's business whatever the fuck he wants to do with each being in the Universe , not up to you to even think whatever God does.

It's strange , I start to think there's much more that I might not truly know about my whole family , I could have seen it in his eye when he knew that he upset me that I somehow in that very moment summoned Father Satan , He knew that he was somehow getting influenced by me and the Satanic energy , he knew to fuck off which he done.

I think I should get myself away of the toxicity once and for all and just mind my own business, this whole family and my whole life has been very possessive and control kind of beings , never truly having privacy and your own life , always somehow on your asses 24/7 like some kind of virus.
I too have had an useless and abusive piece of shit as my sperm donor, unfortunately. I understand your struggle.

I've noticed, in fact, that a lot of SS either have familial issues or straightout just incredibly bad biological fathers. To be expected, with how many curses are directed towards us.

Now, depending on your age - yes, if you can afford it, you should break away from your family. You don't owe them anything and you should feel no remorse in doing it.

Also, don't forget that the enemy can easily influence those without. There is also the possibility that this might be happening here, in order to weaken and bully you.

It's important to stay strong and keep a cool mind when dealing with this type of stuff. You're better than your father. You're doing something to change the world for the better. Life is hard and unfair at the moment, with most people struggling in many ways. You're not a failure for having not received a good start in life or for struggling to make the best out of your situation.

Try your best to avoid confrontation or to argue with him too much. It can lead to worse situations. Perhaps you could try doing a binding? That's what was recommended to me when I had massive issues with my uncle. I'm unsure whether it's still an adequate approach anymore though.
"There's why God does not help or care about you" but said it in a way like he was enjoying my suffering although he says he wants the best of me and that he cares but then he says stupid shit.

So, dear Brother, tell me if I understood correctly. When you want to know if your idea is right, do you ask the opinion of a psychiatric patient? When you want to comb your hair and want to know if it is in order, do you ask a blind person? Is it in videos of flat-earthers that you get information about astronomical news? If you are on an adequate spiritual path, do you ask a Christian?

I should get myself away of the toxicity

More than anything, you should ignore the judgment of those who know even less than you. Instead, take care of yourself, perhaps even by quitting smoking. There is no point in making someone understand something if that thing is at least momentarily beyond their ability to understand.

You're not a failure for having not received a good start in life or for struggling to make the best out of your situation.

More than anything you should recognize the role of suffering. As Aeschylus said, Zeus has placed this as a Mighty Law: only those who suffer learn. Obstacles, failures, problems... they are all motivations to improve oneself: real opportunities! And I speak from experience!

There are additional things you can do for this kind of thing (which still leave marks. Like trauma or emotional dependencies, etc.)

I would suggest this very order:

So, dear Brother, tell me if I understood correctly. When you want to know if your idea is right, do you ask the opinion of a psychiatric patient? When you want to comb your hair and want to know if it is in order, do you ask a blind person? Is it in videos of flat-earthers that you get information about astronomical news? If you are on an adequate spiritual path, do you ask a Christian?
His opinion means nothing to me and I haven't even asked it but it's the fact of what he said and the way he said it that pissed me off, I know he's a irrelevant creature in this universe , probably same intelligence as a monkey. But you're right about what you've said , Brother.

More than anything, you should ignore the judgment of those who know even less than you. Instead, take care of yourself, perhaps even by quitting smoking. There is no point in making someone understand something if that thing is at least momentarily beyond their ability to understand.
Yea but at least they can do is to shut the fuck up, let's say he have seen me into my own depression and darkness , well let me fucking be at especially if someone pretends to 'care' just to fuck things up even worse as always. You see someone who suffers , then let him suffer, don't go to him and say " I am glad that you're in the shit! " what else instead of obvious human reaction would I have if not of going against this. I can't allow anybody to say anything to me, regardless of who he is , I am afraid of nothing , especially a low key monkey ass.
More than anything you should recognize the role of suffering. As Aeschylus said, Zeus has placed this as a Mighty Law: only those who suffer learn. Obstacles, failures, problems... they are all motivations to improve oneself: real opportunities! And I speak from experience!

There are additional things you can do for this kind of thing (which still leave marks. Like trauma or emotional dependencies, etc.)
Yea , but sometimes it's so unfair , I am not saying that anyone had it worse then anyone else, I am just saying .. man.. all of those things .. only thing that keept me grounded was the thought of me remaining on the path and dealing with this useless shit later on , if necessary or not anymore depending on how things will go but as I know me , I could never forget a bad word or ugly face, never.

Mocking and somehow wishing your son the worst should be illegal banned in the entire Universe , whoever does this should go:
Glasses No GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
but more of a karmic one , I am sure the Universe does it's thing anyways.

Overall I thank you for your reply Brother and I wish you well! Thanks for taking from your time to help , I truly appreciate it, honest.
what he said and the way he said it

Look, I'm only indulging in my privacy because the situation might be helpful to you. My earthly "father" does exactly the same thing. And he can't help it because it's the whole point of Christian programming. Once you know it, you understand it. Do you feel offended if someone with Tourette's insults you?

Mocking and somehow wishing your son the worst should be illegal banned in the entire Universe , whoever does this should go:

I know, it's the same thing I thought about my biological "father" a few days ago. But it's unrealistic to think that all biological fathers during the course of reincarnations will be like Father Satan. Also because Father Satan is the best father because no one is like Father Satan...

only thing that keept me grounded was the thought of me remaining on the path and dealing with this useless shit later on , if necessary or not anymore depending on how things will go but as I know me , I could never forget a bad word or ugly face, never.

Now that you've managed to stay on the right path... ...was it worth it? Of course it was. How does it make you feel? Of course it's good. So you have your answer :)
With every step of progress made in this field there is going to be some environmental blow back. Sure there are 3rd party events happening in the world and astrological influences. The energy you are outputting causes a disturbance in the environment that causes low level people to react irrationally. Low level experience anxiety around high level people. I don't know if your work place/school/etc. has ever had someone come in to try and psych everyone up, to be better "power of positive thinking". The negative people always crack jokes and make sarcastic comments the whole seminar because they are negative vortexes of suffering and the only thing that alleviates the pain tearing people down. This isn't even factoring invisible enemy attack or thought-form influences. Eventually you will rise above this and they will no power over you and when that happens they will back down or be very submissive around you.

Unfortunately advancing usually mean shedding negative people in you life. If you have to deal with them its more like dealing strangers or children. They might be your blood family but they are not your true family. They might be friends but they are not your not true friends because you have outgrown them. Its a hard journey and a lonely one when all you have is some mostly anonymous community to talk to. It won't last forever.
No , not with Father Satan , I meant more of my crazy ass dad.
It's a long story , nothing psychical , but this guy I can feel for sure he has his ticket reserved for Hell and definitely not in a very good way.
It's hard to explain the whole situation and meaning of what I want to say without going in future details but I don't want to make this too long neither.

This kind of stuff he said and does are not the first time that ever happened , not coming just by him but mostly by all of my family , they always been "fake carrying" and always each by himself and just though and complicated "go-come" kind of environment.

Short story said is that for a past few years on legitimate causes I have went into a huge depression and into a state that I never been in so much in depth as I am even in the current time.

I have noticed that every time that I am getting closer to Our God's somehow those kind of things happens with my Father in particular , he turns somehow against me. I was where we usually smoke and just chilling minding my own business , he was drunk but that's not an excuse for whatever he came up with , then we were there , as I said , smoking and minding my business and then all of the sudden [ He's a Christian btw] all of the sudden he mocks me with the strongest of my things that he knew and went straight into them with no remorse what so ever and I could feel the Joy he kinda had when saying not only that but other things that came up after.

Indeed , my life was not the greatest so far , not at all , and I went down , as everyone does and it's also not my first time when my own very family is the actually main cause and source and also somehow enjoying when this kind of 'fallings' are happening , at least showing when drunk cuz that's when some 'truths' come up, right?

I took whole situation very calmly until he said that "There's why God does not help or care about you" but said it in a way like he was enjoying my suffering although he says he wants the best of me and that he cares but then he says stupid shit.

I guess everyone has it's limits and I had control due to the fact that kind of stuff are not new to me but when he said that thing , I went straight into Father Satan and instantly looked upon my father and asked him in his own very eyes : Look, whatever you think about me , it's your opinion and honestly I haven't even asked about it or ever cared but don't you ever dare to speak in God's name , you insignificant creature , especially after the shit you've just said to me. It's God's business whatever the fuck he wants to do with each being in the Universe , not up to you to even think whatever God does.

It's strange , I start to think there's much more that I might not truly know about my whole family , I could have seen it in his eye when he knew that he upset me that I somehow in that very moment summoned Father Satan , He knew that he was somehow getting influenced by me and the Satanic energy , he knew to fuck off which he done.

I think I should get myself away of the toxicity once and for all and just mind my own business, this whole family and my whole life has been very possessive and control kind of beings , never truly having privacy and your own life , always somehow on your asses 24/7 like some kind of virus.
To be honest, from what I read here his words did sting you. Even if you logically understand it as false, it appears that it hurt your pride, feelings, or both, therefore you counterattack and try to reduce him in turn.

Now, that does not mean what he said was right, but you cannot really force him to understand things, because he won't. Also, attacking him in return is not going to improve your own situation. Instead of rage, give yourself pride-based affirmations, such as that despite of everything, you are still capable and successful. Remind yourself of the good things about yourself. This will fill the "hole" in your heart that can lead to anger.

You can also defend yourself to him, but the key is to do this in a calm way. Ultimately, if a reaction is provoked from you, that means he was able to undermine your pride. Instead of reacting angrily, tell him it wasn't appropriate for him to do this, then just get up and leave. You may have scared him away from you, but that doesn't mean he necessarily respects you for that, or thinks better of you, relative to the initial items he brought up.

Lastly, you can get away from your family, and you should if they are toxic, but that doesn't truly solve any internal problems, because these patterns could repeat with others. For example, it appeared as though you had just had another fight with a user about similar themes, such as opinions and self worth, where you also attacked him after he disregarded your input.

Again, you cannot force people to behave differently than you if they don't want to. You only have the most control over yourself, therefore it is better to look internally in these situations, rather than lash out. This can be hard in the moment, but it is important to acknowledge and being practicing.
It's strange , I start to think there's much more that I might not truly know about my whole family
I think I should get myself away of the toxicity once and for all and just mind my own business, this whole family and my whole life has been very possessive and control kind of beings , never truly having privacy and your own life , always somehow on your asses 24/7 like some kind of virus.
Relating my personal experience, it all started with raising conflict and intolerance against my father. Later on, all kind of buried shit, abuse and negativity came up to my memories. The brain can delete and suppress memories of traumatic events, until they eventually come to the surface.
Deep depression and lack of energies, may be a sign you are trying to break free from family/father "dominion", and it seems working. Low energies and feeling down for me happens because of fighting at the limit of your internal resources, like giving your maximum power to break free.

I've noticed, in fact, that a lot of SS either have familial issues or straightout just incredibly bad biological fathers. To be expected, with how many curses are directed towards us.

Now, depending on your age - yes, if you can afford it, you should break away from your family. You don't owe them anything and you should feel no remorse in doing it.

Also, don't forget that the enemy can easily influence those without. There is also the possibility that this might be happening here, in order to weaken and bully you.
I also see this father's theme popping out often in the forums. Probably the result of past lives violence, imprisonment, etc. that lead to meet again the same abusive people in this life, in a different form. Imagine a tortured person in a gulag what kind of damages may carry in his soul, with those extremely negative and enslaving beings attached as fathers, or relatives, etc.
Probably an extended curse too.

To be honest, from what I read here his words did sting you. Even if you logically understand it as false, it appears that it hurt your pride, feelings, or both, therefore you counterattack and try to reduce him in turn.
Very well said! Thinking about this, I found they use this pattern to sting you, so you emotionally open up and allow the abusive father/person to enter again your chakras. I cannot tell if this opens up further holes in the aura, but I feel so.
I have noticed that every time that I am getting closer to Our God's somehow those kind of things happens with my Father in particular , he turns somehow against me. I was where we usually smoke and just chilling minding my own business

It looks like an eudipian family story. Your father refuses to let you become an adult and to become stronger than him. It's his problem, not your.

Unconsciously, parents can prevent their children to succeed where they have failed, and become jealous of their children.
Surely they feel they are no more able to enlighten them on certain points...

In return, children who don't understand the process are emotionally wounded and sad.
not with Father Satan

Anyway, you know, it happens to me too that when someone uses "father" or I think of a parent the first and only thing that comes to mind is "Satan". Keep it up, Brother!
First I want to personally thank you all who put some of their time and effort into this topic , I appreciate.
I would like to reply to a few things as well.

Look, I'm only indulging in my privacy because the situation might be helpful to you. My earthly "father" does exactly the same thing. And he can't help it because it's the whole point of Christian programming. Once you know it, you understand it. Do you feel offended if someone with Tourette's insults you?
I always reflected upon the various reasons and circumstances of why would anyone dare to insult me , I understand what you're saying but you also got to think that you can't let somebody , regardless of his "problems" to harm you. In this case, if someone is let's say a psycho or whatever he might got which damages his ration and brain , that do not mean I would ever allow to that person to let's say harm me , surely verbally might not means much but for me it does , it always matter , it's a about the principle, I don't think truly that there's any excuse of whatsoever for anyone to be a jackass to somebody else just because he might like it or he might be "unaware" due to let's say alcohol or/and other things.

I always tend to take things on a very personal level, especially and depending on the reasons , when one whoever he is ,insults my belief and say that I have no connection to the Divine and that I do not deserve light and somehow I should be grateful for all of the suffering that I ever had , that I always seen as a trial and test from the above, not saying God's specifically but Them included, like a fire test of one own's character/individuality and overall he's being.

Now that you've managed to stay on the right path... ...was it worth it? Of course it was. How does it make you feel? Of course it's good. So you have your answer :)
Regardless of whatever might have happened in the past or ever might happen in the present and future , there's no possible way that I would ever leave my path.
After this bullshit of an incident that I've just had [UPDATE: All is good now , like nothing happen]. - This kind of stuff I am used to.

But strangely enough after this incident I had this dream:
I've dreamed that some kind of grey cloud was coming and everything was very "apocaliptic" kind of scene , I was trying to save both my parents from the disaster and I was flying and fighting but while doing so I somehow felt something, I felt a lack of something which I can't explain then all of the sudden two characters/people spawn and came to me in a very ceremony kind of way and I bend the knee they put a crown on my head [knowing that's to fight for the greatest cause] and asked me If I am willing to like fight and do anything for it and I stand up , saluting them and I've said : HAIL SATAN! Then I remember flying towards something big with a firey sword and it all ended. I was also trying to fly my Father up to the sky but somehow it felt like he was to fat for me to carry him [while flying].

I agree with everything you said and yes , I tend to take all very personal as mentioned above , especially when my own beliefs are touched, like nothing has happened but It had happened so many times before that I wanted to see some other perceptions upon the whole thing cuz I was a bit confused of what I am supposed to feel anymore.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
