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Concept of the Racial Soul


New member
Oct 10, 2024
I understand the negative implications of race mixing in the physical sense. When two pure races mix, their genes are no longer preserved, but rather a new race is created. If this continues, eventually humanity will end up as one mongoloid race easy to control with no sense of individuality or culture. But what are the spiritual implications behind race mixing?

This is where my understanding stops. Could someone please explain race mixing in the spiritual sense?

I’m having trouble finding information about the racial soul or the collective unconscious.

Basically I want to understand the general negative implications of race mixing in the spiritual sense. For instance where does the racial soul exist and what happens to it when a race begins to mix? Can these collectives of each race be referred to as the racial God of each race?

Resources are also appreciated. Sorry, I’m just not sure what key words to search on JoS and Satan’s Library to find more on this. Anyways, thank as always.
Past Life Memories and Race Soul

"As explained before in the series, races have karma. To mix such karma can have strange, and unexpected effects."

"This is why the Pharaohs, they were called Gods. They have literally went to the level of consciousness of a God, and therefore, their mission was akin to the one of the Gods, whose chosen mission is to help us get to "eternal life". This also is Racial, as in making the Races Divine.
This can only happen through separation, as each Race is a different and unique blueprint in creation, that must be preserved. Satan created us that way, to preserve what they created in their OWN Race, but to create something entirely NEW as-well. The bright individuals of each Race have to ascend the ladder and then, get their people upwards to their ladder too."

Race Mixing

I will not express my understanding on this matter because I am not advanced enough to be certain of my feelings and my true level of understanding on the subject. However, I can tell you for sure that beyond a first level of direct spiritual experience, and knowledge of the concept of karma, the concept of race mixing is disturbing. It's not a "comfortable" concept for me. And it's clear to me that it's not "normal". Likewise, it is visibly not positive, when you look at the repercussions that a child born of two different races seems to experience. Furthermore, it is equally evident that individuals born from two parents of the same race and culture are more affirmed on an identity level. It's interesting.

You can try to find out more yourself by typing the word "race" into Satan's library search engine. Often the meaning of things is grasped after a tenth reading, because the concepts are often "implied between the lines", so reading more generally and at least 3 times each of the articles regarding the topic, you can develop a natural understanding of the topic.
Every race has their own spiritual and astral abilities tied in their gene pool, and when you mix two different races, you are mixing two different spiritual realms in a way. This causes the offspring to either have little to no spiritual strength AT ALL. For example, a Asian may be spiritually advanced more in their gene, while a black woman might not at all, when you mix that two, you get a clash of energy and it harshly hurts the child.The physical and mental body are strongly interlinked, and if you spiritual/mental mind is scrambled up, the chances of physical issues double. Because of all the gene mixing and spiritual energy clashes, the child of a mixed family often have physical or mental dysfunctionalities. Satan made our races separate for a reason, and intermarriage is not only unnatural .. it is harmful. It is the same way if a lion breeds with a zebra; the offspring would be a mutant. The original race loses its individually when mixed with other races. Individuality from each other is what makes us us.

Here are some useful links about this:


This is where my understanding stops. Could someone please explain race mixing in the spiritual sense?

The truth about the different races at the soul level is quite obvious. Think about how different magical jobs come more easily to whites and than to blacks and vice versa. This can be seen the words of power, try opening the Race Awakening Rituals, those for Whites are completely different from those for Blacks, there is not just the substitution of the word "whites" for "blacks" and vice versa, it is the Ritual itself that changes.

Resources are also appreciated. Sorry, I’m just not sure what key words to search on JoS and Satan’s Library to find more on this. Anyways, thank as always.

Well, it's going to be a little difficult for me to go and dredge up the World Health Organization article that explains it. But it's only fair because to remove regardless JoS from the reasoning is like removing the Gods.

You are supposed to evaluate what a God says. When I was asking Anubis at the ouija board specifics about JoS meditations, I was asking specifics, I wasn't asking, "you know, JoS says you have to visualize the Runes as you vibrate them, pfui! I don't believe what the JoS does for us Gentiles."

To reason like that is not advanced, it is to deny all the work the Gods have done on JoS to facilitate our advancement. I, among other things, have studied critical thinking, do you know that one of the points of it is precisely recognizing the authenticity from which a piece of information comes? To belittle JoS when every time someone talks to a God in any divinatory way the God promotes JoS (no God has ever said, "no, JoS is done wrong, I know another website that...") It is NOT intelligent reasoning. It is not logical to devalue a source of correct information without sound reasoning.

Basically I want to understand the general negative implications of race mixing in the spiritual sense.

The manifestation of a problem is not all at the spiritual level. You break your arm, you don't refuse to get a cast because "yes, my bone is broken, but can any of you prove to me that the part of my soul is broken? No? Then it wasn't that important." And anyway, yes, it has spiritual implications of course, so "I like to fuck people of other races because they are more attractive" is hardly what you would call "logical reasoning moved by deep critical thinking."
To reason like that is not advanced, it is to deny all the work the Gods have done on JoS to facilitate our advancement. I, among other things, have studied critical thinking, do you know that one of the points of it is precisely recognizing the authenticity from which a piece of information comes? To belittle JoS when every time someone talks to a God in any divinatory way the God promotes JoS (no God has ever said, "no, JoS is done wrong, I know another website that...") It is NOT intelligent reasoning. It is not logical to devalue a source of correct information without sound reasoning.

So is my way of thinking about this flawed? Or are you generally speaking? Regardless I agree that I should begin with the meditations and rituals to see things for myself before asking questions, but I want to use this information in relation to other things in life.

Also, I read that one’s soul reincarnates into that race you’ve always been, given the race continues to exist and doesn’t get race mixed out of existence. Is this how that works? My soul is tied to a greater racial soul? A collective?
So is my way of thinking about this flawed?

It is right that you are trying to understand better. Obviously. The problem is that many people know that they will have to think for themselves, but very few really know what it means to think for themselves.

I was once dating a girl who was explaining how smart she felt about reasoning with her own head, as I tried to get to know her better, I noticed that her reasoning was not really her own, it was just the result of Hollywood's woke ideals (she was a movie lover).

Thinking for yourself is a science. Not surprisingly, there are manuals and courses that tell you how to think; it is not something you properly improvise. So don't feel bad if your reasoning was wrong, other people would not have made a better reasoning than this.

Or are you generally speaking?

You are not the first to have published such a post, you will not be the last realistically, so don't feel devalued. You are here to learn and improve, in fact you should be satisfied for doing so. :)

Also, I read that one’s soul reincarnates into that race you’ve always been

Yes, it is true. Race does not change. Neither does biological sex. Neither does the species.

given the race continues to exist and doesn’t get race mixed out of existence

It is the reason why we fight racial mixing. To prevent souls of who knows how many billions of our ancestors from having no way to reincarnate and disappearing. It may sound exaggerated, but think of those who could be reincarnated in their own country of the last life, and even in the same family. But they don't because someone mixed the race once and so they have to reincarnate in a completely different family and in a completely different country.

Is this how that works? My soul is tied to a greater racial soul? A collective?

You have a racial affiliation that you need to be aware of. It is not a limitation, in fact it is an advantage for you because understanding your culture and your way of being will let you know who you really are and the best ways to enhance yourself. Realize yourself according to your race then.
It is right that you are trying to understand better. Obviously. The problem is that many people know that they will have to think for themselves, but very few really know what it means to think for themselves.

I was once dating a girl who was explaining how smart she felt about reasoning with her own head, as I tried to get to know her better, I noticed that her reasoning was not really her own, it was just the result of Hollywood's woke ideals (she was a movie lover).

Thinking for yourself is a science. Not surprisingly, there are manuals and courses that tell you how to think; it is not something you properly improvise. So don't feel bad if your reasoning was wrong, other people would not have made a better reasoning than this.

You are not the first to have published such a post, you will not be the last realistically, so don't feel devalued. You are here to learn and improve, in fact you should be satisfied for doing so. :)

Yes, it is true. Race does not change. Neither does biological sex. Neither does the species.

It is the reason why we fight racial mixing. To prevent souls of who knows how many billions of our ancestors from having no way to reincarnate and disappearing. It may sound exaggerated, but think of those who could be reincarnated in their own country of the last life, and even in the same family. But they don't because someone mixed the race once and so they have to reincarnate in a completely different family and in a completely different country.

You have a racial affiliation that you need to be aware of. It is not a limitation, in fact it is an advantage for you because understanding your culture and your way of being will let you know who you really are and the best ways to enhance yourself. Realize yourself according to your race then.
Yea this connected a lot of dots in my understanding of Satanism so thank you
Reading the answers, it seems that no one knows how to answer your question.
Very frustrating indeed.

Since neither I nor anyone else can really formulate a theory about spiritual effects, we can only speak in terms of reasoning.

As you said, there are different karmas.
One race has worse karma than the other, and when these races mix, the one with the worse karma will destroy the positive karma of the offspring.

More with less equals less

Understanding the superiority of one race, we can admit that it is right to separate them in order to maintain the purity of the good ones.

Races with bad and inferior karma can, over time, destroy themselves and disappear, or in one way or another, over several thousand years, progress in some way.

That's my answer, extremely superficial, but very sincere.

Note: Your question was, what is the effect of the mixture on the soul?

And the only answer you got was: the races are different (which is obvious and didn't answer your question).

Different karmas can't mix because it creates an imbalance, what imbalance? You didn't answer that specifically.

The problem is that when someone asks a question, most people think it's a disagreement with general ideas.
But it's not, the question is just a desire to go deeper for no specific reason, it's just a desire to know.

For example, we could say that certain chakras are weakened in racial mixing.
Contact with the ancestors is muted

These things are only left unsaid because there is still no final, clear word from anyone.
1 they don't know the answer

Or 2 they're too busy to think or talk about it

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
