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Common disinformation themes


Mar 9, 2019
I've tried my best to list some of the most common concepts that are being used to mislead people (whether intentionally or not) in the alternative/"truther" web communities. This is my first post in a long while and I don't have time for regular online activism. If you do, hopefully these will provide clear and succinct arguments to use.

By now you should've realized that COVID is a completely orchestrated artificial program of media hysteria. Epidemologically, there's absolutely nothing going on, as evidenced by the statistics pertaining to illness and mortality (around the world). Thus, all the stories about "Wuhan bioweapon leaks" and "alternative treatments" are just muddying the waters.

If the enemy decides to release a bioweapon upon us, it shall be delivered in such a way that doesn't risk exposure for themselves (that is, injection). If an alternative treatment cured COVID illness, that would truly be a miracle drug, as so many kinds of illnesses/deaths are being recorded as COVID.

Depopulation eugenics
Because of COVID, this concept has received elevated amount of attention as of late. Whether it's chemtrails, vaccine "adjuvants" or depleted uranium, the enemy is definitely refining methods for genocide. However, to describe these practices as "eugenics" is pretty much the rankest inversion of concepts. The enemy wants its subjects to be as dysgenic as possible, weak and dependent people make a stable pool of slaves.

Large-scale application of real eugenics would be pretty much the best thing possible for our civilization. That is, controlled procreation to remove long-term dysfunction and suffering.

The short (120 ... 150 cm) grays are the most commonly seen type of ET. As such, they're the first thing that comes to mind for most people in regards to "alien/ET".

When described in abduction accounts, these creatures are virtually always being directed/supervised by some other kind of taller (and more sentient) humanoid, be it human, mantid, reptilian or tall gray. This clearly indicates that the grays are not a civilization by themselves but just biorobotic slaves (the common short ones, at least). Thus, the storyline about grays being a genetically deteriorated people seeking to research humans for the sake of revitalizing themselves is bogus. If the common grays are such underdogs with an benign/innocent motive, then why the secrecy?

Cattle mutilation is another thing that is always done clandestinely. While the mundane disinfo like "satanic cults" or "secret government experiments" is easily countered, the speculation of true motive remains feeble. It could be that the extracted parts are the best nutrition for grays, but the most compelling theory that I've come across is that they're actually raw material for growing new (cloned) grays.

We cannot tell what the "negative alien agenda" exactly is, but the J-problem is definitely its earthly expression (with the grays being on somewhat higher level).

The common theme of this category is that things are going to be great and you don't need to do/say anything! This is obviously the most toxic mindset possible.

  • Ascension event
    Judging from how heavily the enemy is invested in astrology, the (relative) positions of celestial bodies obviously have an (unseen) effect on our lives. The shift of great cycle (aeon/yuga) is supposed to be cataclysmic and elevate our consciousness.

    The more airy-fairy segment of alternative media (CosmicGaia, etc.) promises that upon this time, you're going to be steered towards a positive timeline just by having a positive mindset. This ignores the immediate physical reality which cannot be separated from our consciousness (no matter how elevated). True ascension takes control of our surrounding physical world and may manifest as something like Operation Barbarossa.

    Free energy
    The whole term is dubious because it implies something for nothing. While it's obvious that USZOG (and others) is suppressing advanced technology from the common people, the idea of completely inexhaustible generator is simply too "out there".

    Sirius Disclosure is the most prominent promoter of this concept. They're allowed to publish freely on Youtube, Google Play and other major platforms. This is a major red flag.

    This is supposed to be an executive order which cancels all the debts for U.S. people and thus practically abolishes Federal Reserve. Even if something like this was somehow "legally valid", it's antagonistic to the most defining qualities of ZOG. Thus, it is practically impossible to proceed (in the slightest).

    This entity is supposed to represent a faction within the U.S. government which is being led by Donald Trump. It consists of "white hats" which are working intently to remove all the corrupt people (Bush, Clinton, et.al.) from power and bring them to justice. There are entire web communities dedicated to decipher Q's convoluted/cryptic messages.

    The obvious real purpose of Q is to pacify the somewhat awakened segment of the U.S. population by convincing them that something is being done (against the hostile elite) and all you need to do is to excitedly wait. Q never tells the people to do something, which is a major red flag.

    This project has mostly served its purpose. Trump had 4 years to "drain the swamp", but in reality, the ZOG train just kept on rollin'. In my opinion, the only way QAnon could redeem itself is by telling full truth about the 2001.09.11 events.

Nazi Deep State
The linchpin of this storyline is the acquisition of Operation Paperclip personnel. After WW2, a lot of German engineers/scientists were brought to USA because of their highly valuable knowledge/skills. Jim Marrs and other similar authors posit that this was the moment when the remaining nazis took the control of the U.S. government and their descendants secretly continue to hold this position. This idea is obviously ludicrous, as these people (Werner von Braun, et.al.) were essentially POWs. That is, they did lend their expertise to USZOG in exchange for relatively comfortable life. While respected professionals, they never gained any significant official/political power.

This storyline is fairly easy to counter with a simple question: If nazi conspirators are really ruling USA, then why are they placing (((their arch enemies))) into so many positions of power?

Race mixing
The enemy has probably invested billions in promoting interracial relationships for white gentiles (through advertising, movies, porn, etc.). The most common variant of promotion portrays black men as the epitome of sexual virility and thus desirable for white (gentile) women. The whole political ideology of "multiculturalism" is about bringing as many as possible non-whites to white countries.

This is all easily observable, but the discussion about the topic is often confused. While the enemy wants the common population to be dull (and happy while owning nothing), there's no program to mix people globally. The desired NWO-subject doesn't need to be a thoroughly-mixed "supergoy", but non-whiteness suffices. The enemy estimates that white (gentile) people won't serve well as NWO-subjects and thus seeks to get rid of them. The race-mixing/"multiculturalism" is just a systemic method to accomplish that goal and not an all-encompassing NWO agenda.

The best for the last. The enemy scriptures clearly state that Satan is the arch enemy of Yahweh. The popular idea of "Satanic ritual" almost always involves human sacrifice, preferably a child for maximum innocence. The accounts of human (child) sacrifice go back by centuries and almost always feature a certain group of people.

The idea of NWO religion being Satanism pervades the alternative media, even some (otherwise) really intelligent publications. Many "truthers" cling to this concept despite the fact that freemasons (and other similar secret societies) have always Bible/Quran/Torah placed (and venerated) in their temples.
Forgot a pretty important one:

Good jews vs. Bad jews
The target audience of this disinfo are those who have just realized the J-problem to be a very real thing. The basic idea is that the jews are generally nice and innocent people, but there's a corrupt minority within them which runs the NWO program. The lower levels of the jewish collective (i.e. little jews) might not care much about NWO or Zionism, but only very few actively oppose them. Those who do, face dire consequences (Mordecai Vanunu being a good example). Thus, the moral gradient of J-team is not good...bad, but active...passive.

The "corrupt minority" might be labeled as:

  • Khazarian Mafia
    Khazaria was a nation covering the region around eastern Ukraine and western Khazakstan during Middle Ages. When given a choice between christianity/islam/judaism, their king opted to convert into judaism and the whole nation followed. This story is most likely true, as many jews have somewhat asiatic facial appearance.

    The reason why Khazarians are being portrayed as the leading faction of "bad jews" is that they weren't originally ethnic jews (thus implying that the original ethnic jews are good). The truth is that any Khazarians have long since blended into the greater jewish population and the mafia-like character is a far older trait.

    Sabbatean Cult
    In 1666, a Turkish (dönmeh) rabbi named Sabbatai Zevi declared himself messiah and was claimed to have roughly million followers. In his dogma, fornication, sin, transgression, etc. were openly declared virtues and official jewish publications classify him as a false prophet.

    In the present-day storyline, Sabbateans' descendants have the same position as Khazarian Mafia. It might be that the Rothschilds can be traced to them, but the counter-argument remains the same as with the previous: J-team had the character of degenerate cult already well before this.
TimberWolf said:
By now you should've realized that COVID is a completely orchestrated artificial program of media hysteria. Epidemologically, there's absolutely nothing going on, as evidenced by the statistics pertaining to illness and mortality (around the world). Thus, all the stories about "Wuhan bioweapon leaks" and "alternative treatments" are just muddying the waters.

If the enemy decides to release a bioweapon upon us, it shall be delivered in such a way that doesn't risk exposure for themselves (that is, injection). If an alternative treatment cured COVID illness, that would truly be a miracle drug, as so many kinds of illnesses/deaths are being recorded as COVID.

Right now the hotbutton is the covid "mutagens". In other words alpha and delta strains. Funny because the "bat-lady" who worked with the Sars-CoVid viruses. It was discovered she found a Sars strain that had a mortality rate of 15% and it was the virus that was supposed to be released into the public.

Not the CoVid-19 less than 1% virus. As a matter of fact the only nation with a high mortality rate compared to any other nation even India. Is 1.4% for Italy. Even with India's extreme population and the supposed deaths from covid it isn't the level of Italy. As for China who has the most death toll at about 22ish million that's basically concentration camp, work camp, death camp, or outright killing.

Epoch times and few others covered Mike Pompeo's investigations into why 22 million people disappeared from the phone registry of chinese telecom systems. For example there is stories of chinese soldiers firing their QBZ-95 5.8mm assault rifle at people suspected of having covid-19. Literally the chinese military gave permission for people to be massacred by assault rifle ammunition for even suspected of having covid-19. Typical communist action even the mere suspicion the mere thought of having covid-19 is grounds for murder.

TimberWolf said:
Depopulation eugenics
Because of COVID, this concept has received elevated amount of attention as of late. Whether it's chemtrails, vaccine "adjuvants" or depleted uranium, the enemy is definitely refining methods for genocide. However, to describe these practices as "eugenics" is pretty much the rankest inversion of concepts. The enemy wants its subjects to be as dysgenic as possible, weak and dependent people make a stable pool of slaves.

Large-scale application of real eugenics would be pretty much the best thing possible for our civilization. That is, controlled procreation to remove long-term dysfunction and suffering.

This is precisely what they are doing especially with all the food. All the soy and non-sense they put in food. I recall looking at some bodybuilding protein canisters and they posses soy. How can you use non-fermented soy if your trying to exercise and build your body up. If it contains soy your crushing your testosterone with xenoestrogen. If your a women even worse your creating an imbalance of estrogen in comparison to progestorene.

It's funny all food contains so much dysgenic products and GMO crap that it begs the question how the hell can a human being survive with all the crap in their food system. Even babies aren't immune like the research that mentioned in a 15 year period over 11 million IQ has been destroyed by the use of heavy metal poisonings in baby food products. It seems most baby suffer a permanent 3-4-5 IQ drop in their existence.

TimberWolf said:
The short (120 ... 150 cm) grays are the most commonly seen type of ET. As such, they're the first thing that comes to mind for most people in regards to "alien/ET".

When described in abduction accounts, these creatures are virtually always being directed/supervised by some other kind of taller (and more sentient) humanoid, be it human, mantid, reptilian or tall gray. This clearly indicates that the grays are not a civilization by themselves but just biorobotic slaves (the common short ones, at least). Thus, the storyline about grays being a genetically deteriorated people seeking to research humans for the sake of revitalizing themselves is bogus. If the common grays are such underdogs with an benign/innocent motive, then why the secrecy?

Cattle mutilation is another thing that is always done clandestinely. While the mundane disinfo like "satanic cults" or "secret government experiments" is easily countered, the speculation of true motive remains feeble. It could be that the extracted parts are the best nutrition for grays, but the most compelling theory that I've come across is that they're actually raw material for growing new (cloned) grays.

We cannot tell what the "negative alien agenda" exactly is, but the J-problem is definitely its earthly expression (with the grays being on somewhat higher level).

The Earthly agenda is communism of the Reptilian/Grey Draco federation/Inter-Galactic Federation IGF. Basically a bunch of hostile E.T. and asshole civilizations promote this garbage on lesser civilizations to prepare them for communism.

If jews are anything with communism you'll know the communism of their gods the Elohim Rauch will be far worse. And funny enough jews aren't spared either perhaps a few cabals of jews will be spared but the rest of the jews will be borged by their own Gods much like rabbi Reina and how he summoned his extra-terrestrial gods and they called him worthless dung and other things since even the greys and reptilians hate their own chosen.

The main point is to move everything to communism. Now some people state the jew learned that pure communism doesn't work same reason why china is a authoritarian or more specifically totalitarian capitalist-hybrid communist system.

TimberWolf said:
The common theme of this category is that things are going to be great and you don't need to do/say anything! This is obviously the most toxic mindset possible.

TimberWolf said:
Ascension event
Judging from how heavily the enemy is invested in astrology, the (relative) positions of celestial bodies obviously have an (unseen) effect on our lives. The shift of great cycle (aeon/yuga) is supposed to be cataclysmic and elevate our consciousness.

The more airy-fairy segment of alternative media (CosmicGaia, etc.) promises that upon this time, you're going to be steered towards a positive timeline just by having a positive mindset. This ignores the immediate physical reality which cannot be separated from our consciousness (no matter how elevated). True ascension takes control of our surrounding physical world and may manifest as something like Operation Barbarossa.

I hate how these hippies believe just having a positive mindset makes the World better.

It's the use of spirituality to control communistically. For example thought crimes the jew probably read that Gentiles watch their thoughts and applied that as literalization of spiritual empowerment for goyshkopfation processes.

In reality it's just the jew promoting communism and shehamforashic lies to control the populace under a feudal-serf system.

TimberWolf said:
Free energy
The whole term is dubious because it implies something for nothing. While it's obvious that USZOG (and others) is suppressing advanced technology from the common people, the idea of completely inexhaustible generator is simply too "out there".

Sirius Disclosure is the most prominent promoter of this concept. They're allowed to publish freely on Youtube, Google Play and other major platforms. This is a major red flag.
This technology is violently suppressed like J.P. Morgan told to Tesla "if we cannot put a meter on it we won't invest". If we cannot berg and stein shekels from this we won't invest.

The reality is the jew has done a good job at promoting fake disinfo on free energy. But FET, Free Energy Technologies, are so real and so spectacular it is the stuff of nightmare. It's no surprise the jew disapproves of it in comparison to their reptilian E.T. federation that wants the planet under different conditions to survive and build their empire further.

Free-Energy = so real it's not even funny.

Implosion based engines and gennys offer tremendous efficient production of energy. Even a human built system like I believe his name is Dr.Martin the genny offered nearly 200 kilowatts of power for a 3' x 2' rectangular generator. Even Tesla box the tube amp/free-energy car box Tesla used in 1929 pushed a Pierce Silver Arrow upwards of 96MPH all from a box no bigger than a 1920s glove compartment. No gas, oil, kerosine no just simple free-electrical energy. I'm sure Tesla had to do certain engine modifications but overall his Tesla Box pushed the agenda.

The reality is free-energy isn't "out there" nor "extreme craziness" nor "extreme technological advancement an impossibility".

A few years ago they did measurements on the Pyramids and found it produces EMF, not sure if they mean electro-magnetic forces or electro-motive forces. But either way "What if" kaballah pump sites produce free-energy that can be harnessed for cranking amps of free energy devices. DO free-energy devices require cranking amps to turn over.

It's a shame free-energy is negated by people if only some people knew more about it eventually it'll go viral and upset the entire market.

TimberWolf said:
This is supposed to be an executive order which cancels all the debts for U.S. people and thus practically abolishes Federal Reserve. Even if something like this was somehow "legally valid", it's antagonistic to the most defining qualities of ZOG. Thus, it is practically impossible to proceed (in the slightest).

This is the stuff that gets people killed. For example like the war of 1812. I'm not sure how much of a rothschild agent alexander hamilton is albeit it's possible he was a "schmuck useful idiot". But when the 20 year charter for the first central bank of America was renegede. rabbi rothschild of England said "Put those impudent Americans back to colonial status".

The way to defeat zog/jog and NESARA their operations is through crypto currencies. For example Yearn.finance works with the compound network. Yearn.finance is simply a token maker and APY changes. Basically you make money from money by moving money around the various investment pools of APY and other aspects. The only coin besides bitcoin that has more financial value is yearn.finance. So in essence it posses nearly 50K in current times as of this post. But it's market cap is far lower. While bitcoin is the opposite it's been attacked by the JNWO and elites dropped it's price below 36K and it's market cap went from 1 trillion down to about 760 billion. Like it's been mentioned when rabbi elon musk performed his rabbinical magick on the world he caused a 200 trillion dollar crash. Of which bitcoin hit the hardest since bitcoin has become the gold of electronic cryptocurrencies.

Well funny enough compound is a decentralizing currency. In other words compound was manufactured to link up with central banks, decentralize their transactions, blockchain their transaction, and reduce the transaction fees from about 7-10% to just a few pennies to about 13-15 cents per transaction. Imagine hooking up most if not all central banks to the compound network and reducing the shekelberging game of the transaction fees to mere pennies.

In simplest term crypto = building anti-hannukah money right in front of the hannukas. In other words crypto is going to disrupt the entire chain of operations of all central banks. And basically we are building Nazi/Satanic money right in front of the jews even blatantly telling them this is anti-central bank and we are hooking up and taking over their networks by decentralizing their centralized banking system.

TimberWolf said:
This entity is supposed to represent a faction within the U.S. government which is being led by Donald Trump. It consists of "white hats" which are working intently to remove all the corrupt people (Bush, Clinton, et.al.) from power and bring them to justice. There are entire web communities dedicated to decipher Q's convoluted/cryptic messages.

The obvious real purpose of Q is to pacify the somewhat awakened segment of the U.S. population by convincing them that something is being done (against the hostile elite) and all you need to do is to excitedly wait. Q never tells the people to do something, which is a major red flag.

This project has mostly served its purpose. Trump had 4 years to "drain the swamp", but in reality, the ZOG train just kept on rollin'. In my opinion, the only way QAnon could redeem itself is by telling full truth about the 2001.09.11 events.

I never followed this Qanon bullshit didn't even know about it till I started watching some videos on Tim Pool and whatnot.

But this is retarded it's just bible thumping at it's finest. Oy vey fellow goys wait for the rising of rabba krawst wait, wait, wait, and then wait.

TimberWolf said:
Nazi Deep State
The linchpin of this storyline is the acquisition of Operation Paperclip personnel. After WW2, a lot of German engineers/scientists were brought to USA because of their highly valuable knowledge/skills. Jim Marrs and other similar authors posit that this was the moment when the remaining nazis took the control of the U.S. government and their descendants secretly continue to hold this position. This idea is obviously ludicrous, as these people (Werner von Braun, et.al.) were essentially POWs. That is, they did lend their expertise to USZOG in exchange for relatively comfortable life. While respected professionals, they never gained any significant official/political power.

This storyline is fairly easy to counter with a simple question: If nazi conspirators are really ruling USA, then why are they placing (((their arch enemies))) into so many positions of power?

I'd go further and state "If Nazis run the planet basically the U.S. overarching their command unto everything". Why is the World becoming more commuinistic than ever before. I'd wager to state communism is bigger in a subtle below the belt style than ever before since the 1919-1945 situation.

It's the jews and their judeo-bolshevism.

TimberWolf said:
The best for the last. The enemy scriptures clearly state that Satan is the arch enemy of Yahweh. The popular idea of "Satanic ritual" almost always involves human sacrifice, preferably a child for maximum innocence. The accounts of human (child) sacrifice go back by centuries and almost always feature a certain group of people.

The idea of NWO religion being Satanism pervades the alternative media, even some (otherwise) really intelligent publications. Many "truthers" cling to this concept despite the fact that freemasons (and other similar secret societies) have always Bible/Quran/Torah placed (and venerated) in their temples.

Reading this just sounds like the enemy pushing their actions unto Satan. If Satan did in fact promote this don't you think every Pagan/Satanic religion would reference it all over the place like on Pyramids or Temples. It would have made the infiltration of our Satanic religions far easier by the JNWO during their diasporas.
Capitalism vs. Communism
The idea that capitalism and communism are antagonistic to each other is a Cold War trope that still persists in the collective mind. In reality, they're two sides of the same shekel. Their ultimate goal is the same, to centralize all the ownership.

In communism, the centralization is usually implemented through violent coup, where ~10% of the host population is killed (that is, those who would contest the new owner class). In capitalism, the process of centralization is more subtle, with private corporations expanding (seemingly) peacefully.

In communism, all the economic production (of significance) is done under state corporations. In capitalism, at least the biggest private corporations have close ties to governments, thus blurring the line between private/state.

When capitalism/communism is fully implemented, the common people are reduced to property. Whether the owner is corporation or the state doesn't matter much, as the people behind these entities are the same.

During 1933-45, Germany sought to separate itself from this paradigm entirely. In practise, it meant the elimination of all economic parasitism. Money was directly bound to real value and thus financial practise itself could not create any profit.

The position of "global elite" is founded on economic parasitism, thus Third Reich had to be quickly destroyed.

Climate change
This is a tricky topic even by the standards of disinformation. As far as history can be studied, the climate of this planet has been changing, occasionally radically.

The NWO program pertaining to this seeks to halt climate change, which of course is completely absurd. The halting is going to be accomplished by systematic reduction of CO2 emissions, which in turn chokes entire national economies, as CO2 is being produced by burning and exhalation. The justification for this is given by statistical predictions (made by Imperial College, et.al.) which project the changes in temperature to be disastrous within the next 10...20 years (a politically convenient timeframe).

It doesn't matter that the disaster never comes (Al Gore predicted that for 2016), because by that time, a new disaster prediction is already in place (and governments dutifully follow it).

If anyone calls out all of this (for being a global smooth genocide program), he is being labeled as a climate change denialist. This is guaranteed to keep the public discussion about this topic confused, as it shifts the attention from political to physical. The doubter needs to explain first that he does acknowledge the ever-changing climate and by the time he finally gets to the political aspect, he's being labeled a conspiracy theorist...

Flat earth
The substance doesn't matter here, only the way it is being used.

I've seen a lot of FE content of virtually professional quality. This strongly indicates that it isn't being made by some random dimwit, but most likely by some department of the intelligence community.

The enemy is often ambivalent/confusing in its ways, but at least here the purpose is very clear: to make the alternative websites appear as ridiculous as EVER possible through the introduction of this kind of content.

The target audience of this disinfo are those Europeans who've woken up to the (street-level) reality of kalergism. It posits that the "refugee crisis" is being led by Saudi imams (or something like that) with the ultimate goal of converting the entire continent to Islam.

Any islamization is obviously despicable, but it's only a sidetrack when kalergism is being observed in broader perspective. In USA, the "refugee crisis" is being supplied primarily by hispanics and only small fraction of migrants there are mudslimes.

When it comes to sociopolitics, the enemy maintains a scorched earth doctrine. "Refugees" are being shipped to targeted countries with the primary intent of resource deprivation for the host (white gentile) population. Cheap labor, democrat voter pool, etc. are obviously also important, but only secondary motives.

If the people being (forcibly) brought in are mudslimes, somalis, MS-13 or of some other especially harmful group, that's just an added bonus which causes extra attrition/damage for the targeted population.

"Counterjihad" movement is an attempt to lead the somewhat awakened Europeans to waste their energy on activism and (anticipation of) war that isn't going to make any genuine difference.

War for oil
The target audience of this disinfo are the garden variety leftists.

A large portion of the recent wars have been fought in the area between North Africa and Middle East which contains plenty of petroleum deposits. Petroleum is obviously important, especially for a conquering mechanized army. It was the reason for Operation Barbarossa to be directed southwards to Baku (instead of Moscow), for example.

However, it's pretty safe to say that petroleum has never been a primary motive for USZOG-led wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Saddam, Gaddafi and al-Assad have been the kind of statesmen who've refused (to at least some extent) to play ball with "international community". Their nations used to have pretty solid economies, granting them a good deal of autonomy. Thus, the primary motive for their conquest has been genocide and overall control. To put it simple, these countries have been jewed.

For common people of USA, none of these wars have made any difference at the gas pump. All petroleum products have just become consistently more expensive, just like everywhere else.

The storyline of evil Americans conquering an innocent arab country for the sake of shipping all the petroleum for themselves is one of the most prototypical leftist daydreams.
Gear88 said:

Humans basically don't survive it. Mass depression, anxiety, infertility, or other health issues. As for babies, massive spike in developmental issues and miscarriages. All this signifies very low bioenergy. People are basically hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
TimberWolf said:
Flat earth
The substance doesn't matter here, only the way it is being used.

I've seen a lot of FE content of virtually professional quality. This strongly indicates that it isn't being made by some random dimwit, but most likely by some department of the intelligence community.

The enemy is often ambivalent/confusing in its ways, but at least here the purpose is very clear: to make the alternative websites appear as ridiculous as EVER possible through the introduction of this kind of content.

I believe this is a Spiritual allegory taken to literalization and then meme'd into reality.


Geo = Earth
Metry = To count.

The enemy calls it gematria our fellow Satanic Greeks call it Geometry.

It's simple they took the occult flat square Earth as the Earth is both a square and a cube when extruded out. And created a meme of flat Earth to spiritually unaware people and they literalized it into a reality whereby they used occult teachings to be literal.

The Earth isn't flat nor square nor cubic. Rather it's egg shaped circular with oblate tops. It seems the goyimisms where created to contain the goys in case they broke free from kosher supervision or moved away to freedom and "rebellion" and the jew created backup plans to counter spiritual growth and make people believe whatever non-sense there is.

The Earth isn't flat nor square nor cubic but spiritually it sure as hell means a lot and probably a good use of useful idiots to pump around physically, mentally, spiritually, and technologically psychobabble about said flat Earth even the belief of it to tie it into occult one-way alleys to ensure people are wasting as much time as possible in false rabbit holes.

I have no idea why people believe the Earth is flat but I would not be surprised if the enemy pumped spiritual kaballah into the belief of flat Earth to make sure it gains as much ground as possible burrowed in the person's brain. It was real because it was in my mind meme. The Earth is flat and cubic because it was in my mind lul'd the gullible goy.
Ethnic minority
This is one of the most important tropes of multiculturalism. Kalergists/multiculturalists posit that if any (non-white) ethnic group within a (white) country has proportionally low numbers, it's prone to be oppressed and thus needs special advocacy/protection.

This once again, is completely absurd, but serves as justification for the "minority" members to favored in
  • apartment queues
  • education (affirmative action)
  • employment (employers get benefits for hiring "minority" member)
  • politics (all major political parties are eager to get their "minority" token members)
  • welfare amounts

For example, there are roughly 20M Somalis and 10M Swedes, but all the Somalis living in Sweden are a minority in terms of proportion. This justifies the (previously described) economic assault against the indigenous Swedes.

Galactic Federation
Another topic that is popular in the more airy-fairy segment of alternative media. GF is supposed to be a diplomatic body of extraterrestrials who are watching over us all and communicating through "contactees". It has a complete control over the events of this planet and is of benign character. Their message to humanity is usually that all is going well and you're soon to be welcomed into our greater galactic community.

In reality, the observable power structure of this planet is extremely hostile. If it extends to extraterrestrial/interstellar level, why would it be any different there (as above, so below)?

If GF is actually opposing NWO, why isn't it providing any genuinely useful information? For advanced ETs, it should be easy to provide every technical detail of what really happened in 2001.09.11, for example.

Protocols of Zion
The disinfo pertaining to this book posits that it's a forgery. If so, then forgery of WHAT?

It could very well be that Alexander III paid some unscrupulous (gentile) intellectual to write it. If true, the author did amazing job, as this book describes the enemy doctrine in perfect detail.

Like Great One & Henry Ford said, the origin doesn't matter. What matters is how well the substance matches with the world events (then and now!).

The motive for J-team to call it "forgery" is to smoothly dissuade anyone interested from studying it. Thanks to Internet, this book is finally within everybody's reach.

Including these as comic relief among more serious topics:

More of prototypical leftist daydreams
  • USA is filled with armed white supremacist sleeper cells which, when activated, shall lynch every non-white on sight.
  • The super-rich elite consists of white gentile straight men who hate everybody except their own kind. They're the ones who engage in environmental destruction to maximize profit for themselves.
  • White supremacist scientists are formulating race-specific bioweapons to be used against blacks.
  • The (white) right-wing politicians promoting family values and campaigning against "sex education" for kindergarteners are actually secretly gay.
  • The (white) people interested in hunting, survivalism, etc. are actually preparing to fight civil war and thus dangerous to be around with.
  • The white police officers act disproportionally violent when dealing with non-white offenders/suspects, especially if black.
  • The high abortion rate among blacks is a result of white supremacist plot to get rid of them.

Pick-up art
This business/movement was a notable part of the popular culture of the 201st decade ("00s"). It has since gone out of fashion, but is still active. The target audience are the romantically unsuccessful straight men.

The basic idea is to cultivate behavior to attract women. With the correct verbal and nonverbal communication, you can get a(n attractive) woman interested in you. There's no need to be rich or handsome!

This, of course, is completely absurd and it's unsurprising that many of the original PUAs are kikes, such as David DeAngelo and Mystery.

The common misconception/disinfo about PUAs is that gullible women are the ones to fall for them (getting "picked up" with neuro-linguistic programming or some other manipulation). Some might have, but the real victims are the gullible men who have paid for the PUAs' books/lessons/seminars in hopes of learning something useful.
With One World Government comes One World Religion. Many alternative publishers keep on speculating on what NWO religion would exactly be, as if we didn't know!

Holocaustianity has been under development for over a century and the most important milestone was the Nuremberg trials, as this mythos was finally cemented into official history. Holocaustian mythos is being forced on us all the time and any kind of blasphemy/heresy shall result in prison time (or at least ostracism).

This religion has already developed its own "denominations", depending on the demographic of practicioners/preachers:

  • Big jews
    This is obviously the most important.

    At this level, $hoah is being used to steer the politics of entire nations. If the leadership of any (white) nation seeks to genuinely serve the interests of their people ("nationalism") against "globalism" (jewish parasitism), then the connection (no matter how loose!) to $hoah is being proclaimed.

    Recently, Hungary has been developing state assistance for founding families (among native people). They've also refused to take in fighting-age men from the islamic world. It's perfectly clear how these kind of practises lead straight to gas chamber.

    Another very important application for $hoah is to serve as a smokescreen for all the communist genocides of the previous century which were all instigated and some also perpetrated by jews. The most relevant genocide is that of (gentile) Germans during and after WW2.

    Simon Wiesenthal Center has fixed the total amount of civilians murdered by nazis to 11M. This is a very logical quantity, as the amount of gentile victims (5M) is as large as possible while being markedly smaller than that of jewish victims.

    The Remainder $hoah is supposed to consist of disabled, gays, non-whites, etc. It makes you wonder whether there were enough people of this kind in the entire Europe back then...

    While there is no physical proof for this any more than there is for the "primary" $hoah, the whole idea is simply too palatable for the leftists to be passed by. Thus, when leftist politicians preach about nazi evil, this is very likely to be the subject.

    Little jews
    These people might not care about the higher-level politics, but play along when it comes to $hoah because it's lucrative to them.

    When it comes to applying for "reparations", it doesn't matter if the "survivorship" story is completely nonsensical, as the governmental power will always back them up.

    When it comes to justifying wars on the other side of the planet, a very particular interpretation of the WW2 history might be useful. In this interpretation, the U.S. Army (in Europe) is being portrayed as rescuers of jews and other "innocents".

    These (often jewish) chicken-hawks are very likely to refer to $hoah in the context of the targeted country being ruled by an evil despot who is commiting or about to commit a genocide. Thus military invasion needs to be done ASAP...
Boolean Hardball
I invented this term to describe a game that the enemy plays all the time. It's the practical application of Orwellian Doublethink to politics and other public forums of discussion. It's the flipping of any truth depending on context, to benefit the NWO agenda.

    When it comes to face diapers, "social distancing", gathering restrictions, incessant rubbing of antiseptic into our hands and the like, the default preset is that these practices DO protect us from a highly dangerous infectious disease (which cannot be observed anywhere, though).

    However, when it comes to statistical trends presented by the ministries of health, then
    The aforementioned things that we're coerced into do NOT work, at least sufficiently, because the amount of "test positives" and people dying with COVID just keeps on soaring. Instead of doing the logical thing and abolishing all of these practices, the establishment doubles down with curfews and dubious injections (which then need to be "boosted" annually).

    Human races
    When it comes to the existence of human races, the default preset is that they do NOT exist, as it fits well to the "globalization" narrative ("One race, human race"). In this state, the enemy seeks to mess the minds of (white) nationalists with claims such as:
    Who is really white anyway? How far behind do you know your ancestry? Where does the limit go, 90%, 95%? What does it matter?

    However, when it comes to the shortcomings of the non-whites (IQ, crime, education, etc.), then
    All of a sudden, human races DO exist, at least in such a way that the (gentile) whites can be demarcated as the malignant strain (White privilege, structural racism, etc.). With affirmative action, for example, the establishment knows just well enough who is white and who isn't, any mind-games of the opposite preset aren't being applied here.

    Jewish power
    Among themselves, the jews are proud of having the control of money/politics in our societies, being listed on "Forbes Most Influential", receiving awards, etc. Thus, the preset for jews having great power is TRUE in this context.

    However, if a gentile digs into this and makes a public presentation of it, then
    All of a sudden, the jews align themselves with all the "oppressed minorities" and the preset for great power is FALSE. The gentile calling them out is accused of criminal incitement against them, despite being a delusional conspiracy theorist making false claims...

    Sexual orientation
    The default preset claims that whether you're straight/gay/whatever is an congenital/innate trait ("Born this way") that cannot be changed. I think this is mostly truthful. A straight person might turn gay in prison conditions, but this has been greatly exaggerated by the popular culture, like the HBO series Oz. It's unlikely that a gay person can be "deprogrammed", despite some christians claiming success.

    However, when it comes to the present-day "sexual minority" lobby (amply backed by jews), then
    All of a sudden, sexual orientation is a fluid concept. The current "sex education" in the public schools of "developed"/"western" (white) world clearly seeks to homo-/transsexualize the children as much as possible, i.e. no stone isn't left turned to discover even the most latent propensity for this kind of thing in any kid. This "discovery" then serves as justification for "medical treatment". Eradication of gender appears to be an important aspect of the NWO program, but that's another discussion...

I'm sure there are many more examples that I cannot think of right now. However, the counter-argument remains the same for all: You can't have it both ways.
If an enemy is forced to consistently hold TRUE or FALSE for any of these, he loses ground considerably.
TimberWolf said:
Depopulation eugenics
Because of COVID, this concept has received elevated amount of attention as of late. Whether it's chemtrails, vaccine "adjuvants" or depleted uranium, the enemy is definitely refining methods for genocide. However, to describe these practices as "eugenics" is pretty much the rankest inversion of concepts. The enemy wants its subjects to be as dysgenic as possible, weak and dependent people make a stable pool of slaves.

Large-scale application of real eugenics would be pretty much the best thing possible for our civilization. That is, controlled procreation to remove long-term dysfunction and suffering.

Nazi Deep State
The linchpin of this storyline is the acquisition of Operation Paperclip personnel. After WW2, a lot of German engineers/scientists were brought to USA because of their highly valuable knowledge/skills. Jim Marrs and other similar authors posit that this was the moment when the remaining nazis took the control of the U.S. government and their descendants secretly continue to hold this position. This idea is obviously ludicrous, as these people (Werner von Braun, et.al.) were essentially POWs. That is, they did lend their expertise to USZOG in exchange for relatively comfortable life. While respected professionals, they never gained any significant official/political power.

This storyline is fairly easy to counter with a simple question: If nazi conspirators are really ruling USA, then why are they placing (((their arch enemies))) into so many positions of power?
Those two tends to be pretty much being pushed together nowadays. People will love comparing, using their own moralistic stupidity, the Nationalsocialist eugenics with the COVID vaccine program. How the fuck having your race healthy and clean is the same as depopulation, therefore White Genocide?

TimberWolf said:
Forgot a pretty important one:

Good jews vs. Bad jews
The target audience of this disinfo are those who have just realized the J-problem to be a very real thing. The basic idea is that the jews are generally nice and innocent people, but there's a corrupt minority within them which runs the NWO program. The lower levels of the jewish collective (i.e. little jews) might not care much about NWO or Zionism, but only very few actively oppose them. Those who do, face dire consequences (Mordecai Vanunu being a good example). Thus, the moral gradient of J-team is not good...bad, but active...passive.

The "corrupt minority" might be labeled as:

  • Khazarian Mafia
    Khazaria was a nation covering the region around eastern Ukraine and western Khazakstan during Middle Ages. When given a choice between christianity/islam/judaism, their king opted to convert into judaism and the whole nation followed. This story is most likely true, as many jews have somewhat asiatic facial appearance.

    The reason why Khazarians are being portrayed as the leading faction of "bad jews" is that they weren't originally ethnic jews (thus implying that the original ethnic jews are good). The truth is that any Khazarians have long since blended into the greater jewish population and the mafia-like character is a far older trait.

    Sabbatean Cult
    In 1666, a Turkish (dönmeh) rabbi named Sabbatai Zevi declared himself messiah and was claimed to have roughly million followers. In his dogma, fornication, sin, transgression, etc. were openly declared virtues and official jewish publications classify him as a false prophet.

    In the present-day storyline, Sabbateans' descendants have the same position as Khazarian Mafia. It might be that the Rothschilds can be traced to them, but the counter-argument remains the same as with the previous: J-team had the character of degenerate cult already well before this.

    • The argument of "Good Jews vs Bad Jews" is pretty easy to debunk. It usually claimed by both people who limit hostility to them in either Anti-Zionism or Anti-Judaism, never Antisemitism.

      Anti-Zionists from both the left and right will simply state that "Judaism is not Zionism", and will believe that, because some Jews have somewhat "rejected" the idea of a State of Israel, they are good. Most of these so called "Anti-Zionist" jews are Orthodox Jews. Nothing can guarantee that by just "opposing Israel's expansion" they don't hate the gentiles, since they still have the Tanakh, the Talmud and the Kabbalah. The latter is important in order to curse us. Let's also not forget that even some secular jews pretend to oppose Zionism (Soros is an example).

      Anti-Judaists are usually xian fundamentalists or traditionalists (depending on the cult) who think that, just because the jews decide to either "convert" to xianity or follow only the Tanakh, they somewhat stop being jews. They pretty much ignore the fact that this already happened many times in history, considering that we have jews such as Tomas de Torquemada who owned the Inquisition or John Calvin who murdered everyone who disagreed with his absurd ideas. They also ignore that the religion of Judaism has been around for years, and even most medievalist historians agree that they did not suffer that much under the rule of the Church (unlike our gentiles ancestors). Let's also not forget that the jews were always evil, like their ancestors of the Old Testament that xians want to separate from them.

      Hitler was neither of them. Under NS doctrine, any type of jew was persecuted, even those who converted to xianity. The Third Reich had no mercy on xians who were their friends. Hitler supported the idea of a State of Israel just to keep the rats out of gentile nations, without harming them. But he had no intention to support their expansion wars against the Middle East. Despite this, Communists who claims to be against the NWO will accuse Hitler of having been a "Zionist".

      The Khazar myth is easy to debunk. As the HPs stated in another post, they were warriors, not merchants. It was started by a jew (i don't remember the name) and is still promoted by jews like Shlomo Sand, in order to confuse us. It is pretty clear that it is the jews who want to make you believe that they are not Hebrew Israelites and that Rabbi Jewsus was not part of the tribe. Of course, there are other variants of this myth that were never proven to be true.

      The Sabbatean cult is not separated from Judaism, but a part of the International Jewish Conspiracy. They pretty much took their doctrines from Judaism and gave their own interpretation, therefore they are everything but wrong in the eyes of the religion they originated. Let's also not forget that non-Sabbateans also benefits from it.
COVID: Update
At this point, the big picture in regards to this is becoming obvious. Because there is no COVID illness, there cannot be medicine for that either. Whether the "vaccine" contains nanoparticles to make the recipient controllable through the 5G network or whether it's simply a sterilization agent doesn't really matter. What matters is that all the "adverse effects" are actually results of poisoning.

Yet at the same time, some of the "vaccinated" are perfectly fine. The most logical explanation for this is that some portion of the injections are simply saline. The motivation for this is to confuse the perception about the new wave of sickness (blood clot, seizure, uterine shedding, etc.) and to turn a segment of the population into "vaccine" advocates.

It seems that this Russian roulette (but with worse odds) is going to be played until >90% of common people have had at least one real dose. If you're a common man (that is, someone who is neither exempt or targeted), the ratio for placebo vs. real is 2 to 1 and there are 5 jabs to go, then the likelihood for getting at least one real is 1 - (2/3)^5 ≈ 86%.

  • COVID in Israel
    This is some speculation by Jim Stone, but I'm putting it here because it's so convincing.

    Recently, MSM has reported that the "COVID situation" in Israel is one of the worst in the world, roughly on par with Australia. That is, people are imprisoned in their homes, getting lot of "adverse effects" but remaining unprotected against the newest "variant", required to get a "passport" for everything, rioting against police and so on...

    In reality, all the (jewish) inhabitants of the country have gotten saline and all the rest is also theater. This would be a logical way for the people behind the COVID program to cover for themselves. They cry in pain as they strike you, after all...
More of boolean hardball:

Ancestral heritage
If you're proud of your (white) ancestry & nation, then the you-know-who shall tell you that:
You can't take credit for something that yourself hasn't been involved in. National pride is chauvinistic and bigoted!

However, when it comes to less savory aspects of white people's history, such as slavery or colonial abuses (the attack on Hereros by Germans, etc.), then
All of a sudden, the deeds of previous generations become relevant. The only way to make amends with these wrongs is to pay "reparations" to people who've never been wronged (by you, at least!) and to accept the kalergist program.

An ugly truth about the pre-abolition USA is that there were plenty of gentile slave owners. However, slavery would've never been implemented in such systematic scale if it weren't for the trans-Atlantic slave trade run by the you-know-who.

Corporate power
This topic is one of the pet peeves of leftists. By default, they think that government should restrain corporations in order to prevent any harmful activities. When it comes to exploitation of laborers in "less developed" countries, I find it to be agreeable. It gets somewhat dubious with "fossil" fuel corporations, as restraint towards them is so closely tied to the climate change program.

However, when it comes to "Big Tech" corporations suppressing the people's social media discussions about politics (that is, "hate speech"), then
All of a sudden, the people usually presenting themselves as leftists become hardcore free-market libertarians. Fecesbook, Twatter, et.al. are private corporations that are perfectly free to do what they think is best, you don't need to use their service!

This view ignores that the social media giants couldn't exist if it weren't for the governmental research and infrastructure projects that went on for decades to make Internet possible in the first place. Their censorship practices are also at least guided by governments.
Gun control
More broader term would be weapon control, as this topic predates firearms. Some of the far eastern martial arts use agricultural tools (nunchaku, sickle, etc.) as weapons, this was because of weapon prohibitions for the peasants.

The main disinfo pertaining to this topic is that by restricting weapon ownership from the common (law-abiding) citizens, the society becomes a safer place to live. As far as history goes, this most likely has never been true. Evenly armed nation is principally stable, as there is reduced opportunity for crime (governmental or otherwise).

  • Gun-grabbing nazis
    The target audience for this disinfo are the patriotards. In this storyline, Third Reich is being grouped with other "totalitarianisms" (which are all communist, of course). In reality, the German legislation pertaining to civilian firearm ownership was fairly relaxed (during this time). William Pierce has written about this, I haven't read through it (further study needed!).

    Mass shooting
    It would be exaggeration to claim that all of these are false flags, but it's safe to claim that at least half of these are. The political demand (on behalf of the NWO crowd) is simply voracious.

    False flag shootings are of 2 main types:
    • Real shooting, fake perpetrator. For example, it appears that in Port Arthur (1996), people were killed for real. This was then pinned on a young man who was living on a pension for being mentally impaired.
    • Completely staged. In this case, an emergency drill is being conducted, which is then being reported as real by MSM. Charity funds, memorials, social media messages, etc. are being prepared in advance. See Sandy Hook further down.
    Real mass shootings would also be great for TPTB, as long as they aren't among the victims...

    • School shooting
      This is the most common variant of mass shooting (which can be separated from the rest). The particular emphasis for this has at least 2 major reasons:
      • The victims are children / youth, thus maximizing the negative emotional reaction for the general population
      • Condition the next generation to (voluntarily) accept the gun grab.

      This concept jumped over the shark with Sandy Hook. Couple of days after the incident, the MSM interviewed people who were supposed to just had their kids murdered. They seemed perfectly calm / composed, some even amused. Search for Robert Parker and Donna Soto...
Project Blue Beam
The concept of fake ET invasion extends (at least) back to 1970s when Werner von Braun told his secretary about such plans. ZOGs' ability to project massive holograms to skies might very well be real, but such possibility has had a nasty side effect on truthers. That is, there are many serious people in the alternative media who dismiss the ET / UFO phenomenon entirely as fabrication.

Some of the things being ignored are...
  • Radar-confirmed sightings of crafts traveling at inhuman speed
  • ETs / UFOs appearing in illustrations for centuries, if not millennia
  • Electromagnetic interference with ground (crop patterns, Eduard Mayer's backyard)
...and so on. As such, blanket denialism of ET civilization / intelligence is a form of intellectual brutalism and not real truth seeking.
Black Nobility
There are countless red herrings to draw away the attention from the unmentionables. For an example, this one is as good as any...

BN is a label given to renaissance-era Venetian merchant banking families. They were pioneers in stock trading and (modern) accounting, residing at a knot point for trade and communication. As such, they were undoubtedly some of the most powerful / wealthy people in Europe back then, lending money to monarchs and so on.

Gatekeepers like David Icke posit that the descendants of BN form the core of the (present-day) NWO collective. Really, is there any proof for that?

In the more recent history, some of the most prominent members of the NWO crowd have been Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Warburgs. What do they have in common?


...could it be clearly traceable history? In terms of both lineage and activities, their involvement in NWO / Zionism can be studied from mainstream sources (without intellectual contortionism!). Whether it's...

  • State-backed usury
  • Monopolization of energy
  • Consolidation of medicine under allopathic paradigm
  • Establishing a certain rogue state around the eastern coast of Mediterranean
...all information is openly there (for anyone with at least some active synapses). The Jesuits are not a family, but they also have a solid historical record.

Where are the Venetians nowadays and what is their most recent contribution to our misery?
Deindustrialization for the sake of environment is being marketed as a collective method to save the planet. It has been originally codified in Agenda 21, then in Agenda 2030 and now in Great Reset.

The disinfo (or at least a misconception) about this program is that people shall return to countryside, farm their own food, live in harmony with nature and so on... In reality, the (common) people are to be crammed into stack-and-pack flat apartments in smart cities.

Under globalist model for the future, the countryside shall be mostly desolate. There will be probably some (heavily automated) farming and certainly some vacation resorts for the "elite".

The "sustainability" of economic growth is primarily determined by finance, not the physical environment. The finance is being controlled by those behind this program.
Channelers / contactees
This topic was already touched with Galactic Federation, but some elaboration might be in order. People of this kind claim to engage in clandestine / telepathic communication with ET / interdimensional intelligences. Examples of such include:
  • Cassiopean Transcripts
  • Pleiadians (various)
  • Ra Material
  • Sphere Being Alliance
All of these people are not necessarily frauds. For example, in the case of Eduard "Billy" Mayer's pleiadians, a lot of very complex information has been provided in addition to high-quality photos of antigravity craft before the CGI era. It would be very hard for a lone one-handed man of modest means to just make up all that stuff.

So why include them in this thread? While fascinating, their information is often somewhat tainted and of very little genuine use. Anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point energy generation might be real, but we won't know for sure before exact instructions for building such devices are provided.

Just like the more earthly gatekeepers, they dance around the topic of exact identity of the enemy, referring to "illuminati bloodlines" and the like.

Ground-penetrating radar should be a trivial technology for the ETs and the interdimensionals shouldn't need such thing at all (to see anywhere they like!). Because of that, exact descriptions of DUMBs, other secret government facilities and the activities therein should be easily provided.

All in all, the problem here isn't so much about distortion / perversion of truth (as usually in disinfo), but just the vagueness. This kind of content might "spiritually elevate" the Collective Evolution people and other sandal-wearers, but the potential for genuine change remains low...
The noble nation of Israel hasn't been featured yet, so here comes...

Holy land for the chosen
The most important purpose for this storyline is to draw political and financial support from the christards in USA. On the opposing side, there are people who posit that the unmentionables have no ancestral claim to this land. Debating about this topic is waste of energy, because the underlying assumption is that if the present-day israelites could prove their lineage roughly 100 generations back to the Ancient Roman era, that would somehow make their settlement more justified.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The disinfo is this label, which is being used all the time. The concept of "violent conflict" usually assumes that the participants have at least somewhat equal standing. In this case, there are peole throwing rocks and shooting firecrackers (the "rocket attacks") while getting maimed by high-caliber sniper rifles, burned by white phosphorus and then getting their houses leveled by mortar grenades.

Outpost for the "west"
The Our Greatest AllyTM crowd likes to present Israel as an underdog that is engaging in valiant struggle for its existence against the backwards islamic rogue states surrounding it. In reality, it has state of the art weaponry (including nukes) and is usually the offending party in any of the "conflicts".

In the "western" world, there are many leftist politicians who publicly raise concern (nothing wrong with that, of course) about the assault towards palestinians. Some of the more edgy ones might compare Israel to "Nazi Germany". They undoubtedly feel very clever for making such comparison, even though it's completely bogus.

As such, they're often being accused of "anti-semitism". The truly grotesque thing is that at the same time, these very same people have career-level commitment to jewish programs in their homelands. Being leftists, their usual emphasis is on Climate ChangeTM and Kalergism. Whether intentional or not, most of the palestinian "activism" is just an act.

Including this as comic relief among more serious topics:

IDF Babes
This concept is about pictures of pretty girls posing in worn-out battle gear while wearing perfect makeup. Most of them do not even look like unmentionable! Does this kind of content make the institution look better? Perhaps at a very brief glance.
The repugnant realm of sex crime has a good deal of disinfo:

Child porn filter
Just by examining the siblings of this topic, it can be observed that most of the "western" establishments do not care about kids getting raped.

As such, the purpose of these projects (run in many countries) hasn't been about child protection, but a test drive for general-purpose censorship. This is evidenced by the emphasis on the clear / surface web, when the supposedly targeted content is being distributed in dark / deep web.

Grooming gangs
The disinfo is the label. "Grooming" (in the social sense) usually refers to guiding / persuading / training someone for a particular role. In reality, this is about organized rape, as brutal as it gets.

This has been going on in UK for a long time. The victims (underage girls) weren't "groomed", but simply lured + forced into sex (with grown men) with the silent approval of the local officials.

As a more minor disinfo, the perpetrators have been referred to as "asians", when they were always specifically pakistanis or some other mudslimes.

The disinfo about this campaign is that it would expose the core of the contemporary sex offence problem (in the "developed" world). In reality, it serves as a smokescreen for the more serious stuff.

MeToo has been mostly about well-to-do men (allegedly) groping (hoping to become) well-to-do women. As repugnant as someone like Harvey Weinstein is, his victims were (more or less) voluntarily involved.

Whether it's the traditional "casting couch", physician "examining" female gymnasts or anything like that, this has been mostly about social media neurosis.

Again, as a more minor disinfo, the perpetrators' ethnicity isn't being clearly presented...

There are entire web communities dedicated to this topic, so extensive description isn't needed. In this case, members of the Washington DC "elite" were caught red-handed. Ironically, it was a leftist kike (Seth Rich, murdered) who leaked this out. Up to this date, no rational explanation has been provided (on behalf of the accused) for this large corpus of (email and social media) messages (chock-full with codewords and suggestiveness about raping kids).

Because of the damning nature of this expose, the establishment / MSM disinfo has been exceptionally ham-fisted. The actual substance of the communication between the accused (Alefantis, Podestas, et.al.) isn't being discussed at all. Instead, the "conspiracy theory" label has been blanketed all over in hopes of turning the (common) people's attention away. Unfortunately, it has worked.

Virtuous pedophiles
If you seek to contain an urge to commit some kind of crime, the most logical approach would be to distance yourself from the subject as far as possible. Communing with other people having the same urge and discussing the subject certainly doesn't help to forget about it. Forming a public advocacy group that is dedicated on this urge continence doesn't make much sense.

For example, if you're an alcoholic who acknowledges this as a problem, you don't become a "virtuous alcoholic" but someone who seeks to quit. Even after quitting, the risk for lapsing persists for the rest of the life. A former alcoholic who cares about his community may seek to help others in quitting. Support groups of this kind should be primarily goal-driven and not about "raising awareness".

The rotten aspect of VP movement is that the people involved stick to the "born this way" trope. Even if they truly are what they claim to be (committed non-offenders), their activism still plays into the acceptance / normalization narrative.
Slogans are an important part for any propaganda, focusing now on those of the enemy. Insipid platitudes at better, NLP manipulation at worse...


  • Safe and effective
    This has been the main mantra for vaccines already in the years before. Now, with the "experimental" concoctions being injected into people (poison potent enough to bring down a man in perfect health, such as young competitive athlete!), this is more of outright lying than typical disinfo.

    Trust the science
    Question the science is the way (real) science is being made. Trusting something (especially when dubious!) just because an authority figure told you so, isn't scientific but religious mindset.

    We're all in this together
    This one obviously isn't limited to COVID, but for the last 2 years has been used almost exclusively for that. Who's "we"? If a politician says this, it implies he's subjected to all the impediments and problems brought by the "crisis", just like the common people. Is he?


  • Diversity is our greatest strength
    Once again, who's "we"? What is the "strength"? On a societal level, it would usually refer to economic production capability and resilience against crises. Has the massive importation of people who, on the average, have way higher propensity for crime increased it? ...or perhaps decreased it?

    No human is illegal
    This is about as sentimental as it gets... Vehicle or some other piece of property can be illegal. For humans, only actions can be illegal, such as clandestinely entering (and residing in) a country.


  • Support our troops
    You are going to support them through taxes whether you wanted or not, to the tune of trillions (the total cost for the Afghanistan campaign, for example). Just don't expect anything in return. The spoils of war shall go to the likes of Blackwater, Dyncorp and Halliburton.

    Thank you for defending our freedom
    Along with Trust the ScienceTM, this is a strong contender for the most idiotic slogan ever. How does destroying a country thousands of miles away "defend the freedom" for anyone (except those seeking to exploit)?
This one shall probably remain as the most important post for the thread:

Nazi NWO
This topic was already touched with Nazi Deep State, but some elaboration might be in order.

It's safe to assume that at least 50% of the web's "alternative media" is more or less compromised. Flat brainers...uh...earthers, Qtards and Trumptards seem to currently dominate this "sphere", but there's an underlying storyline that is lot older.

In Lord of the Disinfo, Nazi NWOTM would be "the one to rule them all". There are people who've made the promotion of this concept into a career.

Information warfare, when offensive, is all about confusing the enemy as much as possible. For the NWO crowd, the enemy is the world's general population.

A straightforward way to confuse somebody is to turn things upside down:
  • Obesity is healthy, at least when you're "body positive".
  • "Coming out" is courageous, desipite homosexuality being decriminalized and actually celebrated in all of the "developed" world.
  • "Western" societies should improve their equality for women and islamization helps it.
  • Communism is about liberating the workers by assigning the whole society under centralized state bureaucracy (which reserves the exclusive right to lethal force).
  • All species of organisms are products of evolution, except human races.
  • Pyramids demonstrate highly advanced astronomical + geometrical knowledge, but were built with ropes + wooden sleds.
...when people are being subjected to this kind of mental violence all the time, it's no wonder they've become zombified (and just accept the mask mandates).

Unsurprisingly, this assault also extends to the field of conspiracy research and truth-seeking. How to turn upside down the identity of the NWO collective?


...by pointing it to their arch enemy? That is, the last people to pose a serious threat to NWO. Third Reich (and Axis in general) opposed pretty much everything that we're being pummeled with nowadays.

Nazi NWOTM is a carefully cultivated storyline which features at least (some of) the following:
  • Great One was quarter Rothschild through father.
  • The Third Reich leadership was in pact with reptilians (or some other "regressive" ETs).
  • Angela Merkel is a daughter of Great One and has been working to initiate Fourth Reich through EU.
  • "World leaders" travel to Antarctica (or occasionally South America) to conspire with Fourth Reich people.
  • Third Reich was brought up by the Wall Street bankers, just like Soviet Union.
  • German public health measures (at that time) were a forerunner for COVID (and thus the "vaccine passport" is a nazi thing).
  • Bushes, Rockefellers and British royals were secretly nazi supporters and still are.
  • IG Farben, Krupp and other major German companies (at that time) laid the foundation for modern corporate power, the likes of Monsanto and Pfizer are their successors.

You don't need to actively promote all of that in order to keep the mythos alive. Among truthers, there are many intelligent and well-intentioned people who might refer to the aforementioned tropes without knowing any better. For example, John O'Looney has said that the recent events in UK are "reminiscent of Nazi Germany", but it's obvious that he's a perfectly honest anti-COVID activist.

This concept represents the heaviest caliber of the enemy's infowar arsenal. Because of it, people can be really educated about the many aspects enemy agenda but still remain confused about the big picture. Just ranting about bad politician this, bad corporation that or bad government there...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
