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Commander Rockwell knew Hitler was the Antichrist


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020

“We believe that Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing Spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to bring the world a new birth of radiant idealism, realistic peace, international order and social justice for all men.” — National Socialist Principle VII

“Slowly, bit by bit, I began to understand. I realized that National Socialism, the iconoclastic worldview of Adolf Hitler, was the doctrine of scientific racial idealism — actually a new religion for our time . . . ” — This Time the World, p. 155

IN 1940, a young student at Brown University left his studies to join the U.S. Navy to fight Adolf Hitler. Eighteen years later — in 1958 — this same person, standing solemnly before a Swastika banner in his Arlington, Virginia, home, pledged his life to the Leader. Here is the amazing account of the personal conversion of Lincoln Rockwell, the man who was to restore the Movement of Adolf Hitler after the Second World War, as given in his book, This Time the World.

* * *

There was no doubt in my mind. I went home and hung the beautiful banner completely across the living room wall. In the center I mounted a plaque of Adolf Hitler. Then I placed a small bookcase under it and set three candles to burning in front, to make a holy altar to Adolf Hitler.

I closed the blinds, lit the candles, and stood before my new altar. For the first time since I had lost my Christian religion, I experienced the soul-thrilling upsurge of emotion which is denied to our modern, sterile, atheist “intellectuals” but which literally moved the Earth for countless centuries: religious experience. I stood there in the flickering candlelight, not a sound in the house, not a soul near me or aware of what I was doing — or caring.

But as I looked at the stern face of the greatest mind in twenty centuries, I felt the unbelievable flood of “religious” power pouring into me, which would be easily understood by any savage Indian standing on a mountaintop at sunrise and communing with the Great Spirit before battle — but which the intellectuals have denied themselves because of their conceit that they can “know” everything.

I recalled the words of the Leader:

When human hearts break and human souls despair, then from the twilight of the past the great conquerors of distress and care, of shame and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical compulsion look down upon them and hold out their eternal hands to despairing mortals. Woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them!

I was moved beyond the power of words to describe. Goose pimples rose all over me, my hair stood on end, my eyes filled with tears of love and gratitude for this greatest of all conquerors of human misery and shame, and my breath came in little gasps. If I had not known that the Leader would have scorned such adulation, I might have fallen to my knees in unashamed worship — but instead, I drew myself to attention, raised my arm in the eternal salute of the ancient Roman legions, and repeated the holy words, “Heil Hitler!” — meaning every tiny syllable with all my heart and mind and soul.

* * *

No longer was Adolf Hitler only a great mind to me. Now I realized the inscrutable power of the human soul. Now I knew why the power of that human soul for ten thousand years, again and again, has conquered the mightiest aggregates of physical force and tyranny, regardless of odds or possibilities! I had run the full circle from savage and childish animal instinct — the primitive stage of most of humanity — to conceited and sterile intellectualism — the state of our convinced Marxists and liberals — and finally I had, with the help of the Great Leader, found my way back to the natural understanding of the world given freely to every dog and worm and ape and man, of which the intellect is only a sort of recent development or “trick.” I had found my way to that unconscious understanding of eternal riddles which can only be called “wisdom” — the same perception of the essence of things which has, in different guises, formed the basis of the teachings of all great leaders in all times.

As the emotional storm subsided within me, it left me filled with a holy sense of mission, which is the fundamental weapon and armor of a revolutionary leader. Where before I had to fight the forces of tyranny and regression, now I had to fight them. But even more, I felt within me the power to prevail — strength beyond my own strength — the ability to do the right thing, even when I was personally over-whelmed by events. And that strength has not yet failed me. Nor will it fail. It is the Power beyond the atom, the Force called “religious” by the non-intellectual, “psychological self-hypnosis” by the “brains” of today, and the “Unknowable” by those who have learned true wisdom.

I knew with calm certainty exactly what to do, and I knew, in a hard-to-explain sense, what was ahead. It was something like looking at a road from the air, after seeing only the curve ahead from the ground.

* * *

The world was obviously building up to an unheard-of, unprecedented clash between the dark forces of massed ignorance, greed, envy, hate and stupidity — mustered and led by the scheming Jew — and the perishing forces of Nature’s elite — the White man.

The Jew, with his Marxist democratic idea of the supremacy of mere numbers threatened to overwhelm the White man of the world, regardless of boundaries or political affiliations, by the sheer mass of the teeming colored and inferior masses, which outnumbered the White builders of civilization by more than seven to one.

Adolf Hitler had shown the way to survival. It would be my task on this Earth to carry His ideas and His “laboratory example” to total, worldwide victory. I knew that I would not live to see the victory which I would make possible. But I would not die before I had made that victory certain.

Remember Rockwell also stated is his book that Hitler visited him in a dream and told him to advance National Socialism in America. No doubt if were Rockwell were still here he would have been a satanist, maybe even a high priest.
Rockwell was a gentleman and he never also wasted his time blaming other races for what is going on. He knew the real jewish problem behind everything, and he revealed it skillfully.

Instead, he educated, empowered and gave the Truth to Whites. Even other Races attended his speeches to listen to the powerful ideal of National Socialism and awaken to the jews. He was the closest example to Hitler in the modern times.

Warrior Educator and uncompromising, but smart.

Rest of the (((KKK goonies))) and other things which frequently circulate the forum trying to write braindead things, should study about Rockwell and have a decent idol. If they want anything good to do with their time, that is.

Rockwell understood how to navigate the American environment.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
(...) as given in his book, This Time the World.
Found it on pdfdrive for those who want it, as it's not in Satan's Library (only his White Power book is there).

Lydia said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
(...) as given in his book, This Time the World.
Found it on pdfdrive for those who want it, as it's not in Satan's Library (only his White Power book is there).

I believe all of his books are downloadable for free on the official American Nazi party website.
No doubt Rockwell would be on our side if he was alive today.

There is severe christard identity plaguing the WN movement today and we could use a man like Rockwell to lead us through it. I want to smash my head against the wall every time I hear these so called National Socialist say real NS's are christian, or that Jesus is white, all jews are of satan my evidence is Rev. 2:9.

It would appear this ideology spawned primarily from the book Siege. It's just said becaue they are replacing their true ancestral heritage with a foreign jewish doctrine. This will ultimately doom the movement. They are doing the jews work for them and none of them seem to have the eyes to see this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
