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Combat sports, self defense, and the proper cultivation of Mars



We are a community of individuals who use metaphysical means to reach both metaphysical and physical results in our lives.

We are also allied and under the banner of a race of incomprehensibly powerful and advanced beings, whom we call the gods.

Mankind throughout its evolution, has been forced to deal with many dangers, and forge methods to neutralize threats.

(Of course, this all would have been much easier if there was no war and humanity didnt have to start from 0 again on spiritual advancement. )

Our path is not purely spiritual. It is also physical.

One aspect of this physical world, is Mars.

Mars has to do with dangers, wars, men, violence, and pure fire energy.

In order to become a god, we must BE like a god.
A god, has balance and harmony, while retaining individuality.

That being said though, and this is just my opinion, I believe each and every single god and goddess out there, knows how to defend themselves, using both spiritual and physical means. It just sounds realistic given their extreme advancement.

Martial arts were found by Gentiles. Gentiles have the seed of the gods in them.

We must all, learn at least to some extent, how to defend ourselves physically.

We must not ignore what our bodies can do.

Everyone is an individual, but i believe every single man or even woman here, should at least know to a very good and advanced extent, self defense.

Even better, I encourage you to train in combat sports.

Even degenerate filths like Khabib Nurmagomedov, pathetic little wife beater, has only become successful only due to his karma with combat.

Islam never helped him, nor is it the "religion of the men".

A cult for the scatological half breed monkeys, perhaps.

He is a devout muslim, and im sure his 5 times prayings a day has winned him a small favor with his "god", if even that.

In fact, due to the extreme cult-like existence of islam, im sure if he doesn't have such a good karma on combat sports, then his family probably just hooked him up with all sorts of prayers and muslim spells, which is very ironic.

If a creepy goyim sheep like him can become undisputed UFC champion...

...Imagine what WE could do.

Im pretty intuitively inclined towards the idea that both HP Cobra and HPS Maxine, have some extensive skill and knowledge in self defense and combat sports.

It doesnt matter what you do, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, MMA, BJJ, wrestling, Karate...

Just do SOMETHING that cultivates the deliciously dangerous Martian energy in your body.

Physical efforts of people, wishing to better their situation, combined with metaphysical effort, can do wonders.

Do not be a pushover that gets easily intimidated by any scumbag out there.

Get out your house.
Go to a martial arts gym.
Train hard.
Eat and sleep well.

And kick some fucking ass if you need to, all while bettering yourself.

There are plenty of ways to cultivate masculine energy that is of a Martain nature. Mars square, Tiwaz or Thurisaz, Mannaz too although thats more for intellectual masculinity, you get the idea.

Learn how to neutralize physical threats.

Andras is a great fucking god.
We must all learn from him.

Life means growth. Death means stagnation.

Hail Satan, Hail Andras, and hail all the Powers of Hell, forever.
I'll add that I have been trained from a very young age in childhood, thanks to my parents. I won't say in what as the specifics don't matter, but it is important for everyone to have experience in martial activities.
TheWhiteGiant said:
It doesnt matter what you do, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, MMA, BJJ, wrestling, Karate...

Just do SOMETHING that cultivates the deliciously dangerous Martian energy in your body.

I agree with the post but it does matter what you choose to do. "Anything works" and "anything goes" is a false premise just like not "all spirituality goes so long you have one spirituality" or "any meditation goes". Since you are investing time, effort and energy, might as well choose something that will make it worth your time and investiment.

For striking:
Muay Thai over anything that became too sporty like modern Taekwondo and Karate, to American Kickboxing even. Although Muay Thai has become extremely popular due to its efficiency, it's never been watered down like its rival striking martial arts. Kickboxing was created after Karate masters had become bitter that Muay Thai has been proven more efficient by beating the living shit out of Karate in MMA tournaments, and is basically simplified Muay Thai.
If you can't find a Muay Thai gym (which is rare not to find one) then Kyokushin Karate or Kickboxing will do it.

For grappling/self-defense:
Wrestling over Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ is super famous because it infact has the most advanced techniques on body locks, but its biggest flaw is that it skips take downs, and unless you are an experience black belt who has experience with take-down tecniques, it only works if you're one the ground... Japanese pro-Wrestler Sakuraba destroyed the top members of the Gracie family (the founders of BJJ and UFC) and was called a "coward" because everytime he would win by simply avoiding going to the ground like BJJ is expected to be played.
"I Entered A BJJ Tournament To Prove It Doesn't Work": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAJ2vt8wUbY
Of course if you can practice both to perfection (and not slob just to say you practice both), more power to you, and anyway it is easier to find BJJ gyms I guess. Judo would do it for being strong on takedowns, but the grappling part seems more simplistic and is too focused on grabing your opponent's Gi.
Egon said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
It doesnt matter what you do, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, MMA, BJJ, wrestling, Karate...

Just do SOMETHING that cultivates the deliciously dangerous Martian energy in your body.

I agree with the post but it does matter what you choose to do. "Anything works" and "anything goes" is a false premise just like not "all spirituality goes so long you have one spirituality" or "any meditation goes". Since you are investing time, effort and energy, might as well choose something that will make it worth your time and investiment.

For striking:
Muay Thai over anything that became too sporty like modern Taekwondo and Karate, to American Kickboxing even. Although Muay Thai has become extremely popular due to its efficiency, it's never been watered down like its rival striking martial arts. Kickboxing was created after Karate masters had become bitter that Muay Thai has been proven more efficient by beating the living shit out of Karate in MMA tournaments, and is basically simplified Muay Thai.
If you can't find a Muay Thai gym (which is rare not to find one) then Kyokushin Karate or Kickboxing will do it.

For grappling/self-defense:
Wrestling over Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ is super famous because it infact has the most advanced techniques on body locks, but its biggest flaw is that it skips take downs, and unless you are an experience black belt who has experience with take-down tecniques, it only works if you're one the ground... Japanese pro-Wrestler Sakuraba destroyed the top members of the Gracie family (the founders of BJJ and UFC) and was called a "coward" because everytime he would win by simply avoiding going to the ground like BJJ is expected to be played.
"I Entered A BJJ Tournament To Prove It Doesn't Work": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAJ2vt8wUbY
Of course if you can practice both to perfection (and not slob just to say you practice both), more power to you, and anyway it is easier to find BJJ gyms I guess. Judo would do it for being strong on takedowns, but the grappling part seems more simplistic and is too focused on grabing your opponent's Gi.

Yes, you are right. My intention on that part, was to tell people who do not work out at all, to have at least some form of starting point.

I am aware of the points you mentioned, and I do agree with them. Some martial arts are simply better, even on the streets because of how well they employ the practicality of the crafty techniques mixed with the Martian energies.

Thank you for your input. Hail Satan.
This is a good post, I don't disagree with it, but idk, I always find the concept of fighting to be depressing. I keep thinking of the Rhodesian heavyweight Corrie Sanders. Big White dude, 6'4 250 pounds. The tough guy that tough guys want to be. His punches were a force of nature, another heavyweight champ said he had never been hit as hard as when Sanders punched him. And what happened? After South Africa went to shit, he was at a birthday party for his niece when there was a robbery, stepped in front of her to protect her, and caught some scumbag's bullet. People can talk tough about might making right, but it's too easy for a scumbag to beat a good man with some luck, numbers, or weapons. Natural selection or not, a productive member of society getting their skull crushed is too common. And martial arts might make a difference in some situations, but if there are 50 thugs with machetes outside my home it won't matter. I would rather be a beta male sitting cozily in a well-ordered civilization, than the toughest alpha male on the block in a dysfunctional society where I am always having to worry about my survival and that of my family. A lot of machismo just strikes me as self-delusion. It's too easy to be beaten down by life even when other humans aren't directly attacking.

Probably just a hangup or a personal weakness. Cognitively I know war is a part of life. Open to feedback.
HailVictory88 said:
This is a good post, I don't disagree with it, but idk, I always find the concept of fighting to be depressing. I keep thinking of the Rhodesian heavyweight Corrie Sanders. Big White dude, 6'4 250 pounds. The tough guy that tough guys want to be. His punches were a force of nature, another heavyweight champ said he had never been hit as hard as when Sanders punched him. And what happened? After South Africa went to shit, he was at a birthday party for his niece when there was a robbery, stepped in front of her to protect her, and caught some scumbag's bullet. People can talk tough about might making right, but it's too easy for a scumbag to beat a good man with some luck, numbers, or weapons. Natural selection or not, a productive member of society getting their skull crushed is too common. And martial arts might make a difference in some situations, but if there are 50 thugs with machetes outside my home it won't matter. I would rather be a beta male sitting cozily in a well-ordered civilization, than the toughest alpha male on the block in a dysfunctional society where I am always having to worry about my survival and that of my family. A lot of machismo just strikes me as self-delusion. It's too easy to be beaten down by life even when other humans aren't directly attacking.

Probably just a hangup or a personal weakness. Cognitively I know war is a part of life. Open to feedback.

You have to stop generalizing and using fallacy as truth. If the same offender had no weapons, you could still use your body, but you decided not to because "well they are better than me no matter what, idrather be lazy and not know how to defend my loved ones".

The white male champion you talk about, he would commit suicide if he didnt step in to block the bullet from hitting his family. Thats simply a strong mans job, depressing or not.

Plus, its not like we as Satanists are completely defenseless. Magick and aura manipulation can work in ways you do not expect. If you have a weak or damaged solar plexus or other male chakras, that usually leads to less success in masculine aspects of life, such as exerting pure raw energy, being energetic, victory in combat etc.

Remember that everything that exists in this world, is karmic. Through application of the knowledge here, we are able to change our karma and survive it, and fate would stop biting us in the arse.

I myself have survived very lethal situations because i was meditating consistently and had a more powerful AoP. Everytime i didnt do them, sth risky always happened.

And, not to be too dreamy on this, but siddhis do exist, if one wishes to work upon them consistently and properly. These same seemingly "out of reach" things, could potentially save a life.

You should get out of the Samsaric thinking box you are in, and open yourself up to other aspects of life. Of course, im not telling you to play it dumb when there exists a clear danger of losing your life, but dont be so traumatized and lacking from these parts of life, that you let any mongrel do whatever they want with you.

Remember, you are only born a male. Whether you turn into a man or not is your own doing, and thus, your own consequences.
HailVictory88 said:

Don't buy into the narrative of what alpha and beta males are. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a warped conception due to enemy curses and brainwashing. When thinking of a real alpha man, you need to look no further than our Gods. Use them as role models. Lord Apollo/Azazel, Lord Zeus/Baalzevulon, Lord Ares/Andras, Father Satan/Poseidon himself, etc. Those are the paragons of masculinity that you want to emulate and manifest in your life and personality. Take inspiration from them. They embody all the most refined and beneficial forms of Saturn, Mars and the Sun, the masculine planets par excellence.

:arrow: Leadership, authority and charisma
:arrow: Self-confidence, assertiveness, determination and self-esteem
:arrow: Entrepreneurship and success
:arrow: Organisation, resilience and persistence
:arrow: Physical fitness
:arrow: Heroism, bravery and protection
:arrow: Responsibility (both toward themselves and their community)
:arrow: Self-control, patience and self-discipline

And also a host of supporting feminine and neutral qualities:

:arrow: Caring
:arrow: Intuitive
:arrow: Growth-oriented
:arrow: Self-love
:arrow: and many more

Learning martial arts is part of being a man. One just needs to be reasonable about it. The main goal of it is survival, which is why you learn it for self-defence first and foremost. Some may naturally be inclined to competition which is alright if that's the career path you decided for yourself but it needs to be taken with utmost caution if it's not. For example, there is no virtue or masculinity in getting a brain injuries just because you cannot back down from sports fight. Better avoid those situations altogether than risk death, intelligence or spiritual advancement just because of lower, raw, untamed Mars energies that don't serve your best interests.

Keep in mind as well that, even in a well-ordered civilisation, there will always be disruptive individuals and crime as that just the way the universe works. The police and military cannot just teleport everywhere and know exactly when you're being threatened. Not to mention, some disputes are meant to be resolved by an individual rather than an organisation. It's apparent there is a need to know when you need to fight to protect (i.e. yourself, your family, your home, your friends, etc), when you need to delegate and when you need to completely avoid something and run.

This is up to your intelligence and your emotional and mental maturity to decide. In case you need to fight, however, you also need to know how to, which is where martial arts training and weapon training come in. Yes, you need to own firearms, train yourself in their usage and also regularly go to the shooting range to keep your skills sharp. Just owning a weapon doesn't make you good at using it. It's true that anyone can fire a gun but firing it properly rather than randomly it's a different concept altogether, as things like aim, recoil and other factors come into place.

Being harmless and defenceless just makes you an easier target. With the goal of humanity being advancement, having to die before your body expires and wait for your turn to reincarnate isn't exactly the best outcome. And you can only reincarnate so many times before your soul no longer has the energy to do it. Sure the Gods may help, but it's not their job to coddle you and you need to understand the consequences of your own actions.

Ideally, we'd all want for war and criminality to not exist and we'll do our to move as close to that goal as possible so that controlled aggression will only be expressed in martial arts competitions. However, that goal is far from the stage we are at. Not to mention there are different elements to Mars's energy, all of which need to be refined and expressed properly to avoid creating hangups. Aggression is one of them which is controlled in its refined form and directed in specific ways. When left unattended, it also wreaks havoc in your psyche and creates hangups and distorted manifestations like brutality, a love of gore, abusing your peers, murder, and so on. Just like celibacy, for example, leads to paedophilia and rape.
Like someone else already said in another topic, just any gym won't do. Find one that takes classes seriously.

For example, if the gym you found does 1 hour sessions, half of which is wasted on things other than boxing (i.e. condition), stay away from it. Half-assed training will only get you mediocre results at best. Things need to be done properly.

Physical conditioning needs to be separate from martial arts training, unless each session is 3 hours and there's at least 3-4 sessions a week. Still, that is suboptimal because your body will be tired before you even start technical training and your results will be mediocre at best.

If you're doing strength/agility/endurance training that is unrelated to your martial arts, better do it with a few hours of distance in between. Such as conditioning in the early morning and martial arts after work. If you can afford it (i.e. retired, young entrepreneurs), you can do early morning and early afternoon. It's always best for physical activities to be done when the Sun is up as that's when your body is naturally active and takes in more yang energy, which is abundant during the day and scarce during the night. Night is for relaxation and creative endeavours like music, creative arts, fiction writing, etc. and more passive activities like reading, as yin energy is abundant.

The modern habit of doing sports in the evening is very wrong. Better wake up early and do them before work instead.

Consistent training will also get the best results. So your training needs to be sufficient hours and sufficient times a week. Too many people nowadays take things too lightly. Have a trial class and see if the instructor's method is efficient as well. Gis, fancy tops... all that doesn't matter. What matters is:

:arrow: how you train
:arrow: how often you train
:arrow: for how long you train
:arrow: how effective are the techniques being taught
:arrow: how good your teacher is

A teacher's job is to imprint in you their subject in a 360 degrees way. They need to teach you the techniques, how to get the supporting body to properly train martial arts, how to get the supporting mindset to practice martial arts effectively. If any of this is lacking, then your teacher is not suited to teaching and most likely a bad martial artist too. Martial arts are a lifestyle, not a random activity to take lightly and without respect for yourself and the art.

Dim Mak is more efficient than any martial arts, as is any martial art where internal energy is properly cultivated and channeled into your strikes and blocks, which is another element that is lacking in modern martial arts.

Hello Dear Stormblood.
Thank you so much for your input, i have read so many of your posts, and i appreciate your comments ❤
Be blessed

Stormblood said:
Thank you both for the thoughtful and detailed replies. I know I need to work on this and get better. I do have strong instincts to protect and defend, which can be sublimated for useful things. I just find the extent to which brute force decides outcomes in our world depressing. But I guess that's all the more reason for good people to be adept in it.
That's very Beautiful but with a shot In the head everyone falls,ONLY on the movies wee see this motherfuckers defeating 20 30 mafians by themselves, theres no fucking jonny Rambo who can resist the progress of technology, u cant be really safe from phycisal attacks with martial arts even with a gun or taeser u still can get fucked but yeah in some situations it can be a great help. besides is good to practice some sport

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
