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clarification on race in the soul?

Shael said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
Shrouded said:

Stop just randomly throwing around claims on things you dont even have proper proof of, then claiming it's "obvious" and "proven".

Yes, race mixing is bad, and yes, principally speaking nobody should race mix even if it is sex with protection.

But nowhere is it "proven" that mixed-race sex would damage the soul of those engaging in it, nor that it would damage the DNA. There 100% will be some people coming on these forums who had interracial sex before, while they had no clue wtf they were doing, especially with how hard it is pushed in the world nowadays. And to fear-monger around here now with unproven claims like you are doing, could cause tons of misunderstandings and problems for other people reading through here down the line.

Mixed-race sex doesn't do damage to people's souls or DNA as you claim. It's definitely bad, and it can cause some bad things, but you will not have a permanently altered or "damaged" soul or DNA from something like this.
The main bad thing about race mixing, at the end of the day, is that it is unnatural and produces inferior offspring that has lost the more recessive part of their parents' DNA. It's not toxic to your soul nor will it destroy your DNA to do it. Any sane person will not need "fear of destroying your soul" in order to stay away from race mixing, as finding partners of your own race is something that comes naturally with having pride in your race and genetics.
There was an article that got on the important posts in the old forums that spoke about this dna thing, if you google it you will mostly find articles debunking it, the way I see it it's the typical leftists crying racism.
Maybe it doesn't damage your soul, but it certainly ruins you mentally.
Whomever is mixed with a non white counterpart should better be going with the non white counterpart.

White/Black, better go Black. This solves matters in one generation of descendants, which will be instantly Black again.

Chinese/White or Chinese/Black can also do the same thing as above.

What happens during sexual intercourse is that the souls of people do actually intermingle. This creates links between them and the energy exchange, while not "damning", can be highly problematic.

For example, a person having sex with a Black may be actually tuning too much into their energies, causing a loss or synchronicity to their mind if they are White, which fiddles with one's natural predisposition or how this would be if they had sex with another White. This is a minor example of how this can go. This affects Black and White person equally. Confusion can ensue from this practice.

This is why people in interracial partnerships tend after a point to either try to act "White" or act "Black" in a confused fashion. The other effects are behavioral, for example, one may want to pretend they are part of black culture while they are of Sweden or something. This causes endless confusion.

There is nothing "Bad" or "Sinful" about being born mixed race. One can advance like anyone else. One also does not need to be celibate. Sexual choices do include the non White race one has in them, and all people who are on the same mixing as one who happens to be mixed. This puts choices for partners out there in the hundreds of millions, and billions in many other cases.

There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin. It is simply who one is and one must accept this since there are billions of other people in the same case. There is nothing to feel bad about, but only to be observed and accepted as is.

In this case, a person who is Black/White mix can copulate with around 2 whole continents, tens and tens in the United States alone. There is no argument that one feels limited as there are endless potential lovers, soulmates, and partners one can have this way.

Your friend has nothing wrong with them and there is no point of her being paranoid.

We just need to be naturally aware of ourselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin.
As far as I know, we purify ourselves with spiritual advancement. And when we finish Magnum Opus, we will belong entirely to one race. So in the end we will all end up 100% "pure".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whomever is mixed with a non white counterpart should better be going with the non white counterpart.

White/Black, better go Black. This solves matters in one generation of descendants, which will be instantly Black again.

Chinese/White or Chinese/Black can also do the same thing as above.

What happens during sexual intercourse is that the souls of people do actually intermingle. This creates links between them and the energy exchange, while not "damning", can be highly problematic.

For example, a person having sex with a Black may be actually tuning too much into their energies, causing a loss or synchronicity to their mind if they are White, which fiddles with one's natural predisposition or how this would be if they had sex with another White. This is a minor example of how this can go. This affects Black and White person equally. Confusion can ensue from this practice.

This is why people in interracial partnerships tend after a point to either try to act "White" or act "Black" in a confused fashion. The other effects are behavioral, for example, one may want to pretend they are part of black culture while they are of Sweden or something. This causes endless confusion.

There is nothing "Bad" or "Sinful" about being born mixed race. One can advance like anyone else. One also does not need to be celibate. Sexual choices do include the non White race one has in them, and all people who are on the same mixing as one who happens to be mixed. This puts choices for partners out there in the hundreds of millions, and billions in many other cases.

There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin. It is simply who one is and one must accept this since there are billions of other people in the same case. There is nothing to feel bad about, but only to be observed and accepted as is.

In this case, a person who is Black/White mix can copulate with around 2 whole continents, tens and tens in the United States alone. There is no argument that one feels limited as there are endless potential lovers, soulmates, and partners one can have this way.

Your friend has nothing wrong with them and there is no point of her being paranoid.

We just need to be naturally aware of ourselves.

Thank you for the solid response and making sense of the topic with more clarity. Being in a relationship with a person, especially long term, of a different race would seem to be mentally confusing. This also goes into a self-denial or lack of self knowledge in regards to someone who thinks they should be with the race they respect or admire most. They should respect and admire who they are, not who they think they should be. Retaining culture is a part of this. We carry our racial culture in our souls, whether or not we even intentionally practice it. It’d come out in a long-term relationship and would muddle the culture as well. Especially if someone is prone to picking up their partners traits.

I think these concepts have always come naturally to me and I’ve naturally always stuck to my own without a second thought, even as a child. So, luckily I’ve been able to follow what I want and who I feel attracted to without any confusion. I’m naturally not wanting anything else and my own desires have followed along my lines but this isn’t the case for those who are mixed and indoctrinated heavily by the media or jewish influence.

I don’t think I’ve been understanding of what it’s like for others with racial indoctrination. Doesn’t benefit the groups to not get that, I’ve really been concerned with my own advancement and this isn’t an area I needed work in for my personal life, so I haven’t cared. I think a lot of people are really confused about their own nature and they should work this out, not through paranoia or self-hate, but through self acceptance and meditation. I may be a little bit too ‘lax and passive like some other aryans. I have always been very proud of my race though. As I meditate, this gets stronger and so does the aggression that I need, as well as awareness. It’s coming. I really am not trying to push some kind of race mixing ideology. Maybe I’ve been too comfortable. I can only make so many changes at once. I will understand and act accordingly in time.

I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.
Shrouded said:
1. Since all things in our past lives get carried over through reincarnation. Would a race mixed person be at fault for their own race mixing or would it be something they are unable to help? The reason I ask this is because if it is someones fault I believe they deserve to know and to accept their past actions. If we blame everything on "fate" then we will never advance after all.
If someonee had sexual intercourse with people of another race for several times over several lives (and maybe even having children), I think they can reincarnate mixed. It is a possibility but not a rule. Another possibility would be for that person to be mixed from his first life (bad luck, what can I say..)
Or he may have been cursed in a previous life.
Shrouded said:

Nobody is telling members not to have sex. Race mixed people should go with their predominant race as it will produce a child which is of said predominant race. Not to mention if it is their predominant race then as a result their soul is likely of said race.

It appears that you are pushing some jewish ideas about race mixing being okay.

I wouldn't consider it race mixing if the person goes with their predominant race but you appear to be saying just because a person is raced mixed they should be able to fuck whatever race they want?

Yes, there have been members saying she should not have sex, first of all.

Two, re-read what I said and the rest of the comments and that’ll answer your questions.

I’m very comfortable with myself and I don’t feel personally attacked or “triggered,” I’m not mixed either. I think there’s a misunderstanding. I’m not sure how it even appears that I’m defensive or triggered like some leftist maniac. I hope everything gets cleared up for ya.
Shael said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
Shrouded said:

Stop just randomly throwing around claims on things you dont even have proper proof of, then claiming it's "obvious" and "proven".

Yes, race mixing is bad, and yes, principally speaking nobody should race mix even if it is sex with protection.

But nowhere is it "proven" that mixed-race sex would damage the soul of those engaging in it, nor that it would damage the DNA. There 100% will be some people coming on these forums who had interracial sex before, while they had no clue wtf they were doing, especially with how hard it is pushed in the world nowadays. And to fear-monger around here now with unproven claims like you are doing, could cause tons of misunderstandings and problems for other people reading through here down the line.

Mixed-race sex doesn't do damage to people's souls or DNA as you claim. It's definitely bad, and it can cause some bad things, but you will not have a permanently altered or "damaged" soul or DNA from something like this.
The main bad thing about race mixing, at the end of the day, is that it is unnatural and produces inferior offspring that has lost the more recessive part of their parents' DNA. It's not toxic to your soul nor will it destroy your DNA to do it. Any sane person will not need "fear of destroying your soul" in order to stay away from race mixing, as finding partners of your own race is something that comes naturally with having pride in your race and genetics.

This is a good response, there shouldn’t be any shame or guilt over a past or even future experience. Awareness and education is key. If someone is taking Satanism seriously they will learn one way or another, and it won’t be through fear shame or guilt. I don’t believe in telling anyone who is advancing what they should or shouldn’t do in regards to their sex life. They can and will find for themselves what’s best for them when working with the closely with the Gods for advancement. Even if they are doing this outside of the groups. They will learn for themselves everything stated on here in their own way that makes sense to them if they don’t understand it through reading. What’s said by the HP’s is for awareness, education, and it’s a guide for the truth of Satan, nature, and reality. Ones reaction should not be fear, guilt, or to be taken as negative and forced ideology. It’s education and enlightenment. Sometimes someone may read something that doesn’t make sense, but after some growth they can come back to it and it does make sense to them. Or, they may be guided to further information on here for a time when they’re ready. They may also learn something new that has yet to be stated. JoS puts independence of thought as a first line in Satanism for that reason, Satan guides without an open book. I can definitely attest to the fact that even when I was working completely off the groups, what the HP’s say are things that I came to on my own through Satan. They are right. There’s no need to worry if something doesn’t make sense or to worry that one is a jew over minor cases of lack of understanding. Everything will come-to eventually with advancement on your own individual path with Satan and your GD.
NishaWillow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin.
As far as I know, we purify ourselves with spiritual advancement. And when we finish Magnum Opus, we will belong entirely to one race. So in the end we will all end up 100% "pure".

Purify means to remove impurities and imperfections from one's blueprint, and to reach a state of balance and health. This does not mean one will become another phenotype, but what one is, will gradually and continuously become more perfected.

People must not hate themselves. One is what one is, and one heals when they accept this. One does not need to purify themselves by wanting to be nobody and nothing else.

Purification and perfection rest upon the capacity to do this on our own, individual and unique soul and body.

People who use this as some sort of excuse to want to change race are having some hangups, and these are personal hangups and were not cause by Satanism or something. These can emerge in people in crazy ways, such as these people prone to self hate issues, can go into plastic surgery or self hate streaks which is something that happens frequently nowadays as people feel bad for being themselves.
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing. This is just the instinct talking, many instincts have been misdirected by brainwashing. After this is removed one can think matters clearly. When the heart and higher chakras are properly awakened, one will not only want sex or whatever, but aim for better relationships.

This happens in the best way with whom our blueprints match and members of our general race. We are just better of, more matching, and more satisfied this way.

Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality. Then, childen pay the price of this, mothers remain single and so forth. Many race mixed marriages are very short lived and most people are into these randomly and without really thinking how or why, they just went with it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing. This is just the instinct talking, many instincts have been misdirected by brainwashing. After this is removed one can think matters clearly. When the heart and higher chakras are properly awakened, one will not only want sex or whatever, but aim for better relationships.

This happens in the best way with whom our blueprints match and members of our general race. We are just better of, more matching, and more satisfied this way.

Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality. Then, childen pay the price of this, mothers remain single and so forth. Many race mixed marriages are very short lived and most people are into these randomly and without really thinking how or why, they just went with it.

You can see this in childhood, even. Those that say “children aren’t born with racism” are completely fucking wrong and have zero clue what’s natural. I’ve seen many children, same as myself as a child, completely reject a colored baby doll or Barbie. It makes no sense to them, and I remember how it made no sense to me. Children do not want to play with children of a different race either. When a child has these urges, parents should not tell their children they need to be friends with that person. They do not need to have a reason to not want to be friends with someone and they don’t need forced relationships. Children follow their own nature when pure in race. We can learn a lot from them. I witness it often and this was my experience as a child. Though my family was infiltrated in many ways, I’m grateful that I grew up with racial support and pride. They were not angry nasty or hateful for the wrong reasons, they simply understood that it’s not natural and they hated the idea of their kids being with someone of color and someone who isn’t of their own. The biggest issue with the Germans is that Germans post-ww2 completely refuse “hate-speech” about the jews. Germans post-ww2 will flip about it. Pre-ww2 Germans are a very sacred generation of old folks who still carry a hate for jews. Most Germans still refuse interracial relations and detest it, whether or not they openly state it, at least. I think I should just be grateful that I have my nature actually and I don’t need to try and look TOO far in to understanding the confusion of others. I think this entire topic carries enough. When someone is set in their nature and free of indoctrination, they really should follow their desires as they please, as it’ll lead to higher levels of advancement through the Gods and through self-knowledge. These emotions do have a powerful purpose and they lead me to what I need. Not to say I’m so super holy and advanced, but it’s only ever led me closer to the Gods and my true self. I believe Maxine is german as well, and she promotes a lot of freedom probably for the same reason. I don’t have to force myself to stay away from other races because it naturally won’t happen. Nothing will lead me to anything out of my own satanic bounds. After a certain point there aren’t any rules and one doesn’t need to tell themselves mechanically whether or not something is okay. We have to work with the natural rules around us and let Satan flow through us. If Satan or someone’s GD is telling them something contrary to what’s they believe, especially for those in a position of a power hierarchy in their career, it’s important to listen. They will teach a person how to deal naturally in an unnatural society and world. There were many times Hitler had to deal with Stalin, and he didn’t do it by literally throwing eggs at him. Even if he wanted to. That’s an entirely different topic though.

In conclusion, following the true nature of the self and the Gods is key. One may just first needs to get to their true nature, then the real fun begins.

I’m really glad this topic came about.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing. This is just the instinct talking, many instincts have been misdirected by brainwashing. After this is removed one can think matters clearly. When the heart and higher chakras are properly awakened, one will not only want sex or whatever, but aim for better relationships.

This happens in the best way with whom our blueprints match and members of our general race. We are just better of, more matching, and more satisfied this way.

Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality. Then, childen pay the price of this, mothers remain single and so forth. Many race mixed marriages are very short lived and most people are into these randomly and without really thinking how or why, they just went with it.

Also, sorry for a side question, but would this apply to somebody who is 1/8th or so mixed with a race of color who looks fully white? I find that it may actually apply, from seeing it, but I’m not certain. I know that may be a nuance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality.
This is very true. I’ve spoken of this in the past, but many years ago before I was really aware of any race issue, at least deeply, because my friends when I was younger were always egging me to date many races, I dated a black women. As far as any women I’ve been with, me and her were the most astrologically compatible. As well, we had so much in common. Yet, something wasn’t working. The chemistry wasn’t there as it was on paper. I couldn’t figure it out and the situation ended in pain. As I progressed in life and wised up, it became clear, it was the race differences. That was it the whole time. I think though I didn’t consciously realize it then, I did unconsciously. Our natures really aren’t meant to mix in that way. Romantically and sexually. I also remember thinking she was so beautiful, but for some reason I wasn’t sexually attracted to her even though she was so pretty and in the beginning I had to force myself to perform. The weird thing is once I got into it, after the break up I found it hard to be attracted to anything but blacks. It took much soul work to get past that. Many also report the same struggles when they go interracial. This itself shows it's wacking the brain in some way. As you said, your instincts push you away and when you ignore them, you’re kind of force rewiring in some way and this then has to be undone later which is a senseless hassle.

I just want to speak from personal experience so people see this isn’t a theory or overreaction when the race issue comes up, but instead a practical warning that will save a lot of pain and struggle if headed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NishaWillow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin.
As far as I know, we purify ourselves with spiritual advancement. And when we finish Magnum Opus, we will belong entirely to one race. So in the end we will all end up 100% "pure".

Purify means to remove impurities and imperfections from one's blueprint, and to reach a state of balance and health. This does not mean one will become another phenotype, but what one is, will gradually and continuously become more perfected.

People must not hate themselves. One is what one is, and one heals when they accept this. One does not need to purify themselves by wanting to be nobody and nothing else.

Purification and perfection rest upon the capacity to do this on our own, individual and unique soul and body.

People who use this as some sort of excuse to want to change race are having some hangups, and these are personal hangups and were not cause by Satanism or something. These can emerge in people in crazy ways, such as these people prone to self hate issues, can go into plastic surgery or self hate streaks which is something that happens frequently nowadays as people feel bad for being themselves.
Yes I understand. I was not referring to those who are half white and half black/asian, but to those who are 85-95% white. I think most whites are like that. And I'm curious.
I thought that once we finished Magnum Opus, we would be 100% white. I think it would make sense, how to say, "to clean" this part as well. I'm not saying we have to be obsessed with this, to advance only for this. Of course not.
But that's what I thought so far about it. Hm :-?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So it is then safe to assume, based on what you said here, that no "permanent damage" is done to ones soul from this, nor that ones DNA would somehow be altered or other bullshit like that. It's harmful and we all know this, but it's about time that these other weird claims that are circulating, are put to an end. The races are incompatible to each other, but they arent "toxic" to each other as those claims try to insinuate.

If you could write a bit to confirm or address this, even just a few sentences, it would be a great way for me to link back to it later if other members are confused about it in the future. After all, I can say as much as I want to but some people will never admit their delusions unless it's an HP who is debunking them.
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:

I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing. This is just the instinct talking, many instincts have been misdirected by brainwashing. After this is removed one can think matters clearly. When the heart and higher chakras are properly awakened, one will not only want sex or whatever, but aim for better relationships.

This happens in the best way with whom our blueprints match and members of our general race. We are just better of, more matching, and more satisfied this way.

Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality. Then, childen pay the price of this, mothers remain single and so forth. Many race mixed marriages are very short lived and most people are into these randomly and without really thinking how or why, they just went with it.

Also, sorry for a side question, but would this apply to somebody who is 1/8th or so mixed with a race of color who looks fully white? I find that it may actually apply, from seeing it, but I’m not certain. I know that may be a nuance.
What does 1/8 mean? Nothing.
Look at the characteristics of said person, look at its skin, look at the facial structure, look at the way it acts. Then make a guess of what race said person is.
Aquarius said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing. This is just the instinct talking, many instincts have been misdirected by brainwashing. After this is removed one can think matters clearly. When the heart and higher chakras are properly awakened, one will not only want sex or whatever, but aim for better relationships.

This happens in the best way with whom our blueprints match and members of our general race. We are just better of, more matching, and more satisfied this way.

Race mixed marriages break because there are incompatibilities in many unseen levels. There is no union that can entirely take place past a point. This is the reality. Then, childen pay the price of this, mothers remain single and so forth. Many race mixed marriages are very short lived and most people are into these randomly and without really thinking how or why, they just went with it.

Also, sorry for a side question, but would this apply to somebody who is 1/8th or so mixed with a race of color who looks fully white? I find that it may actually apply, from seeing it, but I’m not certain. I know that may be a nuance.
What does 1/8 mean? Nothing.
Look at the characteristics of said person, look at its skin, look at the facial structure, look at the way it acts. Then make a guess of what race said person is.

Sometimes a person is so degenerated that it’s difficult to even tell
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing.

I can strongly attest to this. It doesn't matter how you feel towards someone of another race, how much you like them or 'fantasize' or how high your drive is even or how desperate you may be for whatever, after a certain level of freeing the soul and spiritual cleansing it is psychologically impossible after a point to engage in race-mixing.

The very second anything of the sort becomes real in the slightest it will feel extremely wrong and repulsive. You can't do it, your soul legitimately recoils, it feels unnatural and disgusting.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:

I’ve really considered my official path to have started this year.

After you advance past a point it will be very difficult and impossible to even properly think or want to remotely engage in a race mixing relationship, it will just seem wrong, or extremely unappealing.

I can strongly attest to this. It doesn't matter how you feel towards someone of another race, how much you like them or 'fantasize' or how high your drive is even or how desperate you may be for whatever, after a certain level of freeing the soul and spiritual cleansing it is psychologically impossible after a point to engage in race-mixing.

The very second anything of the sort becomes real in the slightest it will feel extremely wrong and repulsive. You can't do it, your soul legitimately recoils, it feels unnatural and disgusting.

Exactly, it’s the second anything becomes real especially. Attraction is fine and can be for so many different reasons other than sexual attraction and actually wanting to be with that person. It’s just, when it comes down to it, nah.
Fenrir216 said:
Thuledragon666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Sometimes your responses are just...cold and extreme.
Thats not the most polite and humane answer.

This person is probably going through lots of confusion plus enemy attacks. Its not fair to just givea response like that when you dont know the situation with this person.

it is cold and extreme... yet understandable, I am not mad that he says something about a friend and fellow ss something like that, people have said far worse things to her than that.

that being said, yes she definitely is going through "enemy attacks" in the form of "Crypto jews" christian souls in pagan or christian form; the so called national socialists that acts like the fact she is mixed is her own crime instead of the crime onto her by her irresponsible parents and these people having so much disregard for the soul. SHE does alot of internet warfare trying to spread the word of JOS and equally influence survival and understanding for the white race and black race. part of it seems to be the constant shit thrown at her and she seems to see some of the posts in this forum regarding race and think its all over. she had me confused and with a second hand angst but I take it she is over complicating things, going unstable, and looking at everything with hang-ups. Most mixed people might suck but the mixed people that are jos and this one seem to have their shit steel instead of rotten where rotten are with feeble attempts to hurt others on their identity, if a mixed person stands under Satan, the natural order of things, and wish to help reverse what lead them to the point they are at (racial mixture and identity issues).... they are worth helping out then as they care, they fight. they want justice, order, freedom, and truth. they are comrades.

I remember a story about how the Moors would forcibly breed white and black slaves to create mixed race people, who were more aggressive and submissive to their masters, who believed by mixing they no longer had souls. Miscegenation was the greatest offense among the Aryan peoples of the world, thus they all had a caste system. By condemning real national socialists for not caring about somebody who is of mixed race, are you not indirectly insulting Aryan custom and culture?

they are entitled to not care about a mixed individual but I would say the way they can treat them might be uncalled for especially if it includes mixed people that don't act like controlled borgs of the jude. until a mixed person attacks someone for just being lucky enough to live a life of being one race physically then not so much to be mean about. I empathize under the idea, it could happen to me in some life and all the problems that come with it. I wouldn't say I am indirectly insulting aryan customs and culture, I am not encouraging race mixing nor am I okay with it... I am just not believing in being mean to just anyone who is mixed (for they truly belong to some race)
Fenrir216 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Jack said:
Just ignore her and focus on yourself. Generally it's not a good idea to associate with newly formed unstable races who are mixed in many different ways. They have a lot of problems and they'll just drag you down along with them.

Sometimes your responses are just...cold and extreme.
Thats not the most polite and humane answer.

This person is probably going through lots of confusion plus enemy attacks. Its not fair to just givea response like that when you dont know the situation with this person.
So the better option is to either lie to her about her ancestors fucking up in mixing, or allowing her to create more mixed race peoples leading to the same exact problem, just multiplied indefinitely. Honouring your enemy is a jewish invention that they preach to non-Jews and do not practice themselves. I wonder why.

You need to just freaking relax. Don't go on the opposite extreme now.
Thuledragon666 said:
Fenrir216 said:
Thuledragon666 said:
it is cold and extreme... yet understandable, I am not mad that he says something about a friend and fellow ss something like that, people have said far worse things to her than that.

that being said, yes she definitely is going through "enemy attacks" in the form of "Crypto jews" christian souls in pagan or christian form; the so called national socialists that acts like the fact she is mixed is her own crime instead of the crime onto her by her irresponsible parents and these people having so much disregard for the soul. SHE does alot of internet warfare trying to spread the word of JOS and equally influence survival and understanding for the white race and black race. part of it seems to be the constant shit thrown at her and she seems to see some of the posts in this forum regarding race and think its all over. she had me confused and with a second hand angst but I take it she is over complicating things, going unstable, and looking at everything with hang-ups. Most mixed people might suck but the mixed people that are jos and this one seem to have their shit steel instead of rotten where rotten are with feeble attempts to hurt others on their identity, if a mixed person stands under Satan, the natural order of things, and wish to help reverse what lead them to the point they are at (racial mixture and identity issues).... they are worth helping out then as they care, they fight. they want justice, order, freedom, and truth. they are comrades.

I remember a story about how the Moors would forcibly breed white and black slaves to create mixed race people, who were more aggressive and submissive to their masters, who believed by mixing they no longer had souls. Miscegenation was the greatest offense among the Aryan peoples of the world, thus they all had a caste system. By condemning real national socialists for not caring about somebody who is of mixed race, are you not indirectly insulting Aryan custom and culture?

they are entitled to not care about a mixed individual but I would say the way they can treat them might be uncalled for especially if it includes mixed people that don't act like controlled borgs of the jude. until a mixed person attacks someone for just being lucky enough to live a life of being one race physically then not so much to be mean about. I empathize under the idea, it could happen to me in some life and all the problems that come with it. I wouldn't say I am indirectly insulting aryan customs and culture, I am not encouraging race mixing nor am I okay with it... I am just not believing in being mean to just anyone who is mixed (for they truly belong to some race)
Bro I apologize for being mean kay. As for this anxiety thing Man just tell her to chill out ? Like "Hey just chill out. Your just being too paranoid about this." Mixed race people have extremely high occurence of mental and psychological issue related to anxiety and depression which is proven science.

Tell her to do the psychological healing working from lydia if she does meditation.
Just tell her to accept herself. "Just accept yourself if you're mixed race ,your mixed race." Tell her to do self acceptance trance work and void meditation sessions. There are a lot of slanty eyed white - asian dudes who are born out of whites and asians who are known as hapas. She should just go with these and make sure that her children would be racially aware and go back to Japan where they belong along other slanty eyed individuals. Hapas are extremely high demand mates in japan as Asian women seem to have some sort of extreme white sexual fetish, while white women have an extreme anti Asian sexual selection mechanism.

She'll just be happy with slanty eyed little hapa kid running around who will do very good in Japan. That is if the children would be cute. No one likes ugly people regardless of race. (Jk I'm being sarcastically dank.)

I mean if she looks like this,

The Japanese would love to accept her into their society.

Related academic reading -

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
