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Child ritual murder is very real


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.

Thats pretty fucked up, but honestly I'm not surprised. There is something VERY off about their meat to me and i dont think its artificial beef or whatever
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
Here's the interview. Fucking kikes.
This is a satire site.


But anything with satire is generally not too far away from the truth.
I know there is high likelihood that something like that is happening sometimes but the truth is that site and article seems completely fake.

It would be far better to try and find legitimate sources on this thing.


That sounds like a fake name.

Also since when do they openly admit that the white race is their enemy like that most the time they hide it behind words like Amalak or Esav or goyim etc.

Idk not saying it didn't happen but this one sounds fake to me.
Though the other day when I ate a sausage I swear I got this really creepy feeling from it and felt something disturbing like that from it like I might even be eating human something. It had an extremely fearful energy. I threw that out. I dont get this bad feeling very often though in fact that was the only time in my life that happened. But i am sure they do rituals and possibly even sacrifices connected to the food supply I wish we had better info on this.
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
I've watched the video years ago when it was linked here by the HP's. Very disturbing, of course the jews freaked out and took the video down and tried to make this rabbi look crazy but he was saying the truth, why?

Because there are some jews who really think they can get way with everything because they think their thoughtform is that powerful, in a way its true as they did get away with a lot but now thanks to the RTR this is no more.
This is beyond disgusting, for this act simply no word.
When i read such news my brain automatically imagines the situation as this inhuman horror happens to children.
Imagine how these filthy bastrad reptilian jews take them to to place where they just kill them with absolute cold blood.
What go through in his/her head, how deadly scared they must be, what they can feel when they start torture and killing them?
What kind of deadly energy must be in the room or basement where these rituals or murdering are made??

It is impossible to understand it, my soul is not like this and I think this is the reasin I never going to understand it.
There is a point where my brain can not take more of the questions what I give to myself and I just stop and more of the time I cry for these inocent children.

I am fully aware that these things are happening and they do harvest our childrens spiritual energy to keep the energy going to their masters.

In a 1950s it was a meat ginder for humens. The bolshevik communist bastards were commissioned an engineer to build a high-performance grinder.
That thing was placed in the basement of the communist party house. Many-many people were missing, many reports been made about missing persons,
too many. They liquidated everyone who posed a threat to them. Political prisoners were kept near to the basement so after they torured them, they throw
them in the grinder and problem solved. The pieces went to the canal and then to the river. Huge amout of fish appear in the connection of the river with the
canal and fishermens also realized that something unusual is happening. A little of time the bolsheviks saw this and banned all the fishermens to go there.
This was fully docmented, many reseraches has been made and this horroristic true came on surface. After the communist regime collapsed, people still
were so scared that they stayed silent about this things and many others what the filthy bolsheviks done to the population. The engineer by the way emigrated
to Switzerland when he found out what was the main purpose of that machine.

And this is only one story, what could happened in the jewish gulags in the soviet union?? What we know, that is just a tip of an iceberg.
I want the time when we will do this to the jews from the youngest till the oldest, and make the world JEWFREE!
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
Here's the interview. Fucking kikes.

Thank you for providing the link..this brought me to angry tears. im spreading it and hope you guys do too as well as the one i give below. i will never understand or get used to the fact that this disgusting act has been done for over millenia on our planet. The illuminati themselves even admit to it. here below is another link. this is part one, although it is in dutch it has english subtitles...not sure if this guy is a kike or not but although he shills for xnity in some parts of the interviews, he is an ex top banker that worked in the BIS bank and tells alot about what goes on but does not name anyone. he knows if he does hes fucked. The BIS are immune to all the laws of men and even have their own private fucking army. He literally was told he had to put his conscience in the deep freeze to be in the business..sure enough he gets invited to participate in a child sacrifice. after watching a series of these interviews with him it had me emotional for days...the enemy must be utterly and mercilessly annihalated of this planet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-DwTsUKXxQ
DragonFire11 said:
This is beyond disgusting, for this act simply no word.
When i read such news my brain automatically imagines the situation as this inhuman horror happens to children.
Imagine how these filthy bastrad reptilian jews take them to to place where they just kill them with absolute cold blood.
What go through in his/her head, how deadly scared they must be, what they can feel when they start torture and killing them?
What kind of deadly energy must be in the room or basement where these rituals or murdering are made??

It is impossible to understand it, my soul is not like this and I think this is the reasin I never going to understand it.
There is a point where my brain can not take more of the questions what I give to myself and I just stop and more of the time I cry for these inocent children.

I am fully aware that these things are happening and they do harvest our childrens spiritual energy to keep the energy going to their masters.

In a 1950s it was a meat ginder for humens. The bolshevik communist bastards were commissioned an engineer to build a high-performance grinder.
That thing was placed in the basement of the communist party house. Many-many people were missing, many reports been made about missing persons,
too many. They liquidated everyone who posed a threat to them. Political prisoners were kept near to the basement so after they torured them, they throw
them in the grinder and problem solved. The pieces went to the canal and then to the river. Huge amout of fish appear in the connection of the river with the
canal and fishermens also realized that something unusual is happening. A little of time the bolsheviks saw this and banned all the fishermens to go there.
This was fully docmented, many reseraches has been made and this horroristic true came on surface. After the communist regime collapsed, people still
were so scared that they stayed silent about this things and many others what the filthy bolsheviks done to the population. The engineer by the way emigrated
to Switzerland when he found out what was the main purpose of that machine.

And this is only one story, what could happened in the jewish gulags in the soviet union?? What we know, that is just a tip of an iceberg.
I want the time when we will do this to the jews from the youngest till the oldest, and make the world JEWFREE!

We can never understand their ways because we are not disgusting reptiles that take sadistic pleasure in perverting all life in every act and manner on this planet they are raping. The world elite participates in this shit regularly. mass graves suggensting human sacrifices have been found under the vatican as well. this is perhaps one of the biggest thing that hits me the hardest...what they do to the kids and animals. everytime i see something about it i want to go into a blind rage. RTRS RTRS RTRS :evil:
slyscorpion said:
Though the other day when I ate a sausage I swear I got this really creepy feeling from it and felt something disturbing like that from it like I might even be eating human something. It had an extremely fearful energy. I threw that out. I dont get this bad feeling very often though in fact that was the only time in my life that happened. But i am sure they do rituals and possibly even sacrifices connected to the food supply I wish we had better info on this.

youre not the only one thats mentioned something like this. when i was a kid i didnt get vibes from it but sometimes i wouldnt feel the greatest...as for this source, i posted it as well because i remember reading something like this years back, and i also have come across one or 2 other not satirical interviews where jews very arrogantly and openly admit shit like this..i wish i could find them cus i would post them but this was several years ago.
DragonFire11 said:
This is beyond disgusting, for this act simply no word.
When i read such news my brain automatically imagines the situation as this inhuman horror happens to children.
Imagine how these filthy bastrad reptilian jews take them to to place where they just kill them with absolute cold blood.
What go through in his/her head, how deadly scared they must be, what they can feel when they start torture and killing them?
What kind of deadly energy must be in the room or basement where these rituals or murdering are made??

It is impossible to understand it, my soul is not like this and I think this is the reasin I never going to understand it.
There is a point where my brain can not take more of the questions what I give to myself and I just stop and more of the time I cry for these inocent children.

I am fully aware that these things are happening and they do harvest our childrens spiritual energy to keep the energy going to their masters.

In a 1950s it was a meat ginder for humens. The bolshevik communist bastards were commissioned an engineer to build a high-performance grinder.
That thing was placed in the basement of the communist party house. Many-many people were missing, many reports been made about missing persons,
too many. They liquidated everyone who posed a threat to them. Political prisoners were kept near to the basement so after they torured them, they throw
them in the grinder and problem solved. The pieces went to the canal and then to the river. Huge amout of fish appear in the connection of the river with the
canal and fishermens also realized that something unusual is happening. A little of time the bolsheviks saw this and banned all the fishermens to go there.
This was fully docmented, many reseraches has been made and this horroristic true came on surface. After the communist regime collapsed, people still
were so scared that they stayed silent about this things and many others what the filthy bolsheviks done to the population. The engineer by the way emigrated
to Switzerland when he found out what was the main purpose of that machine.

And this is only one story, what could happened in the jewish gulags in the soviet union?? What we know, that is just a tip of an iceberg.
I want the time when we will do this to the jews from the youngest till the oldest, and make the world JEWFREE!

I heard about this meat grinder!
I am so proud of the heroes of 1956!
luis said:
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
I've watched the video years ago when it was linked here by the HP's. Very disturbing, of course the jews freaked out and took the video down and tried to make this rabbi look crazy but he was saying the truth, why?

Because there are some jews who really think they can get way with everything because they think their thoughtform is that powerful, in a way its true as they did get away with a lot but now thanks to the RTR this is no more.
this is another reason why im sure the interview is not faked..alot of kikes are that arrogant to just rub all the horrific acts in someones face that they commit very openly because they know they will get away with it or the goy will be called an antisemite raysys. the "kosher way" he calls it...fuck sake. this is why i boycott anything kosher or halal. same shit different name...all made by the jew.
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
Here's the interview. Fucking kikes.
Here it is the jews bragging about the terrible things they do to us, they think their spells will protect them forever, maybe before but now they will have all the shit coming to them.
Thinking about stuff like this I realized yesterday after replying makes you think that the reality imposed on us by Jews is like some cheap horror film nightmare reality. It almost makes you not want to be here to be honest and demotivated.

But thinking of a future without this kind of stuff. The first time I would go for a walk in nature with some other SS or meditate or celebrate holidays etc in the future probably near the end of next year possibly even.

This makes it worth it to fight and do the final rtr and other things to make the world better and advance.

Btw I personally rarely if ever have gone to Mc Donalds the only real time I really did was when someone took me there or asked me to get something from there for them and this place in particular above all others I have to comment when I was a little kid like maybe 7 or 8. My parents even remember I didn't want to go inside or touch the food or anything. Didn't know why I just remember feeling something very fearful about it. This place above all others I kind of had an aversion to by intuition.

Probably if it's for real stuff like this explains it. I guess intuition isnt always wrong.
slyscorpion said:
Thinking about stuff like this I realized yesterday after replying makes you think that the reality imposed on us by Jews is like some cheap horror film nightmare reality. It almost makes you not want to be here to be honest and demotivated.

But thinking of a future without this kind of stuff. The first time I would go for a walk in nature with some other SS or meditate or celebrate holidays etc in the future probably near the end of next year possibly even.

This makes it worth it to fight and do the final rtr and other things to make the world better and advance.

Btw I personally rarely if ever have gone to Mc Donalds the only real time I really did was when someone took me there or asked me to get something from there for them and this place in particular above all others I have to comment when I was a little kid like maybe 7 or 8. My parents even remember I didn't want to go inside or touch the food or anything. Didn't know why I just remember feeling something very fearful about it. This place above all others I kind of had an aversion to by intuition.

Probably if it's for real stuff like this explains it. I guess intuition isnt always wrong.

I know exactly what you mean. It makes me cry sometimes even but it also fuels my hatred for the enemy knowing that when they are gone our world will be what you described after they are gone. I have ignored my intuition in the past and when i did i always got a "told ya so" back when somethin went wrong.
darkpath said:
DragonFire11 said:
This is beyond disgusting, for this act simply no word.
When i read such news my brain automatically imagines the situation as this inhuman horror happens to children.
Imagine how these filthy bastrad reptilian jews take them to to place where they just kill them with absolute cold blood.
What go through in his/her head, how deadly scared they must be, what they can feel when they start torture and killing them?
What kind of deadly energy must be in the room or basement where these rituals or murdering are made??

It is impossible to understand it, my soul is not like this and I think this is the reasin I never going to understand it.
There is a point where my brain can not take more of the questions what I give to myself and I just stop and more of the time I cry for these inocent children.

I am fully aware that these things are happening and they do harvest our childrens spiritual energy to keep the energy going to their masters.

In a 1950s it was a meat ginder for humens. The bolshevik communist bastards were commissioned an engineer to build a high-performance grinder.
That thing was placed in the basement of the communist party house. Many-many people were missing, many reports been made about missing persons,
too many. They liquidated everyone who posed a threat to them. Political prisoners were kept near to the basement so after they torured them, they throw
them in the grinder and problem solved. The pieces went to the canal and then to the river. Huge amout of fish appear in the connection of the river with the
canal and fishermens also realized that something unusual is happening. A little of time the bolsheviks saw this and banned all the fishermens to go there.
This was fully docmented, many reseraches has been made and this horroristic true came on surface. After the communist regime collapsed, people still
were so scared that they stayed silent about this things and many others what the filthy bolsheviks done to the population. The engineer by the way emigrated
to Switzerland when he found out what was the main purpose of that machine.

And this is only one story, what could happened in the jewish gulags in the soviet union?? What we know, that is just a tip of an iceberg.
I want the time when we will do this to the jews from the youngest till the oldest, and make the world JEWFREE!

I heard about this meat grinder!
I am so proud of the heroes of 1956!

Exactly I meant this video, and this is not a joke.
This is so inconceivable, how they could do something terrible and feeling nothing after it.

Yes, respect for all the brave heroes who fought againts the jewish bolshevik murderers.
Unfortunately since that time the jewish destroy a lot, especialy the morality of the nation.
Good to know you brother and you are here.

Hail Satan, Hail Hitler.
DragonFire11 said:
darkpath said:
DragonFire11 said:
This is beyond disgusting, for this act simply no word.
When i read such news my brain automatically imagines the situation as this inhuman horror happens to children.
Imagine how these filthy bastrad reptilian jews take them to to place where they just kill them with absolute cold blood.
What go through in his/her head, how deadly scared they must be, what they can feel when they start torture and killing them?
What kind of deadly energy must be in the room or basement where these rituals or murdering are made??

It is impossible to understand it, my soul is not like this and I think this is the reasin I never going to understand it.
There is a point where my brain can not take more of the questions what I give to myself and I just stop and more of the time I cry for these inocent children.

I am fully aware that these things are happening and they do harvest our childrens spiritual energy to keep the energy going to their masters.

In a 1950s it was a meat ginder for humens. The bolshevik communist bastards were commissioned an engineer to build a high-performance grinder.
That thing was placed in the basement of the communist party house. Many-many people were missing, many reports been made about missing persons,
too many. They liquidated everyone who posed a threat to them. Political prisoners were kept near to the basement so after they torured them, they throw
them in the grinder and problem solved. The pieces went to the canal and then to the river. Huge amout of fish appear in the connection of the river with the
canal and fishermens also realized that something unusual is happening. A little of time the bolsheviks saw this and banned all the fishermens to go there.
This was fully docmented, many reseraches has been made and this horroristic true came on surface. After the communist regime collapsed, people still
were so scared that they stayed silent about this things and many others what the filthy bolsheviks done to the population. The engineer by the way emigrated
to Switzerland when he found out what was the main purpose of that machine.

And this is only one story, what could happened in the jewish gulags in the soviet union?? What we know, that is just a tip of an iceberg.
I want the time when we will do this to the jews from the youngest till the oldest, and make the world JEWFREE!

I heard about this meat grinder!
I am so proud of the heroes of 1956!

Exactly I meant this video, and this is not a joke.
This is so inconceivable, how they could do something terrible and feeling nothing after it.

Yes, respect for all the brave heroes who fought againts the jewish bolshevik murderers.
Unfortunately since that time the jewish destroy a lot, especialy the morality of the nation.
Good to know you brother and you are here.

Hail Satan, Hail Hitler.
There is nothing inconceivable. The army of nation X cannot fail to attack the army and civilians of nation Y if they are at war. Children and women cannot be spared because they are the same genetics. So much for enemies and wars. Jews fight like worms but that doesn't mean they're not enemies.
Shadowcat said:
luis said:
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
I've watched the video years ago when it was linked here by the HP's. Very disturbing, of course the jews freaked out and took the video down and tried to make this rabbi look crazy but he was saying the truth, why?

Because there are some jews who really think they can get way with everything because they think their thoughtform is that powerful, in a way its true as they did get away with a lot but now thanks to the RTR this is no more.
this is another reason why im sure the interview is not faked..alot of kikes are that arrogant to just rub all the horrific acts in someones face that they commit very openly because they know they will get away with it or the goy will be called an antisemite raysys. the "kosher way" he calls it...fuck sake. this is why i boycott anything kosher or halal. same shit different name...all made by the jew.

Not faked but I think the interview is not 100% honest because at 13:05 the rabbi says "our god is Lucifer" which is clearly false and one of the many cheap tricks which they often use in there "interviews" to make Father Satan the bad guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCmS6dKPEd0
Not saying it is all false, there is good amount of info in the video but some could be twisted, that is what the jews do with most of the things, corrupt there knowledge/info. Where there is a jew, there is always distortion of information/knowledge to mislead/misinform people.

Now because of that line "Lucifer is our god" 70-80% of the viewers of the video might have aligned themselves more towards Xianity. The jews try to gain from everything they do, even when they spout some of the so called truth out of their grotty mouths.

Be careful with these "interviews" with "rabbis"
Nikois666 said:
Shadowcat said:
luis said:
I've watched the video years ago when it was linked here by the HP's. Very disturbing, of course the jews freaked out and took the video down and tried to make this rabbi look crazy but he was saying the truth, why?

Because there are some jews who really think they can get way with everything because they think their thoughtform is that powerful, in a way its true as they did get away with a lot but now thanks to the RTR this is no more.
this is another reason why im sure the interview is not faked..alot of kikes are that arrogant to just rub all the horrific acts in someones face that they commit very openly because they know they will get away with it or the goy will be called an antisemite raysys. the "kosher way" he calls it...fuck sake. this is why i boycott anything kosher or halal. same shit different name...all made by the jew.

Not faked but I think the interview is not 100% honest because at 13:05 the rabbi says "our god is Lucifer" which is clearly false and one of the many cheap tricks which they often use in there "interviews" to make Father Satan the bad guy. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=nCmS6dKPEd0
Not saying it is all false, there is good amount of info in the video but some could be twisted, that is what the jews do with most of the things, corrupt there knowledge/info. Where there is a jew, there is always distortion of information/knowledge to mislead/misinform people.

Now because of that line "Lucifer is our god" 70-80% of the viewers of the video might have aligned themselves more towards Xianity. The jews try to gain from everything they do, even when they spout some of the so called truth out of their grotty mouths.

Be careful with these "interviews" with "rabbis"

Indeed that one part i was completely aware of. They do it all the time.
Nikois666 said:
Shadowcat said:
luis said:
I've watched the video years ago when it was linked here by the HP's. Very disturbing, of course the jews freaked out and took the video down and tried to make this rabbi look crazy but he was saying the truth, why?

Because there are some jews who really think they can get way with everything because they think their thoughtform is that powerful, in a way its true as they did get away with a lot but now thanks to the RTR this is no more.
this is another reason why im sure the interview is not faked..alot of kikes are that arrogant to just rub all the horrific acts in someones face that they commit very openly because they know they will get away with it or the goy will be called an antisemite raysys. the "kosher way" he calls it...fuck sake. this is why i boycott anything kosher or halal. same shit different name...all made by the jew.

Not faked but I think the interview is not 100% honest because at 13:05 the rabbi says "our god is Lucifer" which is clearly false and one of the many cheap tricks which they often use in there "interviews" to make Father Satan the bad guy. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=nCmS6dKPEd0
Not saying it is all false, there is good amount of info in the video but some could be twisted, that is what the jews do with most of the things, corrupt there knowledge/info. Where there is a jew, there is always distortion of information/knowledge to mislead/misinform people.

Now because of that line "Lucifer is our god" 70-80% of the viewers of the video might have aligned themselves more towards Xianity. The jews try to gain from everything they do, even when they spout some of the so called truth out of their grotty mouths.

Be careful with these "interviews" with "rabbis"
You are probabily right, this does not mean they did not exposed themselves a lot. Noticed how he did not say Satan but Lucifer. They use this because its a word that mean "The bringer of light" which for them is their thoughtform. But of course they use this to fake stuff and let the goym think they are working with Satan...
stop eating from Jewish restaurants or don't trust animal meat from any local restaurants people are getting worse and worse their soul is decadent.


there is a High connection between ((THEM)) and Turkomongolian invasion in eastern europe, butchering & eating croatians
Nikois666 said:
Not faked but I think the interview is not 100% honest because at 13:05 the rabbi says "our god is Lucifer" which is clearly false and one of the many cheap tricks which they often use in there "interviews" to make Father Satan the bad guy. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=nCmS6dKPEd0
Not saying it is all false, there is good amount of info in the video but some could be twisted, that is what the jews do with most of the things, corrupt there knowledge/info. Where there is a jew, there is always distortion of information/knowledge to mislead/misinform people.

Now because of that line "Lucifer is our god" 70-80% of the viewers of the video might have aligned themselves more towards Xianity. The jews try to gain from everything they do, even when they spout some of the so called truth out of their grotty mouths.

Be careful with these "interviews" with "rabbis"

Actually the person who they trigger besides christards is also you. You fell for the "Lucifer" trap as well in a counter-productive way.

"Lucifer-Christos"? or "Lucifer-Satan"?

Which Lucifer are they referring to?

Lucifer or Mourningstar or Mourningbringing or "Lightbringer" or "Light-bearer"

So which Lucifer are they referring to?

Especially with christarded people they go "Oy gevalt those evil "synagogues of Satan"? "Oy gevalt the lawd is gonna crush them".

Funny enough christarded people just pumped at their church or polytheistic anti-gods and are promoting the hoax of christardity. This rabbi knows "exactly" what he is doing and is doing it to keep the hamster wheel rolling for the jews. In other words the jew threw a spiritual corrupted word and wins many followers as now the people are praying and pumping to their hearts content and this rabbi is *rubbing hands together* going at least we got exposed but we made numerous christards pump the kaballah and we can continue doing as the tribe our magickal machinations.


Do some research on it and don't fall for the trap of "tricknology" and "jewdi mind tricks".
Is there a way to get the number of missing children, by month for each year?

This would totally expose the jewish filth!
Jewish Ritual Murder


jewish ritual murder archive


What can we do against this fucking jews?
NinRick said:
Is there a way to get the number of missing children, by month for each year?

This would totally expose the jewish filth!
If there is i dont know of it..i wish i did because it would be spread all around. The way they bribe and cover up makes it hard as it is to trace back to them. The elites have total immunity to mans laws ..and their criminality hates competition.
Gear88 said:
Nikois666 said:
Not faked but I think the interview is not 100% honest because at 13:05 the rabbi says "our god is Lucifer" which is clearly false and one of the many cheap tricks which they often use in there "interviews" to make Father Satan the bad guy. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=nCmS6dKPEd0
Not saying it is all false, there is good amount of info in the video but some could be twisted, that is what the jews do with most of the things, corrupt there knowledge/info. Where there is a jew, there is always distortion of information/knowledge to mislead/misinform people.

Now because of that line "Lucifer is our god" 70-80% of the viewers of the video might have aligned themselves more towards Xianity. The jews try to gain from everything they do, even when they spout some of the so called truth out of their grotty mouths.

Be careful with these "interviews" with "rabbis"

Actually the person who they trigger besides christards is also you. You fell for the "Lucifer" trap as well in a counter-productive way.

"Lucifer-Christos"? or "Lucifer-Satan"?

Which Lucifer are they referring to?

Lucifer or Mourningstar or Mourningbringing or "Lightbringer" or "Light-bearer"

So which Lucifer are they referring to?

Especially with christarded people they go "Oy gevalt those evil "synagogues of Satan"? "Oy gevalt the lawd is gonna crush them".

Funny enough christarded people just pumped at their church or polytheistic anti-gods and are promoting the hoax of christardity. This rabbi knows "exactly" what he is doing and is doing it to keep the hamster wheel rolling for the jews. In other words the jew threw a spiritual corrupted word and wins many followers as now the people are praying and pumping to their hearts content and this rabbi is *rubbing hands together* going at least we got exposed but we made numerous christards pump the kaballah and we can continue doing as the tribe our magickal machinations.


Do some research on it and don't fall for the trap of "tricknology" and "jewdi mind tricks".

Thanks for the info and link, much appreciated.
Google: WorldCorp enterprises.
The Alchemist7 said:
Shadowcat said:
what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down
I found a 1.18.04 hours long interview on this.
Yesterday this video was working fine, i stopped it and wanted to continue it today, and guess what?
I don't know if it's just a problem of mine, but it displays an error page and it seems that the video has been erased
ok now the video seems to work
Jewish Ritual Murder


jewish ritual murder archive

Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
This reptile admits that macdonalds is essentially connected to jewish child ritual murder...specifically white children he calls children of the enemy...what a cohencidence the audio interview was taken down ...bumped into this when i stumbled across stormfront.
Disgusting reptiles.
Here's the interview. Fucking kikes.

I have been looking online and everything says this interview is fake. Can someone provide proof that is was real and not made up? I'm not doubting, just want to be sure for myself that this guy was real.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
