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Charity, volunteering and the like


New member
Nov 19, 2017
What is Satanism's view of charity, volunteering, and the like?

I'm not talking about helping others just within Satanism and our Satanic community, I'm talking about helping others in our community and even globally.

And what is the relationship between helping others and karma? I've read both here and in Hindu stories that helping others or seeking to help the community ends up reducing karma and bringing improvements to one's own soul.

If this is indeed true, do we naturally carry the need to help others as human beings? Is this one of the purposes of being a Satanist and achieving evolution as well?
You have to be careful with charities, because a lot of them are founded by Jews, especially the famous ones, and they just stole the money.
And overall the best place you should donate your money is the JoS, but you can also donate to local charities that you trust. It's your choice. If I'm not wrong you can also donate to schools and so on.

What one should do at least is to donate their old clothes / their children's old clothes to the red cross or some similar organization.
Balance is our view.
Don't help others to the point where it hurts your own advancement. In layman's terms, don't help someone eat when it would mean that you then starve yourself. These are abrahamic lies that incorrectly frame what helping others genuinely is: the fact that you are helping a group you are part of. Yourself, your family, your nation, your race, humanity as a whole. You are part of all of them, and their general success affects your own success.

But it is absolutely important to help others and make the world a better place.
I believe that nearly all charities and so kind "organizations/society's" and everything literally are 99% scams , I think if the one who Rule wanted the best of us , then we wouldn't live such desperate times, therefore I think those charity you see are all acting and already pre-planned fated to take money and run away.

I never seen in my life some charity going to some place of need and give stuff for free to anyone, ever ,maybe there surely are a few good ones but maybe 1 in 100.000.

I wish you good luck but in business and all sort of things you got to act to get what you want , otherwise they will just not provide you with the enough to succeed , you got to be smarter then the system and then you gonna get what you want. Is this something you want doing because you truly care for others it was just a money idea plan while helping others indeed also keep something for yourself ? Because as far as I know , most of charity are obliged to actual use just 10% or something of all donations into doing whatever they promised will be doing and the rest of 90% goes in their pockets.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
