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Charity & Helping Other People In Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Too tired to care said:
I go to a gas station in my town and I have been noticing this homeless man their about every day. I want to help the guy with a warm blanket and a meal but I don't want to break a rule of father Satan. So I looked in all the books of his nothing says we shouldn't help them or we should help .

So what does father Satan say about this or a high priest and I know what my user name is...

I may be to tired to care but my heart ain't completely numb I been in that man's shoes years ago....


Father Satan and the Gods are doing the very same thing to humanity, they see us blind and without knowledge, and they intervene to help us, insofar we want to help ourselves.

I do charity in my life. And by charity I mean giving to where I expect nothing in return at all. Charity is something the enemy stole and perverted completely, a practice that did intense damage to the fabric of society and how people see one another.

Proper charity consists of helping others, but helping especially those who need to take a few steps to get better. You can never be sure of this, so helping a bit anyway is a gesture of goodness at the soul.

Certain events in my life have been extremely enigmatic and I often avoid mentioning them in order to not move the general approach of sermons from the point of staying focused on the tasks. But this one falls into the category of use where it's necessary to relate on this subject.

One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a homeless man sitting by the trash can. He was literally eating from the trash can, from an open bag of thrown out food.

I just stopped there and asked him what happened to him, and if he needs a meal, as this was a very busy road and I would likely not be there again. They replied to me "No, I do not need a meal, I am fine with what I have, that will do for me tonight, thank you".

He explained to me they had 3 degrees and they were a linguist, and told me their life story and how things went very wrong. As to not expand much on this, life had hit them brutally on this time of their life. I could tell the man was not lacking intelligence or something, we could say a pure victim of circumstances. From what I understood they were shilled out of their pension, through bankruptcy.

He also told me a lot of other things, such as to be careful to not speak to people like this and so on. In that case, I knew who to speak to because I could see spiritually they were not a threat while at others it's evident, but they did not know I knew; this means that they cared about me, a stranger going by the street.

After telling me about 10 times how surprised they were that I stopped [in this city literally nobody cared apparently], and how I must be "loved by God to even think of doing this", I asked if they wanted money and they said no. They refused many times no matter if I insisted.

I happened to have had an English translation of a small piece of a book about Ancient philosophy about persistence and mindset in my bag, and when I mentioned this, they told me they actually try to read anything so they can further understand life and their situation too, but that they given up because they were too old, so that they now just study and simply try to live as to not die.

From the likes of it, I could tell the man was certainly not defeated, let alone useless. It was just one case of things having went wrong.

As they emphatically refused a 10 dollar bill telling me that "They have what they need" and that the neighborhood brings them food, but that in this holiday the stores were closed so nobody bought them anything, and that it was "expected" of them to eat there.

Then they kept reiterating to me how they feel blessed to at least own a house that has electricity in it, and that they had to go out to eat from the trash as all stores were closed. They were too old to work anywhere. They told me about their roommate who was supposed to bring food from the night, but they spent it on something that is like Fentanyl, it's another kike drug called "Sisha" which is like extremely cheap speed.

They also robbed their house a few days ago and left completely from there. They told me their friend stole from them quite a few things to sell them [for like 10 bucks] just to get this Sisha drugs, which they knew would eventually kill them, but had no choice. They could not control their behavior. Therefore as this man who was eating from the trash tried to help the other person, they lost from the few things they had in their house too.

As they were looking at the bag having refused to be given anything, I just sneaked the bill inside the book and gave them the book, then gave them some basic advice and left. Never saw the man again. They likely ate something that night even from a 24h supermarket or whatever, but their fate further is unknown as I never crossed the street again.

I left thinking in contemplation how many misunderstandings exist in human experience, and at what level we are collectively operating. I spent a full night thinking this over in order to understand everything from this seemingly "irrelevant" experience, as many people would say it's irrelevant, same as this person there.

Events like this make someone understand that our wider understanding of justice is not exactly on point in this world. At 4 languages and so on, to eat from a trash can, is an offence to the higher realms. Due to the chaotic situation of society, this person cannot go there and prove their life story to be given anything.

The foundational basis of taking care of people like this, was also perverted by the enemy to exist in a parasitic manner, which ruins everything and it deviates from the core principles of helping to do good.

What the enemy does actually robs people of where they could receive help.

To move past the story, the charity situation is necessary to happen based on a proper mindset and not solely on emotional grounds let alone without emotional control. If you help to uphold a crack-head by giving them money, you are killing them. Buy them a piece of bread instead. Charity has to have a point to it.

Fake charity like importing 10 million in your Nation to steal from the old and beat the young women of the Nation is also criminality, not "Charity" or "Hospitality". The appeal to hospitality and charity here was false.

The "Western Civilization" does not have any excuses to let people to die of hunger or eat from trash cans, especially it's own citizens, which first and foremost, should be helping.

The Church also holds trillions in their disposal, yet by some strange reason, in every major city in the West we always have more people on the streets and zero facilities to bring their life back in order. And always an enemy cleric that I will see with an iPhone 14 Max or something.

Rehabilitation facilities could be used on this. Another falsehood is when people claim that everyone who is out there is worthless, yet the reality is that only some people who are homeless are incapable and unwilling to do anything. Also, in the context of a facility with others, they might respark their faith in life again.

We are supposed to help other people and show kindness to them as life is cruel. Most people are in this situation because they are without guidance, lost and unable to get out of this situation. Some do not have the will, and not always it is that we can help.

With some others, it's literally pissing in a well that has no bottom to it - nothing will come out except of the destruction of the sources that give. Gypsies and others who are truly inferiors, are actually also abusing charity on a habitual manner, just to freeload. It can be easier to generate a revenue by charity than by doing absolutely anything in their mind. These people are worthless.

One must also know that this is also a way to look at this.

As most of our energy should be focused on those who want to advance and our own, we do not lose much to go a bit out of our way to spare one dollar to get a person a soup.

From the perspective of giving in general, human beings as creatures do have a karmic mission to help others. Some more, some less. The more this mission is served, one understands that in the end, the growth and blessings are numerous. Except of glory and a good name, and a good conscience, one also accumulates other traits such as power to keep carrying these tasks.

We are supposed to elevate society and putting our hand to improve lives even a little bit is advisable in Spiritual Satanism. Original Freemasonry before it was corrupted, had these aims. This approach to life is not of the enemy, it belongs to us.

Yet the way this is done is functional and not always revolves around a soup or a blanket.

Yet a soup and a blanket can sometimes save a person's soul.

The Ancient Pagan religions had plenty of rules in regards to this, with ethics revolving around helping the city, volunteer work, giving to the Gods, temples and religious community, but also helping the truly helpless in the context of having a spirit of humanity.

Yet, the Ancient religions approached these matters in reverse than what is widely accepted today. Today, kikes steal from charities, the money rarely makes it, the few that work are not advertised, charity is oftentimes completely misplaced, people on the receiving end do not understand any respect due to lack of ethics in society at large, there are many problems around this.

The enemy programs took these objectives of giving freely and giving help, as emulation of the Divine powers, and then perverted them to victim mentality, justification for the eternal victim mentality of fake beggars and thieves who hide behind the word "charity".

Fundamentally speaking, indeed this approach was a positive approach of uplifting the planet outside of the level of misery, which is exactly part of Satan's Grand Design, while also coupling this movement with spiritual development for human beings.

It should be done in accordance to the mentality of a Spiritual Satanist for the best outcomes.

The Gods know that the Joy of Satan must become powerful to help humanity and give people spiritual knowledge, and that the people in here will do really well in helping and uplifting humanity and ourselves in the future. We must not fail them, be this in small or greater gestures.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Mainstream charities have always been a scam and a way for jews to cheat gentiles out of their money. An individual act of genuine kindness when expecting nothing back is the best.

I've thought about what occurred with my dad. The jew that gave him money was obviously investing and hoping to get something back from it and had nothing to do with charity. Kikes only have to do with people they think they can get something from. I was upset at first because I felt like taking anything from one of them would be like betraying the Gods. It occurred without me knowing until I asked about it, but nothing was bribed or demanded for besides the goblin wanting half if my dad should win. It's obviously not desirable to have anything to do with them, but warfare is also waged in various ways. If gentiles can cheat a jew why not do it if it can be done safely and without repercussions to us?

I was upset at first that this had occurred especially because my dad was making profit from it. But when you think about it, doing RTR's and fighting the enemy will bring them to justice and answering for their crimes and all they have stolen and this includes land and money. jews have taken the world and they owe the whole world back. Why not take it in any way possible? When you think about it every kike in pissreal owes a Palestinian a house for example, and any money taken from gentiles should be taken back, including anything from jewish rigged charities. My grandpa had a house in Palestine before the kikes invaded that he was literally jewed out of. And now a kike has given my family member money of what it thinks is out of "kindness" yet was only doing for itself in the first place...but if the creature is cheated with no fucks given and funds raised even to the point of buying a new house especially given what has occurred in my family I would call it a piece of justice, obviously with all jews eventually perishing after the world is taken back from them.

I've not only increased the RTR's but am going to start a destruction working for that kike, especially because I want my dad to lie and say he lost it so the creature doesn't hope for anything back...and even if it does something it will be sure to be stopped it in its tracks.
Too tired to care said:
I want to help the guy with a warm blanket and a meal but I don't want to break a rule of father Satan.

That would only break the rules of the fake Christian "Satan", not the real Satan who is not about evil and who does not tolerate injustice, which the xian programs are all about.

The quickest way to one's own happiness is to make other people happy and helping them out.
As I've written before, in order to achieve this it's important to advance oneself spiritually through yoga, meditation and every other true spiritual practice JoS teaches. The stronger one is the more resources one also has to help others spiritually, financially etc.

Since xianity promotes weakness and poverty it's actually making it harder for people to help others, since everyone in that "religion" is supposed to be in a weak and broke state of misery (thinking that makes them good people) and praise their Jewish masters.

Related to this is also the hoax of christian charity.
Joy of Satan: The Hoax of christian Charity - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Sermon's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66q4kEgtrqg&t=158s&ab
Thanks so much for answering hp Cobra and as for the guy I did help him and I didn't have much but I did buy him a coffee. Then asked if he had a place to stay he did so I was glad for that . I seen how dark the enemy has left humanity used to work in the health care industry and I have seen it all and I agree 100 with u

One day I was walking home and I came upon an elderly veteran who had dirt all over his legs and knees. It was very hot outside and I offered to give him money for water from the nearby gas station. He refused and mentioned that he was chased away from his camp and his cane was stolen. I offered to walk him to the bus stop bench where he was heading to. He held onto me as we walked there and once he sat down I told him I'd be right back. I left and I walked to the gas station and bought him water and a snack and brought it to him. He tried to refuse but accepted after I was persistent to give it to him. He thanked me and told me his life's story. His entire family had passed away, he was disabled from the military and he tried living from his car for a long time but many times his things were stolen, his car was towed, and he was chased away. It made my heart hurt for him so bad and I truly wanted to help him and giv
I accidentally hit send on my last post before it was finished..

Anyway, I wanted to help him and give him a cane the next time I saw him but sadly I never did see him again. I think opportunity to help these people comes to us definitely for a reason. The God's put us there at the right time to help these people. Real charity helping people is more important than donating to organizations that are ran by money pocketing kikes and saying "your good deed has been done" because likely people like him people like that poor homeless veteran will not be helped by those organizations. That poor man was covered in dirt from falling because he didn't have his cane and even the people on the bus weren't kind because they saw his dirty clothes and snubbed their noses at him. Charity is our way to give back to the community by helping people who truly need it. We are never above helping someone who truly needs help. Thank you for your sermon Hp. HoodedCobra it helped me think about this memory I shared.
It's one other reason I do my rtrs, when I think about the suffering and the state of our world as a result of the enemy, it gives me fuel for the RTR.
Back 30 plus years ago, I saw a beggar and was going to give him some money. Some christian preachers said to not do it as the beggar was just there to take money from people. Maybe. These christians were actually nice people. Not sure if they were right about the beggar. I felt sorry for the man.
I don't mind helping some people? Especially if they really need it and if they deserve it! Were others on the other hand take advantage of people.. especially in this day and age!? You don't know if it's set up? Or if it's actually the real thing and you have that sense of knowing and you feel it in your bones! Whether or not this individual needs help. . And I don't mind helping people in need! Whether to be one of my family members or dear friend that I knew growing up as a child or even that of a neighbor that I don't know much about.. I still show my consideration for others! Even if they're a stranger. And still I am very careful! Because a lot of people pull their tricks enemies pull that shit all the time! And lead you into all kinds of things... so even if that it pays to use caution? Other than that I don't mind taking care of the needy and the less fortunate depending on who it is? And whether I know of these people are not

I know it's ok and we're doing fine but I miss her, people's voices are like a special kind of portrait.

Great sermon and an important lesson in life. One question: what's the deal with gypsies/roma people? The indian tribe that got spread out across the globe not the fake ones like in the UK which are white but for some reason identify as such. Where I live they have large communities and are somewhat integrated into society where you can see a small percentage of them being wealthy and educated but still retain some general characteristics of their kind. Do they have a connection to the enemy or is it just a case of a backwards tribe. Is the hate and suspicion they get fully warranted or can they be changed through education? What really infuriates me out is I see they're making children as a tool for begging and welfare and drag em around busy crossroads, leave them dirty, snotty and cold on pavements just to make people feel sorry for them. The state mechanisms that should prevent that as well as the high percentage of abuse in their families clearly don't work. Even in india they get the same treatment. I remember a guy telling me when I asked why are these people beating the snakes (poor cobra got slapped around) he said: ah, they're gypsies. Like no more needed to be said. So, sorry for stretching this out, should they be regarded as being of the enemy like the jews?
Most "homeless" in my city are Romanian chancers with a job and money they make 100 a day, dont get me wrong drug users will albeit go home so again not homeless.

I got flung out house when younger you get offered a "hotel" that tougher than jail :lol: :lol: plus have a key.

Good deeds are just that.

I enjoyed reading that HPHC.
I remember holiday shopping during a particular Yuletide season, and the lady in front of me, a sweet old lady was on a breathing device, STILL buying presents for her familiars, couldn't even find the credit card slot and was just inserting her card in random places around the machine. But she wasn't going around begging for help AND she was using a REGULAR cart, not those handicap motor ones, a warrior at heart.

I was just like, "No! No! No! You ain't doing that by yourself!" Helped her check out, and get her holiday shopping sorted out.

I gotta say, normally super grocery stores is jam packed with selfish people fighting, but the energy of positivity was clearly radiating, since every seemed in a peaceful mood, and nobody was throwing a pissy fit behind me.

Not even all the gold and silver in the world would make me feel as good as I did.

With that being said.....I get really disgusted when I see lazy-ass/obese people using those motor wheelchair carts. True selfishness.

Anyways, Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:
Mainstream charities have always been a scam and a way for jews to cheat gentiles out of their money. An individual act of genuine kindness when expecting nothing back is the best.
Amnesty International, Oxfam, Trocaire all come to mind. They are either xian scammers or globohomo promoters.
Yurei said:
Shadowcat said:
Mainstream charities have always been a scam and a way for jews to cheat gentiles out of their money. An individual act of genuine kindness when expecting nothing back is the best.
Amnesty International, Oxfam, Trocaire all come to mind. They are either xian scammers or globohomo promoters.

Unicef, the Red Cross and the like I believe are also basically scams and I have heard that most of the money goes to israel.
(I don't even want to think about where a great portion of our taxes go because I am sure it is the same destination...)
All these other "charity" programs you see promoted on tv in commercials to tug on peoples heartstrings (insert text here to donate this much or something)

I have been approached by needy and homeless a number of times, of which I have almost never denied unless because i did not have anything on me, from giving some of my food to people on the highway on my way home, being approached at the gas station for money (while giving them this with food I would get them on top of that), and even being approached by people asking me to help the cross the street or to search for someone. Recently a lady in the pharmacy asked me to buy her shampoo and i got her some other extra stuff too with some food. I remember when i was around 18 or so and offpost up north during national guard training and a number of people in the same day asked me for assistance for something or another. I remember the awesome feeling i had from helping them out, it has always made me feel good to take care of people.

There are a lot of people in genuinely shitty situations. I was however I believe scammed once or twice in recent months when someone asked me for gas money so he could get back home with his wife and kids. I saw him minutes later going up to someone asking for the same amount of money after giving him more than twice that first. I shrugged it off, but with many people you never know, and if they don't ask for much others not much to lose from your part especially if it ends up being a genuine request for help which makes it worth it. With my 2nd house cusp in a sign that shows i can be pretty generous with resources (sometimes too much), and my desc placement, this is susceptible to be taken advantage of by the wrong people and it has been in the past, especially when I was much younger.

I know its a childish pipedream but winning the lottery would be amazing :lol:. I guarantee 100mil would go to Jos easily, and i know some SS at the top of my head who I would help out in an instant. My 6th sense has often proved to be helpful when "feeling out" certain numbers and choices between things. I figured from time to time it would be fun to try out working out my senses this way, but it would be unrealistic to really expect something big. One can dream though :p. I chanted the mantra of jupiter one time during a potluck at work and won over 200 dollars on the spot. I was also having a lot of blatant manifestations as far as sharper intuition and psychic sense at that time as a result of a moon square. I wanted to give back something to the Gods for teaching us how to empower these senses and teaching us magick and how this affected me so i used that money as my first donation. Giving back to your community in any way is an important staple of living. Cooperation for survival and thriving is essential, which is another reason why enemy programs have divided people apart.
HP. Cobra I have something crazy to tell you and I really hope you read this when you have time. Today just a little while ago I had literally almost the exact same experience as you mentioned before. I was walking home and came upon a homeless woman digging in the trash of a restaurant looking through food bags. I helped her by giving her some money and the only reason I'm telling you this, right after our interaction I had an idea come to me. This was no coincidence It was meant to happen I had the idea of leaving small amounts of money around that have satanic tracts taped on them. Or cards with money taped to them that have information about Jos and links to our website in places where homeless people gather. Even non homeless people looking to score extra cash may pick them up. This may have already been done before and maybe this is something other's have already suggested it may not be new to you, but regardless I feel I need to tell you and everyone about this. And I know not every homeless person has internet access but with tracts about satanism with mention to Jos and exposing Christianity, it can still open a door for them and maybe lead them to a position where they can access the internet in some way. I'm planning on experimenting by getting some 1$ and 5$ bills and doing this and leaving it safely in places where people can find them. If anything this can open a door and help a few people, at least the people who want answers and truly want to be helped.

Thank you so much for this post it really kick started a good thing and I feel helped cause my experience today!

Hail Satan!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Too tired to care said:
I go to a gas station in my town and I have been noticing this homeless man their about every day. I want to help the guy with a warm blanket and a meal but I don't want to break a rule of father Satan. So I looked in all the books of his nothing says we shouldn't help them or we should help .

So what does father Satan say about this or a high priest and I know what my user name is...

I may be to tired to care but my heart ain't completely numb I been in that man's shoes years ago....


Father Satan and the Gods are doing the very same thing to humanity, they see us blind and without knowledge, and they intervene to help us, insofar we want to help ourselves.

I do charity in my life. And by charity I mean giving to where I expect nothing in return at all. Charity is something the enemy stole and perverted completely, a practice that did intense damage to the fabric of society and how people see one another.

Proper charity consists of helping others, but helping especially those who need to take a few steps to get better. You can never be sure of this, so helping a bit anyway is a gesture of goodness at the soul.

Certain events in my life have been extremely enigmatic and I often avoid mentioning them in order to not move the general approach of sermons from the point of staying focused on the tasks. But this one falls into the category of use where it's necessary to relate on this subject.

One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a homeless man sitting by the trash can. He was literally eating from the trash can, from an open bag of thrown out food.

I just stopped there and asked him what happened to him, and if he needs a meal, as this was a very busy road and I would likely not be there again. They replied to me "No, I do not need a meal, I am fine with what I have, that will do for me tonight, thank you".

He explained to me they had 3 degrees and they were a linguist, and told me their life story and how things went very wrong. As to not expand much on this, life had hit them brutally on this time of their life. I could tell the man was not lacking intelligence or something, we could say a pure victim of circumstances. From what I understood they were shilled out of their pension, through bankruptcy.

He also told me a lot of other things, such as to be careful to not speak to people like this and so on. In that case, I knew who to speak to because I could see spiritually they were not a threat while at others it's evident, but they did not know I knew; this means that they cared about me, a stranger going by the street.

After telling me about 10 times how surprised they were that I stopped [in this city literally nobody cared apparently], and how I must be "loved by God to even think of doing this", I asked if they wanted money and they said no. They refused many times no matter if I insisted.

I happened to have had an English translation of a small piece of a book about Ancient philosophy about persistence and mindset in my bag, and when I mentioned this, they told me they actually try to read anything so they can further understand life and their situation too, but that they given up because they were too old, so that they now just study and simply try to live as to not die.

From the likes of it, I could tell the man was certainly not defeated, let alone useless. It was just one case of things having went wrong.

As they emphatically refused a 10 dollar bill telling me that "They have what they need" and that the neighborhood brings them food, but that in this holiday the stores were closed so nobody bought them anything, and that it was "expected" of them to eat there.

Then they kept reiterating to me how they feel blessed to at least own a house that has electricity in it, and that they had to go out to eat from the trash as all stores were closed. They were too old to work anywhere. They told me about their roommate who was supposed to bring food from the night, but they spent it on something that is like Fentanyl, it's another kike drug called "Sisha" which is like extremely cheap speed.

They also robbed their house a few days ago and left completely from there. They told me their friend stole from them quite a few things to sell them [for like 10 bucks] just to get this Sisha drugs, which they knew would eventually kill them, but had no choice. They could not control their behavior. Therefore as this man who was eating from the trash tried to help the other person, they lost from the few things they had in their house too.

As they were looking at the bag having refused to be given anything, I just sneaked the bill inside the book and gave them the book, then gave them some basic advice and left. Never saw the man again. They likely ate something that night even from a 24h supermarket or whatever, but their fate further is unknown as I never crossed the street again.

I left thinking in contemplation how many misunderstandings exist in human experience, and at what level we are collectively operating. I spent a full night thinking this over in order to understand everything from this seemingly "irrelevant" experience, as many people would say it's irrelevant, same as this person there.

Events like this make someone understand that our wider understanding of justice is not exactly on point in this world. At 4 languages and so on, to eat from a trash can, is an offence to the higher realms. Due to the chaotic situation of society, this person cannot go there and prove their life story to be given anything.

The foundational basis of taking care of people like this, was also perverted by the enemy to exist in a parasitic manner, which ruins everything and it deviates from the core principles of helping to do good.

What the enemy does actually robs people of where they could receive help.

To move past the story, the charity situation is necessary to happen based on a proper mindset and not solely on emotional grounds let alone without emotional control. If you help to uphold a crack-head by giving them money, you are killing them. Buy them a piece of bread instead. Charity has to have a point to it.

Fake charity like importing 10 million in your Nation to steal from the old and beat the young women of the Nation is also criminality, not "Charity" or "Hospitality". The appeal to hospitality and charity here was false.

The "Western Civilization" does not have any excuses to let people to die of hunger or eat from trash cans, especially it's own citizens, which first and foremost, should be helping.

The Church also holds trillions in their disposal, yet by some strange reason, in every major city in the West we always have more people on the streets and zero facilities to bring their life back in order. And always an enemy cleric that I will see with an iPhone 14 Max or something.

Rehabilitation facilities could be used on this. Another falsehood is when people claim that everyone who is out there is worthless, yet the reality is that only some people who are homeless are incapable and unwilling to do anything. Also, in the context of a facility with others, they might respark their faith in life again.

We are supposed to help other people and show kindness to them as life is cruel. Most people are in this situation because they are without guidance, lost and unable to get out of this situation. Some do not have the will, and not always it is that we can help.

With some others, it's literally pissing in a well that has no bottom to it - nothing will come out except of the destruction of the sources that give. Gypsies and others who are truly inferiors, are actually also abusing charity on a habitual manner, just to freeload. It can be easier to generate a revenue by charity than by doing absolutely anything in their mind. These people are worthless.

One must also know that this is also a way to look at this.

As most of our energy should be focused on those who want to advance and our own, we do not lose much to go a bit out of our way to spare one dollar to get a person a soup.

From the perspective of giving in general, human beings as creatures do have a karmic mission to help others. Some more, some less. The more this mission is served, one understands that in the end, the growth and blessings are numerous. Except of glory and a good name, and a good conscience, one also accumulates other traits such as power to keep carrying these tasks.

We are supposed to elevate society and putting our hand to improve lives even a little bit is advisable in Spiritual Satanism. Original Freemasonry before it was corrupted, had these aims. This approach to life is not of the enemy, it belongs to us.

Yet the way this is done is functional and not always revolves around a soup or a blanket.

Yet a soup and a blanket can sometimes save a person's soul.

The Ancient Pagan religions had plenty of rules in regards to this, with ethics revolving around helping the city, volunteer work, giving to the Gods, temples and religious community, but also helping the truly helpless in the context of having a spirit of humanity.

Yet, the Ancient religions approached these matters in reverse than what is widely accepted today. Today, kikes steal from charities, the money rarely makes it, the few that work are not advertised, charity is oftentimes completely misplaced, people on the receiving end do not understand any respect due to lack of ethics in society at large, there are many problems around this.

The enemy programs took these objectives of giving freely and giving help, as emulation of the Divine powers, and then perverted them to victim mentality, justification for the eternal victim mentality of fake beggars and thieves who hide behind the word "charity".

Fundamentally speaking, indeed this approach was a positive approach of uplifting the planet outside of the level of misery, which is exactly part of Satan's Grand Design, while also coupling this movement with spiritual development for human beings.

It should be done in accordance to the mentality of a Spiritual Satanist for the best outcomes.

The Gods know that the Joy of Satan must become powerful to help humanity and give people spiritual knowledge, and that the people in here will do really well in helping and uplifting humanity and ourselves in the future. We must not fail them, be this in small or greater gestures.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Where i live is so common that people try to manipulate your feelings to give them money to use on drugs that i stopped helping people in the street, is very rare when i do this and long time ago i decided that my way to contribute to the people is giving to joy of satan, because joy of satan give to everyone, but i will reconsiderate helping people with food because i believe this topic is full of prudence and wisdom. Thank you Commander.
I'm not a very charitable person because apart from being raped or physically abused by my parents I have had some of the worst things happen to me.

I have been scamed
robbed (attempted)
I have been broke
I have been cast out from my friends multiple times
I have been screwed over by the companies I have worked for big time
Drug abuse
Bullied by even my own boss at work.

I have had mental conditions such as

What did I do I didn't blame other people for my problems I didn't sit around with a thumb up my ass doing fuck all about the situation I got my shit together every time and I got better I got faster I got stronger I matured I didn't bow down to circumstance and just accept the luck of the draw either with or without the gods I never gave up yeah I got close a few times suicide or whatever but I decided to not be a little bitch and actually stand up and mold myself to be better.

In my country we have really good social welfare like I pay a lot of tax for that unemployment benefits or part support payments so you will atleast make minimum wage job or no job bills get subsidised same with rent everything government supplied housing food bank food stamps etc we have a huge demand for workers in my country like a couple million jobs are available there is not one excuse I can think as to why you are homeless unless your a massive drug addiction in which case I won't give you money I might offer a meal but when you get told to fuck off all the time because they just want money for drugs or booze then yeah I don't help these people destroy themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Too tired to care said:
I go to a gas station in my town and I have been noticing this homeless man their about every day. I want to help the guy with a warm blanket and a meal but I don't want to break a rule of father Satan. So I looked in all the books of his nothing says we shouldn't help them or we should help .

So what does father Satan say about this or a high priest and I know what my user name is...

I may be to tired to care but my heart ain't completely numb I been in that man's shoes years ago....


Father Satan and the Gods are doing the very same thing to humanity, they see us blind and without knowledge, and they intervene to help us, insofar we want to help ourselves.

I do charity in my life. And by charity I mean giving to where I expect nothing in return at all. Charity is something the enemy stole and perverted completely, a practice that did intense damage to the fabric of society and how people see one another.

Proper charity consists of helping others, but helping especially those who need to take a few steps to get better. You can never be sure of this, so helping a bit anyway is a gesture of goodness at the soul.

Certain events in my life have been extremely enigmatic and I often avoid mentioning them in order to not move the general approach of sermons from the point of staying focused on the tasks. But this one falls into the category of use where it's necessary to relate on this subject.

One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a homeless man sitting by the trash can. He was literally eating from the trash can, from an open bag of thrown out food.

I just stopped there and asked him what happened to him, and if he needs a meal, as this was a very busy road and I would likely not be there again. They replied to me "No, I do not need a meal, I am fine with what I have, that will do for me tonight, thank you".

He explained to me they had 3 degrees and they were a linguist, and told me their life story and how things went very wrong. As to not expand much on this, life had hit them brutally on this time of their life. I could tell the man was not lacking intelligence or something, we could say a pure victim of circumstances. From what I understood they were shilled out of their pension, through bankruptcy.

He also told me a lot of other things, such as to be careful to not speak to people like this and so on. In that case, I knew who to speak to because I could see spiritually they were not a threat while at others it's evident, but they did not know I knew; this means that they cared about me, a stranger going by the street.

After telling me about 10 times how surprised they were that I stopped [in this city literally nobody cared apparently], and how I must be "loved by God to even think of doing this", I asked if they wanted money and they said no. They refused many times no matter if I insisted.

I happened to have had an English translation of a small piece of a book about Ancient philosophy about persistence and mindset in my bag, and when I mentioned this, they told me they actually try to read anything so they can further understand life and their situation too, but that they given up because they were too old, so that they now just study and simply try to live as to not die.

From the likes of it, I could tell the man was certainly not defeated, let alone useless. It was just one case of things having went wrong.

As they emphatically refused a 10 dollar bill telling me that "They have what they need" and that the neighborhood brings them food, but that in this holiday the stores were closed so nobody bought them anything, and that it was "expected" of them to eat there.

Then they kept reiterating to me how they feel blessed to at least own a house that has electricity in it, and that they had to go out to eat from the trash as all stores were closed. They were too old to work anywhere. They told me about their roommate who was supposed to bring food from the night, but they spent it on something that is like Fentanyl, it's another kike drug called "Sisha" which is like extremely cheap speed.

They also robbed their house a few days ago and left completely from there. They told me their friend stole from them quite a few things to sell them [for like 10 bucks] just to get this Sisha drugs, which they knew would eventually kill them, but had no choice. They could not control their behavior. Therefore as this man who was eating from the trash tried to help the other person, they lost from the few things they had in their house too.

As they were looking at the bag having refused to be given anything, I just sneaked the bill inside the book and gave them the book, then gave them some basic advice and left. Never saw the man again. They likely ate something that night even from a 24h supermarket or whatever, but their fate further is unknown as I never crossed the street again.

I left thinking in contemplation how many misunderstandings exist in human experience, and at what level we are collectively operating. I spent a full night thinking this over in order to understand everything from this seemingly "irrelevant" experience, as many people would say it's irrelevant, same as this person there.

Events like this make someone understand that our wider understanding of justice is not exactly on point in this world. At 4 languages and so on, to eat from a trash can, is an offence to the higher realms. Due to the chaotic situation of society, this person cannot go there and prove their life story to be given anything.

The foundational basis of taking care of people like this, was also perverted by the enemy to exist in a parasitic manner, which ruins everything and it deviates from the core principles of helping to do good.

What the enemy does actually robs people of where they could receive help.

To move past the story, the charity situation is necessary to happen based on a proper mindset and not solely on emotional grounds let alone without emotional control. If you help to uphold a crack-head by giving them money, you are killing them. Buy them a piece of bread instead. Charity has to have a point to it.

Fake charity like importing 10 million in your Nation to steal from the old and beat the young women of the Nation is also criminality, not "Charity" or "Hospitality". The appeal to hospitality and charity here was false.

The "Western Civilization" does not have any excuses to let people to die of hunger or eat from trash cans, especially it's own citizens, which first and foremost, should be helping.

The Church also holds trillions in their disposal, yet by some strange reason, in every major city in the West we always have more people on the streets and zero facilities to bring their life back in order. And always an enemy cleric that I will see with an iPhone 14 Max or something.

Rehabilitation facilities could be used on this. Another falsehood is when people claim that everyone who is out there is worthless, yet the reality is that only some people who are homeless are incapable and unwilling to do anything. Also, in the context of a facility with others, they might respark their faith in life again.

We are supposed to help other people and show kindness to them as life is cruel. Most people are in this situation because they are without guidance, lost and unable to get out of this situation. Some do not have the will, and not always it is that we can help.

With some others, it's literally pissing in a well that has no bottom to it - nothing will come out except of the destruction of the sources that give. Gypsies and others who are truly inferiors, are actually also abusing charity on a habitual manner, just to freeload. It can be easier to generate a revenue by charity than by doing absolutely anything in their mind. These people are worthless.

One must also know that this is also a way to look at this.

As most of our energy should be focused on those who want to advance and our own, we do not lose much to go a bit out of our way to spare one dollar to get a person a soup.

From the perspective of giving in general, human beings as creatures do have a karmic mission to help others. Some more, some less. The more this mission is served, one understands that in the end, the growth and blessings are numerous. Except of glory and a good name, and a good conscience, one also accumulates other traits such as power to keep carrying these tasks.

We are supposed to elevate society and putting our hand to improve lives even a little bit is advisable in Spiritual Satanism. Original Freemasonry before it was corrupted, had these aims. This approach to life is not of the enemy, it belongs to us.

Yet the way this is done is functional and not always revolves around a soup or a blanket.

Yet a soup and a blanket can sometimes save a person's soul.

The Ancient Pagan religions had plenty of rules in regards to this, with ethics revolving around helping the city, volunteer work, giving to the Gods, temples and religious community, but also helping the truly helpless in the context of having a spirit of humanity.

Yet, the Ancient religions approached these matters in reverse than what is widely accepted today. Today, kikes steal from charities, the money rarely makes it, the few that work are not advertised, charity is oftentimes completely misplaced, people on the receiving end do not understand any respect due to lack of ethics in society at large, there are many problems around this.

The enemy programs took these objectives of giving freely and giving help, as emulation of the Divine powers, and then perverted them to victim mentality, justification for the eternal victim mentality of fake beggars and thieves who hide behind the word "charity".

Fundamentally speaking, indeed this approach was a positive approach of uplifting the planet outside of the level of misery, which is exactly part of Satan's Grand Design, while also coupling this movement with spiritual development for human beings.

It should be done in accordance to the mentality of a Spiritual Satanist for the best outcomes.

The Gods know that the Joy of Satan must become powerful to help humanity and give people spiritual knowledge, and that the people in here will do really well in helping and uplifting humanity and ourselves in the future. We must not fail them, be this in small or greater gestures.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Although it wasn't during the worst times of my life, there have been some people who randomly reached out to me and gave me support that even "friends and family" wouldn't, and without expecting anything in return.

Their genuine kindness and empathy was shocking and uplifted my spirits immensely and made me consider that maybe humanity isn't all bad(I didn't realize how many of my bad experiences involved jews). They awoke in me the desire to help others again, though I didn't have as much of a capacity to do that as I would like. It was nice to be able to trust and not wait for the other shoe to drop. To feel like a human among humans. Even if it was only temporary.

Furthermore, even small everyday acts of kindness and courtesy can make all the difference and take the edge off life for somebody.
I help out the homeless in my neighbor hood also High Priest, it actually does my heart good.
and ask for nothing in return.

I keep thinking to myself what a wonderful world this would be without these Xian, capitalist, commie, hooknosed long eared
filth here.
Imagine if we took back all the wealth that these kike basturds have stolen from all the Nations over the centurys.

These parasites must be eradicated from the planet by any means neccesary...

HAIL Victory.
Thank you for posting this sermon.

I don't want to divert from the topic, but I would appreciate an answer here.

What can we do when we see people abusing their children or their pet on the street? It is not always easy to interfere (especially with a dog, as the dog would attack us if their fucked up owner saw us as a threat) and with children too, it's not like we can just call child services for a passerby. I am also not comfortable taking a stance and drawing attention in these situations, although I know I shouldn't be like that (ESPECIALLY in these situations).

What can we do? I only prayed to Satan when I had witnessed that, but I felt extremely sad and angry, and I kept thinking about the situation for a while, only hurting myself in the process (feeling very bad for the rest of the day).
Unicef, the Red Cross and the like I believe are also basically scams and I have heard that most of the money goes to israel.
(I don't even want to think about where a great portion of our taxes go because I am sure it is the same destination...)
All these other "charity" programs you see promoted on tv in commercials to tug on peoples heartstrings (insert text here to donate this much or something)

I have been approached by needy and homeless a number of times, of which I have almost never denied unless because i did not have anything on me, from giving some of my food to people on the highway on my way home, being approached at the gas station for money (while giving them this with food I would get them on top of that), and even being approached by people asking me to help the cross the street or to search for someone. Recently a lady in the pharmacy asked me to buy her shampoo and i got her some other extra stuff too with some food. I remember when i was around 18 or so and offpost up north during national guard training and a number of people in the same day asked me for assistance for something or another. I remember the awesome feeling i had from helping them out, it has always made me feel good to take care of people.

There are a lot of people in genuinely shitty situations. I was however I believe scammed once or twice in recent months when someone asked me for gas money so he could get back home with his wife and kids. I saw him minutes later going up to someone asking for the same amount of money after giving him more than twice that first. I shrugged it off, but with many people you never know, and if they don't ask for much others not much to lose from your part especially if it ends up being a genuine request for help which makes it worth it. With my 2nd house cusp in a sign that shows i can be pretty generous with resources (sometimes too much), and my desc placement, this is susceptible to be taken advantage of by the wrong people and it has been in the past, especially when I was much younger.

I know its a childish pipedream but winning the lottery would be amazing :lol:. I guarantee 100mil would go to Jos easily, and i know some SS at the top of my head who I would help out in an instant. My 6th sense has often proved to be helpful when "feeling out" certain numbers and choices between things. I figured from time to time it would be fun to try out working out my senses this way, but it would be unrealistic to really expect something big. One can dream though :p. I chanted the mantra of jupiter one time during a potluck at work and won over 200 dollars on the spot. I was also having a lot of blatant manifestations as far as sharper intuition and psychic sense at that time as a result of a moon square. I wanted to give back something to the Gods for teaching us how to empower these senses and teaching us magick and how this affected me so i used that money as my first donation. Giving back to your community in any way is an important staple of living. Cooperation for survival and thriving is essential, which is another reason why enemy programs have divided people apart.
That is a lot better then most people I see in how they treat those that ask for help or money in times of need. I have seen people on my university campus just tell people who don’t even ask for money from what I guess these people are just assumed by their looks when they come up to say hello’s as they walk by on the university campus on their way to their classes or whatever. To have these same I will just say asshole that most like are those xianity idiots and retarded Jew fucked over professors and deans and university admins on my university campus just rude tell off these people who chances are the same student’s who like me pay their university’s shitty tuition fees to not talk to them and just move on and keep walking. Yeah it makes me pissed at these people that do that to my fellow struggling students after wanting us to pay their 34% increase in tuition. I usually go and buy them food with my unlimited student meal plan and if I have money I given them money. Cuz I never know if I would be in their situation to have to go through go that from awhile like those professors or deans. As a fellow university student is it said so I just tell any asshole that you know and that Adolf Hitler is now a good man and correct cuz the damn tuition is 34% too high for them to be such duochebags to their students. Who pay their tuition. Plus my university has the same scammy charity being a food bank that is more of a joke then anything for students on campus. Really no one some of them have to beg their fellow students for handouts. I would if I was in that situation too. If that was the level of charity I get afte paying so much to my university. But it is nice that people give to those in need asking for handouts then believe the dumb lies the Jews and Xainity made about beggars and begging for money from others in public or online through e-begging. As well as I never donate to any of these charities at all.
Back 30 plus years ago, I saw a beggar and was going to give him some money. Some christian preachers said to not do it as the beggar was just there to take money from people. Maybe. These christians were actually nice people. Not sure if they were right about the beggar. I felt sorry for the man.
Many Christians say that crap so you give to them and they use your money to screw you over. It is better to give to the guy asking for money on the streets. One of the lies rom the Christians and the likes is they say beggars and people who ask for money through begging other people in public are junkies and will live expensive lifestyle la buying useless and unneeded stuff and to Christian’s that’s including anything to advance your magical working and soul as a spiritual satanist too. Or another lie of their’s is that of professional beggars. It is all a big lie and propaganda and filith of theirs. So don’t listen to them. Also so what if the person spend it on something that is not drugs they could have spent the money for the ritual working as a fellow spiritual satanist.it is not like we go around with a big sign to every hey we fallow father Satan of those Christians you saw would have had you just witness a cold blooded murder of the guy. I know even I was once having to beg others for money as a college student that was also beginning my path here on the Joy of Satan back in 2022. That lived with a shitty foster fame once that had me go out and beg other law just to feed myself while they use my financial aid checks for college on themselves and vacation to Mexico or whatever. If I had left over change from my handouts I would go and buy something’s to do my rituals with the handouts. After I spend most of it on food to feed me for that day.
Father Satan and the Gods are doing the very same thing to humanity, they see us blind and without knowledge, and they intervene to help us, insofar we want to help ourselves.

I do charity in my life. And by charity I mean giving to where I expect nothing in return at all. Charity is something the enemy stole and perverted completely, a practice that did intense damage to the fabric of society and how people see one another.

Proper charity consists of helping others, but helping especially those who need to take a few steps to get better. You can never be sure of this, so helping a bit anyway is a gesture of goodness at the soul.

Certain events in my life have been extremely enigmatic and I often avoid mentioning them in order to not move the general approach of sermons from the point of staying focused on the tasks. But this one falls into the category of use where it's necessary to relate on this subject.

One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a homeless man sitting by the trash can. He was literally eating from the trash can, from an open bag of thrown out food.

I just stopped there and asked him what happened to him, and if he needs a meal, as this was a very busy road and I would likely not be there again. They replied to me "No, I do not need a meal, I am fine with what I have, that will do for me tonight, thank you".

He explained to me they had 3 degrees and they were a linguist, and told me their life story and how things went very wrong. As to not expand much on this, life had hit them brutally on this time of their life. I could tell the man was not lacking intelligence or something, we could say a pure victim of circumstances. From what I understood they were shilled out of their pension, through bankruptcy.

He also told me a lot of other things, such as to be careful to not speak to people like this and so on. In that case, I knew who to speak to because I could see spiritually they were not a threat while at others it's evident, but they did not know I knew; this means that they cared about me, a stranger going by the street.

After telling me about 10 times how surprised they were that I stopped [in this city literally nobody cared apparently], and how I must be "loved by God to even think of doing this", I asked if they wanted money and they said no. They refused many times no matter if I insisted.

I happened to have had an English translation of a small piece of a book about Ancient philosophy about persistence and mindset in my bag, and when I mentioned this, they told me they actually try to read anything so they can further understand life and their situation too, but that they given up because they were too old, so that they now just study and simply try to live as to not die.

From the likes of it, I could tell the man was certainly not defeated, let alone useless. It was just one case of things having went wrong.

As they emphatically refused a 10 dollar bill telling me that "They have what they need" and that the neighborhood brings them food, but that in this holiday the stores were closed so nobody bought them anything, and that it was "expected" of them to eat there.

Then they kept reiterating to me how they feel blessed to at least own a house that has electricity in it, and that they had to go out to eat from the trash as all stores were closed. They were too old to work anywhere. They told me about their roommate who was supposed to bring food from the night, but they spent it on something that is like Fentanyl, it's another kike drug called "Sisha" which is like extremely cheap speed.

They also robbed their house a few days ago and left completely from there. They told me their friend stole from them quite a few things to sell them [for like 10 bucks] just to get this Sisha drugs, which they knew would eventually kill them, but had no choice. They could not control their behavior. Therefore as this man who was eating from the trash tried to help the other person, they lost from the few things they had in their house too.

As they were looking at the bag having refused to be given anything, I just sneaked the bill inside the book and gave them the book, then gave them some basic advice and left. Never saw the man again. They likely ate something that night even from a 24h supermarket or whatever, but their fate further is unknown as I never crossed the street again.

I left thinking in contemplation how many misunderstandings exist in human experience, and at what level we are collectively operating. I spent a full night thinking this over in order to understand everything from this seemingly "irrelevant" experience, as many people would say it's irrelevant, same as this person there.

Events like this make someone understand that our wider understanding of justice is not exactly on point in this world. At 4 languages and so on, to eat from a trash can, is an offence to the higher realms. Due to the chaotic situation of society, this person cannot go there and prove their life story to be given anything.

The foundational basis of taking care of people like this, was also perverted by the enemy to exist in a parasitic manner, which ruins everything and it deviates from the core principles of helping to do good.

What the enemy does actually robs people of where they could receive help.

To move past the story, the charity situation is necessary to happen based on a proper mindset and not solely on emotional grounds let alone without emotional control. If you help to uphold a crack-head by giving them money, you are killing them. Buy them a piece of bread instead. Charity has to have a point to it.

Fake charity like importing 10 million in your Nation to steal from the old and beat the young women of the Nation is also criminality, not "Charity" or "Hospitality". The appeal to hospitality and charity here was false.

The "Western Civilization" does not have any excuses to let people to die of hunger or eat from trash cans, especially it's own citizens, which first and foremost, should be helping.

The Church also holds trillions in their disposal, yet by some strange reason, in every major city in the West we always have more people on the streets and zero facilities to bring their life back in order. And always an enemy cleric that I will see with an iPhone 14 Max or something.

Rehabilitation facilities could be used on this. Another falsehood is when people claim that everyone who is out there is worthless, yet the reality is that only some people who are homeless are incapable and unwilling to do anything. Also, in the context of a facility with others, they might respark their faith in life again.

We are supposed to help other people and show kindness to them as life is cruel. Most people are in this situation because they are without guidance, lost and unable to get out of this situation. Some do not have the will, and not always it is that we can help.

With some others, it's literally pissing in a well that has no bottom to it - nothing will come out except of the destruction of the sources that give. Gypsies and others who are truly inferiors, are actually also abusing charity on a habitual manner, just to freeload. It can be easier to generate a revenue by charity than by doing absolutely anything in their mind. These people are worthless.

One must also know that this is also a way to look at this.

As most of our energy should be focused on those who want to advance and our own, we do not lose much to go a bit out of our way to spare one dollar to get a person a soup.

From the perspective of giving in general, human beings as creatures do have a karmic mission to help others. Some more, some less. The more this mission is served, one understands that in the end, the growth and blessings are numerous. Except of glory and a good name, and a good conscience, one also accumulates other traits such as power to keep carrying these tasks.

We are supposed to elevate society and putting our hand to improve lives even a little bit is advisable in Spiritual Satanism. Original Freemasonry before it was corrupted, had these aims. This approach to life is not of the enemy, it belongs to us.

Yet the way this is done is functional and not always revolves around a soup or a blanket.

Yet a soup and a blanket can sometimes save a person's soul.

The Ancient Pagan religions had plenty of rules in regards to this, with ethics revolving around helping the city, volunteer work, giving to the Gods, temples and religious community, but also helping the truly helpless in the context of having a spirit of humanity.

Yet, the Ancient religions approached these matters in reverse than what is widely accepted today. Today, kikes steal from charities, the money rarely makes it, the few that work are not advertised, charity is oftentimes completely misplaced, people on the receiving end do not understand any respect due to lack of ethics in society at large, there are many problems around this.

The enemy programs took these objectives of giving freely and giving help, as emulation of the Divine powers, and then perverted them to victim mentality, justification for the eternal victim mentality of fake beggars and thieves who hide behind the word "charity".

Fundamentally speaking, indeed this approach was a positive approach of uplifting the planet outside of the level of misery, which is exactly part of Satan's Grand Design, while also coupling this movement with spiritual development for human beings.

It should be done in accordance to the mentality of a Spiritual Satanist for the best outcomes.

The Gods know that the Joy of Satan must become powerful to help humanity and give people spiritual knowledge, and that the people in here will do really well in helping and uplifting humanity and ourselves in the future. We must not fail them, be this in small or greater gestures.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I been help by some people growing up I moved out of. My parents home at 17yrs.old and some family help me out gave me a home to stay food and got me up for school. I appreciated them
And I appreciate Satan and the God's of hell. HAIL SATAN!!!!
Father Satan and the Gods are doing the very same thing to humanity, they see us blind and without knowledge, and they intervene to help us, insofar we want to help ourselves.

I do charity in my life. And by charity I mean giving to where I expect nothing in return at all. Charity is something the enemy stole and perverted completely, a practice that did intense damage to the fabric of society and how people see one another.

Proper charity consists of helping others, but helping especially those who need to take a few steps to get better. You can never be sure of this, so helping a bit anyway is a gesture of goodness at the soul.

Certain events in my life have been extremely enigmatic and I often avoid mentioning them in order to not move the general approach of sermons from the point of staying focused on the tasks. But this one falls into the category of use where it's necessary to relate on this subject.

One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a homeless man sitting by the trash can. He was literally eating from the trash can, from an open bag of thrown out food.

I just stopped there and asked him what happened to him, and if he needs a meal, as this was a very busy road and I would likely not be there again. They replied to me "No, I do not need a meal, I am fine with what I have, that will do for me tonight, thank you".

He explained to me they had 3 degrees and they were a linguist, and told me their life story and how things went very wrong. As to not expand much on this, life had hit them brutally on this time of their life. I could tell the man was not lacking intelligence or something, we could say a pure victim of circumstances. From what I understood they were shilled out of their pension, through bankruptcy.

He also told me a lot of other things, such as to be careful to not speak to people like this and so on. In that case, I knew who to speak to because I could see spiritually they were not a threat while at others it's evident, but they did not know I knew; this means that they cared about me, a stranger going by the street.

After telling me about 10 times how surprised they were that I stopped [in this city literally nobody cared apparently], and how I must be "loved by God to even think of doing this", I asked if they wanted money and they said no. They refused many times no matter if I insisted.

I happened to have had an English translation of a small piece of a book about Ancient philosophy about persistence and mindset in my bag, and when I mentioned this, they told me they actually try to read anything so they can further understand life and their situation too, but that they given up because they were too old, so that they now just study and simply try to live as to not die.

From the likes of it, I could tell the man was certainly not defeated, let alone useless. It was just one case of things having went wrong.

As they emphatically refused a 10 dollar bill telling me that "They have what they need" and that the neighborhood brings them food, but that in this holiday the stores were closed so nobody bought them anything, and that it was "expected" of them to eat there.

Then they kept reiterating to me how they feel blessed to at least own a house that has electricity in it, and that they had to go out to eat from the trash as all stores were closed. They were too old to work anywhere. They told me about their roommate who was supposed to bring food from the night, but they spent it on something that is like Fentanyl, it's another kike drug called "Sisha" which is like extremely cheap speed.

They also robbed their house a few days ago and left completely from there. They told me their friend stole from them quite a few things to sell them [for like 10 bucks] just to get this Sisha drugs, which they knew would eventually kill them, but had no choice. They could not control their behavior. Therefore as this man who was eating from the trash tried to help the other person, they lost from the few things they had in their house too.

As they were looking at the bag having refused to be given anything, I just sneaked the bill inside the book and gave them the book, then gave them some basic advice and left. Never saw the man again. They likely ate something that night even from a 24h supermarket or whatever, but their fate further is unknown as I never crossed the street again.

I left thinking in contemplation how many misunderstandings exist in human experience, and at what level we are collectively operating. I spent a full night thinking this over in order to understand everything from this seemingly "irrelevant" experience, as many people would say it's irrelevant, same as this person there.

Events like this make someone understand that our wider understanding of justice is not exactly on point in this world. At 4 languages and so on, to eat from a trash can, is an offence to the higher realms. Due to the chaotic situation of society, this person cannot go there and prove their life story to be given anything.

The foundational basis of taking care of people like this, was also perverted by the enemy to exist in a parasitic manner, which ruins everything and it deviates from the core principles of helping to do good.

What the enemy does actually robs people of where they could receive help.

To move past the story, the charity situation is necessary to happen based on a proper mindset and not solely on emotional grounds let alone without emotional control. If you help to uphold a crack-head by giving them money, you are killing them. Buy them a piece of bread instead. Charity has to have a point to it.

Fake charity like importing 10 million in your Nation to steal from the old and beat the young women of the Nation is also criminality, not "Charity" or "Hospitality". The appeal to hospitality and charity here was false.

The "Western Civilization" does not have any excuses to let people to die of hunger or eat from trash cans, especially it's own citizens, which first and foremost, should be helping.

The Church also holds trillions in their disposal, yet by some strange reason, in every major city in the West we always have more people on the streets and zero facilities to bring their life back in order. And always an enemy cleric that I will see with an iPhone 14 Max or something.

Rehabilitation facilities could be used on this. Another falsehood is when people claim that everyone who is out there is worthless, yet the reality is that only some people who are homeless are incapable and unwilling to do anything. Also, in the context of a facility with others, they might respark their faith in life again.

We are supposed to help other people and show kindness to them as life is cruel. Most people are in this situation because they are without guidance, lost and unable to get out of this situation. Some do not have the will, and not always it is that we can help.

With some others, it's literally pissing in a well that has no bottom to it - nothing will come out except of the destruction of the sources that give. Gypsies and others who are truly inferiors, are actually also abusing charity on a habitual manner, just to freeload. It can be easier to generate a revenue by charity than by doing absolutely anything in their mind. These people are worthless.

One must also know that this is also a way to look at this.

As most of our energy should be focused on those who want to advance and our own, we do not lose much to go a bit out of our way to spare one dollar to get a person a soup.

From the perspective of giving in general, human beings as creatures do have a karmic mission to help others. Some more, some less. The more this mission is served, one understands that in the end, the growth and blessings are numerous. Except of glory and a good name, and a good conscience, one also accumulates other traits such as power to keep carrying these tasks.

We are supposed to elevate society and putting our hand to improve lives even a little bit is advisable in Spiritual Satanism. Original Freemasonry before it was corrupted, had these aims. This approach to life is not of the enemy, it belongs to us.

Yet the way this is done is functional and not always revolves around a soup or a blanket.

Yet a soup and a blanket can sometimes save a person's soul.

The Ancient Pagan religions had plenty of rules in regards to this, with ethics revolving around helping the city, volunteer work, giving to the Gods, temples and religious community, but also helping the truly helpless in the context of having a spirit of humanity.

Yet, the Ancient religions approached these matters in reverse than what is widely accepted today. Today, kikes steal from charities, the money rarely makes it, the few that work are not advertised, charity is oftentimes completely misplaced, people on the receiving end do not understand any respect due to lack of ethics in society at large, there are many problems around this.

The enemy programs took these objectives of giving freely and giving help, as emulation of the Divine powers, and then perverted them to victim mentality, justification for the eternal victim mentality of fake beggars and thieves who hide behind the word "charity".

Fundamentally speaking, indeed this approach was a positive approach of uplifting the planet outside of the level of misery, which is exactly part of Satan's Grand Design, while also coupling this movement with spiritual development for human beings.

It should be done in accordance to the mentality of a Spiritual Satanist for the best outcomes.

The Gods know that the Joy of Satan must become powerful to help humanity and give people spiritual knowledge, and that the people in here will do really well in helping and uplifting humanity and ourselves in the future. We must not fail them, be this in small or greater gestures.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In terms of charity in an oligarchic state where the oligarchs are Jews, I see on the state news constant advertising of charitable foundations, some of which belong to the state, where they cannot raise money for the treatment of a child (money is collected from ordinary citizens), while a Jewish official with a billion-dollar personal fortune occupies the TOP of the Forbes list as one of the richest officials in the world, who at the same time tells viewers that you must transfer money for the operation before the nth day, or the child will die.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
