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Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base all their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you very much for this nice article, HP HoodedCobra. You always move us forward. ✨
Life is like that.
I know a man who changed his own destiny. He gave me guidance and brotherhood. He filled the place of a father. And all the while he was all alone.

Yes, what happened this year will change my life.
But I want to say that you have changed my life.
Yes, there are miracles. And you are a miracle.

Thank you, Commander.
I think this relates strongly to one of your past posts. I can't recall the title, but in it you described the importance of intention. Specifically, intention coupled with action.

Without applying action, the intention is worthless. Nothing manifests, because there is nothing  to manifest.

I could sit up on my high horse and boast about all the books I've read, but if I don't apply what I've read, what good is it?
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base all their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very necessary post.
Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.
It's like if someone pops a Mars square for fitness goals but doesn't exercise at all, and expects to end up in perfect shape just like that. Or Venus for artistic goals, but doesn't even try to draw.

Magic is kind of like water, in the sense that it must flow and be properly directed somewhere in order to fulfill a purpose, otherwise it's just potential energy. You have to create the paths yourself, precisely so that it can move how and where you want it to.
We'll surpass each and every obstacle! Hail Satan!
Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

Say if I were to do a working to attract a lifelong romantic partner, after vibrating Gebo 49 times for 40 days with the appropriate affirmation, would the next step then to be to put myself out there and start talking to girls?
Thanks HP, in many ways this reminds me of what you wrote recently about using a two-step path. Two legs and two arms, magic (impact on the unmanifested/astral field), and physical actions (impact on the manifested). Without one there will be no other, we cannot be only “astral”, we always need a connection to the real world and to do anything in it.
It is worth saying too, sometimes, not everything you feel an urge to do magic for is necessarily going to be a grand, life altering pursuit that shapes your destiny ahead, at least, not in any major way. Every so often, you will inevitably face smaller issues. And oftentimes, these smaller issues are often "wait and see" type things where very little physical work can be done. Sometimes, these issues crop up and you have very little time to respond. Sometimes a week, sometimes even less. This is life.

The difference between an SS and everyone else is, we do not have to sit and be sitting ducks. Yes, generally, for bigger pursuits, doing the same magickal routine for 40 days (or more) is the norm. But what about small, more chance based issues you're confronted with. Is it not worth doing magic for these? I, personally, think it is, and I'll cite an example from my own experiences.

Some years ago, I was fresh from surgery, among other larger issues, and I received mail telling me I was being summoned for jury duty. In the grand scheme of things, not a huge issue. But given my state at the time, I wouldn't have been able to comfortably undergo something potentially lasting months, when accounting for travel and physical wellbeing and other affairs I was dealing with. Given the circumstances there wasn't really much I could have done, save for lop one of my arms off as a means of getting out of it. It was something ultimately down to pure chance. I didn't have much time, but, I committed to a short magickal routine in the time that I had, made some prayers, and ultimately went off to sit through the process.

At the last minute, the entire case was cancelled out of nowhere, the staff present didn't really know what to do and told everyone in the room they could just leave and go home if they desired. A small miracle, perhaps, but, one nonetheless. One does have to appreciate the small victories.

Again, the point is this. In the situations where there's "nothing you can do", remind yourself you are SS, and there is in fact, something you can do. There's few battles too small as to not be worthy of improving your odds within them. Even if you only have a few days worth of time with little physical action you can commit to, why not try your best to grease the wheels? Sometimes, you might just be surprised by the odds. This isn't to say you'll win every single time, but we as Satanists have the chance to play the game of life with loaded dice. Make use of that where you can, and don't deny yourself the little betterments in sight of the larger ones.

Have hope, learn your runes and mantras, and make good affirmations. Alongside your spiritual progression, you'll find yourself with fairer odds than those around you. Bona Fortuna.
Thank you.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I've realised what helped me last year.
I made a Sun square, but I twisted it a bit.
A long time ago I read Blitzkreig's article on the possible uses of the Sun square. And I remembered that the Sun square can be used to improve leadership skills.

And then I said to myself, why should I lead others, I can't lead myself properly. I have therefore reworded the affirmation to say, "The positive energies of the Sun are a powerful enhancement to my ability to lead others and myself. For me, in the most positive and healthy way now and forever.
And it was my best month.

I wondered if I should change it.
For example: the positive energies of the Sun are helping me tremendously to develop my ability to control myself and my life in the most positive and healthy way for me now and forever.
I might try this one too.
Agreed. People want to make gains without sacrifice. The Universe has never worked like that,it doesn't work like that and will never work like that. Lord Ganesha demonstrates this with his own tusk cut off ,in his hand making the mudra ✋not to fear. We are Atma at our core essence yes,but it's power is limited according to our individual maturity. It's duality without separation. There's Order in the Universe and powers are not just granted, there's restrictions based on individual maturity. Whose maturity is unfolded by Centering (Swastika )in the Atma within. Particularly in the head, Swastika is Center of Consciousness in the head,linked to Crown chakra. But this Centering process is an effort in all aspects, physical, mental astral and soul spiritual. Hatha Yoga actually works all three. It's a huge effort. When centered that is Kundalini Rising then you live an accomplished life , there's still further unfoldment. But it's lots of effort to Center. That's what the Yoga is Centering in Atma. One has soul body realization , with the improved memory that comes with it. You start to see how life is pretty much fated,you often dream of your karmic pattern. With soul body realization you get contentment, that's what everyone really wants,you accept events as karmically just. The goal is not to react. That is to be affectionately detached.
Soul body realization is about liberating the mind or intellectual ego in the Astral from ignoring the Eternal of the soul body ,which is the real individual you.The intellectual ego in the Astral ,tends to have a strong hold on Awareness,not allowing much of it into the soul body. Then people doubt God the Eternal or they think Atma is separate from them. They become too externalised, identify with events in their lives and therefore suffer from pleasure and pain but the Atma in the soul body doesn't change. So the first fix of yoga practices before Kundalini rising is soul body realization. Which is by doing Hatha Yoga lotus pose, being still and thinking and feeling on the Eternal within until the mental ego becomes totally convinced of the Eternal within. This is the Ankh ,Soul body realization,it happens at the heart chakra. It's difficult to explain but you will know when it happens,the soul body is in an All Knowing state, it's intuitional mind,so the understanding of what has just happened that is soul body realization will flood the intellectual ego,you will know that something has changed. This is before Kundalini rising and it's intense infact most Kundalini symptoms become intensified after this. I like to emphasize this because fairly disciplined Yogin can have this,most here can have this realisation. Most happenings are fated,and even what you can change is just within the circumference of your Natal Astrology Chart. People want the contentment of the soul body that's why the drug abuse. Whether they know this or not,the drug suspends mental and physical activity to a degree ,allowing Awareness to withdraw into the soul enough to experience the High of it. Yogic practices like practicing being still and thinking on the Eternal can give this in a healthy way without taxing the physical health of the body. But it takes sacrifice, discipline. People want to make gains without sacrifice. Yes in the very much polarized material world , people do cheat and make material gains. The Jews have gamed the Banking system for example,but these things are temporal and the bad karma generated is not worth it. But the Atma is not polarized and to use the power of It effectively , can't come by cheating,to center in it is ethics, sacrifice, it's not polarized so you can't cheat it. The Universe has Order to it and it never errors in it's execution of it's laws. You center in it ,you suffer less you go off center you suffer more. So then you understand there's nothing wrong everything is as it should be. If people go off center then they must suffer, it's "medicine " so to speak. Mark of Good Fortune,the Center is in the head ,linked to the pituitary (crown chakra) and pineal (third eye) glands. The Center of Sun God Consciousness in the head.
"The goal is to live an accomplished life."- HP Hooded Cobra

Examples from working with Lord Valefor:
1. Health problem that's need to be addressed
2. Lord Valefors Ritual
3. One or more health workings
4. Material striving for a solution

= New medication the Dr prescribed me and now I am seeing a specialist next Tuesday for something I never thought I had :)

The above coupled together is the easiest route.

BUT question,

What about workings that are of a mental nature, like intelligence for example? Do we still have to engage in things like studying or will the working improve the intellect by itself?
Say if I were to do a working to attract a lifelong romantic partner, after vibrating Gebo 49 times for 40 days with the appropriate affirmation, would the next step then to be to put myself out there and start talking to girls?
Yes. Magic can't manifest if you don't put physical effort. I like this post because it's very realistic on how life works the only think I want to add is to not worry too much.

Physical effort is needed but magic makes you bring what you desire much more easily than without it so you just have to do the spell until it's manifested while you do the physical part.

Sometimes multiple working are needed and a lot of time working are required to eliminate obstacles before attempting to manifest something.
Thank you for the wisdom, High Priest. I have a question.
When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My question is regarding the first bolded part. I have always thought it to be the case indeed but I want to make sure. So, in essence, if there happen to be things blocking the energy we put in from manifesting into physical reality, the energy itself doesn't fizzle out into the Aether and instead, the proverbial energetic imprint will help bring about the change we intended when the circumstances allow it/when circumstances are such that the amount of energy we put in can reasonably overcome any resistance and help bring about physical change? I'm just trying to be as exacting as possible in my question, simply to as fully grasp the "physics" behind the operation as completely as possible. I intuitively understand, and know that certain things elude the English language, but still.

And naturally, I'm not discounting the vital importance of physical effort at all. I'm purely asking about the magickal side of affairs here; with the tacit understanding that magick is, especially until supremely advanced levels, "merely" an excellent helper and a substantial booster to all our mundane efforts. I often tell people that magick isn't magical, figuratively speaking.

Of course, it's strongly implied on the JoS and in some of your own sermons that there can come a point of advancement where, even magickal action alone can bring about results. But this is going to take a monumentally high level of advancement and someone on that level of power will also, in all probability, have a largely evolved consciousness and won't have the modernized monkey brain mode of sitting on their ass and expecting "miracles" all day.

Thank you again for your wisdom. May the Gods bless you ever more.
Could we say that the focus of the magic work is to give more potential to a situation?

Correct, but magick also extends beyond this.
Of course, it's strongly implied on the JoS and in some of your own sermons that there can come a point of advancement where, even magickal action alone can bring about results. But this is going to take a monumentally high level of advancement and someone on that level of power will also, in all probability, have a largely evolved consciousness and won't have the modernized monkey brain mode of sitting on their ass and expecting "miracles" all day.

Thank you again for your wisdom. May the Gods bless you ever more.

Magick "on it's own" is essentially the case too, but by the method I explain, you can except the most beautiful and straightforward results.
thank you HPHC, as a newbie, I’ve been doing the breathing, chakras, meditations, and some of the RTR stuff. I was just thinking I needed to dip a toe in the water by studying a little on Magick. Your timing is impeccable. Now I have a more realistic expectation of what Ineed to put into it. I’m slowly moving upwards. Thanks for the sermon.
Hail Satan!
Hail All the Gods!
I also was led to your previous sermon on “Magick, meditation, and your Destiny”. I enjoyed that one also. I think Imight need to study more before “jumping in with both feet” so that I fully understand the actions needed with Magick. Thank you for being a beacon of light on this topic.
Hail Satan! HailAll the Gods!

P.s. some day I will learn howto put a picture in here for my signature icon. LOL
This is very true! Another fantastic sermon!

I wanted to ask about the 40 day workings. I feel this obligation to meet social expectations and stay over at my dad's place for a few days once or twice a month.

I was wondering, how can I keep up with the meditation program in this case? He lives in an apartment with paper-thin walls, so chanting and so forth isn't really an option for me. Can I effectively do these workings (opening chakras and so on) through visualization only?

Thank you in advanced HP!
Could we say that the focus of the magic work is to give more potential to a situation?
That, and also create new openings.
Thank you.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I've realised what helped me last year.
I made a Sun square, but I twisted it a bit.
A long time ago I read Blitzkreig's article on the possible uses of the Sun square. And I remembered that the Sun square can be used to improve leadership skills.

And then I said to myself, why should I lead others, I can't lead myself properly. I have therefore reworded the affirmation to say, "The positive energies of the Sun are a powerful enhancement to my ability to lead others and myself. For me, in the most positive and healthy way now and forever.
And it was my best month.

I wondered if I should change it.
For example: the positive energies of the Sun are helping me tremendously to develop my ability to control myself and my life in the most positive and healthy way for me now and forever.
I might try this one too.
Controlling yourself falls more to the realm of the first chakra/Saturn than the Sun.
This is very true! Another fantastic sermon!

I wanted to ask about the 40 day workings. I feel this obligation to meet social expectations and stay over at my dad's place for a few days once or twice a month.

I was wondering, how can I keep up with the meditation program in this case? He lives in an apartment with paper-thin walls, so chanting and so forth isn't really an option for me. Can I effectively do these workings (opening chakras and so on) through visualization only?

Thank you in advanced HP!
You can also opt for mental vibrations for this short period. There will be less power generated, but overall it is better than without vibrations.
Correct, but magick also extends beyond this.

Magick "on it's own" is essentially the case too, but by the method I explain, you can except the most beautiful and straightforward results.
I have indeed experienced the very same when it comes to your given method. Uniting all the different dimensions of being is simply essential to living the best life we can possibly live.

Also, to rephrase my question in shorter terms; even if we happen to not succeed as a result of a magickal working, is the impetus for the result still "stored" until it can reasonably act to bring about the results at a later date? I know this is probably a yes, but I'd like to make sure. Also, is there still a dissipation or "decay" of the energies involved over time? If they're just sitting around and waiting, so to speak.

Thank you again, High Priest.
100% Thank you for this sermon High Priest, had I not hit the books after plenty of intelligence spells and having one thoughtform bring me intellectual enhancements daily, I wouldn’t have made it to apprenticeships and even survived the elite tech academy I’m in. I wouldn’t be so busy yet in a positive place it’s still shock to me and am still trying to cope with all of it.

Just what the hell is my destiny anymore…I always had to be the savior of every group-work every damn time even to student-officers that turned to me for help, even if I do piss poor jobs but still leg it and make people smile, become my friend and recognize me as someone who’s with crazy potential despite times I’m truly idiotic. Pressure is total whack but at least I got way better reputation now. Up until now, I am still thankful the JoS turned me around and still tries to keep me at the right path even in times I think I’m undeserving of it.

I accepted the ultra-nightmare difficult pathway my life is going to go already and all I have to do is rip and tear through it, with the magick inventory the JoS gave me, until it is done.
From what I have seen with wealth workings in particular is that you can perform magick to gain access to additional funds, but if you do not have the proper channels opened, you cannot access it. Further, if you had ways to access this wealth, but did not maintain them, or did something dumb and burned a bridge, then you will not have the access. I have seen how the energy rearranges the situation behind the scenes, and can present to you something close to the "perfect" situation to make money, however this requires personal effort as well. Like you could stumble upon a rich older person who wants to invest in your idea, but if you never leave your room, this cannot happen.
That, and also create new openings.

Controlling yourself falls more to the realm of the first chakra/Saturn than the Sun.

You can also opt for mental vibrations for this short period. There will be less power generated, but overall it is better than without vibrations.
Thank you.

I almost deviated from my original direction.
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Почему в магии много неудач, потому что человек не вкладывает в реальную работу, чтобы изменить ситуацию. Если проблема заключается в отсутствии работы, но вы не делаете ничего, что потенциально могло бы привлечь вас к работе [исследования, контакты с компаниями, работа, чтобы что-то сделать, узнав, что нужно узнать, чтобы задача проявилась и т. д.] вы по сути останавливаете ситуацию самостоятельно.

Планеты, другие люди и другие вещи, ситуации, также могут вызвать у вас проблемы, добавляя к этому. Если этого не сделать, то все станет лучше быстрее. Этими вопросами, представляющими себя, также следует управлять. Без этого есть несколько вещей, которые можно действительно ожидать.

Когда кто-то делает работу, а они не участвуют в вышесказанном, они по существу "держат" работу, пока не возникнут будущие обстоятельства, которые позволят проявиться. Это может произойти в той или иной жизни, но поскольку человек не делает то, что должен делать сейчас, то это сильно застопорится.

Делать заклинания и просто сидеть, ничего не делая, - это совсем не то, как работает магия. Этот уровень бредового заблуждения о себе заключается в том, что большинство людей хотят применить лень и глупость в магическом ремесле, где это даже не работает таким образом.

Сколько бы я ни хотел продать немного змеиного масла, как твой любимый "гурус", там [Мне не нравится, это ирония], Я считаю правильное обучение и правдивое изложение самым важным. Мы не такие, как они, и мы должны научиться сталкиваться с реальностью в этих вопросах.

Путь тех, кто хочет совершенствоваться, не имеет ничего общего с западной и прочей ерундой, которую проповедуют на ленивом проявлении, просто сидя там, как бум, и ожидая каким-то образом оказаться в особняке, пока у вас нет навыков и ничего не внести в человечество. По большей части это лишь ограниченная магическая операция, приносящая столь же ограниченные результаты.

Некоторые люди могут получить "некоторые результаты" от этих, но эти результаты не то, что мы намерены делать. Очевидно, кто-то хочет знать реальность здесь, и реальность такова, как я объясняю здесь. Это должно освободить истинного искателя истины, вместо того, чтобы обманывать их, что, сидя на диване и просто желая вещей, вещи просто "падут на место".

Конечно, помимо реальности, есть и чудеса. Но нельзя все время основывать свое существование на каком-то "чуде", если ожидать реальных результатов и прогресса в жизни.

Демоническая помощь и помощь от богов может преодолеть многие границы, но все же нужно быть готовым внести привычные коррективы, чтобы преуспеть в том, к чему человек стремится. Такова природа Вселенной и единственный путь. Чудеса могут устранить барьеры, но все равно приходится преодолевать последствия и работать, необходимые для дальнейшего удаления.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The very important post!

Of course, if you sit in the four walls of the house and do not go out, then there will be no changes, another thing is when a person works on himself and leaves the house, spends time with other people, but there is no result, then this person should think about what he is doing wrong.

On the other hand, if a person can achieve everything on his own (by actions and perseverance alone), then why would he need magic, isn't it?

I think it is very important to see the line where the result is brought by actions that all people do, and where the result is brought by magic, so that you can see what needs to be worked on more.
I think this relates strongly to one of your past posts. I can't recall the title, but in it you described the importance of intention. Specifically, intention coupled with action.

Without applying action, the intention is worthless. Nothing manifests, because there is nothing  to manifest.

I could sit up on my high horse and boast about all the books I've read, but if I don't apply what I've read, what good is it?
I completely agree with you.

But do not forget that there is a purely material action, and there are magical actions (three steps of Witchcraft) that manifest themselves in reality through the Astral.

In any case, to achieve the best result, it is necessary to apply both actions, you need to work both ways.
Thanks HP, in many ways this reminds me of what you wrote recently about using a two-step path. Two legs and two arms, magic (impact on the unmanifested/astral field), and physical actions (impact on the manifested). Without one there will be no other, we cannot be only “astral”, we always need a connection to the real world and to do anything in it.
Through the astral plane, ideal (or not so ideal) circumstances are created, situations in which a person must take specific actions exclusively on the physical plane, for example, strike up a conversation with a girl and invite her to lunch together.

As for the Astral, it takes enough power to manifest in the Astral and, as a rule, it takes time, the most important thing is that the magician does not destroy the work with his uncertainty or anything else.
Could we say that the focus of the magic work is to give more potential to a situation?
I think it's necessary to focus on the end result.

In any case, you can create situations artificially yourself, or situations can be created regardless of your actions, most people do not know how to create any situations at all, but you cannot rely on the will of chance, i.e. What I'm saying is that you have to learn how to create situations if they don't manifest themselves regardless of your will.
Yes. Magic can't manifest if you don't put physical effort. I like this post because it's very realistic on how life works the only think I want to add is to not worry too much.

Physical effort is needed but magic makes you bring what you desire much more easily than without it so you just have to do the spell until it's manifested while you do the physical part.

Sometimes multiple working are needed and a lot of time working are required to eliminate obstacles before attempting to manifest something.
I don't agree with you here.

For example, I made a square of the sun for my career and for me to work comfortably, now I have no problems at all at work, all problems fly off me like water from a goose, whatever I do.

Somehow, energy influences other people and business processes so that all problems bypass me, or are quickly solved the way I need.

For example, I still can't figure out how I was able to close one task on Friday this week and before I went on vacation, i.e. the pianos in the bushes (some miracles) really appear, which I don't expect, but they happen.

Again, I repeat, I am not one of those people who expect miracles, I do not expect miracles, but I see them around me.
Из того, что я видел, в частности, в работе с богатством, заключается в том, что вы можете выполнять магию, чтобы получить доступ к дополнительным средствам, но если у вас нет надлежащих каналов, открытых, вы не можете получить к нему доступ. Кроме того, если у вас были способы получить доступ к этим богатствам, но вы не поддерживали их, или делали что-то глупое и сжигали мост, то у вас не будет доступа. Я видел, как энергетика перестраивает ситуацию за кулисами, и может представить вам что-то близкое к "идеальной" ситуации, чтобы заработать деньги, однако это также требует личных усилий. Как будто вы можете наткнуться на богатого пожилого человека, который хочет инвестировать в вашу идею, но если вы никогда не покидаете свою комнату, этого не может произойти.
I think all affirmations should be achievable in real life, a person should affirm what he can actually achieve.
I am realising that the vast majority of my personal workings have to do with removing general obstacles, spiritual mainly rather than physical. Also I have a very specific one that has to do with removal of vulnerabilities.. what type of physical action could correspond with those types of more "abstract" goals? Since , in all sincerity , I base my workings on what my intuition is telling me to work on. Thank you for this information non the less. Many times that I engaged in very meaningful physical endeavours I usually had very high success, "luck beyond imagination" type of deal. (Not that I actually dared to take over governments XD, but I mean in my very surrounding sphere).

Maybe I'm going to overshare one more bit but there are a lot of things that I could've solved better if I applied myself also on the physical sphere more. I always did the very bare minimum, even less maybe.. I don't really know why. I may have blamed external forces rather than my attitude.
I don't agree with you here.

For example, I made a square of the sun for my career and for me to work comfortably, now I have no problems at all at work, all problems fly off me like water from a goose, whatever I do.

Somehow, energy influences other people and business processes so that all problems bypass me, or are quickly solved the way I need.

For example, I still can't figure out how I was able to close one task on Friday this week and before I went on vacation, i.e. the pianos in the bushes (some miracles) really appear, which I don't expect, but they happen.

Again, I repeat, I am not one of those people who expect miracles, I do not expect miracles, but I see them around me.
I actually agree with you here. I did not explain myself properly. Magic can manifest in this way. Influencing other people and situations and so on. This post HP made is true, life is all about taking action, this is why we suggest that the best thing to do is taking action while doing the spell. Obviously energy can still influence people withou you doing that much.
It is in our nature to remove obstacles without packing in big effort, we always try to make it as easy as possible.
But we must know that subjects like removing personal problems, should be removed with genuine effort, gradually, consistently, step by step. There is no "abracadabra" after all.
Just like getting ready for a relationship, you must address your problems first and overcome them in order to be a healthy couple.
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base all their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Magic is to plant the seed of your desired outcome. It is up to you to water it and tend to the soil for it to grow.

A big misconception I had as a beginning Satanist was not balancing the physical with the spiritual. "Wishing" for things to happen while not moving my lazy ass to actually take action and engage in my life.

Your magical workings are to present opportunities in your life. Many times I failed to grow or evolve to a better being from these and stayed the same.

Anyone reading this do not be foolish as I have. Have the courage to shift to a higher identity for yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
