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Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well.
And this should make I would not say everyone but Il say myself , would this all of the sudden supposed to mean ,what ? Knowing in Darkness there is or can be some light , I mean sure yea , dark , light , space, galaxy, whatever.

As in regard of the topic itself I agree and I like it , I can say from personal experience two things:

In regard of love and connections to say so trough magic is.. uhm like Mr Cobra said, you can't just like sitting and programming ur own aura to attract some bird and long live after on a horse in whatever infinity of the worlds , you gotta do , indeed act upon them as in working at yourself , I used to be more confident, learn the necessary skills in order to finally have a let's say connection with another human especially on a spiritual level is something tough to explain in human words but I think most of us can see the big picture in their own ways and as everyone is in ordonnance to their own nature and so other things.

The second one is as the exact above , in regard of money attraction , using obviously spiritual workings , you gotta need to be able and life doesn't really care but you have to be responsible enough and reasonable with yourself and really do understand that one dose have to learn some new skills ,work .

I like this topic it woke good things in me, thank you.
It is in our nature to remove obstacles without packing in big effort, we always try to make it as easy as possible.
But we must know that subjects like removing personal problems, should be removed with genuine effort, gradually, consistently, step by step. There is no "abracadabra" after all.
Just like getting ready for a relationship, you must address your problems first and overcome them in order to be a healthy couple.

Abracadabra and Harry Potter is when you look at life realistically, this requires true magickal skills, then you understand how life really works. That's where the magick is at.

I am realising that the vast majority of my personal workings have to do with removing general obstacles, spiritual mainly rather than physical. Also I have a very specific one that has to do with removal of vulnerabilities.. what type of physical action could correspond with those types of more "abstract" goals? Since , in all sincerity , I base my workings on what my intuition is telling me to work on. Thank you for this information non the less. Many times that I engaged in very meaningful physical endeavours I usually had very high success, "luck beyond imagination" type of deal. (Not that I actually dared to take over governments XD, but I mean in my very surrounding sphere).

Correct, the majority of obstacles can be internal, not always external. External ones appear later as one is on the path. These are too to be overcome.

From what I have seen with wealth workings in particular is that you can perform magick to gain access to additional funds, but if you do not have the proper channels opened, you cannot access it. Further, if you had ways to access this wealth, but did not maintain them, or did something dumb and burned a bridge, then you will not have the access. I have seen how the energy rearranges the situation behind the scenes, and can present to you something close to the "perfect" situation to make money, however this requires personal effort as well. Like you could stumble upon a rich older person who wants to invest in your idea, but if you never leave your room, this cannot happen.

Exactly and everyone should pay attention to your comment. It is exactly like this.

I like this topic it woke good things in me, thank you.

Thanks for being open to learning.
I had problems going out with girls, I started doing spells and everything started to change in my life, I simply wrote on a piece of paper: from this moment I am permanently free of all my traumas, blockages fears, ties and negative energy that prevent me from having sex with all the women I want, I recited it three times and burned it with a candle, in a month or so I started having sex and met a girl that I loved
That's most probably because you've surpassed your own mind by programing it into believing and repeating what you're saying but this is not as strong as a working can be, by this I mean you could say an affirmation for 110times a day ,everyday for 40/80 days or so on , the more, the better without using any runes or nothing at all, just by the power of will,imagination, putting power into your own thoughts by believing in it ,truly and already feel what you desire, real, awake, lifely ,full of power and it will work.

Which one is the best;
- Planetary squares or
- Planet mantras use for 180 days?
That's a though one , it depends, to the person to person and for what you're looking for.
For instance myself personally I did worked with venus mantra on both square and just the mantra itself for a love spell.

I've vibrated the Venus planetary mantra for about 70+ times about that few years ago on a Friday on Venus day and Venus here was in Pisces ,moon was also waxing in leo sign which facilitates love and that worked incredibly well and quicker then any other working I have done, that's probably because the planetary mantras are the strongest form of vibration that we know so far.
Depends on your goals ans how you want to achieve those goals. Both afe good options depending on your situation.
I'm doing a Mercury mantra in order to better understand the stock market and become an excellent trader. Initially, I wanted to do it for a period of 90 but I am extending it for at least 180 days. I don't have a bad placement in my natal chart for Mercury, so I thought that a 180-day work would be better suited to engrave my knowledge than a planetary square.

That's a though one , it depends, to the person to person and for what you're looking for.
For instance myself personally I did worked with venus mantra on both square and just the mantra itself for a love spell.

I've vibrated the Venus planetary mantra for about 70+ times about that few years ago on a Friday on Venus day and Venus here was in Pisces ,moon was also waxing in leo sign which facilitates love and that worked incredibly well and quicker then any other working I have done, that's probably because the planetary mantras are the strongest form of vibration that we know so far.
Thank you for your insight. I will try to do a planetary square for my communication problem and do the mantra later to increase the effect.
I'm doing a Mercury mantra in order to better understand the stock market and become an excellent trader. Initially, I wanted to do it for a period of 90 but I am extending it for at least 180 days. I don't have a bad placement in my natal chart for Mercury, so I thought that a 180-day work would be better suited to engrave my knowledge than a planetary square.

Thank you for your insight. I will try to do a planetary square for my communication problem and do the mantra later to increase the effect.
I have some more, before actually saying them I would like to say those "insights" are based on the level of the truth , as In they do work and it did worked for me.

I wish you good luck and success in everything you would like to join aboard in the so called mysticism of life but yes.

But yes, look, everything you do you will also have to do something as well as In the problem with the communication , why is that? You don't have to say , I haven't asked in that way , it is important but more important to urself and by that I mean to try to detect the problems itself, spot them and see why they are there and what is your best choices , trough my study of astrology, numerology and many other stuff I have came to the ultimate conclusion, trough magik as well, meditating and actually using the laws of the universe works best for some other then another , by that I mean everyone is different and is not about a question as "superiority" as everyone has their own unique personalities, lifes and you catch my drift.

As a Spiritual point of view , your question about your working is a matter of speed and it all depends of how important is for you, why dose it matter so much to you and so on. But I will replay to something else below to say some more words.

I haven't said that I know all but I think you might be wrong in your conclusion that a working of 180 days would be better then 3 planetary square of Mercury in your case. Note: The difference between spiritual and material world when I talk about the planetary square is that in this specific case as let's say the "empowering one's mind" or by Mercury square which rules the Mind and using natal energy of the planet itself .... I will try to keep it short not to make everyone to confused so you might thinking that a 180 working of lets say 100x mantra for 180 straight would be better then 3 Mercury completed squares you're wrong. Back to the spiritual/material , the thing is that if you do the spiritual one in this matter it will cleanse you deep inside,in the spirit, in the soul, on the astral world which is the world which has more power and obviously controls us and affect us, even if people can't feel it,understand it, it is possible for any soul who which to develop, that he would , eventually and I'm sure when I say this but that person would be straight by the divine light itself [The God's] .

Planetary mantra of Mercury takes 46 days to complete, each day has a specific number of vibration, that's for a reason and the reason is the reason in itself, meaning that numerology here is the code breaker of some parts of our own existence but is not the only one but that's not the conversation for now , so yes, making clear this importance of the planetary squares and those information's been given by the Gods themselves , to us , because they love us and want us to be free and prosperous and on the highest levels of existence as we did and do for someone we truly love as an example.

I would strongly advise to better do 3 planetary squares in full then a 180 working but then again the best option for everyone is to try by themselves what is working best for them.
In regard of the stock market and Mercury , remember anyone could also do Jupiter , the planet of luck and have 0 experience and knowledge in a specific field in which they join and then just be rich all of the sudden, obviously the odds of this happening out of a flamingo are near 0 but not impossible , Luck is what Mr Cobra said as well , it's something that we can't yet explain but we call it Luck although this can be decoded , understanding of one fate is essential but not the only thing that make things move, action is required , I haven't said that you're sitting like a lazy ass or something I just wanted to make this statement in regard of your question.
Thanks for the article, I ran this article though Offline A.I to generate some tweets, I'm just going to dump them below, and if you want to use them for Warfare feel free too, my goal is to do this, then create an X account after I get a lot of them done, and go through and post with links to their respective place.

Sorry i've been going through a lot of things, no excuses, I'm back now, forever. We have work to do.
A.I generated Content for Online Work.

1/6: As humans, we desire quick fixes for problems. However, this mindset may cause us to overlook the need for effort and persistence in making fundamental changes #magick

2/6: Major life changes require significant effort & time. People avoid fundamental shifts due to laziness, expecting external world adjustments without understanding how things work #magick

3/6: For health example, 40-day working can help, but full change may take 180 days or longer. Must address karmic flow causing issues in the first place for lasting success #magick

4/6: We need to put in effort to bring about major life changes instead of expecting external world to conform to our desires. Can't just sit and wish things will magically fall into place #magick

5/6: Magick operates within the universe, with proper work leading to miracles removing barriers but requiring adjustments for actual results & progress in life #magick

6/6: Miracles can remove boundaries, but one must be willing to make habitual adjustments for success. Emphasizing quick fixes may lead to disappointment and failure. #magick

#magick #reality #effort #persistance #truth #quickfix #universe #miracles #manifestation #demonichelp #reality #effects #demonicmagick #universe #planets #gods #boundaries #gurus #miracle #seekeroftruth #truth

1/6: To change life's course using magick, one must understand the concept of karma and how it manifests in their life #magick

2/6: Changing karmic flow requires effort and persistence to address the underlying causes. Karma is not a quick fix, but rather an ongoing process #magick

3/6: Satanist or otherwise, magick can be used as a spiritual practice by taking responsibility for actions and understanding consequences #magick

4/6: Magick is about making shifts in one's own reality. It's not necessarily easy to manifest desired effects, so maintaining faith & dedication is key #magick

5/6: As you change the course of your life with magick, understand that it takes time and effort. One must be patient and diligent for best results #magick

6/6: Magick allows us to transcend boundaries, but one must still do the work required to reap benefits. Results may not come overnight, so patience & perseverance are important #magick

#magick #reality #karma #satanist #spiritualpractice #effects #boundaries #patience #perseverance #effort #diligence #manifestation #universe #planets #gods #takingresponsibility #faith

1/6: Changing the course of life with magick requires commitment and understanding of spiritual principles. It's not about quick fixes or shortcuts #magick

2/6: Magick is a tool to access greater power, but it's not magic wand that makes things happen instantly. Must understand that effort & persistence are necessary for success #magick

3/6: Belief in magick is important, but so is the understanding of how reality works and what causes changes. Magick is a means to an end, not the end itself #magck

4/6: To change life's course with magick, one must be willing to challenge their beliefs and assumptions about themselves and the world. Magick requires open-mindedness and flexibility #magick

5/6: In order for magick to work in changing life course, it's important to be honest with oneself. This includes facing uncomfortable truths and being committed to growth #magck

6/6: Changing the course of life with magick requires a willingness to take full responsibility for one's actions and consequences. Magick is not about blaming others, but rather empowering oneself #magick

#magick #reality #spiritualprinciples #commitment #effort #persistance #belief #understanding #change #beliefs #assumptions #openmindedness #flexibility #honesty #selfresponsibility #empowerment

Let me know I'll make more. I'll make a tutorial on how this is all possible as well. but you can probably figure it out, LM studio mixtral 8x instruct the version im using is Q2_K gguf, if you download lm studio and search mixtral 8x you will find it, you need a big GPU 24G atleast. this is for the offline a.i. I'm not going to publicly release anything else until I get the permission. as the other is proprietary and I don't want unwanted eyes seeing it and reporting it back to the goons for updates. the offline a.i is on your machine and can't be changed.

MUSIC AI GENERATION ( same model promt turn the article into a song)
Verse 1:Life's problems arise like waves on a shore Seeking quick solutions we often ignore, The need for effort and change may be core, It takes time and commitment to score.

Chorus:Don't look for shortcuts or the easy way Put in work and persistence every day, Cause only then you can reach your height, And not stumble on false expectations' deceit.

Verse 2:Changes may take time like a seed to grow, The effort needed is often what makes us low, To change the universe we must act and show, That we are committed for that long row.

Chorus: Don't look for shortcuts or the easy way Put in work and persistence every day, Cause only then you can reach your height, And not stumble on false expectations' deceit.

Verse 3:In magick we must be persistent too, Not just sit there and expect that things will come through, We need to put in the effort and do, The necessary work for our goal to pursue.

Chorus: Don't look for shortcuts or the easy way Put in work and persistence every day, Cause only then you can reach your height, And not stumble on false expectations' deceit. Outro: Remember that it takes time to bloom, And effort is often a key factor to assume, So be patient and put in the work, And success will come with time as a perk

NOTE(some the of the ending didnt generate properly but the song is so good I'm going to put it here anyways, you can clip and TIKTOK the good parts, and link here or whatever you think is responsible)

here is the music

(It's Really Good)

It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base all their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so much for your wisdom HPHC 666 I can really relate to this message especially since am been doing so many money spells [Lakshmi mantra]and now am also doing the spiritual sun square I want improve my life drastically by starting my own business and I believe that we as spiritual Satanist should be the 1% / we should as Satanist take over all the key/top positions in society as the jewish world collapse and become a thing of the past
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base all their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you Lord Cobra, so crucial!
It's normal when problems arise in life, that human beings want quick solutions. These quick solutions can be either due to need of band aid, emergencies, or simply due to laziness involved.

As most people want "problems solved" but they don't want themselves to be the source of the problem that is being solved, the above task is how most people see this path. This deludes someone and misguides them, since one does not understand how things work themselves. And that's when false expectations meet tragic failures in magick.

The point of this short post is to explain how to avoid the above and to actually succeed.

The situation is, that if one ask for major changes, one must be willing to put effort and work into them. This is not only because of the nature of the external world, but also because of the effort one needs to change their own ways in order to achieve a goal.

Most people do not want to make any fundamental changes and they try to "bend" the external universe. Bending the external universe is something that requires a lot of persistence in itself. That is another topic in itself.

Now when it comes to changing life direction, let's pick the example of health. One's health has been quite bad, due to heredity or majorly bad habits. A 40 day working will likely help a lot, but one can expect changes after 180 days or a whole year to be very strong. That's not because only of power, but it's because one must work to change the karmic flow that led a person to these situations in the first place.

Changes of course occur as one does the working, but for lasting success, one would for example need to either repeat 40 day workings 3 times per year, or continue for 120 or 180 days. And one must work fundamentally at the same time in actually addressing the issues.

Why there is a lot of failure in magick, is because one is not putting in the actual work to change a situation. If the problem is lack of employment, but you don't do anything that would potentially employ you into a work [studies, reaching out to companies, working to make something, learning what one has to learn for the task to manifest etc] you are essentially halting the situation on your own.

Planets, other people and other things, situations, can also come to cause you issues, adding on top of this. If these are not done, then things will get better faster. These issues presenting themselves are to be managed, too. Without this, there are few things one can truly expect.

When one does a working and they don't engage in the above, they are essentially "holding in" the working, until future circumstances arise that will allow manifestation. This might happen in this or another life, but since one is not doing what one should be doing now, then this will be stalled greatly.

Doing spells and just sitting there doing nothing, is not how magick works at all. This level of delusional misguiding of the self is because most people want to apply laziness and foolishness into the craft of magick, where it's not even working that way.

As much as I would like to sell some snakeoil like your favorite "gurus" out there [I don't like, it's an irony], I consider proper teaching and truth telling to be the most important thing. We are not like them, and we must learn to face reality in these matters.

The path of those who want to improve has nothing to do with the Western and other nonsense that is preached on lazy manifestation, just sitting there like a bum, and expecting to somehow find yourself in a mansion while you have zero skills and contribute nothing to humanity. For the most part, that is only limited magickal operation, bringing equally limited results.

Some people can get "some results" from these, but these results are not what we intend to do. One wants obviously to know the reality here, and the reality is as I explain here. That should liberate the true seeker of truth, instead of deluding them that by sitting on a couch and just wishing things, things will just "fall in place".

Of course, besides reality, there are miracles as well. But one cannot base alol their existence into some sort of "miracle" all the time, if one expects actual results and progress in life.

Demonic help and help from the Gods can transcend many boundaries, but still one must be willing to make the habitual adjustments in order to succeed in what one seeks. That is the nature of the universe and the only way. Miracles can remove barriers, but one still has to work through the aftermath and work required to further these removals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Comprendo yo llegue de hecho aquí porque quería conocer algo más allá que le diera sentido a mi existencia que tuviera que ver con un verdadero ejemplo a seguir. Ya que antes estaba mirando otros caminos como el de "Dios" en fin no encontré verdaderas respuestas espirituales con el.
Al pasar del tiempo me encontré un artículo del ministerio de JOS, me dió miedo al principio pero me aventure y hasta el día de hoy fue la mejor decisión. Ya que desde ahi he podido encontrar mas que simples amigos una familia que nunca me abandona y que me guia por la luz, y que cuando me he encontrado en problemas graves los dioses me han dan su mano cuando lo he necesitado y me han brindado sus pactos por precios razonables(gratitud a la señora Mastema, el señor Baalzebul y el señor Amon Ra), pero la mayoría de veces hago las cosas por mi mismo porque comprendo que soy mi propio dios en fin siento que este camino tiene infinidad de cosas por explorar y mi pasión por descubrir el infinito es inexorable.
Gracias a los dioses por existir y ser los verdaderos maestros de la humanidad(gratitud al padre Satanás sin el nunca habria empezado este camino) y al señor Hooded Cobra que siempre tiene algo positivo por comentar hacia nosotros.

Que los verdaderamente justos nunca mueran.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
