I just wanted to share my own personal chakra diagram that made by myself for who is new to chakras and finds hard time to visualize chakras shape and their colors,at first time I find it to be hard to visualize and imaginate chakras and their "accurate colors" so i made it for myself and sharing it for those who interested in. I know its not that much pretty work but i tried my best to do it in a mobile phone,I tried to make it more glowing and looks like real time lighting vibrant color look,also used black background to more focus on color,also i made a lot research about colors diffrences and chakra accurate colors,as example plants use chlorophyll green to convert sunlight to energy so i think the green that i use closest one to it,as our heart chakra converts down and up energies it should be same as chlorophyll green.and orange color for the sacral chakra its tangarine orange,not orange orange that i needed to come conclusion.and I noticed that in the forums given for ajna chakra is wrong,its actually deep blue indigo as if Im not wrong,its not purple indigo.I hope its useful,I can try to make better one next time if I get the right materials. Also I add the minor hip(Muladhara Root),shoulder (Heart Anahata) and Temple (6th. Ajna) chakras,the additions of the some center chakras,but unfortenately i cant added the all minor chakras such as back wing chakras and arm feet face chakras,I will be needing better core template for them and it needs to be 3d I guess,next time I will be use body skeleton or anatomy chart to draw them. I hope this get useful for one who is needed it.