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Chakra diagram for better accurate and colorful imagination


New member
Feb 6, 2025

I just wanted to share my own personal chakra diagram that made by myself for who is new to chakras and finds hard time to visualize chakras shape and their colors,at first time I find it to be hard to visualize and imaginate chakras and their "accurate colors" so i made it for myself and sharing it for those who interested in. I know its not that much pretty work but i tried my best to do it in a mobile phone,I tried to make it more glowing and looks like real time lighting vibrant color look,also used black background to more focus on color,also i made a lot research about colors diffrences and chakra accurate colors,as example plants use chlorophyll green to convert sunlight to energy so i think the green that i use closest one to it,as our heart chakra converts down and up energies it should be same as chlorophyll green.and orange color for the sacral chakra its tangarine orange,not orange orange that i needed to come conclusion.and I noticed that in the forums given for ajna chakra is wrong,its actually deep blue indigo as if Im not wrong,its not purple indigo.I hope its useful,I can try to make better one next time if I get the right materials. Also I add the minor hip(Muladhara Root),shoulder (Heart Anahata) and Temple (6th. Ajna) chakras,the additions of the some center chakras,but unfortenately i cant added the all minor chakras such as back wing chakras and arm feet face chakras,I will be needing better core template for them and it needs to be 3d I guess,next time I will be use body skeleton or anatomy chart to draw them. I hope this get useful for one who is needed it.
colors,at first time I find it to be hard to visualize and imaginate chakras and their "accurate colors" so i made it for myself and sharing it for those who interested in

Many people have this problem.
Have you ever made a mental movie? Maybe while listening to a romantic song, you imagined some scene where you were spending time with who you wished was your partner, during adolescence it happens often, and then you fantasized about it again and again involved with the music in your headphones?

If you think about it what you visualized there was really more than just a little pyramid. So what does this limitation that you are experiencing depend on? On the hemisphere you are using to visualize. You don't ask yourself if while you are fantasizing about your first kiss you are visualizing well, is that color just the right shade, are you seeing it well? Maybe we should remark a little bit on the twisted brightness of the thing, etc., etc. No, that stuff is just all left hemisphere stuff.

Fantasizing, the music itself. It's right hemisphere. When you try to visualize you take it seriously, and that automatically leads you to think that since meditation is a serious thing, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing it right. But this is false. Rest assured that if you do something in itself it just works. Of course it may always work better as you progress. But it works.

We use the term visualize when we imagine a body chakra to indicate that that is not just a fantasy, but the chakra is really there. But what you have to do is not visualize the body chakra, but fantasize about the body chakra. Yes, by doing that you will be able to visualize it.

The chakra is really there obviously, the human mind is connected with the universal mind and can direct the energy of which the ether of this universe is made up. Even if you don't see this energy with your eyes, but just visualize it, or even only feel it at the level of physical sensation, the energy moves. Of course precise meditations require precise visualizations or sensations, but basically managing energy is naturally part of what the power of the mind can do. So there's no use worrying about it too much.

much pretty work but i tried my best to do it in a mobile phone

I like the halos around the chakras. :)
Many people have this problem.
Have you ever made a mental movie? Maybe while listening to a romantic song, you imagined some scene where you were spending time with who you wished was your partner, during adolescence it happens often, and then you fantasized about it again and again involved with the music in your headphones?

If you think about it what you visualized there was really more than just a little pyramid. So what does this limitation that you are experiencing depend on? On the hemisphere you are using to visualize. You don't ask yourself if while you are fantasizing about your first kiss you are visualizing well, is that color just the right shade, are you seeing it well? Maybe we should remark a little bit on the twisted brightness of the thing, etc., etc. No, that stuff is just all left hemisphere stuff.

Fantasizing, the music itself. It's right hemisphere. When you try to visualize you take it seriously, and that automatically leads you to think that since meditation is a serious thing, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing it right. But this is false. Rest assured that if you do something in itself it just works. Of course it may always work better as you progress. But it works.

We use the term visualize when we imagine a body chakra to indicate that that is not just a fantasy, but the chakra is really there. But what you have to do is not visualize the body chakra, but fantasize about the body chakra. Yes, by doing that you will be able to visualize it.

The chakra is really there obviously, the human mind is connected with the universal mind and can direct the energy of which the ether of this universe is made up. Even if you don't see this energy with your eyes, but just visualize it, or even only feel it at the level of physical sensation, the energy moves. Of course precise meditations require precise visualizations or sensations, but basically managing energy is naturally part of what the power of the mind can do. So there's no use worrying about it too much.

I like the halos around the chakras. :)
Are you have any problem about your mental? Because the way you talk seems really weird to me. Also i dont have any problems with meditations right now,it can useful for ones who started new or confused about glowing vibrant chakra not"halo". As I said i just wanted to share it,as you know imagination is important for the meditation during the vibrating mantras.and your imagination should be accurate,ofc feeling is the important but what if you imagine your chakra as a square or wrong color? Then its wrong,meditation is just not a fantasy its a real thing and it should be accurate you need use your logic as you connect your left and right brain powers,so there is no gain without logic,and "fantasy" will not get you anywhere,if gods didnt warned us about chakras we wouldnt even know if they are really were there.So imagination is power,its would be awful to wrong imagination of chakra.And actually i mentioned it a lot of details about chakra colors,as some them are given in forums are weak to use it in a imagination and accurate colors,so more accurate visualization means more better energy directing. But I see that the way you talk you really underestimating my opinion,you thinking you must be really smart or something 😆
Also i dont have any problems with meditations right now

Don't worry, sorry :)
I meant no disrespect, I'm really glad you can meditate well :D

I am sure you are doing well also.
Thanks for what you shared with people here then! I didn't want to bother you. In fact, with your permission I will try to use these images too if you like since I still need to meditate today :) in itself I am sure they are helpful to some more and lesso to others, based on our personal state of advancement. But surely new people deserve to have also this kind of help.

Thank you for this and thank you for your understanding and sorry again if I passed you the wrong message! May the Gods bless you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
