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Aug 31, 2021
Hi everyone. I'm probably one of the most overthinking and eccentric people in the world, especially since I'm young.

I'm a minimalist - computer at home and a notebook to take on the bus. I have this aversion to all fluorinated water, plastic containers/bottles, restaurants and alcohol.

Everyone thinks I'm a little crazy and can use therapy because if there's that tiny margin for bad I don't want it in my life at all. Everyone else can seemingly take the good with the bad and can accept it as 'overall good' when I cannot.

Everyone keeps telling me I need a cellphone so that I can be better organized and contact work and people.

This is where I'm at a crossroads. I don't like the touch-screens, apps, the look of the thing and the device altogether. I don't like the EMFs it emits (especially the brain) and the fact that it actively stores and collects our data. These things are in my view a large reason why everyone is brainwashed and depressed (not to mention the links to tumors/cancer), hence why I despise these things to the core of my being.

What can I do? I was thinking a flip-phone in an faraday case with headphones might be a good option, however there would be no app to check my work schedule. For this I'm thinking of trying out Bluestacks or something on PC.

They are making everything require these horrible devices and I'm not sure what to do about it, considering how I have a literal aversion to them.

Thank you for your time and help!
Every device with any sort of wireless technology emits and receives these frequencies in various forms unless they are completely disabled. Disabled, as in hard disabled, not just soft disabled through the user interface. So while you worry about that you should also be worrying about your desktop and laptop, but you are not?

If you do not want any more devices then use pen and paper, no?
It's pointless to worry about electromagnetic radiation. You live in the modern world, this is a part of life whether you accept it or not. Everything is electric and there are radio waves everywhere there is people, and even in places there aren't. You can't live like Chuck from Better Call Saul and live out of a faraday cage out of paranoia about electromagnetism, that is mostly in your own head.

Restricting yourself from the digital world is severely handicapping yourself.
I'm a minimalist - computer at home and a notebook to take on the bus. I have this aversion to all fluorinated water, plastic containers/bottles, restaurants and alcohol.

Everyone thinks I'm a little crazy and can use therapy because if there's that tiny margin for bad I don't want it in my life at all. Everyone else can seemingly take the good with the bad and can accept it as 'overall good' when I cannot.

THAT'S SO RELATABLE!! [non-distilled/cleaned water, pre-made foods, plastic, the color gray, spices, medicine pills, Chemicals, non-meat based foods, etc...] these are all things I avoid and drive my Mom crazy with.

No, don't buy a 'smart' phone.
If people need to reach you ASAP, buy an old cell phone, that does not have a touch screen, or anything, which you only use to call people and receive calls.

But even that is not that important if you are not a business man and there could be very very important matters that people could call you for. If you are not that, people can email you and you read it when you are on the computer and that's it. If your boss/people in work is used to you not having a cell phone, you don't need one.

The modern use of modern phones is what everyone should avoid.

The only reason why I have a cellphone is because of school stuff. But maybe I'll sacrifice my laptop to use it for school stuff and get rid of my phone eventually. Than maybe I'll buy an old "stupid" phone IF I need it .

No chads use smart phones for modern purposes, lets be real. And even if you decided to use one (not you, but someone), use at least a custom ROM and don't use it for posting pics on faecesbook, and share your life with the Gov. and everyone publicly.
I went for some years without a cell phone. I realized after some time that this wasn't right for me. If it makes your life better, then it's best to have one. The small amount of radiation is easy to nullify with a decent AoP and the occasional health working.

Don't have it near you when sleeping though and put it on airplane mode.

Remember, the strongest are those who easily adapt to the changing times, not those who stubbornly live in the past.
Remember, the strongest are those who easily adapt to the changing times, not those who stubbornly live in the past.

The strong one is also that can resist modern insanity.

Anyway, as I mentioned, if one does not uses their cellphone like how MOBS, than it is okay to have one. I also put it in air plain mode always.

(I'm not opposing you, and neither you did me, I'm just elaborating as I like this topic:)).
THAT'S SO RELATABLE!! [non-distilled/cleaned water, pre-made foods, plastic, the color gray, spices, medicine pills, Chemicals, non-meat based foods, etc...] these are all things I avoid and drive my Mom crazy with.
It's really weird that you group spices of all things with these other things. Maybe you meant artificial additives?
Maybe you meant artificial additives?

Yes I mean that, but most spices have a lot of them, thats why I don't prefer much spice on my food. Himalayan salt is the only one I prefer, or sea salt if we only have that.
Most spice brand is ruled by Jews (the most common here being Maggi), and most of them being more poisonous than healthy.

Yes I know spices could be healthy (and some of them are) as their core ingredients are healthy, so maybe it wasn't too fair to mention them here.
And I can't really avoid them, as there are not much food that requires non of them, and eating just one kind of food is also unhealthy.

You can also have a simple meat food and completely fuck it up and make it completely unhealthy with spices and side dishes.

I'm also looking into spirulina which have been used by NASA to supplement astronauts.. Any opinion about it? Its a very rich bacteria/alga that was also used by the ancient Aztecs.
I went for some years without a cell phone. I realized after some time that this wasn't right for me. If it makes your life better, then it's best to have one. The small amount of radiation is easy to nullify with a decent AoP and the occasional health working.

Don't have it near you when sleeping though and put it on airplane mode.

Remember, the strongest are those who easily adapt to the changing times, not those who stubbornly live in the past.
There's a whole movement of people nowadays who promote using dumbphones(old phones that can only basically call and send messages), the only reason is that they can't keep their eyes off their smartphone. These people would be much better off if they worked on themselves and stop giving the blame to external sources, instead of wasting their time and trying to create an identity based off old tech.
instead of wasting their time and trying to create an identity based off old tech.

Using modern phones is the waste of time and money. It's not a waste of time to use a phone to just calls, which the old tech is totally enough for.
People could work on themself in every kind of way, this does not take away the opportunity to build self discipline, especially for an SS.

And if you don't use your sMaRt phone for all that stuff, what do you use it for? Do you really need it? Not to mention their lifespan is at maximum5 years which I have mentioned above that they are a complete waste of money. There are 50+ years old computers still functioning. You buy a PC or Laptop now that is decent, will be decent in 10 years later also if you are not gaming (which is also a wasteful of time). But you could also easily upgrade it if you want to. You don't even own phones anymore, you have a very limited way of disabling features or anything alike which they constantly spy on you with, and getting rich with. Yes, you are expanding the wallet of Jews by using modern phones and not just when you bought the phone.

Yes of course, you are expanding the wallet of Jews with literally any expanses, but why not minimize this? No need for monthly youtube, spotify, or any subscription, no need for mobile internet subscription, etc. No need to buy a phone every other year because it broke..
It's pointless to worry about electromagnetic radiation. You live in the modern world, this is a part of life whether you accept it or not. Everything is electric and there are radio waves everywhere there is people, and even in places there aren't. You can't live like Chuck from Better Call Saul and live out of a faraday cage out of paranoia about electromagnetism, that is mostly in your own head.

Restricting yourself from the digital world is severely handicapping yourself.
Using modern phones is the waste of time and money. It's not a waste of time to use a phone to just calls, which the old tech is totally enough for.
People could work on themself in every kind of way, this does not take away the opportunity to build self discipline, especially for an SS.

And if you don't use your sMaRt phone for all that stuff, what do you use it for? Do you really need it? Not to mention their lifespan is at maximum5 years which I have mentioned above that they are a complete waste of money. There are 50+ years old computers still functioning. You buy a PC or Laptop now that is decent, will be decent in 10 years later also if you are not gaming (which is also a wasteful of time). But you could also easily upgrade it if you want to. You don't even own phones anymore, you have a very limited way of disabling features or anything alike which they constantly spy on you with, and getting rich with. Yes, you are expanding the wallet of Jews by using modern phones and not just when you bought the phone.

Yes of course, you are expanding the wallet of Jews with literally any expanses, but why not minimize this? No need for monthly youtube, spotify, or any subscription, no need for mobile internet subscription, etc. No need to buy a phone every other year because it broke..
For a luddite sure, it can be useless. But I get to see the JoS when I don't have a computer available, I get to read information I need when I'm not at home.
There's also a ton of useful apps that can be used.

Also those subscriptions you talk about, having a phone doesn't mean one has to have them, other than internet.

How is it a waste of time? That's very subjective to how people use it.

Not to mention the fact that smartphones are becoming a need, since governments are making their services usable only by smartphone apps.

What is a smartphone if not a smaller computer?

You seem to be contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian.
Yes I mean that, but most spices have a lot of them, thats why I don't prefer much spice on my food. Himalayan salt is the only one I prefer, or sea salt if we only have that.
Most spice brand is ruled by Jews (the most common here being Maggi), and most of them being more poisonous than healthy.
The issue is not spices as there are myriad options free of artificial additives, but your preference of not wanting spices. That's okay, but please say so then.
Using modern phones is the waste of time and money. It's not a waste of time to use a phone to just calls, which the old tech is totally enough for.
People could work on themself in every kind of way, this does not take away the opportunity to build self discipline, especially for an SS.

And if you don't use your sMaRt phone for all that stuff, what do you use it for? Do you really need it? Not to mention their lifespan is at maximum5 years which I have mentioned above that they are a complete waste of money. There are 50+ years old computers still functioning. You buy a PC or Laptop now that is decent, will be decent in 10 years later also if you are not gaming (which is also a wasteful of time). But you could also easily upgrade it if you want to. You don't even own phones anymore, you have a very limited way of disabling features or anything alike which they constantly spy on you with, and getting rich with. Yes, you are expanding the wallet of Jews by using modern phones and not just when you bought the phone.

Yes of course, you are expanding the wallet of Jews with literally any expanses, but why not minimize this? No need for monthly youtube, spotify, or any subscription, no need for mobile internet subscription, etc. No need to buy a phone every other year because it broke..
I've seen several comments from you that make me wonder do SS have to go backwards?

Technology is here to stay and is a vital part of the future. TECHNOLOGY IS THE FUTURE and a SS must accept and adapt to it.

It really makes me wonder if he is that unhappy? I'm really into technology.

My phone has been useful to communicate with the community, to be aware of my SS friends, to make video calls for those who live in another country.

What world do you live in? In the caves of the Himalayas?

Technology is really a great medium and not to mention the cell phone. For me this device is necessary because for example, The Joy of Satan and my commitment to it also requires it and I enjoy technology very much.

Really depriving yourself of something is not healthy, we came here to be happy regardless of the fact. Spending our money on what makes us happy is one of the best ways to reward ourselves.

I also use my cell phone to donate to JoS, to create a Wallet and keep it there, I manage my banks from there.

You are looking at technology from such a negative point of view, I wonder if there is an obsession for this or what.
I have been considering buying and permanently using a "dumb" phone like a Nokia.

This is probably the best solution for you. It allows you to call and to receive calls, has a reputation of being hard to break, has a reasonable price and actually fits in your pocket. You also avoid excess radiation, addiction, anti-social media and spyware.
I went for some years without a cell phone. I realized after some time that this wasn't right for me. If it makes your life better, then it's best to have one. The small amount of radiation is easy to nullify with a decent AoP and the occasional health working.

Don't have it near you when sleeping though and put it on airplane mode.

Remember, the strongest are those who easily adapt to the changing times, not those who stubbornly live in the past.
I don't have a smartphone either but it's not because of the radiation issue it's because I don't like things like whatsapp and people who think you have to be always connected to a damn chat and I don't like being bothered and wasting my time reading and chatting nonsense that doesn't interest me.
And mostly because touch screens make me feel clumsy and I hate that feeling.
But I get to see the JoS when I don't have a computer available.

That's addictive like a social media. One should be able to wait seeing JoS, Only not if they have a important role like JG ApolloAbove.
There isn't even much going on under 12-24 hours here.
I get to read information I need when I'm not at home.

That's probably the only legit use of a modern phone (other than communication), but how much does this happen really? I don't think it happens much. And depending on where you go or what you do, you could bring a laptop with you.
There's also a ton of useful apps that can be used.

I can't really think of any. There are some """useful""" application that they advertise but they are mostly just malware and not even useful. There are some interesting apps that one may try for the sake of it one time but definitely not use it regularly.
Not to mention the fact that smartphones are becoming a need, since governments are making their services usable only by smartphone apps.

There is desktop/browser version of these thankfully.
You seem to be contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian.

No, I think I have valid arguments, most people is not in need of "sMarT" phones, it's just part of their life. Maybe most people is not even in need of any kind of phone, but I don't say there is no people that really need a phone for people to reach them instantly.


We have the freedom of do whatever we want in our life. I don't really care if you personally want to use a smartphone. But I think its NOT a necessity and it just brings unhealthy habits in the wast majority of people's life. Most of modern technology is very anti-Human, and they will keep this tendency of being more and more inhuman.
It is better to not go with the flow and resist these technologies, or else you can buy a apple vision pro 2000 and live your life in a virtual reality. How do you know these won't be a 'normal' thing in 10-20 years? Will you say it is okay to wear an apple vision 7/24 because that's what everybody is doing? But muhh coMfoRt, AcCesSIbiLity, and PUrPoSeFUlL USE!!!!!!!!

Microchip and apple lens now FREE only for the Goyim!!
That's addictive like a social media. One should be able to wait seeing JoS, Only not if they have a important role like JG ApolloAbove.
There isn't even much going on under 12-24 hours here.

That's probably the only legit use of a modern phone (other than communication), but how much does this happen really? I don't think it happens much. And depending on where you go or what you do, you could bring a laptop with you.

I can't really think of any. There are some """useful""" application that they advertise but they are mostly just malware and not even useful. There are some interesting apps that one may try for the sake of it one time but definitely not use it regularly.

There is desktop/browser version of these thankfully.

No, I think I have valid arguments, most people is not in need of "sMarT" phones, it's just part of their life. Maybe most people is not even in need of any kind of phone, but I don't say there is no people that really need a phone for people to reach them instantly.


We have the freedom of do whatever we want in our life. I don't really care if you personally want to use a smartphone. But I think its NOT a necessity and it just brings unhealthy habits in the wast majority of people's life. Most of modern technology is very anti-Human, and they will keep this tendency of being more and more inhuman.
It is better to not go with the flow and resist these technologies, or else you can buy a apple vision pro 2000 and live your life in a virtual reality. How do you know these won't be a 'normal' thing in 10-20 years? Will you say it is okay to wear an apple vision 7/24 because that's what everybody is doing? But muhh coMfoRt, AcCesSIbiLity, and PUrPoSeFUlL USE!!!!!!!!

Microchip and apple lens now FREE only for the Goyim!!
How about also addressing the point I made about smartphones becoming a necessity for governmental services?

And also why do you make as if the apple vision is equal to a smartphone? You're just trying to sound smart here. They're not the same things, and never will be.

Also do you know that in Europe, most people use Whatsapp instead of normal messages? Can't have that on a dumbphone.

You feel like you're smart and you have a superiority complex because of not using a smartphone, but truth be told, with the way you're addressing this discussion it feels like you're just edgy for the sake of edginess.

I also believe you're a teenager, in that case it's fine to be extreme, because you're still developing and your brain goes from an extreme to another, sooner or later you will stabilize.

Also keep in mind that a smartphone is a tool, and its up to people how they are going to use it. You can use it just for the useful things, or you can go downhill with social media. And no, I'm not going to bring a laptop everywhere, what the fuck of a solution is that?

This is my last post on this as it's kind of a ridiculous discussion.
How about also addressing the point I made about smartphones becoming a necessity for governmental services?
you have a superiority complex because of not using a smartphone

How about reading my replies?

And also why do you make as if the apple vision is equal to a smartphone

It will be equally normal but I guess you are not getting my points.

I won't even reply any longer than this because its not being read.
debate closed.
Привет всем. Я, наверное, один из самых задумчивых и эксцентричных людей в мире, тем более что я молод.

Я минималист - компьютер дома и блокнот взять в автобус. У меня есть это отвращение ко всей фторированной воде, пластиковым контейнерам/бутылкам, ресторанам и алкоголю.

Все думают, что я немного сумасшедший и могу использовать терапию, потому что, если есть крошечный запас для плохого, я вообще не хочу этого в своей жизни. Все остальные, казалось бы, могут воспринимать хорошее с плохим и могут принять его как "всеобщее хорошее", когда я не могу.

Все постоянно говорят мне, что мне нужен мобильный телефон, чтобы я мог быть лучше организован и контактировать с работой и людьми.

This is where I'm at a crossroads. I don't like the touch-screens, apps, the look of the thing and the device altogether. I don't like the EMFs it emits (especially the brain) and the fact that it actively stores and collects our data. These things are in my view a large reason why everyone is brainwashed and depressed (not to mention the links to tumors/cancer), hence why I despise these things to the core of my being.

What can I do? I was thinking a flip-phone in an faraday case with headphones might be a good option, however there would be no app to check my work schedule. For this I'm thinking of trying out Bluestacks or something on PC.

They are making everything require these horrible devices and I'm not sure what to do about it, considering how I have a literal aversion to them.

Thank you for your time and help!
You don't have to worry about that.

There is a lot of water (untruth) and exaggerations regarding radiation.

So far, no one has died from radiation from the TV or the phone and has not contracted any cancer.

I think you need to adapt to technology on the contrary and use them, not be afraid of them.

You should not give up on technology and the opportunities it provides you, especially in the Age of Aquarius.
I can't live without my phone. I use it to listen to music, take photos, read e-books and so on. When I get lost in another city, I use my phone to check a map or call a driver on my phone app.

In my country, almost everyone uses cell phones. People who don't use cell phones can't live here normally.
In my country, especially in large cities, sometimes it is impossible to do without a tablet or a mini-laptop with Internet access.
I don't have a smartphone either but it's not because of the radiation issue it's because I don't like things like whatsapp and people who think you have to be always connected to a damn chat and I don't like being bothered and wasting my time reading and chatting nonsense that doesn't interest me.
And mostly because touch screens make me feel clumsy and I hate that feeling.
I have the opposite situation, on the contrary, I cannot refuse WhatsApp, because this social network allows me to communicate conveniently with colleagues at work + this is a requirement of my employer and my business partners, also this application allows me to determine from a photo what status or mood this or that girl is in and generally allows me to follow people very well, allows me to understand what these people are (applies not only to WhatsApp, but also to other social networks.networks) and what actually happens in their lives.

As for the phone, I have already broken the third or fourth smartphone (lost count), but I did not break the phone itself, but only the screen, so different women (including my mother) tell me to buy a new phone or change the screen, they constantly remind me of my salary and my income, that an allegedly broken phone does not correspond to my status (mom says it's a disgrace and I walk like a bum 😂), although I don't give a shit about it, I know that a broken phone does not affect the status in any way, half of my business partners (some of whom are women) have the same broken phones, if no worse.

For the people I work with, it is very important how you are and what you are dressed in order to match your status (of course, according to their concepts and requirements), of course not a Brioni suit, but you can't come in a cheap suit either.

As I was told by an acquaintance with whom I crossed paths a couple of times (he is the son of a former mayor of a city, rents factories to make a profit from them, he fucks expensive (elite) whores): "that expensive suits and expensive clothes have a very strong psychological pressure on customers and that they (customers) really they tremble from this and will listen to your every word!"

This acquaintance then took out my whole brain with his whores, constantly bragged about it, by the way, he is a very dangerous type.
I have the opposite situation, on the contrary, I cannot refuse WhatsApp, because this social network allows me to communicate conveniently with colleagues at work + this is a requirement of my employer and my business partners, also this application allows me to determine from a photo what status or mood this or that girl is in and generally allows me to follow people very well, allows me to understand what these people are (applies not only to WhatsApp, but also to other social networks.networks) and what actually happens in their lives.

As for the phone, I have already broken the third or fourth smartphone (lost count), but I did not break the phone itself, but only the screen, so different women (including my mother) tell me to buy a new phone or change the screen, they constantly remind me of my salary and my income, that an allegedly broken phone does not correspond to my status (mom says it's a disgrace and I walk like a bum 😂), although I don't give a shit about it, I know that a broken phone does not affect the status in any way, half of my business partners (some of whom are women) have the same broken phones, if no worse.

For the people I work with, it is very important how you are and what you are dressed in order to match your status (of course, according to their concepts and requirements), of course not a Brioni suit, but you can't come in a cheap suit either.

As I was told by an acquaintance with whom I crossed paths a couple of times (he is the son of a former mayor of a city, rents factories to make a profit from them, he fucks expensive (elite) whores): "that expensive suits and expensive clothes have a very strong psychological pressure on customers and that they (customers) really they tremble from this and will listen to your every word!"

This acquaintance then took out my whole brain with his whores, constantly bragged about it, by the way, he is a very dangerous type.
There are non public jobs that do not ask for this requirement, only your phone number or your mail.

As for the second issue, that is something I'm not interested in at all.
This is my last post on this as it's kind of a ridiculous discussion.
Totally, I agree with you.

I have already seen several comments from this user :)
Every device with any sort of wireless technology emits and receives these frequencies in various forms unless they are completely disabled. Disabled, as in hard disabled, not just soft disabled through the user interface. So while you worry about that you should also be worrying about your desktop and laptop, but you are not?

If you do not want any more devices then use pen and paper, no?
That's a good observation Henu! I understand what you mean there, however my rationale there is that it's not as direct and close-range, albeit I do suspect that ethernet would present less of a risk to health, though I do live with roomates, so I've learned to let that one go (along with the unfiltered water system; showers and such...)

I've seen several anecdotes of people keeping cellphones in their pockets (one in their bra for many years) and developing tumors in those areas. It's more the direct and close-contact that I don't like. A University study (John Hopkins or something) demonstrated that EMFs reach the highest levels when a call is answered; ie when that immediate connection is made. This is the reason why all cellphone manufacturers are required to include warnings in their TOS recommending to never place a cellphone next to your head, simply due to potential long-term health implications.

Still, I do need to learn to take the good with the bad and learn to accept it. I feel that my excessive concern stems largely from health problems that I've had my entire life (mostly IBS and such). This isn't uncommon I think and it's why some of us are more bitter and concerned about things that harm our health than others, often going to a point that most likely isn't practical or logical in the long run.

I'll consider the words here, read the health section and I'll work on these issues in myself. Thanks for your comment!
It's pointless to worry about electromagnetic radiation. You live in the modern world, this is a part of life whether you accept it or not. Everything is electric and there are radio waves everywhere there is people, and even in places there aren't. You can't live like Chuck from Better Call Saul and live out of a faraday cage out of paranoia about electromagnetism, that is mostly in your own head.

Restricting yourself from the digital world is severely handicapping yourself.
Duely noted! I think I have been handicapped by this somewhat, yet I wonder sometimes about data, security and all that (something I'm a dunce about); hence why I acquired a view that these things are designed to be data-collecting and tracking devices. As an example, Alexa devices collect more data than they send out. There was also a 'smart' vacuum cleaner on Amazon once. The company was sued because people discovered that (through the cameras) these vacuums would map out houses, rooms, etc and send that data to be sold onlne.

These are things that I shouldn't start wearing a tinfoil hat over because I am a small fry and it wouldn't be worth the time and resources for 'the powers that be' to monitor my entire life. I still do have concerns about our future becoming a technocracy akin to China. These are concerns that shouldn't prevent me from living my best life however so I'll probably just have to bite the bullet on this one.

What are your thoughts on accessing information, such as the forums? Is this something of concern with these devices? I'm not very educated when it comes to technical stuff, hence my slight paranoia. Sorry for the fearmongering by the way - my words come from a place of love and concern over hatred and negative emotions. It's my way of trying to balance the good from the bad which (with the way I am) I tend to do constantly. I do appreciate the encouragement to not worry all the time. That's probably worse than accepting the good with the bad and finding a balance.
THAT'S SO RELATABLE!! [non-distilled/cleaned water, pre-made foods, plastic, the color gray, spices, medicine pills, Chemicals, non-meat based foods, etc...] these are all things I avoid and drive my Mom crazy with.

No, don't buy a 'smart' phone.
If people need to reach you ASAP, buy an old cell phone, that does not have a touch screen, or anything, which you only use to call people and receive calls.

But even that is not that important if you are not a business man and there could be very very important matters that people could call you for. If you are not that, people can email you and you read it when you are on the computer and that's it. If your boss/people in work is used to you not having a cell phone, you don't need one.

The modern use of modern phones is what everyone should avoid.

The only reason why I have a cellphone is because of school stuff. But maybe I'll sacrifice my laptop to use it for school stuff and get rid of my phone eventually. Than maybe I'll buy an old "stupid" phone IF I need it .

No chads use smart phones for modern purposes, lets be real. And even if you decided to use one (not you, but someone), use at least a custom ROM and don't use it for posting pics on faecesbook, and share your life with the Gov. and everyone publicly.
Excellent comment! I'm so happy that I'm not alone in my feelings that these things aren't without warrented concerns, especially considering the direction that the world is going.

I'll try and see about finding a method of running apps on PC (bluestacks as I mentioned). This is the only thing I really need it for (can't check my work schedule without an app). Calls/texts are a much needed thing for me though. A laptop is a good idea btw! (Research on-the-go!)

It's a lot to consider but I'll weigh out all of my options, do some more reading/consideration and go from there. Thanks for your input!
I went for some years without a cell phone. I realized after some time that this wasn't right for me. If it makes your life better, then it's best to have one. The small amount of radiation is easy to nullify with a decent AoP and the occasional health working.

Don't have it near you when sleeping though and put it on airplane mode.

Remember, the strongest are those who easily adapt to the changing times, not those who stubbornly live in the past.
WOW Lydia, these are some powerful and truthful words! You are right about this! Horse-drawn carriages, basement cellars, etc. Sure these things might be better overall in many ways, yet since they are impractacle in modern times we instead need to find a way of finding a best alternative. There is no such thing as perfect in this world and obsessing over having only perfection will drive anyone made I think. Thank you for your sound advice! <3
For a luddite sure, it can be useless. But I get to see the JoS when I don't have a computer available, I get to read information I need when I'm not at home.
There's also a ton of useful apps that can be used.

Also those subscriptions you talk about, having a phone doesn't mean one has to have them, other than internet.

How is it a waste of time? That's very subjective to how people use it.

Not to mention the fact that smartphones are becoming a need, since governments are making their services usable only by smartphone apps.

What is a smartphone if not a smaller computer?

You seem to be contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian.
These are good points and I should never be quick to judge them as "all bad" when in fact there are many benefits that come with owning one. The negative side can just appear far worse than it is perhaps when that is all that one considers.

I may indeed look into it, though because I tend to worry about health I'll get a faraday case for it and use headphones to answer calls. In our modern world I think the best approach is mitigation over complete elimination of what is bad or harmful. Thanks for your feedback and sorry for going off on a dither as I often do.

Also thanks for the new word! Luddite... that does sound a lot like me through and through; something that I certainly need to work on given that I'm poor and I live in a city lol! Fun times in our modern world I guess lol.
I've seen several comments from you that make me wonder do SS have to go backwards?

Technology is here to stay and is a vital part of the future. TECHNOLOGY IS THE FUTURE and a SS must accept and adapt to it.

It really makes me wonder if he is that unhappy? I'm really into technology.

My phone has been useful to communicate with the community, to be aware of my SS friends, to make video calls for those who live in another country.

What world do you live in? In the caves of the Himalayas?

Technology is really a great medium and not to mention the cell phone. For me this device is necessary because for example, The Joy of Satan and my commitment to it also requires it and I enjoy technology very much.

Really depriving yourself of something is not healthy, we came here to be happy regardless of the fact. Spending our money on what makes us happy is one of the best ways to reward ourselves.

I also use my cell phone to donate to JoS, to create a Wallet and keep it there, I manage my banks from there.

You are looking at technology from such a negative point of view, I wonder if there is an obsession for this or what.
It is, nearly in every case, a lesser of two evils I feel. I'm a very emotional-based thinking person (empath) and I'm very sensitive to these ideas of our world becoming like China. This however is an inevitability when we consider that (according to estimates) around 85% of people on the globe have a smartphone and that they are becoming required by digital companies, employers and so forth more and more. I don't like the idea of acquiescence and conformity in any regard, yet I do need to think about my life as a whole and measure the benefits against the negatives.

This is a sound thought and it's something I'll consider. If I can find a way to own a flip-phone with a laptop/tablet or something, I do feel that I'd be most happy with that knowing myself and what makes me feel happy. Still, the cost of such things plays another factor in this.

Thanks for your comment and sorry for opening a can of worms. Everyone is so unique in how drastic their feelings are towards certain things, thus I need to look internally more and become the most practical that I can be rather than picking an 'easy-out' (going to one extreme or the other).
Thank you for your feedback! It is a remarkable tool to have indeed. I like the idea of a tablet as it's something I could utilize well for many creative things I feel. One never knows with the state of our world lately and what may even come from it. The enemy is a callous and abhorrent manifestation that will no doubt suffer for its crimes, most notably the mass genocide and ecocides. My concerns about radiation are indeed a tiny aspect, even if they do appear to be a part of the agenda to trace, monitor and catagorize all citizens. I can't discount that they currently have countless positives however, especially how they can be used in a way that is for only good and without harm.

When things start becoming more like China in the world though I may look into a linux-based tablet (hopefully) and learning to be as much outside of the system that they (our mortal enemy) created as possible. I almost feel as though I was born to hate them (since very young at least) and everything they've done against our Gods and their creations.

Anyway, thanks for your help with sorting out my priorities there and looking at things more rationally and clearly. 🙂
You can get a cheap flip phone by NUU and disable all the tracking stuff and use it only for necessary calls. You can get a super cheap pay as you go service from tello for less than 10 dollars a month. I only use mine when leaving the house so wife can call if needed. the rest of the time it stays in airplane mode. I rarely use it except to call if a store is open or something.
These are good points and I should never be quick to judge them as "all bad" when in fact there are many benefits that come with owning one. The negative side can just appear far worse than it is perhaps when that is all that one considers.

I may indeed look into it, though because I tend to worry about health I'll get a faraday case for it and use headphones to answer calls. In our modern world I think the best approach is mitigation over complete elimination of what is bad or harmful. Thanks for your feedback and sorry for going off on a dither as I often do.

Also thanks for the new word! Luddite... that does sound a lot like me through and through; something that I certainly need to work on given that I'm poor and I live in a city lol! Fun times in our modern world I guess lol.
It's 3 occasions that you need to protect yourself from cellphone radiation.

1) When you're wearing it. If you're a man put it in your back pocket, or keep it in a backpack.

2)When you're calling someone, in that case I myself avoid putting it near my head as at that moment the radiation is very much amplified. In this case use the speaker phone, or use cabled earphones.

3)When you're sleeping. If you keep your phone near you then put it in airplane mode and all the radiation will be gone. If you can't keep it in airplane mode because you expect calls or anything else then just keep it far away from you.
You can get a cheap flip phone by NUU and disable all the tracking stuff and use it only for necessary calls. You can get a super cheap pay as you go service from tello for less than 10 dollars a month. I only use mine when leaving the house so wife can call if needed. the rest of the time it stays in airplane mode. I rarely use it except to call if a store is open or something.
That's the option that feels best for me, just using it for the basics like accessing city hall services, being able to use QR codes and cryptocurrency, and taking a quick look at the internet if I need to look something up and I'm not at home.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
