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Strange behaviors Apple devices.


New member
Nov 22, 2024

During my studies on computer devices I noticed an extremely anomalous behavior regarding my iPhone, I hadn't tried an iPhone for many years and so I was curious to find out what updates were applied, I'm not a fan of Apple, so it was just to try since I've always had android and I happily continue with android devices.

In short when I left the iphone completely off and not in standby, it was actually off, checking the devices connected to the network from the control panel of my router I noticed that the wifi of the iphone was active and not only had it automatically connected to my router despite it being completely off, behavior that I had never seen in any mobile or desktop device.

Thinking it was a bug in the router I brought an EMF detector closer to the device and in fact it gave a positive result.
For android devices even just putting them in airplane mode the device did not emit any radio signal, and bringing the EMF detector closer gave a negative result.

An EMF detector (Electromagnetic Field Detector) is a device designed to measure the presence and strength of electromagnetic fields. These fields are generated by electrical power sources and electronic devices, such as power lines, electronic equipment, cell phones, computers, and wireless devices.

However, I am aware that it can generate false positives, for example the detector could produce false positives due to Faraday's law of induction, if you approach for example an EMF detector device on a smartphone that is in airplane mode, the electrical signals of the internal electronics even if the device is in standby would automatically produce a weak magnetic field that could be detected, however it would still be too weak to easily produce false positives, so I think this hypothesis can be discarded.

Personally I think that using proprietary, closed and non-open-source devices of this type is no longer safe and that espionage (in my opinion) could increase as we move forward with technology, furthermore if I turn off a smartphone I cannot remove the battery, with the old models it was possible, I'm not saying that perhaps the reasons are necessarily linked to espionage, but certainly the difficulty in removing the battery would greatly facilitate such illicit actions, as we move forward I advise as many people as possible to use open-source systems like Linux, OpenBSD etc.. and also avoid systems like Windows which does not even have a great reputation in terms of security (just search the internet for NSA backdoor, wannacry etc..).
Yes, actually both android and ios sends all your data, maybe android saves it until you connect it to wifi but in anyways, they collect data even when turned off.

If you have an android phone, you can find an open source android roam that is compatible with your phone. If you have an Iphone, well it's possible to jailbreak it, I don't know if it's worth it, perhaps if you don't use it anymore as your main phone. In anyways, you should always keep these devices far away from you when you meditate / vibrate mantras / or talking about anything Satanic.
The ability to flash de-Googled custom ROMs is a good thing about Android. iPhones have a nice UI and design, but as you say, they are not to be trusted, and you have no freedom really with them. Both they and so-called "smart speakers", also listen to your every word with Siri etc.

I'm quite interested in the PinePhone. It uses Linux and open source software, has a removable battery, and has physical switches to disconnect the cameras, mic, and so on.
Instead I checked if my android device could become an object of espionage, I'm sure that any electronic device can be, but for the moment I can lower my guard, at least as far as android is concerned.

I did some tests with a packet sniffer that analyzes all incoming and outgoing traffic, simulating a "netstat" command in unix systems, only much more detailed and advanced that also contains a system of analysis of the traffic content, the destination ipv4 or ipv6 addresses etc..

And I noticed that the only service running in the background is "Google Play Services", I also have a system that sends all unused applications to advanced suspension, and enabled "Do not preserve activity" in the developer settings.

However I don't think they can hear me when I speak and much less capture anything from the camera, since the amount of bytes per second it sends is really minimal, I think they are simply metadata or technical diagnostic data that it could send to Google servers for debugging and development reasons.

My fear is that it will not be like this forever and they will try to spy on us even if we are from open source systems, for example Google is developing its own operating system "Fuchsia OS", not a Linux kernel, but still open source, the question I ask myself is: "Is privacy in danger in the future?".

There have been cases in which the Communist Party sanctioned the people when people used their smartphones a few times, and if I'm not mistaken they themselves admitted that it is used to monitor them.

More than anything, perhaps when they are not Apple devices, I suggest avoiding devices of dubious origin, for example Chinese origin that has anomalous behavior, not for nothing the TikTok scandal also happened that thanks to a reverse-engine method of the source code they managed to discover that the app every 30 seconds accessed the location, microphone, camera etc.. and spied on its users, now I also have Tiktok, but I managed to confine it to a perpetual hibernation method that now with the new Android systems can be set without needing Root access.

And I'll tell you more, in case you have suspicious pre-installed apps in Android that you can't remove or even disable without root access, there is a very particular method, just connect the device to the computer, enable USB Debugging, or even debugging via network, you need the adb program (android-debug-bridge), you can find it online for Windows, or if you have a Linux-based Ubuntu distro, install it with "sudo apt install adb -y" and once you have allowed adb from the phone to check if it is connected, run the command "adb devices", then to uninstall a system app (being very careful not to damage anything) run the command "adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.example.package", you can also speed up the device with this method by removing useless apps (bloatware) pre-installed.

To return to the original state, just do a hard reset or a soft reset and since root access was not needed, the risk of a soft break is very high.

Returning to digital espionage via a mobile device, I know that there is a Simjacking exploit that would allow an attacker or a government agency to enter the computer system via a SIM card, since the SIM has an operating micro-system inside it to function, it is possible to spy on a user in this way using only the GSM/UMTS network without internet and access the Camera, Microphone, position (not precise, such as 500 meters of total radius).

To overcome the problem of Simjacking and the flaw that was deliberately not closed by governments, I have the SIM in a phone that I have always turned off, however, since it could also work when turned off, I have it in a place in the house where it is difficult for it to record anything, I only take it when needed and to make emergency calls or when I go out and I am careful about what I say.

But the problems do not end because also the people around me have cell phones with their respective SIM cards inside and other possible backdoors, so most of the time it is much better to keep your mouth shut.

I access the JOS website only from protected systems and avoid access from Windows devices and only use Linux distros, I think that every member must impeccably safeguard privacy.

In conclusion:

We are getting closer and closer to the digital future, much more than Orwell's 1984, it could be WORSE! I don't want to create unnecessary alarmism, but I have also seen the functioning of North Korea's systems that for example change the hash of a file opened by a computer marking the file as a fingerprint
I ain't gonna say which device is better then which because all of them are for surely rigged and watched.

I think it would be best for you all to focus upon how to increase your privacy online and on dem devices instead of focusing on which is "better".
And I noticed that the only service running in the background is "Google Play Services", I also have a system that sends all unused applications to advanced suspension, and enabled "Do not preserve activity" in the developer settings.

These services are close source so you don't know what they are actually. Yes it's called google play service but it can have literally any code in it.

However I don't think they can hear me when I speak and much less capture anything from the camera, since the amount of bytes per second it sends is really minimal, I think they are simply metadata or technical diagnostic data that it could send to Google servers for debugging and development reasons.

It can peak randomly and send the data then, maybe when the screen is closed, nothing is connected to it, and it's night time. Or like anything, they are not stupid.
But yes it seems android is a notch safer, or they just hide it better.

Returning to digital espionage via a mobile device, I know that there is a Simjacking exploit that would allow an attacker or a government agency to enter the computer system via a SIM card, since the SIM has an operating micro-system inside it to function, it is possible to spy on a user in this way using only the GSM/UMTS network without internet and access the Camera, Microphone, position (not precise, such as 500 meters of total radius).

Yes, ideally one should have a phone without sim and an open source android roam to use that for Satanic use, if they want to use a mobile phone for that, and they can have a whatever phone for everyday use.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
