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Can someone explain this???


New member
Dec 4, 2022
yeah dude the nazis made lgtv illegal as fuck. as they should its degenerate and its a tool of the jew. romans were bi sexual cause they used lead pipes.
Goblock said:
solinvictvs94 said:
yeah dude the nazis made lgtv illegal as fuck. as they should its degenerate and its a tool of the jew. romans were bi sexual cause they used lead pipes.

seems legit is also quite telling noone can answer this question and defend jos stance, i'll always choose himmler over hp

It's not telling of anything negative like you are trying to imply. It is because this question has been clearly answered for most people and is otherwise not of significant importance.

If you read what was posted, Himmler explains his concerns about homosexuals to behave in a meritocratic manner, based upon any negative feminine-based karma which they may possess.

It is good that everyone is aware of methods to remove any negative karma, so that we do not have to rely on more dire means of preventing this problem, whether it is real or imagined.


Beyond this problem, we know that sexuality is derived from the energetic dynamics of the souls and its attempts to harmonize. Some cases of LGBT behavior can come from the excessive presence of xenoestrogens within our modern environment, but the rest will come from more ingrained aspects of the soul, likely shown in the natal chart.

Just as it is common to see both men and women display characteristics normally attributed to the opposite sex, it is not surprise to see this expressed within sexuality itself. Both of you have feminine traits as well, but since they are not expressed sexually you are ok with it.

No, the entirety of ancient Rome was not exposed to lead pipes, nor in any strong enough manner to change their views on sexuality. This is because sexuality exists beyond the scope of whether lead is present or not to interfere. All civilizations existed before and after the invention of lead pipes for plumbing and could therefore study sexuality.

Life can take many forms of expression, and LGBT expression is not bad so far as it does not prevent the advancement of one's soul or the advancement of those around the individual. The same goes for any other personal traits or behaviors.

The Jew coerces LGBT individuals into a state of victimhood and self-hatred which then goes against the above principle.


Both of you should be aware that the basis of National Socialism is rooted in Satanism and the advancement of the soul. Himmler himself was very proficient in meditation. What do you think he would say about you undermining a Satanic organization over a misunderstanding of philosophy?

You claim that LGBT behavior is a "tool of the Jews", but make no mention about insubordination within the context of a warfare setting.
Goblock said:
thx for at least replying but if you actually read himmler was concerned more about the birthrate decline since 10% of germans were third sex or whatever. this was imperative cause they had just lost many men in the war for us its even worse cause white people are on the brink of extinction with birth rates at an all time low why do you tink jews push lgbt so much on white people? whites are the most skilled in the occult this is known so they have best chance and fighting back against jews, less whites = less adversarys litteraly, so it serves jews to have lgbt whites whether it is a natural expression of sex or not doesnt matter its being pushed on people in order to make those who arent that way lgbt this is easily demonstrated.


Ahahaha sorry this is too much larping even for me, just cause i question your beliefs means insubordination lol. himmler would respect me asking questions trying to find the truth their is no undermining i dont know why all seem to think that whenever critisized. also i dont remember signing up for any war kommandant lel.

Ok. There is no reason to worry, because LGBT stuff can only influence a very small percentage of people. In our current times, factors such as materialism or inflation weigh more heavily on the birth rate than LGBT stuff.

Sorry if I was too aggressive with my response. I don't mean to drag you into something like larping, but we deal with people making up all sorts of reasons to attack the clergy.

Also, I find it funny that you say you didn't sign up for any war after just talking about increasing birth rates to fight Jewish influence. I should also remind you that spiritual warfare is very real and should be taken seriously.

I am not trying to be cringy and act like I am larping, but the enemy does take us seriously and attempt to subvert us away from doing spiritual warfare. One way they do that is by attacking the clergy, who create and organize such measures.
Goblock said:
Himmler disagrees with jos doctrine on gays yet you say the nazis accepted homosexuals i trust himmler most no offence but maybe this is fake?


I think he was trying to defend the country against what homosexuality could be used as by the jews. Like how present day LGBT is used. HP Cobra made a recent post about this. Not normalizing it in order to keep the birth rates, but this did not mean persecution of homosexuals.
Some believe jews attack homosexuality in the bible because there is something special about them, but I think it's just a jewish rule against it because, jews have a massive tendency towards it and it would ruin their race without this rule. Jews have many imbalances and even health problems.
Goblock said:
it to me it seems jos has not much focus on improving white birthrate as other ns groups i have been apart of and are way more tolerant of these things for some reason.
This is not true. JoS has created and we regularly perform Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action on astrologically potent dates to influence White People (Blacks have their own awareness ritual and Asians do not have since they do not lack the awareness to the extent others do. They are more hindered by communism and Islam).

The above plays a much higher role in improving conditions for the White Race than any other group since any other group does not practice a spiritual approach to the subject or other subjects.

But if they do, please inform us and we shall review what it's about.
Goblock said:
i saw in recent ritual schedule you perform this ritual but i dont see it perform daily anyway i dont know to much about the runes and whats best configuration. i dont know of any other ns group that does beside maybe order of nine angels most dont believe occult thats why im here cause you do
On astrologically potent dates.

By doing something every day just because has multiple drawbacks. Mainly that it saps energy from other avenues where it is better spent, no time for overall recovery and also specific dates have an effect of exponentiating the results.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Goblock said:
Himmler disagrees with jos doctrine on gays yet you say the nazis accepted homosexuals i trust himmler most no offence but maybe this is fake?


I think he was trying to defend the country against what homosexuality could be used as by the jews. Like how present day LGBT is used. HP Cobra made a recent post about this. Not normalizing it in order to keep the birth rates, but this did not mean persecution of homosexuals.
Some believe jews attack homosexuality in the bible because there is something special about them, but I think it's just a jewish rule against it because, jews have a massive tendency towards it and it would ruin their race without this rule. Jews have many imbalances and even health problems.

the Jews weaponize homosexuality. Its stated like this in the talmud , all goyim children under three can be raped it is but a poke in the eye, its not a excat quote but theres a reason why the ancient roman virtue was agianst being submissive in sex as well. No roman should bend over thats always been taboo in the empire even romans weaponized homosexuality to conquer greece it breaks the wills of men. and yes not the entirety of the empire had lead pipes but the enternal city itself did since around augustus.

A lot of problems will automatically and slowly resolve on their own once all the Jewish curses are removed. The current lgbt, interracialism, mass migration and other such issues exist solely because jews keep reinforcing these ideas and events with their material and spiritual practices. Therefore it makes more sense to target the force that creates and then reinforces such issues.
E.g. would it not be better to eliminate the source of food poisoning than just continuing to treat patients of a village affected with food poisoning? Of course you continue to treat the ill while you find and eliminate the source. This is exactly what JoS does. The source Jewish curses were found thousands of years ago. We are fixing humanity while also are removing the source.

Like many things, race awakening has it's time and leveling.
Under the jewish rule, the racial awakening has to be done in a balanced manner. The effect must not be too high or too low. At the current level of humanity if it were too high, it could create internal strife between the people of a race or a nation, creating high amount of division, which the jews would exploit for their own gain. And if the effect was too low, very few would become racially aware or some few could become hateful to other races, which could end badly for them, since the jews and the unaware would target them for being "racist".

It is better to do race awakening rituals on powerful dates and then give the racial energies the needed time to settle properly in a more stable manner over a larger population.

In my opinion, the race awakening rituals are not a joke, they must be handled with care or else they can create problems due to the current state and understanding of humanity and also the Jewish rule that currently exists and always ready to push humanity further down.

The Gods and HPs know a lot more than us, they do everything with care and extensive planning, do not doubt their decisions, at least not when it comes to ritual planning.

In my opinion, the majority of whites are still loyal to each other but in an indirect way(psyche), those who are direct by showing their loyalty and natural self, are labelled racist. 90% still prefer their own, white partners. And if the direct way were to return, the jews would start kvetching about how racist the white goy is. So indeed, everything surely does have it's timing.

No issues if you trust Herr Himmler more than HPs. I myself admire him a lot. Great man who understood his times. Lord Hitler and Herr Himmler are patient and respectful individuals. Personally I suggest, it never harms an individual to try to acquire the positive qualities of their idols, it always benefits.

Note to the mods for post disapproval: Sorry I came back after quite some time, wasn't aware strict measures were in place, definitely a good measure. Thanks you for your work and time for preserving my post.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
