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Can someone explain please?


New member
Mar 6, 2022
Im new to Satanism. I have read a lot about JoS and after I joined, I felt like I found a home. But a lot people online accuse us of being Nazis, I would like to understand how? We are not racist, homophobic and sexist, right? Lord Satan is not a Nazi, right? (I personally, as a 18-year old german, despise Nazis, because I despise racists, homophobics and sexist people, and what Nazis have done to them.) I would like to understand how people come to think that we are Nazis. This is not meant as hate against anyone here, I would just like to know why so many people think that we all are like that.
0.mil3s.0 said:
The fact of the matter is here at the JoyofSatan we are all racialists.

We recognize and acknowledge race and the differences between the races of the world. Satan and the gods created each race with a different unique trait in mind. The races are all sacred and part of divinity, yet they still have their weaknesses as well.

All the gentile races come from Satan and the gods! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging the differences, and good and bad of each race. When we do so then can we all heal as a people!

Satan wants all of us to stand up for our races and work to improve and uplift them. This is exactly what this website is for-- I am a Black member that is representing my race to spread the truth of who we are in relation to Satan.

The enemy and Jewish programs and narratives try to make us all believe that we are equal at every single thing, that race, sex and culture doesn't matter or exist but they only do this to enforce COMMUNISM and take away everything that makes us unique so that we are easily controlled.

-HPS Shannon

First of all, we are not called "Nazis", we are National Socialists, we believe in the natural order of things.
Father Satan and all the Gods are National Socialists, just as Adolf Hitler, our great Anti-Christ is.
You need to deprogram your mind from the jewish propaganda and lies about Hitler. Start by studying the Joy of Satan Library.

Second, we are not racist in the sense that we hate other races of humans. All gentile races are welcome to join us as brothers and sisters in arms. We do however believe in upholding racial purity, for all gentiles because it is the natural order of things. Again, the jews have called us "racists" for not wanting the white Aryan race to go extinct through race mixing.
Upholding racial purity does not make one racist. It's normal.

Third, we are not homophobic or sexist. Gays are welcome to join our ranks. Being gay is just a sexuality. Nothing more.
We are not sexist either. Us men need women just as much as women need us.

If you are adamant that National Socialism is "evil" and think Spiritual Satanism is separable from National Socialism, then this isn't the religion for you.
Yurei said:
First of all, we are not called "Nazis", we are National Socialists, we believe in the natural order of things.
Father Satan and all the Gods are National Socialists, just as Adolf Hitler, our great Anti-Christ is.
You need to deprogram your mind from the jewish propaganda and lies about Hitler. Start by studying the Joy of Satan Library.

Second, we are not racist in the sense that we hate other races of humans. All gentile races are welcome to join us as brothers and sisters in arms. We do however believe in upholding racial purity, for all gentiles because it is the natural order of things. Again, the jews have called us "racists" for not wanting the white Aryan race to go extinct through race mixing.
Upholding racial purity does not make one racist. It's normal.

Third, we are not homophobic or sexist. Gays are welcome to join our ranks. Being gay is just a sexuality. Nothing more.
We are not sexist either. Us men need women just as much as women need us.

If you are adamant that National Socialism is "evil" and think Spiritual Satanism is separable from National Socialism, then this isn't the religion for you.

Thank you so much for your answer! I understand better now and will study more.
Yurei said:
If you are adamant that National Socialism is "evil" and think Spiritual Satanism is separable from National Socialism, then this isn't the religion for you.

Exactly correct as a matter of fact the very racialist discussion is precisely how some communists and certain people can become NS. Like the guy from N.R.M. Nordic Resistance Movement. He was a communist, he was told about NRM information, began to study, within a period of time he attended a few meetings, joined them after a while, and after a while became one of their top correspondent members.

As Yurei posted NS/SS isn't for everyone. Technically it's packaged for everyone much like how Hitler in Dr.Dalton's Mein Kampf emphasizes proletariat properties and not using bourgeois as the main point. It seems the Communists like to cuck to the rich and powerful deeming them more important than the volk. Rather in NS it's the other way around the volk is more important but non-the less we understand rich, powerful, and wealthy people have a point to make. It's akin to the situation of simply having a purposeful civilian population understanding that is needing improvements.

0.mil3s.0 said:
Im new to Satanism. I have read a lot about JoS and after I joined, I felt like I found a home. But a lot people online accuse us of being Nazis, I would like to understand how? We are not racist, homophobic and sexist, right? Lord Satan is not a Nazi, right? (I personally, as a 18-year old german, despise Nazis, because I despise racists, homophobics and sexist people, and what Nazis have done to them.) I would like to understand how people come to think that we are Nazis. This is not meant as hate against anyone here, I would just like to know why so many people think that we all are like that.

Are you sure you read JoS properly or fully? We are not a Forums-Only organization we have websites in fact we are in the process of translating JoS into German it's very much filled with German language but some of it is kept in English awaiting translation since your English is reasonable I'm going to assume English as a secondary language but in a strong way.


Much better than simply posting JoS.org/com at least with the index and search you can find stuff.

BTW since when are Nazis evil, is it evil to help your civilization? And don't give us that Holohoax crap as that doesn't fly here as a matter of fact the holohax is so debunkable it begs the question why people believe in it. Onl 160,000-240,000-300,000 thousand died. In fact jewish records indicate a population growth of anywhere from 359K to maybe upwards of nearly a million.

Some almanacs of the jews state 16.3 million to about 16.8 million while in another it states 16.7 million to 18.3 million.

The scant loss of jews in the so called shoah amounts to such a petty increase in mortality rate it is akin to a slight to noticeable climb in death which begs the question if there were disease or old ages.

As for LGBH we are against the modern day jewish properties of Trans and against Faggotry. For example just because your gay which is fine in our books many NS were gay in their times and many NS and early NS meeting places were homosexual establishments even Ernst Rohm's well-known homosexuality was not a problem. The problem is the degenerates in homosexuality. Unfortunately the poison of social marxism has been used to brainwash gays and lesbians into being degenerates. Obviously doing degenerate things isn't part of being gay nor NS rather it falls more in line with kosher teachings of how a Gentile homosexual should be with the ultimate penalty of being killed because like the bible says homosexuality is a sin punishable by death due to man laying with man. Funny lesbianism is seen as frowned upon but not fully inline with extermination rather the men on men stuff is seen as punishable.

Anyways NS is friendly to other races and cultures provided racial separation and racial segregation occur i.e. no race mixing stick to your own race. On top of that for the races particularly the main Aryan race SUB-race mixing comes into play as well something Himmler and Hitler and company discussed. For example a Nordic with a Dinaric is not good because the important seed kernel of race Nordic the closest association with the Nordic Gods is sub-race mixing with a sub-race not compatible to him. So in essence we would want the Nordic to be with a Nordic or the Dinaric to be either with another Dinaric or a dark feature race with the other subraces. For example if I recall Dinarics are Balkanized Aryans or for example Slavs are Nordic or more closely related to Nordics just with stronger features even at times confusion by some racialists as to believing some are jewish which did occur in the 30s and 40s with some Germans confusing Slavs as jews. There were a few cases of mistaken identity and it was explained to the person to understand.

Anyways if you want to see how massive NS is in regards to World War 2. Check out the Army of Mankind website and you'll see how evil these Nazis and company to fight against communism and colonialism like Indonesia with Japan against the Dutch.

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22778 Check out this catalogue of NS and World powers. One of the most important thing is the sexual revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s already occurred in 30s/40s Germany funny George Lincoln Rockwell mentioned the free love and all that non-sense tore Russia apart and they had to return to almost puritanical order to control the population. Funny this was a hottopic in those eras and the Germans were doing it in a controlled fashion understanding there's a fine a line between being free and destroying their nation.

After extensive study of WW2 and all this NS stuff. I have come to the conclusion that NS is controlled, orderly reconstruction of the historicity of mankind unlike the complaints of people in modern day that deal with this so-called revolution which is in fact a social marxist ploy to subvert nation state to destruction. Funny like the Hitler memes "IF only they listened".

I don't know how much study you need like one member said the entire point of studying WW2 from the Axis perspective is to be redpilled enough you understand. No one is expecting you to study countless hours, days, weeks, and months of propaganda to learn about Axis. Rather key points but if you wish to study and go further or study more that is fine.

In the end we are after redpilling or blackpilling or enough pilling your not buying into the allied(winners of history) right the war.

For example in Ukraine, now, they mentioned 3,000 jews died in Kiev during WW2. What so special about that? 3,000 died AND? What were they doing in a combat zone. If it's a no-shit sherlock moment, then no shit-sherlock that is war casualties happen. Funny enough I'm thinking they died cause they were commisars and partisan and the German military crushed the direct street-to-street Stalingrad style combat against jewish partisans. It seems the most logical choice, 3,000 jews died because they fought against one of the most effective and professional fighting forces to ever exist.

I don't know WHY 3,000 died but I'm assuming the most reasonable response is they were doing illegal activities like being partisans and doing other abominations during the holomdor and crimes against Kiev civilians. And so they probably got permission from SS Justice Divisions or higher SS positions and executed a bunch of them for being criminals or outright fighting against German forces and they got crushed.

I see no reason for jews to kvetch incessantly that 3,000 died. So what what so special about 3,000? What about all the Gentile people massacred in Eastern Europe before the Germans came and liberated the countries.

Anyways studying WW2 from the Axis perspective opens up new avenues of study and shows many people even many Allied American and some others understanding at some point Hitler and company were right. Apparently Humanity fought against the wrong side. In other words the Axis not the Allies are the true heroes of Humanity. Much like General Patton or Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. They both realized they fought for the wrong side and both paid the penalty of death because it bothered the jews they realized that.
Gear88 said:
Yurei said:
If you are adamant that National Socialism is "evil" and think Spiritual Satanism is separable from National Socialism, then this isn't the religion for you.

Exactly correct as a matter of fact the very racialist discussion is precisely how some communists and certain people can become NS. Like the guy from N.R.M. Nordic Resistance Movement. He was a communist, he was told about NRM information, began to study, within a period of time he attended a few meetings, joined them after a while, and after a while became one of their top correspondent members.

As Yurei posted NS/SS isn't for everyone. Technically it's packaged for everyone much like how Hitler in Dr.Dalton's Mein Kampf emphasizes proletariat properties and not using bourgeois as the main point. It seems the Communists like to cuck to the rich and powerful deeming them more important than the volk. Rather in NS it's the other way around the volk is more important but non-the less we understand rich, powerful, and wealthy people have a point to make. It's akin to the situation of simply having a purposeful civilian population understanding that is needing improvements.

0.mil3s.0 said:
Im new to Satanism. I have read a lot about JoS and after I joined, I felt like I found a home. But a lot people online accuse us of being Nazis, I would like to understand how? We are not racist, homophobic and sexist, right? Lord Satan is not a Nazi, right? (I personally, as a 18-year old german, despise Nazis, because I despise racists, homophobics and sexist people, and what Nazis have done to them.) I would like to understand how people come to think that we are Nazis. This is not meant as hate against anyone here, I would just like to know why so many people think that we all are like that.

Are you sure you read JoS properly or fully? We are not a Forums-Only organization we have websites in fact we are in the process of translating JoS into German it's very much filled with German language but some of it is kept in English awaiting translation since your English is reasonable I'm going to assume English as a secondary language but in a strong way.


Much better than simply posting JoS.org/com at least with the index and search you can find stuff.

BTW since when are Nazis evil, is it evil to help your civilization? And don't give us that Holohoax crap as that doesn't fly here as a matter of fact the holohax is so debunkable it begs the question why people believe in it. Onl 160,000-240,000-300,000 thousand died. In fact jewish records indicate a population growth of anywhere from 359K to maybe upwards of nearly a million.

Some almanacs of the jews state 16.3 million to about 16.8 million while in another it states 16.7 million to 18.3 million.

The scant loss of jews in the so called shoah amounts to such a petty increase in mortality rate it is akin to a slight to noticeable climb in death which begs the question if there were disease or old ages.

As for LGBH we are against the modern day jewish properties of Trans and against Faggotry. For example just because your gay which is fine in our books many NS were gay in their times and many NS and early NS meeting places were homosexual establishments even Ernst Rohm's well-known homosexuality was not a problem. The problem is the degenerates in homosexuality. Unfortunately the poison of social marxism has been used to brainwash gays and lesbians into being degenerates. Obviously doing degenerate things isn't part of being gay nor NS rather it falls more in line with kosher teachings of how a Gentile homosexual should be with the ultimate penalty of being killed because like the bible says homosexuality is a sin punishable by death due to man laying with man. Funny lesbianism is seen as frowned upon but not fully inline with extermination rather the men on men stuff is seen as punishable.

Anyways NS is friendly to other races and cultures provided racial separation and racial segregation occur i.e. no race mixing stick to your own race. On top of that for the races particularly the main Aryan race SUB-race mixing comes into play as well something Himmler and Hitler and company discussed. For example a Nordic with a Dinaric is not good because the important seed kernel of race Nordic the closest association with the Nordic Gods is sub-race mixing with a sub-race not compatible to him. So in essence we would want the Nordic to be with a Nordic or the Dinaric to be either with another Dinaric or a dark feature race with the other subraces. For example if I recall Dinarics are Balkanized Aryans or for example Slavs are Nordic or more closely related to Nordics just with stronger features even at times confusion by some racialists as to believing some are jewish which did occur in the 30s and 40s with some Germans confusing Slavs as jews. There were a few cases of mistaken identity and it was explained to the person to understand.

Anyways if you want to see how massive NS is in regards to World War 2. Check out the Army of Mankind website and you'll see how evil these Nazis and company to fight against communism and colonialism like Indonesia with Japan against the Dutch.

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22778 Check out this catalogue of NS and World powers. One of the most important thing is the sexual revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s already occurred in 30s/40s Germany funny George Lincoln Rockwell mentioned the free love and all that non-sense tore Russia apart and they had to return to almost puritanical order to control the population. Funny this was a hottopic in those eras and the Germans were doing it in a controlled fashion understanding there's a fine a line between being free and destroying their nation.

After extensive study of WW2 and all this NS stuff. I have come to the conclusion that NS is controlled, orderly reconstruction of the historicity of mankind unlike the complaints of people in modern day that deal with this so-called revolution which is in fact a social marxist ploy to subvert nation state to destruction. Funny like the Hitler memes "IF only they listened".

I don't know how much study you need like one member said the entire point of studying WW2 from the Axis perspective is to be redpilled enough you understand. No one is expecting you to study countless hours, days, weeks, and months of propaganda to learn about Axis. Rather key points but if you wish to study and go further or study more that is fine.

In the end we are after redpilling or blackpilling or enough pilling your not buying into the allied(winners of history) right the war.

For example in Ukraine, now, they mentioned 3,000 jews died in Kiev during WW2. What so special about that? 3,000 died AND? What were they doing in a combat zone. If it's a no-shit sherlock moment, then no shit-sherlock that is war casualties happen. Funny enough I'm thinking they died cause they were commisars and partisan and the German military crushed the direct street-to-street Stalingrad style combat against jewish partisans. It seems the most logical choice, 3,000 jews died because they fought against one of the most effective and professional fighting forces to ever exist.

I don't know WHY 3,000 died but I'm assuming the most reasonable response is they were doing illegal activities like being partisans and doing other abominations during the holomdor and crimes against Kiev civilians. And so they probably got permission from SS Justice Divisions or higher SS positions and executed a bunch of them for being criminals or outright fighting against German forces and they got crushed.

I see no reason for jews to kvetch incessantly that 3,000 died. So what what so special about 3,000? What about all the Gentile people massacred in Eastern Europe before the Germans came and liberated the countries.

Anyways studying WW2 from the Axis perspective opens up new avenues of study and shows many people even many Allied American and some others understanding at some point Hitler and company were right. Apparently Humanity fought against the wrong side. In other words the Axis not the Allies are the true heroes of Humanity. Much like General Patton or Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. They both realized they fought for the wrong side and both paid the penalty of death because it bothered the jews they realized that.

Thank you for your answer. I just realized that I didn’t read JoS fully, but I really want to get into it and find out more. I was blinded by the things we are taught at school about WW2 and now I realize that a lot of these things were wrong and the Jewish people wrote a lot of lies into history. I will look into it more to understand fully.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
