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Can anyone share their sources/data on why illegal immigrants are bad for US?


Active member
Apr 22, 2018
Penguin North, Antarctica, Earth
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?

Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


You need to check the birth rate, plus the crime rate. In my country, they give them free money without doing anything (it applies to many ppl not just immigrant tho).
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?

Illegal immigrants are bad for anything. This is common sense. Keyword Illegal.

The problem is not so much with illegal immigrants but more an agenda to displace and replace natives, Whites, and Europeans. Which we can already see in France or UK. Even decent immigrants there dislike the situation and say it feels they are living in 3rd world countries now.

Displacement can happen through a variety of methods. Large number of immigrants (legal or illegal) and also giving benefits to "minorities" and giving natives and whites more trouble and less opportunities which is madness.

Imagine not being able to work, speak, love, and live in your own country because you're a native white! Wtf man.
Yeah, but the issue is, people ask for source.
And I am unable to find a solid source.

People simply google and then paste links like this one:

Now when I counter them with obvious facts present in the very link they copy paste from google, they ignore it and call bullshit on me, "where is the source, blahblahblahblah".

Take example of the above link, we can see illegals in fact do commit more crime for the size of their population in USA[crime to population ratio], they are indeed a problem for the US. Yet the ignorants on social media bark for source, they simply don't try to give a thought or read their own crap that they paste from google.
Abyssos said:

Friend, the andrapods will simply choose to ignore this. They don't want to hear anything logical, they want to see 'studies & research' of a Professa from some Fakt Cheking Univercity...
Nikois666 said:
Friend, the andrapods will simply choose to ignore this. They don't want to hear anything logical, they want to see 'studies & research' of a Professa from some Fakt Cheking Univercity...
You need to look up statistics published by states and research facilities utilizing these statistics. If those do not satisfy the andrapoda then nothing will, and attempts at reasoning are futile.
From my research illegals commit more federal crimes than petty crimes.

There's an argument that I have been witnessing that the lower to petty crimes are being ignored just like they're ignored in leftist areas where they aren't reported for many reasons from cops not allowed to pursue to the DAs letting them go, etc.

So at best illegals don't commit as much petty crimes since they want to lay low but at worst or part of them get away with shit.

The ones that can be seen in statistics are the federal and big crimes like rape, murder or selling illegal guns or a lot of drugs.

I've met both ends of the spectrum. People close to me being and me included a long with other people here in my situation being the exception of the rules. I have also met and known about illegals who I heard and even admitted to me they have done serious crimes like rape. It's crazy that they just blurted this out to me like it was nothing. These were just random illegals I worked with in the past.

Even me understands that in the long run it's best to just not have illegals over all because the bad does outweigh the regular people who just want to work but started it the wrong way. It sucks to be affected by these low lifes but it is what it is. Laws exist for a reason.
I'm surprised this is even a question. How about White replacement? Whites are projected to become a minority in 2050 if the current immigration trend continues. Immigrants (both legal and illegal) and non-Whites have a higher fertility rates and instead of the Western governments focusing on incentivizing large White families, they are instead trying to replace the White population with immigrants. The UN even has a program called "replacement migration".

The jews want Black countries for Blacks, Asian countries for Asians, Israel for the jews but White countries for everyone. Whites should have their own countries and homeland just like everyone and even more than others, since they are only 8% of global population and declining and have lower fertility rates than all other races except East Asians.
Shadowmage said:
The jews want Black countries for Blacks, Asian countries for Asians, Israel for the jews but White countries for everyone. Whites should have their own countries and homeland just like everyone and even more than others, since they are only 8% of global population and declining and have lower fertility rates than all other races except East Asians.

Jews want every country, except pissrael itself to be for everyone. They are just focusing on whites now with the immigration agenda, because we are the biggest thorn in their side and also the largest obstacle to a complete NWO communist takeover of the Earth.

The only obstacle in fact. Therefore, they attempt to destroy us and marginalize us entirely so nobody will have the power or the will to stand up against them and kick them down into the ground where they belong.

However, it is clear they will not succeed.

Hail Satan!
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VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowmage said:
The jews want Black countries for Blacks, Asian countries for Asians, Israel for the jews but White countries for everyone. Whites should have their own countries and homeland just like everyone and even more than others, since they are only 8% of global population and declining and have lower fertility rates than all other races except East Asians.

Jews want every country, except pissrael itself to be for everyone. They are just focusing on whites now with the immigration agenda, because we are the biggest thorn in their side and also te largest obstacle to a complete NWO communist takeover of the Earth.

The only obstacle in fact. Therefore, they attempt to destroy us and marginalize us entirely so nobody will have the power or the will to stand up against them and kick them down into the ground where they below.

However, it is clear they will not succeed.

Hail Satan!

Facts brother. The biggest and most important argument is what you stated but the jews have done their best in current times to make this the most "crazed" argument where if brought up even to the NPCs they'll think you're crazy and unhinged but fortunately at the same time we are living at a time where these facts are resonating with people seeking truth be it from all races.
hailourtruegod said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowmage said:
The jews want Black countries for Blacks, Asian countries for Asians, Israel for the jews but White countries for everyone. Whites should have their own countries and homeland just like everyone and even more than others, since they are only 8% of global population and declining and have lower fertility rates than all other races except East Asians.

Jews want every country, except pissrael itself to be for everyone. They are just focusing on whites now with the immigration agenda, because we are the biggest thorn in their side and also te largest obstacle to a complete NWO communist takeover of the Earth.

The only obstacle in fact. Therefore, they attempt to destroy us and marginalize us entirely so nobody will have the power or the will to stand up against them and kick them down into the ground where they below.

However, it is clear they will not succeed.

Hail Satan!

Facts brother. The biggest and most important argument is what you stated but the jews have done their best in current times to make this the most "crazed" argument where if brought up even to the NPCs they'll think you're crazy and unhinged but fortunately at the same time we are living at a time where these facts are resonating with people seeking truth be it from all races.

If I were arguing with them then I would try rhetorically suggesting for them to go to China and demand to be first class citizens, and then whine about Chinese supremacy and how they are racist towards your "minority" ethnic group because they have institutional power that they should willingly surrender for the good of "equality", while simultaneously arguing that race is a nonexistent social construct. Lmao, the head games... Being supreme in your own country is only bad when White people do it, apparently.

To OP: In my opinion, the only proper stance here is that it's a crime. Illegal immigration is against the law, period. I would call them out for supporting criminals. Ideally there shouldn't even be a conversation past this. Another word for illegal immigrant is invader. Source is the law.
It won't work. Their motivations for wanting more illegal immigration are basically being brainwashed, being suicidal, being spiteful at everything worthwhile or weighing up their options to jump ship to the winning team [migrants and scum] when the time arrives. You can't convince them via 'facts, statistics and logic', it does not work. Only presence and force will convince them.

I knew someone whose brother got murdered by an illegal immigrant who ran him over with a car then put it in reverse to finish the job... this person is now more liberal and 'anti-racist' than ever. I'm sure the brother appreciates it :roll:
What happens when you introduce an invasive animal into a territory or ecosystem it doesn't belong in? Resources that would naturally go to the native species instead end up in the mouths of the invasive, habitat can get destroyed, and many other wildlife can be negatively impacted, even loss of species can happen. The same thing occurs when you introduce a different racial group into the territory of another. But everyone contributing to this problem doesn't actually care about any of the negative impacts because it's what they want to happen.

They're trying to systematically wipe out any understanding and instinct that whites are a race at all. Try searching 'asian people' and click images - you get all asian people pop up. You do the same for 'black people' and you get black people. But when you search 'white people', you get every race pop up when you click on images, and way less actual white people. I remember not that long ago when this wasn't the case.

You search tradition for white people and it comes up with 'there is no white culture'. Search tradition for asian people and it comes up with all their traditions, culture, foods, clothing, holidays, etc. Search tradition for black people and you get a bunch of shit about black American slavery, and some about their actual culture in Africa.

I can only find what I want to find on white people if I type in nationality instead, like Swedish, Irish, Scottish, German, etc etc. Nothing good comes up if I only type 'white'. And these white countries are the places where they push illegal immigration of non-whites. You get idiots on the internet who respond to people's questions about "what does a French person look like?" and they'll show you pictures of non-whites, even though native French people are white.

What source does anyone need for why this is so bad for US or any white country other than what's exactly in front of them?
Karnonnos said:
I knew someone whose brother got murdered by an illegal immigrant who ran him over with a car then put it in reverse to finish the job... this person is now more liberal and 'anti-racist' than ever. I'm sure the brother appreciates it :roll:

What kind of ultra cuck you need to be to become pro-immigration and mega liberal, after your own blood brother got fucking murdered by an illegal invader?

What the fuck kind of insanity and ultimate weakness causes one to be so brainwashed?

In my eyes it is actually those people who are the problem, not the invaders.

There could be as many invaders as the jews want, but if gentiles (mostly whites) weren't so pathetically brainwashed and ultra cucked out, none of that would be able to stick around in our nations.

They wouldn't be able to pass 1 mile across the border before either forced to turn back at gun point, or filled with lead if they don't comply.

Usually, even in disgustingly liberal retards there would be an opposite reaction, or at least a slight pragmatism and realization that perhaps their believes are not all flowers and sunshine.

Remind me of the Norwegian politician who got raped by an immigrant, and later on completely forgave him and became further pro-immigration.

One of the biggest problems in this regard is not necessarily the state of whites, but the state of the government in our nations. Filled with jews and their lackeys, copiously brainwashing the weak minded and easily influenced people.

Hail Satan!
Karnonnos said:
Henu the Great said:
tabby said:
hailourtruegod said:
Shadowmage said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=434237 time=1680535900 user_id=46372]...

Thank you for the replies guys. Karnonnos and Henu are right, no point in arguing with brainwashed andrapoda, such people only wake up when their neighborhood is trashed, when it's too late, when the issue will take more time to get fixed than it would have if only they'd listened.
Though I will still continue to find sources. If I find something interesting/logical, I will post it all here :)

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
What kind of ultra cuck you need to be to become pro-immigration and mega liberal, after your own blood brother got fucking murdered by an illegal invader?

What the fuck kind of insanity and ultimate weakness causes one to be so brainwashed?
It's fucked up, I think of it often.

In my opinion, the primary factor is new souls being easy to program, both materially(e.g. schools and tv) and psychically(e.g. jewish curses/rituals).
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


You don't truly even need to analyze statistics and data to see the reality of the situation.

Just open your eyes.

The United States and Europe are just becoming a big blender of ethnicities and culture from this violation of universal ethics and divine law regarding the separation of racial group.

This whole situation serves no benefit to anyone. The short term and long term are a net loss.

And the reality here is people would be better off focusing on changing circumstances in their homeland and how things work there, then just coming to the west to bastardise their bloodline and watch everything fall apart.

Some immigration and immigrants are okay if this is controlled and regulated properly, or they come to other nations on work or study visas for awhile.

But the unfortunate reality is this is being done in a way where everyone is being fucked over. Not in a proper way.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=434237 time=1680535900 user_id=46372]

Oh these people sure are hypocrites in this regard. Last year there was several news cycles about Whites moving to Mexico and changing things and the articles all attacked Whites for doing this and didn't condemn the Mexicans saying racist things to them as they would if these things were said in America or in any other White country. It's ridiculous.
hailourtruegod said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=434237 time=1680535900 user_id=46372]

Oh these people sure are hypocrites in this regard. Last year there was several news cycles about Whites moving to Mexico and changing things and the articles all attacked Whites for doing this and didn't condemn the Mexicans saying racist things to them as they would if these things were said in America or in any other White country. It's ridiculous.

Can't live in our own countries, can't live in other countries. Can't live anywhere. But it's totally not White genocide. :roll:
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


I dont know about America but check Anne Marie Waters channel in youtube.
I dont even live there but I like her logic :lol:
serpentwalker666 said:
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


Just open your eyes.

My eyes are open. It's the andrapoda who don't open their eyes. But it seems majority are waking up slowly.
Missrainbow1 said:
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


I dont know about America but check Anne Marie Waters channel in youtube.
I dont even live there but I like her logic :lol:

Thanks, I will check it out.
Nikois666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?


Just open your eyes.

My eyes are open. It's the andrapoda who don't open their eyes. But it seems majority are waking up slowly.

I sincerely apologize, I misread your post and was a bit harsh in my wording. I will be more careful next time.
serpentwalker666 said:
Nikois666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Just open your eyes.

My eyes are open. It's the andrapoda who don't open their eyes. But it seems majority are waking up slowly.

I sincerely apologize, I misread your post and was a bit harsh in my wording. I will be more careful next time.

No worries mate, to be honest I found nothing harsh in your reply :)
Nikois666 said:
Can anyone share their sources/data on why and how illegal immigrants are bad for US?

Non white immigration (doesn't matter is it legal or illegal) to white countries is bad because it is against racial purity. No more sources or debate needed.
I was food shopping yesterday, I got my typical $70 worth, which feeds me shit food for a week. At checkout I watch these immigrant families with their carts filled to the brim and paying for it with EBT cards. This makes me sick, I'm a fucking veteran and I don't get shit, while these banana pickers just stroll in here getting everything for free. This shit needs to change. I almost lost my house earlier this year and these entitled fucks have housing given to them.
I was food shopping yesterday, I got my typical $70 worth, which feeds me shit food for a week. At checkout I watch these immigrant families with their carts filled to the brim and paying for it with EBT cards. This makes me sick, I'm a fucking veteran and I don't get shit, while these banana pickers just stroll in here getting everything for free. This shit needs to change. I almost lost my house earlier this year and these entitled fucks have housing given to them.
Veterans are particularly targeted by jewish system because they are of fighting spirit, brave and patriotic, have a knowledge from training they can use, seen death and lived trough war. This makes them dangerous and worst kind of goys. Whole Dept of Veteran Affairs is designed around idea of stomping on them and making their lives as miserable as possible. Unfortunately today's reality is patriotism is exploited by the enemy to get as much people to fight in their wars. Any mention of patriotism in any media today is an example of this coersion and grabbing of a virtue without exception. What Im saying is based on observation and internets so you can call me couch expert on this. There is a document movie about this focusing only on one aspect of the whole problem. It may be hard to watch depending on your situation https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2352196/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
