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Can a soul be mixed?

I have elaborated on races like Arabs, Indians etc, and these don't fall under a simple "Black and White mix" category. This is a very simplistic approach, and not a "consensus" of what is here. You might want to read my replies on the subject for an in depth approach.

They are entirely different races now, and how they were born, versus how they evolved over thousands of years [Hindus were also a spiritual people and used this in their development eugenically] has completely made them a different species now, than for example, a present day mixture that happened in the United States.

Hindus also have been applying, especially in the higher castes, spiritual knowledge. This made them able to develop other spiritual traits, and therefore, applied spiritual eugenics too.

Modern day Hindus have almost nothing in common with Blacks. They have differentiated themselves for tens of thousands of years or more.

The "Core" prototypes have mixed and created other races over the many tens of thousands of years, and many have become part of many sub racial categories, while fall under the general tree of life in humanity.

Generally, wherever there has been "white blood", what this generally leaves in a person or race, is not so much phenotype, but it affects the phenotype, making the structure of the race a bit more like Whites. Generally, other traits are left as they were. This is difficult to explain, but it's really obvious in how Hindus differ from others such as the Dravidians.

Asians, when and if they have mixed, caused the same situation. This is why many people who have mixed Asian blood, come out very harmonious in traits or regions where Asians mixed with locals or there is shared common ancestry.

As for the soul of someone, they will feel this as they advance in meditation, or it will be very obvious in their bodily constitution, behavior, and affections. Also, people who have White blood somewhere, what this leaves behind, can make them have fond and positive emotions for Whites.

Hindus who knew they had White blood from somewhere [and also an Aryan religion with inherited practices], made a religious eugenic program around this past, aimed to where they wanted to go in the future [their Brahmin class made this happen], and kept cultivating these traits that they considered holy in their culture, some passed down from Whites, and the majority from their core blood.

In time, they created a completely different authoritative race in their region and they all now resemble one another to the extent they are their own tribe, and distinct from everyone else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have elaborated on races like Arabs, Indians etc, and these don't fall under a simple "Black and White mix" category. This is a very simplistic approach, and not a "consensus" of what is here. You might want to read my replies on the subject for an in depth approach.

They are entirely different races now, and how they were born, versus how they evolved over thousands of years [Hindus were also a spiritual people and used this in their development eugenically] has completely made them a different species now, than for example, a present day mixture that happened in the United States.

Hindus also have been applying, especially in the higher castes, spiritual knowledge. This made them able to develop other spiritual traits, and therefore, applied spiritual eugenics too.

Modern day Hindus have almost nothing in common with Blacks. They have differentiated themselves for tens of thousands of years or more.

The "Core" prototypes have mixed and created other races over the many tens of thousands of years, and many have become part of many sub racial categories, while fall under the general tree of life in humanity.

Generally, wherever there has been "white blood", what this generally leaves in a person or race, is not so much phenotype, but it affects the phenotype, making the structure of the race a bit more like Whites. Generally, other traits are left as they were. This is difficult to explain, but it's really obvious in how Hindus differ from others such as the Dravidians.

Asians, when and if they have mixed, caused the same situation. This is why many people who have mixed Asian blood, come out very harmonious in traits or regions where Asians mixed with locals or there is shared common ancestry.

As for the soul of someone, they will feel this as they advance in meditation, or it will be very obvious in their bodily constitution, behavior, and affections. Also, people who have White blood somewhere, what this leaves behind, can make them have fond and positive emotions for Whites.

Hindus who knew they had White blood from somewhere [and also an Aryan religion with inherited practices], made a religious eugenic program around this past, aimed to where they wanted to go in the future [their Brahmin class made this happen], and kept cultivating these traits that they considered holy in their culture, some passed down from Whites, and the majority from their core blood.

In time, they created a completely different authoritative race in their region and they all now resemble one another to the extent they are their own tribe, and distinct from everyone else.
So basically indians have their own soul? As in they are their own race? Because there's light skinned indians and indians that are of a black colour.
Am I right to think that there are just three types of racial souls(White black and asian), or is there more to it?
Meteor said:
Rook said:
Meteor said:
if you aren't comfortable being yourself then perhaps you're insecure in some way.
Does this come from a general dislike for whatever aspect of yourself, or is it on how others would view you?
If it's sexual, then your sex life is your own business and no one needs to know about it.
also denial of a thing can cause you look at said thing as a bad thing.
Either way you don't need to do a thing if you're not comfortable with it, in fact that's a good reason to not do it.

I've had astral experiences some negative, some pleasurable, some amazing, but i don't write them because when it comes to astral experiences and psychic divination these things should be scrutinized heavily, be careful what you trust.
And i am serious.

What you consider to be a past life regression could very well be what someone wanted you to experience,
there were times where i gained understanding of something by experiencing it, it felt real to me at the time, but i didn't know it was an 'experience' that was given until i woke up, and understood what had happened.

You really need to be aware if there are anything connected to you, or around you.
The astral isn't some void with noting in it, there a lot of things there, and any SS that advances themselves will inevitably attract attention.

But it's a good sign since it all seems to correspond with your birth chart, also another thing about astrology, be wary of where you get your info from like there are some astrological bullshit out there.
I remember reading something about Virgo, where it said that the sign is selfless and servile or something like that, that never sounded right to me because i know for one i never liked taking bullshit from anyone, or having to change what i say because of people's feeling or something getting in the way, i never liked having to sugar coat anything, not selfless either, because i'm pretty greedy and selfish ngl.

But these things never felt right to me, until i started hearing the name, Minerva/Astarte/Athena came into my mind, so i decided to look her up, after doing a little research i realize that Athena is associated with the sign Virgo, and after asking for some help to understand what she's like more, i found out that she doesn't take bullshit from anyone, like she's a very independent and untrammeled goddess in the Greek mythos, she didn't take bullshit from anyone, she's a god of war and extremely elegant and intelligent in the Greek mythos.

The moon was another thing i was having odd feelings about, there's even an aspect in the chart called the 'dark moon', sometimes referred to as Lilith, and well a similar thing happened, came across the name Lilith so many times, i couldn't ignore it, decided to do some research on her, and i mean she's very prominent in Satanism, so you know there's a lot of blaspheme out there, but even then you read about her, you learn she's not servile or submissive at all, she doesn't take bullshit from anyone, and she is also NOT someone anyone wants to mess with either.

I mean besides that, Lilith and my GD helped me quite a lot in accepting my darker side and realizing that evil is a necessary thing, and that my sadism isn't really a bad thing at all, it's just the way i am, and i do take a lot of pleasure in making my enemies suffer pain, she taught me how to have a lot of fun, and my GD he encouraged me a lot too, he's always been there for me and very supportive of who i am despite all the shit i gave him.
Like many of my friends know i was gone for quite a while, Lilith and my GD(and some other gods too) helped me get myself back in order again, the experience was worth, they really taught me the meaning of family and what it means to have my back when trouble hits, and people that accept me for who i am.

Btw what's in your chart isn't set in stone either, you don't have to just take the events woven by fate, with enough power you can take control of fate and change things to do way you want it to be.
Positive change is also another thing, never forgotten who you were, and the humble begins in which you came from, sometimes when people achieve success they forgot who they were and what it was like to struggle, they end up changing for the worse.

Anyways all this thing about, desires, abnormality, being 'different' like are you some kind of freak? i mean noting wrong with that.
Perhaps you should reach out to Lilith?

It's true that I'm uncomfortable and insecure. I'm not bothered as much anymore what other people might think of me nowadays, and I do have an incredibly loving partner who makes all of this so much more bearable as he's often reassured me that he's never thought I'm weird or worth less because of it, but even so there are still things about it that get to me.

I'm blessed with such good looks and smarts that I've always been attractive to men and women alike, but who's going to marry me if I can't have children with either? That kind of rejection is something I clearly felt during past life regression. A deep and monogamous relationship is very important to me, which I know because I remember trying to settle for casual sex in that life but felt so empty and unfulfilled in the end. And in lives where the church was more prominent, I faced discimination and was murdered or worse.

I struggled with social anxiety for most of this life as a result, but it just disappeared almost completely when I remembered those things and realised that people nowadays aren't going to kill me just for being different, even if they can tell.

In this life I was seemingly able to avoid most of those problems, and as you say experiences like that ought to be taken with a grain of salt as they aren't always the most reliable or consistent. But much of it was shown to me after I asked my Guardian about it, and seeing it helped me overcome so many of my irrational fears about how others see me. And even putting those alleged bad experiences aside, it's been my dream to be a mother someday since I was little. Why would I just be able to accept that I can't?

With all the rapid medical advancements that are happening these days, maybe that could change and even I will be able to do it. But if I only rely on that and don't change my genes, then it'll be the same problem all over again when I reincarnate. Not to mention how incredibly long I need to wait each time. The only way a body like mine can be created is through a rare mutation in an individual egg or sperm cell, and then there's so many other conditions that need to be met too. It feels like I've had to wait for over a century at times. If not for the Gods, I don't know if I would even exist anymore at this point, with compatible bodies being so rare.

If just I could be completely male or completely female, then surely sex would be easier and more fulfilling, and I would finally be able to have children of my own too. I would be able to reincarnate so much more reliably too if anything happens and I need to again. Between the two, I would rather be a woman since that's closer to how I feel inside, although I know trauma from past lives played a role in that as the extensive discrimination I faced caused me to reject my masculine side. But after overcoming most of that trauma, I realise that's still simply how I've always felt, and I'm merely less restrained; nothing changed about what I want.

The idea of reaching out to Lilith scares me a bit. It says on the website that She only reaches out to those She chooses, and is not to be summoned. She's also said to be a patron Goddess and liberator of women. Does someone like me who is incomplete really have any right to reach out to Her? There my insecurity shows again... I'll try to be open to it at least. I know the Gods are incredibly kind.

I know it may be ambitious, but I really think I'll be the happiest if I make my genes more normal and my body more functional. That's why I think that even if the kind of mutation that caused me to be born is "natural", it isn't something I want to carry with me forever.

I'll at least try to go about it in a less Plutonian way than is suggested in my chart, and approach it more positively. With such an amazing partner who is willing to marry me despite it, the best I can do is go about it patiently and with open expectations. Whatever progress I make is wonderful, but even if I get stuck at any point then that's okay because I'm already good enough, even like this. I've realised that by now. Even so, I can't help but dream and give my all to overcome everything holding me back from living to the fullest.
Well i see now,
ain't noting wrong with you at all, you really be searching for a cure when there's no disease.
seems like you're using those experiences to justify a problem that doesn't exist.
You want my advise, don't let the past stop you from being who you are, you're SS aren't you?

There's noting wrong in your genetics, noting wrong in being mixed.
What's stopping you from having kids? you infertile or something?
I hope you don't want to have kids just because you're mixed, because that's dumb imo ngl.

Your sex life, is your own business, no one needs to know that, do what you want, if it's uncomfortable to you then you ain't gotta do shit.

"If just I could be completely male or completely female"
"caused me to reject my masculine side"
Like i'm not sure if you read what i said above, about Athena, but if you look at her in the Greek mythos you'd know she was quite 'manly/masculine', straight up badass, mainly depicted with a spear, shield and male warrior's helm, she is a goddess of war after all.
You don't have to subscribe to any male/female archetype to be you or have fun.

Pretty sure the reason why Lilith reached out to me was because i was coming across her name and things related to her a lot, but like you i had anxiety and didn't despite really wanting to because from the research i did on her, she really seemed to be the person i should go to at the time.
Also no one said you had to summon her, just speak, in your mind with the intent that it's directed to her.

You can't be afraid to live this life, You won't know someone unless you reach out to them, can't spend your life living in fear, what's there to be afraid of anyways? You're SS aren't you? family.
Also i'll just mention that fearlessness does not mean stupidity, there's a difference.

"I know the Gods are incredibly kind"
You know this? you know the gods?
Cuz this ain't the case for me, my GD if i had to describe him, he'd be the 'realist'.
He gives me the truth, even if that truth hurts my feelings, i get what i ask for.
It's raw, he's serious, but he's fun and charming at the same time, he's 'real' not fake kindness, sometimes hard decisions need to be made, but this is me, and how i cultivated my relationship with my GD, each god, are their own individual and do things differently, from my experience that is.

So how you gonna know what a god is like, without meeting or interacting with that person? you just gonna take someone's word for it?
Like i said, can't be afraid to live this life, gotta make moves, gotta stand your ground and for what you believe in.
Solarsaga said:
Rook said:
THERE ARE NO MEDIATORS IN SATANISM"]No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else should have any control or power over another person. Satanic clergy offer guidance and support- that is it. Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, but if you are ever in doubt, go to Satan yourself. If something doesn't feel right for you, then don't accept it.
Particularly I had this problem here too, they wanted me to just believe something just because the hp said it and not to doubt or question. Even when I ask them to show prove that the soul vanishes and no one could provide prove from their ancient sources all they could do is call you new ager for doubting their so called facts.

To answer your question as I could, I don't believe the Indians are mixed with white and black. This has been the consensus here but any reasonable person will see that real mixed people do not look like Indians at all. They look very different.

This is how a mixed person look like



And this is what and Indian looks like




Although it seems to be a general consensus that Indians are a mixture of blacks and white you can see from the pictures above that this is not the case so why do people say this.
Indians are a different race and have their own language, culture and tradition which has nothing to do with blacks. They don't even speak like neither race.

Some also say native Americans are a mixture of Asian and white but again this is not true as Asian and white mixed people look nothing like native Americans. Besides this they also have their own culture, traditions and history as well which also has nothing to do with coming from Africa.

I have researched that the native Americans held reference to the pleiades as the home of their ancestors. The native Americans knew about orion but they say that their ancestors came for the pleiades
Which they called koto, this could be the reason why they look different from the white and Black race and have their own language, culture and history. Because they might actually be the offspring of the pleiades as they say. This is a what is stated by the native americans themselves so no one should come here to bash me, rather go and read about this yourselves.

The fact is Indians have nothing in common with blacks except for the Dravidian who may aswell be a mixed of black with Indians.

Another thing is the believe that mixed people are black, this believe comes from the fact that many mixed people feel they are more black than white but this is not the reason to say they are black, the people who say this tend to forget that most mixed people also feel like they are more white than black. So it can not be one or the other.

If you are Indian you are Indian, if you are native american you are that aswell. You are not under the white and black race, You are your own tribe. If you are mixed you are mixed too, you are not black and you should not be seen as such. You should be proud even as a mixed person, do not feel lesser or try to look like one race or the other just be you.

The images of the indians that you used can only be referred to the population living in the center of the Indian subcontinent. There are more phenotypes that exist in the subcontinent as you move away from the center, and the more racially the population will look akin to the purer races, but very few are left who can be considered of having a proper soul[if it's true that souls can be mixed].
I am an example of it, there are some left but not many. As an SS, it's depressing cuz it's hard to find the right partner. Other's like me are simply mixing. Not many options as an SS I have here, which is why I have decided to wait until I can establish an astral connection with Satan and the Gods. The Gods know I could get any woman I want, but I don't want to, because I don't want to take chances of further mixing my bloodline(they know I am a bit stubborn), so I chose to stay a virgin even as a college student where at this stage many lose virginity. The ones who come close to be compatible with me are some white Kashmiris and some populations in North Pakistan and of course some few of my own in Punjab. When I say white, I don't mean people like kangana ranaut, as mentioned by HP Cobra in this post https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=71169#p71169
HP Cobra is a bit misinformed or unknown to the fact that there are some people here who have the proper features and even general behavioral traits of the respective purer race that they are similar to. I am one of them. I have lived and visited almost 19+ states in India and I have hardly seen anyone behaving like me in India I look like the present-day black-haired or brunette-haired Greek, Italian, White Anatolian, Spaniard, or even French or Russian or English male. I also have several proper native accents to the respective languages for the above nationalities/races, not just one kind of accent for the particular language. Funny I don't look German but have accents and people are surprised when I speak with them. I am learning Russian and my Russian friends were blown off. No, I am not a white wannabe as many from India would call me because that's what some stupid fair-skinned dipshits are all about here. I am not one of those wannabes. If I was, I wouldn't even be here because I would be busy being a degenerate. I have proper white features and so are some individuals here stuck in this multicultural shithole. Those in the north and west are even more unlucky, cuz Islam. Good thing my family moved to India at least.

The map below will help you understand what I mean.

The deeper you go into the center, the more mixed the genetics(from all 3 races) of the population will be. But away you get from the center, you will find the population will be lesser mixed and towards the extreme end, you will find the population to be racially more or extremely akin to the purer races, like north kashmir, upper north pakistan, tamil nadu, kerela, and arunachal pradesh or Bhutan where you will find many to be compatible with the Chinese or Yunnan or Tibetian population.

If people here really were similar, then Bollywood would not work as much as it does in promoting race-mixing within India.

Idk if this is a fun fact, but... it was the heavily mixed population that was suffering more from Covid. Kinda reveals how racially mixed have become more vulnerable to this crap virus.
Meteor said:
I'm not talking about archetypes, but about my genetics and Soul. I wasn't sure if I should mention it explicitly since I'm not the most comfortable with it, but I'm intersex. That's why I'm unable to have children.

No, I'm not mixed race. I guess in a sense I'm "mixed sex", but that's a ridiculous way to put it and it's not like I really want to be. That's just how my chromosomes are. If I could just be a normal woman, I would prefer that so much. My partner says I am anyway, but that doesn't mean I don't suffer because of the shortcomings of my body. This is a real issue that I wish to overcome.

As I mentioned, I don't reject my masculine side anymore. Rather than adhering to norms of masculinity or femininity, I just do whatever I feel like, since I see no reason not to. But being genetically in-between has significant downsides, both physically and spiritually. That's why I would rather change and try to remove this abnormality from my Soul. If nothing else, then at least so that I can have children like I always wanted to. But I think it would be liberating in many other ways too, not just that.

Up until recently I tried comparing myself to transgender people, because they also want to change the sexual characteristics of their body. I thought I would be able to relate to them, but each one I met was either a depraved creep or a weakling who complained all day and did nothing to improve their situation (or both). Many of them are very ugly and look nothing like what they claim they are, and some of them act like entitled psychopaths and say people should be forced to date them, as if other ugly people with terrible personalities don't face the same issues they do. They're obnoxious, and in the end I wasn't able to relate to any of them.

I also tried comparing myself to homosexual people, who are also unable to have children because of their nature. But luis here on the forums explained to me that it isn't natural for homosexuals to want children in the first place, so I guess I'm not like them either. I know that for me, there's nothing unnatural about wanting such a normal thing.

I realised that looking for people I can relate to may be a pointless endeavour. Norms and stereotypes don't determine whether I'm allowed to exist. I want to exist, and that's enough. That's why I decided that so long as I'm able to survive, I'm allowed to exist.
You're intersex?
so you're physically unable to have kids?

You really are a freak, btw did you ever listen to the song i linked in my 2nd reply to you here? if not you should.

I'd just say right now if you've got a woman's body and you have a penis, some people would straight up worship you as a god, people like that are highly coveted, it's a very popular porn category, dickgirl/futa.
Someone with a male's body and vagina(femboy) are also coveted by many.

Like some people straight up try to transform themselves into these things to live their fantasy, if you were born with mixed gender features, then bruh, you crazy for wanting to be normal.
I was right, you really are searching for a cure when there's no disease.

Like you could be having some real freakish fun/sex, but you're here being all confused about yourself, smh.
"That's why I decided that so long as I'm able to survive, I'm allowed to exist."
You tryin to survive, when you could be thriving, perhaps once you understand that you've been fuckin blessed to be born the way you are.
Meteor said:
Rook said:
Meteor said:
You're intersex?
so you're physically unable to have kids?

You really are a freak, btw did you ever listen to the song i linked in my 2nd reply to you here? if not you should.

I'd just say right now if you've got a woman's body and you have a penis, some people would straight up worship you as a god, people like that are highly coveted, it's a very popular porn category, dickgirl/futa.
Someone with a male's body and vagina(femboy) are also coveted by many.

Like some people straight up try to transform themselves into these things to live their fantasy, if you were born with mixed gender features, then bruh, you crazy for wanting to be normal.
I was right, you really are searching for a cure when there's no disease.

Like you could be having some real freakish fun/sex, but you're here being all confused about yourself, smh.
"That's why I decided that so long as I'm able to survive, I'm allowed to exist."
You tryin to survive, when you could be thriving, perhaps once you understand that you've been fuckin blessed to be born the way you are.

It's not that I mind being different or a "freak" anymore, as I'm well aware that I'm loved despite it. But these things aren't as you make them out to be. There are no intersex conditions that are comparable to hermaphrodites like shown in allegories and ancient statues; many have internal/external genitalia that don't work well, and nearly all of them are completely infertile, unable to have children with either sex. Most have severe hormonal problems as well, and need to take pills or they'll have a higher chance of suffering from brittle bones, lack of energy, migraines and more. How can you say that's not a problem, or even call it a blessing?

I did mention that there were three directions I could try to change towards that would each solve all of the problems I mentioned; those are completely male, completely female, or completely both. Being both isn't necessarily the problem, but being inconsistent is. Due to the way genetics and human sexual differentiation work, being male takes away from being female, being female takes away from being male, and in the end you're simply left with something that doesn't work as a whole.

Aside from the physical problems, it's only become more apparent to me the more I meditate that spiritually I'm a mixture between male and female; a bit of both, but complete as neither. I'm not talking about masculinity or femininity; no matter how masculine or feminine someone is, it will never change whether he/she is male or female. Although there are natural tendencies for men and women, it still remains something completely separate. I don't feel like going into detail right now, about what my body is like or the energetic problems I've struggled with. But I don't want to be an incomplete mess forever. I want to grow and be whole.

You say I could be having freakish fun/sex? Do you have any idea just how much I tried? This flawed physical body of mine isn't capable of having fun that way. No matter what I tried or with whom, it was just so empty and hollow. The only way I was ever able to find satisfaction was by figuring out how to connect to my partner's mind through telepathy so that we can have sex astrally instead, where my body doesn't have the same problems. Of course I'm happy about that, but why can't you understand that I want to be able to have enjoyable sex normally in a straightforward way, just like everyone else? I know there are other women and even some men who have difficulty enjoying it as wel, but would you tell them that they should be happy about it too?

I don't suppose you would understand. I just want to live my life to the fullest. To be able to have fulfilling sex with my partner, even physically; to be a mother someday. It's surely because of the way my genes and Soul are that I have these instincts that don't make sense for my body in the first place. Is it supposed to be some kind of cruel joke? I don't get it. No, this is just what nature is like, isn't it? If nature can do whatever it wants, then so will I. No matter what it takes, I will overcome these boundaries and create life from within my own flesh and Soul, as nature tells me to. If that's a contradiction, then nature should've "thought" about that before making me like this. Whether I'm "right" or "wrong", or "delusional" or "ambitious", it doesn't make a difference. All I can do is try my best to do what my Soul has desired for over a millennium, and I will stop at nothing for that sake.

It's not like I don't think things like pregnancy and giving birth are scary. But if that's what it takes to create life, then I'll do it; even if my body and genetics need to change for it to be possible. I have no hesitation in that regard.

Anyway, I listened to the song. It sounded pretty cool. People really feel insecure over the slightest things; they should just relax and be themselves. People shouldn't try to change just because others don't understand them. But if they want to change for their own sake, then I don't think that's wrong. That's why I don't think I'm wrong, even if I'm challenging nature itself; although it seems more like it's nature that challenged me. That kind of thing happens all the time anyway, and it's how humans have gotten so far and built entire societies. For me to strive to overcome the problems I was faced with, no matter how difficult it may be... I don't think that's wrong.

And to answer your first question, yes. But I don't want it to stay that way. I want to have children too.

I'm sorry for going off topic. I was trying to make a point that I think it's possible for "mixed race Souls" to exist considering it's possible for a Soul to be "mixed sex", but then I felt compelled to clear up what I perceived to be misunderstandings. It's become a bit of an uncomfortable topic for me though after exposing my feelings to such an extent, so perhaps I should leave it at this.
I don't imagine you'll understand my feelings or situation even after I tried my best to explain them. I guess it can't be helped.
You keep saying, if I was completely this or that,
man, that irritates me, my gamer friends always telling man, man look at these e-girls on twitch, look how easy they have it, all they gotta do is show tits and do fuck all to make tons of money.
got feminists on the other end, saying how easy men have it, and how much 'privilege' they got.
like, bruh.
Everyone thinks if they were 'this' or 'that' there problems would just magically go away, it won't.
Easy to see the things in others, that you do not have.

I've been asking why you can't have kids, because I sympathize with your desires, perhaps I could've found a solution.
everyone wants the things they don't have, and the fact that you know that you can't have kids makes you want kids even more, this is life.

You don't know what it's like with me either, easy for a person to speak about their problems and play the victim when they don't know what the other is like, But you know it goes both ways, as you believe I'm doing this to you.
Just like you there's things are built into my soul that prevent me from having things that normal people can, if i had to describe it you in simplistic terms it's like a void that can never be filled/Satisfied/fulfilled, no matter how much or hard i try to fill it, it always leaves me wanting more, frustrating, and this is a deliberate thing in my design, it helps me do the things i do and need to do.
There are also other things that normal people can experience, but i simply can't[literally] by design, frustrating, you don't know me, don't think that you do, you believe I'm normal like the rest, I'm not like you, but I'm my own kind of freak.

"but why can't you understand that I want to be able to have enjoyable sex normally in a straightforward way, just like everyone else?"
You're rather presumptuous to think that i don't understand, annoyingly so.

There's a positive and negative side to all things, you've chosen to focus on your negative side, I've been trying to tell you this, but you just kept telling me about the flaws in your design, everyone's birth chart has a Saturn and a Jupiter, A negative and a positive, reality is cruel and painful.
Change is inevitable, and you wouldn't want to change if you didn't have problems, if there wasn't a Saturn in your life to cause you problems and obstacles you would have just remained the same and not seek to change, improve and become stronger.
I do sympathize with your desire to have kids, and i hope that you find a way, without getting rid of the things that make you unique and fascinating.
And you desire for fulfilling sex, does in fact push you towards developing your psychic side, doesn't it?
Meteor said:
We have sex astrally instead.
How does that work? How can doing something astrally satisfy the physical? That would be like astrally weightlifting, it’s not giving you big muscles or any of the physical benefits so how does it satiate the need for physical exercise?
Meteor said:
Rook said:
Meteor said:
You keep saying, if I was completely this or that,
man, that irritates me, my gamer friends always telling man, man look at these e-girls on twitch, look how easy they have it, all they gotta do is show tits and do fuck all to make tons of money.
got feminists on the other end, saying how easy men have it, and how much 'privilege' they got.
like, bruh.
Everyone thinks if they were 'this' or 'that' there problems would just magically go away, it won't.
Easy to see the things in others, that you do not have.

I've been asking why you can't have kids, because I sympathize with your desires, perhaps I could've found a solution.
everyone wants the things they don't have, and the fact that you know that you can't have kids makes you want kids even more, this is life.

You don't know what it's like with me either, easy for a person to speak about their problems and play the victim when they don't know what the other is like, But you know it goes both ways, as you believe I'm doing this to you.
Just like you there's things are built into my soul that prevent me from having things that normal people can, if i had to describe it you in simplistic terms it's like a void that can never be filled/Satisfied/fulfilled, no matter how much or hard i try to fill it, it always leaves me wanting more, frustrating, and this is a deliberate thing in my design, it helps me do the things i do and need to do.
There are also other things that normal people can experience, but i simply can't[literally] by design, frustrating, you don't know me, don't think that you do, you believe I'm normal like the rest, I'm not like you, but I'm my own kind of freak.

"but why can't you understand that I want to be able to have enjoyable sex normally in a straightforward way, just like everyone else?"
You're rather presumptuous to think that i don't understand, annoyingly so.

There's a positive and negative side to all things, you've chosen to focus on your negative side, I've been trying to tell you this, but you just kept telling me about the flaws in your design, everyone's birth chart has a Saturn and a Jupiter, A negative and a positive, reality is cruel and painful.
Change is inevitable, and you wouldn't want to change if you didn't have problems, if there wasn't a Saturn in your life to cause you problems and obstacles you would have just remained the same and not seek to change, improve and become stronger.

I'm sorry for ranting; I shouldn't have lost my composure like that. I know that other people have things they struggle with too, especially here. Many come here because they are looking for solutions for problems that may seem insurmountable otherwise.

To be a mother when I grow up is something I've wanted since before I knew I couldn't. That's why I assumed that my desire was genuine, but I can't deny that I've despaired immensely in my past lives at my inability to provide for the child wish of whatever partners I had. Perhaps that is still influencing me to an extent and making me feel more pressured to find a way.

You're absolutely right that people think they want the things they can't have more than they really do deep down. I still think it's something that I really want, but probably not to the point of obsession like I feel currently. My partner and I aren't even ready to have children yet for other reasons, so it seems a bit odd now that I felt such a sense of urgency. I should just take my time with it and relax.

I'm sorry for assuming you wouldn't understand. I've been called delusional, unrealistic, unreasonable and misguided when I opened up to other people about what I really want; told that I should give up, or that my feelings are wrong. That made me think that you probably wouldn't understand either. But I shouldn't have assumed that. Thank you for understanding.

Recently when I had a conversation with luis about homosexual people with a child wish, he told me that homosexuals don't really want that kind of thing deep down and that they only feel that way due to programming. That made me wonder if it was just me then whose nature didn't make much sense; if there was some kind of plan for everyone else but me. As a result, I felt a bit lost and jaded. I don't mean this in a bad way, but to hear that you feel similarly, that I'm not alone in this, woke me up from a haze. Thank you, and sorry for coming across as someone with a victim complex. I hope that someday, somehow, you find a way to fill your void.

I do sympathize with your desire to have kids, and i hope that you find a way, without getting rid of the things that make you unique and fascinating.
Before I found meditation, I was ashamed of everything masculine about me and tried to hide it and keep it inside. I thought that surely it was because I was too masculine as a person that I was born like this, as some kind of punishment. But in meditation, I gradually began to notice a spark inside of me; a spark of incredibly bright and unrelenting energy that wants to make its way out. When I started to embrace it, it felt so invigorating; I became more healthy physically, and am much stronger now than one would expect from the size of my muscles. I realised that it doesn't matter if I'm masculine inside, because by using this immense, burning strength, I can protect all that I love and destroy all that I hate. Suddenly I started to feel proud of how tall I am too.

On the other side, I've always been very creative and sensitive, to the point that I've been considered "gifted" in multiple ways since I was a child. As for sex, despite the fact that it's only astrally for now, I know that I'm able to find more pleasure from it than even most women have ever felt in their lives, let alone men; at times it's like my Soul itself becomes like a supernova, and learning to handle and use all that energy has been incredibly useful in accelerating my spiritual growth. It took a lot of effort from me and my partner to even reach the point where we're able to do this, but it was absolutely worth it.

Even when someday I'm able to have sex physically, and have kids... These spiritual aspects of mine aren't something I'll ever let go of. You're right, it really is a blessing in its own way. In that regard, I've really come to love the way I am. I was frustrated at the difficulties it caused for me physically, but there's really so much more to it than that; and by learning to make these two sides of me work together, I'm able to do things that most would consider exceptional. I'm starting to see what you mean.

And you desire for fulfilling sex, does in fact push you towards developing your psychic side, doesn't it?
How many people can say they became able to telepathically communicate with another human reliably and blatantly confirmably in less than a year since they started meditating? One thing led to another, and I've come incredibly far as I've kept on pushing my boundaries in search of ways to do the things I've always dreamt of. I found myself capable of many things that I would never even have thought were even possible until I found the Joy of Satan. I've done the same things in many of my past lives, so much of this so far has just been me picking up where I left off; but who knows how far I'll be able to go this time, in this changing world?

The person who told me about JoS, said that those who have mastered this path (our Gods and Goddesses) are not only immortal, but able to change their physical form at will. I don't know whether the latter is allegory or fact, but those two things have been my deepest wishes since my adolescent years. For years I had felt lost because I thought I lived in a dull, empty world where such things didn't exist. The first time I meditated, it was like the entire world around me became colourful for the first time since my childhood. I immediately recognized this was what I was missing all along, and dedicated after a week. I was so enthusiastic that I went a bit crazy with the blood after it wouldn't come out at first, like "take my signature, sign me up!", while it felt as though Father Satan was watching me and trying to gesture that He appreciated my enthusiasm, but that it would've been fine for me to try again another time with a better needle. Even to this day, although I'm a bit more grounded than I was back then, that enthusiasm still hasn't waned.

If I had been born a normal woman in my first life... I'm sure I would've still had my share of problems, but nothing that would've pushed me to such relentlessness determination to unravel the workings of nature and the aether itself. To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?

I thought you weren't understanding what I was trying to say, but I see you were trying to help me see things in a more positive light. Thank you, it worked and I feel much better now.

When i said that people want what they don't have, i also meant that's normal, desires are a good thing, they push people into action.

Personally i don't care if children for homos are natural or not, if i wanted it i'd have gotten it, and if you ask me, i'd say you should be more worried about the raising a child instead of worrying if it's natural or not.
Because children take a lot of love, money, and time to raise(properly).

Either way i'm glad you've seen the positive sides of yourself, a real shame i don't give out my contact publicly, you're a person i can relate too, even if we're not freakish in the same ways.

"To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?"
It's not, and i don't like talking about my life either, it's straight up fucked, my childhood was fucked, my life is now better than it was before i've learnt a lot and became stronger, but conflict never ends for me, and i consider this a good thing.
But like you i do have high ambitions too, yes.
Hitleriano1440 said:
For example: Can a soul be 28% black, 25% asian and 47% white?

I think that these people are actually constituting a new race, a hibryd race and these hibryd people can reincarnate just as a hibryd.
Rook said:
I still remember about this thread.
About the general consensus part, I was wrong, as I mixed some concepts I had in my mind and mistakenly thought I read that, and yes, I should've immediately gave reference but I reacted in egopathic way and refused to do so, which I apologize for.
Rook said:
Meteor said:
Rook said:
You keep saying, if I was completely this or that,
man, that irritates me, my gamer friends always telling man, man look at these e-girls on twitch, look how easy they have it, all they gotta do is show tits and do fuck all to make tons of money.
got feminists on the other end, saying how easy men have it, and how much 'privilege' they got.
like, bruh.
Everyone thinks if they were 'this' or 'that' there problems would just magically go away, it won't.
Easy to see the things in others, that you do not have.

I've been asking why you can't have kids, because I sympathize with your desires, perhaps I could've found a solution.
everyone wants the things they don't have, and the fact that you know that you can't have kids makes you want kids even more, this is life.

You don't know what it's like with me either, easy for a person to speak about their problems and play the victim when they don't know what the other is like, But you know it goes both ways, as you believe I'm doing this to you.
Just like you there's things are built into my soul that prevent me from having things that normal people can, if i had to describe it you in simplistic terms it's like a void that can never be filled/Satisfied/fulfilled, no matter how much or hard i try to fill it, it always leaves me wanting more, frustrating, and this is a deliberate thing in my design, it helps me do the things i do and need to do.
There are also other things that normal people can experience, but i simply can't[literally] by design, frustrating, you don't know me, don't think that you do, you believe I'm normal like the rest, I'm not like you, but I'm my own kind of freak.

"but why can't you understand that I want to be able to have enjoyable sex normally in a straightforward way, just like everyone else?"
You're rather presumptuous to think that i don't understand, annoyingly so.

There's a positive and negative side to all things, you've chosen to focus on your negative side, I've been trying to tell you this, but you just kept telling me about the flaws in your design, everyone's birth chart has a Saturn and a Jupiter, A negative and a positive, reality is cruel and painful.
Change is inevitable, and you wouldn't want to change if you didn't have problems, if there wasn't a Saturn in your life to cause you problems and obstacles you would have just remained the same and not seek to change, improve and become stronger.

I'm sorry for ranting; I shouldn't have lost my composure like that. I know that other people have things they struggle with too, especially here. Many come here because they are looking for solutions for problems that may seem insurmountable otherwise.

To be a mother when I grow up is something I've wanted since before I knew I couldn't. That's why I assumed that my desire was genuine, but I can't deny that I've despaired immensely in my past lives at my inability to provide for the child wish of whatever partners I had. Perhaps that is still influencing me to an extent and making me feel more pressured to find a way.

You're absolutely right that people think they want the things they can't have more than they really do deep down. I still think it's something that I really want, but probably not to the point of obsession like I feel currently. My partner and I aren't even ready to have children yet for other reasons, so it seems a bit odd now that I felt such a sense of urgency. I should just take my time with it and relax.

I'm sorry for assuming you wouldn't understand. I've been called delusional, unrealistic, unreasonable and misguided when I opened up to other people about what I really want; told that I should give up, or that my feelings are wrong. That made me think that you probably wouldn't understand either. But I shouldn't have assumed that. Thank you for understanding.

Recently when I had a conversation with luis about homosexual people with a child wish, he told me that homosexuals don't really want that kind of thing deep down and that they only feel that way due to programming. That made me wonder if it was just me then whose nature didn't make much sense; if there was some kind of plan for everyone else but me. As a result, I felt a bit lost and jaded. I don't mean this in a bad way, but to hear that you feel similarly, that I'm not alone in this, woke me up from a haze. Thank you, and sorry for coming across as someone with a victim complex. I hope that someday, somehow, you find a way to fill your void.

I do sympathize with your desire to have kids, and i hope that you find a way, without getting rid of the things that make you unique and fascinating.
Before I found meditation, I was ashamed of everything masculine about me and tried to hide it and keep it inside. I thought that surely it was because I was too masculine as a person that I was born like this, as some kind of punishment. But in meditation, I gradually began to notice a spark inside of me; a spark of incredibly bright and unrelenting energy that wants to make its way out. When I started to embrace it, it felt so invigorating; I became more healthy physically, and am much stronger now than one would expect from the size of my muscles. I realised that it doesn't matter if I'm masculine inside, because by using this immense, burning strength, I can protect all that I love and destroy all that I hate. Suddenly I started to feel proud of how tall I am too.

On the other side, I've always been very creative and sensitive, to the point that I've been considered "gifted" in multiple ways since I was a child. As for sex, despite the fact that it's only astrally for now, I know that I'm able to find more pleasure from it than even most women have ever felt in their lives, let alone men; at times it's like my Soul itself becomes like a supernova, and learning to handle and use all that energy has been incredibly useful in accelerating my spiritual growth. It took a lot of effort from me and my partner to even reach the point where we're able to do this, but it was absolutely worth it.

Even when someday I'm able to have sex physically, and have kids... These spiritual aspects of mine aren't something I'll ever let go of. You're right, it really is a blessing in its own way. In that regard, I've really come to love the way I am. I was frustrated at the difficulties it caused for me physically, but there's really so much more to it than that; and by learning to make these two sides of me work together, I'm able to do things that most would consider exceptional. I'm starting to see what you mean.

And you desire for fulfilling sex, does in fact push you towards developing your psychic side, doesn't it?
How many people can say they became able to telepathically communicate with another human reliably and blatantly confirmably in less than a year since they started meditating? One thing led to another, and I've come incredibly far as I've kept on pushing my boundaries in search of ways to do the things I've always dreamt of. I found myself capable of many things that I would never even have thought were even possible until I found the Joy of Satan. I've done the same things in many of my past lives, so much of this so far has just been me picking up where I left off; but who knows how far I'll be able to go this time, in this changing world?

The person who told me about JoS, said that those who have mastered this path (our Gods and Goddesses) are not only immortal, but able to change their physical form at will. I don't know whether the latter is allegory or fact, but those two things have been my deepest wishes since my adolescent years. For years I had felt lost because I thought I lived in a dull, empty world where such things didn't exist. The first time I meditated, it was like the entire world around me became colourful for the first time since my childhood. I immediately recognized this was what I was missing all along, and dedicated after a week. I was so enthusiastic that I went a bit crazy with the blood after it wouldn't come out at first, like "take my signature, sign me up!", while it felt as though Father Satan was watching me and trying to gesture that He appreciated my enthusiasm, but that it would've been fine for me to try again another time with a better needle. Even to this day, although I'm a bit more grounded than I was back then, that enthusiasm still hasn't waned.

If I had been born a normal woman in my first life... I'm sure I would've still had my share of problems, but nothing that would've pushed me to such relentlessness determination to unravel the workings of nature and the aether itself. To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?

I thought you weren't understanding what I was trying to say, but I see you were trying to help me see things in a more positive light. Thank you, it worked and I feel much better now.

When i said that people want what they don't have, i also meant that's normal, desires are a good thing, they push people into action.

Personally i don't care if children for homos are natural or not, if i wanted it i'd have gotten it, and if you ask me, i'd say you should be more worried about the raising a child instead of worrying if it's natural or not.
Because children take a lot of love, money, and time to raise(properly).

Either way i'm glad you've seen the positive sides of yourself, a real shame i don't give out my contact publicly, you're a person i can relate too, even if we're not freakish in the same ways.

"To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?"
It's not, and i don't like talking about my life either, it's straight up fucked, my childhood was fucked, my life is now better than it was before i've learnt a lot and became stronger, but conflict never ends for me, and i consider this a good thing.
But like you i do have high ambitions too, yes.

Who the fuck are you and say FREAK to someone here?
Aquarius said:
Rook said:
I still remember about this thread.
About the general consensus part, I was wrong, as I mixed some concepts I had in my mind and mistakenly thought I read that, and yes, I should've immediately gave reference but I reacted in egopathic way and refused to do so, which I apologize for.
Takes courage to say this,
to me the apology is not necessary, these sort of things happen, it's human nature.

understand that arguments happen all the time, i don't really hold anything against you, never did in fact.

Everyone has their own problems to deal with in life.
Meteor said:
EA666 said:
Rook said:
Who the fuck are you and say FREAK to someone here?
Thank you for standing up for me, but I don't think he meant it in a demeaning way. He probably meant it literally here, since one of the definitions of "freak" is "a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality." Perhaps it was just to tease me, or perhaps it was even meant as a compliment if he finds unusual things fascinating.

Either way, I'm fine. I didn't take offense to it. Maybe I'm too tolerant, though. "Freak" does have some harsh connotations most of the time, and I personally enjoy feeling like I can be a normal person too despite what I'm like. I don't like being treated as though I'm different. Even so, he didn't seem to mean it as an insult.

He shouldn’t say it. I looked at his previous posts, he has a wording problem and he doesn't look like a normal person. I couldn't get good energy from him. This is the first time that i'm disgusted with someone here.
EA666 said:
Rook said:
Meteor said:
I'm sorry for ranting; I shouldn't have lost my composure like that. I know that other people have things they struggle with too, especially here. Many come here because they are looking for solutions for problems that may seem insurmountable otherwise.

To be a mother when I grow up is something I've wanted since before I knew I couldn't. That's why I assumed that my desire was genuine, but I can't deny that I've despaired immensely in my past lives at my inability to provide for the child wish of whatever partners I had. Perhaps that is still influencing me to an extent and making me feel more pressured to find a way.

You're absolutely right that people think they want the things they can't have more than they really do deep down. I still think it's something that I really want, but probably not to the point of obsession like I feel currently. My partner and I aren't even ready to have children yet for other reasons, so it seems a bit odd now that I felt such a sense of urgency. I should just take my time with it and relax.

I'm sorry for assuming you wouldn't understand. I've been called delusional, unrealistic, unreasonable and misguided when I opened up to other people about what I really want; told that I should give up, or that my feelings are wrong. That made me think that you probably wouldn't understand either. But I shouldn't have assumed that. Thank you for understanding.

Recently when I had a conversation with luis about homosexual people with a child wish, he told me that homosexuals don't really want that kind of thing deep down and that they only feel that way due to programming. That made me wonder if it was just me then whose nature didn't make much sense; if there was some kind of plan for everyone else but me. As a result, I felt a bit lost and jaded. I don't mean this in a bad way, but to hear that you feel similarly, that I'm not alone in this, woke me up from a haze. Thank you, and sorry for coming across as someone with a victim complex. I hope that someday, somehow, you find a way to fill your void.

Before I found meditation, I was ashamed of everything masculine about me and tried to hide it and keep it inside. I thought that surely it was because I was too masculine as a person that I was born like this, as some kind of punishment. But in meditation, I gradually began to notice a spark inside of me; a spark of incredibly bright and unrelenting energy that wants to make its way out. When I started to embrace it, it felt so invigorating; I became more healthy physically, and am much stronger now than one would expect from the size of my muscles. I realised that it doesn't matter if I'm masculine inside, because by using this immense, burning strength, I can protect all that I love and destroy all that I hate. Suddenly I started to feel proud of how tall I am too.

On the other side, I've always been very creative and sensitive, to the point that I've been considered "gifted" in multiple ways since I was a child. As for sex, despite the fact that it's only astrally for now, I know that I'm able to find more pleasure from it than even most women have ever felt in their lives, let alone men; at times it's like my Soul itself becomes like a supernova, and learning to handle and use all that energy has been incredibly useful in accelerating my spiritual growth. It took a lot of effort from me and my partner to even reach the point where we're able to do this, but it was absolutely worth it.

Even when someday I'm able to have sex physically, and have kids... These spiritual aspects of mine aren't something I'll ever let go of. You're right, it really is a blessing in its own way. In that regard, I've really come to love the way I am. I was frustrated at the difficulties it caused for me physically, but there's really so much more to it than that; and by learning to make these two sides of me work together, I'm able to do things that most would consider exceptional. I'm starting to see what you mean.

How many people can say they became able to telepathically communicate with another human reliably and blatantly confirmably in less than a year since they started meditating? One thing led to another, and I've come incredibly far as I've kept on pushing my boundaries in search of ways to do the things I've always dreamt of. I found myself capable of many things that I would never even have thought were even possible until I found the Joy of Satan. I've done the same things in many of my past lives, so much of this so far has just been me picking up where I left off; but who knows how far I'll be able to go this time, in this changing world?

The person who told me about JoS, said that those who have mastered this path (our Gods and Goddesses) are not only immortal, but able to change their physical form at will. I don't know whether the latter is allegory or fact, but those two things have been my deepest wishes since my adolescent years. For years I had felt lost because I thought I lived in a dull, empty world where such things didn't exist. The first time I meditated, it was like the entire world around me became colourful for the first time since my childhood. I immediately recognized this was what I was missing all along, and dedicated after a week. I was so enthusiastic that I went a bit crazy with the blood after it wouldn't come out at first, like "take my signature, sign me up!", while it felt as though Father Satan was watching me and trying to gesture that He appreciated my enthusiasm, but that it would've been fine for me to try again another time with a better needle. Even to this day, although I'm a bit more grounded than I was back then, that enthusiasm still hasn't waned.

If I had been born a normal woman in my first life... I'm sure I would've still had my share of problems, but nothing that would've pushed me to such relentlessness determination to unravel the workings of nature and the aether itself. To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?

I thought you weren't understanding what I was trying to say, but I see you were trying to help me see things in a more positive light. Thank you, it worked and I feel much better now.

When i said that people want what they don't have, i also meant that's normal, desires are a good thing, they push people into action.

Personally i don't care if children for homos are natural or not, if i wanted it i'd have gotten it, and if you ask me, i'd say you should be more worried about the raising a child instead of worrying if it's natural or not.
Because children take a lot of love, money, and time to raise(properly).

Either way i'm glad you've seen the positive sides of yourself, a real shame i don't give out my contact publicly, you're a person i can relate too, even if we're not freakish in the same ways.

"To be honest, I'm well aware that it's my "impossible" ambitions that made me who I am today and brought me here; could it be the same for you?"
It's not, and i don't like talking about my life either, it's straight up fucked, my childhood was fucked, my life is now better than it was before i've learnt a lot and became stronger, but conflict never ends for me, and i consider this a good thing.
But like you i do have high ambitions too, yes.

Who the fuck are you and say FREAK to someone here?
Freak -
one that is markedly unusual or abnormal

In clinical settings, the term "disorders of sex development" (DSD) has been used since 2006,[22] a shift in language considered controversial since its introduction.[23][24][25]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
