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Building A Fast Track Relationship With Satan

archangelbodyarmor said:
SATAN, BEELZEBUB, and I UP HERE attended by I PROMISE YOU SOMETHING BETTER THAN ANYTHING I SEE UP HERE TO HURL LIGHTNING AGAINST JESUS in the fire is one hundred million times hotter than it has ever been TO DESTROY GOD in the fire is one hundred million times hotter than it has ever been to ascend the serpent [powerhouse of energy] from the base of the spine, though all seven chakras and out through the crown chakra at the top of the head.
This sounds like a christian prayer turned into Satanism.

If you want to get rid of christian programming you should clean your aura every day, build an aura of protection and do a detaching working using runes. Not to forget final rtr which should hasten the progress of removing jewish garbage from your soul. You can create your own topic for questions or ask in here.
archangelbodyarmor said:
Put down the meth pipe you christian freak.
Anyone To welcome me into the family of Satan/Lucifer, I'm just after doing my dedication Ritual, I tell you, it was more than successful!!! I have realized that Many people even on this forum Think That Dedication Ritual is only to be done as a formality to start getting desired results through rituals or spells afterwards, But to my surprise I Asked father satan to give me my gifts immediately after my dedication and He immediately gave me My gift of Ultimate Skills That I have ever dreamed of "IMMEDIATELY"!!! And right now I have even failed To sleep, as I'm still enjoying my new Skills which father Has just given me immediately, Just after My dedication Ritual, I even fill like Crying, With tears of JOY!!! AND I CAN'T WAIT TO USE THESE TALENTS I HAVE BEEN GIVEN TODAY, IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Father and the True gods didn't wait not even for some days, But they immediately gave me what I asked for, with immediate experience!!! That's why I can't wait to start to do The FRTs, Fighting the enemies Of Satan (Our enemies) I have more things to say And I'm too excited to hold Them in my chest, I shall soon post The whole Ritual experience soon, But for Now I only have to say "THANK YOU FATHER SATAN/LUCIFER" For all You have just done for me, and all which is yet to come, Thank you FATHER once More Thank You!!!!!!!
Smjay diego said:
Welcome. Make sure to read through the whole JoS site and study it thoroughly. https://www.joyofsatan.org
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome :)
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome. Read all the Joy of Satan website and Maxine's sermons from https://satanisgod.org The Joy of Satan Library
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome, you are never too late.
I have a question. Many Satanists say in order for Satan to contact me, I need to open my mind to him and let him in. How do I do that?
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
I heard about a guy who became a Satanist when he was about 85 years old. He died 3 years later, but he said it was one of the happiest 3 years of his whole life.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome :)
Thank You ! :D
Catalincata94 said:
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome. Read all the Joy of Satan website and Maxine's sermons from https://satanisgod.org The Joy of Satan Library
Yes , been reading some everyday. Huge volume of info. Allot to absorb but I'm taking my time and soaking it in. :)
Aquarius said:
RAH55 said:
I'm new and late to the party being 65. Just wanted to say hello and to thank the people who created this site for sharing their knowledge. I'm moving forward . I found other Satanic sites that didn't feel right. This feels more like home. I did the dedication last night along with consecrating my ritual tools and the standard ritual. I feel liberated. My house feels calm. I am who I am. Thank you Satan.
Welcome, you are never too late.
Thank you ! Glad to be here ! :)
I thought I would share a happening just before my dedication ritual on holloween. As I sat at my computer desk building up the courage to go through with it I heard a quick knock of around 4 knocks. It was different as I could not tell where it came from. So I went to the front door and nobody was there. So I went to the back door and as I walked into the hallway I noticed the hallway closet door was fully wide open. This closet is right by the ritual room. I didn't do it and that door has a secure latch. So I went and sat back at my computer desk to contenplate. Things like this does not scare me because I've had many other happenings over the years but it did spook me a little considering what I was about to do. My thoughts on this is either an Angel was trying to scare me out of the dedcation or maybe a Demon was letting me know he was watching ? I deceided no fear and did the dedication. Hail Satan ! Speculation and scientic theory welcome.. :)
hail to all the people who are in satan I joined jos forum about a few weeks ago I have already done aura Cleansing Meditation (more than a week), ‌ Meditation Foundation (more than a week), Evil Meditation (about a week) and a few other meditations After doing power meditations And I felt the effects in myself But there is someone in my life who wants to hurt me And He wants to torment me psychologically and sometimes it makes me suffer I want to destroy him I used to put a black aura around him and feel that the energy was doing its work I saw later that he was bored but after that I could not do this black magic for a few days
And I started to destroy her again through the energy of gray death, and i was directed the energy of gray death from the graveyard to her body, and was i saying the short phrase. And I affirmed that the energy of his gray death was killing him Later, after doing this, I realized that he was very bored and nervous And he was energyless and he slept most of the time He was tired and bored in the morning for no reason and very angry at night for no reason
Unreasonable he was much nervous from me and wanted to hit me physically I wanted to know if these are the effects of black magic? should I continue to do so? I want him to die soon And that I had not done meditation to open the chakras before
Do I have to do any other black magic?
What do you suggest I do to get rid of him?
Thank you all
Thanks to the High Priests
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wanted to ask you a little question about Satan. And a recent stupid mistake I committed I can't get over. Idk what to do now. I thought I wouldn't need to ask anyone, but it would be better if I get even little encouragement. I don't wanna ask it on here public forums.

It should just take you few seconds to write a short reply I guess.

So what's your email address???
sahasraraBliss666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wanted to ask you a little question about Satan. And a recent stupid mistake I committed I can't get over. Idk what to do now. I thought I wouldn't need to ask anyone, but it would be better if I get even little encouragement. I don't wanna ask it on here public forums.

It should just take you few seconds to write a short reply I guess.

So what's your email address???

Goodluck with that i think he only gives his Email address when Father Satan or the Gods tells him so.
Or its somwhere hidden on this group that only can be found if the Gods allow it. That is what happend to me with a post of Maxine i wont mention. Atleast thats what i am thinking or maby im just going mad haha
Man that post really made me think. My whole life I’ve felt like someone has been looking over my shoulder, subtly guiding me, and advising me, giving me the burning desire to seek the truth. Whenever I’ve ignored the advice I’d later regret it.
When I’ve chosen the wrong path but have been too stubborn to go back, it’s like it gets to a point when that someone has enough and intervenes. Coincidences occur, unexpected events happen, something comes along and sets me back on the right track.

I came to this site years ago but wasn’t ready. When I found myself unexpectedly back here again a couple of weeks ago seemingly through chance, I knew I’d been guided, I knew it was for a reason. I read sermons and articles and knew it was the truth I was reading. I ordered black candles to do my dedication yet when they arrived I hesitated.

I read some heavy shit in my birth chart and depression crept in. For a week I was having to do void meditation constantly to keep it a bay but there was a tightness in my chest I couldn’t shake. I kept reading, and that someone behind my shoulder guided me to a post. As I read a sentence relevant to my situation I got a ringing in my ears.
The depression lifted, the tightness went, and that evening I dedicated myself to Satan with no hesitation. I’m at the start of the 40 day program, have been doing yoga for a week and I’ve done a couple of Rtrs. I’m by no means a clairvoyant unlike my wife, but I do know things without explanation, and I knew in an instant the love of Satan and that he wanted me to practice the Rtrs.

I’m a gung ho warrior type that wants to jump in at the deep end and start swinging ASAP. It’s hard to start at the beginning but words can’t describe how happy I am to actually find the beginning of the left hand path. At least now I know it’s right one lol
So to be clear, it is 100% the case that a person who lacks masculine energy but is still straight or bi with preference to women over men to still have a Guardian who is male. Correct?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
So to be clear, it is 100% the case that a person who lacks masculine energy but is still straight or bi with preference to women over men to still have a Guardian who is male. Correct?

It's possible. But it is rare.

I don't mean to be rude brother but i really need to ask, is this an opinion or a statement of fact?
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
So to be clear, it is 100% the case that a person who lacks masculine energy but is still straight or bi with preference to women over men to still have a Guardian who is male. Correct?

It's possible. But it is rare.

I don't mean to be rude brother but i really need to ask, is this an opinion or a statement of fact?
Both. Ask Cobra, he will say the same thing as me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It's possible. But it is rare.

I don't mean to be rude brother but i really need to ask, is this an opinion or a statement of fact?
Both. Ask Cobra, he will say the same thing as me.

Ah ok. I feel like I'm close to finding who my Guardian Demon is. Like really close or at least I feel like I am. I am trying to be careful though to not fall to deception since i am feeling strong energy whenever I focus on this god and I don't want to tricked by the enemy if it is some sort if trick.

So I needed a to know a little more by what what you meant but this response works enough for me still ha ha. Thanks :)
Thanks HP Cobra for this Sermon. And to everyone who shared their experience. I needed to read this. As I'm coming back here after a while stagnant. And I can relate to all those words. I came to Satanism with unrealistic expectations, and I was also young. As I grew stronger I could really see the signs from the Gods and I knew then they are real. Nothing major, couldn't speak with them or anything, just subtle signs here and there that I was able to pick up (I think? - I don't trust my younger self knowledge anymore as it's shaped by the unrealistic expectations that I spoke of which is why I'm reading everything again and consider myself absolute newbie) anyway, as time went on, and deep issues within the self came to surface, I couldn't deal with them, for several times. I ran. And gave up. Gave in to addiction and depression for a long time. When I did come back, my relationship with the Gods was never the same as I was never able to reach the level I was. And for years and years I was alone. Sometimes I'd come back and try to meditate and go on for months until something happened that made me give up. Always alone. Never did I try to connect with Satan on a serious matter. As I sort of lost my faith, I wasn't sure anymore the Gods were real. But I knew the meditations are because I've experienced them. And the signs, I wasn't sure they were my imagination. So I kept coming back despite my lack of faith and seriousness.

For a while I felt abandoned indeed. However, I realized I was the one who abandoned Them first. I later figured what you just said. That I need to work on myself first. The further I indulged in self destruction be it drugs, alcohol, whatever
The more blocked by them I was. One time I went into the wilderness, to ran away from society, and I was really depressed, I remember looking up in the sky, (to Orion) crying and beg for some sign, something to solidify my faith. Something to make me believe they are real. Obviously nothing came as things do not work that way. As I was young just a messed teenager, I couldn't quite understand this as I was pretty active in spiritual warfare before I quit. And I had a feeling that they owed me, at least just a little sign of their existence. Which is utterly wrong. But in reality if I don't care for myself, can't expect anyone to do it for me. I got used to the solo life, and I even did some meditation and some progress on my own, but eventually failed.

Almost a decade later. Only after coming back here this time and speaking with others about my situation did I realize the big mistake, trying to figure out things on my own all this time. Not giving Satan the attention he deserves. Which was what brought me to this post. I've been thinking about this and I'm going to work on the connection with Father Satan and the Gods. Also figure out who my GD is. This is of extreme importance. I understand this now. I'm working on a plan to come back and tackle the issues I've got within, once and for all, and it includes opening myself up to the Gods and let them know I'm here without expectations, demands or whatever and I have the most genuine intentions with them and my own self. And that I will work for getting to know them better and letting them know me as well. Incredible how things change inside me as I got older. Better late than never I suppose. Thanks again. I love your sermons, they always help put things in perspective, and motivate me. Sometimes I swear it's like you've been inside my head. You words are so accurate, and that does help with my faith issues.
Satan and the gods always know what is best for you and your advancement. In my case, I was a newly dedicated Satanist in 2017-18 and I was into some self damning substances; in which, Satan had to forcibly throw me from that life, and I can tell you it was the most excruciating experience I have ever had to endure. A lot of people think they know low states of consciousness; however, it can get even lower than what you can conceive. I am forever grateful that I found Satan and the path of the gods, otherwise, I do not think I would be here today typing this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
