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Breaking Limits In Meditation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people do not understand what this concept means. For whatever reason people assume 'breaking limitations' is all about literally frying yourself and becoming superman (in your mind) for a day and then collapsing. This is not breaking limitations. This is about frying yourself like a candlewick through which too much fire has went through.

You're not in a rush against the universe. In many ways, when you go into the gym, if you do a bench press of 10 in the first day, it may look challenging. If you add 300, you will break all the bones in your body, even if you manage to actually bench press that. Eventually, bench pressing that is totally stupid. It's better if one fails than if one succeeds.

It's actually to your benefit you didn't bench press 300 that day, or you would be at the hospital. You should be thankful you didn't bench press this, as it would probably come crashing down. Some people do this and they get 'away' with it, once or twice, mostly by chance. Even if you succeeded, this won't give you the perfect legs in one day.

The funny result is that even if you do the above, and you go to the gym once a week, you won't build the perfect legs or superpower. You're just getting away with frying yourself, not advancing.

Breaking "Limitations" means to build up gradually. Meditations should ideally end up at your 90-95% of capacity. When you want to "push through", 105-110% in figures should be enough. Not 150% or 200% or 300%. One must imagine this as a cable, that is a cable that adjusts, provided something that will fry or melt it doesn't go through. 300% is the literal, past repair, melting point.

150% can be extremely stressful. 90-100% is where you should be at all times, then a bit further when you need to surpass a limitation. You will know when and you don't need to rush it. 105-110% is guaranteed to advance you, push your limit, and also not harm you.

Progressively, the person who does not fry, will reach their "300%", the difference is, it will be in a far longer interval of time, without suffering or potential destruction. Compared to the dumb person who goes to push to 300% in the first day, they will surpass and advance past them, and how? Just by walking.

Alternatively, if you're like a cable and only 10% goes through you, you can't expect to advance in some way, as you're barely kept alive by the electricity going into you. You can't light like a light-bulb either. So doing too little won't push the necessary boundary to advance.

As you progress, you will also build a consciousness of your own (new in many ways) limits. For example, first week on the gym, adding 5 kg's in some exercises can be devastating and make them impossible. However, a person training for a decade, may add 20 on a said exercise and be able to execute it. Their 10% of pushing of limits, is on another level. One does not need to compare to that, just find their own flow.

Within a spectrum of many years or even a couple 'lifetimes', their 10% is actually what one was trying to bench press like a cheater at 300kg instantly. And what is this about? You shouldn't even care. You're not in a race. I am just stating this to show that eventually, everyone that advances, you will reach the point where you will be at a strong state. But you need to do this properly. Patience > Rushing.

To bridge your patience and your rushing, it means to just move on your goal in a balanced way, but do this consistently. This way you will reach your destination.

When your new limit is comfortably an everyday thing, you have mastered this level. Before mastering a level, one must think seriously about moving 'further'.

Like bodybuilding or athletics, it doesn't matter how much you try to abuse the breaking of limits. This is why drugs and all these related things are for idiots. They will never achieve anything by their attempts to cheat. They will only fry, self deceive, or just fail. There is no way to cheat one's self around things. You just have to do what you have to do. And that's a good thing.

Doesn't matter how strong you hit the pummel in your first week or month on the gym. You will not become Schwarzenegger in the first month. But eventually, if you do your part, within the span of a longer interval of time, you will reach an always bigger potential.

If one's purpose is to advance, you don't need to fry or laze out, you just need to walk the walk and at certain intervals push your limits. After a limit is pushed, you need to maintain is successfully until you move on.

Meditation has to be looked upon a beautiful, lifelong objective. Be thankful you have the ability to self master and meditate, do not disrespect it. The joy is in overcoming.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I just burned myself out just yesterday from spamming final RTRs, and this sermon pops up. My GD was like "WTF were you thinking ?!" not literary but was something like this,
I learned my lesson, and yes "spiritual exhaustion" is terrible, don't go way beyond your limits.

Quite an interesting phenomenon that if we have a problem related to something, then this topic is discussed here, even if it has not been discussed before, there's is definitely some sort of spiritual connection between us.
Donovandal said:
I just burned myself out just yesterday from spamming final RTRs, and this sermon pops up. My GD was like "WTF were you thinking ?!" not literary but was something like this,
I learned my lesson, and yes "spiritual exhaustion" is terrible, don't go way beyond your limits.

Quite an interesting phenomenon that if we have a problem related to something, then this topic is discussed here, even if it has not been discussed before, there's is definitely some sort of spiritual connection between us.

I have been working on Astrology and in general and fried my way more than once. I wanted to get everything done 'yesterday' in everything I did.

This is not a joke. That aside, there is actual medical exhaustion, which is equally bad or even worse, and extremely taxing. The biggest thing one pays is that they will not reach their destination that way.

I write the above with a decade almost of doing some dangerous mistakes in that regard, so others can learn from them, as I have.

It has to be taken seriously. REALLY seriously.
Donovandal said:
I just burned myself out just yesterday from spamming final RTRs, and this sermon pops up. My GD was like "WTF were you thinking ?!" not literary but was something like this,
I learned my lesson, and yes "spiritual exhaustion" is terrible, don't go way beyond your limits.

Quite an interesting phenomenon that if we have a problem related to something, then this topic is discussed here, even if it has not been discussed before, there's is definitely some sort of spiritual connection between us.

And by the way, we are all connected through Satan and the Gods. This is at the soul.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And by the way, we are all connected through Satan and the Gods. This is at the soul.

Yes i thought that is the case, when i focus on it i can feel this connection but i wasn't sure if this is real or i am just being crazy, but this situation, well at least for me, proved to me that it is real.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Donovandal said:
I just burned myself out just yesterday from spamming final RTRs, and this sermon pops up. My GD was like "WTF were you thinking ?!" not literary but was something like this,
I learned my lesson, and yes "spiritual exhaustion" is terrible, don't go way beyond your limits.

Quite an interesting phenomenon that if we have a problem related to something, then this topic is discussed here, even if it has not been discussed before, there's is definitely some sort of spiritual connection between us.

And by the way, we are all connected through Satan and the Gods. This is at the soul.

Whenever I do the RTR I imagine many of us doing it at the same time and the energy from these rituals form a stream which we come back and contribute to every day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very interesting timing on that sermon.
I had done a working-'chain' with 320 reps spread out over 5x a day in the past, (1600 reps total) and I would say that this had pushed to around my 200% mark. It was an overshoot for sure and I regret doing it in retrospect. It had messed with my overall energy levels and also with my sleep, and was quite uncomfortable over-all.

Yesterday I started a new working with a sanskrit mantra I had found. This time I made sure to not overshoot as hard anymore. I still intend for it to be quite a large working, so if I had to estimate I'd say it's around 130% of my current capacity. When I finish doing it I can feel every cell in my body buzzing with the energy, and when stating the affirmation I also feel about twice as much energy as I usually do in my other workings. I intend to lie down and focus on the energies for ~20 minutes after doing it each time, simply because it takes around that long for my body to stop "buzzing" everywhere.
Just that one time of doing it has already made me feel quite amazing, like my body was getting 'transformed' in some way by the energies. When I lied down in bed last night my whole body felt like a diamond or something.

Do you think I'm still overdoing things with this, or should it still be just enough? It was indeed very intense, but since I only had positive effects from it I considered it to be perfect for pushing through to the next level safely.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very interesting timing on that sermon.
I had done a working-'chain' with 320 reps spread out over 5x a day in the past, (1600 reps total) and I would say that this had pushed to around my 200% mark. It was an overshoot for sure and I regret doing it in retrospect. It had messed with my overall energy levels and also with my sleep, and was quite uncomfortable over-all.

Yesterday I started a new working with a sanskrit mantra I had found. This time I made sure to not overshoot as hard anymore. I still intend for it to be quite a large working, so if I had to estimate I'd say it's around 130% of my current capacity. When I finish doing it I can feel every cell in my body buzzing with the energy, and when stating the affirmation I also feel about twice as much energy as I usually do in my other workings. I intend to lie down and focus on the energies for ~20 minutes after doing it each time, simply because it takes around that long for my body to stop "buzzing" everywhere.
Just that one time of doing it has already made me feel quite amazing, like my body was getting 'transformed' in some way by the energies. When I lied down in bed last night my whole body felt like a diamond or something.

Do you think I'm still overdoing things with this, or should it still be just enough? It was indeed very intense, but since I only had positive effects from it I considered it to be perfect for pushing through to the next level safely.

You'll have to answer/experiment on that on your own. I just gave a general line there, everyone is individual past that point.
Some new people come in with the "no pain, no gain" mentality. The body has to adapt naturally over time to the higher energy flow and restructure itself accordingly. The principal of vital adaption is universal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This post came exactly when I needed it, on behalf of someone I'm helping find their grounding in meditation. Thanks HP. Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You'll have to answer/experiment on that on your own. I just gave a general line there, everyone is individual past that point.
Alright, got it. Thank you :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people do not understand what this concept means. For whatever reason people assume 'breaking limitations' is all about literally frying yourself and becoming superman (in your mind) for a day and then collapsing. This is not breaking limitations. This is about frying yourself like a candlewick through which too much fire has went through.

Meditation has to be looked upon a beautiful, lifelong objective. Be thankful you have the ability to self master and meditate, do not disrespect it. The joy is in overcoming.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Excellent, simply perfect sermon. Thank you very much Commander. HAIL SATAN
My issue lately and for some time now is trying to reach that point where i push myself slightly so i improve, ive stacked a few meditations at a time with some mantras twice a day, and usually feel a difference when i added in something like the raum meditation. But i seem to adapt rather quickly to the increased energy then im like "WTF what do i do from here?"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yeah I constantly try to overacheive and never seem to get where i want. I have sacrificed alot in life just to work hard and get no where.

I use to do 5 differnt breathing exercises at 100 reps each. I was also doing alternate nostril breathing wrong and unbalancing myself ontop of it. I would stop and feel so much better, but would think no must push on. I should have just played video games and relaxed then fry my nervous system.

This sermon came at a good time. Im done trying to push. The curses are finally gone, which made things impossible before. Whatever im gonna enjoy my life if I die and it takes me 5 lifetimes i just dont give a fuck anymore.
I dont want to have to reincarnate again at all BUT I know not to push this. That was my mistake when I was starting out years ago. I did kundalini yoga for two hours 100 or more reps on the full chakra meditation (which I can do now but i wont overdo the yoga thing again) and a bunch of other stuff for a week or two straight thinking cool I am going to gain all sorts of siddhis etc. I had some really bad outcomes from that and ended up stopping and being scared to meditate for awhile. Now I have made a lot of progress in less than a year. I stop if I think I am overdoing something but I may be pushing it too far to quick on trying to get my astral senses open because of several reasons I really want to communicate fully with my spirit friend who has been trying to come to me (mithula, sheela the two names that keep being placed in my head) and the Gods. I can kind of see them in my minds eye realisticly and barley hear some stuff but its hard. I will take my time.
This is basically what I said except written with more intricate detail. Thank you HC.
For me, this is another excellent sermon served in an extremely timely manner. I appreciate it. Thank You very much, HP HC.
Although it would be nice not to reincarnate again, I must remember not to run before I can walk.
Shael said:
Very interesting timing on that sermon.
I had done a working-'chain' with 320 reps spread out over 5x a day in the past, (1600 reps total) and I would say that this had pushed to around my 200% mark. It was an overshoot for sure and I regret doing it in retrospect. It had messed with my overall energy levels and also with my sleep, and was quite uncomfortable over-all.

I did something similar, although I performed workings ranging from 216 to 428 reps typically, although on some days I would push myself (unsuccessfully) to 856 repetitive vibrations of specific runes to empower myself, or to send energy during a working. I would do this once a day, took me HOURS. Not only RTRs, but workings of my own design, for example to expose and incite backlash against the obviously jewish European Union and promoting Nationalist Politics (This was when Euroscepticism and Nationalism started to gain traction)

This was years ago, but I pushed myself HARD, from what I remember, this is what I did each day:
45 minutes of Hatha Yoga followed by breathing exercises, 40 reps. Then I performed (in no specific order):
Twin and Single Serpent Meditation
Aura Empowerment Meditation
Star of Astaroth / Merkaba
Ascending Energy Meditation
Chakra Spinning
The three preliminary meditations for the Magnum Opus
Vibrating Kenaz, Eihwaz, and Sowilo (don't remember the rep count, I wanna say 18 but I'm not sure)
Raum meditation, 9 rounds
Meditations of my own design using the energies of the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna
And finishing it off with some sexual stimulation. This part took me roughly two, two and a half hours.

I wanted to have enough power to affect world events at a whim, and overall the objective was to become even more powerful than anybody and everybody on this forum combined. Sounds impossible, I know.
Nikolas said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yeah I constantly try to overacheive and never seem to get where i want. I have sacrificed alot in life just to work hard and get no where.

I use to do 5 differnt breathing exercises at 100 reps each. I was also doing alternate nostril breathing wrong and unbalancing myself ontop of it. I would stop and feel so much better, but would think no must push on. I should have just played video games and relaxed then fry my nervous system.

This sermon came at a good time. Im done trying to push. The curses are finally gone, which made things impossible before. Whatever im gonna enjoy my life if I die and it takes me 5 lifetimes i just dont give a fuck anymore.

Stay strong brother. Keep it up . Do less but be consistent ( I mean every day. Not sure it it's the proper word in english ) . Thats what matters . I know im not one allowed to give advice :lol: :lol: but I tell you, you're going to regret.

Ofcourse I meditate. I just mean trying to get somewhere fast. Alot of it was the curses, trying to raise the serpent would have proved very dangerous.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtJUi91TGSY (Appropriate related anime scene :p)
Perfect Practice makes Perfect!
Aldrick Strickland said:
Nikolas said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Yeah I constantly try to overacheive and never seem to get where i want. I have sacrificed alot in life just to work hard and get no where.

I use to do 5 differnt breathing exercises at 100 reps each. I was also doing alternate nostril breathing wrong and unbalancing myself ontop of it. I would stop and feel so much better, but would think no must push on. I should have just played video games and relaxed then fry my nervous system.

This sermon came at a good time. Im done trying to push. The curses are finally gone, which made things impossible before. Whatever im gonna enjoy my life if I die and it takes me 5 lifetimes i just dont give a fuck anymore.

Stay strong brother. Keep it up . Do less but be consistent ( I mean every day. Not sure it it's the proper word in english ) . Thats what matters . I know im not one allowed to give advice :lol: :lol: but I tell you, you're going to regret.

Ofcourse I meditate. I just mean trying to get somewhere fast. Alot of it was the curses, trying to raise the serpent would have proved very dangerous.

Yeah I noticed that. In fact I remember having really Scary symptoms of kundalini awakening way back years before the final rtr I would get these hot flashes feel like I was about to pass out disturbing thoughts and heat all over my body burning etc. Somehow the enemy I believe was making it so I couldnt meditate consistently of course like I mentioned above that is what I meant by a bad outcome bcause when I tried to meditate consistently the symptoms returned. Since the final RTR I am finally able to progress and meditate consistently and no I havent had any symptoms. I dont know if anyone else had problems like this on here but also I was doing some of the meditations wrong too as I realized now but all is good now
Brdredr said:
I did something similar, although I performed workings ranging from 216 to 428 reps typically, although on some days I would push myself (unsuccessfully) to 856 repetitive vibrations of specific runes to empower myself, or to send energy during a working. I would do this once a day, took me HOURS.
Sounds like we'd get along :lol:
I pushed through that working chain for the full 40 days because I didnt want all my previous efforts to be nullified, but in the end I barely got any results from it at all. So it was just one huge waste of time in the end, and it was bad for my health, too.

Brdredr said:
Not only RTRs, but workings of my own design, for example to expose and incite backlash against the obviously jewish European Union and promoting Nationalist Politics (This was when Euroscepticism and Nationalism started to gain traction)
I remember during the american elections, I'd always do the 72-RTR and then make those giant balls of energy and program them to make the outcome beneficial for our side. No idea if it had much impact at all, but it felt very nice to atleast try to have a large-scale impact.

Brdredr said:
This was years ago, but I pushed myself HARD, from what I remember, this is what I did each day:
45 minutes of Hatha Yoga followed by breathing exercises, 40 reps. Then I performed (in no specific order):
Twin and Single Serpent Meditation
Aura Empowerment Meditation
Star of Astaroth / Merkaba
Ascending Energy Meditation
Chakra Spinning
The three preliminary meditations for the Magnum Opus
Vibrating Kenaz, Eihwaz, and Sowilo (don't remember the rep count, I wanna say 18 but I'm not sure)
Raum meditation, 9 rounds
Meditations of my own design using the energies of the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna
And finishing it off with some sexual stimulation. This part took me roughly two, two and a half hours.
I've done similar stuff back in the day. Often times I would also try to be overly perfectionistic in my workings, so I would take painfully long with them and get annoyed by them in the end.

Brdredr said:
I wanted to have enough power to affect world events at a whim, and overall the objective was to become even more powerful than anybody and everybody on this forum combined. Sounds impossible, I know.
It doesn't sound impossible at all. I have similar desires, actually. Power will come to those who seek it :)
Guys, if you are trying to increase your spiritual energy through mantras,runes and any spiritual exercise then be sure to have a body with a good physical condition so you can increase your spiritual energy with less problems. Spiritual energy can be translated to electricity and this runs through your body and if your body is weak or you don't workout then it is like to transfer 1 million of volts through a cable that hardly transfers 100 volts.
I have also made many mistakes in this regard, especially vibrate an excessive amount of mantras in my chakras, absorb too much energy, overstretch the sessions of kundalini yoga or want to do too many things at the same time.
When you're starting, you can get too excited and make these kinds of mistakes, until you realice this is about transforming and perfecting your soul over time, not trying to be like the dragon ball characters.
darkmonkey666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Nikolas said:
Stay strong brother. Keep it up . Do less but be consistent ( I mean every day. Not sure it it's the proper word in english ) . Thats what matters . I know im not one allowed to give advice :lol: :lol: but I tell you, you're going to regret.

Ofcourse I meditate. I just mean trying to get somewhere fast. Alot of it was the curses, trying to raise the serpent would have proved very dangerous.

Yeah I noticed that. In fact I remember having really Scary symptoms of kundalini awakening way back years before the final rtr I would get these hot flashes feel like I was about to pass out disturbing thoughts and heat all over my body burning etc. Somehow the enemy I believe was making it so I couldnt meditate consistently of course like I mentioned above that is what I meant by a bad outcome bcause when I tried to meditate consistently the symptoms returned. Since the final RTR I am finally able to progress and meditate consistently and no I havent had any symptoms. I dont know if anyone else had problems like this on here but also I was doing some of the meditations wrong too as I realized now but all is good now

My experiences are posted on the yahoogroups under Damn Planet Saturn. Back in 2012, being drove to the ground by the kundalini wiggling in my back. Then after some time it did rise up and I was initially Risen or whatever.

People expected me to comeback saying I was Fully Risen like Vovim. Instead I just went insane until it went down and stopped.

During that time, I would get paralysis and think my eyes were open but everything I saw was on the astral. Then there would be a flick, which was my eyelids. Then my real eyes were open.

I saw a Demon like ive ever saw any Human through that. I was passing out and he got closer and said HEY, which shocked me outof it. I physically heard him.

I felt my soul has been beyond the point of shouldbe Risen for the next 2013-now. Yet it would not allow me to go forward.
Aldrick Strickland said:
My experiences are posted on the yahoogroups under Damn Planet Saturn. Back in 2012, being drove to the ground by the kundalini wiggling in my back. Then after some time it did rise up and I was initially Risen or whatever.

People expected me to comeback saying I was Fully Risen like Vovim. Instead I just went insane until it went down and stopped.

During that time, I would get paralysis and think my eyes were open but everything I saw was on the astral. Then there would be a flick, which was my eyelids. Then my real eyes were open.

I saw a Demon like ive ever saw any Human through that. I was passing out and he got closer and said HEY, which shocked me outof it. I physically heard him.

I felt my soul has been beyond the point of shouldbe Risen for the next 2013-now. Yet it would not allow me to go forward.
That sounds very interesting! I may have to dig up that thread hehehe :)
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.
Don't stop meditating, just reduce the ammount of meditations. Look if you do too much meditations you are not going to advance fast at all. I know because at the beginning of my meditations when i was new i did the same mistake and i didn't advance at all. Only when i did the right ammount of meditations with time i advanced. There are no shortcut.
Just empower your chakras daily and and all the basic stuff that you should know.

What i do to "advance more quickly" is to aside doing my full chakra meditation everyday with low ammount i do a 40 days working for each of my chakras, one a the time (this means for 40 days i do the Crown chakra after 40 days i do my 6th chakra, each for 40 days, only one for 40 days) for 100 reps so i can empower each of my chakra more but still keep my meditations too a good ammount.
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.
You put too much energy into your head. Do the final RTR and focus on putting all the extra energy into erasing those letters. Then you won't be overloaded anymore.
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.
You are really exagerating your thinking. you're gonna be fine, don't worry haha.
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.
I think you'd have to be much more reckless than this in order to "fry" anything. You will be fine. Just try to stay calm and go slow for the next couple days. You can tune down your meditations a bit but try not to stop completely as this would have adverse effects. Make sure you do cleaning, AoP, chakra spinning and void meditation no matter what. As for the rest, do what you comfortably can, and try not to overexert yourself again.
Wish you the best :)
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.

I think you need to chill out there. If you can move, if you can breathe, if you can get up and walk around, you'll be fine. Headaches are common when working on chakras like the crown, third-eye or 6th. Just remember to know when too much is too much and when you should stop. Perhaps next time you'll know not to go too far, we don't need to tear ourselves apart at the seams.

Reduce your reps and don't put too much on your plate in a single day if you're not ready to handle it yet. You have to build up slowly. With consistent and steady workings on a daily basis you'll eventually be able to handle all that you've been doing like it's a walk in the park, but until then, don't force yourself beyond your limits.

It's like lifting weights, if you can lift 15 lbs with one arm for 10 reps very easily with no sweat, then move up to 15 reps, and stick to that until that becomes too easy, then move up to 20 reps and keeping doing that daily until that's too easy, then move to 25 and so on. Don't try to speed through everything.
Apprentice said:
Cacique Satanás said:
then it is like to transfer 1 million of volts through a cable that hardly transfers 100 volts.
Not to be disrespectful but voltage doesn't fry cables, amperage (the strength of electric current) does.

Thank you...I just don't have so much knowledge...:)
Great read - thanks.

Before I was following this path I read the workings of Christopher S. Hyatt(another world, I know) and tried his exercises and focused hard on paradoxical breathing. This proved to be effective but I was totally "loaded" in very strange ways... I would call it a bit dangerous especially if you're prone to mental issues.

With the exercises from the JOS I'm going pretty slow because I instinctively sensed that there's a LOT of potential and power behind it which can easily burn the foolish. Compared to worldly affairs there's (literally) another dimension added, so I tread carefully.
I'm just getting out of my frying period that lasted for some 2 years I suppose ... It got to the point I coudn't stand touching furniture around me by mistake , also being empath and impressionable as fuck , the enemy just ravaged me. I was attempting to get out of the whole I dug myself ,as 4 years ago when all started, I was attacked hard by the shit head enemy energy through (((iconography))) and shiet , and instead of taking it easy and try to bust up my aura and thoroughly clean myself I just thought I could psychically attack back or something..bad decision after that point the attacks were relentless and constant ,and I became weaker and dumber day by day. I tried to ''escape'' and find back some ''pagan'' safeplace and ended up in a relation with a weakkan girl...bullcrap it only dug myself worse and this person would suck all the natural energy I had left. I lost years at school because of how mentally screwed I was , the only thing that saved me after I got out of the relation were RTRs ..and from that point on it was just a constant war , harassing from enemy npcs (my family found out I was an SS, which makes it all the more brutal) , exhaustion... I had no choice , I had to push myself hard so I could at least stay mentally alive, do physical exercises ,yoga, non stop rune vibrations and workings , needless to say ,it became a ''do or die'' thing, I would seclude myself for all summertime only doing meditation RTRs and stuff , and in all sincerity ,even though I know it's stupid , I sometimes really wish to turn back time and do stuff as intended - IN A DISCIPLINED AND BALANCED MANNER FROM THE VERY START. Lydia's work helped me save my neurons,Maxine's Returning Curses part 1 and 2, Runic workings that I would create for myself also, And for keeping my mind busy in disgraceful situations I would read Azazel's Astrology and the JoyOfSatan. AND I WAS / AM VERY LUCKY TO BE STILL FUNCTIONAL and be able to meditate. All in all it doesn't matter how good you are at self deceiving , you'll get hit , and the enemy would follow soon afterwards. There is no shortcut for meditations and self advancing. Learn it now or get burnt like Icarus.
Nikolas said:
I think i fcked up bad again. My head is hurting me and i feel like my 6 chakra keeps rorating itself inside. Im not joking. I think I overpushed the meditations. I can still think and be sane so im confident i didnt fry anything but Im a bit scared. Why the f I always mess up. Do you have any advice??? Maybe I should stop meditating for few days??? I cant say that it feels like im drunk but its a little difficult to think and im not sure if I can fall asleep. Oofffffff Please dont think im trolling :(
I hope everything will be fine. I just did in order: breathing exercise, void, cleaning aura, rotating chakras, aura of protection, fundamental meditation, then I focused on third eye and clarhearing chakras. Im just afraid I have a really active mind but now its difficult to think a lot. I cant believe this. This must be a joke. Im such an idiot. Everything is going to be ok right?
I think i pushed to 150% maybe. Considering im still SANE i hope i didnt fry anything and i exaggerate now.

Your fine you just overdid it. Apparently your fine I was in that state for days and months before nothing bad happened but I thought it would. Just relax its just panic attack. Send that energy somewhere else like into the final rtr a bunch of times. Maybe earth element helps. You are overactive in the upper chakras focus on the lower ones. Just my thoughts.
Last year I was meditating 6 hours a day on the weekends and two to four hours on the week days and i burnt out but now im better
I thinking now that advance forward with the meditations and transforming the soul is analogous to cooking good stew: if the fire is too weak it will take too long and it will not be cooked completely and on the contrary if the fire is too strong the food will be burned instead of cooked it.
Nikolas said:

Dude it's the enemy playing with your head, relax. You're not doing this on purpose. They just put these ideas or it's conditioning or weirdly reactive mind plus enemy influence. The Gods know this. You'll get past this in time. Minds are heavily conditioned by the enemy.

Satan knows what is TRULY in our hearts and minds. Chill out will you...
WintersLord666 said:
Last year I was meditating 6 hours a day on the weekends and two to four hours on the week days and i burnt out but now im better

Yes, this type of stuff is exactly what is recommended to not do.

Better 15 minutes daily than 6 hours only on weekends.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
