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Black Metal - What is it really?

Mother Fucker

New member
Feb 19, 2004

Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone
thats why Im very picky with bm, I tend to only listen to bm that has a positive message, has an avantgarde sound, and would fit our beliefs more. Windir, Yfel (who takes direct lyrical inspiration from joyofsatan, Direwolf, Oaks of Bethel, the last couple of bands are bands who use themes of space and meditation (meditation being very important in our beleifs) I feel that black metal and every other form of music yes has been corrupted by xtian spirits, but we as Satanists can use our willpower combined to TAKE BACK what is ours, music is a tool to send forth energy and express a desire, we can use this or any other form of music and turn it around for Satan in fact we can use the destructive and powerful vibrations of this music as a weapon of war against the greys as well.... Ive found that listening to certain bm bands that fit more of anarchistic perspective (and are against what most bm bands talk about) while thinking against the jewish system with my third eye and 6th chakra have worked together to cause destruction and expose the corruption of the police state ;) bm does have its advantages as a ritual weapon of sorts. HAIL SATAN! 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 10:26 PM, "Mother Fucker malpirg4@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:


Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone

The only Black Metal i can listen to is NS black metal. I agree that MOST black metal portrays Satanism in a bad light, but you can say the same for almost every other music type. 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 11:17 PM, "Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  thats why Im very picky with bm, I tend to only listen to bm that has a positive message, has an avantgarde sound, and would fit our beliefs more. Windir, Yfel (who takes direct lyrical inspiration from joyofsatan, Direwolf, Oaks of Bethel, the last couple of bands are bands who use themes of space and meditation (meditation being very important in our beleifs) I feel that black metal and every other form of music yes has been corrupted by xtian spirits, but we as Satanists can use our willpower combined to TAKE BACK what is ours, music is a tool to send forth energy and express a desire, we can use this or any other form of music and turn it around for Satan in fact we can use the destructive and powerful vibrations of this music as a weapon of war against the greys as well.... Ive found that listening to certain bm bands that fit more of anarchistic perspective (and are against what most bm bands talk about) while thinking against the jewish system with my third eye and 6th chakra have worked together to cause destruction and expose the corruption of the police state ;) bm does have its advantages as a ritual weapon of sorts. HAIL SATAN! 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 10:26 PM, "Mother Fucker malpirg4@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:


Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone

I agree to your response's NSBM is a good genre but in general it is negative.

Hail Satan and the gods.

On Friday, March 6, 2015 10:30 PM, "Mother Fucker malpirg4@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:


Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone

Ironically MF, you're doing exactly the same thing what, according to you, black metal is doing to Satan and the Demons.

It was thanks to Therion, analysing their lyrics that I began to look for things spiritual, and consequently, looking for Father.

Sure, they DO have some kike shit, but who says they are perfect?

Similar thing is with Aeternum.

ummmm... how is nsbm a good genre??? they worship the holohoax and support the jewish version of world war 2 history.... most people who listen to it on an extreme level turn into even worse dickheads than xtians, probably because theyre stumbling into a movement run by jews, nsbm is the metal equivalent of that stupid skinhead crap that tries to say xtianity is an aryan religion. Not only that but nsbm promotes hatred towards other gentiles and portrays Hitler as a "racist dickhead" who wanted to conquer every (including gentile) country but europe, also alot of nsbm bands despise satanism and have no idea about its connection with paganism as well as have no problem with touring with christian bands from what Ive seen. What I do with black metal bands is I pick and choose the bands for myself whose lyrical topics are either perfectly relevent to our beliefs or fit my own personal non harmful interests such as cartoony shit or the relaxing in the woods kinda scenario, political wise I lean on anarchist black metal simply because the way JoS portrays Hitler gives off more of an anarcho viewpoint in the way that he was simply trying to stop the jewish fascist system (or NWO/ZOG) from taking over Germany by uniting all the GENTILE (that includes blacks and non jewish middle easterns) together against the one race who wants to eliminate them all, that to me fits more with a National Anarchist agenda uniting all the races together against the one common enemy... nsbm contradicts that and promotes the "one race above all" mentality in the same way that the jews and extreme zionists do. One more point btw is if you look at alot of these different anarchist groups especially anonymous and black bloc and other such groups they are definately doing alot more physically and spiritually (even if they arent spiritual, Im speaking of those hidden psychic powers from past lives) against the jewish system than any of the white power skinhead groups out there (who are doing no more than lynching random black people and getting people thrown in jail), I wholeheartedly feel that alot of these anarchist movements who are actually standing and fighting plotting some kind of rebellion or revolution are a direct (although minor) result of our group rituals for the world to be waking up to things... there are anarcho groups who are anti-israel and pro-palestine, the world is slowly being woken up to the truth of 9/11 and that the jews did it, the jewish occupation of the global powers, etc. etc. Ive in fact spoken to anarchists personally and on an intelligent level and explained the truth about Hitler to them and how everything we are taught in school about ww2 is a lie and conspiracy and how there was no holocaust and it was cool because in the end the person would always agree and go "hmm, that makes sense". HAIL SATAN!

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 5:24 AM, "stygian.shadowcreeper@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Ironically MF, you're doing exactly the same thing what, according to you, black metal is doing to Satan and the Demons.

It was thanks to Therion, analysing their lyrics that I began to look for things spiritual, and consequently, looking for Father.

Sure, they DO have some kike shit, but who says they are perfect?

Similar thing is with Aeternum.


@Marc: I disagree with the Anarchy part when referring to us. Anarchy means no leadership or government at all. Except most SS's do want a Leader. Hitler was a leader too. Just because we respect other races like Hitler did it doesn't mean we don't want any form of authority or leadership. Sure, we may not want any JEWISH leader or government over gentiles, but of course we do want a Gentile leader like the Antichrist. A real Anarchist would want no leader at all, not even a Gentile leader.
I myself don't mind people listening to black metal as long as they're not trying to push it as "True Satanic Music" somehow like when they sometimes try to do in these groups. Or when they try to claim they're Satanists for the only reason because they listen to black metal (like many poser Laveyanists).
Besides that, there is Classical music as well as other genres with Satanic themes too like I said in the group. The Stairway to Heaven and Hotel California are 2 non-metal songs that the HP's have mentioned before that have Satanic themes. See also this post by HP Maxine:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/27840  

Most NSBM groups are Pagan not xtian. You can see this in the lyrics. Also Satan wants SEPARATION of the races, sure we are united against a common enemy, but our cultures, history, and BLOOD are separated.  Your post sounded very anti NS to me. 

On Monday, March 9, 2015 7:26 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I myself don't mind people listening to black metal as long as they're not trying to push it as "True Satanic Music" somehow like when they sometimes try to do in these groups. Or when they try to claim they're Satanists for the only reason because they listen to black metal (like many poser Laveyanists).
Besides that, there is Classical music as well as other genres with Satanic themes too like I said in the group. The Stairway to Heaven and Hotel California are 2 non-metal songs that the HP's have mentioned before that have Satanic themes. See also this post by HP Maxine:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/27840  

@firestarter666 first of all I want to point out what antichrist? there is and never will be an antichrist and according to what Ive read on the JoS all characters in the bible are fictitious, if there is or was no christ then how can there be an antichrist? just like with christ being a madeup thoughtform the antichrist is the same madeup thoughtform written in the fictitious book of revelations but a thoughtform created to scaring people into worshipping christ, the antichrist is a mockery and perversion of our Father, and of course in the fictitious bible the antichrist was born as a jew. Next I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying and took it out of context and you maybe are a bit confused as well, confusing hollywood anarchy with what real Tribal Anarchy is... Ive done quite a bit of research and there are different forms of anarchy, anarchy in its pure form doesnt really go against leadership entirely, it just promotes self leadership of the people and by the people in unity of a particular tribe so thats why I use the term anarchy and compare it to our form of NS. The nazis werent bowing or submitting to Hitler in anyway just like we Satanists dont "bow" to any one god and have multiple gods who even then we dont bow to or call "leader" like xtians do with their god, we simply follow in their footsteps to become LIKE them through meditation technically leading OURSELVES to spiritual freedom becoming leaders of ourselves and of eachother of our own destiny, thats what the Nazis were doing they were working with Hitler and alongside him, not bowing before him like slaves to the slaughter. In basics the Nazis and the higher up ranks of the SS including Hitler were a group of people leading themselves with the help of Satan and through meditation, thats what also the Native American tribes did, the Yezidis did, and countless other Pagan tribes of the past did and they promoted pre-governmental ways to do so, they did not have governments by todays standards where we have one leader... they worked together to lead themselves and that is what TRUE Anarchy promotes, leadership of the self and the individual and kind of going back to roots that existed before modernistic structures created by the christians. My friend I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is what I believe, practicing meditation and liberating myself from falsehoods and being a brother of Satan and the Gods of Hell (Duat, Nibiru, Olympus, Asgard by other names). So again I ask who or what the fuck is the antichrist? Because I definately have no belief in the existence of either a christ nor an antichrist. I only believe in Satan and the Gods and that we Gentiles are all Gods born with their DNA. HAIL TO SATAN AND THE GODS THE TRUE LIBERATORS OF HUMANITY!!!

On Monday, March 9, 2015 7:25 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: I disagree with the Anarchy part when referring to us. Anarchy means no leadership or government at all. Except most SS's do want a Leader. Hitler was a leader too. Just because we respect other races like Hitler did it doesn't mean we don't want any form of authority or leadership. Sure, we may not want any JEWISH leader or government over gentiles, but of course we do want a Gentile leader like the Antichrist. A real Anarchist would want no leader at all, not even a Gentile leader.

@[/IMG]He has had extens[/IMG]Your ent[/IMG] disrespectful and quite frankly stupid[/B] post like you did. 

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 11:33 PM, "Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @firestarter666 first of all I want to point out what antichrist? there is and never will be an antichrist and according to what Ive read on the JoS all characters in the bible are fictitious, if there is or was no christ then how can there be an antichrist? just like with christ being a madeup thoughtform the antichrist is the same madeup thoughtform written in the fictitious book of revelations but a thoughtform created to scaring people into worshipping christ, the antichrist is a mockery and perversion of our Father, and of course in the fictitious bible the antichrist was born as a jew. Next I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying and took it out of context and you maybe are a bit confused as well, confusing hollywood anarchy with what real Tribal Anarchy is... Ive done quite a bit of research and there are different forms of anarchy, anarchy in its pure form doesnt really go against leadership entirely, it just promotes self leadership of the people and by the people in unity of a particular tribe so thats why I use the term anarchy and compare it to our form of NS. The nazis werent bowing or submitting to Hitler in anyway just like we Satanists dont "bow" to any one god and have multiple gods who even then we dont bow to or call "leader" like xtians do with their god, we simply follow in their footsteps to become LIKE them through meditation technically leading OURSELVES to spiritual freedom becoming leaders of ourselves and of eachother of our own destiny, thats what the Nazis were doing they were working with Hitler and alongside him, not bowing before him like slaves to the slaughter. In basics the Nazis and the higher up ranks of the SS including Hitler were a group of people leading themselves with the help of Satan and through meditation, thats what also the Native American tribes did, the Yezidis did, and countless other Pagan tribes of the past did and they promoted pre-governmental ways to do so, they did not have governments by todays standards where we have one leader... they worked together to lead themselves and that is what TRUE Anarchy promotes, leadership of the self and the individual and kind of going back to roots that existed before modernistic structures created by the christians. My friend I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is what I believe, practicing meditation and liberating myself from falsehoods and being a brother of Satan and the Gods of Hell (Duat, Nibiru, Olympus, Asgard by other names). So again I ask who or what the fuck is the antichrist? Because I definately have no belief in the existence of either a christ nor an antichrist. I only believe in Satan and the Gods and that we Gentiles are all Gods born with their DNA. HAIL TO SATAN AND THE GODS THE TRUE LIBERATORS OF HUMANITY!!!

On Monday, March 9, 2015 7:25 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: I disagree with the Anarchy part when referring to us. Anarchy means no leadership or government at all. Except most SS's do want a Leader. Hitler was a leader too. Just because we respect other races like Hitler did it doesn't mean we don't want any form of authority or leadership. Sure, we may not want any JEWISH leader or government over gentiles, but of course we do want a Gentile leader like the Antichrist. A real Anarchist would want no leader at all, not even a Gentile leader.

@Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.

also the band Yfel who is not nsbm at all, I have spoken with this guy personally and all though he is an atheist he is definately more on our side and more likely to become a dedicated spiritual satanist than any of those shit nsbm bands (who refuse Satan and call him a "jew") as he admits proudly and in a straight forward fashion that he takes some lyrical inspiration from the contents of Joyofsatans website  Yfel - 2013 - The Might of Lucifer  

On Thursday, March 12, 2015 1:28 PM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

also here is Anarchist bm band, unlike any nsbm band these guys actually represent Father in a good way and talk about the truth in their lyrics that our Gods FREE humanity  Salix - Satan Is Freedom He Is Not Obedience (Fuck NSBM) Eng-Esp sub  

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:30 AM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

in fact yog here is something proving why Satan would disapprove of nsbm. this is from the website of the band Graveland, one of the leading and founding bands of NSBM and here the frontman clearly bashes Satan and says that mixing NS with Satanism is an error, he also denies being nsbm.... even though he obviously is. this is also the reason for my hatred towards nsbm... this is just one out of MANY articles or songs that show the non satanic errors in nsbm... btw thepaganfront has had nsbm bands like dark fury Nowa strona 1   

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:47 AM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

@thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.


also here is Anarchist bm band, unlike any nsbm band these guys actually represent Father in a good way and talk about the truth in their lyrics that our Gods FREE humanity  Salix - Satan Is Freedom He Is Not Obedience (Fuck NSBM) Eng-Esp sub  

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:30 AM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

in fact yog here is something proving why Satan would disapprove of nsbm. this is from the website of the band Graveland, one of the leading and founding bands of NSBM and here the frontman clearly bashes Satan and says that mixing NS with Satanism is an error, he also denies being nsbm.... even though he obviously is. this is also the reason for my hatred towards nsbm... this is just one out of MANY articles or songs that show the non satanic errors in nsbm... btw thepaganfront has had nsbm bands like dark fury Nowa strona 1   

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:47 AM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

@thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.


in fact yog here is something proving why Satan would disapprove of nsbm. this is from the website of the band Graveland, one of the leading and founding bands of NSBM and here the frontman clearly bashes Satan and says that mixing NS with Satanism is an error, he also denies being nsbm.... even though he obviously is. this is also the reason for my hatred towards nsbm... this is just one out of MANY articles or songs that show the non satanic errors in nsbm... btw thepaganfront has had nsbm bands like dark fury Nowa strona 1   

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:47 AM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

@thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.


@thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.


Yeah, NSBM bands, although many of them don't know about Satanism is Paganism and try to denounce Satan as something xian invented, they do denounce they hypocritical xian anti-semitism and show that christinsanity is jewish, which very few people do. There are however some NSBM bands which do have Satanic themes instead of usual Pagan (maybe their idea of Satanism could be wrong, but it's much better than the usual black metal nonsense about blood and gore and "evil"). See parts from the wikipedia article on NSBM where it says:
Nat[/IMG][url=http://en.w[/IMG][url=http://en.w[/IMG][url=http://en.w[/IMG][url=http://en.w[/IMG][url=http://en.w[/IMG][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_black_metal#cite_note-LEGEONES-24]National Socialist black metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [/QUOTE]

Hey guys i'm male 20 been dedicated to satan for 3 months starting to meditate but its hard in my house i get bugged a lot lol but if i'm nkt to tired i try and do it at midnight when everyones asleep anyways i dont have a area where i can properly make an alter for are father to do rituals and such i do a prayer when i first wake up and before bed (meditation) but i feel like these prayers aren't enough maybe because it's not from the heart if i were to make my own prayer what should i say in it?? 

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 11, 2015, at 12:47 PM, Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.

@thefirestarter. I notice one of those bands uses the term "elitism" and "fascism" to describe ns and Satanism..... fascism is a negative word.... its the equal of calling Satan "evil" Hitler definately wasnt a "fascist" as the jewish media wants us to beleive... he was trying to free his people

On Saturday, March 14, 2015 4:18 AM, "Adam devilworship20@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hey guys i'm male 20 been dedicated to satan for 3 months starting to meditate but its hard in my house i get bugged a lot lol but if i'm nkt to tired i try and do it at midnight when everyones asleep anyways i dont have a area where i can properly make an alter for are father to do rituals and such i do a prayer when i first wake up and before bed (meditation) but i feel like these prayers aren't enough maybe because it's not from the heart if i were to make my own prayer what should i say in it?? 

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 11, 2015, at 12:47 PM, Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @thefirestarter I actually have not read those yet but I will, honestly I just dont log into my email that much other than to join in group rituals, but I will read those. Most of where I formulated my beliefs comes from the website directly and not the online groups. Rest assured though Ive been dedicated since age 18 and I am 24 now, I shall always remain with Satan and the Gods. @yog Ive known nsbm bands personally, in fact a particular record label worked with an old friend of mine (whos grandmother happened to be a former spy for a communist dictator) and not only turned them against me in a very jewish fashion and used them to try and fuck me over legally.... nsbm bands may be Pagan but it doesnt mean their version of Paganism fits with ours... in fact Ive in the past tried to explain about father Satan and our Gods to many who were or are involved in nsbm numerous times and about how Satanism is Paganism yet I was constantly bashed and judged. there are nsbm bands who go as far as to say that Satan is "jewish" and obviously have not done their research in Sanskrit. also in particular there is a band called Akasha on nsbm label wolftyr who have toured with the christian band Dodsmarsch (featuring members of xtian band Frosthardr)... what REAL pagan in their right mind would tour with bands that tatoo jewish stars on their back??? Also I have yet to see any nsbm band that promotes meditation or advancement of the soul and alot of nsbm bands promote criminal activity.... theres a reason why members of Absurd are in prison for murdering a homosexual college student. a final point is what does shaving heads and calling oneself a "skinhead" have anything to do with our rituals and meditations? nothing. fuck nsbm... they are NOT true NS. HAIL SATAN

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:50 AM, "the_fire_starter666@... [HellsArmy666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @Marc: No, the antichrist is simply a title for the Gentile leader that will come to bring Satan's new age, the exact opposite of the jewish messiah whom the jews are trying to channel xian energies to bring in flesh form. Are you sure you have read past posts and sermons by the HP's? Because HP Maxine herself has mentioned her communication with the Antichrist many times and said he's the incarnation of Ramesses II:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/62595https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/509https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/377https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/512
I don't ever mention anything that hasn't been mentioned here before, really.


@Marc. No, if you actually read the part of the article I gave you'll see the person who says "If you consider that fascism and Satanism have a lot of similarities as they both advocate power, spiritual and physical excellence, responsibility, survival of the fittest, elitism, etc., it's logical that some bands advocate both" isn't really a member of a NSBM band, but a normal black metal musician explaining why some bands combine NS (which HE confuses with fascism, a common misunderstanding since fascism was Mussolini's ideology which was irrelevant to NS) with Satanism.

All form of black metal is negative. Not in it's lyrics but it's in it's sound more likely to be called noise by many as it is nothing but screaming.

Doom Metal and many other forms of this kind is quite less negative that Black Metal, i respect all metalheads ofcourse but just know that The gods hate this kind of music.

You people need to stop attacking other peoples music taste. Some people like black metal, some people like classical, some people (HP Don) like 80s pop. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should spue a bunch of BS on how its negative and how the Gods don't like it. I am sure father Satan would love a lot of black metal music, i am sure he like all genres of music actually, because frankly they all came from him.  

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:06 AM, "Malprg The NS ave_satanas13@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  All form of black metal is negative. Not in it's lyrics but it's in it's sound more likely to be called noise by many as it is nothing but screaming.

Doom Metal and many other forms of this kind is quite less negative that Black Metal, i respect all metalheads ofcourse but just know that The gods hate this kind of music.


There are so many bands out there that I'm not sure it's fair to say it's all negative. Have you listened to Satyricon? Their music is quite good, not too wild, and they're considered a black metal band. In particular, check out their song Sign of the Trident. I personally think it's pretty satanic.
I dont think the gods hate any form of music, only when the music is used against them.... honestly to say that our gods "hate" a particular genre is kinda the same as how xtians continously say "oooh jewhovah hates that kind of music, its the devils music" etc. Ive stated already that Ive heard black metal that differentiates itself from the rest and uses positive messages and lyrics that our gods would agree with. bands like Naakhum, Odious (from Egypt), Direwolf, Nibiru, and Oaks of Bethel just to name a few talk about and promote meditation, ancient pre-xtian and middle eastern cultures before they were touched by jewish hands and many other things which are huge in our beleifs, there's also a band called Bal Sagoth who mostly sing about like fantasy and hp lovecraft scifi inspired themes but if you read between the lines there is truth found in the fantasy and an underlying message about the real intergalactic battle going on between our Gods and the greys, reptillians, and nordics and this band really gives off a feeling and aura of victory against evil beings ;) I like alot of whats known as Space Black Metal for those reasons and that there are bands who promote meditation and cleansing of the aura. HAIL SATAN

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:06 AM, "Malprg The NS ave_satanas13@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  All form of black metal is negative. Not in it's lyrics but it's in it's sound more likely to be called noise by many as it is nothing but screaming.

Doom Metal and many other forms of this kind is quite less negative that Black Metal, i respect all metalheads ofcourse but just know that The gods hate this kind of music.


Don't spread misinfo here, even High Priestess Maxine said to like Black Metal in the sermon about xtian censorship. It is an door opener to truth about the enemy programs, and yes, it can be a first step to some people who come here.
Satan has no problem with this or that kind of music, different the xtian "god" (Jews) who says what we must listen, dress like, eat and even how we should have sex. So please don't come with "Satan hates this kind of music" bullshit. Many Black Metal musicians have a lot of positive Satanic/Pagan messages.
This thread might be getting out of hand and being thrown out of proportion.
Music is Music. Its obvious to stay away from blasphemous music and music that won't serve us any good. To each their own.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:12 AM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You people need to stop attacking other peoples music taste. Some people like black metal, some people like classical, some people (HP Don) like 80s pop. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should spue a bunch of BS on how its negative and how the Gods don't like it. I am sure father Satan would love a lot of black metal music, i am sure he like all genres of music actually, because frankly they all came from him.  

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:06 AM, "Malprg The NS ave_satanas13@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  All form of black metal is negative. Not in it's lyrics but it's in it's sound more likely to be called noise by many as it is nothing but screaming.

Doom Metal and many other forms of this kind is quite less negative that Black Metal, i respect all metalheads ofcourse but just know that The gods hate this kind of music.


Everyone s different so is there preferences for music.
Has long s not a blasphemous music.
I like several types music, except for rap and anything that sounds negative and depressing .
there black metal that pleases the gods, with certain songs appear gods, you can also easily reach the trance
Beherit Gate of Nanna With Lyrics Inglês & Português
Beherit - Summerlands
Behemoth Conquer All lyrics

El Viernes 20 de marzo de 2015 10:22, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] escribió:

  This thread might be getting out of hand and being thrown out of proportion.
Music is Music. Its obvious to stay away from blasphemous music and music that won't serve us any good. To each their own.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:12 AM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You people need to stop attacking other peoples music taste. Some people like black metal, some people like classical, some people (HP Don) like 80s pop. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should spue a bunch of BS on how its negative and how the Gods don't like it. I am sure father Satan would love a lot of black metal music, i am sure he like all genres of music actually, because frankly they all came from him.  

On Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:06 AM, "Malprg The NS ave_satanas13@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  All form of black metal is negative. Not in it's lyrics but it's in it's sound more likely to be called noise by many as it is nothing but screaming.

Doom Metal and many other forms of this kind is quite less negative that Black Metal, i respect all metalheads ofcourse but just know that The gods hate this kind of music.


hello everybody,did someone know some rituals for god Kali?

Дана Недеља, 22. Март 2015. 15:34, "limlal8@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] је написао/ла:

  Everyone s different so is there preferences for music.
Has long s not a blasphemous music.
I like several types music, except for rap and anything that sounds negative and depressing .

how can i be a member of hells army 666

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 7:17 AM, "Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  thats why Im very picky with bm, I tend to only listen to bm that has a positive message, has an avantgarde sound, and would fit our beliefs more. Windir, Yfel (who takes direct lyrical inspiration from joyofsatan, Direwolf, Oaks of Bethel, the last couple of bands are bands who use themes of space and meditation (meditation being very important in our beleifs) I feel that black metal and every other form of music yes has been corrupted by xtian spirits, but we as Satanists can use our willpower combined to TAKE BACK what is ours, music is a tool to send forth energy and express a desire, we can use this or any other form of music and turn it around for Satan in fact we can use the destructive and powerful vibrations of this music as a weapon of war against the greys as well.... Ive found that listening to certain bm bands that fit more of anarchistic perspective (and are against what most bm bands talk about) while thinking against the jewish system with my third eye and 6th chakra have worked together to cause destruction and expose the corruption of the police state ;) bm does have its advantages as a ritual weapon of sorts. HAIL SATAN! 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 10:26 PM, "Mother Fucker malpirg4@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:


Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone

Let's stop arguing about musical choices. If a ss wants to listen to b.s i don't care nor mind.It's their choice.
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:09 AM, kanbigs Julica kanbigsjulica@... [HellsArmy666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  how can i be a member of hells army 666

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 7:17 AM, "Marc Williamson killchaine@... [HellsArmy666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  thats why Im very picky with bm, I tend to only listen to bm that has a positive message, has an avantgarde sound, and would fit our beliefs more. Windir, Yfel (who takes direct lyrical inspiration from joyofsatan, Direwolf, Oaks of Bethel, the last couple of bands are bands who use themes of space and meditation (meditation being very important in our beleifs) I feel that black metal and every other form of music yes has been corrupted by xtian spirits, but we as Satanists can use our willpower combined to TAKE BACK what is ours, music is a tool to send forth energy and express a desire, we can use this or any other form of music and turn it around for Satan in fact we can use the destructive and powerful vibrations of this music as a weapon of war against the greys as well.... Ive found that listening to certain bm bands that fit more of anarchistic perspective (and are against what most bm bands talk about) while thinking against the jewish system with my third eye and 6th chakra have worked together to cause destruction and expose the corruption of the police state ;) bm does have its advantages as a ritual weapon of sorts. HAIL SATAN! 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 10:26 PM, "Mother Fucker malpirg4@... [HellsArmy666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:


Black Metal and it's true form comes from a very negative path. Black Metal Represents darkness but what is its thought in darkness? Evil...By that it gives a very bad name for Satanism, we need to fix that and ensure that kind of music does not exist and here are my reasons:

1 - Black Metal summons up neglected / Sad / Evil spirits, it of course summons grey's and ilks too.

2 - Demons don't visit by they're own with that music around.

3 - it offends satanism and gives it a bad name

4 - it is not of our culture to listen to a human screaming words that you just cannot understand. Earth is not like Heaven that removes your chakras and makes many lost souls cry..

5 - I'm sure Father would say the same.

That's what I think of why BlackMetal is bad.


Please note: I respect people's interests in music and taste.

Sent from my iPhone
Black metal isn't so much about spirituality as it is about loss. Sure, there may be allegories to demons, but they're often not literal - just representations of the 'demons' in that person's life. 
Black metal in its true form is very, very spiritual music. Striborg, Winterfylleth, Krallice, Emperor, Satyricon, Wolven Ancestry, Absurd and so forth are all very spiritual bands, most of the topics of the good bands are extremely relevant to, and supporting of Nazism and true Spiritual Satanism. Amdusias is a fan of the band Krallice though there has been better music over the ages. Some people cannot afford to hire an entire fucking orchestra to play their music that was composed at home, and these people work regular shitty jobs and such so thus the result is black metal and neoclassicalism. Some black metal is goofy and appearance based obviously but don't knock something just because of the goofs on the front page. With black metal, you can express that which is the most dark in your self and the world and listen to it and the final result sounds like an forest astrally. Wild and chaotic but ultra-structured, free but built on the struggles of life. It is like alchemy, you weed out the dross to find the gold inside.
Also keep in mind the "poser" black metal (ego-based stuff that portrays Satanism in a bad light) for the most part was coming out early to mid 80's where resources for truth were scarce for the working man. This was the reaction to the utter dissatisfaction brought on by the faux "hippie" spiritual renaissance and the dawn of this new age of music and associated public spirituality. So you kind of got to take it at face value sometimes and have a sense of humor to enjoy it. As for the newer Satanic bands, you can easily tell which ones are true (either share our general beliefs or are very geared towards that direction) and which ones are just a bunch wannabe jewgoofs who are sad and confused, mad at the world, wrapped in ripped jeans smoking du mauriers.
uhhhhh why do people keep mentioning the band Absurd??? no offense but the actions of that band are against what Hitler stood for.... they promote beating up "niggers", homosexuals, and anything they see as subhuman and most likely would hate Spiritual Satanists and see us as "jews"... Absurd will never be true NS.... in fact they arent even a band anymore because all of the original members are in prison for murdering a fellow college student.... its understandable they did it because he "stalked" them supposedly but if they were true PAGANS instead of throwing away their entire lives to get rid of ONE fucking guy they wouldve done what we do, perform a black magick spell behind the scenes within the comfort of their own room or invoked the Gods and runes for protection.... sheesh. That being said speaking of 80s pop kudos to the person who brought that up.... alot of bands in that genre are pretty heartfelt in the way they write their lyrics and sing like Duran Duran, Seal, Depeche Mode, A Flock of Seagulls, etc.... while they arent Satanists they sure know whats going on around them at least.... just not pop like michael jackson as he was a puppet of the jewluminatti.... I can tell you a black metal band I know and feel the Gods love is Malice.... I played one of their songs and was coincidental... they are from Ukraine and have lyrics that delve into "anarchy brought about by delving into the mysteries and meditational trances of Satan's divine power and light bringing total age of anarchy (questioning, rebelling against christian governments)" and a week later after listening to that song and beleiving in its power with my aura and third eye the ENTIRE country of Ukraine broke out into rioting and people defending themselves against abusive scum cops, what we need is riots to happen in Rome, I would love to see Pagans and Satanics get together fuck not just us but everbody who is fed up with xtian bs in some way or another just completely wipe out the Vatican police and burn the place to the ground. Check this out, they have a song called Cathedral of Satan  Malice (Ukr) - Procession Approach  

and then the week later these riots broke out I beleive its from our rituals and my playing of that cd, combined willpower... these people arent just average anarchists either I heard they have NS backround as well  these people are totally going all out war against the pawns of the jewish system in an organized way where nobody can be arrested  Violent Riots in Ukraine(WARNING VERY GRAPHIC)  

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 5:20 PM, "thom.hyde@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also keep in mind the "poser" black metal (ego-based stuff that portrays Satanism in a bad light) for the most part was coming out early to mid 80's where resources for truth were scarce for the working man. This was the reaction to the utter dissatisfaction brought on by the faux "hippie" spiritual renaissance and the dawn of this new age of music and associated public spirituality. So you kind of got to take it at face value sometimes and have a sense of humor to enjoy it. As for the newer Satanic bands, you can easily tell which ones are true (either share our general beliefs or are very geared towards that direction) and which ones are just a bunch wannabe jewgoofs who are sad and confused, mad at the world, wrapped in ripped jeans smoking du mauriers.

also in terms of nsbm hating on homosexuals last I checked our beliefs promoted lesbian, bi, and transgender, and sexual freedom..... fuck absurd and other nsbm bands lol..... I do agree Satyricon is pretty good though but their magick is nothing like ours or as powerful

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 7:45 PM, Marc Williamson <killchaine@... wrote:

uhhhhh why do people keep mentioning the band Absurd??? no offense but the actions of that band are against what Hitler stood for.... they promote beating up "niggers", homosexuals, and anything they see as subhuman and most likely would hate Spiritual Satanists and see us as "jews"... Absurd will never be true NS.... in fact they arent even a band anymore because all of the original members are in prison for murdering a fellow college student.... its understandable they did it because he "stalked" them supposedly but if they were true PAGANS instead of throwing away their entire lives to get rid of ONE fucking guy they wouldve done what we do, perform a black magick spell behind the scenes within the comfort of their own room or invoked the Gods and runes for protection.... sheesh. That being said speaking of 80s pop kudos to the person who brought that up.... alot of bands in that genre are pretty heartfelt in the way they write their lyrics and sing like Duran Duran, Seal, Depeche Mode, A Flock of Seagulls, etc.... while they arent Satanists they sure know whats going on around them at least.... just not pop like michael jackson as he was a puppet of the jewluminatti.... I can tell you a black metal band I know and feel the Gods love is Malice.... I played one of their songs and was coincidental... they are from Ukraine and have lyrics that delve into "anarchy brought about by delving into the mysteries and meditational trances of Satan's divine power and light bringing total age of anarchy (questioning, rebelling against christian governments)" and a week later after listening to that song and beleiving in its power with my aura and third eye the ENTIRE country of Ukraine broke out into rioting and people defending themselves against abusive scum cops, what we need is riots to happen in Rome, I would love to see Pagans and Satanics get together fuck not just us but everbody who is fed up with xtian bs in some way or another just completely wipe out the Vatican police and burn the place to the ground. Check this out, they have a song called Cathedral of Satan  Malice (Ukr) - Procession Approach  

and then the week later these riots broke out I beleive its from our rituals and my playing of that cd, combined willpower... these people arent just average anarchists either I heard they have NS backround as well  these people are totally going all out war against the pawns of the jewish system in an organized way where nobody can be arrested  Violent Riots in Ukraine(WARNING VERY GRAPHIC)  

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 5:20 PM, "thom.hyde@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also keep in mind the "poser" black metal (ego-based stuff that portrays Satanism in a bad light) for the most part was coming out early to mid 80's where resources for truth were scarce for the working man. This was the reaction to the utter dissatisfaction brought on by the faux "hippie" spiritual renaissance and the dawn of this new age of music and associated public spirituality. So you kind of got to take it at face value sometimes and have a sense of humor to enjoy it. As for the newer Satanic bands, you can easily tell which ones are true (either share our general beliefs or are very geared towards that direction) and which ones are just a bunch wannabe jewgoofs who are sad and confused, mad at the world, wrapped in ripped jeans smoking du mauriers.

Well, maybe absurd isnt the best band in terms of beliefs. Im thom.hyde by the way i decided to make an account not to have that name associated with my posts, sorry i know thats frowned upon here and i wont do it again. But yeah hahaha. Yes they are deluded and stupid but they are closer to the truth/have more spirit than most people and their music sounds pretty good. I have a friend who is NS and for a long time hated gays, bisexuals and so forth. I am not some libtard that will tell anybody with mislead beliefs to shut up and stop being bigots because i cant tolerate their opinions, no matter how mislead they are. I never told him I am bisexual but I have showed him to be a bit more understanding with sexuality, and explained to him how the jews and christians are the origin of sexual confusion. He also was really racist and all about beating up niggers and all that weird shit although he would never hurt a fly. Maybe if i lived in a big place i would be tempted to let him be but he is one of the only NS minded people I know of personally irl. He is an atheist but hsis soul is obviously far more powerful than most and the thing is i feel the guys in bands like absurd are kind of the same way. You gotta cut them some slack and just enjoy the music, i mean tons of bands have commie members but nobody cares because nobody knows they might as well plot to kill all niggers because nobody knows the two ways of thought are equally as jewish, thus equally fucked.
 To some of those who are without, terrorism is quite romantic. I always thought id go out in a romantic murder homicide suicide martyr style until i realized the power of curses, and the truth.. Hahaha, wowzers, who would want to kill themselves via homicide when they can watch their enemies perish and build your throne? Only someone who is still sleeping is who! So instead of fantasizing about and actually murdering people i wish some people like varg, absurd etc woke up knew the truth but unfortunately they didnt know what to do with all the hate from being in that weird purgatory so outcame some black metal and prison time. Pretty natural reaction for humans utterly stripped of truth, put in a world of total useless idiots and dangled endless misery and mystery in front of their faces.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
