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Biokinesis and Race Preservation of Indo-Aryans and other Sub-races


Dec 12, 2023
So, I've had a little read through a few threads related to bio-kinesis and race preservation. From my understanding, Indians are actually a sub-race of early Europeans and Asians? I was wondering if one were to "purify" themselves and their genes through bio-kinesis, which race should they prioritise and is the process the same? Also, would the person even look like their race anymore?

I'm from Bangladesh, which is basically India, however, I've always been perceived as Iranian/Syrian/Lebanese, although I did used to get "Phillipino" a lot growing up, but I don't anymore and I think my face has kinda morphed since then. I have very white skin in comparison to my family and even most "white" Indians. I've been told quite a few times that I look like [a Matrix-era] Keanu Reeves—I imagine a "bootleg" version—which I'd say is fairly accurate except I have a slightly more snubbed nose. As far as I can tell, there hasn't been any recent instances of race-mixing in my family history, so what does this imply about my racial heritage? And past lives? Is it just a strongly preserved and/or prominent European aspect? Or is it something metaphysical?

And related to the biokinesis purification thing above, is this something we don't need to do, and/or shouldn't do? What happens if we do, and for other subraces as well like Latinos?

Also, I've read here that bio-kinesis is a very advanced level siddhi, but I've regularly seen instances of normies having success with it on the Neville Goddard subreddits with a few weeks/months of daily self-hypnosis and visualisation. Is it just their outward appearance that's changed and not their actual physical bodies/souls? I can't imagine a random dope with no spiritual power can have more success with self-hypnosis alone than even an intermediate level SS. What's going on here? Is this dangerous and does it have an effect or reflection on the soul? Is it unwise of me to try their method to do other purely cosmetic changes, such as, say, grow taller?

I found a massive folder with "success stories" and a lot of people did it through a process similar to Qi Gong and influencing (supposedly) the pituitary gland. Or pineal? I forgot which. I could go find it and share if anyone's interested. I'm certain, they, at the very least succeeded in a cosmetic change and I believe this would be useful for many of you. I recall Michael Jordan doing something similar to grow to 6'7 when the rest of his family tree was like 5'7. He put salt in his shoes, which were too large for him, and every night visualised himself walking into them as though they fit perfectly and he'd fall asleep in a state of prayer. Very similar to the self-hypnosis method written in that subreddit.
The thing with you guys, and others in similar situation is that your genetic lines have stabilized as their own. You are effectively your own group at the moment, and there is nothing to 'purify' from. If anything, collective spiritual advancement of your people, like every other people, is something to strive for.
So, I've had a little read through a few threads related to bio-kinesis and race preservation. From my understanding, Indians are actually a sub-race of early Europeans and Asians? I was wondering if one were to "purify" themselves and their genes through bio-kinesis, which race should they prioritise and is the process the same? Also, would the person even look like their race anymore?

What makes this confusing is the common myth here that there are only 3 races. There are six racial clusters, according to genetic studies. Africans, European Caucasoids, non-European Caucasoids, East Asians, South East Asians and Pacific Islanders.

Indians and many Arabs belong to the non-European Caucasoid race. They are not the same as White Europeans, although they have less genetic distance to them than to other races.

So, you don't need to do any "purification" because you are of a different race.
What makes this confusing is the common myth here that there are only 3 races. There are six racial clusters, according to genetic studies. Africans, European Caucasoids, non-European Caucasoids, East Asians, South East Asians and Pacific Islanders.

Indians and many Arabs belong to the non-European Caucasoid race. They are not the same as White Europeans, although they have less genetic distance to them than to other races.

So, you don't need to do any "purification" because you are of a different race.
It's not a myth. White, Black and Asian are the 3 "Elder Races" of humanity and have existed for tens of thousands of years before any mixing happened and before those mixes consolidated into any "Younger Races" which you call "racial clusters".

As both you and Henu said, the OP needs no "purification" and the reason why this is was explained by Henu. @OP, there is no such thing as "Latinos". That's not a proper name. Latinos means Latins. Latin was the language spoken by Romans which were White people, not people of that Mexican race. Roman people had medium complexion (not even olive/dark-white) and dark hair (dark blonde and light brown). They looked nothing like what people nowadays mistakenly call "Latinos".
The thing with you guys, and others in similar situation is that your genetic lines have stabilized as their own. You are effectively your own group at the moment, and there is nothing to 'purify' from. If anything, collective spiritual advancement of your people, like every other people, is something to strive for.
Indians and many Arabs belong to the non-European Caucasoid race. They are not the same as White Europeans, although they have less genetic distance to them than to other races. So, you don't need to do any "purification" because you are of a different race.
So, if I were to do biokinesis would I be able to make the Caucasoid parts of me overpower the more Asiatic? For example, coloured eyes or a more pointed nose? Tbh, I don't really care too much, but I was kinda curious after reading about biokinesis. I wanted to find out the full-extent of its powers.

And how far behind are the Indians from Nordics in terms of development? Indians are always portrayed as spiritually advanced, but seem quite primitive in every other regard. Why is this? I thought the two were correlated? Is it simply due to their more "intellectual" nature? Or the poverty/economy? Or something else?
So, if I were to do biokinesis would I be able to make the Caucasoid parts of me overpower the more Asiatic? For example, coloured eyes or a more pointed nose? Tbh, I don't really care too much, but I was kinda curious after reading about biokinesis. I wanted to find out the full-extent of its powers.

And how far behind are the Indians from Nordics in terms of development? Indians are always portrayed as spiritually advanced, but seem quite primitive in every other regard. Why is this? I thought the two were correlated? Is it simply due to their more "intellectual" nature? Or the poverty/economy? Or something else?
I would be careful with trying to alter your racial makeup with magic. Minor changes are fine but a complete overhaul may make the soul incompatible with the body, and then your body would rot. Not that the great majority can even hope to achieve that as it requires to be very advanced and powerful, and some knowledge is just not revealed by the Gods because people aren't ready and would misuse it.
So, if I were to do biokinesis would I be able to make the Caucasoid parts of me overpower the more Asiatic? For example, coloured eyes or a more pointed nose? Tbh, I don't really care too much, but I was kinda curious after reading about biokinesis. I wanted to find out the full-extent of its powers.
Changing race (impossible) and what biokinesis does are not the same thing.

What biokinesis 'does' in general is not really understood. Like HPS Lydia, when I did the Venus Square for beauty, it took away skin ailments, it enhanced my own type of beauty. Health and beauty are definitely understood by the energy to be closely related.

What it didn't do was give me a new jawline and turn me into someone else. The human understanding of this is not the same.

I would be skeptical of these 'looksmaxxing' stories. Penile extension (with devices that one has to wear half a day) and (maybe, before a certain age, but mostly with devices) mewing are possible. Every other instance I've seen is schizophrenic or obviously photoshopped/filtered. There was someone bragging about how they changed their hair from straight to curly as a child, but a lot of children's hair goes wavy in puberty.

If there's one benefit of Goddard's approach he tells people to imagine what they're desiring is already there, which is close to what HPS Maxine says. Members can have problems with that.
What you are, you will always be. You will not change your racial makeup.

Purifying and becoming more pure as you imply it would mean that you're now something wrong, which you definitely are not.
I would be careful with trying to alter your racial makeup with magic. Minor changes are fine but a complete overhaul may make the soul incompatible with the body, and then your body would rot. Not that the great majority can even hope to achieve that as it requires to be very advanced and powerful, and some knowledge is just not revealed by the Gods because people aren't ready and would misuse it.
My mother has a very European-esque pointed nose, and I've seen Indian people with coloured eyes. Most of my family just look like typical Bengalis, though, and I don't remember it clearly, but I think my mother told me her grandfather (or great-grandfather) had blue eyes and was very tall. . So, I assumed it would be fine and within the realms of possibility? And I was wrong, I don't have a "snub nose", but I don't know what you'd call it. It's just normal, but round at the tip. I don't really want to change my racial profile. I think I look good, I just want to make tiny changes like that because "why not" lmao. Though, I was wondering if it'd be dangerous to mess around with things like height/skeletal frame beyond a certain age? I was also considering penis enlargement (lmfao) but I didn't wanna accidentally induce a tumor or some shit.

Changing race (impossible) and what biokinesis does are not the same thing.

What biokinesis 'does' in general is not really understood. Like HPS Lydia, when I did the Venus Square for beauty, it took away skin ailments, it enhanced my own type of beauty. Health and beauty are definitely understood by the energy to be closely related.

What it didn't do was give me a new jawline and turn me into someone else. The human understanding of this is not the same.

I would be skeptical of these 'looksmaxxing' stories. Penile extension (with devices that one has to wear half a day) and (maybe, before a certain age, but mostly with devices) mewing are possible. Every other instance I've seen is schizophrenic or obviously photoshopped/filtered. There was someone bragging about how they changed their hair from straight to curly as a child, but a lot of children's hair goes wavy in puberty.

If there's one benefit of Goddard's approach he tells people to imagine what they're desiring is already there, which is close to what HPS Maxine says. Members can have problems with that.
Was the effect of the venus square permanent? Would something like that fix, say, a difference in height between twins due to environmental factors (e.g. poor diet)? Would it repair things like facial scars or damage done in the form of "stunted development". Some family I know took many coovid vaccines and regret it. Can biokinesis remove the vaccine? Can you induce biokinesis in OTHERS with your own thoughts? Some relatives I know are just pathetic and I wish I could help them with an energy or self-esteem boost or something or else they'll probably kill themselves or just rot away altogether. And what do you think of this:
What you are, you will always be. You will not change your racial makeup.

Purifying and becoming more pure as you imply it would mean that you're now something wrong, which you definitely are not.
Aren't Indo-Aryans inherently mixed-race? Logically? Or are they SO mixed they're something new altogther? Wouldn't they still be technically mixed at the core? Also, does race-mixing create a new soul altogether? And thus, low spiritual development? If so, why do some of them end up being smart/intuitive? Like Andrew Tate (not the best example, but he's shown several instances of being intuitively satanic irrespective of his emphasis on physical-materialism). Is this actually why the enemy wants us mixed? And what's the difference between God's species-mixing with humans and humans race-mixing? Are they just too powerful to contaminate themselves? But if we become Gods, and race-mix, wouldn't it still damage us? Or *only* just cut us off from our racial heritage? How does race come into play when you're a TRUE God? (i.e., in the future of humanity, when we are all fully evolved) Will it affect us the same way or become irrelevant? For example, this video:
- will the whole of humanity eventually become like this? (I am assuming they're super advanced SS).
My mother has a very European-esque pointed nose, and I've seen Indian people with coloured eyes. Most of my family just look like typical Bengalis, though, and I don't remember it clearly, but I think my mother told me her grandfather (or great-grandfather) had blue eyes and was very tall. . So, I assumed it would be fine and within the realms of possibility? And I was wrong, I don't have a "snub nose", but I don't know what you'd call it. It's just normal, but round at the tip. I don't really want to change my racial profile. I think I look good, I just want to make tiny changes like that because "why not" lmao. Though, I was wondering if it'd be dangerous to mess around with things like height/skeletal frame beyond a certain age? I was also considering penis enlargement (lmfao) but I didn't wanna accidentally induce a tumor or some shit.
There are some few Kashmiris, Sindhis, Afghanis, Northern Pakistanis, Iranians, and Northern Indians, who could be considered borderline mixed Whites who may have White souls. Here we see certain genes surfacing back or preserved due to Eugenics. So yes, blue/green/hazel/light brown eyes, light blonde/ginger hair with european complexion is common among these individuals, some may not have either of these but rather Slavic/Nordic/Greek features and light complexion with brown hair and brown eyes. But the number of such individuals is somewhere 10:10000000 and for the latter 20:10000000, it would be very hard for these souls to find each other.

These Individuals are obviously not racially aware and in the end have almost very few options to continue their lineage, especially in the newer generations who are brainwashed with jewish equality, so majority of these individuals end up destroying themselves and their genetics. Not much can be done. Life gives a chance to everything, but the jewish magick burns it all to the ground. Thats why RTRs are important. All this racial destruction won't stop until we remove the jewish influence.

The best that can be done by such individuals on the Indian subcontinent is, to find a partner who is like them within their province. For example, a white looking Kashmiri should marry a white looking Kashmiri.
The following is not confirmed and NOT a statement from JoS, and should be only possible if the mixed couples have white soul: after marrying the ideal person[person like you] have kids whenever you like(at the healthy stage), then see what the kids grow up to be like, if they are better versions of you, then you can continue to fix this lineage to maybe enough to someday make a comeback to the more mainstream lineages(Elder Races). Though this can take generations to fix it and would require a lot of your energy to keep your descendants in line to heed your racial will, one wrong partner with your grand kids and you may not be able to reincarnate in the same family.
Obvious question: Why is it important to do all this if you have a white soul? You are where you are because of your soul's condition, here in this situation, it is severely damaged on all levels to not be able to enter a purer body on it's own. Yes the Gods can transmigrate your soul, but that would be stupid. A white soul that has engaged in miscegenation and contributed to a mixed offspring should not be put back into a white body. If we put such a soul in a white body, it will transfer those karmic energies from the other race into the Elder race if it contributes to the birth of a white offspring, and also transgress the existing racial energies as well in the offspring, creating all sorts of possible rot in the genetic lineage. Miscegenation damages a soul severely, especially if it has given and taken energy to give life to a mixed offspring(you are slowly connected to the karmic energies of the other race, its chaotic thing. Which is another reason why mixed races and their nations keep on suffering with mental and physical trauma on a collective level, no matter how many gold mines they have, they suffer a lot more).

Although in my humble opinion, for a mixed SS, it's best to first develop some form of astral communication with the Gods and heed their guidance on this matter. Asking about your race on the forums would only shatter your confidence because one is likely not mature enough to hear the possible harsh replies and simple truths about themselves. I have seen many brown individuals claim they are white, but one look at them and you can tell they aren't. So make sure you don't belong to that delusional group. This racial question can eat you alive as a mixed person, so don't put much stress on it, either go with the flow and accept it, or ask the Gods[which can be confusing or take some time]. Take my example, a mixed person like me, who looks whiter than most Italians and Balkans, is fluent in all European accents[learning french was a child's play for me], everyone around me jokes and say where do I come from, they say I act so alien, and yet still I have doubts about my soul and it's race. Jack did comfort me, but I still wasn't sure. Truth is I worry too much that I would destroy some white person's soul. So I decided that I will work hard on my astral senses, to communicate with the Gods and ask them where do I truly belong and fix my situation if there is any. Their verdict will be final. I am sure I will achieve good level of astral communication before I turn 31, haha.
Thank you very much for your reply. I have the same problem where I come across as somewhat alien to my people. All of my inclinations are towards European culture and art, rather than Hindu. For example, when I started learning about the Greek Gods - since I'm pretty sure I advanced in a past life - I was less attracted towards the Hindu depictions of the Gods. I also had an ineffable magnetism towards medieval England, which made no sense either since it looks kinda shitty/ugly, but I couldn't help it. Something about it I was very drawn to.

The way I look/behave as well, I've been constantly teased for "acting white". I haven't been very attracted to most Indian women because of this, since they don't look like me at all or share my temperament. But I obviously don't want to race-mix. I'm told I look "less than 20% Bengali". But I don't look European either. Just some weird unidentifiable race, although, I've always related very closely with the "future of the white race" on an unconscious level. I assumed this was all because of my place of birth/exposure to their culture and thus "energetic ties", though? I wouldn't be surprised if I was mixed, but how the hell would that happen? I hope not, since it sounds like a pain in the ass for spiritual development. But I'm confused because I highly doubt any of my recent family tree would be with any white people? What's the logic here? I will probably do an ancestry/DNA test first since idk when I'll be able to communicate astrally. What % is considered "too mixed"?

I'm not actually living in India, and can't speak the language. The population of Bengalis/Indians here is very small, especially in consideration to how many are muslim, actually available, or just straight up ugly, and/or incompatible. And my personality is already incompatible with most people as it is. I don't mind what people on the forum say, I'm not the type to remain delusional. I just want clarity on the truth. Also, what you said about keeping my descendants in line, I was actually planning on writing a book specifically to be passed down to them through my generations of descendants only, with all the relevant information.

I'll find out more, but if I am mixed, what are my options? In consideration to the above? It's going to be a while before I can do any racial clarity workings, since I have a long queue of other more pressing matters. Is there something I can do immediately to find out? I also don't know when I'll be able to communicate astrally.

Tbh I doubt I'm mixed but I want to be absolutely certain.

Again, thanks for taking the time to respond.
....there is no such thing as "Latinos". That's not a proper name. Latinos means Latins. Latin was the language spoken by Romans which were White people, not people of that Mexican race. Roman people had medium complexion (not even olive/dark-white) and dark hair (dark blonde and light brown). They looked nothing like what people nowadays mistakenly call "Latinos".

I absolutely fucking hate that "Latino/Hispanic" term and always suspected that in its original form, was referring to the White people of Roman Empire (or former Roman Empire thereof). I have Filipino familiars going around telling people they're "Latinos", give themselves that broccoli haircut that degenerate Mexican "gangstas" love to flaunt around, and sickens and enrages my very Oriental Soul, a Soul I am very proud of. There is still a handful full-Amerindian Mexicans today who don't like that term, and I appreciate them, I feel I can work with them.

I myself am a dark-skinned Asian, and I get hostile treatment from "Latinos" every time I tell them I don't speak Spanish, and this is due to the ape-mind education they recieve about their made up "Latino ethnicity", which sad to say, many of them show clear Asiatic features.

But for the most part, Mexico is absolutely nothing like the Philippines (at least in the modern day), and while the Philippines and Filipinos certainly have their own degeneracy-related issues, they don't cause anywhere near of a problem in their host countries like Mexicans. Filipinos have a tendancy to be more thankful, civilized and stay within their own communities.

I have bad personal experiences too, I remember working at a Mexican-owned business and pretty-much every so-called "evil racist stereotype" was true. I proudly try to do my best to dissociate from "Latinos".

On the Spanish language....on the contrary, I am actually very fond of the idea of Spanish being co-official in the Philippines, no-less than keeping Russian co-official in Kazakhstan, but it doesn't change the bloodline or the fact that Filipinos or Kazakhs are both Orientals, just of differing sub-breeds.
Thank you very much for your reply. I have the same problem where I come across as somewhat alien to my people. All of my inclinations are towards European culture and art, rather than Hindu. For example, when I started learning about the Greek Gods - since I'm pretty sure I advanced in a past life - I was less attracted towards the Hindu depictions of the Gods. I also had an ineffable magnetism towards medieval England, which made no sense either since it looks kinda shitty/ugly, but I couldn't help it. Something about it I was very drawn to.

People are drawn to a lot of things, that doesn't mean they had a connection to it in the past, it could be just a simple material attraction. Though your attractiontowards medieval England, could possible have something to do with the British rule in India. It's possible you are a bastard soul of some British soldier[meaning no offense], or it could be that you were British and engaged in race mixing during their rule in India. Watch some English, Scottish, and Irish news, observe if you are able to understand it[try not to lie to yourself]. Also, try speaking in English accent, if you are a natural then there are three possibilities: [1] you either have a connection to Britain on soul level, or [2] you visited Britain during the British rule over India which means hanging around Englishmen, or [3] you simply have a well developed broca and wernicke area[which could at least indicate you are not a young soul, especially if one had a mature personality during their childhood]. It will depend on your English speaking and comprehension, especially the accent.

The way I look/behave as well, I've been constantly teased for "acting white". I haven't been very attracted to most Indian women because of this, since they don't look like me at all or share my temperament. But I obviously don't want to race-mix. I'm told I look "less than 20% Bengali". But I don't look European either. Just some weird unidentifiable race, although, I've always related very closely with the "future of the white race" on an unconscious level. I assumed this was all because of my place of birth/exposure to their culture and thus "energetic ties", though? I wouldn't be surprised if I was mixed, but how the hell would that happen? I hope not, since it sounds like a pain in the ass for spiritual development. But I'm confused because I highly doubt any of my recent family tree would be with any white people? What's the logic here? I will probably do an ancestry/DNA test first since idk when I'll be able to communicate astrally. What % is considered "too mixed"?
Of course you won't be attracted to every woman from the Indian subcontinent. There are way too many different mixtures of people on the subcontinent. Certainly you are not gonna get attracted to the women of dravidian races.

Are you living around Whites? If yes,
then as you have mentioned, if you are living around Whites, then your attraction to their culture could certainly be due to your presence among White individuals. Earth at present cannot be considered a spiritually active planet/realm, since most of it's intelligent population[Humans] does not practice any real spirituality. Thus, it's easy for energies to attach and detach to individuals and cause all kinds of situations, including attraction to all kinds of things and people. Just look at the tiktok generation, they are distracted by various attractions due to this very reason. In a spiritually active and elevated world, you and others would clean themselves regularly and have protection around their soul to not allow themselves to be violated by just any energy drifting around them. At the moment, most people and their Chakras are open to anything, hence we live in a clown world where some Hindus bath in cow dung, and some Muhammads like little girls or their sisters, and some Whites like to reverse their gender.

Though another reason for your attraction could be simply due to the fact that we all can see that Purer races and cultures resonate on a higher level. It's all visible to us in front of our eyes, no one can say it is a lie or a social construct, one may like to deny it on the surface, but deep down we all know Purer ones are better. So it's indeed going to attract some individuals from lower/corrupted races towrads Purer ones and their lifestyle. Is there any difference between a British neighborhood and a Bangladeshi neighborhood? Yes, the difference is vast. No matter how low you push the Elder Races down, most of them will still reach the top in no time and shine brighter than the mixed races. It's why Eugenics is the only hope for the mixed races, these mixed races are still at an early stage to become a better version and come to the level of Elder races, it can take centuries or even a millennia for Eugenic practices to fix and make the mixed races resonate on higher levels.

I'm not actually living in India, and can't speak the language. The population of Bengalis/Indians here is very small, especially in consideration to how many are muslim, actually available, or just straight up ugly, and/or incompatible. And my personality is already incompatible with most people as it is. I don't mind what people on the forum say, I'm not the type to remain delusional. I just want clarity on the truth. Also, what you said about keeping my descendants in line, I was actually planning on writing a book specifically to be passed down to them through my generations of descendants only, with all the relevant information.

I'll find out more, but if I am mixed, what are my options? In consideration to the above? It's going to be a while before I can do any racial clarity workings, since I have a long queue of other more pressing matters. Is there something I can do immediately to find out? I also don't know when I'll be able to communicate astrally.

Tbh I doubt I'm mixed but I want to be absolutely certain.

Again, thanks for taking the time to respond.
From what I know, Bengali and Bangla are the same, the Indian national side has practiced more casteism, which I believe has separated upper and lower castes on a racial level[I think]. General Yeager[Jack] has discussed it multiple times regarding the caste issue and outcome. You can find his posts under accounts: "Jack" and "General Yeager".
Indian subcontinent has been in a racial mess for centuries now, it can be difficult to trace back a person's bloodline. Most of the companies providing ancestry tests have jewish influence in them, so be wise with the results, one can't take them very seriously. Some also sell your data to labs funded by CCP. The only healthy and secure options in my opinion are multiple Odhal workings, or asking the Gods themselves. I tried the Odhal workings, it showed me many things, basically I am white, but I still have doubts since I know my mind very well, it can very much lie for desires. And you too should be aware about it.
That's why I chose the latter, which is to ask Gods through Astral communication, which will take some time.

Good luck :)
People are drawn to a lot of things, that doesn't mean they had a connection to it in the past, it could be just a simple material attraction. Though your attractiontowards medieval England, could possible have something to do with the British rule in India. It's possible you are a bastard soul of some British soldier[meaning no offense], or it could be that you were British and engaged in race mixing during their rule in India. Watch some English, Scottish, and Irish news, observe if you are able to understand it[try not to lie to yourself]. Also, try speaking in English accent, if you are a natural then there are three possibilities: [1] you either have a connection to Britain on soul level, or [2] you visited Britain during the British rule over India which means hanging around Englishmen, or [3] you simply have a well developed broca and wernicke area[which could at least indicate you are not a young soul, especially if one had a mature personality during their childhood]. It will depend on your English speaking and comprehension, especially the accent.

- "Bastard soul" LOL damn.
- I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for in regards to English/Scottish/Irish news - and "understanding" what exactly?
- I'm from the UK, so the English accent comes somewhat natural to me. Also, I've always been good with imitation and copying accents. My natal chart placements also imply a proficiency of diplomacy/communication/writing, which may relate to broca/wernicke (what is that exactly?).
- I do have a talent for language, but never really bothered to deliberately learn any since I didn't see the utility in it before. So, maybe it is that.
- It's pretty obvious to me that I'm not a young soul at this point, and yeah, I was quite "mature". I've been called an "old man" since I was 12 (although, I am childish in secret).

Of course you won't be attracted to every woman from the Indian subcontinent. There are way too many different mixtures of people on the subcontinent. Certainly you are not gonna get attracted to the women of dravidian races.

- Btw, if I were to date one of these other types of Indians, is it considered race-mixing?

Are you living around Whites? If yes,
then as you have mentioned, if you are living around Whites, then your attraction to their culture could certainly be due to your presence among White individuals. Earth at present cannot be considered a spiritually active planet/realm, since most of it's intelligent population[Humans] does not practice any real spirituality. Thus, it's easy for energies to attach and detach to individuals and cause all kinds of situations, including attraction to all kinds of things and people. Just look at the tiktok generation, they are distracted by various attractions due to this very reason. In a spiritually active and elevated world, you and others would clean themselves regularly and have protection around their soul to not allow themselves to be violated by just any energy drifting around them. At the moment, most people and their Chakras are open to anything, hence we live in a clown world where some Hindus bath in cow dung, and some Muhammads like little girls or their sisters, and some Whites like to reverse their gender.

- Technically, yes, but I don't really interact with them. I'm a very studious person, and am mostly drawn to European culture in terms of its artistic and intellectual merit, which I mostly explore online and through reading books, as well as film and music. I should probably start exploring more Indian media but it's too much Sharukh Khan garbage. Even the classic art looks shit compared to Rennaisance era painters/sculptors and all the classic works. Everything else looks garbo next to Western advancements, and I am the type who is only interested in "the best" and not mediocrity. So I can't be satisfied with it until they advance. I guess I will wait some hundreds of years.
- I only really care about Indian culture in terms of spirituality, that's the only thing they're [kinda] in the lead with. I tavelled there recently and it's literally like living inside a dust bin. There is not a patch of land free of litter. There'll be a bin in front of your eye sockets and a mf will leave their trash on the floor.

Though another reason for your attraction could be simply due to the fact that we all can see that Purer races and cultures resonate on a higher level. It's all visible to us in front of our eyes, no one can say it is a lie or a social construct, one may like to deny it on the surface, but deep down we all know Purer ones are better. So it's indeed going to attract some individuals from lower/corrupted races towrads Purer ones and their lifestyle. Is there any difference between a British neighborhood and a Bangladeshi neighborhood? Yes, the difference is vast. No matter how low you push the Elder Races down, most of them will still reach the top in no time and shine brighter than the mixed races. It's why Eugenics is the only hope for the mixed races, these mixed races are still at an early stage to become a better version and come to the level of Elder races, it can take centuries or even a millennia for Eugenic practices to fix and make the mixed races resonate on higher levels.

- I think this has a lot to do with it. I hate low IQ, low class, unintelligent/primitive behaviour in general, and have always been drawn to aristocratic cultures from Day 1. I feel almost no emotion towards subpar/mediocre anything - just pure indifference.
- Naturally, this explains my attraction towards European and Japanese culture. The Japanese IMO are the closest thing currently to a pure race (overall, culturally). And their art reflects that. Even today, with anime, it's 90% better than the shit infested Western media despite them behaving somewhat cucked at times.

From what I know, Bengali and Bangla are the same, the Indian national side has practiced more casteism, which I believe has separated upper and lower castes on a racial level[I think]. General Yeager[Jack] has discussed it multiple times regarding the caste issue and outcome. You can find his posts under accounts: "Jack" and "General Yeager".
Indian subcontinent has been in a racial mess for centuries now, it can be difficult to trace back a person's bloodline. Most of the companies providing ancestry tests have jewish influence in them, so be wise with the results, one can't take them very seriously. Some also sell your data to labs funded by CCP. The only healthy and secure options in my opinion are multiple Odhal workings, or asking the Gods themselves. I tried the Odhal workings, it showed me many things, basically I am white, but I still have doubts since I know my mind very well, it can very much lie for desires. And you too should be aware about it.
That's why I chose the latter, which is to ask Gods through Astral communication, which will take some time.

Good luck :)

- I'm still unsure what is your racial situation?

- Idk how reliable it is but I used an "AI ethnicity facial recognition calculator" and I got 65% "Glacile-Mediterranid" and then the rest was some sort of North/West Indian phenotype(s) and a tiny bit of oriental. I know Bangladesh is right next to China and there is a lot of Chinese living there, so it kinda makes sense.
- I'll keep advancing until I can communicate with the Gods. How long did it take you? I'm improving quite rapidly. the 40-day meditation program feels like some baby shit tbh. But they keep saying it's unwise to go any faster.
- Btw I don't think I'm mixed, I think I'm just drawn to the higher vibration because I'm operating at the same frequency. Spiritual poverty is visible even in the mannerisms of people and their art/culture/clothes/speech etc., and I just find it crass and far more relateable to my own temperament with the British. It's a feeling of relatability towards wanting a higher standard of being/existence, rather than most around me who are content with a bullshit life and a bullshit legacy and a bullshit soul.

Also, thank you very much for your replies. They are a pleasant read. And I appreciate you taking so much time out of your day to respond gracefully.
- "Bastard soul" LOL damn.
- I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for in regards to English/Scottish/Irish news - and "understanding" what exactly?
- I'm from the UK, so the English accent comes somewhat natural to me. Also, I've always been good with imitation and copying accents. My natal chart placements also imply a proficiency of diplomacy/communication/writing, which may relate to broca/wernicke (what is that exactly?).
- I do have a talent for language, but never really bothered to deliberately learn any since I didn't see the utility in it before. So, maybe it is that.
- It's pretty obvious to me that I'm not a young soul at this point, and yeah, I was quite "mature". I've been called an "old man" since I was 12 (although, I am childish in secret).
Yeah, meant no offense, couldn't think of any other word at the time. In a spiritually degenerated world, mortals sometimes can't control their sexual urges[it's one of the powerful energies], so some either turn to rape or miscegenation, their mind becomes very lustful for a man or woman, especially during wars. So they may give birth to fatherless sons and daughters.

I meant, can you understand those accents when you hear them? News was just a suggestion, you can watch movies or videos, or even speak to the natives if you can, and observe if you understand the language easily. In my observation, old native souls of the British Isles have higher chance of understanding each others accents, because some of the few very young souls seem to have no such ability in them.

Broca and Wenicke are parts of human brain responsible for speech and language. Though, having a strong talent in multiple languages can be sign of a soul that has traveled a lot in it's past incarnations and have known multiple languages. So it could be not just the planets, but also past life education. Memory is in the light body, the physical's is temporary. A practicing SS will likely never become prey to diseases like Alzheimer[it's my own observation], since we work on improving the connection between our physical and the light body.

- Btw, if I were to date one of these other types of Indians, is it considered race-mixing?
Yes. Though, there are some exceptions. For example, you are from Bangla region, you could be compatible with a person like you in the neighboring regions that share the borders with it such as Bihar and Jharkhand, but not past those regions because it will be 100% Race-mixing. And also not to the east because it becomes Asiatic. Ask your parents if they are sure that everyone in your family's history was a Bengali.
Its very tricky.

You can do Past life Regression and Odhal Rune workings,

- Technically, yes, but I don't really interact with them. I'm a very studious person, and am mostly drawn to European culture in terms of its artistic and intellectual merit, which I mostly explore online and through reading books, as well as film and music. I should probably start exploring more Indian media but it's too much Sharukh Khan garbage. Even the classic art looks shit compared to Rennaisance era painters/sculptors and all the classic works. Everything else looks garbo next to Western advancements, and I am the type who is only interested in "the best" and not mediocrity. So I can't be satisfied with it until they advance. I guess I will wait some hundreds of years.
- I only really care about Indian culture in terms of spirituality, that's the only thing they're [kinda] in the lead with. I tavelled there recently and it's literally like living inside a dust bin. There is not a patch of land free of litter. There'll be a bin in front of your eye sockets and a mf will leave their trash on the floor.
I understand. A person brought up in a clean environment will never like a dirty environment, because it again comes down to the type of energies one is mixed up with. So it is natural for anyone not born and raised in the Indian subcontinent to be disgusted by the polluted environment. It is why, an SS must maintain their surroundings, and even beautify if they have the time. As it has been even said by one of the High Priest/Priestess[I don't remember who]: beautifully maintained places elevate the land and everything within their reach, even the people, it all resonates on a higher level than any other normal or of course a dirty place.
One of the reason why Indians are unable to change, is because they have been programmed to blame everything on the Colonialists, especially on the Britishers. This mindset has cost them a lot of degression in their overall growth after independence.

If you continue to be on this path, I am sure you will begin to at least not hate the people that have given birth to you, and rather understand that they are where they are due to the circumstances they and their ancestors have gone through. Keep cleaning and empowering yourself, you will find what you seek.

- I think this has a lot to do with it. I hate low IQ, low class, unintelligent/primitive behaviour in general, and have always been drawn to aristocratic cultures from Day 1. I feel almost no emotion towards subpar/mediocre anything - just pure indifference.
- Naturally, this explains my attraction towards European and Japanese culture. The Japanese IMO are the closest thing currently to a pure race (overall, culturally). And their art reflects that. Even today, with anime, it's 90% better than the shit infested Western media despite them behaving somewhat cucked at times.
Yes it's likely the case imo. Their are so many mixed people wanting to immigrate to White and East Asian countries.

- I'm still unsure what is your racial situation?

- Idk how reliable it is but I used an "AI ethnicity facial recognition calculator" and I got 65% "Glacile-Mediterranid" and then the rest was some sort of North/West Indian phenotype(s) and a tiny bit of oriental. I know Bangladesh is right next to China and there is a lot of Chinese living there, so it kinda makes sense.
- I'll keep advancing until I can communicate with the Gods. How long did it take you? I'm improving quite rapidly. the 40-day meditation program feels like some baby shit tbh. But they keep saying it's unwise to go any faster.
- Btw I don't think I'm mixed, I think I'm just drawn to the higher vibration because I'm operating at the same frequency. Spiritual poverty is visible even in the mannerisms of people and their art/culture/clothes/speech etc., and I just find it crass and far more relateable to my own temperament with the British. It's a feeling of relatability towards wanting a higher standard of being/existence, rather than most around me who are content with a bullshit life and a bullshit legacy and a bullshit soul.

Also, thank you very much for your replies. They are a pleasant read. And I appreciate you taking so much time out of your day to respond gracefully.
My racial situation is alright but a bit not certain to myself. My workings have shown my soul to be white, but I am a very cautious person, so I take my steps carefully, I try not to let my desires control me, because it is often our desires that make us lie to ourselves and create all kinds of nonsense. That's why I chose to work harder on not just my astral communication, but also all other astral senses, to also see my light body if I am unable to establish a firm communication with our Gods.

Not sure about those apps.

No, I still haven't communicated to the Gods on the astral. I am still working on it. It can take time, it all depends from individual to individual due to their birth chart, transits, the environment[material and astral], progress from previous lives, and of course their body and soul's condition. They are not wrong, one can damage their chakras if they try to outsmart their physical body's capability. The witchpower is increased gradually and steadily to let your physical body adapt along and expand. It's similar to how our Gods cannot reincarnate in a Human body, their light body will fry it[that's what I have read here].

You are mixed on the physical, no one can deny it, but you aren't aware about your soul, that's how it is to be remembered, or else you could make your situation worse and also damage someone's soul, so be careful. It could be harsh to read all this, but that's how reality is. The Gods don't play tricks or favors when it comes to reincarnating souls, it is for our own good. Their are many brown individuals in the Indian subcontinent and around the world that have thinking and habits similar to you and me, does that make them white? No.
As SS, we are where we are for a reason.

We need to first learn to fly, take the first steps, not just dream about it or only believe in it. You have taken action, which is to elevate yourself spiritually, and is great.
I suggest not to put too much stress on this, continue to work on yourself, and you will slowly find your answers.

Happy to help.
Good luck :)
and should be only possible if the mixed couples have white soul
I'm not sure what do you mean, there is no such thing.
A mixed person does not have a "white soul". Everyone has their own soul, and if somebody is mixed than they have a mixed soul, for example they have the karma of both (or more) races, and who know how deep this subject goes.
- And tbh, no, I can only properly understand English, but that's probably more so due to the nature of the language itself being very simple to comprehend.
- What's interesting is that both of my grandparents on my mother's side appear to have practiced meditation/"reiki healing" of some kind and both ended up dying from Alzheimers. They were devout muslims and non-SS.

- The race-mixing with other Bengali things is going to be an annoying thing to deal with. I thought it'd be find as long as their racial heritage belongs to the Indian region, even if less than ideal with the darker complexions. Sort of like how White Americans can still date Swedes and Italians.
- And I wouldn't start hating Indians. I understand their situation and empathise with their plight greatly. I just don't enjoy interacting with ugliness, whether that's in regards to manners, tastes, sophistication etc., and most Indians currently have all of the above in abundance.

- I'm kinda confused how/why you doubt what your workings have revealed to you. Do they not have a high degree of accuracy?
- And thank you for your good wishes, let's see where I end up. I hope you too, are able to obtain a favourable future for yourself.
I'm not sure what do you mean, there is no such thing.
A mixed person does not have a "white soul". Everyone has their own soul, and if somebody is mixed than they have a mixed soul, for example they have the karma of both (or more) races, and who know how deep this subject goes.
As I have mentioned it is not an official statement from JoS, and I believe nor will the JoS reveal such information to public, to avoid racial confusion and delusions among the SS community, I remember HPS Maxine did reveal a bit and that alone actually caused confusion in some mixed individuals. So yes, there is more to it, and I believe the Gods want it to be revealed to only seriously dedicated individuals, because the newer SS and those who slack off clearly have not yet developed the right mindset and a cleaner self to handle such racial information. So to avoid grave racial mistakes and delusions, such information is rightfully closed for the public, for their own good. They are all welcome to advance and ask the Gods for such information. This is how I see this situation.

It is my study and observation of people and knowledge of JoS that has lead me to this theory, a mortal pure soul that has engaged in miscegenation will not be given a pure body, they will be reincarnated into suitable mixed bodies by the Gods, a mixed body but a body that is more oriented towards their race with each birth[a lesser mixed body with every reincarnation if any progress has been made], a body that will have less negative impact on their damaged soul[Example, a bloodline that has more percentage of blood of their original race, though they will have minor ailments and problems with the body, but bodies that will be enough for them to slowly fix themselves through multiple reincarnations]. It is a slow and careful process that can take multiple/several lifetimes for some souls to go back to where they were created.

Yes, a true mixed person will not have a white, asian, or black soul. But their are mixed races and mixed bloodlines that have more percentage of blood of their respective parent race[as they are calling it elder race here]. It is in these lesser mixed bloodlines, where racially damaged purer souls can be reincarnated to fix themselves. If we were to consider every mixed race as it's own, then Italians are not white, nor are the modern Greeks or the Balkans. We know Eugenics is what keeps a race pure and healthy, but if certain conditions are met, it can also revive back a race from its near death bed. That is what happened to most of the Southern Europeans. I am aware that 90% of the Indian and middle eastern races are definitely beyond the revival, but there are some bloodlines that have shown a hint of revival, a resurfacing of "elder" genes, where their body has higher percentage of blood from a parent race.

To be more clear, my posts above in no way are promoting race-mixing, since the requirement is clearly to know you have a white soul and find a partner who is very similar to you and has a white soul, all in your physical body's racial origin[in this thread, which is Bangla for @sinbad, in the Indian subcontinent]. And I have mentioned it multiple times that it can take time to establish communication with Gods to get the right answers. So an SS should not stress too much and work on themselves to find the answers gradually through their progress, do not get lost into being some chad lonewolf, one can do many workings to find who they are, and the perfect partner for themselves.
Blonde hair, green eyes and lighter skin in brown people is an out of the curve singularity that comes from mixing - like dark hair, brown eyes and sometimes tan skin in White people is from a bit of mixing with non-Whites.

The truth is because very few Whites are pure White anymore.

When Ghengis Khan invaded South Eastern Europe from Asia, the Asians raped many women. This was centuries ago, but this has left many Whites with dark hair and brown eyes.

Both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler along with many Third Reich Leaders had darker features, but knew the pure White traits, and along with eugenics, they were working to purify the White race. SS men and women had to present a family tree and had to prove Aryan ancestry.

If the war hadn't interrupted, within 2 generations, Hitler's racial purity program would have wiped out an enormous amount of illnesses and genetic diseases.

Satan, Lilith, Azazel and many others of our Gods are pure White.

Most of us humans are a bit mixed, but this goes way, way back in most cases, hundreds of years.

I have dark hair and brown eyes. 2 of my kids have blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Jew has been working relentlessly to destroy the pure blonde seed of our race. Once that is gone, the race goes extinct.

We Whites should have every right to employ eugenics and to purify our race.

Like I wrote, the majority of people are a bit mixed, but most of us do have the genes to breed upward.

Please don't get hang ups like some idiots and double digit IQs over being racially 100 percent pure. Like I wrote, few of us are. Even the top Nazis, few were 100 percent pure. We just need to focus on repairing our White race.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Darwin would get into a coma if Himmler told him he was trying to reverse engineer clearer Nordic types of people, who would in a few generations time, resemble the Gods more and more in all respects. This process is to be coupled by spiritual processes which the SS was already developing. Indeed, this is nothing strange here than what it was in let's say the Vedic or Aryan Hindu times with the so called 'higher upper class' which was essentially aristocratic, or let's say simply the best and most qualified beings in regards to plentiful and quality life and existence.

That is as far as "Race X in a mixed body" is possible, not becoming the race you have these 1-5% of genes from.
Blonde hair, green eyes and lighter skin in brown people is an out of the curve singularity that comes from mixing - like dark hair, brown eyes and sometimes tan skin in White people is from a bit of mixing with non-Whites.

That is as far as "Race X in a mixed body" is possible, not becoming the race you have these 1-5% of genes from.
To be more clear, I am not talking about that kind of people with white features, I am talking about these kinds of White souls:




You guys have a very wrong image and idea of what mixed people with White souls in the Indian subcontinent look like. The child in the image you posted and that Kangna Renaut is not at all a white person as respected HPHC has mentioned. That women literally has yellowish skin and one or two aryan features fused with asiatic..

But these people above in my post, are the ones with White souls, these are the souls that are truly stuck. There are some few white souls, trying to survive, especially the dumbfuckery of muslims and new age hindus.

Once the Jewish influence is removed. I am sure Gods have many plans, and one of those is to guide us to fix this racial mess we are in. I think most Gods aren't putting much effort on it now because we know some or many humans may not survive the coming decades, so no point in wasting energy on those who are without Gods during a war especially on a planet like Earth that is under enemy occupation.
To be more clear, I am not talking about that kind of people with white features, I am talking about these kinds of White souls:




You guys have a very wrong image and idea of what mixed people with White souls in the Indian subcontinent look like. The child in the image you posted and that Kangna Renaut is not at all a white person as respected HPHC has mentioned. That women literally has yellowish skin and one or two aryan features fused with asiatic..

But these people above in my post, are the ones with White souls, these are the souls that are truly stuck. There are some few white souls, trying to survive, especially the dumbfuckery of muslims and new age hindus.

Once the Jewish influence is removed. I am sure Gods have many plans, and one of those is to guide us to fix this racial mess we are in. I think most Gods aren't putting much effort on it now because we know some or many humans may not survive the coming decades, so no point in wasting energy on those who are without Gods during a war especially on a planet like Earth that is under enemy occupation.
The third image could be incorrect, please ignore it.
- And tbh, no, I can only properly understand English, but that's probably more so due to the nature of the language itself being very simple to comprehend.
- What's interesting is that both of my grandparents on my mother's side appear to have practiced meditation/"reiki healing" of some kind and both ended up dying from Alzheimers. They were devout muslims and non-SS.

- The race-mixing with other Bengali things is going to be an annoying thing to deal with. I thought it'd be find as long as their racial heritage belongs to the Indian region, even if less than ideal with the darker complexions. Sort of like how White Americans can still date Swedes and Italians.
- And I wouldn't start hating Indians. I understand their situation and empathise with their plight greatly. I just don't enjoy interacting with ugliness, whether that's in regards to manners, tastes, sophistication etc., and most Indians currently have all of the above in abundance.

- I'm kinda confused how/why you doubt what your workings have revealed to you. Do they not have a high degree of accuracy?
- And thank you for your good wishes, let's see where I end up. I hope you too, are able to obtain a favourable future for yourself.
Possible. Try learning a European language. See if it interests you or you feel easy.

There are SS here who have to pretend to be muslim and christian in their daily lives. So your grandparents could be secretly intrested in pagan cultures, which explains why you are here as an SS, your family bloodline seems to be ateast interested in pagan cultures. Though, they probably had limited knowledge and possibly corrupt meditations, which explains Alzheimer.

Don't worry, just find a Bengali woman who has features like you, especially the skin complexion should be almost near to yours. Also search the forums for workings that will help you find the right woman. But first, I suggest you to advance a bit spiritually. I wouldn't hurry to find a woman if I am are under 25.

I am not advanced enough to be 100% sure, it can be my mind lying and showing me wrong visions, visions that I want to see. Hence, I want to develop my astral sense.
- And thank you for your good wishes, let's see where I end up. I hope you too, are able to obtain a favourable future for yourself.
And thank you for yours. I wish you good fortune.
So, I've had a little read through a few threads related to bio-kinesis and race preservation. From my understanding, Indians are actually a sub-race of early Europeans and Asians? I was wondering if one were to "purify" themselves and their genes through bio-kinesis, which race should they prioritise and is the process the same? Also, would the person even look like their race anymore?

I'm from Bangladesh, which is basically India, however, I've always been perceived as Iranian/Syrian/Lebanese, although I did used to get "Phillipino" a lot growing up, but I don't anymore and I think my face has kinda morphed since then. I have very white skin in comparison to my family and even most "white" Indians. I've been told quite a few times that I look like [a Matrix-era] Keanu Reeves—I imagine a "bootleg" version—which I'd say is fairly accurate except I have a slightly more snubbed nose. As far as I can tell, there hasn't been any recent instances of race-mixing in my family history, so what does this imply about my racial heritage? And past lives? Is it just a strongly preserved and/or prominent European aspect? Or is it something metaphysical?

And related to the biokinesis purification thing above, is this something we don't need to do, and/or shouldn't do? What happens if we do, and for other subraces as well like Latinos?

Also, I've read here that bio-kinesis is a very advanced level siddhi, but I've regularly seen instances of normies having success with it on the Neville Goddard subreddits with a few weeks/months of daily self-hypnosis and visualisation. Is it just their outward appearance that's changed and not their actual physical bodies/souls? I can't imagine a random dope with no spiritual power can have more success with self-hypnosis alone than even an intermediate level SS. What's going on here? Is this dangerous and does it have an effect or reflection on the soul? Is it unwise of me to try their method to do other purely cosmetic changes, such as, say, grow taller?

I found a massive folder with "success stories" and a lot of people did it through a process similar to Qi Gong and influencing (supposedly) the pituitary gland. Or pineal? I forgot which. I could go find it and share if anyone's interested. I'm certain, they, at the very least succeeded in a cosmetic change and I believe this would be useful for many of you. I recall Michael Jordan doing something similar to grow to 6'7 when the rest of his family tree was like 5'7. He put salt in his shoes, which were too large for him, and every night visualised himself walking into them as though they fit perfectly and he'd fall asleep in a state of prayer. Very similar to the self-hypnosis method written in that subreddit.
You can't change your race!
You are a representative of the race that you are!
I recommend that you put up with it, you are clean and you need to accept your race!
You can't change your race!
You are a representative of the race that you are!
I recommend that you put up with it, you are clean and you need to accept your race!
Maybe I didn't communicate myself properly, but I'm not sure why people keep assuming I want to change my race. I just want to mould a few of my features into looking like what other members of my family have, ((((((((THEREFORE IT IS WITHIN MY """GENETICS""")))))))))))) and I'm simply using the word "European" as an easy way to describe their appearance without using pictures. Though, I was wondering about the racial logic behind why I look so different, and the possibility of it being due to preservation of eugenics of the first Aryan settles in Northern India. THAT IS ALL.

Possible. Try learning a European language. See if it interests you or you feel easy.

There are SS here who have to pretend to be muslim and christian in their daily lives. So your grandparents could be secretly intrested in pagan cultures, which explains why you are here as an SS, your family bloodline seems to be ateast interested in pagan cultures. Though, they probably had limited knowledge and possibly corrupt meditations, which explains Alzheimer.

Don't worry, just find a Bengali woman who has features like you, especially the skin complexion should be almost near to yours. Also search the forums for workings that will help you find the right woman. But first, I suggest you to advance a bit spiritually. I wouldn't hurry to find a woman if I am are under 25.

I am not advanced enough to be 100% sure, it can be my mind lying and showing me wrong visions, visions that I want to see. Hence, I want to develop my astral sense.

The examples you gave are a bit too white-looking. I had a search around and the closest, most logical conclusion is that I have some sort of Persian links AND/OR eugenics preservation of Ancient Aryans.

As an example, if you were to mix these two people's features together it's the closest I can suggest towards my physiognomy/appearance without exposing myself. I've noticed white people have this sort of pinkish hue/flushness to their skin which I don't have. It's just one straight colour. And very pale. Probably a shade or two whiter than the one's in the images below:



- I don't think the European Languages thing will suggest anything because I find learning in general very easy, especially in regards to communications. Most likely I travelled around the world and was a scholar of some kind in the past, which would also explain my attraction to so many different cultures and """superior intelligence""" placements in the natal chart due to being a knowledge junkie.
- And I wouldn't be surprised about my grandparents either, my mother is also very powerful but she's brainwashed by Muslim crap. But almost anything she says out of spite/or "prayer" comes true almost immediately. I used to call her a genie. So it seems to run in the family.
- I've never seen a Bengali who looks like me, and I'm not sociable enough for dating lmao. I'll have to remain alone until I can attract via magick.

Thanks for your advice tho.
The examples you gave are a bit too white-looking. I had a search around and the closest, most logical conclusion is that I have some sort of Persian links AND/OR eugenics preservation of Ancient Aryans.

As an example, if you were to mix these two people's features together it's the closest I can suggest towards my physiognomy/appearance without exposing myself. I've noticed white people have this sort of pinkish hue/flushness to their skin which I don't have. It's just one straight colour. And very pale. Probably a shade or two whiter than the one's in the images below:


- I don't think the European Languages thing will suggest anything because I find learning in general very easy, especially in regards to communications. Most likely I travelled around the world and was a scholar of some kind in the past, which would also explain my attraction to so many different cultures and """superior intelligence""" placements in the natal chart due to being a knowledge junkie.
- And I wouldn't be surprised about my grandparents either, my mother is also very powerful but she's brainwashed by Muslim crap. But almost anything she says out of spite/or "prayer" comes true almost immediately. I used to call her a genie. So it seems to run in the family.
- I've never seen a Bengali who looks like me, and I'm not sociable enough for dating lmao. I'll have to remain alone until I can attract via magick.

Thanks for your advice tho.
Keep working on yourself, you will find your answers and a compatible partner.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
