Sundara said:
Physical exercise and fitness would be a good primary focus in regards to advancement. Not every means to spiritual advancement is actually spiritual and it seems you're pretty strong right now and should be focusing on advancement in your physical fitness instead of spiritual now at this point. Progressing and growing strong, fit and healthy physically reflects and mirrors the strength and health of the soul anyways, the soul will respond to this automatically on it's own without you needing to do anything for it.
You're in the same boat I'd been in. Too much power and energy attained over time in advancement not enough focus on material matters and your physical body. Creates a severe imbalance, drives you crazy, makes you confused, can't find answers to anything your asking yourself because everything is all over the place with a million directions and interpretations and so much of it can be misleading. Too much power where your every thought and slightest intent even unintentional has you magically making something happen left and right and you lack control and discipline over it, you don't know what's real and what's your imagination. You can make things happen far too powerfully on accident either to yourself, others or the environment around you.
I'm going to warn you the same thing I was warned. This has been the self-destructive downfall of mages in the past. I was in the same situation for roughly a year that you are in right now. And just recently in the past few weeks after a most debilitating event resulting from it, I was able to sift through the mess and control myself enough to get the answers to help me out of it. I am now able to give you these same answers, but like
I had to, no matter how much I hated it, you have to force yourself to heed even if it's boring.
I mean reread what you said at the end of your post, you already
suspect what you need to do, you already subconsciously know and this isn't the first time you brought it up, Satan and the gods are giving you signs, you need to see them for the convenience and meaningfulness they hold in helping you. I saw the exact same kinds of signs, hell you told me some and many more, so I'm here to confirm them because it's all been working like a damn miracle for me and I see hundreds of things now that I didn't see before. You need to discipline yourself now on your end to do what needs to be done for the sake of your wellbeing both physically and mentally, just like I had to and still am.
You have too much power and you focus this too much on psychic creative matters, everything is light, flighty, airy and in your mind, too much mental tuning to everything around you, you're always psychically reading things around you almost constantly, seeing symbols and runes in things and shapes and numbers almost 24/7 and the imbalance of your physical body in lacking focus towards things such as exercising and health mirrors the response of the lower chakras in this as well, in that they are unable to hold you steady. You are already powerful, you need to hold off the spiritual advancement and just keep at a steady balanced level for as long as is needed so you can catch up and focus on physical matters, this is what I am doing, my primary focus is no longer spiritual advancement right now it's physical advancement.
Of course you still do the RTR and everything like AoP and cleaning routinely but I personally have reduced the time and energy spent on my routine meditations, I have no need to spend several minutes on raising my energies or 10 minutes building an AoP for instance, I already naturally run on a lot of power all I need is 30 seconds with good confidence and intent and this is likely the case with you as well. Just slow it down and keep your energies still, you do not need to be hopped up on high energy all the time and you shouldn't be focusing on it constantly either, I had to learn this the
very hard way. And yes I know how weird and uncomfortable it feels to not be psychically in tuned to everything around you all the time because we're not used to it, it feels wrong or incorrect, like a comforting noise you don't want to turn off but like
I had to you need to do this.
It's difficult to find that sweet-spot of balance where you're grounded but still able to have relative access to psychic ability when you need it, but psychic ability should be something accessible in the background. Our primary focus should be logical in the physical plane, spiritual ability and focus is secondary. Psychic people like us are a bit different than most others. Where as most members are practicing and training to be in tune to the astral and their psychic powers, we need to do the exact opposite and practice and train ourselves to tune into the physical plane.
Spirituality and psychic energy to us is legit addictive because the upper chakras rule over bliss and pleasant emotions, this is why when we tune out of this to the material plane it feels weird and unpleasant, we no longer have that pleasing sensation, it feels empty and vacant like a void, but we need to exude discipline and control over this to focus on material matters regardless otherwise we lose our minds. No pleasantry of such is worth suffering immense psychological traumas or hardships and frustrations of the self. You need to stop focusing so much on energy and creative matters of the mind for the time being.
From my own experience I reckon the symptoms of this imbalance you're probably having are occasional muscle spasms,
lots of disorientation and confusion as well as frustration from such, struggle to find truth or answers in anything as too much makes no sense or is proven wrong or counters other things, coldness or heat on your body that comes out of no where from time to time, feeling astral 'touch' or sensations on your skin a lot, electrical 'pokes' on the skin, seeing almost everything around you here and there as symbolical or in a creative picture form as having meaning of something or seeing runes a lot in material patterns or seeing far too many shapes in things like clouds or smoke almost 24/7 and
extreme trouble sleeping.
These are signs of your psychic energy and energy in general, your control over it and your creative tuning being wildly overpowered in focus and imbalance and out of control. Those sensations such as astral touch, hot and cold, tingling, stinging, you are causing
yourself with unintentionally manifesting of magic and direction of elements and energy. The 6th chakra rules over intent, it follows whatever you believe even subconsciously and unintentionally and then it manifests it by your own powers because you're lacking the grounded physical-aspect tuning, control, discipline and balance to keep those powers contained and in control until you actually
do want to use them. When you have a lot of power but no control over it, this is where the self-destructive factor that mages in the past dealt with happens.
You need to let go of spiritual advancement for a while and do logical things, focus on physical matters and
don't be passive. Sleeping in, sleeping too long, watching tv/movies too often all the time every day, doing things that don't require you to take action or that don't make you have the need to actually
do something, when you are passive like this then you are atrophying physical matters and material focus and balance and you are making the lower chakras useless and weak.
The lower chakras are all about material matters, the earth element, the fire element, masculine, action and motion, they rule over DOING things, discipline, tasks, when you take ACTION and move, have motion, come alive and do things, jobs, chores, physical exertion, disciplining yourself, even forcing yourself to do necessary things like putting away groceries, getting around to homework or a project or exercising when you don't want to, hell exercising itself even, this ALL stimulates and empowers the lower chakras which builds them as the solid grounding counterweight to holding your psychic mind steady in harmonized balance. Less confusion, less disorientation, more truths and less imagination and lies and self deceit, more control and discipline over your powers and abilities and of the self.
The lower chakras are masculine, the higher chakras are feminine, they are both opposite forces with different functions, aspects and rulerships but they
work together. For example one of the 6th chakra's functions is intent, intent is the essence of manifesting and making things happen for real on the astral, but in order to make things happen with our own mind correctly as we want it to, we need to have confidence and belief in what we're doing, right? If we doubt we don't manifest anything and this is warned time and time again. Well guess what, the very function of confidence and belief comes from the 6th's chakras direct counterpart, the lower masculine sacral chakra. They work together, so when one side is entirely out of balance or overpowered without the other one there to hold it steady and keep it in line, chaos, madness, and struggles ensue to no end until you work and put in the effort to correct.
All of the lower chakras are of the material, the physical, the masculine and the logical. You need to make yourself a physical exercise routine and you need to
stick with it. If you're sore one day then focus exercise on things that aren't sore, for instance if your arms are sore then work on your legs, or abs and such. Jog daily at reasonable levels you can handle and do it every day and build yourself up in time, if you're sore from jogging a prior day then just powerwalk for that day and so until you can jog again, don't over do it but
always do something physical daily like this in exercising and strengthening the body.
As you go along and are able to handle a steady level without pain or exhaustion, then raise your exertion a bit, a few more reps, a few more minutes of jogging and then stick with that until you get used to it and then just keep going. It is said firmly on the website that you MUST be very physically fit for the safe ascension of the kundalini serpent. You don't need to be ripped to all hell like a beast but you need to be physically fit and strong, far more so than your average individual. As you build up physically, this will help connect your physical body with the level of your soul and the two will be far more in tune with one another and will form a strong tie. This tie in balancing the two forms like this is part of the major build up in attaining the Magnum Opus as was stated in
Cobra's sermon. This is what is meant by "connection of the soul to the body" in that sermon.
Your soul is already strong, but now you need to stop focusing on making it stronger for a while and turn your attention to your physical body now and advance and strengthen that for the foreseeable future to play catch-up. Still meditate everyday, do your cleanings, etc, but you're gonna be doing the bare minimum now especially when it comes to your energy levels/vril, you're
just going to keep at a still and steady level and I trust you'll intuitively know where this lies, no more raising your energies or power higher than is needed until you get a good grip on your physical matters now. For the past couple of weeks I've hardly done more than 4 breaths of the foundation meditation, hell I've hardly needed to do 2 just to hold myself at a steady and consistent level of vril.
There is already spiritual power and with that much power you really don't need to do much to attain a lot, you need to focus on physical matters now in fitness and health. Physical advancement should be your focus moving forward now for the time being, this could take a year or more, it all depends on your efforts and how consistent you are, but it is important that the power and strength of the physical body catches up to the power and strength of the soul to achieve appropriate balance.
Vibrating Satanama will help you with balance like this as well. And instead of having pass-time go-tos like watching tv a movie or napping, you could, say, play a video game that requires you to take logical and strategic action, survival games are good for this, hundreds of decent ones can be found on Steam alone. Or you could do a crossword puzzle, play a game of chess, go for a walk outside, craft and build something, do something physical and/or logical and of the Earth and Fire element (exercising utilizes both of these elemental powers) and as is necessary
force yourself to do such even if you don't want to. When you force yourself to do things you don't want to that are good for you this activates the discipline of the base chakra which empowers it and strengthens it, and overtime you'll find disciplining yourself will come far more easily and you gain more self-control over many matters.
I know this was a lot to read, but I usually cover as many points as possible in helping someone and it seems very conveniently you need to know the answers I needed and found, and since you're not seeing them, I'm sharing them with you. And yes oftentimes you may say the answers to your own problems and situations (which you have done) to someone else without practicing them for yourself because you don't know they're also answers to your own problems. If I had a dime for every time that happened to me.