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Banking/economy memes & videos


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Some may be true, some may be false.

















Size of bank failures since 2000


See also
March 2023 United States bank failures
(This was archived 2 days ago, but not by me.)

Clearly, the jew doesn't know how to handle money, finances, economy... Unless... this is all being done deliberately, so as to make it worse for the Goyim... The jew is very rich, though, as shown already plus as people know already, so... obviously, this is deliberate and orchestrated. I've learnt that Adolf Hitler fixed the German economy and gave people jobs. Hm. Interesting...


Well, that may not be true entirely. We know the jew understands occult practices, and Hitler was and is a very dangerous Man against the jew, Hitler being the Anti-christ, of course.

It is important to identify the antichrist because from it will come the sign, or "mark", of it's authority. Against this mark, "the mark of the beast", or the mark of the authority of the antichrist, comes one of the Bible's strongest prohibitions.
["The Anti-christ - Daniel 7 and Revelation 13" bibleuniverse.com, https://archive.is/QTAln];

So the antichrist in Revelation is not human but a beast, although there are antichrists who are humans that rejected God.
["Is the Antichrist supposed to be a human or a demon?" christianity.stackexchange.com, https://archive.is/cNtzW];

The number of the Antichrist is 666, meaning he is just a man who exalts himself to be God
["The Hidden Meaning of 666 Nobody’s Talking About" faithfoundedonfact.com, https://archive.is/zSvCP]
(Yes, let's lol or groan at "faith founded on fact"...)

Revelation 13:18
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast - for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

This calls for wisdom. Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666.

Obviously, the jew has tried to make LORD Hitler be a beast, these last 80-or-so years. Slander, libel... such defamation because Hitler did good things. Remember - good is evil and evil is good in christianity; "god" and "the devil" are backwards, etc. LORD Hitler is of LORD Satan, and 666 is in biology, so... Hitler doing good things - and doing them well - for the economy, the war in Germany was partly/mostly about Hitler.

I would be remiss if I didn't include one of the World's largest money-making organisations.







Previously, I knew, according to Wikipaedia and InfoPlease, that there were 2.2 billion (2 200 000 000) christians in the World. The information below was retrieved and archived on 17/03/2023.





I know the number of christians previously as being 2.2 billion in the World, so because of that, and also because of the differing numbers given above, I calculate this as 2.2 billion.


Do the maths yourself. Anyone can argue, "Yeah, OK, fine, but not all christians actually go to church; those who do, not all actually pay the tithe; most of those who claim they are christians are actually not christians" in response to this information. Fair enough; however, £€$¥100 per week was only an example; many people earn more than that and others earn a lot more than that, so this example calculation sort of averages-out - and more to the point than that, the amount that the richest earn more than the poorest far outweighs the false/half/Sunday-christians; hence why I said it sort-of averages out; so this not only is an average, it is more like a bare minimum, scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel average - and it still equals over £€$¥1 trillion per year.





Previously, I said,
You could also say that the "tit" in "tithe" is refers to a parasite suckling shekels out of the Goyim constantly. I may be sceptical!


Well - or welp... the jew suckles like a parasite on the teets of its host Goyim slaves, while the Goyim slaves are all dazed - or judaised/jew-dazed...
which is true; it parasitises off our Soul and Mind and Physical Energies; I now also add that mummy jew reckons we not have to be spoon-fed; rather, worse than that - the jew reckons we have to suckle on its teet, as in a symbiotic... erm... "relationship" (without a host, the parasite would die, no?)... because we have to be immature Children (with "Childlike faith", and "as the little ones"...) instead of being mature and standing on our own two feet, looking after ourselves and improving and bettering and advancing.

Will christianity/the jew pope come and save the day? With all of that absolute minimum of 1 trillion 144 billion per year, a lot of banks could be saved... no? Not saving the people, of course, like the picture says about Iceland, but saving the banks?
The jew created a plutocracy or plutarchy on Earth. The jew tries to make Democracy not exist. Not to mention, as others state, America is a business, as well. I would extend that to say the jew wants Planet Earth to be a manufactory, to be manufactory.


There is so much dirty (in more (((ways))) than one) industry. The jew has polluted Planet Earth with all of this. (Not to mention - stained and tainted Planet Earth by its mere presence here.) It's all about consumption. We are not "allowed" to 'consume' Energy, so we have to have a heck of a lot of Energy pumped into manufacture, just to give us a brief release of happy hormones, and then throw that manufactured thing away - or as it is now, wait until it breaks/wears out so that we are not "allowed" to get replacements; rather, we have to waste more money on it again.






"ATBGE" stands for Awful Taste, but Great Execution.


It's all geared towards killing local, small businesses which you can visit Physically, in-person. It is programming, to make us accept the Internet of Things (IoT), digitalising everything, so we can be connected to the jew matrix instead. (See also - 15-minute cities.)



Don't forget (or come to know, then don't forget) -


trying to infect Babies with HIV. Not only that, the best idea was to make the poster for it be with White people!

Also know and don't forget -

It's the same with food/junk food.



In two words - 'shrinkflation' and 'greedflation'.


I checked to see if that is true, and it appears to be -







Ending this post on some actually-good news and positivity.





The dead don't, and can't, pay taxes. Maybe the jew does need us to remain alive. Without a host to feed on, the jew parasite would starve and die.

This post is an extension of this post.
Tengen Toppa T said:
You got some good memes here. The Ben Franklin quote on Jews was so dangerously based I had to look it up to see that it was real
Oh, yeah, I know. I checked the Benjamin Franklin one about the money, and as far as I can tell it is true. It is interesting, though - his wishes were not honoured. He said to give the money to young tradesmen... instead, it went to other people and things.




"Not just record profits, but record profit margins. It’s literally costing businesses less money to make more profit..."
Dumfries House, Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland

Old versus New. They don't make them like the used to.


"No 10-pack for you, consumer. Strawberry is the most-favourite and most-popular flavour, so we make it scarce on purpose so that you have to buy more so we make more money! We're selfish, and you don't matter! ^^"

For all of your years of hard work and dedication, our esteemed...


...slaves. Have a shitty, little cupcake. xD

Not a BMW nor a Saleen S7.
Not a huge bonus nor a new kitchen/bathroom.
Not a year's VIP pass to an 18-hole golf course nor an all-inclusive, all-expenses paid with 10k spending money holiday.
Not a yacht nor a private jet...

Have a. fucking. shitty. little. cupcake.

Did you eat a delicious meal yesterday to make you fat? Did your boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss?
With entertainment, you still don't own anything and... you still won't be happy

It's designed so that you pay more and more (and more and more) to get what you want, because they fuck you about - even with computer games and the entertainment industry. Do you have original PlayStation 1 games and want to play them but your PS1 broke? Good luck with playing them on later consoles! You have to re-buy them/buy a "bundle/plan"! xD (Dutch kept on trying to warn us that... is... the plan. It is the only plan.) As one there said, and as I have known myself and with others, "upgraded" systems, which are new and supposedly better, don't have disc drives. Guess what. You have to... yep... buy a separate disc drive! It's xianity all over again - buying them again, buying a plan/bundle, buying a component they removed, paying repeatedly for the same things repeatedly. Oops. I can see a pattern here. I'd best be quiet... Also it's to make things become more digital and less physical, smaller and smaller. I won't mention the microchip nor the IoT - the Internet of Things; "smart" homes, "smart" cars, "smart" phones, etc.

Sometimes, people use "smart" to mean "well-dressed" - compared with older things, these modern contraptions are boring and without features and style at all. They don't make them like they used to... As for "contraption" - I'd be remiss if I didn't conspiracy theory-ise it! - "Con" means "with" (also the opposite of "pro") and "trap" is to trap, entrap, so con-trap-tion... meh - ions are really small things, too small to see - con-trap-tion* - we're not supposed to notice what (((they))) are doing against us.

There are supposedly laws such as "Right to Repair" which

is a legal right for owners of devices and equipment to freely modify and repair products such as automobiles, electronics, and farm equipment. Right to repair may also refer to the social movement of citizens putting pressure on their governments to enact laws protecting a right to repair.

Common obstacles to repair include requirements to use only the manufacturer's maintenance services, restrictions on access to tools and components, and software barriers.

Proponents for this right point to the benefits in affordability, sustainability, and availability of critical supplies in times of crisis.

and it appears be this just above, that said something about preventing software updates/upgrades damaging hardware.


My Conversation with an AI Chatbot - "Right to Repair"
Software Updates and Hardware

I thought I heard of a law or a proposed that law that is supposed to prevent software updates/upgrades breaking hardware.

Yes, there have been discussions and some proposed legislation around this issue, particularly in the context of the "right to repair" movement. This movement seeks to ensure that consumers can repair and maintain their own devices, including preventing software updates from intentionally degrading hardware performance.

A notable example of this issue came up in cases where software updates led to performance throttling on devices, such as Apple’s iPhone battery controversy. Some countries and regions, like the European Union, have been working on laws that address aspects of this problem. For example:

  1. Right to Repair: The EU has passed rules requiring manufacturers to make it easier for consumers to repair their devices, including providing spare parts and repair manuals, as well as ensuring that software updates don’t significantly degrade device performance.
  2. Consumer Protection Laws: These laws might indirectly address this by holding companies responsible for providing software updates that do not harm hardware performance or usability, especially when consumers are unaware of potential negative effects.
There may not be a universal law specifically preventing software updates from breaking hardware, but this issue is being addressed through various consumer rights and repairability-focused regulations.

I wonder if "RtR" is done to combat the Joy of Satan's Reverse-torah Ritual usage of the term/abbreviation.

Hold companies responsible for not harming hardware? What about holding them responsible for harming hardware? Just a reminder -ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.

I know "updating" apps, etc., breaks them, so I call it downdating or as you saw, wrap "these" little fellas around the word instead, because it makes it worse; and reading reviews, a lot of people complain about that, as well, yet are ignored. The (((corporations))) think they can do what they want. Maybe one way the "govern"ments ru(i)n things is by being corporate "govern"ment. It plays corporate as well as communist, etc., together, all blended together, and it wishes that we were ragdolls or balls being batted around and battered, like a pinball in a pinball machine.

It's all trust and reliability - not that these things are reliable; rather, that we have to rely on them. Instead of making our own fun, entertaining entertainment, happiness, we have to pay something else to do a bit of a thing, then change it and pay it more to try and fix it. We have to trust them, not least of which being with keeping our personal details sage, which I expect will be leaked sooner or later regardless of anything. "You get what you pay for"... sometimes. It's as if we are slaves and the self-proclaimed "masters" think they can do what they want with us...

With entertainment, you still don't own anything and... you still won't be happy.

*"What about that extra T?" OK, Mr Autistic. That's for my cupper in the morning; or T from GTA5 knows about the reptillians and some conspiracy theory things. I'm allowed to be silly; don't be so autistic!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
