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Ban Porn?

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Christian nutcases who have a Jewish book that states the original sin that caused all mankind to fall was Adam and Eve having sex. The tree of "good and evil" is Daath in Hebrew a word which means.....SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE meaning they had sex and was the line of the Church forever. Some how their "god" created Adumb and Evawah with sexual organs and desire and created humans to create new people with sex to keep humanity going but this is evil cause Sholomo the Incel Rabbi wrote a book that says so.

Now the Christian nutcases are attempting to go for the bronze turd trophy and attempt to promote a false moral front to engage in their schizophrenic religion and claim some guy jerking off to a consensual, normal fully grown women on a cam show is the reason for everything from hurricanes to child trafficking across the border to the apocalypse and all suffering on earth literally that's the Bible.

Now they want to impose laws that would criminalize the population for liking boobies.

If its not the crazy Marxist left pushing for censorship and more government control its the Jewsus loving rightwing. Both the left and right ass cheek around the same all seeing turd eye of the jooish "god".

The Bible is toxic and orders people to murder all non believers, sacrifice their children and engage in ritual murder and cannibalism, why can't we ban the Bible.... That has messed up the mind of generations and causes mass warfare, the inquisition and all kinds of evil stuff.... Then the Rightwing will scream "Noooo Muh Freedumb's!" These hypocrites suck if you live in any of these States please don't vote for any of these people.


Republican lawmaker in Arizona is so concerned by the proliferation of “sexually toxic” material online that she wants want pornography declared a public health crisis.
According to the measure introduced by Republican state representative Michelle Udall Thursday, pornography "perpetuates a sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society," reported the Arizona Republic.
In the bill, Udall reportedly compares the use of pornography to previous public health crises such as tobacco consumption and says that pornography is used pervasively, “even by minors.”...…………...

Witness how they tie and merge things that don't connect together to tack on the censorship..... Looking at normal legal porn sites is now somehow equal with actual crimes like trafficking human beings. And now they want to impose a money grab tax on the fact you like Boobies or your a criminal....Fuck off jebus freaks.

Hawaii became the latest state to propose a fee to browse pornography online. Sponsors of the bill in the Aloha State say the legislation will help curb human sex trafficking and children's access to porn sites through their electronic devices.
Legislation proposed Thursday has various layers, from preventing children to access pornography on their phones to make it more difficult for porn sites to become hubs for human trafficking.
The proposed bill would require a one-time $20 fee for those seeking to browse internet porn sites. Money from fees would fund the state’s coffers to address and slow human trafficking, according to the bill. Similar legislation has been filed in other states in an attempt to slow human sex trafficking...…."

The Democrat and traitor Republican's won't let Trump build a wall anywhere any time. But this somehow will change all that..... No it will allow for the government to impose internet censorship China style, criminalize the populace for liking Boobies and steal peoples money under legal threat.


"Arizona state Rep. Gail Griffin (R-Hereford) has presented a bill to the state legislature that could end the stalemate between Congressional Democrats and President Donald Trump over $5.7 billion for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
According to KOLD TV, House Bill 2444 would impose a porn tax on residents of Arizona and require payment of at least $20 in order to view pornography on the internet."
The bill calls for software that blocks "websites that display obscene material on the internet" to be installed on all electronic devices sold in Arizona. In order to remove the block, individuals would be required to prove they are at least 18 years old and to pay the $20 fee.
Any private citizen or distributor who sidesteps the block would be committing a class 1 misdemeanor, the bill says...….
HP Mageson666 said:
Christian nutcases who have a Jewish book that states the original sin that caused all mankind to fall was Adam and Eve having sex. The tree of "good and evil" is Daath in Hebrew a word which means.....SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE meaning they had sex and was the line of the Church forever. Some how their "god" created Adumb and Evawah with sexual organs and desire and created humans to create new people with sex to keep humanity going but this is evil cause Sholomo the Incel Rabbi wrote a book that says so.

Now the Christian nutcases are attempting to go for the bronze turd trophy and attempt to promote a false moral front to engage in their schizophrenic religion and claim some guy jerking off to a consensual, normal fully grown women on a cam show is the reason for everything from hurricanes to child trafficking across the border to the apocalypse and all suffering on earth literally that's the Bible.

Now they want to impose laws that would criminalize the population for liking boobies.

If its not the crazy Marxist left pushing for censorship and more government control its the Jewsus loving rightwing. Both the left and right ass cheek around the same all seeing turd eye of the jooish "god".

The Bible is toxic and orders people to murder all non believers, sacrifice their children and engage in ritual murder and cannibalism, why can't we ban the Bible.... That has messed up the mind of generations and causes mass warfare, the inquisition and all kinds of evil stuff.... Then the Rightwing will scream "Noooo Muh Freedumb's!" These hypocrites suck if you live in any of these States please don't vote for any of these people.


Republican lawmaker in Arizona is so concerned by the proliferation of “sexually toxic” material online that she wants want pornography declared a public health crisis.
According to the measure introduced by Republican state representative Michelle Udall Thursday, pornography "perpetuates a sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society," reported the Arizona Republic.
In the bill, Udall reportedly compares the use of pornography to previous public health crises such as tobacco consumption and says that pornography is used pervasively, “even by minors.”...…………...

Witness how they tie and merge things that don't connect together to tack on the censorship..... Looking at normal legal porn sites is now somehow equal with actual crimes like trafficking human beings. And now they want to impose a money grab tax on the fact you like Boobies or your a criminal....Fuck off jebus freaks.

Hawaii became the latest state to propose a fee to browse pornography online. Sponsors of the bill in the Aloha State say the legislation will help curb human sex trafficking and children's access to porn sites through their electronic devices.
Legislation proposed Thursday has various layers, from preventing children to access pornography on their phones to make it more difficult for porn sites to become hubs for human trafficking.
The proposed bill would require a one-time $20 fee for those seeking to browse internet porn sites. Money from fees would fund the state’s coffers to address and slow human trafficking, according to the bill. Similar legislation has been filed in other states in an attempt to slow human sex trafficking...…."

The Democrat and traitor Republican's won't let Trump build a wall anywhere any time. But this somehow will change all that..... No it will allow for the government to impose internet censorship China style, criminalize the populace for liking Boobies and steal peoples money under legal threat.


"Arizona state Rep. Gail Griffin (R-Hereford) has presented a bill to the state legislature that could end the stalemate between Congressional Democrats and President Donald Trump over $5.7 billion for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
According to KOLD TV, House Bill 2444 would impose a porn tax on residents of Arizona and require payment of at least $20 in order to view pornography on the internet."
The bill calls for software that blocks "websites that display obscene material on the internet" to be installed on all electronic devices sold in Arizona. In order to remove the block, individuals would be required to prove they are at least 18 years old and to pay the $20 fee.
Any private citizen or distributor who sidesteps the block would be committing a class 1 misdemeanor, the bill says...….

In an ideal society, no one would even want to watch porn (just like in an ideal society, no one would want to do drugs), but forcibly making porn harder to access would only increase the rate of sexual crime. After the failure of Prohibition, I didn't think lawmakers would again try to ban things like alcohol/porn.
HP Mageson666 said:
No it will allow for the government to impose internet censorship China style, criminalize the populace for liking Boobies and steal peoples money under legal threat.

Currently in France there is a discussion to monitor the population and its navigations on the internet. Macaroni seeks to remove anonymity on the web, concretely the contours are unclear, it could be to declare in police a twitter account, facebook or other social networks. For example. The official reasons for this case are to have the public admit that this law will make it possible to fight against online harassment, terrorism or hatred; but in reality, it's mostly about controlling the internet.

They call this oversight (excuse my English is approximate, I can translate from English into my language but the opposite is more difficult) "democratic hygiene of the status of information" or "hygiene of information». Macaroni explains that this legislative measure, because in France the enemy makes a lot of law, will be progressive.

In concrete terms, web users will still be able to keep a psedonym on social networks, but their contact details will always be a source of information about their activity. This is already done with Google, for example, who collects data and sells them, except this time, it is the state directly, who will take cognizance of communications outside any judicial framework. Clearly, this is a measure to limit freedom of expression. More worrying still is the concept that macaroni uses to qualify his law project. It is very clear that this stage is the first in a long series of measures that ultimately seeks to control the opinion (by the intrinsic name), and as a logical consequence, this law could be extended to create new categories of offense, particularly in political matters.

This is not paranoia, but this system joins the post of Hp Cobra, on the European army and the European police which results, in this way with the last laws on the fakes news, the end of the anonymity of the internet, the future law but planned on "the truth" in the media (macaroni seeks to make the media, relay only the official information, thus that the government on the reality, he called « the truth », I call it the" Pravda "...) there will be new category of offense, so the consultation of the site JoS in France could become illegal: this amalgam of laws of control can extend in its applications to the « sites conspirationists ».

In Europe, we have little puritanism unlike in the United States, even if in reality we are not more liberated, our manners are seemingly free but in reality very standardized, so the enemy attacks our freedom on the internet of another way. Of course these bills only concern France, but with the European elections, if the camp of liberals and macaroni wins, French laws could extend over the economic space because of the security presence of the future European army.

Please excuse my English is limited, and I would not be doing long development, I tried to communicate the essentials. All this is very serious, especially since several ministers start their censorship of the internet with all their usual moral shit.
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
My personal opinion is that porn is full of subliminal stuff, and that a lot of porn trends are the result of programming, not things people organically desire.

For the record, I'm not saying porn is inherently bad or that it should be illegal. In itself, I don't think it's particularly good or bad. But modern porn companies are run by Jews and push all sorts of revolting garbage.

Major porn sites promote tons of videos that feature either interracial or incest themes, even though such genres are not very popular among people. They also promote videos featuring very young looking girls, simulated rape, etc. Hollywood studios relentlessly track down people who post copyrighted material on the web, but many porn studios are fine with their videos being on free sites.

Also, I think a lot of fetishes are probably the result of programming, rather than natural occurrences. Sure, people have natural preferences for more dominant or submissive partners. But some of the specific, memetic fetishes present online seem almost certainly to be social engineering to me.

Benjamin Garland's writing on the porn industry shows it has always been run by Jews. His writing has some Xian garbage in it, so read with discretion if you choose too. But the industry itself is depressing and disgusting. Xians wanting to ban consenting adults from taking nude photos of themselves, of course, is wrong too, and distracts from the problem. Nudity is not the problem, Jews running industries is.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?
I've heard the ancient Egyptians would shave the whole body for aesthetic and hygienic purposes but I don't know how accurate is this.

Some people have excessive amount of body hair, but imo I don't think either a complete shave in men or women is even close to attractive, there should be left some indicative of a grown up adult down there, and most men naturally preffer in women a trimmed over shaved vulva according a research.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

This could just be me being naive and not knowing the industry well enough, but the vibe that I've always gotten is the industry will produce films with actors they believe are considered attractive by the majority of the porn-consuming audience. Some things certainly do have that subliminal push like race-mixing and even incest, but in regards to things like body/pubic hair, this may boil down to what they believe is the personal preferences of their audience(s). Back in the 70s, pubic hair likely wasn't seen as unappealing by the audiences of that day; thus you'll see more porn stars with unshaven genitalia and the iconic "porn 'stache" and what-have-you.

With me being gay and only consuming porn with manly man-men in it, I can only really speak as someone whom the porn industry has viewed as being part of the "gay audience," thus I get the host of gay porn stars that are chosen based on what they think the gay audience wants to see. For a long, solid minute and to a notable extent to this day, body/pubic hair was seen as undesirable, especially amongst gays in my generation. So there are entire studios who have these idealized, clean-shaven gays with absolutely no body hair to speak of. It's almost unnerving how they try to get these "picture-perfect" gay porn stars that don't even resemble real people. That being said, however, there's been a recent "shift" over the years in what's considered attractive by the mainstream, porn-consuming gay community, and I've noticed that hairier men - bears and otters as they are known as - are becoming increasingly popular and sought after on dating/sex websites.

If there is a subliminal intent behind all of this, I'm simply too unaware at this point in time to notice it and describe it in words to others, but to summarize, the current feeling I get is pubic/body hair has experienced generational drops and spikes in popularity, to which the porn industry responds by focusing on actors they think will be the most attractive to their audience. Now we're experiencing, at least in gay porn, a resurgence of interest in "bears" and bearded men, and an increasing amount of porn is started to reflect this accordingly. How Muslims might tie into this, I'm not so certain, hopefully someone will have some insight on that.
I think it depends on the type of pornography in question. There are some really negative forms of pornography out there that can really wreak havoc on a person's mind. I have in the past viewed certain types of pornography that run counter to Satan's will. I know what I did was wrong and I am doing the Mars square to annihilate that aspect of my being. Certain types of porn are capable of leading a person to develop suicidal thoughts. Obviously, though, not all forms of pornography are negative.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I don't think shaving has any correlation with Muslims. Just looks good that way. Women are made with such beautiful bodies people love to see them, it's different if they're so covered up with hair that they can't be seen as well.
With the porn industry it probably mostly started as a health thing. Don't want the entire industry getting bit by crabs. :shock: or even something worse than them
I thought muslims never shave? Don't think they have anything to do with this.
Honestly i'd have to know the Gods personal stance on this to make it obvious. To me it seems like forced garbage like circumcision. It makes sense it's from mudslimes as it's most oppressive to Women from my experiences i .e a Man can get away with hair sometimes but most are usually mad if a Women isn't clean shaven. It's all just hygiene in the end if you take care of your privates a coushined ride can be preffered to slappin skin.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I think concerning oral sex you don't want the genitalia to have hair because it can get in your mouth and you'll have to keep getting it out while giving oral.
Pornography as it exists today is a completely Jewish dominated industry. They promote interracial porn and other disgusting fetishes which are the reflections of their own disgusting self. They've taken out the spiritual and made sex a commodity. According to many studies pornography causes erectile dysfunction and shrinking of parts of brain that's related to memory and cognitive function. By this I mean regular jerking off to porn.

Most of the cast are Jewish. Either the man is a Jew, or almost every time the female is a Jewish yenta. Not like the 90s porn which was by gentile actors. If you jerk off to Jews, your sexual energy is going to be connected with the Jewish racial consciousness and their god form.
The porn creators and directors are Jews. The Marxists are Jews. The Zionists are Jews. These are all different pieces of their godform manifesting in different ways to cause cognitive dissonance among the native populations. But eventually their geared towards destroying the population and creating their one world government. Zionism=Communism=Judaism.

The Nazis burnt and eradicated all the disgusting erotic art of the Jews and created true spiritual erotic art and statues. They banned all disgusting manifestations of Jewish nightlife and sex industry. Before Berlin was known as the sex capital of Europe. Mothers and daughters, pregnant women were prostituting to feed themselves during the great depression. The Nazis promoted organic sex. Today's pornography is geared towards unreal manifestations of sex and disgusting fetishes. Studies show Majority women view "Ultra violent porn and rape fantasies". This is in line with black migrant rape epidemic in Europe. Most rapes in Sweden were done by non-white black migrants. This is psychologically messing up women and men alike and destroying organic connections replacing everything with meat and pleasure.

The porn industry should be regulated and all the disgusting shit must be removed. Although not completely banned. The description of sexual performance and different positions which are connected to tantra yoga is important if someone hopes to advance spiritually, using sex with a partner.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I think it has something to do with the following: It makes it more pleasent to go down on the partner. It seems like it makes cocks look bigger. It can feel better to fuck if there’s no itchy hair getting in the way. Even if it’s comditioned, it still at least tickles. Maybe because it is a gugene statement, or aesthetic, like how porn stars bleach their anus. I think that’s all cool. I’m all for hair removal and anal bleaching, being an ocd person with a high amount of Virgo influence. I don’t like having hair on my ass, or a few on my chest. Not trying to look like a faun. Pubes are itchy. I know that calendula ointment and rose water can be great aftershaves because I use that for aftershave, but it might work for generally itchy pubes, too. I feel like it’s ‘sleek’ looking to remove hair. I also would like to add that cock pumps do work, I gained half an inch. Incase any guys are insecure. My confidence is way higher. It’s no fun having to press the ruler to the bone to feign six inches. You can pressurize it until it’s uncomfortable. All in all, if someone wants to let the hair grow, thrn in my opinion it’s not sexy, but it’s natural. I yhink having some hair, but having it contained is cool. It looks kinda weird if there’s no hair. Shaving testacles can stretch the skin and cause sagging. Some of this is off topic, but I feel like people would want to know. This stuff hurts people’s self esteem and it is really sad.

Products for those who are interested.

Sendative skin hair removal:

Nair is toxic, but it works.

Here’s some lymphnode detoxifiers if someone uses Nair.



Also, for sagging breasts and trstacles, take aloe gel and mix it with fullers earth bentanite clay. Ley it dry and then wash off.

For really dark nipples, spots from penis enlargement, or anal bleaching. Aloe vera over this can help if it’s irritating.




Castor oil and magnesium can help bent dicks, too. After a hot shower or magnesium rich epsom salt bath is good. Then stretch the thing.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Maybe it has something to do with making them look younger or even child like? I do not find it appealing but maybe that's just preference.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
it could be knowing who runs the industry seeing that Islam is so deeply tied into Judaism https://www.executive-shaving.co.uk/Religion-and-Shaving-A-Guide
This is one more instance of Hard Place+Head+Rock, with a Jew holding the rock. On the one hand you have 1500 years of sexual dysfunction in the West courtesy of Christianity, which not only manifests in "Sex Is Evil" sermonizing, but in the opposite extreme as well (if you look at the developed-world parts of East Asia, the absolute worst place for gender relations and the place with the most hypersexualized "on-camera" media is South Korea. 30% of the population is Christian, this is the only part of East Asia where Christianity ever took a solid foothold). Then when millions of frustrated men and women turn to porn because there's simply no other outlet, they're going to sites that are almost all owned and run by Jews (PornHub is the most famous example - watch for the menorah they put over their logo every December).

I can personally say that "on-camera" sexual media does become draining, on an emotional level, to watch on a regular basis. You take what's potentially a very spiritual and personal experience and "mass-produce" it into the same basic script, with the same basic expressions and reactions, millions and millions of times over. People joke about "Waifuism," but I've honestly found that erotic illustration is a lot healthier than regular porn - a drawing can take on any range of emotional expression, and if the figure being depicted is a character from a show or movie, or even just a minute-long short film, there will be more relatable personality in that drawing than anything you can get from "Fat Guy #5487 Puts Penis In Young Girl #900001". Basically, I can't see the current setup of "porn" lasting very long in an actual, healthy society, but there's plenty of art and illustration that is both erotically and emotionally satisfying to look at ("SyntheticPotato" on DeviantArt is a great example of someone who infuses a lot of Divine Sexuality into their work).

The "State Fee To Access Forbidden Websites" bill, of course, is absolute lunacy.
"Of course you have to pay to access that website goy, they're posting naked pictures along with all that political speech!"
"Of course the fee has gone up to $40! Don't you know how badly we need that $80?"
"We're adding a separate fee for the political speech too. Porn is literally rape, but hate speech is literally antisemitic genocide, so you'll need to pay at least $1000."
"Don't forget to provide valid state ID. Community awareness of potential offenders is a priority, so your status as a HateSpeechPass holder will be visible on our central database to all employers and community anti-fascist activists nationwide."



I see the sign now I told her to do porn and now she shapeshifts
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
For some years I shaved, and then one time I got a full wax job where the roots are removed as well. When I saw myself naked after, I got this deep shock, a sickening feeling like I was no longer a woman. I felt like a little girl, I felt really gross. Never again. I no longer shave completely either (I just trim the area shorter) and I feel like I look like a woman now.

Also, a man I dated years ago shaved himself one valentines day. it grossed me out so much, I had to avoid having sex with him until it grew back. It didn't help that he was really skinny with no muscle. Public hair is part of being an adult.
I believe that porn is harmful to younger generations, mostly because their young mind will easily get addicted to it and they will most likely have trouble communicating with members of the other sex, they should learn first of all to have normal love feelings towards members of the other sex. Many young people have trouble having a pleasureful sex experience because they are too used to porn.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Personally, I like it when my partner is shaved. I find that a lot more attractive.

I don't think there's any foul play when it comes to pubic hair. I guess why many porn actors shave is because you can see their sexual organs better? Maybe? I'm just speculating.
As I'm sure we all know, the porn industry is owned almost completely by the Jews.
Many here would argue that masturbating to porn is a waste of one's sexual energy that could have been channeled to something more productive
I made a thread about an adjacent topic back in November that was denied, think maybe because one of the links I provided pertaining to the topic contained an actual porn image I didn't see. Which is fine, but I thought I'd cover my thoughts in a post again here.

My thread at the time was about the "No-Fap November" movement, which was originally just a meme circulating around as a challenge between dummies who thought it was a personal feat. Dumb but, wasn't really a thing worth noting, was mostly just a joke between bro-dude type people. What is interesting however was a movement that happened last year that more or less hijacked this and turned it into something else.

What was once a silly joke became some kosher certified "rightwing" movement about the supposed ills of masturbation and how porn should be banned. Needless to say most of these people were hardcore "Christian Nationalists" types, as much of an oxymoron as this word is. Of course, this quickly spiraled out of control and it quickly attracted even more crazed lunatics who thought they were in good company, telling anyone who enjoyed anything sexual they'd face "eternal hellfire". Which is ironic considering these people's beloved Priests had been molesting children and raping women. But these things are okay. You sure do find a lot of pedo apologism among rightwing Xians so I find.

One or two decent points were brought up among this cacophony of retards. Mostly to do with the Jews in the porn industry who are involved in trafficking, making interracial porn, drugs, and so forth. Simple fact of the matter is, these retards couldn't distinguish between the inherent wrong a jew does, corrupting literally any industry its in, with what in reality is mostly natural and harmless, which is sexual interests in general.

In spite of supposed claims western society is "oversexualized" the average person is still fairly conservative on matters of sex, at least I've found personally. For most anyone it seems, sex is inherently considered "dirty and taboo". Which its why its easy for bills to be passed like in the UK where you need a fucking license to browse porn. Careful now, Brits. If the fuzz catch you looking at some boobies online without a license they'll throw you in the slammer. And don't get me started how many closted homosexuals there are among Gen X and the Baby Boomers. Often these are the same people criticizing homosexuality's mere existence, like the recent Mormon "Gay conversation therapy" priest who came out as gay himself.

One funny thing I did once was take a trip to a porn aggregate website that recorded global trends. At the time, when Islamic state controlled whole regions, I was able to catch a glance at what porn was being watched in the region. Lo and behold, even though they'd be throwing gays off buildings, most of the porn they were watching was practically too gay even for my tastes, and I am gay. BIG, OLD HAIRY TURKISH DADDY FUCKS TWINK was one that stood out to me. Bravo Islamic state, bravo.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

Honestly, my take wouldn't actually be too subliminal. Social trends can occur organically, and the 70s/80s marked a popular time for big hair, chest hair and hair in general. As times gone on, porn in general now is quite cleanshaven so to speak, save for niche stuff. Not just pubic hair, but, most porn actors and actresses tend to be fairly waxed clean all over. Might simply be a reflection of changing preferences. Though I've heard some say it has some pedophilia link but I wouldn't really be sure about going that far, I don't think. This being said, I wasn't aware this was a muslim practice. Muslims are notoriously quite pedophilic, so it could be a thing among them, what with Muhammad raping a nine year old and all. Ironically, any arabian women I've known of, underneath their trash bag burquas, are notoriously hairy, body wise. I've seen some impressive moustaches among the muslim girls I've encountered. Jews too, tend to be on he hairier side, I've noticed.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Although I can't claim to have done research on the subliminal messaging behind porn in depth, there's definitely lots of things going on. One of the main messages the enemy tries to push with some porn is race mixing. Most of the female pornstars having no pubic hair makes it seem as if it's a desirable trait with a sex partner, which might just make men who watch porn be more attracted to women shaving pubic hairs, i.e Muslim females.

But the race mixing propaganda is only the very tip of the iceberg with porn. There are sick "fetishes" such as eating human sexual organs (just like Jewish ritual murder), blood play, simulated killing etc, and much worse. Gentiles who end up watching too many of these kinds of videos out of curiosity or whatever other reason will eventually come down with a number of mental illnesses and social problems, and will also make it more difficult, if not impossible for men and women alike to feel comfortable with sex partners.

The Jews play both sides and use their Xian pawns to attack the fairly "clean" side of porn while the Jewish directors directing the more twisted garbage are allowed to continue pushing it without scrutiny, exposure, or federal investigation. Note also that you will never hear Xians attack the race-mixing propaganda in porn and the kike directors behind it.
HP Mageson666 said:
Christian nutcases who have a Jewish book that states the original sin that caused all mankind to fall was Adam and Eve having sex. The tree of "good and evil" is Daath in Hebrew a word which means.....SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE meaning they had sex and was the line of the Church forever. Some how their "god" created Adumb and Evawah with sexual organs and desire and created humans to create new people with sex to keep humanity going but this is evil cause Sholomo the Incel Rabbi wrote a book that says so.

Now the Christian nutcases are attempting to go for the bronze turd trophy and attempt to promote a false moral front to engage in their schizophrenic religion and claim some guy jerking off to a consensual, normal fully grown women on a cam show is the reason for everything from hurricanes to child trafficking across the border to the apocalypse and all suffering on earth literally that's the Bible.

Now they want to impose laws that would criminalize the population for liking boobies.

If its not the crazy Marxist left pushing for censorship and more government control its the Jewsus loving rightwing. Both the left and right ass cheek around the same all seeing turd eye of the jooish "god".

The Bible is toxic and orders people to murder all non believers, sacrifice their children and engage in ritual murder and cannibalism, why can't we ban the Bible.... That has messed up the mind of generations and causes mass warfare, the inquisition and all kinds of evil stuff.... Then the Rightwing will scream "Noooo Muh Freedumb's!" These hypocrites suck if you live in any of these States please don't vote for any of these people.


Republican lawmaker in Arizona is so concerned by the proliferation of “sexually toxic” material online that she wants want pornography declared a public health crisis.
According to the measure introduced by Republican state representative Michelle Udall Thursday, pornography "perpetuates a sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society," reported the Arizona Republic.
In the bill, Udall reportedly compares the use of pornography to previous public health crises such as tobacco consumption and says that pornography is used pervasively, “even by minors.”...…………...

Witness how they tie and merge things that don't connect together to tack on the censorship..... Looking at normal legal porn sites is now somehow equal with actual crimes like trafficking human beings. And now they want to impose a money grab tax on the fact you like Boobies or your a criminal....Fuck off jebus freaks.

Hawaii became the latest state to propose a fee to browse pornography online. Sponsors of the bill in the Aloha State say the legislation will help curb human sex trafficking and children's access to porn sites through their electronic devices.
Legislation proposed Thursday has various layers, from preventing children to access pornography on their phones to make it more difficult for porn sites to become hubs for human trafficking.
The proposed bill would require a one-time $20 fee for those seeking to browse internet porn sites. Money from fees would fund the state’s coffers to address and slow human trafficking, according to the bill. Similar legislation has been filed in other states in an attempt to slow human sex trafficking...…."

The Democrat and traitor Republican's won't let Trump build a wall anywhere any time. But this somehow will change all that..... No it will allow for the government to impose internet censorship China style, criminalize the populace for liking Boobies and steal peoples money under legal threat.


"Arizona state Rep. Gail Griffin (R-Hereford) has presented a bill to the state legislature that could end the stalemate between Congressional Democrats and President Donald Trump over $5.7 billion for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
According to KOLD TV, House Bill 2444 would impose a porn tax on residents of Arizona and require payment of at least $20 in order to view pornography on the internet."
The bill calls for software that blocks "websites that display obscene material on the internet" to be installed on all electronic devices sold in Arizona. In order to remove the block, individuals would be required to prove they are at least 18 years old and to pay the $20 fee.
Any private citizen or distributor who sidesteps the block would be committing a class 1 misdemeanor, the bill says...….

This doesn’t surprise me as here in the U.K. they have pasted a law similar to this (that will come into effect in April) where you will have to submit a copy of your driving license/bank details or buy a “porn card” from a shop to access a porn site



Also combined the fact that sex education in U.K. school is really bad (I could count on one hand how many lessons I had on sex education) it looks like the government is trying to do what the church (as the church has lost a lot of influence in the U.K.) used to do when it comes to sex.
I'm shocked to hear this, yet I imagine this is a long time in the making.

I swear they'll try to censor anything remotely revealing of human nature...

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I personally have always seen the subject in question a matter of hygiene. If you keep yourself clean shaven or unshaven it's a personal preference.
To each their own...
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I think it is the Jews slow preparation to turn the west into a Muslim shithole, but the biggest thing I think is that when a girl or guy is shaven it makes the look younger so I feel like this is for the Jewish enjoyment mainly.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Maybe it links a bit into this idea but not smth powerfull i think. The bad part of porn is interracial and the fact that it sets standards and expectations instead of us being more open to try and explore ourselves. Takes part of the mental freedom away. Expectations ruin a lot.
When it comes to the topic of banning porn it is important for lawmakers to know that for one they are looking in the wrong direction if they think banning/taxing porn is going to decrease sex trafficking and two, porn is and can definitely be mentally harmful and addictive but it's all about how much and how frequently you use it. If lawmakers really want to decrease sex trafficking then work with Trump in building the wall to help further secure the border where sex trafficking is running rampant! And if they wish to take it even further if they truly care about the sex trafficking victims then they will get the FBI of their ass and start conducting a MAJOR crackdown on dark web "redroom" and illegal porn sites that are destroying lives for a profit.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Concerning porn, I'd like to hear opinions on this. For quite some time, porn stars, cast, in movies shave off their pubic hair. This was not done, to my knowledge in the 70s. Movies like Deep Throat and such, the cast were not shaved.

My point here is Muslims do this. Is this subliminal? What's everyone's opinion?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I think that its more if a fetish thing than anything else, the porn industry has damn near no morals and will submit to the needs and wants of its viewers but I think you might be on to something about the Muslim thing. I'm sure that the Jew elite such as George Soros are working tirelessly to bring Sharia law into America to further the enslavement of our women and then everyone else. What's going on in the porn industry could be a steady push into that direction. It might just be subliminal.

I have written on the subject here as well, extensively.

On Porn

Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Sun May 06, 2018 8:55 pm

There are some opinions over the years in regards to porn. About how good it is in some cases, and how bad it is in some other cases. It largely depends on one's use and experience, but the thing is. Porn on it's own has it's own definite agenda, guided by those who control the industry.

Porn is actually a jew owned business. Those older will know clearly that porn today is not the porn that was in the 90s, or 80's, or 70's. Porn back then was even racially cleaner with proper actresses and other and more 'normal' visuals. Actually what most people don't get about Porn it's largely an act, it's all fake. It's like many people assume it's somehow real because it deals with the naked human body, but it has few things to do with reality. As time went porn became all the more unrealistic where it has reached points now there it's a full lie.

The actors, the aims, and how everything is done quite differs now from how it was "before". It's not simply a playboy magazine with some sexy models on the pages. One of the richest businesses on the planet, to waste body fluids and money for no reason, while projecting jewish propaganda on a very basic level. This is just a fact on who owns this business as a striking whole, and it's the jews.

Porn has been used incessantly in the last decades to not only make men waste all their sexual powers, but become sexually feeble. And for general purposes of mass brainwashing. This doesn't affect all men in the same way, so some of you may disagree. Some men go unaffected by porn, others are more impressionable.

Aside from this, it's filled with all sorts of different projections. The jews label it as 'teen porn' and you see women that hardly look like they are 12 years old. I won't get into details here, everyone knows what is going on there and why. Then they fill their mind with all sorts of other desires. Which goes both ways. People reinforce the porn with their own baseless desires.

Combined with a lifestyle where the individual has a lot of free time (Millenials), sits down all day, has zero interaction with the opposite gender, or social skills, and where there are young people invovled, no life experience either, porn simply misdirects this energy fully into virtually nowhere.

If society was different, men would seek to uplift themselves in some way, mentally, spiritually, socially, or in their approaching skills in order to have better women and/or more access to mates. And women would of course reward this because why shouldn't they, it's nature. Or they would be married, or met more women at their college, what have you. Right now all these needs have been put under the fog of 'you deserve it' and 'everyone can have it', but the only thing the goyim have is they sit like idiots doing window shopping about things they never had. Sexually or otherwise.

Porn creates a lot of illusions in the mind compared to reality. One such illusion is that women can or should come to someone for free. Many people who incessantly watch it, do it because they believe they are wronged for not having free women for example. Which is only half the truth. The truth is that if they didn't engage in such their will and desire to get females would be greater, so they would approach women and would therefore get more. Porn and such can remove such desire because the brain falsely thinks it's being fulfilled.

Water is not sought after when one thinks they are not thirsty. Women are not obligated to sit on someone's lap unless they have went after them, or unless some play has been involved. And women work differently than men as it appears in matters of porn we have like 9 out of 10 men watching, and 1 out of 10 women being an avid watcher. Because the minds of the genders are different. In other words porn comes of as an easy and fast solution for everyone.

The deeper point of porn is to literally reform sexuality. And actually misdirect it. At least this is how porn is presently used at this point. People are basically not having any physical contact. Not even mental contact. Back in the day people used to have sex on phones, exchange pictures etc. Sexuality can create families, homes, or at the very least, build relations to other people, for better or for worse, or some social skills, or whatever.

To sexually destroy a civilization you can do two things. The jews attempted the method of full castration and enforcing of sexuality in the past. This is in line with the commandments of their Talmud and of sexual suppression. This proved to have no effect over the centuries. Now they are trying the other method, much in trying to reverse riot their own restrictive culture. This is why the jews are the porn lords now, because they are mentally ripped and schizoid. So now this is extended on the goyim who are presented with an infinite amount of porn all the time, to the point this has become a social problem.

As with all other social problems and perils, it's not bad if it makes the jews money. So they always say it's very good cause of this, or cause for that. Sure, in many ways, porn is safer. One runs less risks of STD's for example, or pregnancies, but one could also sharpen their mind and abilities to be sexually active in other ways that wouldn't involve such issues either.

When one only watches porn. And most men of a young age do this constantly and on a daily basis as it's known. They adjust their mind and body, to a very specific way of sexuality. Which is essentially only self-pleasure, when one is bombarded by an infinite amount of perfect and fully non life-like images. Many people do this thing for many years, daily, sometimes multiple times a day, until they understand when they finally get in the bed that there can be ranging issues from premature ejaculation for men, to no erections, to other issues.

Women are naturally different and even if they watch porn here and there, porn addiction for the genders is quite different.

If people kept it within reason and lead a busy life, with some porn here and there, it wouldn't create any issues. That is if it were normal porn. However one visit on a porn website quickly shows the intentions of such practice. Either you have fully jewish actors (most porn actors that are famous are jews) or you have all these interracial things which are forced all the time. If you have ever been to a porn website, you know what this is. Also, depravity is over-represented, and race mixing is enforced. Porn is used by a very specific jewish agenda.

Multiracial porn is actually the least interesting based on studies. And the most produced. What does that tell us about such is obvious. This is mental psyop. The jews have also been trying to create all sorts of injections into the goyim mind to further their multicultural agenda.

The fact that the jews prey on the sexuality of the goyim is just a normal thing for them. Even their god tries to moderate from the clouds if someone faps one or not. They are as stated psychotic.

In the matter of porn it would be advised for people to measure up, and healthily abstain. As for the movements who say that 'seed conserving' is somehow going to make you into a super demigod, this is just bullshit. Certainly, conserving your seed to some extent, and in some situations, may be ideal, but so does give you a lot of power to orgasm. It's a scientific fact people who do not orgasm frequently get a size reduction in their whole brain as well. Sexually speaking the organ which is most used is the brain.

What would be advisable is for people to reconsider the usefulness of the act. For example, make your sexual act useful. One can build a relation with another being (human or Succubi/Incubus), use one's energy for empowerment every single time, rather than waste this energy into absolute nothingness, but jewish profit from ads when one watches porn. Porn if one needs it for a kick here and then, wouldn't be bad. But as stated many people make it to an extreme habit and this seems to be unavoidable. The key is to adjust your sexuality not only around yourself, but use this as a form of union with 'another' as well.

The jews have took the woman figure from a full body burka, down to the full blown half naked slutdom that is walking around all the time. And accuses men of 'eye rape'. Obviously here measure is needed. Where there is no measure one will suffer either side from the extremes. Extremes always come with a backlash.

Lastly. Politically porn also has a lot of influence. One example is the migrant policies now. The jew from the back promotes these apes that murder and shit on the town's square, and permanently live on the mercy of civilized lands in the form of welfare, as some sort of sexually gifted people or some crap. Some women who are stupid get down there only to find STD's, no "Big Black Tong" as promised by Rabbi Shekelstein, nor the 'extreme pleasures' their gender compatriots fake at porn. They get painful vaginas, sores and boils, and possibly some STD's as well cause "you have to hit da white bitch" by sneakily taking off the condom without 'da bitch knowing'.

Sometimes they find themselves also pregnant with a random spawn as well, which many are obligated to keep cause of zero knowledge on how to deal with such. Overall the stories are way sadder than they are presented by the enemy.

Because this is the reality of such in many ways. If you have paid attention many cesspool white women are always willing to mate with these individuals. And give their 'love' and forget their 'feminism' when it comes to these. But try to play hard to get to individuals from their own in-group. It's almost as if schizoid rules are applied to destroy your own racial in-group.

Because they are programmed to act in such manners. One must keep a tight head and know that some of these people will go extinct and there is nothing that can be done about it. Some people like that need to fall into the fire. And these foreign people they are after them so they can cleave to a civilization by force as well. Which is why coal burning is taken as a serious offense, going racially to BOTH races. Black women understand what I mean here when successful Black men are brainwashed to go after useless white slobs because they are 'white' and it's an achievement to have one. The jew is the orchestrator of this insanity.

This situation harms everyone involved.

Such things wouldn't be happening to any civilization that had strong and virulent masculine sexual powers. Competition for the women would actually become a matter of seriousness rather than 'anything goes', especially if foreign tribes came to claim women. Who cares if Helga gets raped in Sweden by a bunch of microdick, filthy diseased idiots that could never get a single female in a normal fashion, when you have your virtual asian waifu to fulfill all your needs goy...After all what is Helga to you goy...focus on your hentai waifu right now...

Porn for the most part is mental warfare and propaganda at this point. There is a lot of racial warfare happening in porn. And a lot of stupid and naive, but physically beautiful women who are exploited in such businesses are cannon fodder for these agendas. And a lot of normal males get turned into defunct individuals cause of these projections.

The positive side to porn, well, if there is such a side, is that it can help someone get some desires off their mind. This doesn't seem to work for the majority of people. It's may work for some and some not. Which is the reason many people even 'physically' worked out through porn, they still feel on their back of the mind that they need a mate or relationship etc.

Taking the matter away from porn. A spiritual Satanist as with anything else. Is obligated to use their sexual energy, and understand it's extreme powers, in the highest way they possibly can. Which is the meaning of this post. If anything is about decay one can move away from it, and rise higher. There is no point for people to lurk in the bottom when you have all the powers by Satan and a good mind to rise to a better level.

And on a final note this doesn't mean to not watch something or do this or that. You decide about your life. However the universal constant is to have balance. And freedom only is created not through bad excess but by proper balance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The situation is this guys, the Jews want to control the internet and they will use any issue to get the foot in the door. If you think its acceptable for a government establishment run by Jews to impose censorship over the internet and you think the porn stuff is where its going to stop your simple kidding yourselves.

Right now you have the freedom to not watch porn but if the Jews can regulate the internet you will not have the freedom to watch anything the Jews will decide for you.
There's actually plenty of science out there regarding the harmful effects of porn. It creates overstimulation of dopamine recepters, damaging them, leading to desensitization the same way drugs do. When one is desensitized to normal porn, they seek out more extreme and often dangerous things. It's not much of a stretch to say this could lead people to dealing out snuff films and child porn after all other forms no longer have an effect. This also leads to shrinking frontal lobes which decreases rational thinking, turning it into an addiction much like gambling. It's also been known to lower testosterone.

The ease of access also leads to many prepubescent children watching porn and im sure you're aware of how damaging that can be. I have first hand experience as my two sisters were caught watching it while both were still in grade school.

It also turns men into cucks as it gets them off on seeing other men screwing women while they watch and also makes men less interested in women, leading to divorce and lower birth rates. Just look at Japan to see how bad this is getting
I have a question about this sort of thing that's been really bothering me:

Is it possible to actually tie into someone else just by looking at porn of them? I have been drastically reducing my usage but I still sometimes use it, and obviously I don't have ancestry records for random people online, although I avoid obviously looking Jews because I'm disgusted by them. But is there actual danger of connecting to someone's energy just by fapping to porn?
HailVictory88 said:
I have a question about this sort of thing that's been really bothering me:

Is it possible to actually tie into someone else just by looking at porn of them? I have been drastically reducing my usage but I still sometimes use it, and obviously I don't have ancestry records for random people online, although I avoid obviously looking Jews because I'm disgusted by them. But is there actual danger of connecting to someone's energy just by fapping to porn?

Nah, don't worry, no need to freak out here. One fap won't send you to hell or cause all of these results. I mean you would need to pathologically be on it to reach these levels of danger, it's closely impossible.

As to fapping and not knowing what is what, well, you know how to find non jews to fap into, there are millions of normal people. Let's not get in weird details here, because that's disturbing of a convo and repulsive in general.
Thanks for your reply, sorry, I won't go into any more detail. I just tend to obsess over where my mental energy goes. After reading about mental energy on the JoS and it making so much sense, I'm always worried that some thought pattern I have or media I consume is being used by the enemy. Of course worrying about it doesn't help, so I just try to control my thoughts and avoid obviously toxic things. I have noted that, since beginning to meditate, I no longer like much of the media I used to and my taste has improved, but that is another topic.
My opinion is to not worry about porn its probably better to not be consuming it, but that in many cases to intense levels is done out of boredom. A lot of the "addicted" people to porn all of sudden find their addiction vanish once they start doing more interesting things they enjoy they just exchanged a draining hobby that of masturbating around the clock for a more interesting hobby that does not leave them drained.

I also find a lot of the porn addicts turn out to be raised in ultra religious life styles as well. Its something psychological the most porn in America is consumed in the Bible Belt from studies. Hyper sexual repression turns into sexual obsessions.

HailVictory88 said:
Thanks for your reply, sorry, I won't go into any more detail. I just tend to obsess over where my mental energy goes. After reading about mental energy on the JoS and it making so much sense, I'm always worried that some thought pattern I have or media I consume is being used by the enemy. Of course worrying about it doesn't help, so I just try to control my thoughts and avoid obviously toxic things. I have noted that, since beginning to meditate, I no longer like much of the media I used to and my taste has improved, but that is another topic.
Hi. New here. I agree, the gov shouod keep its hands off porn its up to the individual......

Not just Christians though but others as well are against it lol.
I hope the gov doesnt ban free practice though of any or all religion. I heard stuff around about this. Seperate topic lol. This site harvests beautiful knowledge btw.
Honestly, porn in it's current incarnation is a poison of the mind. And while I'm not an advocate of banning porn, I draw my line at erotica.

The poison of the mind part I'm talking about is all the Jewish made porn that exists out there flooding the internet, and how one can easily slip down that slope and come tumbling down into the most degenerate categories.

More so than anything though, NOTHING can replace the feeling of orgasming with a sexual partner. Whether they are a Human, or Demon lover. The interaction alone is more than anything porn can produce today, and possibly for many years to come.
Catz666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
For some years I shaved, and then one time I got a full wax job where the roots are removed as well. When I saw myself naked after, I got this deep shock, a sickening feeling like I was no longer a woman. I felt like a little girl, I felt really gross. Never again. I no longer shave completely either (I just trim the area shorter) and I feel like I look like a woman now.

Also, a man I dated years ago shaved himself one valentines day. it grossed me out so much, I had to avoid having sex with him until it grew back. It didn't help that he was really skinny with no muscle. Public hair is part of being an adult.

I'm the same.

I used to be really sensitive about my body hair since I have a strong Italian bloodline and my hair is really dark yet I have light skin. My friend used to tell me my body hair reminded me of her brother. I used to shave my whole body, constantly. It really messed me up for a while.
But as I got older, I really started to like my body hair. And I learned what I was comfortable with. I feel like a child when I'm fully hairless. I just can't do that. Not to mention it's really attractive to me when my partner has a lot of pubic hair. Hairless just ain't in my wheelhouse.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
