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Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

Sunny said:
I would not be surprised if Jews also promoted marrying and having sex with relatives, children and siblings.

Jews literally have a law that tells them this. In a family, if a woman's husband dies, the oldest male child must marry his mother :!: :!: :!:
Sorry for asking but is marrying adult siblings and relatives banned in Satanism?Im just curious I personally dont like that at all.
NakedPluto said:
I will tell and guarantee that at that level, anything creative and of props, is extremely vetted and purposeful. In any photoshoots of the level of this, there is extreme obsession by any photographer, creative director to have everything purposeful. To the level of having the 0.1 angle of a book correctly.

Do not believe otherwise. Creating an "artistic" , advertising set is an obsessive experience for the 98% of people of that level.

With that said, and abstaining from being extremely graphical in vocalizing the need of justice.

It is definitely constructed with a certain energetic idea in mind with all the signposting. Whether this was deliberate or not I didn't know, but the cult imagery of that photobook on the table (the usual cringey 'Satanic ritual abuse' bullshit) and the 'Baalenciaga' made me think it is definitely in that direction of blaspheming the Gods and associating us with this.

After all the Kanye stuff they're trying to direct things back to good old fashioned 'evil Satanists' by smearing us. Given he was heavily associated with Balenciaga as a brand, there's not much coincidence with this stunt IMO. Be prepared for more bullshit enemy stunts like this and a new wave of 'SRA' garbage.

What a disgusting thing, and to think that the poor child in the photos could very well be your daughter, it makes me so angry.

I'm going to the bathroom to barf up and then do the RTRs...
FancyMancy said:
Caspian said:
You know what REALLY pisses me off?

That people, still like in that last pic of that kikess gaga, still believe jews are "Satanic" or related to Satan in anyway.

The programming is so fucking deep that its pathetic.

I absolutely despise these people.

Curse to all xians and muslims and any other feminist or MGTOW bastard, for all of them are nothing but similar puppets of the jew.

They have sold their autonomy for the jewish agenda which promises them empty, hollow dreams.
Basically, "the end times" and "the synagogue of Satan" "are happening now". The jew has to pretend evil is of Satan, as always, and the more these things in the (((media))) happen, the more "evil" that Satan "is" is happening, which supposedly means that "the end times is here; therefore, the end is going to happen".

More comprehensively -

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

No matter how many times I try to explain to anyone, namely christians, of course, that because the word "Satan" means "Enemy, Adversary" in hebrew; therefore, the jew's holy building of the jew's enemy doesn't make sense and would never happen... it doesn't sink in. Remember (or know) - if ye old English was good enough for "jesus", then it's good enough for christians. (Does anyone reading this realise why that is also nonsense, as well?!)

jew wife: My dearest shekelbum, are you going to synagogue?
rabbi shekelstein: Oy gevalt. The time - it is late, I am. If you want, I shall to go to my holy building of mine own enemy. What? whaddaryoulooking at? It is my holy building and it is of mine own enemy. What? You're looking at me with these big Goy eyes, my bride. Do I have egg on my face? Did I forget to not shave my long-arsed beard this morning? Why the looking at me crazy?

Let's make a mosque of chrisians... :roll:

The two quotes from Revelation above says basically "They say they are jews but they are not; they are of the jew's holy building of the jew's enemy"? What the fuck? The King James version sounds like it is saying that the jew "god" will make non-jews be of the jew's holy building of the jew's enemy. (See this contradictory retardation bullshit!)

"Faith" means not wanting to know what is true.
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I learnt it using similar words - "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not/can not see".

The reason it doesn't sink in, that the jew's holy building (synagogue) of the jew's enemy (Satan) is retarded beyond the most retarded retard you've ever known... is because it is from the book of Revelation (what it is "revealing" is in question). As such, christians reckon - rather, have had the privilege of paying their faerie tale story book-teller money for the 6 millionth time to tell them - that it is tHe eNd TiMeS, so no matter how much logic and reason - and simply merely just common sense and using your fucking Brains (and also -
  • paraphrase - those who have eyes, let them see; those who have ears, let them here
    • Matthew 13:9,
    • Matthew 13:15-17,
    • Mark 4:9,
    • Mark 4:22-24,
    • Mark 8:18,
    • Luke 14:35,
    • Revelation 13:8-9
that is, using their eyes and ears) - one tries to use to help them realise... it is all pointless and a waste of time. They probably never read the book of revelation before; or tried to but got a headache and nosebleed; or the few who read "the" bible cover-to-cover, including all of the over-the-top jew begat jewling who begat jewlingling who begat jewlinglingling... for 6 million generations, it felt amazing for them and they probably were satisfied that they finished Harry Pott-- I meant their "the" bible, not understanding its nonsense - but now with muh end timez, and that the book of Revelation was to be revealed and understood in due time (and also has been speculated to be about "the end times", so now they think it actually is about "the end times", thinking that "the end times" are now) it is more "important" and they are focusing on it; so informing them that -

  1. the jew's holy building of the jew's enemy;
  2. the synagogue of Satan
is beyond retarded, they really and most sincerely and earnestly don't care; although, their Souls are trying to care, but the brainwashing and mind-raping - and the money-giving - is all influencing them to be as stupid as fuck (and I might say to be as stupid as possible!). "You don't understand" or "you have to have faith" or more angry retorts because they feel desperate now and reckon that jewsus is coming again... which christians have been waiting for for 2000 years. They're itching, they're giddy, they're restless and unsettled... Even if we take more biblical scripture, that "the end times" is coming soon¹... -

1 Corinthians 10:11
These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

Now all these things happened unto them for examples, and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

1 Thessalonians 5:2
for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

James 5-9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned; behold, the judge standeth before the door.

1 Peter 1:5
...who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

...who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is near; therefore, be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

...but the end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

1 Peter 1:20
He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

1 John 2:18
Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Jude 14-16
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them - "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones
to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him."
These people are grumblers and fault-finders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

...and Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

Jude 18
They said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires".

How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

Revelation 1:1
The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John -

Revelation 3:3
Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent; but if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

then christians would try to argue "god's time is not our time; 1 day to god is like 1000 years to us" (so... on the 3rd day - in the 3 thousandth year - jewsus rose again? :blink: - That could be interpreted as just nonsense, or that -
  • BCE-0-CE to 999.9999 CE = day 1,
  • 1000-1999.9999 CE = day 2,
  • 2000-2999.9999 CE = day 3;
so we, in the year 2022, are on day 3 now, and I wonder if I might be the only one (or to give a bit of leeway, one of the very few) who might have noticed and realised this one; but then "on the 7th day - in the 7 thousandth year, 'the lord' rested"? :roll: :puke:), and 1 hour means both "the end times" and also "the hour of the night, like a thief"? :blink:

...¹even if we do take more biblical scripture, that "the end times" is coming soon, it (1 day = 1000 years) still doesn't work; because of "these" and "has come" - and not just "has come" but "culmination of the ages has come", "the last hour", "was revealed in these last times" - it's all past-tense for us; present-tense for 2000 years ago, (with contradictory "the lord's coming is near" - "at hand"/"is near", and "there will be"...). Also with "will come" and then "like a thief in the night; no-one knows when" - "god" is just stringing them along. It could be made very plain and simple and clear, but noooo - it's more fun and mysterious this way; we can don our hats and pipes and pretend to be Sherlock Holmes. "Those christians should know that 'jesus' is not returning." "No shit, Sherlock."

"These" refers to those back then "when" jewsus "was" walking among them; not to us here now 2000 years later; "at hand" means very close; so if "1 day to god is like 1000 years to us" then why can't this infinitely-powerful and knowledgeable "god" explain things that we understand, as per our capabilities to comprehend? (Oh, yes - stringing you along, of course!) Is it more fun to make things dull and blind? We have eyes and ears, but "god" cannot help us to see and hear its retarded, contradictory bullshit. It's as clear as mud. "Very close" to an immortal being could be 6 million times 6 million millennia (36 000 000 000 000 000 years) into the future; "very close" to mortal beings who lived... what? Only 40 years? would be in like 1 week (or in this same 0BCE/CE generation).

Yet at the same time -

1 Thessalonians 5:2
for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

Revelation 3:3
Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent; but if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

so... is it "very close" or do we not know when it is? 2000 years, on our terms - because this "the" bible is all "for" us - is not "very close"; 2000 years is a very long time, and "god" threatens - "I will come like a thief in the night; you won't know when it will be". Try being a dick to your... well... not loved one, but one who loves you in that abusive "relationship", and tell them "You better watch out - or else! I'll come to yours, climing through your kitchen window, like a thief in the night! I'll sneak up to your bedroom while you're asleep! You won't know when I'll be coming! I'll get you, and you won't know what hit you!", yes?! Enjoy being fucking arrested! Ohhh, but "god" cAn dO wHaT iT wAnTs!

This "end times" nonsense I have posted about here is not exactly irrelevant. Firstly, it is a load of bullshit, as we realise, so the rest of the bibles also are. (Maybe if this was a film or TV series, then it would have been a bunch of deleted scenes, because it ruined the story and didn't work!) Secondly, it is in the book of so-called "revelation" (and elsewhere; so again - not working; some of the book is nonsense, so the rest must also be), as is the mention of "synagogue of Satan" also in "revelation"; and as I said, previously christians would have been ignorant of it, mostly, but now the jew needs more Brain Energies, so now christians are stubborn and unwavering 1) that these "end times" are happening and 2) that "the synagogue of Satan" exists... because "Satan is roaming the Earth" (and "god" can't fix things?! "Just trust me, bro! I meant Children!") even though "the end times", in this sense, is not happening, and the "synagogue of Satan" can't exist.

Damn......you literally exposed my old life! If I hadn't turned to Satan and re-embraced JoS, that's literally where I'd be today, sitting behind my computer screen, with my Kosher-approved tinfoil hat endlessly blaming Satan for all of this, and then claiming that :roll: "God is judging and destroying the world for not being Jewish and needs to murder people for loving their Lives, their Families, their Countries, their World" :?:

Thank God (Satan) I woke up! Everyday!
NakedPluto said:
I will tell and guarantee that at that level, anything creative and of props, is extremely vetted and purposeful. In any photoshoots of the level of this, there is extreme obsession by any photographer, creative director to have everything purposeful. To the level of having the 0.1 angle of a book correctly.

Do not believe otherwise. Creating an "artistic" , advertising set is an obsessive experience for the 98% of people of that level.

With that said, and abstaining from being extremely graphical in vocalizing the need of justice.

If you can exist and live for whatever years here and not try and gain power in this world, for the sake of those children, I don't care about you.

Please, do your utmost in your life to gather knowledge and power. We need to destroy these jews. We need real life smart action, of the level of leadership and decisions.

Advance, work and become wealthy, be of strong soul, mental and emotion. Be of strong body. We need to protect our children and our future. Activate in this world. Don't be afraid of your power. Fight with honor and purpose!

If not materially, do it spiritually, but do it with dedication. We are obliged to.

May every horrible incompressible be done to the pedos, the enablers, those who do not act against, those who are passive!

Don't be fucking passive at this. If this doesn't make you want to wake the fuck up, nothing will ever.

Please also share this, since the jew will condemn anyone else, then do a price drop and return to their normal without a tear on their reptilian face. They don't care, don't give a single shit about all of this or all of the gentile kids in the world.

I agree, NP when I first saw those images I didn't know how to handle it, I have ever only read about pedos, but seeing it was something that changed me deeply, and I don't care who thinks me weak, I wept for them and called by GD for comfort. Those kids who survived that are true warriors, stronger than anyone I know.

Yes, power, power, power. In all its levels. With power, we can change this.

Before my time comes to reincarnate, I hope I live to see the complete and total annihilation of the enemy.
It is getting scarier. These pedophile jews at Balenciaga share a picture of a woman with a book on the desk aside. The book is Fire From the Sun by Boremans, a collection of paintings of naked children bloodsmeared engaging in cannibalism.

On of the reviews of the of the exhibition says how these children have suffered abuse and trauma when they're too young to remember later on so they can only have vague half erased memories of their trauma. Balenciaga know what they're doing to the children.

"If you go to the tweet and click on the photos, you'll see that there are images from that Michael Borremans book, documenting an exhibition of his called "Fire From The Sun". From a review of the Hong Kong exhibition:

The perceived meaning of the works is difficult to voice or uncomfortable to admit.

In the most evident terms, Fire From The Sun portrays children aged two or three in various stages of play with fire and what appear to be human limbs, even hair. The children are all light-skinned Sistine-style cherubs, sometimes covered in blood. The children do not appear to be distressed or disturbed (though some viewers at the gallery may be). The drama of the paintings is heightened by their visual connection to each other—and, more broadly, to older works by Borremans. The scene in each painting is composed against a similar beige backdrop. This is a set or a stage, devoid of context, withholding of answers, but suggestive of a director or someone watching.

In some of the paintings the children are in the process of disappearing: phantom bodies not quite removed from their gruesome acts. These ghostly figments remind us of the artist’s hand (another detached extremity) and its control over what we see and what we don’t. More poetically, the visible existence of “disappearance” suggests the impossibility of a clean escape from a bloody episode. Importantly, Borremans chose to depict children too young to have clear memories. In some fictional future, they might be unreliable carriers of this formative origin story or trauma. Are these portraits of what it means to try and erase the past, unsuccessfully? "
Then the pedophile brand shares a picture when a Baalenciaga spelling on a tape. And idiots begin throwing the blame on Baal and the Canaanites all over again.
Osiris Silvio said:
jbkbmz said:
After doing the RTR,, those with skill can throw some curses at the perpetrators in this organization. ( secret, of course ).

Good idea. All jewish director and all people in that company must be famous. Easy enough to find their names on the net. Visualize their aura, light bodies, and chakras crumbling into grey ash.
. Also, spell and pronounce their names, and/or the names of their organization, and/or their job title BACKWARD. RNR. = Reverse Name Ritual ( I just made that up. ).. I heard that spelling an enemies name backward can work against them. the RTR is saying it backward/reverse. . Psionic equipment might work ? But don't want to get to far out there. Most cannot afford that. But like that equipment procedure, if one can get a photo of the target, then a photo of an accident, death scene, war, etc. then put the 2 pictures together, maybe add grave dirt, feces, etc. to it. Again, I don't want to get too far out with this. Just basics.
The fact that Americans are not rioting and ceasing all business activities until they get a good explanation of why this happened is proof that the nation is on its deathbed.

In old times, pogroms happened for two main reasons. Money, and children. When jews with their usury made life extremely difficult, the people would get fed up and kick them out. And when they kidnapped and sacrificed kids, it always followed with a pogrom or some other extreme measure.

If only we were in the ancient world. The Romans, Babylonians, everyone had problems with these sick creatures. May they dig holes for when payback time comes.

I've also seen how they put a yellow tape with the word "Baalenciaga" on it to implicate this God. I have read about Ba'al and no where outside the worthless jewish books did anyone offer human or child sacrifices to Ba'al. Literally. It's just the jews who had an obsession with Him and tried offering Him human sacrifices as they admit in the Torah.

Ba'al who is Zeus would probably destroy your entire existence if you tried offering Him a child sacrifice or any kind of blood sacrifice.

It is the jews who are obsessed with human and child sacrifices. They admit their "apostate jews" would offer human sacrifices to some entity called Moloch. There is no Pagan God called Moloch. It only appears in jewish literature. Moloch is probably some Grey or lizard or a collective title. In the leaked Podesta emails, these creatures were admitting to offering sacrifices to Moloch.

Now jews are probably trying to shift the blame for what they are getting exposed for to Ba'al. In addition to flaunting their most sickening crimes. Their fate is only getting worse as they continue these stupid moves. There can be no peace, truce, understanding or any form of agreement between us and them. They received so much mercy from the past generation of Gentile heroes but this time things are going to be different.
Missrainbow1 said:
Sunny said:
I would not be surprised if Jews also promoted marrying and having sex with relatives, children and siblings.

Jews literally have a law that tells them this. In a family, if a woman's husband dies, the oldest male child must marry his mother :!: :!: :!:
Sorry for asking but is marrying adult siblings and relatives banned in Satanism?Im just curious I personally dont like that at all.

It is not forbidden but it is wrong, disgusting and a very low thing to do. Not everything has to be stopped with the law. It is biologically, spiritually and morally wrong.

People must not be poor in knowledge, and in nothing else of course. The enemy has atrophied the spirit of people and wants to do the same with the intellect, and so people instead of advancing will go backwards and it will seem absolutely normal to them to have sex and procreate with brothers and parents like chickens, and it will seem normal to them to treat women like pigs.

Those stupid churches and mosques teach people how to be retarded monkeys instead of elevating and improving them.
My local church is like a tomb, in the sense that it almost doesn't work. The priests just take money and at best maybe masturbate when they lock themselves there.

People go there to light a few candles, talk to the walls for a while and leave. That's all.

But it doesn't have to be like that, it's ridiculous.
I am extremely short on time, extremely, but I needed to add: indeed fashion industry is for a long time now perverted with all kinds of sick minds and hate for children. Even in the academia they express their hate for children openly as I witnessed myself in some occasions.
The general themes of inspiration are graves, coffins, darl/black colouring, depression and other maladies. Because this are the only fascinating* things they promote and push to people/students/public.
Missrainbow1 said:
Sunny said:
I would not be surprised if Jews also promoted marrying and having sex with relatives, children and siblings.

Jews literally have a law that tells them this. In a family, if a woman's husband dies, the oldest male child must marry his mother :!: :!: :!:
Sorry for asking but is marrying adult siblings and relatives banned in Satanism?Im just curious I personally dont like that at all.

Yes it is. You are not supposed to do incest no matter the age. That means, no having sex within the family.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


This is the case where that image is from:

Supreme Court Cases
553 U.S. 285 (2008)

This is the top paragraph that is partly hidden in the image. Around half of it would be on the previous page on the document from the image, the bottom half is visible in the image.

Fifth, the definition of "sexually explicit conduct" (the visual depiction of which, engaged in by an actual minor, is covered by the Act's pandering and soliciting prohibition even when it is not obscene) is very similar to the definition of "sexual conduct" in the New York statute we upheld against an overbreadth challenge in Ferber. That defined "sexual conduct" as "`actual or simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality, masturbation, sado-masochistic abuse, or lewd exhibition of the genitals.'" 458 U.S., at 751, 102 S.Ct. 3348. Congress used essentially the same constitutionally approved definition in the present Act. If anything, the fact that the defined term here is "sexually explicit conduct," rather than (as in Ferber) merely "sexual conduct," renders the definition more immune from facial constitutional attack. "imulated sexual intercourse" (a phrase found in the Ferber definition as well) is even less susceptible here of application to the *1841 sorts of sex scenes found in R-rated movies—which suggest that intercourse is taking place without explicitly depicting it, and without causing viewers to believe that the actors are actually engaging in intercourse. "Sexually explicit conduct" connotes actual depiction of the sex act rather than merely the suggestion that it is occurring. And "simulated" sexual intercourse is not sexual intercourse that is merely suggested, but rather sexual intercourse that is explicitly portrayed, even though (through camera tricks or otherwise) it may not actually have occurred. The portrayal must cause a reasonable viewer to believe that the actors actually engaged in that conduct on camera. Critically, unlike in Free Speech Coalition, § 2252A(a)(3)(B)(ii)'s requirement of a "visual depiction of an actual minor" makes clear that, although the sexual intercourse may be simulated, it must involve actual children (unless it is obscene). This change eliminates any possibility that virtual child pornography or sex between youthful-looking adult actors might be covered by the term "simulated sexual intercourse."

How stupid for such a massive corporation to do this. Is great they are under fire now, they will probably lose huge amounts of money in the close future due to this exposure, which (the exposure) is probably a manifestation of the RTRs.

I was wondering what could be the reason to do such a move, and I am certain this was a subliminal message, the jews want to subliminally normalize paedophilia and child sex abuse. People generally get a lot more enraged when children are involved in sexual abuse, a lot more enraged than when the same happens to adults, but it seems the jews want to erase this natural rage people subconsciously have and make them treat child sexual abuse "as normal as" adult sexual abuse, i.e., to have no major reaction when the jews will be promoting paedophilia and child abuse in plain sight as something normal.
“””What awaits them on the other side, is a fate much worse than merely death. “””

what are you referring to here about the other side?

Hail Satan!

Then the jews can be proud to be the first people to find themselves in existence worse than death both on the material and the immaterial plane.

VoiceofEnki said:
The saddest thing, this is barely the tip of the iceberg.

A tiny putrid glimpse at the abyss of evil of the jews.

They enjoy bragging of what they do.

I too enjoy what I do, much to the dismay of the jews and their ilk.

No amount of scapegoating rituals can safe them from the fate awaiting them on the other side.

To wish death upon them is far too soft of a fate.

What awaits them on the other side, is a fate much worse than merely death.

Soon too, that fate awaits them here as well.

Then the jews can be proud to be the first people to find themselves in existence worse than death both on the material and the immaterial plane.

For now, let them expose their crimes in their arrogance forever more, so the ignorant have no choice but to realize the putrid reality of the jews and the scum related to them.

The more the better, as indeed, it accelerates the arrival of their karmic finality all the more.

Hail Satan!
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
jbkbmz said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Good idea. All jewish director and all people in that company must be famous. Easy enough to find their names on the net. Visualize their aura, light bodies, and chakras crumbling into grey ash.
. Also, spell and pronounce their names, and/or the names of their organization, and/or their job title BACKWARD. RNR. = Reverse Name Ritual ( I just made that up. ).. I heard that spelling an enemies name backward can work against them. the RTR is saying it backward/reverse. . Psionic equipment might work ? But don't want to get to far out there. Most cannot afford that. But like that equipment procedure, if one can get a photo of the target, then a photo of an accident, death scene, war, etc. then put the 2 pictures together, maybe add grave dirt, feces, etc. to it. Again, I don't want to get too far out with this. Just basics.

@jbkbmz You are basically suggesting that we should use traditional methods of cursing, when our RTRs and stuff presented here are having the most powerful energetic destruction of jews.

One thing that is good is that you suggest to use the reversal names of the companies, or the thoughtform or basically everything like this. I do it a lot, in my daily life. Even here on the forums.

I like for example to blaspheme the xian Gawd wit the reverse of its name which results in DOG. Disgusting, Ominous and Grotesque creature :) (I made that up).

I don't say your methods are good, but do not use feces, cause the jews are like flies and you know... I may get a bit gross out there, the fact that someone uses shit when doing the traditional cursing you suggested may result in more jews attracted. LoL. :lol:

I suggest one would get a photo of the target, it easy to find them on the Internet as they are public figures, and also put a photo of a tragic accident, or blood, or war, or crime. One should be advanced enough to divert or condense the negative energy the tragic accident etc. picture emanates and then engulf the picture of the jew in very black energy, and all the colors for doing magic should be in minus (negative) grades, in order for the spell to work more effectively. After that, that individual should burn the photos, both of them, and say x6 times the following:

* The jewish individuals are devoid of spiritual power;
* The Gentiles have awaken their eyes and see the nefarious businesses the jews make;
* The Gentiles reclaim their rights for better, honest and legal business management;
* The Gentiles are now free to send their talented kids to modelling careers, without the fear of their children (you can insert other terms for "children", such as young ones, my offspring) being sacrificed by the nefarious jews;

AUM x1 times

And close with a very strong HAIL SATAN

Remember to clean your aura afterwards, as you (the one who does the ritual) used a lot of negative energy. :)

I like it. You're right, feces attracts flies, might be a bad idea here. This is all to be done after one does the RTRs,,only if one wants to, and has spare time... maybe it will kill off some 'important' person helping to weaking the 'whole' jewish system.. Thanks for this.
All spineless, lukewarm, milquetoast bastards should remember this and the innumerably many similar abominable filth the jews have undertaken against not just us but also our progeny.

The enemy has no honor, to conduct yourself with honor against him is dishonor.

The enemy has no consideration or compassion, sparing the enemy either of which is severe callousness towards your own tribe.

The enemy has no limits and no brakes, so neither should we have any.

Remember, our enemy is ontologically evil and there is no possible act against them under the Sun that is wrong.

For a future where we can tear every last one of those subhuman invaders limb from limb in the absolute highest of brutality possible, lean into your RTRs heavily.

We didn't start this war. As thus, divine providence decrees that we are entirely within our rights and responsibilities to finish it as we see fit.
Sunny said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Sunny said:
I would not be surprised if Jews also promoted marrying and having sex with relatives, children and siblings.

Jews literally have a law that tells them this. In a family, if a woman's husband dies, the oldest male child must marry his mother :!: :!: :!:
Sorry for asking but is marrying adult siblings and relatives banned in Satanism?Im just curious I personally dont like that at all.

It is not forbidden but it is wrong, disgusting and a very low thing to do. Not everything has to be stopped with the law. It is biologically, spiritually and morally wrong.

People must not be poor in knowledge, and in nothing else of course. The enemy has atrophied the spirit of people and wants to do the same with the intellect, and so people instead of advancing will go backwards and it will seem absolutely normal to them to have sex and procreate with brothers and parents like chickens, and it will seem normal to them to treat women like pigs.

Those stupid churches and mosques teach people how to be retarded monkeys instead of elevating and improving them.
Thanks for the information)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Sunny said:
I would not be surprised if Jews also promoted marrying and having sex with relatives, children and siblings.

Jews literally have a law that tells them this. In a family, if a woman's husband dies, the oldest male child must marry his mother :!: :!: :!:
Sorry for asking but is marrying adult siblings and relatives banned in Satanism?Im just curious I personally dont like that at all.

Yes it is. You are not supposed to do incest no matter the age. That means, no having sex within the family.
Thank you for the information)
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401717 time=1669386976 user_id=19170]

This reminds me of the Mayan culture.Blame the Mayans for the many bloody victims.Lots of fags jewish documentary TV series without stopping only to hear that the Mayans sacrificed blood very often and cruelly...

Moreover,that's how the Mayans disappeared,that nobody knows anything about them, why they disappeared so suddenly and where they could have gone(at least allegedly,what the kike historians say).

Sunny said:
My local church is like a tomb, in the sense that it almost doesn't work. The priests just take money and at best maybe masturbate when they lock themselves there.

People go there to light a few candles, talk to the walls for a while and leave. That's all.

But it doesn't have to be like that, it's ridiculous.
My mom said to me,that in the church in our area mostly the local clique of friends who go to church,that discuss the "things of life" so to speak(so they are engaged in worthless chatter{babble}!)

Of course anyone can go to the church,but it's mostly about these despicable(contemptible) group.

Shadowcat said:
This is beyond disgusting.....this makes me want to do the most violent sadistic things to those kikes imaginable. RTRs all the fucking way...

I remember the pedo kike that raped his stepdaughter and tried to get to me when I was a teen. Thank the Gods he didn't. The level of suffering I want to give these lizards and what I would want to do to make them beg to die is indescribable.

We even tried to save her and take him to court...kike got off scott free..***.


For this reason and your similar statements due to you're really very sweet❤️ ,my cute SS sister.❤️

But be careful!Because:
  • The wise human wants to excel in his deeds,and not in the words!(Confuciusz)
  • Old people don't say words because afraid that their actions would not match(do not get beyond!) their words!(Confuciusz)
  • Actions(deeds) speak louder,than words!(General proverb)
By the way, in 2015 I was trying to find a sugar daddy because I was tired of slaving away for companies that treat me like shit. Before I ever knew the truth about jews. I met this jewish banker on there that was in Switzerland at the time, who was ugly and creepy looking and kept saying over facetime he wanted me to fly to switzerland to stay with him at the hilton and be his "sex slave". Then after he licked his lips after saying he wants me to be his sex slave, he started crackling up laughing saying him and his friends have a communist agenda and are planning to take out the entire middle class, create a wealth divide, and they want the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. I knew nothing about the jews at the time, I was very young and a year later found Joy of Satan.

It looks to me, that his and his friends plan is working very fucking well and that they are winning right now. society is a mess, im disturbed by this entire planet and hate it here. It feels like im on a prison planet.

I'm too scared to leave my home because everywhere I go im attacked by these npc brainwashed vaccinated zombies that thinks im a terrorist for refusing the vaccination, and im even attacked by people who are supposed to be my own goddamn people, other satanists.

This is hell on earth and honestly you guys are doing nothing about it, you guys promote division too by attacking people like me who hate this just as much as you guys do.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
I saw they got backlash (and rightfully so), and took down their social media posts, and the photographers took 'em down from their portfolios as well. But we all know, not because they knew what they did was wrong and criminal, but simply to cover for their kike asses....and we know they'll be back, we'll be there to give 'em some RTR ass-whoppin!

And let me take a good guess, Xian whistleblowers are probably taking to their laptops blaming "Satan" for all of this.....im already seeing all the annoying bible-thumping posts from my xian whistleblower friends on FB......

But thank Satan they got exposed very quickly!

My opinion if a xian sees those pictures an still trys to defend their jews, they are just as worse as the jews doing that, in my opinion those brainwashed and brainless xians should get their own negative karmic in time
Satnam666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
I saw they got backlash (and rightfully so), and took down their social media posts, and the photographers took 'em down from their portfolios as well. But we all know, not because they knew what they did was wrong and criminal, but simply to cover for their kike asses....and we know they'll be back, we'll be there to give 'em some RTR ass-whoppin!

And let me take a good guess, Xian whistleblowers are probably taking to their laptops blaming "Satan" for all of this.....im already seeing all the annoying bible-thumping posts from my xian whistleblower friends on FB......

But thank Satan they got exposed very quickly!

My opinion if a xian sees those pictures an still trys to defend their jews, they are just as worse as the jews doing that, in my opinion those brainwashed and brainless xians should get their own negative karmic in time

Oh yes, people who defend the enemy are part of the enemy's camp. I already got into argument with one, when I exposed them to all the instances in the torah praising pedophilia and incest, and all they did was flip and lose their shit, and give me the "I REBUKE YOU IN YESHUA'S NAME!" typical bullshit banter.


Given, I don't go advocate my Satanic faith or anything on FB, but my disgust and hatred of Xianity, Islam and the mother virus of Judaism is well-known, open and out there, people just assume I'm an Atheist or Agnostic.
Yeah, this stuff is what irks me the most. More than the act itself it is the indifference of "people". This is not some kind of scandalous thing anymore, the brutal rape and murder of children is so commonly exposed on a regular basis that it has become a normalized and accepted norm in modern society.

And people get mad at me when I tell them that this rotting carcass of a world deserves to die. And the vermin that passes for humanity, who come together to march for the rights of pedophiles and invaders, for the rights to sexually mutilate themselves and to riot over some criminal drug addict who died of an overdose.

But do not march to protect their children, even when this is exposed to their faces. 99.99% will not bother to even speak about it let alone lift a finger to do anything about it.

Andrew tate speaking about Karmic reasons behind this, and he is right in my opinion.

Idk if this was discussed but I think is important for people to understand how does karma go back to jewish people when we awake, as we see what they did to us and fully understand it , not just our energies to against them but the universe itself does it.

Hurting others we hurt the universe - Satan , speaking about our own , is good to hurt the enemies 😋😁
Dear HP….

I understand that you are disappointed in some gentiles' behaviour, I get frustrated also. I have been trying hard the last few days to get through to very sleepy family members about the possibility of a complete jewish take over of planet earth.

I imagine you have come across James Corbet’s reports. Although, his historical research doesn’t go back before 1900s, he has covered the history of the Rockefellas and their manoeuvres since, and their attempts at building a technocracy.

I think/feel his reports are extremely good for introducing newbies into the history of oil, the scrapping of electric public transport, restructuring of the education system, rewriting USA history, intro of pharma, GMO, petro-fertilisers, green revolution, climate change, and now carbon tax and digital IDs.

I haven’t seen him talk about Tartaria, but the destruction of electric public transport and the rewriting of USA history, would support the Tartairan theory.

I am very grateful for all your hard work.


Satanam <3
Numbers reaches almost HALF OF MILLION EVERY YEAR in the United States. I have no words.
“In Australia, an estimated 20,000 children are reported missing every year.
Australian Federal Police, National Coordination Centre.
In Canada, an estimated 45,288 children are reported missing each year.
Government of Canada, Canada’s Missing – 2015 Fast Fact Sheet.
In Germany, an estimated 100,000 children are reported missing each year.
Initiative Vermisste Kinder.
In India, an estimated 96,000 children go missing each year.
Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Missing Children of India.
In Jamaica, an estimated 1,984 children were reporting missing in 2015.
Jamaica’s Office of Children’s Registry
In Russia, an estimated 45,000 children were reported missing in 2015.
Interview with Pavel Astakhov MIA “Russia Today”, Apr. 4, 2016.
In Spain, an estimated 20,000 children are reported missing every year.
Spain Joins EU Hotline for Missing Children, Sep. 22, 2010.
In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing every year.
National Crime Agency, UK Missing Persons Bureau.
In the United States, an estimated 460,000 children are reported missing every year.
Federal Bureau of Investigation, NCIC.”

Game ads on CHILDREN phones , bdsm weapon bdsm costume big butt woman character , there you go. Is part of their BDSM Agenda on children , Bdsm being the absolute oposite of what children should be.

Share this photos on social media as much as you can along belanciaga exposure as a extra attack on the enemy as exposure will go beyond modeling to GAMING very accesible to children and subliminal experiments and sexualization of children.

Beside those saw some models of Belanciash1t looking like greys, covering their whole faces , identity lost etc
When I translated stuff about pizzagate I found the alleged cadres from the snuff porn movie frizzldrap that vanished form the darknet which was allegedly filmed by hilary clinton itself, and allegedly it was found by police in the computer of podesta child rapist which was imprisoned after. Policemen were mentioned to fall on the flow and cry loudly when saw this movie, it was concealed from the public then for security reasons. I don't think cadres were real, but they included grown-up person, apparently a woman, roasted alive (according to agonizing pose) in fruits and other foods and put on table for children to eat.

These policemen learned what presidents they protect the hard way.

Description says these "panda eyes" are done by rape alone, caused by internal trauma. I can't imagine how child suffers, they can't express it so exhausted they are, no scream can express this pain. Everything inside gets torn apart.

These which do it should be tortured for eternity.
How do we not get grouped up with these kikes that worship baal and moloach? they are being branded as "satanists" I dont worship baal or moloach i see them as the true identity or at least agents of the yahweh. how do we distance ourselves from these kikes?
How do we not get grouped up with these kikes that worship baal and moloach? they are being branded as "satanists" I dont worship baal or moloach i see them as the true identity or at least agents of the yahweh. how do we distance ourselves from these kikes?
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401717 time=1669386976 user_id=19170]
The fact that Americans are not rioting and ceasing all business activities until they get a good explanation of why this happened is proof that the nation is on its deathbed.

In old times, pogroms happened for two main reasons. Money, and children. When jews with their usury made life extremely difficult, the people would get fed up and kick them out. And when they kidnapped and sacrificed kids, it always followed with a pogrom or some other extreme measure.

If only we were in the ancient world. The Romans, Babylonians, everyone had problems with these sick creatures. May they dig holes for when payback time comes.

I've also seen how they put a yellow tape with the word "Baalenciaga" on it to implicate this God. I have read about Ba'al and no where outside the worthless jewish books did anyone offer human or child sacrifices to Ba'al. Literally. It's just the jews who had an obsession with Him and tried offering Him human sacrifices as they admit in the Torah.

Ba'al who is Zeus would probably destroy your entire existence if you tried offering Him a child sacrifice or any kind of blood sacrifice.

It is the jews who are obsessed with human and child sacrifices. They admit their "apostate jews" would offer human sacrifices to some entity called Moloch. There is no Pagan God called Moloch. It only appears in jewish literature. Moloch is probably some Grey or lizard or a collective title. In the leaked Podesta emails, these creatures were admitting to offering sacrifices to Moloch.

Now jews are probably trying to shift the blame for what they are getting exposed for to Ba'al. In addition to flaunting their most sickening crimes. Their fate is only getting worse as they continue these stupid moves. There can be no peace, truce, understanding or any form of agreement between us and them. They received so much mercy from the past generation of Gentile heroes but this time things are going to be different.
well i heard the (((punic Carthaginians))) worshipped baal and moloach and sacrificed their children to them. just another reason why rome wipped them out and salted the place. i didnt know anything about baal and beelzebub being the same entity? sol invictvs jvpitar optimvs maximvs 0/
as you can see here the (((phoneticans))) aka (((merchants))) worshiped caana baal and moloch this where we get the word cannibal from, as well as you can see the disgust that the )))romans((( in all their splendor and superiority held such contempt and condemnations of these people and their proto jewish ways. rome should be our example no one else got closer to destroying these vermin than rome did. if not for jewish tricks they would have succeeded and salted jeruseleam just as much as they did carthage. xiatianty was created by the moloach and baal worshipers to subvert the holy pagan romans and destroy the best shot white men had at winning the empire we truly deserve. jvpitar optimvs maximvs rex! sol invictvs
Queen of the Stars said:
Dear HP….

I understand that you are disappointed in some gentiles' behaviour, I get frustrated also. I have been trying hard the last few days to get through to very sleepy family members about the possibility of a complete jewish take over of planet earth.

I imagine you have come across James Corbet’s reports. Although, his historical research doesn’t go back before 1900s, he has covered the history of the Rockefellas and their manoeuvres since, and their attempts at building a technocracy.

I think/feel his reports are extremely good for introducing newbies into the history of oil, the scrapping of electric public transport, restructuring of the education system, rewriting USA history, intro of pharma, GMO, petro-fertilisers, green revolution, climate change, and now carbon tax and digital IDs.

I haven’t seen him talk about Tartaria, but the destruction of electric public transport and the rewriting of USA history, would support the Tartairan theory.

I am very grateful for all your hard work.


Satanam <3

The situation is actually that the level of foolishness and carelessness for society is rather high. The "creative director" of Balenciaga refused to even step down. At this point, they cannot even hide it anymore, the kikes are exposing themselves at a gas pedal type of speed. Some decades ago, he would have to hide for the rest of his life, but now nothing looks like a crime maybe besides mentioning him and his tribe are doing all of that they are doing.

That is good but also bad at the same time. It's actually disturbing that we have devolved to such an extent.
There is a jew rat on the internet by the name of "Goose Wayne" flashing the pedophile Panda Eyes as some sort of superhero.
He/it also has a YouTube channel.

This reminds me of the Mayan culture.Blame the Mayans for the many bloody victims.Lots of fags jewish documentary TV series without stopping only to hear that the Mayans sacrificed blood very often and cruelly...

Moreover,that's how the Mayans disappeared,that nobody knows anything about them, why they disappeared so suddenly and where they could have gone(at least allegedly,what the kike historians say).

My mom said to me,that in the church in our area mostly the local clique of friends who go to church,that discuss the "things of life" so to speak(so they are engaged in worthless chatter{babble}!)

Of course anyone can go to the church,but it's mostly about these despicable(contemptible) group.

For this reason and your similar statements due to you're really very sweet❤️ ,my cute SS sister.❤️

But be careful!Because:
  • The wise human wants to excel in his deeds,and not in the words!(Confuciusz)
  • Old people don't say words because afraid that their actions would not match(do not get beyond!) their words!(Confuciusz)
  • Actions(deeds) speak louder,than words!(General proverb)
Hi, I was reading your comment about the mayans. Are you saying this did bloood sacrifices, or the Jew documentaries made it up?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
