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Dec 3, 2022
I've been away for a long time, because of personal life work obligations etc. And i come back to an awesome surprise where the entire site has been remade to be "Zevists" and "Zevism". I for one ,welcome this new development. The Jewish Enemy had created this immense Villian in the Subconscious minds of the populace for atleast a Thousand Years called "Satan". This one word embodied all of the evil implications anywhere in what is known as the Collective Unconscious of Humanity. While Intelligent and Superior people who think for themselves ,maybe due to their past lives could go past this initial emotional discomfort and discover the truth for themselves ,almost 95% of Humanity couldn't. Because whether you like it or not ,the character that Humans have is more or less inborn. If you are very interested about whats going on in this world, and what your relation is to this world with a burning desire to know "more" , its because you were born that way. Most people aren't. They are content with whatever life has to offer them. And they operate within the boundaries of allowed discourse.

If you have Far Left Governments like many European Countries, all these people will adopt a Far Left mindset and believe that to be natural. Whereas just 70 years ago ,this was the complete opposite when European Countries were occupied by Authoritarian, Fascist or Nazi Leadership. Meaning the Elite in society promulgate a VISION and the General Masses either accept of reject it based on their circumstances.

I commend HP HoodedCobra for taking on this daunting task of simply reclaiming your own heritage instead of the impossible and frankly counterproductive mission of somehow re-claiming a Character that has been deeply embedded in the Mass Populace psyche as the embodiment of evil.

Just bringing up European Heritage does not trigger the immediate visceral reaction that bringing up "Satan" and "Demons" does. And it is far more easier to show the various Gods and Goddesses of Indo European myths and their comparative counterparts in different cultures. Then explaining how the Gods represent various things in Spiritual practice, The Pysche, the Energetics of the Universe etc. But if you start at "Satan" you'd first eliminate 90% of your viewership immediately. And you'd have to try and debate the remaining 10% of the people willing to listen about how its actually a force of good and how the jews changed him into evil. Then youd have to face accusations of Antisemitism and then explain the history of the Jews as well.

Similar to Satan, when you criticize Jews ,it immediately triggers the Trauma programming of the Holocaust within the Western countries and now you have another huge hurdle to overcome. It is almost impossible to overcome these humongous challenges to convince people who have for a period of 25-35 or maybe more years believed in this Dogma.

Instead you start at the Neutral point of your own heritage, bypassing the Jewish discussion entirely. Showing using comparative Religious studies how the Indo European peoples had a similar religion all over the world. Then showing the major drawbacks of Christianity and attacking Christianity itself. Majorly down the line ,you then bring up the Jewish Question after establishing all these facts. This is a much better tactic than what used to be before.

More importantly ,incorporating Yoga and Tantra, which does not need any religious change will give practical proof to the Doubters and seeing real world results they will change their beliefs. If someone is healed of their depression, sadness, woes with money and general life suffering and you help him finding meaning ,they will pledge their lives to whatever saved them.

Hopefully now we can reach even more people than before. I congratulate the HPs ,and all the Guardians, all the members who are with us in this long journey.
Similar to Satan, when you criticize Jews ,it immediately triggers the Trauma programming of the Holocaust within the Western countries and now you have another huge hurdle to overcome. It is almost impossible to overcome these humongous challenges to convince people who have for a period of 25-35 or maybe more years believed in this Dogma.
It's socially acceptable to criticize jews now. The awakening on twitter is tremendous. If you do come across somebody who actually defends jews and opens their stupid mouth at you, you can tag grok on there and ask it to define what metzizah b'peh is

But yeah. It's very exhausting the moment you mention Satan they stop listening

Instead you start at the Neutral point of your own heritage, bypassing the Jewish discussion entirely.
Said it perfectly here
Welcome back Jack! Good to see you around again!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
