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At least 301 Predator Priests


Active member
Sep 20, 2017
And this is just in one part of the country.


Grand Jury Report On Clergy Abuse In Pennslyvania Released, Read The Entire Report By Clicking Here

301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’
By Andy Sheehan
August 14, 2018 at 11:05 pm

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The long-awaited state grand jury report into sexual abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses, including Pittsburgh and Greensburg, has finally been released.
The 884-page document, two years in the making, shines a light into the dark corners of these dioceses going back seven decades, exposing the predators and the efforts of their bishops to protect them.

“Today, the most comprehensive report on child sexual abuse within the church ever produced in our country was released,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro said. “Pennsylvanians can finally learn the extent of sexual abuse in these dioceses. For the first time, we can all begin to understand the systematic cover up by church leaders that followed. The abuse scarred every diocese. The cover up was sophisticated. The church protected the institution at all costs.”
Several clergy abuse victims who had testified before the grand jury attended Shapiro’s news conference. At least one of them could be seen breaking down in tears.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The report begins with the following statement:
“We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this. We know some of you have head some of it before. There have been other reports about child sex abuse within the Catholic Church. But never on this scale. For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.”
KDKA’s Ralph Iannotti Reports:

The report cites 301 priests, clergy and lay teachers with credible allegations against them. There are 99 in the Diocese of Pittsburgh alone.
Of those 99, a group of four groomed and violently sexually assaulted young boys, said Shapiro.

NEW REPORT: Church Helped Priest Accused Of Abuse Get Job At Disney World
“One boy was forced to stand on a bed in a rectory, strip naked and pose as Christ on the cross for the priests. They took photos of their victim, adding them to a collection of child pornography which they produced and shared on church grounds,” Shapiro said.
RELATED STORY: Bishop David Zubik On Grand Jury Report: ‘There Was No Cover Up Going On’
Shapiro said the priests would mark their victims by giving them gifts.
“To make it easier to target their victims, the priests gave their favored boys gifts – gold crosses to wear as necklaces. The crosses were markings of which boys had been groomed for abuse,” Shapiro said.
Because of an on-going legal battle, more than a dozen names and identifying information have been redacted. But the report shows a consistent pattern of bishops having prior knowledge of the actions of these predatory priests, reassigning them and not alerting law enforcement.
Shapiro said his office is not satisfied with the release of the redacted report. Shapiro said each one of those redactions represents a story of abuse that deserves to be told. He went on to say that he will fight to reveal the names currently redacted in the report.
The report states:
“All victims were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all. The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid scandal.”
“Priests were raping little boys and girls and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing: they hid it all.”
“Diocesan administrators, including the Bishops, had knowledge of this conduct and yet priests were regularly placed in ministry after the Diocese was on notice that a complaint of child sexual abuse had been made. This conduct enabled offenders and endangered the welfare of children.”
In addition, the report says administrators and Bishops “often dissuaded victims from reporting abuse to police, pressured law enforcement to terminate or avoid an investigation, or conducted their own deficient, biased investigations without reporting crimes against children to the proper authorities.”
“Above all else, they protected their institution at all cost,” Shapiro said.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The report includes some priests who stood trial and were convicted of sexual assault. In the Diocese of Pittsburgh, they include: Father Robert Wolk of St. Thomas More in Bethel Park; Father Richard Zula of Saints Mary and Ann in Marianna, Washington County, and Father Richard Dorsch, convicted of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy in North Park.
Until now, the Pittsburgh Diocese had been considered a leader in those reforms since now Cardinal, then bishop, Donald Wuerl defied the Vatican back in 1993 by refusing to reassign pedophile priest Anthony Cipolla. Wuerl was a leader in formulating policies to protect children, but in the report, his record here also comes under fire.
Cardinal Wuerl responded to the allegations in a statement saying:
“As I have made clear throughout my more than 30 years as a bishop, the sexual abuse of children by some members of the Catholic Church is a terrible tragedy, and the Church can never express enough our deep sorrow and contrition for the abuse, and for the failure to respond promptly and completely. While I understand this Report may be critical of some of my actions, I believe the Report confirms that I acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse. I sincerely hope that a just assessment of my actions, past and present, and my continuing commitment to the protection of children will dispel any notions otherwise made by this report.”
The Archdiocese of Washington, which Cardinal Wuerl leads now disputes some of the report.
In a statement, they say, in part: “The document referenced by the Report contains the hand-written phrase “circle of secrecy.” However, the handwriting does not belong to then-Bishop Wuerl as the writers of the Report mistakenly assumed. Indeed, the Cardinal confirmed the handwriting is not his, and confirmed he neither wrote nor used the phrase while serving as Bishop of Pittsburgh. When the Cardinal’s legal counsel informed the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office about this error – prior to the Release of the Report – the Attorney General and his Senior Deputy refused to acknowledge the mistake and refused to take any steps to correct the dramatic use and misattribution of the phrase in the Report.”
To read the full statement, visit this link.
KDKA’s Andy Sheehan Reports:

Greensburg Diocese Issues Apology, Will Release Names Of Clergy Accused Of Sex Abuse
Grand Jury Report On Sexual Abuse In Six Pennsylvania Diocese Delayed Again
Stories Of Abuse Surfacing Ahead Of Grand Jury Report On Sexual Abuse In Six Pennsylvania Diocese
‘It’s Going To Be Tough’: Bishop David Zubik Tries To Prepare Parishioners For Grand Jury Report Release
Bishop Zubik To Release List Of Diocese Of Pittsburgh Clergy Members Accused Of Sexual Abuse
Grand Jury Report: Pa. Catholic Church Leaders Pressured Victims, Cops Over Abuse
Retired Greensburg Diocese Priest Pleads Guilty In Child Sex Assault Case
Just last week, current Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik warned the faithful that the report would be graphic and disturbing.
“I’m concerned about our people that they may be scandalized and tempted to turn their backs on God,” Zubik told KDKA.
In a letter read at Sunday mass, Bishop Zubik also said 90 percent of the cases involved incidents that occurred before 1990 and that the church has instituted safeguards and reforms to identify and weed out the abusers. He said no priest or deacon with a credible allegation against them is in active ministry today.
“I really felt it was important, the letter, to get people ready for the report because it’s going to be tough, and at the same time, to realize the decisions that the Diocese of Pittsburgh makes today are far different than what would have been made over the course of the last 10, 20 years,” Zubik said.
As for the Diocese of Greensburg, the grand jury named 20 priests in the report.
“One priest, Fr. Raymond Lukac, impregnated a 17-year-old girl, forged another pastor’s signature on a marriage certificate then divorced the girl shortly after she gave birth. Despite having sex with a minor, fathering a child and being married and divorced, Fr. Lukac was allowed to stay in ministry while the diocese sought a benevolent bishop in another state willing to take the predator, hiding him from justice,” Shapiro said.
According to Shapiro, coverups by the church were done in an attempt to run out the clock on the statute of limitations.
“The grand jury detailed that the coverups by the church served a key purpose – the longer they covered up abuses, the less chance that law enforcement could prosecute predator priests because the statute of limitations would run out,” Shapiro said.
While most of the cases are old and the clergy accused are retired or deceased, just two weeks ago Shapiro announced that Father Tomas Sweeney of the Greensburg Diocese had pled guilty to indecent assault.
“There can be no doubt that Father Sweeney is a predator priest,” Shapiro said.
In Erie, Fr. David Poulson was also charged with the abuse of an 8-year-old boy over the course of eight years.
Grand Jury Reform Recommendations
As part of the report, the grand jury has recommended four changes be made to Pennsylvania law:
1. Eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for sexually abusing children
“This grand jury exists because Pennsylvania dioceses routinely hid reports of child sex crimes while the statutes of limitations for those crimes expired. We just do not understand why that should be allowed to happen. If child abusers knew they could never become immune for their crimes by outrunning the statute of limitations, maybe there would be less child abuse.”
KDKA’s David Highfield Reports:

2. Create a two-year “civil window for child sex abuse victims who couldn’t file lawsuits before.
“Victims don’t just need sex criminals prosecuted; they need care and compensation for harm done by the abusers and the institutions that empowered them. The way you get that is by suing. We understand that civil cases are different than criminal prosecutions, and that it’s appropriate to have a statute of limitation that prohibits lawsuits after a certain amount of time. We’re OK with a time limit for lawsuits, as long as it’s a long time limit, and Pennsylvania’s is pretty good – until the victim reaches age 30, which is longer than in most other states.
The problem is that this law doesn’t apply to most of our victims. It’s only been in effect for about 15 years, and most of the victims from before then were under a much tighter time limit for suing – only two years. But even that two-year limit was something of a sham. Until not too long ago, the church was actively and systematically concealing clergy sex abuse. Victims didn’t know if their attackers had a history of abuse, and they didn’t know the diocese had been enabling that abuse. You can’t very well exercise your right to sue when the people responsible are doing their best to cover up.”
3. Clarify the penalties for a continuing failure to report child abuse.
“Reporting child abusers isn’t just a moral obligation; it’s the law. We can’t pass laws telling the church how to administer its internal operations – but we can demand that it inform authorities about rapists and molesters. Unfortunately, document after document told us the same story: church officials repeatedly received word of crimes against kids, yet repeatedly refused to alert law enforcement.”
4. Prohibit “non-disclosure” agreements regarding cooperation with law enforcement.
“We also think it’s time to tackle an issue that hasn’t been mentioned in prior grand jury investigations of clergy sex abuse. We’ve heard the reports over the last year about the use of confidentiality agreements to make sexual harassment suits go away. We can tell you that it doesn’t just happen to women in the workplace; we’ve seen the same tactic used by the dioceses to hush up child sex abuse in the church. In the rare case where a child was able to report abuse within the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit, the bishops would avoid “scandal” by paying off the family to keep quiet.”
There is help available for victims of abuse.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The first is the Attorney General’s Hotline at 1-888-538-8541. You can call that number if you or someone you know is a survivor of abuse in the church.
The second is the number for SNAP, a survivors’ network, at 1-877-762-7432.
And if you are aware of ongoing child abuse anywhere in Pennsylvania, you are urged to call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

The report and story are there. And of course only 3 people got charged, and they admit there was a massive cover up.
Given time, there will definitely be dead bodies found buried near churches and rectories, if anyone would bother to do any serious investigation into this.

The incident in Ireland, where over 800 bodies of infants were discovered that were murdered by Catholic nuns was just one.

Christians are capable of anything. The more Christian they are, the more evil they are. There's no telling how many innocent children have been murdered by this most evil institution.
How many murders of children have they been covering up and hiding?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I can guarantee this was one of the reasons Hitler stood against the Catholic Church in his country and was trying to push the lie of christardanity away from his people. The leaders knew it was a sick, demented organization that helped ruin the country in the first place along with the Jewish influence.
Thanks for this informative article.

Hail Father Satan
A lot of the children in Catholic orphanages are the products of rape of Nuns as well. The escaped Nun I wrote about in the article "Evil" went into this in great detail the Mother Superior of the Nunnery she was literally in prisoned in. Had several children with the head Priest and that rape of the Nuns was common. The Priests would show up at the Nunneries and be allowed into whatever cell they wanted to and if the Nun didn't agree to be sexually abused she would be beat badly and then raped.

The insane serial child rapist and murder, Fish. As a child was put into a Catholic orphanage for awhile where he was sadistically, violently sexually and physically abused to the extreme non-stop. That is when his behaviour changed from normal into what led to his murderous insanity. Of course the Church when it had the power loved to sadistically torture and murder human beings by the millions.

The Catholic Church is the Rapeoholic church.
I really want to clarify that this is report is for one state, the state of Pennsylvania. A lot of people think this is a national report. It is not. The report is still missing 2 dioceses, which is still a big part of the state.

So the church produced about 500 repeat child rapists in the span of about 30 years. In one single state...

Does anyone really wanna run that math? I don't....
HPS Maxine wrote about the Irish orphanage (run by Nuns) where the mass grave of 800 kids was found. I suspect that most of these deaths were partially caused by the Catholic Church advocating that science is evil. It was probably only until very recently that they had to concede - to keep the masses of Catholics members - that doctors and medicine do reduce infant mortality and such.

  • "god" "is outside of time and space"
  • "angels" "are outside of time and space", according to a probable-jew who steals money off gullible, desperate people, whose bribes on Sunday don't appease "god"
  • "god" is a murderous; savage; sadistic; perverted; evil; raving; insane; psychopathic lunatic
  • "god" demanded "adam" and "eve", and their offspring, have incest to breed "the garden" (no wonder xians are demented - it's obvious that it is a spiritual parasite impregnated in their brains, causing them severe insanity)
  • 6 million more items
yet they remain xians. So much evil; shit; corruption; etc.; etc.; etc., with 0 actual proof of anything, and they have the audacity to (repeat what they choose to believe which they have been told, instead of researching for themselves, as to) blame Satan for such things! It's OK to be a "holy" "man/woman of" "god", who "was ordained" to be priests/whatever, but then it's still Satan's fault, because "god" doesn't do shit, being outside of time and space, to prevent things from happening in the first place, which then/still is Satan's fault!... exasperation

I haven't in a while, but I like to tell them to allow me to [choose any example from "the" buybull(shit) and real-life christianity], yet they still don't - yet they accept "holy men/women of" "god" doing things and having much money and a big house and multiple cars and... and... and... Deep, deep - very deep - down, I do still care, but more shallower, more towards the surface, I don't care very much for these...decent-enough-word-not-founds, with their ignorance and braindeadedness and all the fuck whatever.

NaziMan12 said:
HPS Maxine wrote about the Irish orphanage (run by Nuns) where the mass grave of 800 kids was found. I suspect that most of these deaths were partially caused by the Catholic Church advocating that science is evil. It was probably only until very recently that they had to concede - to keep the masses of Catholics members - that doctors and medicine do reduce infant mortality and such.

Because a weakling scrawny vegan hippy kike-on-a-kross not only doesn't reduce infant mortality rates, but can't - and not only that, but demanded they be murdered...

I would say that once (some) christards chrispastictards wake up, there'll be a lot of dead sheep after they:

  • catch themselves on barbed wire;
  • die from electrocution from electrified fences;
  • jump off cliffs;
  • etc.

or any slightly more intelligent sheep, then wander around aimlessly like idiotic...whatevers...but I can't say that because I am having severe and serious trouble believing it...

christianity, and of course islam, and of course of course the jew, is just a mafia family of organised international crime against Satan/Hell/Orion and against Earth/Nature/Gentiles.
The cases date back to 1947, well before the Second Vatican council, many '' traditional catholics'' claim it's the ''liberalism'' of the church that brought about all the child abuse (Child rape), that Vatican 2 has been infiltrated by demons and is not the true church....well explain this you fucking retards, why did your God let this happen on his watch, in his church ?? could it be that he is not the good guy after all ? naah must be the fault of all those bad evil demons and Satan, never Jewsus....gotta pray more rosaries and grovel to Mary.
From PA State Court system


This is 40th Statewide investigating report on the 70 years of systematic abuse from this criminal organization, Although it is heavily redacted there is some pretty gruesome stuff in it.


"For instance, one woman was raped by a priest at the age of seven in her hospital room after surgery on her tonsils, was raped again by the same priest at age 13, and then again at age 19 while pregnant; she considered suicide."
According to CNN the vatican was sent this report back in May.

CNN) In July, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote a personal letter to Pope Francis, warning him that "a comprehensive investigation" by his office had found "widespread sexual abuse of children and a systemic coverup by leaders of the Catholic Church."

Shapiro says he never received a response.

Just shutup goyim, shove it under the rug and keep your children in the pews.

This absolutely makes me sick and sooo glad i made the decision to come to Satanism. Just disgusting. Hope they are served justice jailhouse style!

StraitShot47 said:
And this is just in one part of the country.


Grand Jury Report On Clergy Abuse In Pennslyvania Released, Read The Entire Report By Clicking Here

301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’
By Andy Sheehan
August 14, 2018 at 11:05 pm

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The long-awaited state grand jury report into sexual abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses, including Pittsburgh and Greensburg, has finally been released.
The 884-page document, two years in the making, shines a light into the dark corners of these dioceses going back seven decades, exposing the predators and the efforts of their bishops to protect them.

“Today, the most comprehensive report on child sexual abuse within the church ever produced in our country was released,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro said. “Pennsylvanians can finally learn the extent of sexual abuse in these dioceses. For the first time, we can all begin to understand the systematic cover up by church leaders that followed. The abuse scarred every diocese. The cover up was sophisticated. The church protected the institution at all costs.”
Several clergy abuse victims who had testified before the grand jury attended Shapiro’s news conference. At least one of them could be seen breaking down in tears.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The report begins with the following statement:
“We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this. We know some of you have head some of it before. There have been other reports about child sex abuse within the Catholic Church. But never on this scale. For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.”
KDKA’s Ralph Iannotti Reports:

The report cites 301 priests, clergy and lay teachers with credible allegations against them. There are 99 in the Diocese of Pittsburgh alone.
Of those 99, a group of four groomed and violently sexually assaulted young boys, said Shapiro.

NEW REPORT: Church Helped Priest Accused Of Abuse Get Job At Disney World
“One boy was forced to stand on a bed in a rectory, strip naked and pose as Christ on the cross for the priests. They took photos of their victim, adding them to a collection of child pornography which they produced and shared on church grounds,” Shapiro said.
RELATED STORY: Bishop David Zubik On Grand Jury Report: ‘There Was No Cover Up Going On’
Shapiro said the priests would mark their victims by giving them gifts.
“To make it easier to target their victims, the priests gave their favored boys gifts – gold crosses to wear as necklaces. The crosses were markings of which boys had been groomed for abuse,” Shapiro said.
Because of an on-going legal battle, more than a dozen names and identifying information have been redacted. But the report shows a consistent pattern of bishops having prior knowledge of the actions of these predatory priests, reassigning them and not alerting law enforcement.
Shapiro said his office is not satisfied with the release of the redacted report. Shapiro said each one of those redactions represents a story of abuse that deserves to be told. He went on to say that he will fight to reveal the names currently redacted in the report.
The report states:
“All victims were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all. The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid scandal.”
“Priests were raping little boys and girls and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing: they hid it all.”
“Diocesan administrators, including the Bishops, had knowledge of this conduct and yet priests were regularly placed in ministry after the Diocese was on notice that a complaint of child sexual abuse had been made. This conduct enabled offenders and endangered the welfare of children.”
In addition, the report says administrators and Bishops “often dissuaded victims from reporting abuse to police, pressured law enforcement to terminate or avoid an investigation, or conducted their own deficient, biased investigations without reporting crimes against children to the proper authorities.”
“Above all else, they protected their institution at all cost,” Shapiro said.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The report includes some priests who stood trial and were convicted of sexual assault. In the Diocese of Pittsburgh, they include: Father Robert Wolk of St. Thomas More in Bethel Park; Father Richard Zula of Saints Mary and Ann in Marianna, Washington County, and Father Richard Dorsch, convicted of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy in North Park.
Until now, the Pittsburgh Diocese had been considered a leader in those reforms since now Cardinal, then bishop, Donald Wuerl defied the Vatican back in 1993 by refusing to reassign pedophile priest Anthony Cipolla. Wuerl was a leader in formulating policies to protect children, but in the report, his record here also comes under fire.
Cardinal Wuerl responded to the allegations in a statement saying:
“As I have made clear throughout my more than 30 years as a bishop, the sexual abuse of children by some members of the Catholic Church is a terrible tragedy, and the Church can never express enough our deep sorrow and contrition for the abuse, and for the failure to respond promptly and completely. While I understand this Report may be critical of some of my actions, I believe the Report confirms that I acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse. I sincerely hope that a just assessment of my actions, past and present, and my continuing commitment to the protection of children will dispel any notions otherwise made by this report.”
The Archdiocese of Washington, which Cardinal Wuerl leads now disputes some of the report.
In a statement, they say, in part: “The document referenced by the Report contains the hand-written phrase “circle of secrecy.” However, the handwriting does not belong to then-Bishop Wuerl as the writers of the Report mistakenly assumed. Indeed, the Cardinal confirmed the handwriting is not his, and confirmed he neither wrote nor used the phrase while serving as Bishop of Pittsburgh. When the Cardinal’s legal counsel informed the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office about this error – prior to the Release of the Report – the Attorney General and his Senior Deputy refused to acknowledge the mistake and refused to take any steps to correct the dramatic use and misattribution of the phrase in the Report.”
To read the full statement, visit this link.
KDKA’s Andy Sheehan Reports:

Greensburg Diocese Issues Apology, Will Release Names Of Clergy Accused Of Sex Abuse
Grand Jury Report On Sexual Abuse In Six Pennsylvania Diocese Delayed Again
Stories Of Abuse Surfacing Ahead Of Grand Jury Report On Sexual Abuse In Six Pennsylvania Diocese
‘It’s Going To Be Tough’: Bishop David Zubik Tries To Prepare Parishioners For Grand Jury Report Release
Bishop Zubik To Release List Of Diocese Of Pittsburgh Clergy Members Accused Of Sexual Abuse
Grand Jury Report: Pa. Catholic Church Leaders Pressured Victims, Cops Over Abuse
Retired Greensburg Diocese Priest Pleads Guilty In Child Sex Assault Case
Just last week, current Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik warned the faithful that the report would be graphic and disturbing.
“I’m concerned about our people that they may be scandalized and tempted to turn their backs on God,” Zubik told KDKA.
In a letter read at Sunday mass, Bishop Zubik also said 90 percent of the cases involved incidents that occurred before 1990 and that the church has instituted safeguards and reforms to identify and weed out the abusers. He said no priest or deacon with a credible allegation against them is in active ministry today.
“I really felt it was important, the letter, to get people ready for the report because it’s going to be tough, and at the same time, to realize the decisions that the Diocese of Pittsburgh makes today are far different than what would have been made over the course of the last 10, 20 years,” Zubik said.
As for the Diocese of Greensburg, the grand jury named 20 priests in the report.
“One priest, Fr. Raymond Lukac, impregnated a 17-year-old girl, forged another pastor’s signature on a marriage certificate then divorced the girl shortly after she gave birth. Despite having sex with a minor, fathering a child and being married and divorced, Fr. Lukac was allowed to stay in ministry while the diocese sought a benevolent bishop in another state willing to take the predator, hiding him from justice,” Shapiro said.
According to Shapiro, coverups by the church were done in an attempt to run out the clock on the statute of limitations.
“The grand jury detailed that the coverups by the church served a key purpose – the longer they covered up abuses, the less chance that law enforcement could prosecute predator priests because the statute of limitations would run out,” Shapiro said.
While most of the cases are old and the clergy accused are retired or deceased, just two weeks ago Shapiro announced that Father Tomas Sweeney of the Greensburg Diocese had pled guilty to indecent assault.
“There can be no doubt that Father Sweeney is a predator priest,” Shapiro said.
In Erie, Fr. David Poulson was also charged with the abuse of an 8-year-old boy over the course of eight years.
Grand Jury Reform Recommendations
As part of the report, the grand jury has recommended four changes be made to Pennsylvania law:
1. Eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for sexually abusing children
“This grand jury exists because Pennsylvania dioceses routinely hid reports of child sex crimes while the statutes of limitations for those crimes expired. We just do not understand why that should be allowed to happen. If child abusers knew they could never become immune for their crimes by outrunning the statute of limitations, maybe there would be less child abuse.”
KDKA’s David Highfield Reports:

2. Create a two-year “civil window for child sex abuse victims who couldn’t file lawsuits before.
“Victims don’t just need sex criminals prosecuted; they need care and compensation for harm done by the abusers and the institutions that empowered them. The way you get that is by suing. We understand that civil cases are different than criminal prosecutions, and that it’s appropriate to have a statute of limitation that prohibits lawsuits after a certain amount of time. We’re OK with a time limit for lawsuits, as long as it’s a long time limit, and Pennsylvania’s is pretty good – until the victim reaches age 30, which is longer than in most other states.
The problem is that this law doesn’t apply to most of our victims. It’s only been in effect for about 15 years, and most of the victims from before then were under a much tighter time limit for suing – only two years. But even that two-year limit was something of a sham. Until not too long ago, the church was actively and systematically concealing clergy sex abuse. Victims didn’t know if their attackers had a history of abuse, and they didn’t know the diocese had been enabling that abuse. You can’t very well exercise your right to sue when the people responsible are doing their best to cover up.”
3. Clarify the penalties for a continuing failure to report child abuse.
“Reporting child abusers isn’t just a moral obligation; it’s the law. We can’t pass laws telling the church how to administer its internal operations – but we can demand that it inform authorities about rapists and molesters. Unfortunately, document after document told us the same story: church officials repeatedly received word of crimes against kids, yet repeatedly refused to alert law enforcement.”
4. Prohibit “non-disclosure” agreements regarding cooperation with law enforcement.
“We also think it’s time to tackle an issue that hasn’t been mentioned in prior grand jury investigations of clergy sex abuse. We’ve heard the reports over the last year about the use of confidentiality agreements to make sexual harassment suits go away. We can tell you that it doesn’t just happen to women in the workplace; we’ve seen the same tactic used by the dioceses to hush up child sex abuse in the church. In the rare case where a child was able to report abuse within the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit, the bishops would avoid “scandal” by paying off the family to keep quiet.”
There is help available for victims of abuse.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
The first is the Attorney General’s Hotline at 1-888-538-8541. You can call that number if you or someone you know is a survivor of abuse in the church.
The second is the number for SNAP, a survivors’ network, at 1-877-762-7432.
And if you are aware of ongoing child abuse anywhere in Pennsylvania, you are urged to call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

The report and story are there. And of course only 3 people got charged, and they admit there was a massive cover up.
Time for this meme again:

thanks, I'd never seen the Rabbi Chaim Bergstein. amazing that it is censored. It's interesting when he describes the 22 points, what a disgusting kike. Make note of the 'Arabs and Aryans, against us Jews' quote.
AstralSnowfall666 said:
When I used to practice the Qliphoth I would hear singing children, it was like something out of a horror movie. The Jews and Christians really have a sick lust for children.

I'm sure lots of you have seen this but it's definitely relevant
Fucking disgusting.
I'm sorry that you praticed the Qliphot, i'm sure that you know already but you need to clear yourself a lot because by doing that you connected litteraly with bad energy and curses directed at you and every gentile.

The final Rtr will help you a lot with this.
luis said:
AstralSnowfall666 said:
When I used to practice the Qliphoth I would hear singing children, it was like something out of a horror movie. The Jews and Christians really have a sick lust for children.

I'm sure lots of you have seen this but it's definitely relevant
Fucking disgusting.
I'm sorry that you praticed the Qliphot, i'm sure that you know already but you need to clear yourself a lot because by doing that you connected litteraly with bad energy and curses directed at you and every gentile.

The final Rtr will help you a lot with this.

I've done the final RTR and do the 72 names as well as cleanse my aura and do yoga. Joy of Satan has saved my fucking life. I've also become a much better, more successful person because of it.
Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
