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Astrology-related question about weekday timings


New member
Jun 2, 2022
Hi, I'm new here, I found JoS site few weeks ago and today I joined the forum to ask a question I couldn't found the answer myself anywhere.
I'm deeply sorry for the upcoming wall of text but the issue is complex, it can't be described any shorter.

I'm an astologer myself, not a novice. Before reaching here I studied eastern(or Indian, or so called "vedic") astrology for several years, and not only does it have some charts calculations/etc like the western does, it also has some redeeming rituals like mantras for certain planets, etc. Many of these mantras and practices are listed on JoS website so I wasn't surprised when I saw them there.

Like the ones in "planetary squares" section. These practices invole a recitation of a certain planet's mantra certain number of times, starting from a certain weekday that corresponds to planet's rulership over that weekday. Any astrologer knows that(Sun - Sunday, Saturn - Saturday etc), it's a basics.

I myself being a researcher practiced a certain ritual related to Saturn for a test. And I've got some results, but, a question arose in me - how can we know what day of the week is today? I mean, how can we proove that mathematically? Astrology isn't about beliefs or assumptions - it is a strict mathematical science.

We can observe any of the 7 main luminaries in a certain zodiacal sign by our own eyes. We can prove today the Sun is in a sign of Taurus. This cannot be disputed, this is just where it actually is. It is a fact.
We can see by our own eyes that today the Moon is waxing and in its 3rd phase. Again, this cannot be disputed or disproven. It's a fact.
The same goes with solstices and equinoxes. 2 times per year the Sun will be "reversing" it's movement causing the Solstice and 2 times per year the daytime and nighttime will be equal causing the Solar Equinox. Again, noone can dispute or disprove a fact.

But! How can I mathematically prove that today is truly a Thursday? And not a Monday?
Why is it important, would you ask? As I said before, certain esoteric practises are tied to planets and planets are tied to weekdays. If you want to work on your Venus, you should be sure you start it in Friday, not Saturday, or you'll be "damaging" your natal Saturn with a Venusian practice.

There's absolutely no info about that anywhere. Moreover, there's another problem - there's no info about when the day actually starts.
We(the western world) live now by a Hebrew daytime system, which means the day begins at 00:00 and ends at the 00:00 next day.
For example you all probably know that Jews worship Shabbath(the Saturday) since the sunset of Friday till sunset of Saturday. In their system, the weekday begins from the sunset and ends at the next sunset.
By studying the eastern scriptures I figured out it was obviously in reverse: far eastern ancient civilizations calculated the beginning of the day from the sunrise ending with the next sunrise.
Both systems contradict each other, but, if the Hebrew system is false - why would jews follow that? Wouldn't they not get any results from observing the improper timings? We know each day emits it's own energy, one mistake and you would either get no results or get the opposite of what you wanted. And we certainly see that the jews strictly follow the Hebrew sunset-sunset system.

I would be glad for any info on these issues: how to mathematically proove/disprove the current weekday and when in reality the new day beings: is it from sunrise to sunrise or from sunset to sunset. I checked the whole JoS library before creating this topic. I didn't search the forums because it's a complex-word question for a forum engine to work with.
I'm sorry if my English isn't very polished.
I'm sorry if I created the topic in a wrong section.
searching said:
Hi, I'm new here, I found JoS site few weeks ago and today I joined the forum to ask a question I couldn't found the answer myself anywhere.
I'm deeply sorry for the upcoming wall of text but the issue is complex, it can't be described any shorter.

I'm an astologer myself, not a novice. Before reaching here I studied eastern(or Indian, or so called "vedic") astrology for several years, and not only does it have some charts calculations/etc like the western does, it also has some redeeming rituals like mantras for certain planets, etc. Many of these mantras and practices are listed on JoS website so I wasn't surprised when I saw them there.

Like the ones in "planetary squares" section. These practices invole a recitation of a certain planet's mantra certain number of times, starting from a certain weekday that corresponds to planet's rulership over that weekday. Any astrologer knows that(Sun - Sunday, Saturn - Saturday etc), it's a basics.

I myself being a researcher practiced a certain ritual related to Saturn for a test. And I've got some results, but, a question arose in me - how can we know what day of the week is today? I mean, how can we proove that mathematically? Astrology isn't about beliefs or assumptions - it is a strict mathematical science.

We can observe any of the 7 main luminaries in a certain zodiacal sign by our own eyes. We can prove today the Sun is in a sign of Taurus. This cannot be disputed, this is just where it actually is. It is a fact.
We can see by our own eyes that today the Moon is waxing and in its 3rd phase. Again, this cannot be disputed or disproven. It's a fact.
The same goes with solstices and equinoxes. 2 times per year the Sun will be "reversing" it's movement causing the Solstice and 2 times per year the daytime and nighttime will be equal causing the Solar Equinox. Again, noone can dispute or disprove a fact.

But! How can I mathematically prove that today is truly a Thursday? And not a Monday?
Why is it important, would you ask? As I said before, certain esoteric practises are tied to planets and planets are tied to weekdays. If you want to work on your Venus, you should be sure you start it in Friday, not Saturday, or you'll be "damaging" your natal Saturn with a Venusian practice.

There's absolutely no info about that anywhere. Moreover, there's another problem - there's no info about when the day actually starts.
We(the western world) live now by a Hebrew daytime system, which means the day begins at 00:00 and ends at the 00:00 next day.
For example you all probably know that Jews worship Shabbath(the Saturday) since the sunset of Friday till sunset of Saturday. In their system, the weekday begins from the sunset and ends at the next sunset.
By studying the eastern scriptures I figured out it was obviously in reverse: far eastern ancient civilizations calculated the beginning of the day from the sunrise ending with the next sunrise.
Both systems contradict each other, but, if the Hebrew system is false - why would jews follow that? Wouldn't they not get any results from observing the improper timings? We know each day emits it's own energy, one mistake and you would either get no results or get the opposite of what you wanted. And we certainly see that the jews strictly follow the Hebrew sunset-sunset system.

I would be glad for any info on these issues: how to mathematically proove/disprove the current weekday and when in reality the new day beings: is it from sunrise to sunrise or from sunset to sunset. I checked the whole JoS library before creating this topic. I didn't search the forums because it's a complex-word question for a forum engine to work with.
I'm sorry if my English isn't very polished.
I'm sorry if I created the topic in a wrong section.

The correct system to follow is the Sunrise to Sunrise system [at approximately 6 AM per day, which puts behind itself one true planetary day]. As I have reiterated in the forums too [and do oftentimes] this is the true way of calculating time.

Jews have perverted and desecrated most natural and naturally obvious laws. The reason they "end their day" at 00:00 each night, is because they are "forbade" from "reading torah" past this hour by their tradition. They therefore consider the "day to be over", but this is more of their strange gimmick, much of this has no basis in reality whatsoever.

If you have also checked Planetary Hours, and the calculations of the hours, these show why each respective day is tied to a planet, making Sunday into a Sunday, and Saturday into Saturday.

If you also put the word "Calendar" or related works under my replies, you might find more on the subject, especially in RTR Schedules and how these are observed.


Your question is indeed a very complex one, same as other questions that involve "How do we know we are in X year and not in X year", to which the answer is that we partially know by Astrology [what we see], partially by the fact that we believe in our kept records [history] and partially the most important fact is to use your intuition for this. Lastly, the belief of the world that "today is today" largely makes today into "today".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
